several ways to create happiness in life by capt waqas

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  • 8/6/2019 Several Ways to Create Happiness in Life by Capt Waqas





    Research seems to back up the saying "Success is a journey, not a destination.

    Are you frequently in a bad mood or just plan unhappy? There areeasy ways to beatthe

    blues oreven a bad day. Good moods or a peppy personality is not a disposition you are

    born with or without. You arenot doomed to stay unhappy therest of yourlife. Your

    level ofhappiness is a learned skill. Its easy to learn. Do you wantto improve your

    mood or become morehappy and optimistic? This article willhelp you gethappy

    - Decide that happiness is part of your character

    "Character is higher than intellect... A great soul will bestrong to live, as well as to think." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    We would all like to have more happiness in our lives. This desire is so universal that

    countless hours of research have been spent on discovering the root causes of happiness. It

    would be nice if you could read a few magic words, understand it, and instantly have

    happiness in your life. For some reason it doesn't seem to work like that. You can read

    about happiness until you are blue in the face, but it won't do a bit of difference until youdecide to take action in your life.

    You are the only one who can make that decision. How you react to circumstances in your

    life depends greatly on your self-image. The values you hold, and the way you see yourself

    help define your character.Train yourself to look at negative emotion as a guide post. When

    you experience them, you know you are headed in the wrong direction. With a strong

    character, you can steer yourself away from feelings which will have you moving down the

    wrong path. When you feel that something is not right, trust yourself. Do the right thing,

    and happiness is sure to follow.

    : You Can Only Have 1 Thought at a Time

    This is the key to feeling optimistic,enjoying yourlife, and fulfilling yourvision for a

    delightfullife: You only can keep onethought in yourhead at a time. This is one ofthe

    most powerful yet under publicized insights in psychology.

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    This is one oftheeasiest ways to keep negativethoughts out of your mind. You crowd

    them out. After all, if you keep thinking positive, optimistic and uplifting thoughts, you

    cannot simultaneously focus onnegative, depressing or upsetting thoughts.

    Second, do random checks on your thoughts. A few times during your next fivedays, occasionally pause. Check to see if you are thinking pessimistic or

    optimistic thoughts. If you are thinking negative thoughts, you now know what

    -Set goals, work towards them

    As stated in the introduction, sometimes it's not acquiring or achieving something which

    brings happiness. Working towards a worthwhile endeavor in life often brings as much, if

    not more satisfaction, than it's attainment..

    Working towards a goal can also keep us thinking about the positive aspects of our future.

    Setting a goal eliminates the stress associated with indecision. When there are too manyoptions available to us, it causes hesitation. Thinking about lost opportunities, or other

    options, keeps us caught in the past. It's what psychologist Barry Schwartz calls the

    "Paradox of choice".

    .: Expect the Best

    Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "A man is whathethinks about all day long."

    Generally as you begin your day or a project, your frame-of-mind proves extremely

    important. It is this simple:

    If you start a day ortask with a

    * positive beliefthat you will succeed, you increase your

    chances that you will figure out ways to assure a

    successful outcome

    * negative beliefthat you may fail, your belief makes it

    muchharderto build up your motivationto succeed The moralthat what you expect

    will materialize inreality.

    -Call a friend

    Positive psychologist Chris Peterson says that building strong personal relationships should

    be one of your highest priorities. But I'm sure you already knew that. Which is why the

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    suggestion to call a friend has already put a smile on your face. Connecting with someone in

    a meaningful way provides rewards on many levels. Sharing what you really think will give

    you a chance to listen to another point of view. Usually when a friend shares their

    perspective, situations seem less daunting. If you have a friend with a good sense of humor,

    all the better.

    Build a social circle of positive people. The uplifting spirit is contagious. Surrounded by

    people who see opportunitues, rather than difficult times, is a sure way to change your


    -Let go

    Letting go can feel as if a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. Every moment can be

    new again when we learn to let go. The decision lies within yourself to begin the process.

    Often a practice of meditation can help you develop this ability. Some people may be

    capable of recognizing their negative mental processes, and simply shutting them down.

    Letting go does not have to mean leaving a conflict unresolved. Instead it allows us to

    resolve this conflict with all of the resources at our disposal. Try resolving a conflict when

    you cannot let go of a particular thought process. Chances are that you will end up in a self

    defeating circle. Dropping all of the mental chatter which is distracting you from your goals

    will give you clarity.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinkingwe used when we created them" - Albert Einstein

    Choose to free yourself from circular patterns of thought. Freeing up your mind to move

    forward in the moment will give you a chance to live each moment happily.

    : Strong Ambition

    Wishy-washy people do not go very far get swayed by whatevercrosses their paths..

    They Incontrast,the people who move mountains, people who getthings done, are

    people who feel a profound sense of mission. They dive into their projects with gusto. I

    believethatevery highly successful person is a maniac on a mission.

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    The finest way to develop strong ambition is for you to think about your goals,

    ambitions and things you want many, many times each day. Again, think about

    what you want and specifically what you need to do to get it. This is like

    adding logs to a burning fire. Your intense dwelling on what you want builds

    incredibly strong ambition in you

    -Live your values

    Living your values will put a smile on your face each and every time. I would also place this

    suggestion under the category of character building. It may come easier for some

    individuals and can also be dependent on individual circumstances. Regardless of present

    circumstances, it's still well worth the effort to ensure that you are acting in a way which is

    inline with your self-image.

    There may be times in life which cause us to act in a way that does not fall in line with

    correct action. Some of these situations involve things which we never envisioned taking

    place; such as losing a job or someone causing harm to a family member. In difficult times

    it might be easy to rationalize an incorrect course of action. In cases like this, it's best to

    remember that you are not your thoughts or actions. They are transient experiences, which

    must be learned from, if you are going to change in a positive direction.

    -Accept things as they are - Especially yourself

    Self-acceptance can be a profound step towards realizing your happiness. I say realizingyour happiness, because it lies inherently within, always waiting for a chance to be brought


    We all spend a great deal of our time attempting to live up to standards of society. Whether

    it's the standards which your parents or friends set for you, we are constantly trying to

    make others happy. Doing this sets us up to live a life which is not our own. Reclaiming

    your life is one of the most powerful things you can choose to do, in order to assure your

    own happiness.

    As much effort as you place into making others happy, you will never be able to fulfill all of

    their expectations. It is up to them to assure their own happiness. So the best thing you cando for them, is to live your life while helping them realize their own inherent beauty.

    "Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it." - SalvadorDali

    An excellent way to grow the habit of self-acceptance is to practice metta meditation. This

    meditation is also known as "loving-kindness meditation". It will allow you to truly accept

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    things as they are, while extending the same compassion to others. This practice will help

    you build strong personal relationships which is important to living a life full of happiness.

    : Persistence

    Persistence is a key to feeling happy. Fascinating research done at Stanford Universityproves that persistent people achieve morethantheirless persistentcolleagues

    In a large study they found thatchildren who had exhibited the ability to persist and

    delay gratification, stood out as much morecompetenthuman beings thanthechildren

    who grabbed the marshmellows. Thechildren with persistence were more

    * assertive

    * confident

    * likely to pursuechallenges

    * ableto handle frustrations

    * likely notto give up whenencountering obstacles

    * willing to start and complete projects

    It shows that impulsive people areless likely to succeed inlifethan people who delay

    gratification. Or,to put it another way, people who persist achieve morethan people

    who wanttheirrewards beforethey finish a project.


    I love to draw. It calms my nerves and clears my mind. Sometimes though it can become

    frustrating. It only becomes frustrating though, when trying to create something which must

    live up to a critical judgment. Thats why I recommend doodling. Not only is it great practice

    for training visual memory, but also, anyone can do it . Chances are pretty good that you

    doodled through most of your boring classes in school.

    Doodling is fantastic, because it allows you to really let go. There is no particular aim with

    doodling, so there is no judgmental voice. Whether you scratch out a few squiggly lines, or

    draw a stick figure army, it's going to release stress.

    The more you focus on what you're doing then the more you will forget about you worries.

    Have fun, and draw something crazy. How often do you get to exercise your imagination

    during the work day? This could be just the mental stretch you needed to help you express

    your inner child.

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    watch a comedy

    listen to comic legends just to get a hearty laugh though. Whether you like lighthearted

    humor, or a clever play on words, you should be able to find what you are looking for

    online. Just do a quick search on youtube for your favorite comedian. You might not find the

    routine you were looking for, but it's possible that you'll find material which you never knewexisted.

    Laughing is a good way to take a mental break. There is a reason that people say laughter

    is the best medicine. Humor is at the heart of what it means to be alive. When we take life

    too seriously we become worn out. Humor is a quick way to inject a bit of happiness in your

    life when you need it most. When you wake-up inthe morning do you say: Oh God...its

    morning or do you day Thank God its morning and I look forward to today. Why are

    some people so happy and optimistic and other so unhappy and pessimistic?

    * dwell on positivethoughts of what you want-- and

    avoid dwelling onnegativethoughts of what you do not want

    * expectthe best

    . Remember: "Happiness is a choice,not an automaticresponse."