sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · slovenska turistična organizacija...

Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60 E: [email protected] Izvajalec: VEDOMA Seznam aktualnih priložnosti (neposredno ali le posredno povezanih s turizmom) za pridobitev nepovratnih sredstev ter ugodnejših posojil EVROPSKA UNIJA in drugo Ljubljana, 2.julij 2020

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Page 1: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

Slovenska turistična organizacija

Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

E: [email protected]

Izvajalec: VEDOMA

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii ((nneeppoossrreeddnnoo aallii llee ppoossrreeddnnoo

ppoovveezzaanniihh ss ttuurriizzmmoomm)) zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr

uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill


Ljubljana, 2.julij 2020

Page 2: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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1 RAZPISI, OBJAVLJENI V TUJINI .............................................................................. 3


ENOTA 4 1.3 FAST TRACK TO INNOVATION (FTI) .................................................................. 5

1.4 EIC-SME INST-2018-2020 - SME-2B SME INSTRUMENT .......................................... 6

1.5 EUROPE FOR CITIZENS - CIVIL SOCIETY PROJECTS..................................................... 7 1.6 EUROPE FOR CITIZENS - NETWORK OF TOWNS ........................................................... 9

1.7 EUROPE FOR CITIZENS - TOWN TWINNING ............................................................... 10 1.8 2020 LIFE CALLS FOR PROPOSALS ............................................................................ 11 1.9 HORIZON 2020 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME - INDUSTRIAL (WASTE) HEAT-TO-POWER

CONVERSION ......................................................................................................................... 13 1.10 HORIZON 2020 FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME - LOW CARBON INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION

USING CCUS ......................................................................................................................... 14




THE ASEAN REGIONAL LEVEL ............................................................................................. 16


PARTICIPATION OF REPRESENTATIVES OF UNDERTAKINGS ..................................................... 17

1.14 CALL FOR PROPOSALS P/2020/009- EASI – EURES, ............................................... 18 EURES TARGETED MOBILITY SCHEME (TMS) .................................................................... 18 1.15 MUTUAL LEARNING AND COMMON TOOLS AND RESOURCES FOR NATIONAL/REGIONAL



WORK PROGRAMME 2ND CALL FOR PROJECT PROPOSALS SLOVENIA ................................... 21

2 POZIVI, OBJAVLJENI V TUJINI .............................................................................. 22


RELATED CALLS FOR PROPOSALS ........................................................................................... 22


na novo dodani razpisi glede na predhodni info paket so označeni z zvezdico

spremenjeni oz. dopolnjeni razpisi glede na predhodni info paket so označeni s kroglico

razpisi, na katere bi lahko prijavili projekte, ki bi prispevali k t.i. “zelenemu turizmu”

Seznam aktualnih priložnosti za pridobitev nepovratnih sredstev predstavlja povzetek uradnih

razpisov in je kot tak informativne narave. Pred pripravo prijavne dokumentacije pridobite

celoten tekst razpisa in prijavno dokumentacijo pri viru, ki je naveden v seznamu.

Page 3: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11 RRAAZZPPIISSII,, oobbjjaavvlljjeennii vv ttuujjiinnii

11..11 RRaazzppiiss zzaa zzbbiirraannjjee pprreeddllooggoovv 22002200 –– EEAACC//AA0022//22001199 PPrrooggrraamm


Izdajatelj: Evropska komisija, Generalni direktorat za izobraževanje, mladino, šport in kulturo

Status: aktiven Datum objave:


Rok prijave:

pri posameznih ukrepih

Kratek opis



Ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov se nanaša na naslednje ukrepe programa Erasmus+:

Ključni ukrep 1 (KU1)

o mobilnost posameznikov na področju izobraževanja; rok: 1. oktober 2020 ob 12.00

Ključni ukrep 2 (KU2)

o sodelovanje za inovacije in izmenjavo dobrih praks

o strateška partnerstva na področju mladine; rok: 1. oktober 2020 ob 12.00

Ključni ukrep 3 (KU3)

o podpora za reformo politik

o projekti dialoga z mladimi; rok: 1. oktober 2020 ob 12.00




Skupni proračun za ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov je ocenjen na 3.207,4 milijona EUR, in sicer:

izobraževanje in usposabljanje: EUR 2.943,3 milijona, mladina: EUR 191,9 milijona Jean Monnet:

EUR 14,6 milijona šport: EUR 57,6 milijona.




Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Za financiranje v okviru programa Erasmus+ se lahko prijavi kateri koli javni ali zasebni subjekt, ki

je dejaven na področju izobraževanja, usposabljanja, mladine in športa. Poleg tega lahko skupine

mladih, ki so dejavni v mladinskem delu, ne pa nujno v okviru mladinske organizacije, zaprosijo za

financiranje za učno mobilnost mladih in mladinskih delavcev ter za strateška partnerstva na

področju mladine.

Naslednje države programa lahko v celoti sodelujejo v vseh ukrepih programa Erasmus+ (2):

— države članice Evropske unije,

— države Efte/EGP: Islandija, Lihtenštajn in Norveška,

— države kandidatke za članstvo v EU: Turčija, Severna Makedonija in Srbija.

Page 4: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..22 RRaazzppiiss zzaa zzbbiirraannjjee pprreeddllooggoovv 22002200 –– EEAACC//AA0033//22001199 EEvvrrooppsskkaa

ssoolliiddaarrnnoossttnnaa eennoottaa

Izdajatelj: EACEA - Izvajalska agencija za izobraževanje, avdiovizualno in kulturo

Status: aktiven Datum objave:


Rok prijave:

pri posameznih ukrepih

Kratek opis



Ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov zajema naslednje ukrepe evropske solidarnostne enote:

prostovoljske projekte; roki za oddajo: 1. oktober 2020

prostovoljske skupine na prednostnih področjih; rok za oddajo: 17. september 2020

pripravništva in zaposlitve; roki za oddajo: 1. oktober 2020

solidarnostne projekte; roki za oddajo: 1. oktober 2020

znak kakovosti.




Skupni proračun, namenjen za ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov, je ocenjen na 117.650.000 EUR in

temelji na letnem programu dela evropske solidarnostne enote za leto 2020.




Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Za financiranje v okviru evropske solidarnostne enote se lahko prijavi kateri koli javni ali zasebni

subjekt. Poleg tega se za financiranje za solidarnostne projekte lahko prijavijo skupine mladih, ki so

registrirani na portalu evropske solidarnostne enote.

V evropski solidarnostni enoti lahko sodelujejo naslednje države: 28 držav članic Evropske unije

lahko v celoti sodeluje v vseh ukrepih evropske solidarnostne enote.

V določenih ukrepih evropske solidarnostne enote pa lahko sodelujejo tudi organizacije iz:

— držav Efte/EGP: Islandije, Lihtenštajna in Norveške,

— držav kandidatk za vstop v EU: Turčije, Srbije in Republike Severne Makedonije,

— partnerskih držav.

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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Status: aktiven Datum objave:


Rok prijave:

27. 10. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time





Kratek opis



FTI supports actions undertaking innovation from the demonstration stage through to market

uptake, including activities such as piloting, test-beds, systems validation in real-world working

conditions, validation of business models, pre-normative research, and standard-setting.




100.000.000 EUR for 2020.




The maximum EU contribution per action is €3 million (funding rate: 70% for for-profit entities;

100% for not-for-profit entities).

Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Legal entities established in the following countries and territories will be eligible to receive

funding through Horizon 2020 grants:

The Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), including their outermost regions;

The Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to the Member States:

Anguilla, Aruba, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British

Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, French Polynesia, French Southern and Antarctic

Territories, Greenland, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Eustatius,

Sint Maarten), New Caledonia and Dependencies, Pitcairn, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Helena, Saint

Pierre and Miquelon, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,Turks and Caicos Islands,

Wallis and Futuna Islands.

The associated countries (AC): the latest information on which countries are associated, or in

the process of association to Horizon 2020 can be found in the online manua.

The following countries, except where this is explicitly excluded in the call text:

Afghanistan, Algeria, American Samoa, Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus,

Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape

Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Democratic People’s

Republic), Congo (Republic), Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Djibouti, Democratic People's

Republic of Korea ,Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia,

Fiji, Gabon, Gambia,, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Buissau, Guyana, Haiti,

Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo*, Kyrgyz

Republic, Lao, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali,

Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar,

Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine**, Panama, Papua New

Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles,

Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, St. Kitts and

Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syrian Arab

Republic, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu,

Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Page 6: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..44 EEIICC--SSMMEE IInnsstt--22001188--22002200 -- SSMMEE--22bb SSMMEE IInnssttrruummeenntt


Status: aktiven Datum objave:


Rok prijave:

07. 10. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time







Kratek opis



Phase 2 helps you develop your business concept further into a market-ready product, service or

process aligned with your company's growth strategy. Activities could, for example, include

product/service development, trials, prototyping, validation, demonstration and testing in real-

world conditions, and market replication. If the activity concerns a primarily technological

innovation, a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 6 or above is required for primarily

technological innovation or the equivalent for non-technological innovation. You can subcontract

work essential for your innovation project.

Phase 2 offers a grant only support to SMEs in need of one last push before the scaling-up phase;

and it will offer blended finance (combining grant and equity)[4] to SMEs looking to further

develop their idea.




600.986.592 EUR




Grant only funding is provided (funding rate 70%) of between €0.5 million and €2.5 million

Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Eligibility conditions are set out in the Horizon 2020 Work-Programme 2018-2020 page 44. A

proposal will be considered eligible if all three of the following conditions are met:

- the applicant is a for-profit SME, including newly created companies and start-ups, from any


- the applicant is established in an EU Member State or a Horizon 2020 associated country ;

- the applicant is not found in a situation of concurrent submission/implementation with

another SME Instrument proposal/project.

Page 7: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..55 EEuurrooppee FFoorr CCiittiizzeennss -- CCiivviill SSoocciieettyy PPrroojjeeccttss

Izdajatelj: EACEA

Status: aktiven Datum objave:


Rok prijave:

01. 09. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094502,31094503;programCode=EFC;programDivisionCode



Kratek opis



This measure aims at supporting projects promoted by transnational partnerships and networks

directly involving citizens. Those projects gather citizens from different horizons, in activities

directly linked to Union policies, with a view to give them an opportunity to actively participate in

the Union policy-making process in areas related to the objectives of the Programme. As a

reminder, this can be achieved at all stages, and with all institutional interlocutors, and includes

notably: agenda-setting activities, advocating during the preparation phase and negotiation of

policy proposals, providing feed-back on relevant initiatives that are implemented. To that end,

those projects will invite citizens to act together or debate on the multiannual priority themes of the

Programme at local and European level.

The project should consist in stimulating and organising reflection, debates or other activities

related to the multiannual priority themes of the Programme and propose practical solutions that

can be found through cooperation or coordination at European level, and ensure a concrete link

with the policy making process indicated above. Projects should actively involve a large number of

citizens in the implementation and aim at setting the basis for, or encouraging the development of,

long-lasting networking between many organisations active in the field.

This measure supports projects implemented by transnational partnerships promoting opportunities

for solidarity, societal engagement and volunteering at Union level.

A Civil Society Project must include at least two of the following types of activities:

Promotion of societal engagement and solidarity: activities promoting

debate/campaigns/actions on themes of common interest in the framework of the rights and

responsibilities of the Union citizens and making the link to the European political agenda

and policy making process.

Gathering of opinions: activities aiming at gathering the individual opinions of the citizens

favouring a bottom up approach (including the use of social networks, webinars, etc.) and

media literacy.

Volunteering: activities promoting solidarity among Union citizens and beyond.




3.941.274 EUR




Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Applicants must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality (Please

refer to specific eligibility criterion of each strand/measure). Natural persons are NOT eligible

under this programme.

The applying organisation must be recognised as a "legal person" under its national law and thus

provided with its independent legal personality, with the capacity to sign contracts and assume its

own responsibility. In addition, the entity in question should be entitled to defend itself, in its own

name, in litigation procedures and without the intervention of any parent organisation.

Eligible countries:

Applicants must be established in the following eligible countries

the Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,

Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,

Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,

Page 8: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and

Kosovo (This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with

UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence).

Page 9: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..66 EEuurrooppee FFoorr CCiittiizzeennss -- NNeettwwoorrkk ooff TToowwnnss

Izdajatelj: EACEA

Status: aktiven Datum objave:


Rok prijave:

01. 09. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time



Kratek opis



Municipalities and associations working together on a common theme in a long-term perspective

may wish to develop networks of towns to make their cooperation more sustainable. Networking

between municipalities on issues of common interest appears to be an important means for enabling

the exchange of good practices.

Twinning is a strong link that binds municipalities; therefore, the potential of the networks created

by a series of town twinning links should be used for developing thematic and long-lasting

cooperation between towns. The European Commission supports the development of such

networks, which are important for ensuring structured, intense and multifaceted cooperation,

therefore contributing to maximising the impact of the Programme.

Networks of Towns are expected to:

Integrate a range of activities around the subject(s) of common interest to be addressed in the

context of the Programme’s objectives or multiannual priorities;

Have defined target groups for which the selected themes are particularly relevant and involve

community members active in the subject area (i.e. experts, local associations, citizens and

citizens’ groups directly affected by the theme, etc.);

Mobilise citizens across the Europe: a project should involve a minimum of 30% of invited

participants. "Invited participants" are international participants sent by the eligible partners.

At least 30% of the projects' participants travel from eligible Programme countries to the

country/ies hosting Networks of Towns events. It is possible to have participants to events

from countries other than those where project partners are established, provided that they come

from eligible countries within the framework of the Europe for Citizens Programme.

Serve as a basis for future initiatives and actions between the towns involved, on the issues

addressed or possibly on further issues of common interest.




5.127.228 EUR




Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Applicants must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality (Please

refer to specific eligibility criterion of each strand/measure). Natural persons are NOT eligible

under this programme.

The applying organisation must be recognised as a "legal person" under its national law and thus

provided with its independent legal personality, with the capacity to sign contracts and assume its

own responsibility. In addition, the entity in question should be entitled to defend itself, in its own

name, in litigation procedures and without the intervention of any parent organisation.

Applicants must be established in the following eligible countries

the Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech

Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,

Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,

Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (This

designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999

and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence).

Page 10: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..77 EEuurrooppee FFoorr CCiittiizzeennss -- TToowwnn TTwwiinnnniinngg

Izdajatelj: EACEA

Status: aktiven Datum objave:


Rok prijave:

01. 09. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time






Kratek opis



This measure aims at supporting projects bringing together a wide range of partner towns in a town

twinning event around topics in line with the objectives of the Programme and taking into

consideration the multi-annual priorities. Town twinning projects must organise project activities

within 21 days (maximum duration of the project).

By mobilising citizens at local and Union levels to debate on concrete issues from the European

political agenda, this measure will seek to promote civic participation in the Union policy making

process and develop opportunities for societal engagement and volunteering at Union level.

Twinning must be understood in largo sensu, thus referring to the municipalities which signed or

are engaged to sign twinning agreements as well as to the municipalities having other forms of

partnerships fostering their cooperation and cultural links.




4.750.160 EUR




Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Applicants must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality (Please

refer to specific eligibility criterion of each strand/measure). Natural persons are NOT eligible

under this programme.

The applying organisation must be recognised as a "legal person" under its national law and thus

provided with its independent legal personality, with the capacity to sign contracts and assume its

own responsibility. In addition, the entity in question should be entitled to defend itself, in its own

name, in litigation procedures and without the intervention of any parent organisation.

Applicants must be established in the following eligible countries

the Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech

Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,

Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,

Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (This

designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999

and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence).

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..88 22002200 LLIIFFEE ccaallllss ffoorr pprrooppoossaallss


Status: aktiven Datum



Rok prijave:

Zaradi težje komunikacije in drugih omejitev, ki jih povzročajo ukrepi, sprejeti

zaradi pandemije novega koronavirusa, so letošnji roki za oddajo osnutkov

projektov in polnih projektnih prijav nekoliko daljši, in sicer:

14. 07. 2020: oddaja osnutkov projektov za tradicionalne projekte

prednostnega področja okolje in učinkovita raba virov (ENV)

16. 07. 2020: oddaja osnutkov projektov za tradicionalne projekte s

prednostnih področij narava in biotska raznovrstnost (NAT), okoljsko

upravljanje in informacije (GIE) ter projektov tehnične pomoči

5. 10. 2020: oddaja osnutkov integriranih projektov

6. 10. 2020: oddaja polne projektne prijave za tradicionalne projekte s

podprograma za podnebne ukrepe (CCA, CCM, GIC)

Vir objave:

Kratek opis



Program LIFE je finančni inštrument, ki ga upravlja in financira Evropska komisija. LIFE je

največji evropski finančni mehanizem, namenjen izključno ukrepom na področju varstva okolja,

ohranjanja narave ter blaženja in prilagajanja podnebnim spremembam.

Opredeljujeta ga dva ključna dokumenta: Uredba LIFE in Večletni delovni program LIFE 2018-

2020. Cilj programa LIFE za obdobje od 2014 do 2020 je prispevati k trajnostnemu razvoju ter doseganju

ciljev Strategije Evropa 2020, Sedmega okoljskega akcijskega programa Unije in drugih pobud EU

na področju okolja in podnebnih sprememb.

Razpis vključuje sofinanciranje tradicionalnih in integriranih projektov ter projektov tehnične


Splošni cilji programa

prispevati k prehodu na trajnejše nizkoogljično in podnebnim spremembam prilagodljivo

gospodarstvo, ki učinkovito uporablja vire;

prispevati k varovanju in izboljšanju kakovosti okolja;

prispevati k ustavitvi ali zmanjševanju izgube biotske raznovrstnosti, vključno s podporo

omrežju Natura 2000, prispevati k boju proti propadanju ekosistemov;

izboljšati razvoj, izvajati in uveljavljati okoljsko, podnebno politiko ter zakonodajo EU;

podpreti boljše okoljsko in podnebno upravljanje na vseh ravneh, vključno s tesnejšo

udeležbo civilne družbe, nevladnih organizacij in lokalnih akterjev;

podpreti izvajanje 7. okoljskega akcijskega programa.

Kot so ob objavi razpisa še sporočili iz Ministrstva za okolje in prostor, letos predvidoma ne bodo

organizirali LIFE Info dneva zaradi nacionalnih ukrepov, ki so sprejeti zaradi pandemije virusa

COVID-19, so pa na voljo za vprašanja preko e-pošte. Vsa vprašanja lahko pošljete na elektronski

naslov [email protected] ali na nacionalne kontaktne točke:

Tatjana Orhini Valjavec ([email protected]) področje okolja in učinkovite rabe virov

Julijana Lebez Lozej ([email protected]), področje narave in biotske


Mag. Nives Nared ([email protected]), področje podnebnih ukrepov.




Največji prispevek za večletni delovni program LIFE za obdobje 2018–2020 znaša 1.657.063.000

EUR, uporabi pa se za financiranje zadevnih podprogramov in prednostnih področij, kot sledi:

(1) skupni znesek v višini 1.243.817.750 EUR za podprogram za okolje se razdeli:

(a) 444.808.200 EUR za prednostno področje „okolje in učinkovita raba virov“;

(b) 632.556.250 EUR za prednostno področje „narava in biotska raznovrstnost“;

(c) 143.377.300 EUR za prednostno področje „okoljsko upravljanje in informacije“;

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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(d) 3.000.000 EUR za evropske solidarnostne enote – prispevek iz podprograma programa LIFE za


(e) 20.076.000 EUR za povezane odhodke za podporo (vključno s prispevkom za proračun

izvajalske agencije iz podprograma za podnebne ukrepe v višini 2.332.160 EUR);

(2) skupni znesek v višini 413.245.250 EUR za podprogram za podnebne ukrepe se razdeli:

(a) 230.500.000 EUR za prednostno področje „blažitev podnebnih sprememb“;

(b) 123.850.000 EUR za prednostno področje „prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam“;

(c) 47.549.250 EUR za prednostno področje „podnebno upravljanje in informacije“;

(d) 1.500.000 EUR za evropske solidarnostne enote – prispevek iz podprograma programa LIFE za

podnebne ukrepe;

(e) 9.846.000 EUR za povezane odhodke za podporo.




V obdobju drugega večletnega delovnega programa (2018-2020) sofinancira Evropska

komisija upravičene stroške projekta v višini:

največ 55 % za tradicionalne projekte s prednostnih področij podprogramov za podnebne

ukrepe (Prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam, Blaženja podnebnih sprememb ter

Podnebno upravljanje in informacije) in za okolje (Okolje in učinkovita raba virov ter

Okoljsko upravljanje in informacije),

največ 60 % za projekte prednostnega področja Narava in biotska raznovrstnost

(podprogram za okolje). Izjemoma je pri določenih prednostnih temah tega prednostnega

področja možna višina sofinanciranja do 75 %.

Glede na razpoložljiva sredstva sofinancira odobrene LIFE projekte tudi Ministrstvo za okolje in

prostor. Vse potrebne informacije v zvezi s sofinanciranjem bodo objavljene na naši spletni strani

in elektronskih LIFE novicah.

Preostala sredstva zagotovijo prijavitelj, partnerji in sofinancerji projekta.

Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Kot prijavitelj projekta ali projektni partner lahko sodelujejo pravne osebe, registrirane v Evropski

uniji, in sicer:

javne ustanove (osebe javnega prava),

zasebne gospodarske organizacije,

zasebne negospodarske organizacije.

Fizične osebe (vključno z samostojnimi podjetniki) ne morejo biti prijavitelj oz. partner v projektu

(lahko sodelujejo kot zunanji izvajalci).

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..99 HHoorriizzoonn 22002200 FFrraammeewwoorrkk PPrrooggrraammmmee -- IInndduussttrriiaall ((WWaassttee)) HHeeaatt--ttoo--

PPoowweerr ccoonnvveerrssiioonn

Izdajatelj: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 6.5.2020 Rok prijave:

01. 09. 2020, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Vir objave:






Kratek opis



Accounting for the results of previous research, proposals will integrate an industrial waste heat-to-

power conversion system using one type of fluid (supercritical CO2 or organic) and demonstrate

the system operation in industrial environment at an output power level of at least 2 MW, with

improved cost efficiency compared to existing solutions. Proposals are expected to bring the

technologies to TRL 6 or 7 (please see part G of the General Annexes)

In order to reach this goal all the following development areas need to be covered:

Optimisation of thermal cycles for different temperature levels of recovered heat and

constrained industrial environment, in terms of efficiency and economics (capex, opex);

Development/improvement of design tools at components and system levels;

Development/improvement of materials and components: heat exchangers, turbomachinery,

waste heat recovery unit, power generator and electronics, etc.

Integration and demonstration of the system in industrial environment;

Technical, and economical life cycle assessment of heat-to-power systems adapted for at least

4 energy intensive industrial sectors, to demonstrate economic viability, define business cases

and exploitation strategy;

Dissemination of the technical and economic benefits.

The proposals should demonstrate cycles, components and systems designs that are particularly

suitable for industrial use with proven contributions in terms of industrial excess/waste heat use and

impact on power distribution networks.




14.000.000 EUR




Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


The eligibility criteria formulated in Commission notice Nr. 2013/C 205/05 (OJEU C 205 of

19.07.2013, pp.9-11) apply for all actions under this Work Programme, including for third parties

that receive financial support under the action (in accordance with Article 137 of the Financial

Regulation No 966/2012), notably programme cofund actions.

Natural or legal persons, groups or non-State entities covered by the Council sanctions in force are

not eligible to participate in Union programmes.

At least three legal entities. Each of the three must be established in a different EU Member State

or Horizon 2020 associated country. All three legal entities must be independent of each other.

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..1100 HHoorriizzoonn 22002200 FFrraammeewwoorrkk PPrrooggrraammmmee -- LLooww ccaarrbboonn iinndduussttrriiaall

pprroodduuccttiioonn uussiinngg CCCCUUSS

Izdajatelj: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 6.5.2020 Rok prijave:

01. 09. 2020, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Vir objave:






Kratek opis



Accounting for the results of previous research, proposals will integrate an industrial waste heat-to-

Projects will focus on integrating CO2 capture in industrial installations, whilst addressing the full

CCUS chain. Projects will elaborate a detailed plan on how to use the results, i.e. the subsequent

transport, utilisation and/or underground storage of the captured CO2. Important aspects to address

are of technical (e.g. the optimised integration of capture plant with industrial processes;

scalability; CO2 purity), safety (e.g. during transportation and storage), financial (e.g. cost of

capture; cost of integration) and strategic nature (e.g. business models; operation and logistics of

industrial clusters and networks).

Projects are expected to bring technologies to TRL 6-7 (please see part G of the General Annexes).

Technology development has to be balanced by an assessment of the societal readiness towards the

proposed innovations. Relevant end users and societal stakeholders will be identified in the

proposal, and their concerns and needs will be analysed during the project using appropriate

techniques and methods from the social sciences and humanities, in order to create awareness, gain

feedback on societal impact and advancing society’s readiness for the proposed solutions. Projects

should also explore the socio-economic and political barriers to acceptance and awareness with a

view to regulatory or policy initiatives.

In line with the strategy for EU international cooperation in research and innovation

(COM(2012)497), international cooperation is encouraged, in particular with relevant Mission

Innovation[1] countries such as China.

Proposals submitted under this topic should include a business case and exploitation strategy, as

outlined in the Introduction of this part of the Work Programme.




15.000.000 EUR




Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni



The eligibility criteria formulated in Commission notice Nr. 2013/C 205/05 (OJEU C 205 of

19.07.2013, pp.9-11) apply for all actions under this Work Programme, including for third parties

that receive financial support under the action (in accordance with Article 137 of the Financial

Regulation No 966/2012), notably programme cofund actions.

Natural or legal persons, groups or non-State entities covered by the Council sanctions in force are

not eligible to participate in Union programmes.

At least three legal entities. Each of the three must be established in a different EU Member State

or Horizon 2020 associated country. All three legal entities must be independent of each other.

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..1111 CCAALLLL FFOORR PPRROOPPOOSSAALLSS –– EEAACCEEAA//1100//22002200 EErraassmmuuss++

PPrrooggrraammmmee,, KKeeyy AAccttiioonn 33 –– SSuuppppoorrtt ffoorr PPoolliiccyy RReeffoorrmm EEuurrooppeeaann

YYoouutthh TTooggeetthheerr

Izdajatelj: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 12.5.2020 Rok prijave:

28. 07. 2020 - 17:00 Brussels time

Vir objave:

Kratek opis



The scope of the “European Youth Together” actions should build on the experience obtained

through the 'New Narrative for Europe' project, the European Youth Goals and Eurobarometer

findings on young people's priorities and other youth policy and programme initiatives, including

projects selected under this action in 2018 and 2019, aiming to promote young people's

participation in European civic life as well as crossborder exchanges and mobility activities. Its

actions should particularly address challenges related to inclusive participation for all young

people, regardless of their background or situation, that emerged against the backdrop of the

COVID-19 pandemic.

"European Youth Together" projects aim to create networks promoting regional partnerships, to be

run in close cooperation with young people from across Europe (Erasmus+ programme countries).

The networks would organise exchanges, promote trainings (for instance for youth leaders) and

allow young people themselves to set up joint projects, all of which could be done through both

physical and online activities. "European Youth Together" seeks to support initiatives from at least

five youth organisations from five different eligible Erasmus+ programme countries to share their

ideas about the EU, encourage wider civic participation and help foster a sense of European

citizenship. The initiative aims to bring together European youth from across Europe; East, West,

North and South.




5.000.000 EUR




The financial contribution from the EU is minimum 100.000 EUR and cannot exceed 500.000

EUR. It is limited to a maximum co-financing rate of 80 % of the total eligible project costs. The

Agency expects to fund 10 to 15 proposals.

Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Proposals may be submitted by applicants which are a non-profit organisation working in the field

of youth (Youth NGO) established in an Erasmus+ Programme Country. The following

organisations can take part in the proposals as partners:

non-profit organisations (private or public) and NGOs (including European Youth NGOs)

working in the field of Youth;

public authorities (national, regional, local); established in an Erasmus+ Programme Country.

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..1122 EEnnggaaggeemmeenntt wwiitthh CCiivviill SSoocciieettyy iinn IInnddoonneessiiaa,, NNeeww ZZeeaallaanndd,, TThhaaiillaanndd

aanndd tthhee AASSEEAANN RReeggiioonnaall LLeevveell

Izdajatelj: European Commission

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 27.5.2020 Rok prijave:

25. 08. 2020 - 17:00 Brussels time

Vir objave:



Kratek opis



The global objective of this call for proposals is to increase awareness of EU foreign policy

objectives and EU's engagement in Indonesia, Thailand, and at the ASEAN regional level, as well

as in New Zealand; and to bridge the cultural gap, thereby raising the EU's profile as a strategic

partner in tackling the relevant bilateral and global issues.

The specific objective is to develop EU’s soft power, understanding of the EU, and build trust

through increased dialogue and exchanges between Civil Society Organisations and groupings,

from the EU, Indonesia, Thailand, ASEAN region, and New Zealand on issues of common interest

or sensitive public opinion issues, through the exchange of practices, standards, cultures, and


The key stakeholders for this Call for Proposals are CSOs and existing civil society platforms, think

tanks, academia, cultural stakeholders, artists, and groups of citizens and organisations, including

informal or unregistered organisations, in the EU and Indonesia, Thailand, ASEAN, and New


This Call for Proposals (CfP) focuses on four specific priorities, addressed through four lots with

their own specific objectives:

Lot 1 – Extracurricular programmes on EU models in New Zealand

Lot 2 – Indonesia-EU Civil Society Networking on Environmental Health

Lot 3 – Youth and Civil society dialogue on Rethinking Urban Spaces in Thailand

Lot 4 – EU-ASEAN Think tank dialogues for strategic partnerships.




1.200.000,00 EUR




Size of grantsAny grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following

minimum and maximum amounts:

Lot 1 – Extracurricular programmes on EU models in New Zealand:

minimum amount: EUR 250,000, maximum amount: EUR 300,000

Lot 2 – Indonesia-EU Civil Society Networking on Environmental Health:

minimum amount: EUR 250,000, maximum amount: EUR 300,000

Lot 3 – Youth and Civil society dialogue on Rethinking Urban Spaces in Thailand:

minimum amount: EUR 250,000, maximum amount: EUR 300,000

Lot 4 – EU-ASEAN Think tank dialogues for strategic partnerships:

minimum amount: EUR 250,000, maximum amount: EUR 300,000

Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and

maximum percentages of total eligible costs of the action:

Minimum percentage: 51 % of the total eligible costs of the action.

Maximum percentage: 90% of the total eligible costs of the action.

Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:

be a legal person and

be non-profit-making9 and

be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the coapplicants

and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..1133 CCaallll ffoorr PPrrooppoossaallss VVPP//22002200//000088-- IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn,, ccoonnssuullttaattiioonn aanndd

ppaarrttiicciippaattiioonn ooff rreepprreesseennttaattiivveess ooff uunnddeerrttaakkiinnggss

Izdajatelj: European Commission

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 2.6.2020 Rok prijave:

03. 08. 2020 Swim, Courier and Post: 24:00 Brussels' time

(CET) Hand deliveries 16:00 Brussels' time (CET)

Vir objave:

Kratek opis



The main purpose of this Call is to fund operations aimed at developing employee involvement in

undertakings - meaning any mechanism, including information, consultation and participation,

through which employees' representatives may exercise an influence on decisions to be taken

within the company - in particular by raising awareness and contributing to the application of EU

law and policies in this area and the take-up and development of European Works Councils.

This call also aims at supporting projects which seek to identify and address challenges in workers’

involvement resulting from changes in the world of work – e.g. restructuring, outsourcing

/subcontracting, digitalisation / automation / artificial intelligence and new forms of work.

Transnational actions involving representatives from several Member States as well as the joint

participation of employers and workers shall be promoted.

Priority objectives: For the financial year 2020 the following objectives may be supported under

this Call for Proposals:

a) to promote transnational cooperation between social partners in one, or any

combination of, the following areas:

Supporting worker involvement in the anticipation and management of change and the

prevention and resolution of disputes in the event of various forms of restructuring in

Union scale undertakings and groups of undertakings, as well as developments in the

context of outsourcing, subcontracting, digitalisation / artificial intelligence /automation

and new forms of work,

Support worker involvement in designing and implementing measures to address the

impact of the Coronavirus crisis on the labour force, e.g. short term working, lay-offs.

b) to promote exchange and wider dissemination of knowledge and good practices and to

launch actions aimed at supporting the setting up and good functioning of transnational

information, consultation and participation mechanisms and bodies, including

European Works Councils;

c) to promote transnational cooperation between social partners to enhance worker

involvement in actions within companies to implement the European Green Deal.




The total budget earmarked for the EU co-financing of projects under this call is estimated

at 7.100.000 €.




The EU grant requested should indicatively be between EUR 200.000 and EUR 400.000. Under

this call for proposals, the EU grant may not exceed 90% of the total eligible costs of the action.

The applicants must guarantee their co-financing of the remaining amount covered by the

applicants' own resources or from sources other than the European Union budget.

Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


To be eligible, single, lead and co-applicants must be:

Legal entities. In derogation from this requirement and pursuant to Article 197.2.c of the

Financial Regulation, the organisations of social partners without legal personality under the

applicable national law are also eligible provided that the conditions of the Financial

Regulation related thereto are met

representative of workers or employers such as:

A. for workers: applicants may be works councils or similar bodies ensuring the general

representation of workers; regional, national, European, sectoral or multi-sectoral trade unions;

B. for employers: applicants may be the management of undertakings, organisations representing

employers at regional, national, European, sectoral or multi-sectoral level. In case of commercial

undertakings, the objective of the project must be non-commercial in nature.

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..1144 CCaallll ffoorr PPrrooppoossaallss PP//22002200//000099-- EEaaSSII –– EEUURREESS,,

EEUURREESS TTaarrggeetteedd MMoobbiilliittyy SScchheemmee ((TTMMSS))

Izdajatelj: European Commission

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 28.5.2020 Rok prijave:

26. 08. 2020 Swim, Courier and Post: 24:00 Brussels' time

(CET) Hand deliveries 16:00 Brussels' time (CET)

Vir objave:

Kratek opis



Building on the aim of the European Pillar of Social Rights, to serve as a guide towards efficient

employment and social outcomes, the overall objective of this call for proposals is to ensure around

4 000 placements over the duration of the action in economic sectors with hard to fill vacancies.

The action being strongly result-oriented, it may contribute to:

a) enhance the service catalogue of the EURES organisations;

b) foster public-private partnerships and,

c) address labour market needs in line with the bottom lines of the EURES reform;

d) improve the conditions for jobseekers and workers to exercise their right of freedom of

movement across the EU and to address labour markets' imbalances and skills shortages.

Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS), constitutes a European labour market activation measure,

combining tailor-made recruitment, matching, training and placement services with financial

incentives. The support measures may vary according to labour market needs but should at least

include provisions for interviews in another Member State, relocation, linguistic training as well as

work and country integration support. The end beneficiaries will be jobseekers and job changers,

trainees and apprentices as well recruiting enterprises, including SMEs. Both individuals and

enterprises may receive direct financial support in the form of targeted allowances. Placements

may, inter alia, take place in the context of regional cross-border initiatives and/or projects

dedicated to particular sector(s).




14,973,768 EUR




The EU grant requested should indicatively be between EUR 2,000,000 and 4,000,000, thus the

Commission expects to fund 3 to 4 proposals.

Under this call for proposals, the EU grant may not exceed 95% of the total eligible costs of the

action. The applicants must guarantee their co-financing of the remaining amount covered by the

applicants' own resources or from sources other than the European Union budget

Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Following the key principle “Equal opportunity and access to the labour market” of the European

Pillar of Social Rights, the action aims at reaching two different target groups:

1. young people aged 18-35

2. the age group above of 35+ years

in order to find a job, traineeship or apprenticeship in another EU/EEA country.

To be eligible, co-applicants must be:

EURES member organisations (i.e. National Coordination Offices, EURES Members and


Public or private labour market actors (including the third sector) providing the same services

as lead applicants and/or complementary customer-oriented services in other expertise fields

such as information, training, education, career guidance, mentoring, legal advice, integration

support or other equivalent

Social partner organisation at European28, national or regional level (in application of Article

197 2 (c) of the Financial Regulation, social partner organisations without legal personality are

also eligible provided that the conditions of the Financial Regulation related thereto are met

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..1155 MMuuttuuaall lleeaarrnniinngg aanndd ccoommmmoonn ttoooollss aanndd rreessoouurrcceess ffoorr

nnaattiioonnaall//rreeggiioonnaall sshheemmeess ssuuppppoorrttiinngg iinnnnoovvaattiioonn pprroojjeeccttss ooff ssttaarrtt -- uuppss

aanndd SSMMEE''ss

Izdajatelj: European Commission

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 9.6.2020 Rok prijave:

22. 09. 2020

Vir objave:






Kratek opis



This aims to enhance cooperation among innovation agencies of the European innovation

ecosystem by establishing a mutual learning process at national and regional level, as well as by

developing joint tools and resources to assist start-ups and SMEs to innovate.

The pilot action will create an enhancing, supporting and cooperative environment across EU that

will allow national and regional agencies to:

cooperate, learn from each other and exchange knowledge by using join tools in order to

provide high-level services and support high-quality start-ups and SMEs for their innovation


create and operate national and/or regional support schemes regarding feasibility studies and

external expertise, thus ensuring that the most promising high-potential innovation proposals

of start-ups / SMEs are supported at their critical stage of development.




500.000,00 EUR




Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Eligibility conditions for participation

Research & innovation actions (RIA): At least three legal entities. Each of the three must

be established in a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country. All

three legal entities must be independent of each other.

Innovation actions (IA): At least three legal entities. Each of the three must be established

in a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country. All three legal

entities must be independent of each other.

Coordination & support actions (CSA): At least one legal entity established in an EU

Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country.

Page 20: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..1166 PPrreeppaarraattoorryy AAccttiioonn FFiinnaannccee,, LLeeaarrnniinngg,, IInnnnoovvaattiioonn aanndd PPaatteennttiinngg ffoorr

CCuullttuurraall aanndd CCrreeaattiivvee IInndduussttrriieess –– tthhiirrdd pphhaassee ((FFLLIIPP ffoorr CCCCIIss 33))

Izdajatelj: EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 24.6.2020 Rok prijave: 04. 08. 2020, 23:59 Belgium local time

Vir objave:


Kratek opis



The present action (FLIP for CCIs-3) will build on the achievements of the previous two pilot

projects (FLIP-1 and FLIP-2), complement them and prepare proposals with a view to the adoption

of future actions/basic acts for sustaining and developing CCIs. The main objective of the FLIP-3

action is to organise activities in the areas of Financing, Learning, Innovation and Intellectual

Property Rights for cultural and creative sectors. The objective of the action is also to work in a

cross-sectoral manner between the different project’s components.




The 2020 Annual Work Programme for the implementation of the Preparatory Action "Finance,

Learning, Innovation and Patenting for Cultural and Creative Industries (FLIP for CCIs)" foresees

the launch of a call for proposals funded under Budget Line 15 04 77 22, with EUR 1.5 million

allocated to the development of an action addressing this specific objective.




The grant agreement resulting from this call for proposals will be allocated to one single project.

The duration of the project shall be 28 months and is expected to start at the beginning of 2021.

The financial contribution from the Commission cannot exceed 80% of the total eligible costs.

Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Proposals may be submitted by any of the following applicants:

non-profit organisation (private or public);

public authorities (national, regional, local);

international organisations;

universities; educational institutions; research centres;

profit making entities;

Natural persons are not eligible to apply for a grant under this call.

Page 21: Sezznn aamm iaakkttuualln nihh ipprriilloo žžnoosstti ... · Slovenska turistična organizacija Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01 589 85 50, F: 01 589 85 60

SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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11..1177 NNoorrwweeggiiaann FFiinnaanncciiaall MMeecchhaanniissmm 22001144--22002211 SSoocciiaall DDiiaalloogguuee –– DDeecceenntt

WWoorrkk PPrrooggrraammmmee 22nndd CCaallll ffoorr PPrroojjeecctt PPrrooppoossaallss SSlloovveenniiaa

Izdajatelj: Innovation Norway

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 24.6.2020 Rok prijave: 01. 10. 2020, at 13.00 Slovenian time

Vir objave:


Kratek opis



The objective of the Programme is strengthened tripartite cooperation between employer

organisations, trade unions and public authorities and the promotion of decent work, in close

cooperation with Norwegian partners. The Programme supports social dialogue and contributes to

improved decent work practices and to facilitate access to employment. Applicants must be

constituted as legal entities in the Beneficiary States or Norway.




EUR 86,330.




The minimum amount of grant assistance applied for shall be EUR 20,000.

The maximum amount of grant assistance applied for shall be EUR 86,330.

The maximum grant rate for a project is 90 percent.

Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


The following entities, constituted as legal entities in Slovenia or in Norway, are considered

eligible project applicants and partners:

a) social partners (employers’ organisations and trade unions);

b) public authorities and institutions that have statutory roles related to decent work or

tripartite cooperation, and;

c) organisations of public authorities that have within their mandate the promotion of decent

work and/or tripartite dialogue.

Norwegian entities are only eligible as applicants in partnership with at least one legal entity

established in Slovenia. The role of any Norwegian applicant, project promotor and project partner

is to contribute to ensuring social dialogue and decent work in Slovenia.

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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22 PPOOZZIIVVII,, oobbjjaavvlljjeennii vv ttuujjiinnii

22..11 RReeggiisstteerr aass eexxppeerrtt iinn tthhee EEAASSMMEE ddaattaabbaassee ffoorr tthhee eevvaalluuaattiioonn ooff

ttoouurriissmm--rreellaatteedd ccaallllss ffoorr pprrooppoossaallss

Izdajatelj: Eurpean Commision

Status: aktiven Datum objave: Rok prijave:

31. 12. 2020


Kratek opis



This Call for expression of interest is for experts to evaluate tourism-related calls for

proposals that implement COSME, the EU programme for the Competitiveness of

Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (EASME) wants to establish

a list of independent experts to participate in:

the evaluation of proposals in response to calls for proposals aiming at implementing the

COSME programme;

the evaluation of finished and ongoing activities or projects under COSME;

the monitoring of the implementation of actions carried out under COSME.

The profile needs to include Personal Details and Languages as well as any relevant

information on Education, Area of Expertise and Professional Experience.

To be selected for COSME tourism calls, experts need to indicate COSME as one of the

programmes for which they wish to be considered as an expert in the Programme Selection.

Additionally they should indicate Tourism or any related field as one of their 'Open

Keywords' in the description of their Area of Expertise.

An ECAS account is necessary to register a profile. Only valid profiles can be considered for

the selection of experts.







Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Please read the full text of the call of expression of interest before applying.

Experts have to register their profile in the database of independent experts through

the Expert area in the Participant Portal (EMPP).

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SSeezznnaamm aakkttuuaallnniihh pprriilloožžnnoossttii zzaa pprriiddoobbiitteevv nneeppoovvrraattnniihh ssrreeddsstteevv tteerr uuggooddnneejjššiihh ppoossoojjiill EEUU iinn ddrruuggoo

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Izdajatelj: Creative Europe

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 24.6.2020 Rok prijave: 01. 10. 2020

Vir objave:

Kratek opis



These annual Awards seek to identify and promote best practices in the conservation of tangible

and intangible cultural heritage, to stimulate the trans-frontier exchange of knowledge and

experience throughout Europe, to enhance public awareness and appreciation of Europe's cultural

heritage, and to encourage further excellent initiatives through the power of example.

Outstanding heritage achievements are awarded in the following categories:

● Conservation

● Research

● Dedicated Service to Heritage

● Education, Training and Awareness-raising

Entries can be related to tangible, intangible or digital heritage. They can be ranging on a scale

from small to large, from local to European and international







Up to four winners will also receive a Grand Prix with a monetary award of 10,000 Euro. One

winner will also receive the Public Choice Award following an online vote conducted via the

Europa Nostra website.

Ciljne skupine

oz. potencialni


Countries eligible for the European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Awards:

Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia,

Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,

Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro,

Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia,

Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

Countries eligible for the Europa Nostra Awards only:

Andorra, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Faroe Islands, Holy See, Israel, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Russia,

San Marino, Switzerland and Turkey.