sfdda spring issue

SFDDA South Florida District Dental Association A Component of the American and Florida Dental Associations Volume 53, No.4 www.sfdda.org Spring 2012 President’s Message, pg. 3 Has Your Profession Been Good To You?, Pg. 7 South Florida Baptist Mobile Dental Unit, pg. 11 SFDDA Calendar, pg. 11 Classifieds, pg. 12 New Members, pg. 13 Affiliate Information, pg. 13 Dental Health Month Poster Contest, pg. 14 Update Your E-Mail!, pg. 15 Renew Your Membership, pg. 19 Rich’s Ramblings.... Falling Prey to Drug Dependency pg. 4 SFDDA Participates in the Mercedes Benz Corporate Run pg. 16 Save the Date February 1-2, 2013 Jungle Island

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Dental Association Newsletter


Page 1: SFDDA Spring Issue

SFDDASouth Florida District Dental Association

A Component of the American and Florida Dental Associations

Volume 53, No.4 www.sfdda.org Spring 2012

President’s Message, pg. 3

Has Your Profession Been Good ToYou?, Pg. 7South Florida Baptist Mobile Dental Unit, pg. 11

SFDDA Calendar, pg. 11

Classifieds, pg. 12

New Members, pg. 13

Affiliate Information, pg. 13

Dental Health Month Poster Contest, pg. 14

Update Your E-Mail!, pg. 15Renew Your Membership, pg. 19

Rich’s Ramblings....Falling Prey to Drug Dependency

pg. 4

SFDDA Participates in the Mercedes Benz Corporate Run

pg. 16

Save the DateFebruary1-2, 2013

Jungle Island

Page 2: SFDDA Spring Issue

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Page 3: SFDDA Spring Issue

President’s Message


Irene Marron-Tarrazi, D.M.D.

It has been almost 6 years since I joined the SFDDA

Executive Council and began the path that has led me

to be the president of this great dental society.

My friends always ask, “Why do you do it?” My an-

swer is that I choose to make this time commitment to

organized dentistry because I consider it a part of my


Many of us may not realize that that lobbying efforts,

monitoring of legislation, policy review, and negotiating

with insurance companies are equally as important as

ordering supplies and having office meetings. We must

all make the time to handle the external issues at hand

after our working hours in order to make our job inside

our practices easier.

And, if right now you do not have spare time, but want

to stay active, my suggestion would be to support the

SFDDA by attending the Miami Winter Meeting or our

local affiliate meetings. We must all make our contribu-

tions somehow.

On a personal level, I thank all of

you for giving me the opportu-

nity to contribute. I entered this

society immediately after gradu-

ation, younger and eager to help.

I never realized the potential that this organization can

provide. I have cherished this role and responsibility. I

have learned more than I could have ever expected. I

step down from my position knowing that the future

leadership is strong. I know that Dr. Beatriz Terry will

do a great job as your new president.

Although my role as president has come to an end, I will

continue to help this society whenever and wherever

there is a need. For the next four years, I will be serving

the ADA as the New Dentist Representative for Florida.

This may serve as an opportunity for our district to be




As a member of the South Florida District Dental Association, you receive the benefit of being included in Solid Referral.com.

Please visit the website and make sure that your information is correct and up to date. If you are a member and you aren’t listed or

if your information needs to be updated, please call us at (305) 667-3647.

Page 4: SFDDA Spring Issue


As we all know, drug use, abuse and dependency are perva-

sive. Our societal needs and patterns of use may involve

drugs ranging from those as seemingly innocent and all-

American as the morning cup of coffee and caffeine fix many

rely on each day, to the baby aspirin or omega 3 fish oil pills

taken for cardiac prevention, insulin for diabetics, or indeed,

to the hard core illicit and mind-altering street drugs we all

think of first when mentioning the phrase, “drug abuse.”

There is also no shortage of stories in newspapers and other

media on the big business aspects and harmful affects of pain

clinics and “pill mills.”

Among the most harmful of drugs, ironically, is the one

which we, as a society, have arguably used or abused most

on a daily basis. It is the one central nervous system-

impairing drug which, despite its harmful effects on health,

safety, and on the lives of many individuals and families - we

have all agreed, both from a social and legal point of view, is

“OK.” And that would of course be alcohol.

But enough said about the conventional world of drugs and

drug dependency. Over the past several months or more, I

have become unexpectedly aware of the existence of a com-

pletely different form of drug dependency – and a type I had

never previously considered nor imagined I could fall prey


The drugs I am speaking of, however, do not involve those

that we ourselves ingest (or one would hope), but rather those

that we, as dental/medical practitioners, so strongly depend

on every day of our lives to administer to our patients. These

are the drugs, which if taken away from us, would seriously

threaten our professional existence and the ability to literally

keep our office doors open.

Cutting more to the chase: As some or many of you may be

aware at this point, we have a problem - a shortage in supply

of medications commonly used throughout medicine and

dentistry, which is threatening our delivery of care and the

well being of our patients.

Although this has been the subject of news reports for some

time, with speculation abound as to the reasons for the prob-

lem, I frankly did not quite

appreciate the magnitude of

its effect until it began to

affect me, and the narrow

world in which I live and


Some six or eight months ago, my office staff put in a call to

Southern Anesthesia and Surgical Supply in West Columbia,

South Carolina to place an order for the sedative medica-

tions, midazolam (the generic for Versed) and fentanyl.

However, we were not able obtain the medications. “They

are both on back order,” we were told by the customer service

representative, “and we won’t have any in stock until some-

time in March.” We were also told that the narcotic drug,

fentanyl, which cannot be ordered by phone, but requires

mailing in special DEA “222” forms, is even on a longer back

order for some unknown time in April.

“Uh-oh,” I said. It then hit me. I had only two or three vials

of midazolam and a mere fifteen ampules of fentanyl left on

the shelf. In other words, an amount which would allow me

to perform IV anesthesia on another 10-15 patients or so.

As many of us are likely aware, even those who do not per-

form IV anesthesia on a daily basis, midazolam and the tan-

dem of both midazolam and fentanyl are probably the most

commonly used medications - not only by oral and maxillo-

facial surgeons (OMS) and other anesthesia-trained dentists

- but also by highly critical venues such as hospital operating

rooms, emergency rooms, ICU’s, surgical centers, GI en-

doscopy suites and OB delivery units.

In addition, many or most OMS’s strongly depend on the

general anesthetic agent, propofol, which is also yet again

falling into short supply. Many recall a similar crisis involv-

ing that drug back in 2010 and 2011, when it literally fell out

of existence for a period of time, and sent shock waves

throughout the worlds of medicine and dentistry.

Yes, there are no doubt viable substitute medications one

could use instead, such as other benzodiazepines (Valium, lo-

razepam), other narcotics (Demerol, morphine), and other

We have a problem - a shortage in supply of medications commonly used throughout medicine and dentistry, and threatening our

delivery of care and the well being of our patients.

Rich’s Ramblings....Falling Prey to Drug Dependency:

A Type I Had Never ImaginedRichard Mufson, D.D.S., Editor

Page 5: SFDDA Spring Issue

general anesthetic agents (Brevital). How-

ever, many or most of these medications are

also themselves in short supply, or have

shortcomings previously leading to the use

of the aforementioned more potent, shorter

acting and efficient choices.

This could also not have come at a worse

time of year – at least for OMS – when

students are on break from school and/or

camp, and the pace of scheduling for wisdom

teeth, orthodontic and other procedures re-

quiring the use of IV anesthesia significantly


With the schedule book beginning to fill in

with more IV sedation cases for the coming

weeks, and sensing a mild anxiety or panic

attack forthcoming, a series of additional

calls were then placed by my staff in Febru-

ary and March. “Sorry,” came the response.

“Your medications are still on back order,

and that we ‘might’ be able to send you some

midazolam in mid to late April.” Fentanyl

was still back-ordered for some unknown

time later.

I then sensed beads of sweat forming on my

forehead, hands developing a fine tremor,

somewhat resembling the “DT’s” – all stem-

ming from drugs I had unknowing become

very dependent on, threatening to run out at

a time of critical need, and with another

“drug fix” nowhere in sight. I began to lose

sleep at night. I could also sense a Jewish

holiday analogy somewhere in this story,

such as the reason Hanukkah is celebrated.

“Would the oil last for eight days,” I won-


As a brief digression, I am not making light

of drug addiction. I have known, or have

been personally affected by, others close to

me in my life, who have gone through simi-

lar parallel or analogous feelings and symp-

toms as I felt I was experiencing, but granted,

for a different reasons and context.

However, I felt that this conundrum had

caused me to feel parallel feelings and symp-

toms nonetheless, and the realization that I,

or we as dentists, could fall prey to a form of

drug dependency I had not previously imag-

ined were possible or existed.

For those who do not perform IV anesthesia

on a frequent basis – I often think about what

we would potentially face, as a profession, if

other “every day” non-IV medications we so

much take for granted, such as local anes-

thetics, were taken off the shelves for some

unknown period of time. How about antibi-

otics or pain medications? (Shhh! Maybe I

shouldn’t think or speak too loud!)

A resolution to my story (for now)

I then received a tip from one or more other

OMS’s. It consisted of placing simultaneous

orders with multiple suppliers. One such sup-

plier, I would later learn, Hospira, is the

largest manufacturer in the US of most “ster-

ile injectables,” and who in fact is the major

supplier for other vendors, like Southern


This fortuitously resulted in my receiving

calls from Hospira and one other vendor ad-

vising me of impending shipments of each of

the two medications I needed. This also oc-

curred at a time when most other vendors, in-

cluding Southern, still had not received the

medications for their own sale and distribu-


Upon hearing this, I breathed a sigh of relief.

The “shakes” and DT’s were resolving.

Endorphins were kicking in, and a warm

feeling came over me, knowing that my “fix”

was on its way.

This Is Much More Than About Me

I must close by telling you that anything I

have experienced or communicated to you in

this editorial is quite insignificant in light of

the true breadth and scope of this problem.

Even the most cursory or superficial amount

of research one can perform on this issue

tells a much larger story, affecting those far

beyond the small world of OMS or dentistry.

Hospitals and surgical centers are also in a

“back ordering mode,” in short supply, and

are literally rationing, or unable to provide,

in some cases, much needed sedative or pain

medications to emergency room, post-surgi-

cal, obstetric patients, and others in need.

I then sensed beads of sweat forming on my forehead, hands developing a fine tremor, somewhat resembling the “DT’s” ...

and with another “drug fix” nowhere in sight.



2010-2011 Officers and

Executive Council


(305) 646-1524

President-ElectBEATRIZ TERRY, D.D.S.

(305) 270-1350


(305) 667-8766

SecretaryMARCOS DIAZ, D.D.S.

(954) 659-9990



(305) 667-8766

Immediate Past President



Young Member

Kellie Paxton, D.M.D.

(954) 217-3700


Paul L. Benjamin, D.M.D., Trustee

305-373-1361 FAX: 305-379-6409

Thomas H. Ward.D.M.D., Trustee

Alternate Trustees

Jorge Centurion, D.M.D.

305-662-2216 FAX: 305-663-6647

Michael D. Eggnatz, D.D.S.

954-217-8888 FAX: 954-359-8520

Delegates to the Executive Council from the Affiliates Societies

Herb Salguiero, D.D.S. (MDDS)

Pablo J. Fonseca, D.M.D. (MDDS)

Richard Mufson D.D.S (ND/MBDS)

Isaac Garazi, D.M.D. (ND/MBDS)

Barry Bluth, D.M.D. (SBDS)

Leonardo Frydman, D.M.D. (SBDS)

Affiliate Societiy


Piero G. Palacios, D.M.D. (MDDS)

Danni Sayman D.D.S.(ND/MBDS)

Leonardo Frydman, D.M.D. (SBDS)

Yolanda Marrero, Managing Editor

Richard A. Mufson, D.D.S., Editor

Jackie Quintero, Advertising Manager


Copyright: © SFDDA 1996

Published by the South Florida

District Dental Association

420 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 2E

Coral Gables, FL 33146

Send announcements and

correspondence to the Editor:

420 S. Dixie Hwy, 2-E

Coral Gables, FL, 33146-2271

Phone: (305) 667-3647

FAX: (305) 665-7059

or email to:

[email protected]

Disclaimer: Opinions stated in the SFDDA Newsletterare not necessarily endorsed by the South Florida Dis-trict Dental Association, its Executive Council or Com-mittees. Advertisements printed should not be construedas an endorsement by the Association of the company,

product or service.continued on page 15

Page 6: SFDDA Spring Issue

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Page 7: SFDDA Spring Issue

Most likely, many of you have most likely thought about

“giving something back”… and may already be doing so in

different ways.

A number of years ago, my wife and I got involved with the

organization, “Children International,” and have now spon-

sored a child through the organization for over twelve years.

During a visit to our child in the Dominican Republic, we ob-

served the total lack of dental care among the impoverished

children of her community.

Children International had several physical facilities in Do-

minican Republic in which they served their sponsored chil-

dren, and in which they had hoped to be able to install dental,

medical, pharmacy and library facilities. However, they

needed professional and financial assistance to equip those


Since we already had extensive experience with Children

International, my wife and I felt comfortable helping them

to properly equip the first dental clinic. In addition to our

own donations, we contacted family, friends and patients to

assist in this project. Many contributions, large and small,

quickly added up and we were able to leverage those funds

to complete the project.

That clinic is now a modern, two-chair facility

that is comparable to those in the

United States. The facility

is staffed by

two general dentists and a part-time pediatric dentist, each of

them graduates of the dental college in Santiago.

During the first year of operation of the new clinic, we were

able to extend dental treatment to 2,439 children who other-

wise would have most likely had no dental care.

Upon successful completion of that project, we took on and

completed projects for equipping two additional clinics in the

Dominican Republic – each of them having a full-time dentist

– and we anticipate providing access to free dental care for

a precentage of approximately18,000 currently sponsored im-

poverished children.

Without a doubt - and with relatively moderate investment -

we are now making a positive impact on the dental health of

thousands of Dominican children!

Once a clinic is established, Children International provides

the necessary funds in their budget to operate the facility. Our

additional contributions provide for required equipment and


Our first dental clinic was dedicated to Pearl Buffum, the first

dental hygienist on Miami Beach. Pearl opened the first

clinic for indigent children in Miami during the Great De-


Our son-in-law dedicated the second clinic to our daughter,

Lesley Beers – his wife, and the mother of our grandchildren

- who was tragically lost to us at a very young age.

Has Your Profession Been Good To You?Please Consider Giving Back With “Children International”

by Dr. Paul Marchand

continued on page 9


Page 8: SFDDA Spring Issue
Page 9: SFDDA Spring Issue


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We dedicated our last project to Dr. Jerome Jacobs, a distin-

guished Miami Beach oral surgeon known by many of you.

Jerry was the inspiration behind the dental clinic at Mount Sinai

Hospital, and certainly deserves this honor.

Children International has projects in eleven nations, and is now

serving over 335,000 impoverished children and their families.

As you can imagine, there are tremendous needs in each of those

nations – including the area of dental health.

It is our hope that, as a dental professional, this brief note will

stimulate and inspire you to duplicate our efforts with Children

International. Although the need for building, renovating, or

equipping dental clinics in the Dominican Republic has already

been met for the time being, Children International definitely

needs your help in providing new and/or better dental facilities

at many of its projects around the world as it strives to expand

its sponsorship services to include 500,000 children by the year


These special projects may be funded by individuals or by

groups. And, with full funding of major clinic renovations or

new construction comes the memorial naming rights: the dental

clinics may be dedicated to one or more people.

It does not take a lot of money – just a big heart. I encourage

you to consider taking on a project yourself, or getting some of

your colleagues involved in making this happen for thousands

of needy children.

For more information feel free to contact me, Dr. Paul Marchand

by e-mail at [email protected].

I look forward to hearing from you, my dental colleagues.

If you would like more information about Children International,

Dr. Paul Marchand, continued from page 7

please visit their website at www.children.org.

You may also contact Vickie Wiedenmann, Assis-

tant Vice President, at (816) 943-3702 or (800)


Page 10: SFDDA Spring Issue

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I live in Dallas, Texas. There is wonderful

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really great running community.

I practice in a general dentistry office with the

most supportive and energetic staff. I became

interested in dentistry after meeting a dentist

who inspired me by the way he made his

patients feel so comfortable.

I recharge by running. It’s an avenue to find your

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I love teaching. I’ve taught second year students

at Baylor College of Dentistry how to design

and fabricate removable prosthodontics. It was

an amazing experience! I’d love to teach again

when I have more time.

I hope to make a difference in my patients’

lives. Dentistry is more than restorations,

it’s caring for people. Making patients

comfortable and helping them trust me

is just as important as making their

smile beautiful.

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Fa,,. Melisa Christian



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. Melisa Christian

Fa,,. Melisa Christian



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Protecting & Defending

Page 11: SFDDA Spring Issue

For over a decade, the members of

the SFDDA have given back to the

communities in need by volunteering

a few hours of their time to provide

much needed dental services. Many

of our SFDDA members have volun-

teered in the last few years to provide

necessary dental care to indigent

children and adults.

This outreach has been made possi-

ble through the Florida Baptist Con-

vention Mobile Dental Unit. It is one

of the "Project Dentists Care" affili-

ates associated with the Florida Den-

tal Association that helps access to

dental care for low income Florida

residents. Dentists who volunteer

may receive up to a maximum of five

hours of required continuing educa-

tion credit, calculated at one contin-

uing education credit per three hours

of patient services.

In addition to the great satisfaction

you get from helping those in need,

you will also receive two FREE

movie tickets of your choice to any

Regal or AMC Theater, compliments

of the SFDDA.

Although every effort is made to not alter

the calendar, dates are subject tochange.

SFDDA Calendar

June6 SFDDA Caucus15-16 June HOD17 Father’s Day

20 2012-13 Officer’s Installation29 Officer’s Planning Day

July4th Independence Day

18th Executive Council

August5th, Tentative SFDDA Family Picnic

We Sell Discount Movie Tickets!Regal Cinemas, AMC Theatres, Cobb Theatres

Call the SFDDA (305) 667-3647 for an order form

This year’s Dates are:

October 8-12, 2012Horeb Baptist Church

795 W. 68th Street Hialeah, FL. 33014

Oct 15-19, 2012 Mount Zion Baptist Church

6720 NE 5th AvenueMiami, FL 33138

You and your dental assistant can make a difference!Join the Florida Baptist Mobile Dental UnitSIMPLY CALL us at (305) 667-3647.

Page 12: SFDDA Spring Issue



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FICE: Hollywood dentist looking to bring

in another experienced dentist(s). To share

overhead expenses in a well established

Hollywood Dental Practice. Call Kim (954)



opportunity for General Dentist / Specialist.

Excellent compensation, bonus and partner-

ship positions. Multiple locations in South

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FICE: located in Pembroke Pines, Fl.

330244 ops, 1 Pan Station and complete

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included. Frank Espinosa 305-992-8829


equipped; 6 chairs; x-rays; built in units;

fully furnished waiting room; very visible

US1 location: priced right for sale, moti-

vated. Hollywood call Dr. at 305-778-0060

OFFICE: Hi-Tech, fully equipped / digital

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33021 Call Yvonne at 786-523-2391.



For more information on clas-sified or display advertising,

please call Ms. Jackie Quinteroat (305) 667-3647 ext.13

Page 13: SFDDA Spring Issue

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Join your local affiliate society...At the SFDDA, there are three affiliate societies: North Dade Miami Beach Dental Society, South Broward Den-

tal Society and the Miami Dade Dental Society. Each one is located in an area near your practice or yourhome, making it easy for you to attend meetings. Call and join one today.

Please Welcome our Newest Members:

2011 -2012 SFDDA Affiliate Societies

Miami Dade Dental Society

Dr. Piero Palacios

(305) 274-3113

North Dade - Miami Beach

Dental Society

Dr. Danni Sayman

(305) 604-8876

South Broward Dental Society

Dr. Leonardo Frydman

(954) 966-6410


Maayan Ben-Shalom, DDSMichael L. Cogan, DDS

Seth A. Gilson, DMDIvan Izquierdo, DMD

Barbara I. Llanes, DMDAnita Pandey, DMD

Leyann Salvador, DMD

Page 14: SFDDA Spring Issue

....Rock Your Smile!That’s what our 2011-12 South Florida District Dental Asso-

ciation Poster Contest Winners did this past February when

they, accompanied by their parents and teachers, recieved

thier ribbons and prizes at the Awards Breakfast at Denny’s

Restaurant in Coral Gables.

For over twenty years, the SFDDA has partnered with Miami

Dade County Public Schools in presenting the SFDDA An-

nual Poster Contest.

The contest is open to all elementary school children in

grades three, four and five.

Throughout the years, thousands of posters have been sub-

mitted to be reviewed by our panel of judges which has in-

cluded Dr. Jeannette Peña Hall, SFDDA Vice President and

Poster Contest Chair, Ms. Mabel Morales, District Supervi-

sor, Art Curriculum and Instruction Division of Social Sci-

ences & Life Skills, Yolanda Marrero, Executive Director,

SFDDA and Jackie Quintero, Membership Director.

1st Place Winners:

Daniel De La Rosa, 3rd

Grade,South Hialeah

Elementary School

Amelia Mendes, 4th Grade,

Ruth K. Broad Bay

Harbor Elementary School

Andre Merchan, 5th Grade, Dr.

Rolando Espinosa

Elementary School

2nd Place Winners:

Celine Jose, 3rd Grade,

Crestview Elementary School

Sophia Gutierrez, 4th Grade,

Ruth K. Broad Bay Harbor

Elementary School

Sebastian Gutierrez, 5th Grade,

Ruth K. Broad Bay Harbor Ele-

mentary School

3rd Place Winners

Ritamary Morciego, 3rd Grade,

South Hialeah Elementary School

Ana Xu, 4th Grade,

Gloria Floyd Elementary School

Kylene Torres, 5th Grade,

South Hialeah Elementary School

2012 Children’s DentalHealth Month Poster Contest


Page 15: SFDDA Spring Issue



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Our law firm represents medical professionals who are either preparing to file or have been denied long-term disability insurance benefits.

e also handle lump-sum buyouts.W

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SFDDA“E-ssue ”Two issues of your SFDDA Newsletter will becoming to you via email!We want to do everything possible to keep your SFDDA

Membership dues from increasing.

In order to help keep costs down, we offer two issues of the

SFDDA Newsletter in an electronic format. You will re-

ceive these issues via e-mail. The newsletter will continue

to be posted on the SFDDA Website.

We are also offering a new advertising opportunity via our

email marketing system. From time to time you may re-

ceive emails from the SFDDA Marketplace. These emails

are from vendors, companies and other institutions who

want to reach out to you.  Advertisers wishing to use this

form of communication will go through an approval process

before their advertisement is accepted and sent to you.

Hopefully, the savings from going to an electronic newslet-

ter format and the income that the association may receive

from email marketing may help to keep your membership

dues from increasing in the future.

Be sure that we have your email address so

you don’t miss an issue!

To update your your information,

send an email to [email protected].

Or call us if you have any questions at

(305) 667-3647.

Thank You!

According to several drug suppliers and other sources, a large

number of medications are also currently unavailable or in

short supply for large numbers of patients in need of prescrip-

tion medications for hypertension, heart disease, diabetes,

chemotherapy for cancer, and many others.

As for the reasons for the shortages? The answers are some-

what speculative in the minds of some, and of a level of com-

plexity exceeding the scope of this editorial. Most have

ascribed the problem to the FDA having found quality control

problems involving several products from one or more of the

largest manufactures, also leading to closures of several drug

producing facilities, and thus placing a halt on much of the


Others point to a different reason of the “perfect storm” for

drug manufacturers, and feel it is related to the very low price

of many generic drugs, and market forces which would drive

demand and prices higher. Many found it all too interesting,

for example, when suppliers reported that they were out of the

generic drug, propofol, but they curiously had plenty of the

more expensive brand name drug, Diprivan, in stock.

Many legislators through the US have also become aware of

this problem, and have been looking into formulating new and

improved laws to prevent future shortages.

For a more complete and up-to-date list and status of the rel-

ative availability of affected medications, please visit:


Rich’s Ramblings cont. from pg. 5


Page 16: SFDDA Spring Issue


Flash TheirSmiles at the

April 26, 2012 - Bayfront ParkSponsored in part by: FDA Project Colleagueand Patterson Dental Supply

The 2012 Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run 5K

marked its 27th running of what has become a

key event to the South Florida community and

for the first time, the South Florida District Den-

tal Association participated with a fine team of

members and their families.

Special thanks to Dr. Beatriz Terry and Dr.

Rodrigo Romano who motivated the members

and organized the team.

The run commenced as the sun set over the

bay. Once nightfall took over, one by one the

lanterns in the tents were lit providing a wel-

coming glow and food and beverages were laid

out for the return of the runners.

Afterwards, there was much merriment and cel-

ebration at the tent as the team toasted to their


“Next yeat the team will be bigger!” exclaimed

Dr. Romano, “you’ll see”.

With over 23,000 in attendance at the event,

there is still room for more, so start training now

and join the SFDDA team next year.

pictured l-r: Back row: Dr. Danni Sayman, Dr. Michael Eggnatz, Dr. Mark Hall;Second row: Marian Eggnatz, Kristina Eggnatz, Dr. Leonardo Frydman, JackieQuintero, Dr. Jeannette Peña Hall, Dr. Rodrigo Romano, Yolanda Marrero, Dr.Beatriz Terry, Dr. Mark Limosani, Dr. Irene Marron

Post race carbreplenishmentDr. Eggnatz,Dr. Peña Hall,Dr. Sayman,Dr. Limosani,Dr. Frydman,Dr. Terry

I’m a Member! Ask me about joining...


Page 17: SFDDA Spring Issue

Dr. Michael Eggnatz and Dr. Mark Hall

Dr. Leonardo Frydman and Marian & Kristina Eggnatz

Dr. Rodrigo Romano and Dr. Jeannette Peña Hall

Joining the team for post race celebrations are: Dr.Aldo Lujan and Dr. in blue shirts. Also pictured are: Dr.Beatriz Terry, Dr. Jeannette Peña Hall, Dr. Rodrigo Ro-mano, Dr. Danni Sayman, Dr. Leonardo Frydman, Dr.Mark Limosani, Dr. Mark Hall and Dr. Esteban Leon

Page 18: SFDDA Spring Issue


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South Florida District Dental Association Members

your local FDAS Representative is Joseph Perretti(305) 665-0455

Page 19: SFDDA Spring Issue

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Renew Your TripartiteMembership!If you have already renewed your tripartite membership,we thank you. You are one of many members who enjoythe many benefits that membership has to offer, includ-ing:

yFree Continuing Education on line at www.floridadental.org

yPatient Referral through the SFDDA’s www.solidreferral.com

yLegislative presence at the state level yFDAS Insurance ProgramsyAssistance with professional and patient related

problemsyPeer Review counseling to help you resolve patient

disputes and avoiding costly litigationyOn-Line Job Placement and employment servicesyFacility of Continuing Education ySpecial Priced registration at the Miami Winter

Meeting and at the FDA’ s annual FNDC meetingyOpportunity of earning CE credits in community

outreach programsyAnswers to questions regarding dental and

community-related mattersySupport Services in the form of Disaster Relief

Loans and Grants yFull use of ADA resources including practice

management, insurance and retirement plans, financial services, legal information and more.

If you haven’t renewed your membership, it’s easy to doso, just go to the FDA’s website, floridadental.org and clickon “Click Here to Pay Dues” Once you do, you will haveseveral options to help you renew and maintain yourmembership.

Remember, your membership represents more than just the

above benefits; it represents youas a dedicated professional

committed to excellence in your field.

Questions regarding your membership may be directed to

Ms. Jackie Quintero at the SFDDA (305) 667-3647 ext. 13.


Page 20: SFDDA Spring Issue

SFDDA AnnualBusiness Meeting


Victoria Wallace, CDA, LDA, Staff Lecture

Florida State Mandated Courses

Hygiene Lecture

Hugh Doherty DDS, CFP - Finance

Miami Winter Meeting February 1-2, 2013

Plan on Bringing EveryoneIt’s Team Work at its Best!

Your entire team

will benefit from the

2013 Miami WInter Meeting

Jungle Island, Miami, FL

Speakers and Program as of May 15th

Clinical Lecture



More Coming Soon!