sga - 1930

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  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930


    Sale of Goods

    Act, 1930

  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930


    Sale: Transfer of ownership

    Essential ingredients:




  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930



    Bilateral contract

    Transfer of property in goods

    Subject matter --- necessarily goods

    Price / money / consideration

    All essential elements of a valid contractIndianContract Act, 1872

  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930


    Sale & Agreement to sell

    Transfer of property

    Type of contract


    Liability in case of loss

    In case of Breach byseller

    - Immediate & future

    - Executed & executory

    - Agreement is purely a contractbut sale is with conveyance

    - In agreement it passes on toseller. In sale, passes on buyer

    - In agreement, buyer has onlypersonal remedy against seller,i.e., to claim for damages

    In sale, as a owner of goods

    buyer can file a suit againstseller beyond the personalremedy of claiming fordamages

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    Sale and bailment

    Sale and contract for work and


    Sale and hire purchase

  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930


    Subject matter: GOODS

    Section 2(7) : goods is every kind of movable

    property other than actionable claims and money

    and includes stock and shares, growing crops,

    grass and things attached to or forming part of the

    land which are agreed to be severed before sale or

    under the contract of sale.

    Classification of goods:

    - Existing goods(1) specific or generic

    (2) ascertained or unascertained

    - Future goods- Contingent goods

  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930


    Price / consideration

    Constitutes the essence for a contract of sale.

    Can be either paid or promised to be paid

    If a consideration other than money is to be

    given, it is not a sale

    Modes of fixing price. Section 9 & 101. by the parties @ the time of contract

    2. Left to be determined by the course of dealings

    b/w parties

    3. Left to be fixed in some way stipulated in contract

    4. By third parties

  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930


    Conditions and warranties

    Situations when condition sink to the level of


    Condition turns to be warranty where buyer waives

    the condition Where buyer treats breach of condition as breach of


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    Implied conditions as to title:

    Implied conditions can differ from the kind of contract itself.

    That is., under sale of goods by description, or sale by

    sample or otherwise.

    There is an implied condition that the seller, in an actual sale,

    has the right to sell the goods, and in an agreement to

    sell, he will have a right to sell the goods at the time when

    property is to pass. As a result, if the title of seller turnsout to be defective the buyer is entitled to reject the goods

    and can recover full price paid by him.

    Case: Rowland Vs. Divall : A had bought a second hand

    motor car from Band paid for it. After he had used it for

    six months, he was deprived of it because the seller had

    no title to it. It was held that Bhad broken the condition

    as to title and A was therefore, entitled to recover the

    purchase money from B

  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930


    Implied conditions under a sale by description

    1. Goods must correspond with description

    2. Goods must be of merchantable quality

    3. Condition as to wholesomeness

    4. Condition as to quality or fitness for aparticular purpose

    Case: Priest Vs Last: a hot water bottle was bought by theplaintiff, a draper, who could not be expected to havespecial skill knowledge with regard to hot water bottles,from a chemist, who sold such article stating that the

    bottle will not stand boiling water but was intended tohold hot water. While being used by the plaintiffswife,the bottle bursted and injured her. It was held that theseller was responsible for damages as the bottle wasnot fit for use as a hot water bottle.

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    Implied conditions under sale by samples. u/s


    Warranty as to quiet possession

    Warranty as to freedom from encumbrances

    Warranty as to disclose dangerous nature of goods

    Warranties implied by custom or usage of trade

    Doctr ine of caveat empto rCase: Ward Vs. Hobbs : certain pigs were sold by

    auction and no warranty was given by seller inrespect of any fault or error of description. Buyerpaid the price for healthy pigs. But, they were ill andall but one died of typhoid fever. They also infected

    some of the own pigs of the buyer. It was held thatthere was no implied condition or warranty that thepigs were of good health. It was the buyersduty tosatisfy himself regarding the health of the pigs.

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    Passing of property or passing of ownership.Sec 18-20

    1. Risk follows ownership

    2. Where there is a danger of goods to be damaged

    by a third party, it is generally the owner who can

    take action

    3. Right of third party may come into being onlyupon the passing of the property if the buyer

    resells the goods to a third party.

    4. Insolvency of either parties

  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930


    Passing of property in specific goods

    Where there is an unconditional contract for the sale of specificgoods in a deliverable condition. Here the property in goodspasses at the time when the contract is made.

    Where there is a contract for the sale of specific goods not in adeliverable state. That means, the seller shall do something tothe goods to put them into a deliverable state

    Case: Rugg Vs Minett : certain quantity of oil was brought. Oil wasfilled into casks by the seller and then taken away by the buyer.Some casks were filled in the presence of buyer but, before theremainder could be filled, fire broke out and the entire quantity ofoil was destroyed. Held, the buyer must bear the loss of the oldwhich was put into the casks and the seller must bear the loss ofthe remainder.

    Sale of specific goods in deliverable state, its duty of seller toweigh, measure, test or do something with reference to thegoods for the purpose of ascertaining the price

    Where goods are delivered to buyer on approval or on sale ofreturn or other similar terms the property therein passes to buyer

  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930


    Transfer of title by person not the owner

    Maxim : nemo dat quod non habet no one can pass a

    better title than he himself has.

    Exceptions to this rule:

    1. Sale by mercantile agent2. Sale by co-owner

    3. Sale by a person in possession under a voidable


    4. Sale by seller in possession after sale

    5. Sale by buyer in possession6. Sale by an unpaid seller

    7. Sale by a person under other laws

  • 8/12/2019 SGA - 1930


    Performance of the contract of sale

    Delivery should have the effect of putting buyer in


    Delivery of goods according to the contract

    Delivery at the prescribed place and time

    Seller to bear the cost of delivery unless thecontract otherwise provides

    If goods to be delivered at a different place and the

    nature of goods is of deteriorating, then unless

    otherwise provided be borne by the buyer

    Buyer shall not accept delivery in tranches unlessagreed upon

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    Acceptance of goods by buyer

    Intimating the acceptance

    Retaining the goods received

    By doing certain actsinconsistent with the ownership

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    Unpaid seller & his rights.

    Sec 45-54

    Right as to lien of retention

    Right of stoppage in transit

    Right of resale- Where goods are of perishable in nature

    - Such right to resell is expressly reserved in contract

    - Proper notice shall be service upon before doing such act

    Right to withhold delivery of

    goods Right against the buyerSec 55 & 56(1) Suit for price (2) suit for damages