shadbala: concept and computation

The 6 Sources of Strength Thoughts on Shadbala in Jyotish (Vedic-Astrology) (Concepts and Computation) 1

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Page 1: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

The 6 Sources of Strength

Thoughts on Shadbala in Jyotish (Vedic-Astrology)

(Concepts and Computation)


Page 2: Shadbala: Concept and Computation



Page 3: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

BPHS 27.37-38. O Brahmin, the various sources of

strengths should be gathered together and effects declared. Whatever Yogas,

or effects have been stated with respect to a Bhava, will come to pass

through the strongest Graha.


Page 4: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Saravali 4.34. To assess the auspicious and

inauspicious effects of a planet, its directional, positional, temporal and motional strengths are important, for without these it is considered to be



Page 5: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Section 1 Concept


Page 6: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

A graha acuires strength in various ways, such as being placed in a certain rasi,

bhava, varga, day or night time, shukla or krsna paksha, winning a planetary war etc.

Shadbala is a mathematical model to quantify the strength attained from 6

different sources.


Page 7: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

The taxonomy of Strength



Sthanabala Uccha Saptavargaja Ojayugma

Kendradi Drekkana





Abdamasadinahora Ayana





Some strengths are combination of few different kinds. For instance Sthana and Kala bala comprises of many sub-strength which build up their overall strength.

Page 8: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

The Sthanabala is based on the placement of Grahas

in certain Rasi, Bhava, Drekkana and Varga.This

represents the Place factor.


Page 9: Shadbala: Concept and Computation


This indicates how far a Graha is situated from its Uccha-sthana-sphuta or the deepest exaltation


Closer a Graha to its exaltation point, stronger it is as per UcchaBala.



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This indicates the strength of a Graha in 7 (sapta) divisions (varga) viz., Hora, Dreshkana,

Saptāńśa, Navāńśa, Dvadashāńśa and Trimshāńśa


Page 11: Shadbala: Concept and Computation


Female planets in female signs and male planets in male signs are given this strength. This is to be

judged in both Rāśi and Navāńśa charts.

Here, Venus & Moon are considered female and rest are considered male.


Page 12: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

SthanaBala.KendradiBalaThe 1-4-7-10 are called Kendra (Quadrant), 2-5-8-11 are called Panaphara (Succedent) and 12-3-6-9 are called the

Apoklima (Precedent Houses).

Planets in Kendra are strongest and in Apoklima are weakest. Those placed in Panaphara have middling



Page 13: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

SthanaBala.DreshkanaBalaMale grahas (Sun,Mars,Jupiter) get full strength in 1st Drekkana*. Female

planets (Moon & Venus) get full strength in 2nd Drekkana. Eunuch planets (Saturn, Mercury) gets full strength in the 3rd Drekkana of a sign.

Saravali 4.38. Drekkana Bala. Male planets are strong in the first decanate, female planets in the third decanate and neutral planets in the second decanate of a Rāśi. Planets are strong, only when they are away

from the Sun, as per Yavanas.


*According to Parashara, the 1st Drekkana of a sign falls in the sign itself. The 2nd Drekkana falls in the 5th from it and the 3rd Drekkana falls in the 9th from its placement.

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The Dikbala is based on the placement of Grahas in one of the four Kendras representing 4

directions (Dik).

Lagna represents the East and Guru, Budha attains Dikbala here.7th house represents the

West and Shani attains Dikbala here. 10th house represents the South and Surya, Mangal attains dikbala here. 4th house represents the north and

Chandra-Shukra attain Dikbala here.


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The Kalabala is based on the period of time such as Day, night, Year, Month, Hour, Fortnight etc.

in which a Graha becomes stronger. This represents the

Time Factor.

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KalaBala.NathonnataBalaSome Grahas are strong during daytime while some are strong at night time. This strength is

based on this concept.

Sūrya, Guru and Śukra gets this strength highest near to the Noon time. On the other hand Chandra, Mangal and Śani gets strength highest near to the Midnight time. Mercury is strong

throughout the day. At other times, their strength is proportionally reduced.

Saravali 4.36. The Sun, Jupiter and Venus acquire strength during day-time, while Saturn, the Moon and Mars become strong during night-time. Mercury acquires vigour at all times.


The Day-Night strength

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KalaBala.TribhagaBalaWhen the Day and Night each are divided by 3, the 6 grahas (excluding Guru) gets

this strength in various portions of the Day.

Budha, Sūrya and Śani are strong in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd portion of the day-time. Similarly Candra, Śukra and Mangal get full strength in the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd

portions of the night-time. Guru is strong through all the portions.

Saravali 4.39 The Moon, Venus and Mars get this strength in the first, second and third parts of the night, respectively. This is similarly enjoyed by Mercury, the Sun and Saturn in day-time, while Jupiter has it always, irrespective of day, or night.


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KalaBala.PakshaBalaSome Grahas are strong during Shukla Paksha while others are stronger during Krsna Pasha.

The Shubha Grahas Chandra, Budha, and Guru and Śukra gets highest on this strength during Purnima. The Krura Graha gets highest on this strength during during Amavasya. At other times,

this strength is proportionally reduced.

Saravali 4.36. Malefics get strength in Dark Half, while benefics become strong in Bright Half.


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KalaBala.HoraVaraMasaAbdaBala 1

There are four component of this strength each of them is 25% stronger than the previous one. The components are Hora (Planetary hour), Vara (Vedic weekday), Masa (Solar month) and

Abda (Solar year).

Saravali 4.36. The Hora Bala goes to Hora Lord, Masa Bala (Masa - month) to the Lord of the month, Dina Bala to the Lord of the week-day of birth and Abda (year) Bala is credited to the

Lord of the year of birth.


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KalaBala.HoraVaraMasaAbdaBala 2

Hora Lord is the Graha ruling the hour. It is strongest among all.

Vara Lord is the Hora Lord at the moment of Sunrise. It is 2nd in strength.

Masa Lord is the Hora lord at the moment of Transit of Sun* into a zodiac sign. Month = duration of Sun’s Transit through one Zodiac sign i.e.,

between two Sankrantis.

Abda Lord is the Hora lord at the moment of Transit of Sun* into Aries.


* The definition of a year based on duration of 4,32,000 years in one Maha-yuga. Although some believe that the year definition should be based on Soli-Lunar calendar as Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. However, in my opinion, since the original definition of time is based on Yuga,

we should take the definition of year and month based on the same principle.

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KalaBala.AyanaBalaThis Strength depends on the Uttarayana or Dakshinayana movement of Grahas.

Jataka Parijata Ch 2 mentions that Moon and Saturn are strong in Dakshinayana (southern movement) and Sun and Jupiter are strong in Uttarayana (northern


According to BPHS Ch 27, Candra, or Śani are strong in southern Kranti (declination), while when Sūrya, Mangal, Guru, and Śukra are strong in northern

Kranti. As far as Budha is concerned, is strong in both Uttarayana and Dakshinayana.


R Santhanam in his book BPHS suggested the following formula for computation of the Ayana Bala Ayan Bal = 60*(23°27’ + Kranti)/(46°54’) = (23°27’± Kranti)*1.2793.

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BPHS 27.20. Should there be a war between the Tara Grahas, the difference between the

Shadbalas of the two should be added to the victor’s Shad Bala and deducted from the Shad

Bala of the vanquished.


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ChestaBalaChesta means effort. This source of strength means how much effort a Graha is making. The effort is less when the Graha is moving steadily, and highest

when it is Retrograde. Retrogression can be equated with moving against the river current, which is extremely tough.

Movement of Sun and Moon are always steady, and they never have retrogression or acceleration, hence their Chestabala equates to their Ayana

Bala and Paksha Bala respectively. For the Tara Grahas (Mars to Saturn), their Chestabala is computed based on their speed and direction of their motion.



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NaisargikaBalaThe natural strength of Grahas is called Naisargika Bala. The Grahas are progressively

stronger in the order of Śani, Mangal, Budha, Guru, Śukra, Candra and Sūrya, respectively.

When two Grahas influence each other by conjunction or mutual aspect, the one who is stronger in this order has higher ability to influence the other and give results predominantly

of its own. Since Sun is the strongest, any Graha conjoining with the Sun becomes Combust, but Sun does not become weaker.

Saravali 4.40. Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Sun are stronger than the other in the ascending order. Should there be similarity in other strengths, then the one with

greater natural strength prevails.



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DrgBalaDrg means aspect.This strength is acquired by the virtue of

being aspected by Natural Benefic or Natural Malefics.

The Aspect of Natural Benefics add to the strength, while that of Natural Malefics reduces the strength.

The strength of aspect depends on the longitudinal difference batween the aspecting Graha and the aspected Graha.



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Section 2 Computation


Page 27: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

SthanaBala.UcchaBalaWhen a Graha is placed in its Highest exaltation, it gets 60 virupas and in its Deepest debility, it gets 0 virupas. At other places, the strength is proportionally reduced. To compute this, one need to determine the longitudinal difference between the planet position and the deepest debility point and divide that by 3. The value arrived is the Ucchabala of the Graha in Virupas.

If a Graha is placed in its deepest exaltation point, then the difference will be 180, when divided by 3, it gets 60 Virupas.

Visual estimation: Count the number of signs from the debility sign and subtract by 1, where the Graha is placed. Add 10 virupas for each sign elapsed. For instance, for Sun, Libra is its debility sign. If Sun is placed in Leo, counting from Leo to Libra, we arrive at 3 signs. Subtracting 1, we get 2. Multiplying 10 with 2, we get 20 virupas as the approximate stanabala for Sun.


Max = 60, Min = 01


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SthanaBala.SaptaVargajaThis strength is dependent on the Placement of a Graha in one of the 6 states defined by the

compound friendship and enmity (Panchadha maitri) and its own sign. There is a 7th state, which is placement in its Mulatrikona Rasi is only applicable in the Rasi chart (D1).

The SaptaVargas consists of divisions D1, D2, D3, D7, D9, D12, D30.

First we need to determine the Composite Friendship of the Planet under consideration with other Planets from their Placement in the Rasi chart. Then we check whether the planet it

placed in its friend’s or enemy’s sign in various Vargas.

In this computation, there is no concept of Mulatrikona in the Varga chart. Also, exaltation sign has utility in any Varga, as only thing to look for is the relationship of the Graha with other

Grahas as per the 5 point composite friendship.


Max = 225, Min = 13.13

Avastha Rasi Other Vargas

Mulatrikona 45 n.a.Sva 30 30

Adhimitra 22.5 22.5Mitra 15 15

Sama 7.5 7.5Shatru 3.75 3.75

Adhishatru 1.875 1.875

The maximum strength possible for any Graha to attain here is 45 (in Rasi) + 30 (in other vargas) * 6 = 45 + 180 = 225 virupas. The minimum possible is 1.875 * 7 = 13.13

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BPHS 27.2-4. SaptaVargaja Bala.

When a Graha is placed in its Mulatrikona Rāśi, it gets 45 Virupas, in its Swakshetra (Svastha) it gets 30

Virupas, in its Great Friend’s Sign (Pramudita) it gets 22.5 Virupas, in a Friendly Sign (Shanta) it gets 15

Virupas, in its neutral Sign (Dina) it gets 7.5 Virupas, in its Enemy’s Sign (Duhkhita) it gets 3.75 Virupas and in

its Great Enemy’s sign (Khala) it gets 1.875 Virupas

Ref: Bhava & Graha Balas by Dr. BV Raman.


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BPHS 3.55. Naisargika Sambandha. Note the Rāśis, which are the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th from the Mulatrikona of a Graha. The Graha is friendly

towards the Grahas ruling such Rāśis, and also to the Lord of its exaltation Rāśi. The Graha is inimical towards the lords other than these. If the Graha becomes friend as well enemy towards someone, then it becomes neutral to that Graha.

BPHS 3.56. Tatkalika Relationships. The Grahas, posited in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th, or the 12th from another, become mutual friend. There is enmity


57-58. Panchadha Sambandha. Should two Grahas be both naturally and temporarily friendly, they become Adhimitra (extremely friendly). Friendship on one count and neutrality on another count make them Mitra (friendly). Enmity on one

count combined with friendship on the other turns into Sama (neutral). Enmity and neutral-ship cause only Shatru (enmity). Should there be enmity in both manners, Adhishatru (extreme enmity) is obtained. The Jyotishi should consider these and

declare horoscopic effects accordingly.


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SthanaBala.OjaYugmaBalaFemale (Venus & Moon) planets in female signs and male

(Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter & Saturn) planets in male signs are given this strength. This is to be judged in both Rāśi and

Navāńśa charts.

In each of Rāśi and Navāńśa charts a Graha gets 15 Virupa, so maximum strength possible is 30 Virupa.


Max = 30, Min = 0

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Planets in Kendra are strongest (60 virupas) and in Apoklima (15 virupas) are weakest.

Those placed in Panaphara (30 virupas) have middling strength.


Max = 60, Min = 15

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SthanaBala.DreshkanaBalaMale grahas (Sun,Mars,Jupiter) get full strength in first Drekkana. Eunuch planets (Saturn, Mercury) gets full

strength in the middle Drekkana of the sign. Female planets (Moon & Venus) get full strength in last Drekkana.

Maximum possible Drekkana Bala is 15 virupas while minimum is Zero.


Max = 15, Min = 0

Page 34: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Sthana Bala SummaryMaximum Minimum Average

Uccha 60 0 30Saptavargaja 225 13.13 119

OjaYugma 30 0 15Kendradi 60 0 30Drekkana 15 0 7.5

Total 390 13.13 201.5

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DikBalaWhen A Graha is placed in the Dika (Direction) where they belong to, the attain 60 Virupa of strength. In the opposite sign, they attain 0 Virupa of

strength. In other Bhavas, their strength is proportionally allocated based on their placement with regards to the Bhava where they attain Dikbala.

The Bhava Graha combination where dikbala is attained are:

Lagna: Guru/Budha | 4H: Chandra/Shukra | 7H: Shani | 10H: Surya/Mangal


Max = 60, Min = 02


Page 36: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

BPHS 27.7-7½. Dikbala.

Deduct Sukha Bhava (Nadir) from the longitudes of Sūrya and Mangal, Saptama Bhava from that of

Guru and Budha, Karma Bhava from that of Śukra and Candra and lastly Lagna from that of Śani. If the sum is above 180 degrees, deduct the sum from


The sum arrived in either way be divided by 3, which will be Dikbala of the Graha.


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KalaBala.NathonnataBalaSūrya, Guru and Śukra are strong during the day with Peak at the Noon. On the other hand

Chandra, Mangal and Śani are strong with their peak at the Midnight. Mercury is strong throughout the day. At other times, their strength is proportionally reduced.

The Maximum attainable strength here is 60 virupa which is during the peak time. Mercury has always 60 virupa of strength.


The Day-Night strength

Max = 60, Min = 03


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KalaBala.PakshaBalaThe Pasha Bala is derived from Shukla and Krsna Paksha of Moon

phase. Subha Grahas are Jupiter, Shukra, Waxing Moon and Mercury devoid of Papa conjunction. On the other hand Papa (Krura) grahas are Sun, Mars, Saturn, Waning Moon and Papa conjoined Mercury.

Shubha Grahas get 60 virupa during Purnima and 0 during Amavasya. The reverse is true for Papa Grahas. The Sum-total of the Subha and

Papa Graha Pasha Bala is always 60 virupas.


Max = 60, Min = 0

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KalaBala.TribhagaBalaA Graha gets Tribhaga Bala at Certain portion of day and

night when each of them is divided into 3 portions (Bhagas).

The highest achievable bala is 60 when the Graha is placed in their own portion (Bhaga). Guru always gets 60 virupas as

Tribhaga Bala.


Max = 60, Min = 0

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KalaBala.HoraVaraMasaAbdaBala The abda bala of a Graha is 15, Masa Bala is 30, Vara Bala is 45 and Hora Bala is 60 virupas.

A Graha gets this strength when it gets to rule over the mentioned Time periods i.e., Year, Month, Day or Hour.

The Maximum strength that can be gained here is 60 + 45 + 30 + 15 i.e., 150 virupas. It is possible, only when a Graha rules all the 4 period at one time.


Max = 150, Min = 0

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KalaBala.AyanaBalaThe Ayana Bala depends on the Declination (Kranti) of the Graha. When the Graha

move up in Declination, it is called Uttarayana and on the Reverse is called Dakshinayana.

The Ayana Bala at Zero Declination is 30.

For Moon and Saturn, at lowest Declination, Ayana Bala becomes 60 and in highest Declination, it becomes Zero. This is reverse for all other Grahas viz., Shukra, Surya,

Mangal and Guru.

Ayana Bala** = (240 + Kranti)/ 48 * 60


Max = 60, Min = 0

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Maximum declination is 23 deg 27 min and this

is rounded to 24 by Vedic savants for ease

of computation.42

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Steps for determining Ayana Bala (1/3) (1) Sayana Longitude: Convert Nirayana to Sayana Longitude by adding

Ayanamsa (2) Bhuja: Bhuja is the distance from the nearest Equinoctial point. The

Equinoxial points are at 0 deg (Aries) and 180 deg (Libra).The maximum attainable Bhuja is 90 deg.

(3) Portion of Declination: The highest declination of 24 deg (approx. of 23 deg 27 min) is divided into 6 portions, each measuring 15 degrees of Bhuja. The Bhuja should be divided by 15 to determine the portion

in which the Bhuja falls. Here the Quotient represents the portion of 15 degrees and the Reminder represents the extent of progress of the

Graha within the Portion. So Portion = Quotient, Deg Elapsed = Remainder. (4) Declination Associated with the Portion: Each portion of 15 degrees is

associated with a Declination value. They are 1st portion: 362 min, 2nd portion: 341 min, 3rd portion: 299 min, 4th portion: 236 min, fifth

portion: 150 min, Sixth portion: 52 min. When the declinations allocated to various portions are added up, we arrive at 1440 min

which equals to 24 deg of maximum declination.

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Steps for determining Ayana Bala (2/3) (5) Declination within the Portion: The Maximum declination within a portion

is given before. So declination within a portion can be ascertained by Declination with the portion (in minutes) = (Portion.Declination * Elapsed) / 15

Portion.Declination = 362 (1st), 341 (2nd), 299 (3rd), 236 (4th), 150 (5th), 52 (6th). The Figures inside the bracket represent the portion while those outside are the max. declination in that portion.

(6) Total Declination: The total declination is the sum of Declination arrived in 15 deg portion of the Bhuja and the total declination of previous portion.

(7) North Vs. South Declination: If the Sayana longitude is below 180 degree, it is Northern declination. On the other hand, if the longitude is more than

180 degree, it is Southern declination.

Tropical sign 1st half 2nd halfAries 362 341

Taurus 299 236Gemini 150 52

Tropical sign 1st half 2nd halfCancer 52 150

Leo 236 299Virgo 341 362

Tropical sign 1st half 2nd halfLibra 362 341

Scorpio 299 236Sagittarius 150 52

Tropical sign 1st half 2nd halfCapricorn 52 150Aquarius 236 299

Pisces 341 362Count forward from 0 deg Aries Count backward from 0 deg Libra Count forward from 0 deg Libra Count backward from 0 deg Aries

Uttarayana (Northern Course) Dakshinayana (Southern Course)

By knowing the Sayana Rasi and Longitude of a Graha, the computation can be easily performed using the table mentioned below.

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Steps for determining Ayana Bala (3/3) (6) Determine the Ayana Bala: According to Keshava Daivagna, the Ayana

Bala can be found using the following formula Ayana Bala = (24 deg +/- Declination value) / 48 * 60

Whether the Declination value is added or Subtracted in the formulas depends on the Graha and their south or north declination. Moon and

Saturn are strong in Southern declination, hence their declination value is added when they are in south (Libra to Pisces in Sayana chakra). If they are

in the Northern declination (Aries to Virgo), their declination value is subtracted. This is reverse for the remaining Graha. Mercury’s declination is

always added irrespective of whether it is in South or North.

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Longitude Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces1 0.4 12.05 20.8 24 20.63 11.72 0.4 12.05 20.8 24 20.63 11.722 0.8 12.38 20.97 23.94 20.37 11.34 0.8 12.38 20.97 23.94 20.37 11.343 1.21 12.71 21.13 23.88 20.11 10.96 1.21 12.71 21.13 23.88 20.11 10.964 1.61 13.05 21.3 23.83 19.85 10.58 1.61 13.05 21.3 23.83 19.85 10.585 2.01 13.38 21.47 23.77 19.58 10.2 2.01 13.38 21.47 23.77 19.58 10.26 2.41 13.71 21.63 23.71 19.32 9.82 2.41 13.71 21.63 23.71 19.32 9.827 2.82 14.04 21.8 23.65 19.06 9.44 2.82 14.04 21.8 23.65 19.06 9.448 3.22 14.37 21.97 23.6 18.8 9.06 3.22 14.37 21.97 23.6 18.8 9.069 3.62 14.71 22.13 23.54 18.54 8.69 3.62 14.71 22.13 23.54 18.54 8.69

10 4.02 15.04 22.3 23.48 18.27 8.31 4.02 15.04 22.3 23.48 18.27 8.3111 4.42 15.37 22.47 23.42 18.01 7.93 4.42 15.37 22.47 23.42 18.01 7.9312 4.83 15.7 22.63 23.36 17.75 7.55 4.83 15.7 22.63 23.36 17.75 7.5513 5.23 16.04 22.8 23.31 17.49 7.17 5.23 16.04 22.8 23.31 17.49 7.1714 5.63 16.37 22.97 23.25 17.22 6.79 5.63 16.37 22.97 23.25 17.22 6.7915 6.03 16.7 23.13 23.19 16.96 6.41 6.03 16.7 23.13 23.19 16.96 6.4116 6.41 16.96 23.19 23.13 16.7 6.03 6.41 16.96 23.19 23.13 16.7 6.0317 6.79 17.22 23.25 22.97 16.37 5.63 6.79 17.22 23.25 22.97 16.37 5.6318 7.17 17.49 23.31 22.8 16.04 5.23 7.17 17.49 23.31 22.8 16.04 5.2319 7.55 17.75 23.36 22.63 15.7 4.83 7.55 17.75 23.36 22.63 15.7 4.8320 7.93 18.01 23.42 22.47 15.37 4.42 7.93 18.01 23.42 22.47 15.37 4.4221 8.31 18.27 23.48 22.3 15.04 4.02 8.31 18.27 23.48 22.3 15.04 4.0222 8.69 18.54 23.54 22.13 14.71 3.62 8.69 18.54 23.54 22.13 14.71 3.6223 9.06 18.8 23.6 21.97 14.37 3.22 9.06 18.8 23.6 21.97 14.37 3.2224 9.44 19.06 23.65 21.8 14.04 2.82 9.44 19.06 23.65 21.8 14.04 2.8225 9.82 19.32 23.71 21.63 13.71 2.41 9.82 19.32 23.71 21.63 13.71 2.4126 10.2 19.58 23.77 21.47 13.38 2.01 10.2 19.58 23.77 21.47 13.38 2.0127 10.58 19.85 23.83 21.3 13.05 1.61 10.58 19.85 23.83 21.3 13.05 1.6128 10.96 20.11 23.88 21.13 12.71 1.21 10.96 20.11 23.88 21.13 12.71 1.2129 11.34 20.37 23.94 20.97 12.38 0.8 11.34 20.37 23.94 20.97 12.38 0.830 11.72 20.63 24 20.8 12.05 0.4 11.72 20.63 24 20.8 12.05 0.4

Declination of a Planet placed at various Tropical Longitude (Sayana Graha Sphuta) The declination is highest at the beginning of Cancer and Capricorn (solstices) while Zero at the beginning of Aries and Libra (equinoxes).

Northern Declination Southern Declination

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KalaBala.YuddhaBala (1/2)Two planets are supposed to be in Planetary War when distance between

Two Grahas is less than 1 deg. The one in the North is victorious.

Only the Tara Graha (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) get into war. Planets conjoining Sun get into Combustion and those conjoining

Moon get into Samagama.

The quantum of Yuddha Bala = Difference in the total of Tri-balas (Sthana, Dik, Kala) / Difference of disc circumference.


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KalaBala.YuddhaBala (2/2)The YuddhaBala has to be deducted from the Kalabala of the defeated planet and added to that of the Victor. The

resultant Kalabala is the final Kalabala used for all purposes.

In the Kalabala, Natonnata, Paksha,Tribhaga and Abda-Masa-Vara-Hora bala are included. Here Ayana Bala is



Page 49: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

The Disc Circumference (Bimba Parimana)

Planet Bimba ParimanaMars 9.4 sec

Mercury 6.6 secJupiter 190.4 secVenus 16.6 secSaturn 158.0 sec

Source: Graha & Bhava Balas by Dr BV Raman

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How to determine the Victorious between Two fighting Grahas?

0 Deg Cancer0 Deg Capricorn

0 Deg Libra

0 Deg Aries

Highest North Declination

Highest South Declination

Aries Taurus Gemini

The planet having higher longitude wins

Cancer Leo Virgo

The planet having lower longitude wins

Capri Aqua


Libra Scorp Sagit

The planet having higher

longitude winsThe

planet having lower

longitude wins

In Sayana Chakra (Tropical Zodiac), when the fighting Grahas are in Uttarayana (Capricorn to Gemini), one having higher longitude wins.

When they are in Dakshinayana (Cancer to Sagittarius), one having Lower Longitude wins.

Page 51: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Kala Bala SummaryMaximum Minimum Average

Natonnata 60 0 30Paksha 60 0 30

Tribhaga 60 0 30Horavaramasaabda 150 0 75

Ayana 60 0 30Total 390 0 195

Page 52: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Chesta BalaThe Chesta Bala can be known from the speed of the Grahas. The

computation involve determining the mean position and the true position and identifying the difference to determine the speed. The computation is complex, hence an approximate method is suggested. The Approximation will introduce only a small error in Shadbala as its maximum contribution is only 60 virupas.

The rate of change of longitude can be determined from any standard ephemeris of astrological software and compared with the average speed.


Max = 60, Min = 7.54


Page 53: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Planet Number of Revolution in a Mahayuga

Number of revolution in 1,080,000 years

Length of revolution in mean solar time

days-nadis-vinadis-pranaMean daily motion

Sidereal years Quarter Yuga d n y p 0 ‘ “ “‘ “‘‘Sun 4,320,000 1,080,000 365 15 31 3.14 0 59 08 10 10.4

Mercury 17,937,060 4,484,265 87 58 10 5.57 4 05 32 20 41.9Venus 7,022,376 1,755,594 224 41 54 5.06 1 36 07 43 37.3Mars 2,296,832 574,208 686 59 50 5.87 0 31 26 28 11.1

Jupiter 364,220 91,055 4,332 19 14 2.09 0 04 59 08 48.6Saturn 146,568 36,642 10,765 46 23 0.41 0 02 00 22 53.4

Mean Motion of Planets in a Mahayuga Surya Siddhanta

The strengths, allotted due to such 8 motions are 60 (Vakra), 30 (Anuvakra), 15 (Vikala), 30 (Manda), 15 (Mandatara), 7.5

(Sama), 45 (Chara) and 30 (Atichara).

Page 54: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

BPHS 27.21-23. There are eight kinds of motions are attributed to

Grahas. These are Vakra (retrogression), Anuvakra (entering the previous Rāśi in retrograde motion), Vikala (devoid of motion), Manda (slower than usual), Mandatara (even more slower), Sama

(neutral motion), Chara (faster than Sama) and Atichara (entering next Rāśi in accelerated

motion). The strengths, allotted due to such 8 motions are

60, 30, 15, 30, 15, 7.5, 45 and 30.

Page 55: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

NaisargikaBalaThe natural strength of Grahas is called Naisargika Bala. The Grahas are progressively stronger in the order of Śani, Mangal, Budha, Guru,

Śukra, Candra and Sūrya, respectively.

Saravali 4.40. Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Sun are stronger than the other in the ascending order. Should there be

similarity in other strengths, then the one with greater natural strength prevails.



Page 56: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

BPHS 27.14. Naisargika Bala.

Divide one Rupa by 7 and multiply the resultant product by 1 to 7 separately, which will indicate the Naisargika Bal,

due to Śani, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Śukr, Candr and Sūrya, respectively


Page 57: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Graha Naisargika Bala

Guru 34.0

Budha 25.7

Surya 60.0

Chandra 51.4

Shukra 42.8

Mangal 17.0

Shani 8.6

Naisargika Bala of Grahas

Page 58: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Drg BalaWhen a Natural Benefic (Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon and Benefic Mercury)

aspects a Graha, it adds to their strength.

On the other hand, when Natural malefic (Saturn, Mars, Sun, waning Moon and Malefic Mercury) aspects a Graha, it reduced their strength.

The computation of this strength is time-consuming, hence an approximation has been suggested. This will introduce some insignificant error, which can

be ignored.


Max = 60, Min = 06


Page 59: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

BPHS 27.19. DrgBala.

Reduce one fourth of the Drishti Pinda, if a Graha receives malefic Drishtis and add a

fourth, if it receives a Drishti from a benefic.

Super add the entire Drishti of Budha and Guru to get the net strength of a Graha.


Page 60: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

DrgBala ApproximationWhen the Aspecting “Benefic Graha” is placed in a certain house from the aspected Graha, Add figures mentioned in the House in the diagram.

Instead, when a “Malefic Graha” is aspecting a Graha from another Bhava, Deduct figures mentioned in House in the Diagram.

Rider: Guru’s 5/9 aspect should be taken as 7.5. Saturn’s 3/19 aspect should be taken as -11.25 and Mars’s 4/8 aspect should be taken as -3.75.

0 3.75







Position of the Aspected


30 0 3.75 11.25 7.5 0 15 11.25 7.5 3.75 0 0 0

Page 61: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Actual DrgBala computation method

Drsti Kendra Drsti Bala1800 - 3000 (3000 - DK) / 81500- 1800 (DK - 1500) / 21200 - 1500 (1500 - DK) /4900 - 1200 (1200 - DK) / 8 + 7.5600 - 900 (DK - 600) / 4 + 3.76300 - 600 (DK - 300) / 8

1. Determine the Drsti Kendra Drsti Kendra = Aspected Graha Longitude - Aspecting Graha Longitude

2. Based on the Drsti Kendra, determine the Drsti Bala Depending on where the Aspecting Graha is situated (from the Aspected Graha), different

formula is applied to determine the Drsti Bala.

3. Add the Drsti Bala of Natural Benefics and Subtract that of Natural Malefics

Rider: Guru’s 5/9 aspect should be taken as +7.5. Saturn’s 3/19 aspect should be taken as -11.25 and Mars’s 4/8 aspect should be taken as -3.75.

Page 62: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Using the formula provided in the previous slides, the drsti bala is derived for various Drsti Kendra (DK: longitudinal difference between the aspecting and aspected planet).

Usage: Determine the 30 range where the DK is falling. Determine the column associated with that range.

After the range has been identified, determine the DK elapsed from the beginning of the range. Then, for the combination of the Row and Column, determine the Drsti Bala value

Example: Lets try determining, the Drsti Bala for Surya who is aspected by Guru from 7th house at192 from the Sun. 192 falls in the range of 180-210. It is 12 degree away from the beginning. So looking at 12 in Row under, the 180-240 Column, we arrive at +13.5. This is the Drsti Bala of Surya due to Guru’s aspect.

Degrees 0-30 30-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 210-240 240-270 270-300 300-330 330-3601 0 0.125 4 11.125 7.25 0.5 14.875 11.125 7.375 3.625 0 02 0 0.25 4.25 11 7 1 14.75 11 7.25 3.5 0 03 0 0.375 4.5 10.875 6.75 1.5 14.625 10.875 7.125 3.375 0 04 0 0.5 4.75 10.75 6.5 2 14.5 10.75 7 3.25 0 05 0 0.625 5 10.625 6.25 2.5 14.375 10.625 6.875 3.125 0 06 0 0.75 5.25 10.5 6 3 14.25 10.5 6.75 3 0 07 0 0.875 5.5 10.375 5.75 3.5 14.125 10.375 6.625 2.875 0 08 0 1 5.75 10.25 5.5 4 14 10.25 6.5 2.75 0 09 0 1.125 6 10.125 5.25 4.5 13.875 10.125 6.375 2.625 0 0

10 0 1.25 6.25 10 5 5 13.75 10 6.25 2.5 0 011 0 1.375 6.5 9.875 4.75 5.5 13.625 9.875 6.125 2.375 0 012 0 1.5 6.75 9.75 4.5 6 13.5 9.75 6 2.25 0 013 0 1.625 7 9.625 4.25 6.5 13.375 9.625 5.875 2.125 0 014 0 1.75 7.25 9.5 4 7 13.25 9.5 5.75 2 0 015 0 1.875 7.5 9.375 3.75 7.5 13.125 9.375 5.625 1.875 0 016 0 2 7.75 9.25 3.5 8 13 9.25 5.5 1.75 0 017 0 2.125 8 9.125 3.25 8.5 12.875 9.125 5.375 1.625 0 018 0 2.25 8.25 9 3 9 12.75 9 5.25 1.5 0 019 0 2.375 8.5 8.875 2.75 9.5 12.625 8.875 5.125 1.375 0 020 0 2.5 8.75 8.75 2.5 10 12.5 8.75 5 1.25 0 021 0 2.625 9 8.625 2.25 10.5 12.375 8.625 4.875 1.125 0 022 0 2.75 9.25 8.5 2 11 12.25 8.5 4.75 1 0 023 0 2.875 9.5 8.375 1.75 11.5 12.125 8.375 4.625 0.875 0 024 0 3 9.75 8.25 1.5 12 12 8.25 4.5 0.75 0 025 0 3.125 10 8.125 1.25 12.5 11.875 8.125 4.375 0.625 0 026 0 3.25 10.25 8 1 13 11.75 8 4.25 0.5 0 027 0 3.375 10.5 7.875 0.75 13.5 11.625 7.875 4.125 0.375 0 028 0 3.5 10.75 7.75 0.5 14 11.5 7.75 4 0.25 0 029 0 3.625 11 7.625 0.25 14.5 11.375 7.625 3.875 0.125 0 030 0 3.75 11.25 7.5 0 15 11.25 7.5 3.75 0 0 0

DrgBala Reference Table

Page 63: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

All other Bala SummaryMaximum Minimum Average

Dik Bala 60 0 30Chesta Bala 60 7.5 33.75

Naisargika Bala 60 0 30Drg Bala 60 0 30

Total 240 7.5 123.75

Page 64: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Section 3 Assessment of



Page 65: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Assessment of Strength

The Stanabala and Kalabala individually contribute to strength that is more that

combined strength of Dik, Chesta, Naisargika and Drg.

The highest strength attainable under Sthanabala and Kalabala is the same i.e., 390

virupas. The combined strength of the other four balas are 240.

Page 66: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

In a horoscope, if the strength of “a Graha” is low due to its position in Bad Avastha, such as sign of Debility, sign of enemy or great enemy, in Apoklima etc., it can

be compensated by Birth in a auspicious time when the Graha under consideration is strong.

In general, it is excellent if the Lagnesha (LL), Mantresha (5L) and Dharmesha (9L) are endowed with Great strength either through Stanabala or

Kalabala, if not all the other strengths.

Page 67: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Sthana Dik Kala Chesta Naisargika

Drg TotalSurya 390 60 390 60 60 60 1020

Chandra 390 60 390 60 51.4 45 996.4Mangal 390 60 390 60 17 60 977Budha 390 60 390 60 25.7 45 970.7Guru 390 60 390 60 34 45 979

Shukra 390 60 390 60 42.8 45 987.8Shani 390 60 390 60 8.6 60 968.6

The Maximum Strength attainable by the Grahas

Page 68: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

BPHS 27.34-36. Minimum Prescribed Strength

Guru, Budha and Sūrya are strong, if each of their Sthanabala, Dikbala, Kalabala, Cheshtabala and Ayanabala are, respectively, 165, 35, 50, 112 and 30 Virupas. The same required for

Candra and Śukra are 133, 50, 30, 100 and 40. For Mangal and Śani these are 96, 30, 40,

67 and 20.

Page 69: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Minimum Shadbala Requirements






Sūrya Candra Mangal Budha Guru Śukra Shani


BPHS 27.32-33 Minimum Shadbala Requirement

390, 360, 300, 420, 390, 330 and 300 Virupas are the Shadbala Pindas, needed for Sūrya etc. to be considered


If the strength exceeds the above-mentioned values, the Graha is deemed to be very strong. If a Graha has the

required Shadbala, it will prove favourable to the native by virtue of its strength. However, Śani’s extreme strength will

give long life as well as miseries.

Page 70: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Graha Sthanabala Dikbala Kalabala Cheshtabala Ayanabala Total Naisargika Bala

Total with Naisargiaka

BalaMin Strength Prescribed Diff.

Guru 165 35 50 112 30 392 34.0 426.0 390 -36.0Budha 165 35 50 112 30 392 25.7 417.7 420 2.3Surya 165 35 50 112 30 392 60.0 452.0 390 -62.0

Chandra 133 50 30 100 40 353 51.4 404.4 360 -44.4Shukra 133 50 30 100 40 353 42.8 395.8 330 -65.8Mangal 96 30 40 67 20 253 17.0 270.0 300 30.0Shani 96 30 40 67 20 253 8.6 261.6 300 38.4Total 953 265 290 670 210 2388 239.5 2627.5 2490 -137.5






Guru Budha Surya Chandra Shukra Mangal Shani
















Page 71: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Section 4 Conclusion


Page 72: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

It is always not possible to mathematically determine the strength of the Grahas. However, a good understanding of the conditions in which different Grahas attain strength

can help in quick visual estimation of strength.

The Authors of Jataka Parijata and Phaladeepika provided their views on the circumstances in which Grahas attain strength which is same as Parashara’s Shadbala model,

however, the focus is more on getting a sense of the strength through quick visual estimation.

When one attains proper understanding of 6 sources of strength, one does not need to rely upon complete


Page 73: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Strengths of Planets (1/2)


Planet Sources of strength


1. Exaltation 2. Own sign 3. Own Vargas 4. Sunday 5. During Uttarayana 6. First Drekkana of a sign 7. Friend’s Drekkana, Hora and Navamsa 8. In the 10th house


1. In Cancer and Taurus 2. On Monday 3. Own Vargas 4. Last drekkana of a sign 5. Aspected by benefics 6. At night 7. 4th house 8. During Dakshinayana 9. On Full Moon 10.Not in rasi sandhi

Jataka Parijata 2.61-69

Planet Sources of strength


1. On Tuesday 2. Own Vargas 3. In Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn

and Aries 4. At night 5. When retrograde 6. In Southern direction (10th house) 7. First Drekkana of a sign 8. Even in Cancer while in the 10th house


1. In Virgo and Gemini 2. On Wednesday 3. Own Vargas 4. Sagittarius if not placed with the Sun 5. Both during day and night 6. Middle drekkana 7. In Lagna

Planet Sources of strength


1. In Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Cancer

2. Own Vargas 3. On Thursday 4. Middle part of the day 5. During Uttarayana 6. Middle Drekkana of a sign 7. In Aquarius 8. Jupiter is strong even in debilitation sign 9. If in Lagna, Fourth or 10th, gives much

wealth. Also in Cancer in the 10th house.


1. Exaltation sign 2. Own divisions 3. On Friday 4. Middle drekkana of a sign 5. In 4th house 6. During Noon 7. In planetary war 8. Placed with Moon (Samagama) 9. Retrograde 10.Ahead of Sun

Page 74: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Strengths of Planets (1/2)


Jataka Parijata 2.61-69

Planet Sources of strength


1. In Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius 2. In 7th house 3. During Dakshinayana 4. In own drekkana 5. On Saturday 6. In the 3rd drekkana of a sign 7. In planetary war 8. During Krsna Paksha (waning Moon) 9. When retrograde

Planet Sources of strength

Rahu1. In Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo 2. In Scorpio, Aquarius, 3. In the 10th house

Planet Sources of strength


1. In Virgo, Pisces, Taurus and Sagittarius

2. At night 3. When rising (refer to Brhat Samhita

chapter 46) 4. At rising time (JP chapter 11)

Page 75: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Special Strength of the MoonPhaladeepika 4.21

It is said that Pakshabala (fortnightly strength) is of special importance to the Moon, while the Bala arising from Sthana (position) is important for the

other planets.

This strength when added to the other varieties of strength of a planet will greatly increase the strength of that planet. There are many such types of



Page 76: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Strength of Planets from Phaladeepika (1/2)

Phaladeepika 4.2(a)

The Moon gets Cheshtabata when she is full. The Sun gets it when he is in his northern course; the other planets, when in their retrograde motion.

In planetary war, those that are posited in the north and who have got brilliant rays should be considered as victorious.

Planets have their full Uchchabala when in their highest exaltation.


Page 77: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Strength of Planets from Phaladeepika (1/2)

Phaladeepika 4.2 (b)

As regards directional strength, the Sun and Mars are strong in the 10th; Venus and the Moon in the 4th; Mercury and Jupiter in

the 1st and Saturn in the 7th.

Mercury, Saturn and the Moon have their Ayanabala in their southerly course. The rest have the same in their northern.


Comments: According to Maharishi Parashara, only Moon and Saturn attain Ayanabala when in Southerly course (Dakshinayana) and Mercury is strong in both the Ayanas. In my view Maharishi Parashara’s view

should be considered authentic in this regard.

Page 78: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Vargabala and KendrabalaPhaladeepika 4.9 (a)

The strength accruing to a planet in the six Vargas (viz., Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimasamsa) on a consideration of

its being posited in its exaltation, its own and its friendly signs etc., is termed its positional strength.

That arising from its being in Kendra and other Bhavas (i.e., Phanapara and Apoklima) will be one 1, ½ and ¼ Rupa respectively.


Page 79: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Drekkana bala and Naisargika bala

Phaladeepika 4.9 (b)

The hermaphrodite planets are strong in the middle, the male ones at the initial and the female ones at the concluding portions

of a Rasi.

Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and the Sun are in their order increasing in their natural strength.


Page 80: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Chesta Bala compensating for Stana Bala

Phaladeepika 4.4

A planet is said to possess strength when he is retrograde or when his rays are full and brilliant, though posited in a depression or inimical Rasi or


Like the Moon, a planet though occupying an exaltation, friendly or his own Rasi or Amsa becomes weak, should his rays be overpowered or eclipsed.


Page 81: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Special Strength of Moon and Sun

Phaladeepika 4.5 (a)

All planets are strong when they are in exaltation. The moon is strong and auspicious when she has her full Paksha bala and the

Sun when he has his full Dikbala.

The other five non-luminous planets (Tara Graha) are strong when they are retrograde (Chesta bala).


Page 82: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Strength of Rahu and KetuPhaladeepika 4.5 (b)

Rahu is strong in Karkataka, Vrishabha, Mesha, Kumbha and Vrischika.

Ketu is strong in Meena, Kanya, Vrishbha and the later half of Dhanus. It is also strong in Parivesha and Indra-chapa (through conjunction) and at night when there is conjunction of the Sun and the Moon.


Page 83: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Bhava strengthPhaladeepika 4.6a

If the first Bhava be a Human sign (Manushya Rasi), 1 Rupa has to be allotted to it; if it be Vrischika (Keeta Rasi), the Bala is ¼; if it be any

other sign, the strength is ½.

The strength of the Lagna is equal to that of its lord and is very powerful when the lord occupies an Upachaya (3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th) house.


Page 84: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Day signs and Night signsPhaladeepika 4.6b

The same is also the case when the Bhava is occupied or aspected by Venus, its lord, Mercury or Jupiter, and is at the

same time without the conjunction or aspect of any other planet.

The day signs possess strength in day-births, while night signs are declared powerful in night-births.


Comments: According to Phaladeepika 4.11, the strength of Guru is 1 rupa, Budha is 1/2 rupa and that of Shukra is 1/4 rupa to ward off evil.

Page 85: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Positional strength in different signs (Avasthas)

Phaladeepika 4.7

A planet gets 1 Rupa as positional strength when he is in his exaltation Rasi. The strength is ¾ when he is posited in his

Moolatrikona Rasi. It is ½ when the planet occupies his own Rasi. When the planet is in a friendly house, his strength is only ¼. In an

inimical sign, he gets only very little. The strength is nil when he is in his depression sign or eclipsed by the Sun’s rays.


Page 86: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Difference in strength between the Kendras

Phaladeepika 4.8

The strength of the planets occupying the 4 Kendras (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) has been distinguished by the astrologers in the following manner; It is ¼th in the 4th house; ½ in the

10th, ¾ in the 7th and full in the 1st or Lagna, thus increasing it by ¼ in each stage


Page 87: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Strength of AspectPhaladeepika 4.9

The aspect from the 7th house is the only one that should be declared as most effective in all cases; not so, the rest. But

there are others who opine that the special aspect (of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars) is in no way less efficacious in producing

full effect in all Yogas and the like.


Page 88: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Stronger between Naisargika & Tatkalika Sambandha

Phaladeepika 4.10

Natural enmity or friendship between two planets is more fully effective than and preferable to their corresponding temporal ones as the latter is only a variable quantity and not a permanent one.


Page 89: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Special power to block Inauspicious Results

Phaladeepika 4.11

In completely warding off evil and in promoting prosperity, Jupiter is the most powerful of all the planets. Mercury and Venus have a ¼ and ½ respectively of

that power.

The Moon’s strength serves as a basis as it were for the strength of all the planets.


Comments: Moon’s strength in any horoscope is paramount as when Moon is endowed with strong Paksha Bala, it all the Grahas in the horoscope gain

strength to fight evils.

Page 90: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

When a Graha considered strong?

Phaladeepika 4.22

The Sun is declared strong when his strength is 6½ Rupas. In the case of the Moon, it is 6½ Rupas. Five Rupas are assigned to Mars and 7 to Mercury.

Jupiter's Purnabala is similar to that of the Sun, that is 6½ Rupas. Venus is

strong when he gets 5½ Rupas.

Phaladeepika 4.23

Saturn should have 5 Rupas. These are the figures representing the total

Shadbala for the several planets. If the respective figures are less than the mentioned, the planets should be

considered as weak.


It is only after a minute examination of the several kinds of strength (Shadbalas) of the several planets, one ought to declare their effects.

Page 91: Shadbala: Concept and Computation

Thank you