shadow dancing book - embracing and accepting the self

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  • 7/27/2019 Shadow Dancing Book - Embracing and Accepting the Self



  • 7/27/2019 Shadow Dancing Book - Embracing and Accepting the Self



    Shadow Dancing

    Accepting and Embracing the Self

    elcome to Energencia Online and your journey of personal transformation and

    spiritual development.

    This single self-study module is designed to take around 180 minutes, with a further

    180 minutes for the practical meditation and exercises. You will need a journal,

    coloured pencils and an open heart and mind.

    It is recommended that you do not complete this single module eBook in one sitting as you will need

    some time to process the information shared; and embrace all that you are. It may also be necessary

    to repeat or to spend more or less time on certain exercises as we all develop uniquely and assimilate

    information differently; and the outcome and learning from the, eBook will be unique to each individual


    SURRENDER to who you are and ACCEPT all that is. Know YOU are enough, whole and

    complete just as YOU are.

    Brightest Blessings

    Shadow Dancing is included in our campus - based training course Personal Alchemy a Journey of

    Personal Transformation,available in both Durban and Johannesburg. More details on our campusbased training is outlined at the end of this eBook.


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    Shadow DancingAccepting and Embracing the Self

    A shadow is an area where direct light from a light source cannot reach due to obstruction by an

    object. It occupies all of the space behind an opaque object with light in front of it. The cross section

    of a shadow is a two-dimensional silhouette or reverse projection of the object blocking the light. ~



    Most of us set out on the path to personal growth because at some point the burden of our painbecomes too much to bear. Shadow dancing is about unmasking that aspect of ourselves whichdestroys our relationships, kills our spirit, and keeps us from fulfilling our dreams. It is what thepsychologist Carl Jung called the shadow. It contains all the parts of ourselves that we have tried tohide or deny. It contains those dark aspects that we believe are not acceptable to our family, friends,and most importantly, ourselves. The dark side is stuffed deeply within our consciousness, hiddenfrom ourselves and others. The message we get from this hidden place is simple: there is somethingwrong with me. Im not okay. Im not lovable. Im not deserving. Im not worthy.

    Simply put, we all have a dark side, and if deny our dark side, it will cast a shadow that willnegatively impact our lives. In learning how to confront these shadows, you can achieve harmonyand let your own light shine through by owning every aspect of yourself. Owning means toacknowledge that a quality belongs to us.

    The purpose of doing shadow work is to become whole. To end our suffering and to stophiding ourselves from ourselves. Once we do this we can stop hiding ourselves from the restof the world.

    By facing these aspects of ourselves, we become free to experience our glorious totality: thegood and the bad, the dark and the light. It is by embracing all of who we are that we earn thefreedom to choose what we do in this world. As long as we keep hiding, masquerading, andprojecting what is inside us, we have no freedom to be and no freedom to choose.

    Quote from: The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford

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    Meeting and Embracing Your Shadow

    It is only when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are, without any self-

    deception or illusion, that a light will develop out of events, by which the path to success may

    be recognised.

    I Ching, the Book of Changes

    Active Meditation and Exercises

    For this meditation and the practical exercises you will need: Coloured pencils, pen and a dedicated


    Explore your Inner Sacred Space

    When you ready, close your eyes and take five slow, deep breaths. Inhale for five counts, retain the

    breath for five counts, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Use your breath to relax your

    entire body. Focus all your attention on your breath as you continue. This is one of the best ways to

    quiet your mind.

    Now with your eyes shut, imagine yourself walking into an elevator and closing the door. Press one of

    the buttons in the elevator and go down seven floors. Imagine youre going down deep into your

    consciousness. When the door opens you see a beautiful sacred garden. Try to clearly visualise

    everything about it. Notice the trees, the flowers, the birds. What colour is the sky? Is it a brilliant,

    clear blue or is it laced with clouds? Feel the airs temperature and the wind caressing your cheeks.

    How are you dressed? Are you wearing something you love? Imagine yourself at your best, looking

    you most attractive. Take off your shoes and feel the earth beneath your feet. Is it grassy or sandy? Is

    it dry or moist? Do you see a pathway of stone or marble? Are there waterfalls or statues? Are there

    any animals? Take a minute to look around in all directions and notice what else is in your garden.

    When youve finished crating your garden, crease a sacred meditation seat where you can come to

    find all the answers youve ever desired. Spend a minute exploring your inner sacred place and make

    a commitment to visit if often. Return your attention to your breath and take five more, slow, deep

    breaths. Bring yourself to an even deeper state of relaxed awareness.

    Now ask yourself the following series of questions below and take your time in listening to your inner

    voice. After each question open your eyes for a moment and write down your answers in your journal.

    The best way to do this is to write fast and to write whatever comes to your mind. There are no right

    or wrong answers. Dont worry about what you are writing; just let yourself feel and express whatever

    needs to emerge through this process. When you have the answer to the first question, close your

    eyes, return to your garden, and sit down in your meditation seat. Take two slower, deep breaths

    before you ask yourself the second question and so on. Take your time.

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    Now answer the following questions in your journal, take your time and take four deep breathsbetween each question.

    You can go back to your sacred space at any time. Express any else in your journal that needs to be expressed

    1. What am I most afraid of?2. What aspects of my life need transforming?

    3. What do I want to accomplish by completing this module?

    4. What do I want to accomplish by completing this course

    5. What am I most afraid of that someone else will find out about me?

    6. What am I most afraid of finding out about myself?

    7. What is the biggest lie I have told myself?

    8. What is the biggest lie I have told someone else?

    9. What could stop me from doing the necessary to transform my life

    Shadow Dancing

    In the end the Shadow was only a small passing thing: there was light and high beauty forever

    beyond its reach. ~ Tolkien

    Our wounded self is our dark or shadow side, not because it is bad but because it is cut off from the

    light of God. It lives in the darkness of fear and the heaviness of false beliefs instead of in the light of

    love and truth. Moving toward "enlightenment" is moving into the light of truth. When we heal our fears

    and false beliefs, our energy lightens. We may even hear from others, "You seem so much lighter!

    Doorways to Darkness

    Just as the light of God enters our hearts when we choose to open to love, the darkness enters when

    we choose to close our hearts and act from anger, fear, shame, judgment or hurt.

    Our anger, fear, shame, judgment and hurt are the cracks in our energy field through which the

    darkness enters. The darkness can also enter when we cloud our energy with drugs, alcohol, nicotine

    or sugar.

    Exercise 1

    Choose 10 20 Positive Adjectives that best Describe You

    Exercise 2

    Choose 10- 20 Negative Adjectives that best Describe You

    Write down the Negative Adjectives on your list and answer the questions in Exercise 3

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    Exercise 1 - Choose 10 to 20 Positive Adjectives that best describe you

    Positive Personality Adjectives



















































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    Exercise 2 - Choose 10 to 20 Negative Adjectives that best describe you

    Negative Personality Adjectivesabrasiveabrupt
























































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    To continue .....

    Becoming immune to darkness means never acting out of the wounded self's feelings of fear, anger,

    shame, judgment or hurt but always moving into intent to learn about these feelings. Through

    purifying ourselves on the physical and emotional levels by eating well and doing our healing work onour journey of self transformation, through our inner alchemy as we become SOLID GOLD , we can

    hear our spiritual guidance and connect with our sacred self. Being in conscious connection (and

    dialogue) with both our sacred self and inner Child (shadow self) is one of the goals of Shadow

    Dancing. We begin to heal the cracks through which the darkness enters, and we shine the light of

    truth into the wounded self's fears and false beliefs, our Dragons.

    When we feel hurt, angry, judgmental, shamed, blaming, depressed or frightened, our dialogues are

    with the wounded aspect of our Inner Child. These painful feelings come from our own unloving

    behaviour toward ourselves. However, when you have been operating most of the time from thewounded aspect of your inner child, you cannot suddenly become a loving Adult in order to do the

    dialogue process. We cannot bring light to darkness with darkness. In other words, we can't heal our

    darkness by being furious at it. We can transform darkness into light only by learning about and loving

    the darkness. We heal darkness only with light the light of love.

    Our challenge is to love the part of us that we judge as bad, unlovable or unworthy, and it's a

    challenge that calls for the loving Adult.

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    Exercise 3

    Write down the Negative Adjectives on your list, in your journal, and answer

    the questions as a loving adult.

    Now gently close your eyes and contemplate the first negative adjective on your list, ask yourself

    these questions and hear the answer from deep within.

    1. Is this my own belief about myself or did I adopt it due to the words and actions of others

    2. Why do I believe this of myself, what incident occurred in my life to reinforce this belief.

    3. Does this belief empower me

    4. What do I need to do to give up this belief

    Now do this for the next four negative adjectives

    1. In your journal, do this exercise for all of the negatives adjectives on your list

    2. Write a short letter to each of the belief systems on your list, thank it for serving you and

    replace it with new positive adjectives from your list, make a personal pact to honour this new


    3. Write a positive affirmation for this new positive belief


    Negative Adjectives Cold and distantPositive Adjectives Warm and caring


    I am a warm and caring person, all my relationships uplift and nurture others while uplifting and

    nurturing me.

    Develop a POWER Statement

    Once the exercise is complete create a POWER statement for yourself, a statement that empowers

    you, inspires you and uplifts you. (Say it 20 times a day paste it all over your space on Post Its)


    I make a difference

    My life is filled with magic, love and fun all that lies ahead is good

    Wherever I look I see truth and beauty

    There is nothing that I cannot manifest today

    The universe is my friend and lover and meets all of my needs

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    You cant ask for what you want unless you know what it is. A lot of people dont know what they want

    or they want much less than they deserve. First you have figure out what you want. Second, you have

    to decide that you deserve it. Third, you have to believe you can get it. And, fourth, you have to have

    the guts to ask for it.

    Barbara De Angelis


    Embracing Shadow Self

    Close your eyes and return to the sacred garden. Create a safe, sacred environment to do your

    exercises in. Again, use your breath to quiet your mind and to bring you deeper into your

    consciousness. Now take your internal elevator down seven floors and go into your garden. Walk

    through and admire its beauty. When you feel the soothing presence of your surroundings, find your

    meditation seat. When you are comfortable and feel safe, bring forth the image of your sacred self.

    Imagine basking in all of his or her light. When the image is established, go in and call forth the dark,

    shadowy aspect of yourself. Allow this all-loving, beautiful part of your to hold this scary, dark, unloved

    part in his or her arms. Imagine sending love, kindness and forgiveness to your dark side. Tell this

    dark aspect of yourself that it is safe and that you are going to spend time understanding and learning

    to love it.

    Spend as much time as you need and dont be upset if your shadow self does not allow itself to be

    embraced. Go in and try daily until it does. Often resistance will show up in visualisation, so after ten

    minutes or so, say goodbye to both these aspects of yourself and come back to your room.

    Take out a piece of paper and some crayons and draw a picture of your experience. You shouldspend about five minutes on it. When youve finished, take out your journal and write about your

    meditation and your drawing experience for at least ten minutes.

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    We are delighted to have accompanied you on your personal journey. Should you wish to give us

    feedback we would welcome your comments by email [email protected]

    Other eBooks Available from

    Lets Talk! Effective Communication Skills and Counselling Guide

    Improve your Communication, Develop your Counselling Ability

    In this eBook you will learn to observe yourself and others, identify feelings and to take responsibility

    for yourself. Most importantly you will get to know and understand yourself.

    In order to gain the most from this eBook, it is important that you understand the need for honesty and

    openness. Your own personal lives, experiences and feelings will be the basis for putting all the

    different communication and counselling tools that are learnt into practice.

    Every person here has something to share, something to learn and something to teach. We are allequals, here for our own learning and growth.

    There are ten modules which include:

    Introduction, Feeling Check

    Emotional Intelligence

    Observation Skills



    Sympathy versus Empathy

    Confrontation versus ConflictProblem Solving

    Four Quadrants

    The Loss Process

    The cost is R 697.00 Ex VAT, and each module is a self-study module designed to take around 180minutes, including practical meditation and exercises. It is recommended that you do not completemore than one module per week. The Listening and Questioning modules should, however, be donetogether

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    Spiritual Communication and Psychic Development

    This eBook will stimulate your intuition and aid in the development of your psychic abilities, it will

    provide certain tools to quieten your mind and prepare you to listen better to your inner wisdom and

    receive messages from spirit.

    The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created

    a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the g ift. - Albert Einstein

    There are six modules which include:




    Psychic Development,


    Automatic Writing

    The cost is R 333.00 Ex VAT, and each module is a self-study module designed to take around 180

    minutes, including practical meditation and exercises. It is recommended that you do not complete

    more than one module per week.

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    Personal Alchemy A Journey of Transformation

    Campus-Based Training at Academies in Durban and Johannesburg

    Shadow Dancing is included in our campus based training course Inner Alchemy a journey ofPersonal Transformation available in both Durban from Energencia Academy and in

    Johannesburg at Soul Healing Academy the course overview is outlined below.

    [email protected]

    Personal Alchemy Course Overview

    Human Needs and Development

    Everyone - dependant on age, circumstance and many other external factors and according to

    Freuds unconscious biological drives - is at a unique different level of development and awareness.

    This often creates misunderstanding and conflict. Understanding the stages of human development

    and adopting an accepting and non-judgemental approach makes our life-path much easier to

    navigate and those of others much easier to appreciate.

    EnneagramsEmbracing the Self and understanding others

    The Enneagram is geometric nine-pointed star (ennea, meaning nineand gram denoting diagram) it

    is a triangle and a hexagram enclosed by a circle. The Enneagram is a personality-type tool, which

    dates back to the time of the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras and to the time of the Sufi

    mystics. It identifies nine distinct and unique personality types. The Enneagram is a tool that helps us

    understand ourselves and others better, it identifies, nine personality types with nine different

    perspectives of the world.

    Shadow Dancing

    Most of us set out on the path to personal growth because at some point the burden of our pain

    becomes too much to bear. Shadow dancing is about unmasking that aspect of ourselves which

    destroys our relationships, kills our spirit, and keeps us from fulfilling our dreams. It is what the

    psychologist Carl Jung called the shadow. It contains all the parts of ourselves that we have tried to

    hide or deny. It contains those dark aspects that we believe are not acceptable to our family, friends,

    and most importantly, ourselves. Simply put, we all have a dark side, and if deny our dark side, it will

    cast a shadow that will negatively impact our lives. In learning how to confront these shadows, you

    can achieve harmony and let your own light shine through by owning every aspect of yourself.

    Owning means to acknowledge that a quality belongs to us.

    Slaying the Dragons

    You as an individual cannot transform yourself unless you personally face your own fears. This is not

    easy, but it is absolutely required for any personal breakthrough. Facing fear often means looking at

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    the dark, shadowy side of yourself-not to feel guilty or shameful or to punish yourself; but to release

    the potential vitality locked up therein. These modules are a guide to facing your fears in the forms of

    the seven personal dragons. The dragons exist to make you strong. They are the vehicles of

    transformation. Nothing of great value in life is attained without some kind of test. Seven mighty

    dragons appear to block the path of all human beings.


    Archetypes are your energy guides to your highest potential. The nature of your archetypes is both

    intimate and impersonal. Viewed through the heart, they are personal enough to be called

    companions. Viewed with the mind they are impersonal, symbolic patterns that serve in the energetic

    organization of your spiritual evolution. Working with your archetypal patterns is a way to become

    conscious of yourself, the effects of your actions, and the need for choosing wisely every day.

    Additional Course Requirements

    Internet Access, a Dedicated Journal, and Coloured Pencils

    Your own copy of the board game: Scared Contracts: The Journey

    (Available from both the Soul Healing and Energencia Academies at a reduced price)