shakespeare - the tempest

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William Shakespeares The Tempest

NutsyClassic FilmsPresents:

A Mysterious IslandTossed upon the ocean, a ship carrying the King of Naples is caught in a sudden, violent stormOn a nearby island, a lone figure chants incantations, summoning and controlling the storm with his powerful magicElsewhere on the island, a monstrous figure crouches and waits

The HistoryThe Tempestis a play byWilliam Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 161011, and thought by many critics to be the last play that Shakespeare wrote alone.There is no obvious single source for the plot ofThe Tempest, but its believed much of its inspiration came from an eyewitness report byWilliam Stracheyof the real-life shipwreck of theSea Ventureon the islands ofBermuda. In addition, one ofthe speeches is derived fromMontaigne'sessayOf the Canibales, and much of Prospero's final speech is taken word for word from Ovid's poemMetamorphoses.The Tempestonly attained popularity after theRestoration, and then only in adapted versions. In the mid-19th century, theatre productions began to reinstate the original Shakespearean text, and in the 20th century, critics and scholars undertook a significant re-appraisal of the play's value, to the extent that it is now considered to be one of Shakespeare's greatest works.

The CharactersProspero, the main character. The overthrown Duke of Milan. He now lives on an island and has become a great sorcerer.Miranda, his daughter, who has grown up on the island since the age of three.Ariel, a mischievous spirit who does Prospero's bidding and is visible only to him.Caliban, a villainous island native, he now works as Prospero's slave but despises him, he lusts after Miranda.Alonso, King of NaplesSebastian, the Kings treacherous brother.Antonio, Prospero's brother, who usurped his position as Duke of Milan. He and Sebastian now plot to kill King Alonso and his family.Ferdinand, Alonso's son. Falls in love with Miranda.

The StoryKing Alonso of Naples and his entourage sail home for Italy. They encounter a violent storm, or Tempest. Everyone jumps overboard and are washed ashore on a strange island inhabited by the magician Prospero who has deliberately conjured up the storm. Prospero has brought the ships crew here in order to extract revenge against his brother and the king for his and his daughters banishment.

Plot IICaliban deeply resents Prospero as he believes that he is the rightful ruler of the island. He plots with some of King Alonso's company to murder Prospero, and take Miranda for his wife. But Miranda and the Kings son, Ferdinand fall deeply in love. Seeing this, Prospero delays his revenge, and decides to test their love to see if its real and lasting.Plots against Prospero and King Alonso are developed but they fail thanks to Prosperos magic. The play ends with all offenders repenting, even Caliban. Prospero regains his dukedom, Ariel calms the Tempest and everyone, except Caliban, leaves the island.

Themes & SymbolsThe tempest that begins the play symbolizes the suffering Prospero endured, and which he wants to inflict on others. Prospero wants to make his enemies suffer as he has suffered, so that they will learn from their suffering, as he has from his. The tempest is also a symbol of Prosperos magic, and of the frightening, potentially malevolent side of his power.Prospero eventually chooses to give up all his wondrous magical powers, and live as a normal man.

Quotable TempestYou taught me language, and my profit ontIs I know how to curse. The red plague rid youFor learning me your language! Act I scene iiI have great comfort from this fellow. Methinks he hath no drowning mark upon him; his complexion is perfect gallows. Gonzalo,scene IA pox o' your throat, you bawling, blasphemous,incharitable dog! Sebastian,scene IWhat see'st thou elseIn the dark backward and abysm of time? Prospero,scene iiI, thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicatedTo closeness, and the bettering of my mind. Prospero,scene iiFull fathom five thy father lies;Of his bones are coral made;Those are pearls that were his eyes;Nothing of him that doth fade,But doth suffer a sea-changeInto something rich and strange.Ariel,Act I scene iiWe are such stuffAs dreams are made on, and our little lifeIs rounded with a sleep. Act IV scene IMisery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows. Trinculo,scene ii

The strongest oaths are strawTo th' fire i' the blood. Be more abstemious,Or else good night your vow! Prospero,Act IV scene iStephano:Here; swear then how thou escapedst.Trinculo:Swam ashore man, like a duck; I can swim like a duck, I'll be sworn.Stephano:Here, kiss the book. Though thou canst swim like a duck, thou art made like a goose. Scene iiHe that dies pays all debts. Stephano,scene iiThe isle is full of noises,Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not.Sometimes a thousand twangling instrumentsWill hum about mine ears; and sometimes voices,That, if I then had wak'd after long sleep,Will make me sleep again; and then, in dreaming,The clouds methought would open and show richesReady to drop upon me, that, when I wak'd,I cried to dream again. Caliban,scene iiO, wonder!How many goodly creatures are there here!How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,That has such people in't! Miranda,Act V scene i

The Tempest and MusicThe Tempest has been classified as a romance and its lush, mysterious setting and tone has inspired countless classical musical composers to set it to music, both symphonic and operatic.In addition several ballets have been commissioned that use The Tempest as their source material.

The Tempest on filmThe Tempest has received over twenty film treatments, the first in 1905! Notable entries include:A silent 1908 versionIn 1956, Forbidden Planet took the story of The Tempest and placed it in outer space!A 1960 Hallmark Hall of Fame version with Richard BurtonA 1980 version for the BBC starring Michael HorndernA stop-motion animated version for the BBCA 2010 live stage edition starring Christopher PlummerAnd most recently, The Tempest was filmed by director Julie Taymor with actress Helen Mirren taking the role of Prospera!

A Nutsy the Squirrel ProductionCopyright 2013 Oak Hills Media CenterAll Rights Reserved.


MusicThe Black Hole (Suite) John Barry; The Science Fiction Album; The City Of Prague Philharmonic, 2005.Prelude, Clouds A,B,C,D,E, The Balloon 2 Bernard Herrmann; Mysterious Island (The Complete Score); Moscow Symphony Orchestra, conducted by William Stromberg; 2009.

The Black HoleJohn BarryThe Science Fiction AlbumSoundtrack128605.555nullBlues26462.178