shaper construction

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  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction




  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Shaper construction

     The Value of the Shaper Parts of the Shaper Reasons for Gib Adust!ents "ubricatin# the Shaper Operation of the Shaper Other Construction $etails

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Value of the Shaper

    %ore e&cient than the planar  Costs less to bu' Ta(es less po)er to run Occupies less space in the shop One*Third !ore +uic(er ,or( is !ore easil' adusted

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Parts of the Shaper

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Parts of the Shaper

    -. Toolslide cla!p scre)

    /. Serial nu!ber

    0. 1inished pads

    2. Tool shelf 3. Start and stop buttons

    4. 5ac(*#ear le6er

    7. Stro(e*indicator dial

    8. Speed*indicator plate

    9. Stro(e*adustin# shaft

    -:. %otor starter

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Parts of the Shaper

    --. Gearshift le6er

    -/. Trans!ission drain plu#

    -0. Oil*si#ht #a#e

    -2. Po)er cross*feed selector-3. Po)er rapid*tra6erse le6er

    -4. Rail*ele6atin# !anual control

    -7. Cross*feed safet' cran(

    -8. Table support

    -9. Table*support bearin#

    /:. Apron

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Parts of the Shaper

    /-. Cross*feed scre)

    //. Cross*feed en#a#e!ent le6er

    /0. Clutch and bra(e le6er

    /2. Rail*cla!p control/3. Colu!n rail bearin#

    /4. Colu!n throath*chip #uard

    /7. Clapper

    /8. Tool post

    /9. Clapper bo;

    0:. Toolslide

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    5asic Parts of the Shaper

    5ase Colu!n or Pillar Cross Rail Saddle Table Ra! Tool Head $ri6e %echanis!

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction



     The base of the shaper supports the colu!nor pillar )hich supports all the )or(in# partssuch as ra!< )or( table< dri6e !echanis!

    etc. 5ase is a hea6' cast iron bod'.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Colu!n or Pillar

    Pillar or 5od'=* The shaper has a colu!n)hich is a ribbed castin# of cellularconstruction. The top of the colu!n carries

    the ra! slide)a's< )hilst the table slide)a'sare !achined on the front of the castin#. Thecran( and slotted lin( !echanis! that dri6esthe ra! is contained )ithin the colu!n. The

    dri6in# !otor< the 6ariable speed #earbo;

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Cross Rail

     The cross rail carries the hori>ontal tableslide)a's and is !ounted on the 6erticalslide)a's of the colu!n. The cross rail

    can be raised or lo)ered b' !eans of anele6atin# scre) in order to co!pensatefor di?erent thic( nesses of )or(. Thecross rail is a< hea6' castin# and it also

    carries the table cross feed scre)to#ether )ith the pa)l and ratchetinter!ittent dri6e !echanis!.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction



    is #ibbed to the cross rail and supports thetable. If the table is re!o6ed< the )or( canbe bolted or cla!ped to the T*slots in front of

    the saddle. Cross)ise !o6e!ent of thesaddle causes the )or( table to !o6eside)a's.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction



    ,or( table is a bo; shaped castin# )ith T@otsin its upper surface and do)n one side. It alsohas a 6ee !achined in the 6ertical side to

    carr' c'lindrical )or(. The )or( table isbolted to the saddle and can be !o6ed6erticall' and cross)ise )ith the help ofsaddle and cross rail.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction



    Ra! is a ri#idl' braced castin# and islocated on the top of colu!n. The ra! isdri6en bac( and forth in its slides b' the

    slotted lin( !echanis!. The ra!contains a stro(e positionin# !echanis!and the do)nfeed !echanis!.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


     Tool Head

     The tool head holds the tool. The tool headi!parts the tool< the necessar' 6ertical andan#ular feed !o6e!ents. The tool slide

    controls the in feed of the cuttin# tool intothe )or(piece. In other )ords< it controls thedepth of cut and is adusted b' a lead scre).

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Slotted "in( uic( ReturnShaper $ri6e %echanis! Slotted lin( !echanis! is 6er' co!!on in

    !echanical shapers. The !echanis! is si!ple andco!pact. It con6erts the rotar' !otion of theelectric !otor and the reciprocatin# !otion of the


  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Reasons for Gib

    Adust!ents In General< #ibs should be adusted )ith a !ini!u!clearance on a properl' Btted bearin# is fa6orableto the for!ation of a stron# oil )ed#e or Bl!.

    ,hen !a(in# adust!ent< be sure that une6en

    )ear has not ta(en place. That is< !o6e!ents ofthe table< ra!< and slidin# bloc( are usuall'conBned to a certain portion of the entire tra6el.

     Accordin#l'< after a lon# period of ti!e< there )illbe !ore )ear in this portion than else)here. If the

    #ib is adusted for the )orn portion< it )ill be ti#htfor the portion that is little used. This conditione;ists onl' after a lon# period of operation ande6entuall' re+uires reBttin#.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    "ubricatin# the Shaper

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    "ubricatin# Points

    -. Oil Reser6oir

    /. %otor

    0. Return 5asin and %ain Reser6oir

    3. Slidin# Surface of the Tool Head

    4. Table Support Surface

    7. Rail Slidin# Surfaces

    -/. Oil Holes of Ra!

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    "ubricatin# Points

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    "ubricatin# Points

    2. Oil Pressure Ga#e

    8. 1eed*scre) bearin#

    9. 1eed scre)

    -:. Slidin# surface of 6ise--. Clapper pin

    -0. Ra!*adustin# scre)

    -2. Speed*chan#e*le6er bearin#s

    -3. Cran( clutch

    -4. Oil feedbo;

    -7. Oil*si#ht #a#e

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    5efore Startin# the %achine

    -.  1ill trans!ission reser6oir until oil o6er@o)sinto the return basin.

    /. "ubricate the !otor accordin#l' to the !otor!anufacturers reco!!endations. $o noto6erlubricate.

    0. After Bllin# the trans!ission reser6oir< open thecolu!n door and Bll the return basin until oilo6er@o)s to the !ain reser6oir.

    2. After Bllin# the return basin< re!o6e the !ainreser6oir co6er and Bll )ith oil until the le6el is-D/in. 1ro! the openin#. Add oil as re+uired.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    "ubricatin# the Shaper

    $ail' Oilin#s

    -. Clean and oil the slidin# surface of the toolhead.

    /. Clean the surface of the table.0. Clean the slidin# surfaces of the rail.

    2. Oil the feed*scre) bearin#.

    3. Oil the feed scre).

    4. Clean and oil the slidin# surfaces of the 6ise. 1illoil holes.

    7. Oil the clapper pin clean fre+uentl'.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    "ubricatin# the Shaper

    ,ee(l' Oilin#s

    -. 1ill the oil hole at rear of the ra! and thet)o oil holes near the ra! adust!ent

    shaft./. Oil the ra!*adustin# scre) throu#h the

    openin# in the ra!.

    0. Oil the speed*chan#e*le6er bearin#s.2. Oil the cran( clutch.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    "ubricatin# the Shaper

    %onthl' Oilin#s

    Re!o6e the plu# and oil to the feedbo;.

    NOTE= $o not allo) the oil le6el to fallbelo) the si#ht #a#e )hen the shaper isstopped.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


    Operation of the Shaper


    -. Put the #earshift le6er in neutral position and see that thestro(e dial reads >ero.

    /. Put the feed le6er in the neutral position.

    0. Start the !otor and !a(e sure it is runnin# in the properdirection. Arro)s on the belt and pulle' #uard sho) thecorrect direction.

    2. En#a#e the clutch le6er )ith #ears in neutral and stro(e at>ero.

    3. Allo) the shaper to run fro! 0 to 3!in. To Bll all oil tubesbefore the ra! is set in !otion.

    4. Inspect the roc(er ar! and slidin# bloc( to see that the'are #ettin# oil.

  • 8/20/2019 Shaper Construction


