shaping nursing practice

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  • 7/30/2019 Shaping Nursing Practice


    Health, Wellness, and Illness Shaping Nursing Practice 1

    Health, Wellness, and Illness Shaping Nursing Practice

    Henry R. Chouinard

    University of New Hampshire

  • 7/30/2019 Shaping Nursing Practice


    Health, Wellness, and Illness Shaping Nursing Practice 2


    Nursing practice is affected by many factors. Health can be defined as the state of the

    body. Wellness is a combination of mental, physical, and psychosocial health. Illness is

    when there is something obstructing ones wellness. These terms help describe a basic

    understanding of nursing practice and how patients are assessed and treated.

    Keywords: Health, Wellness, Illness

  • 7/30/2019 Shaping Nursing Practice


    Health, Wellness, and Illness Shaping Nursing Practice 3

    The practice of nursing is a blend of art and science. These two separate fields

    come together to help the patient overcome whatever ails them. Things that affect the

    patient are his health, wellness, and any illnesses that are afflicting him. I believe that

    health is the state of the body. The articles Health, well- being and wellness: An

    anthropological eco-systemic approach .( Kirsten, van der Walt & Viljoen, 2009) , and

    Failing Bodies: Body Image and Multiple Chronic Conditions in Later Life (Clarke, L.H.,

    Giffin, M, 2008) contained their own definition of what health is. The state of being free

    from illness or injury (Kirsten, 2009), and individuals personal history, attitudes, and

    feelings regarding body weight and shape, cultural norms, and psychological and

    biological factors (Clarke, 2008) were how Kirsten and Clarke defined health. I believe

    wellness is the combination of a good mental, physical, and psychosocial health. Kirsten

    said that wellness was proper harmony and balance resulting from promoting the well-

    being of all the different facets, constitutive elements or domains of existence of a

    person . And that influenced by environmental factors such as the quality of air, wat er

    and food, the topography of the land and general living habits (Kirsten 2009). I believe

    illness is something that is obstructing ones wellness. Kirsten said that illness was a

    consequence of disharmony and imbalance (Kirsten, 2009) and described as

    biographical disruption (Clarke, 2008) by Clarke.

    The three key terms, health, wellness, and illness are all closely tied together and

    are what nurses use every day to understand what a patient is going through. Illness is an

  • 7/30/2019 Shaping Nursing Practice


    Health, Wellness, and Illness Shaping Nursing Practice 4

    absence of well-being, and if someone is not well then they cannot be in good health.

    Nursing practice is directly affected by this relationship. It is the healthcare teams job is

    to eliminate illness and promote wellness, which will bring about the overall health of the

    community. In previous years, the medical field has been centralized around curing

    illness, period. Now the overall health and well-being of the patient is taken into account.

    Nursing practice, now more than ever, relies on a balance between the art and science of

    nursing to provide the best quality of care to the patient and the community.

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    Health, Wellness, and Illness Shaping Nursing Practice 5

    Works Cited

    Clarke, L.H., Giffin, M. (2008). Failing Bodies: Body Image and Multiple Chronic

    Conditions in Later Life. Qualitative Health Research, 18; 1084

    DOI: 10.1177/1049732308320113

    Kirsten, T.G.J.C., Van der Walt, H.J.L. & Viljoen, C.T. 2009. Health, well- being and


    An anthropological eco-systemic approach. Health SA Gesondheid 14(1), Art.

    #407, 7

    pages. DOI: 10.4102/hsag.v14i1.407