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  • 8/10/2019 Shaukat Raza Mirza



    Shaukat Raza Mirza , wrote a book "from Exxon to Engro" which chronicles and documents his

    endeavors as he orchestrated the first employee buyout in Pakistan's corporate history. This employee

    buyout was unique in many ways and was an unprecedented concepts for many of stakeholders from


    Mr. Shaukat Mirza not only handle

  • 8/10/2019 Shaukat Raza Mirza


    Mian Muhammad Manshaa name suggestive of continuous struggle, hard slog and a faith so firm in

    his Almighty Allah that nothing on the face of earth ever stopped him from attaining the heights of glory.I have hadmany lucky breaks. Lady Luck has always been on my side. New projects just crop up before I

    stop doing the old ones" (Mian Muhammad Mansha)

    Mian Muhammad Mansha is the Chairman of the Nishat Group the largest industrial and fiscal

    corporation of Pakistan. He is regarded as the richest man in Pakistan and biggest single exporter.

    Mansha is born in Lahore to a wealthy Chiniot family. After completing his studies in UK, he joined the

    family business.

    Mian Mansha's business significantly benefited from the privatization impel of the 1990s. He made a

    number of acquisitions and overthrows throughout this period. Mansha had get hold on a controlling

    position in Adamjee Insurance, the country's largest non-life insurer. Then he acquired D.G. Khan

    Cement, previously owned by the Saigol family. He was concurrently expanding his renowned Nishat

    Textiles while going through big acquisitions.

    The acquisition of MCB, Pakistans most profitable bank is the master-stroke of Mian Mansha. MCB has

    newly connected hands with Maybank of Malaysia which has a 20% controlling share in the bank.
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    Nishat Group includes; Nishat Textiles, Nishat Power, Omer Fabrics, Nishat Chemical Industries, Raza

    textiles and some other.

    Malik Riaz Hussain

    Former Chairman

    Bahria Town

    Malik Riaz is a name who has come up really well. Entrepreneurship has itself found new meanings in

    the personality of Malik Riaz Hussain.

    He attributes his success to his hard work and faith in Allah. He recalls his friend who gave him money

    for investment and advised him to set aside 2.5% from the profit and to disburse the amount as charity.

    He adhered to that and believes that one cannot imagine how much he gets in return by giving in Allahs


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    Malik Riazs Vision and the determinants of Bahria Towns Success:

    Malik Riazs brainchild: Bahria Town has come up well, in fact very well. His vision of Quality Living for

    all has translated into one of the countrys largest housing schemes. Bahria Town stands for:

    - Commitment

    - Dedication

    - Top of the line services

    It's easy to forget about political assassinations, fears of loose nukes and the specter of Islamic militancy

    from a bench in Hill Park. Nestled in an idyllic neighborhood where children play in the streets and

    homeowners stroll to the local health club or mini-mart, the park and its manicured grass overlook a

    sliver of a vast gated residential development of the sort you might see in southern California. But the

    area, named Bahria Town, is located just outside Islamabad. At 45,000 square acres it is, according to

    splashy international ads, the largest private development in Asia, and despite Pakistan's well-publicized

    political and security problems, people are signing deals for six-figure houses, condos and apartments

    faster than they can be built. "These are changing times for Pakistan," says Salman Ahmed Khan, the

    development's director of marketing and operations, whose main job is to court prospective buyers

    away from Dubai and to Bahria Town. "Pakistanis are traveling, they're seeing nice things abroad and we

    want to provide that for them at home."

    This unlikely playground for wealthy Muslims is the vision of Khan's boss and father-in-law, Malik Riaz

    Hussain, a 59-year-old billionaire Pakistani contractor. Set between the capital Islamabad and its sister

    city Rawalpindi, Bahria Town is the "masterpiece" of his 40-year career, a $6 billion project he has

    funded solo to avoid having to deal with outside investors. The nine phases: too vast to fully appreciate

    without standing on one of the plateaus that overlook them, will one day mesh together into a planned

    residential city for 1 million people. The project broke ground in 1996, and already, many of the 50,000

    luxury properties in the development are owned by wealthy Pakistan expatriates who swooped into

    Bahria Town after 9/11 to buy second homes amid fears they would be driven out of places like London,

    New York and Los Angeles. Equally important was the security and serenity that Bahria Town provides,

    which drew Pakistan expats and a smattering of wealthy Arab Muslims away from places like Dubai.


    Over the past decade, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research

    Centre has established itself as a centre of excellence providing comprehensive care free of cost to

    thousands of indigent cancer patients. This pioneering, state-of-the-art hospital located in the heart of

    the Punjab was founded by Imran Khan, one of Pakistan's most illustrious cricketers. As a charitable

    institute, it is funded predominantly from the donations of friends and well-wishers from around the

    country and across the world.

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    The inspiration to build the

    Hospital came from the misfortune

    and suffering of one individual,

    Shaukat Khanum, the mother oflegendary captain of Pakistan's

    World Cupwinning cricket team,

    Imran Khan.


    Current position: Noted Pakistani journalist, TVanchor and a motivational speaker

    Age: 35

    She is among the most celebrated youth icon of

    Pakistan and is renowned for her efforts in the

    youth activism for which her main concerns are the

    development of the youth and women

    entrepreneurship along with the television media.


    Since opening in 1994, the Shaukat Khanum

    Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre,

    has come to be recognized as one of the most

    credible and resilient charities in Pakistan.

    Sidra has achieved in her 26 years what for most would take a lifetime: she is the MD of her companywhich takes out newsletters for multinationals, a development activist, youth ambassador, brand

    consultant and an anchorperson. The list goes on.

    So how did all this happen is the inevitable question. She meanders down memory lane explaining that

    her forte was debate competitions in school and college. During one of the competitions she got her big

    break. In 1999 the English Speaking Union invited me to take part in a debate in the UK where students

    from other countries were also participating. I won the first prize at the age of 15 and I came under the

    spotlight as the BBC and other media were present. During those academic years I represented Pakistan

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    in many international programmes.

    Sidra went on to do her MBA and joined an advertising agency as a strategy executive. When the agency

    launched a TV channel, she was asked to host a breakfast show in 2005. I realised the power media has

    as the 2004 devastating earthquake had taken place at the time. I learnt through hands-on experience,

    writing reports and working late hours. She then ventured into the corporate area by hosting a

    programme for PTV that featured corporate heads as guests.

    Sidra has achieved in her 26 years what for most would take a lifetime: she is the MD of her company

    which takes out newsletters for multinationals, a development activist, youth ambassador, brand

    consultant and an anchorperson. The list goes on.

    So how did all this happen is the inevitable question. She meanders down memory lane explaining that

    her forte was debate competitions in school and college. During one of the competitions she got her big

    break. In 1999 the English Speaking Union invited me to take part in a debate in the UK where students

    from other countries were also participating. I won the first prize at the age of 15 and I came under the

    spotlight as the BBC and other media were present. During those academic years I represented Pakistan

    in many international programmes.

    Sidra went on to do her MBA and joined an advertising agency as a strategy executive. When the agency

    launched a TV channel, she was asked to host a breakfast show in 2005. I realised the power media has

    as the 2004 devastating earthquake had taken place at the time. I learnt through hands-on experience,

    writing reports and working late hours. She then ventured into the corporate area by hosting a

    programme for PTV that featured corporate heads as guests.

    Through the years Sidra has come to realise that her viewers are young people and she

    feels the need to empower them through the media. Young people are very energetic and have raw

    energy which turns to anger if there is no proper outlet, so I tap into those feelings and get a good


    I also began my own PR company recently as I am a media marketing person and focus on ideas and

    implement them, and though I am a regular on television, I realised I had to work for myself too. She

    says it works for corporates as they know that I know my job well so Iget a lot of work.

    Sidra was given the title of Youth Ambassador by the Government of Pakistan after the

    English Speaking Union success. The media would use this title for her whenever she went abroad for

    programmes. Later, she became the health ambassador for a brand of tea because of her gift of the gab,

    as thiamine which helps in speaking clearly is one of the ingredients used by the company.

    With so many achievements, men must surely be intimidated by her I ask. In a way they are, she admits

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    matter of factly especially those who are interested in marriage. But I believe things will happen when

    the time is right. Marriage for marriage.s sake is not on my agenda. My greatest asset which is also my

    weakness is that I am very optimistic.

    Sidra has two sisters seven and eight years younger who see her as a role model. I regard them as my

    first-borns. They are fiercely independent, confident and blunt because they have been brought up in

    more liberal times. I am more careful and tend to give space to others.

    As an anchor person there are certain topics that Sidra chooses to work in, economic and socio-political

    issues being closest to her heart. She loves to indulge in conversations on international scenarios. We as

    a nation like to talk about our past events and do not look into the international scenario. My task is

    alleviating challenges that are home-grown.

    Has she ever considered acting? I would like to restrict myself to anchoring as acting would put me in an

    awkward situation. In five years time she still sees herself in Pakistan and empowering people through

    media, writing a book on what she has accomplished in life.

    Being a woman in the visual media has never created problems for Sidra. I can,t be pushed around, Idon t allow myself to be pushed around, you have to do this is not for me there are ways of handling


    Sidra says she has never used a script in her life, I speak impromptu. I

    do research beforehand so I know my topic and therefore there is no need for a script. And to be

    a successful host one has to have a passion for the subject. You should steer the conversation and not

    get out what you want from the people. An anchor should never be opinionated.

    Her message to people who want to enter the field? For young people they should relax a bit. We are

    always telling them to do something yet at the same time when they are ambitious, people feel they are

    being greedy. But I feel ambition is good to achieve something in life rather than be an ordinary person,

    so young people should go for a good life and pursue it with a vengeance.


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    Sultana Siddiqui is aPakistani television director, producer and a businessperson

    fromKarachi.She is also known as Sultana Apa . She is the director ofHum Network

    Limited and the president ofHum Network Limited and the first woman who started her own TV



    Sultana started her career fromPTV as a producer inKarachi in 1974.

    Later she started Eye Television Network under which her own four cable channels are

    working included "Hum TV". She is the only woman in Asia who started or owned a TV


    As a director she remained inactive ten or eleven years before her latest drama serial

    Zindagi Gulzar Hai.

    Her forte and passion have always been dedicated to bringing public awareness to

    social issues, such as female empowerment, and eradication of social vices such as

    promotion of female education.


    Best Producers of a Drama Serial (Marvi) -PTV Awards

    Best Producer of a music production -PTV Awards

    The Silver Jubilee Award -PTV Awards

    The Hazrat Khadijat ul Kubra Award - Business and Professional Women Women of Vision Award - Media Women

    Nigar Award - Film Award

    President Award of Pride of Performance - Government of Pakistan

    Many Awards for Dramas on HUM TV - LUX (2012, 2011, 2010,2009)

    Sultana Siddiqui, the president of Hum TV, more popularly known

    as Sultana Apa in Pakistani entertainment industry is returning back after eleven years.She is returning back for her director business. She is just coming to fulfil her promise

    that she made with Umera Ahmad. Umera Ahmad wanted that Sultana Siddiqui would

    direct her play.

    Now Sultana Siddiqui is coming to direct Umera Ahmads play that is based on a novel

    by umaira ahmed titled Zindagi Gulzar Hai.
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    In this play Pakistans most desirable Fawad Khan will play lead role and Sanam Saeed

    will play female role who is famous for her work in Mataa -e-Jaan Hai Tu.

    The story is about an ordinary, middle class girl who struggles hard to succeed in life.

    She gets educated in hard conditions.

    Sultana Siddiqui reassured, This is a story that revolves around a fact and a reality that

    we humans dont thank God enough for His limitless blessings. We have highlighted this

    in the play, for this is a reality we need to project.

    via The Express Tribune

    Sultana Siddiqui compared PTV and Hum TV with current times and performances. She

    said that time has changed in 11 years. Today artists are very busy. They have no time.

    No rehearsals have seemed like it used to take place in the good old days of PTV.


    If you thought Agha Waqar and his amazing water car was a big deal then this story about

    a young Pakistani entrepreneur will inspire you. A 32 year old Pakistani doctor from Faisalabad

    has managed to build a business empire worth 90 crores in a matter of only 2 years. What is even

    more amazing is the fact that instead of working for a business where he could learn from

    experience he had a government job (in the health ministry first and then FIA) at the time his

    rags to riches story began (he is truly gifted).

    Being a doctor by education, the young entrepreneur was never afraid of trying new ideas and started

    business as a small time petrol dealer (in Quetta). Unlike Gates and Jobs our entrepreneur began with

    virtually zero investment and was even forced to use his fathers officialresidence to run his business

    initially. This apparent disadvantage would later prove to be a blessing in disguise. Using his God giventalents and following the advise of his father (which was easier to seek because the house was also his

    office) he was able to quickly secure contracts from major real estate and telecom companies. His

    current business empire is all real estate and telecom, employing an army of 400 personal and the

    income he used to generate from his petrol dealership must seem like peanuts now. Just 2 years back,

    our young entrepreneur was so cash-starved that he had to get a subsidized official passport issued in

    his name and now his lifestyle of luxury cars (BMWs, Range Rovers, etc.), gambling dens (Monte Carlo)

    and parties would even make Mansha blush.

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    This success story would not be complete without shedding some more light on the young

    entrepreneurs father for I am sure, if asked, the Pakistani entrepreneur would attribute most of his

    success to him. Although a poor government servant (the son of a former police sub-inspector and

    someone who does not have any property and cannot even afford to buy a house today), the father

    has a world of understanding about Pakistani society. He has always been supportive of his son, one

    such example being that when the son could not afford to pay for his second marriage the father got ahouse loan to finance the ceremony. As is often the case, this success story too had its share of hurdles

    and similarly, when the son was in legal trouble, the father got personally involved, helping in getting

    the cases settled.

    The father is a wise man indeed and probably the key to the young doctors success guiding him each

    step of the way. The son always takes his advise constructively and the saying like father, like son truly

    applies to these two as they are virtually inseparable and even when they cannot be together the father

    always tries to guide his son. This combination of wisdom of the father and the genius of the son has

    resulted in one of the greatest success stories of modern times. Through perseverance and following the

    advise of his father the young entrepreneur has always managed to emerge vindicated. It is almost as if,

    the doctor is a super hero and after each battle he absorbs the the aggressors powers coming out evenstronger by winning bigger contracts and making more money.

    Never has a entrepreneur been subject to such harsh criticism and his business thrived. Pakistan is truly

    a land of opportunities and we must salute such heroes, who through their God given talents and

    fatherly love can single-handedly change her destiny.


    Mr. Awan is co-founder and Chairman of TCS. His businesses developed over the past 25years are collectively called the Tranzum group, (

    A mechanical engineer by education, Mr. Awan and TCS, are subject of a Harvard BusinessSchool Case Study on International Entrepreneurship - included in the MBA curriculum for thepast six years.

    Besides business he devotes his time to several welfare, and professional bodies.
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    MR. AWAN is a lifetime member of the World Presidents Organization an alumni and pastChapter Chairman of the Young Presidents OrganizationYPO, and member of their PeaceAction Network Forum that works for global peace.

    He is Toronto Committee member of Human Rights Watch, is Director of theToronto based

    'Canada-Pakistan Business Council, and member of the Dubai based 'Canada-Arab BusinessCouncil', and he represented the Parisbased International Chambers of Commerce( at the United Nations General Assembly session on Millennium DevelopmentGoals in 2003.

    Mr. Awan is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, of UK. He is married and has threegrown up children.

    What is more important is the system that they work in because this is what absorbs and moulds

    people and makes them honest.

    Khalid Awan was delivering a lecture on TCS A Case Study of Entrepreneurship in Pakistan

    at the Royal Aeronautical Society, Pakistan Division. The Lecture was held on Dec 15, 2011 at

    the PIA Training Centre Auditorium.

    Dilating on the TCS entrepreneurship model, Awan said that TCS had achieved many milestones

    by operating on a business concept that continues to gain strength as it has all along understood

    primary customer needs. The result is that TCS today leads Pakistans courier sector and

    continually sets benchmarks to improve the overall quality and standards of the industry.

    Recounting the various milestones achieved by TCS, he said it is a source of great satisfaction

    for him that TCS is recognized and respected today as a professional, innovative, profitable,

    information and knowledge-based logistics and services-based enterprise and is fast growing into

    an important regional and global player.


    How we Started
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    In 1969 Haji Mohammad Ali setup the business in Saddar Market area surrounded by a number of

    educational institutions.

    Biryani was a popular dish for the masses as the area was deprived of a proper food supplier. It was an

    ideal time and place to start selling this popular dish.

    This prompted Haji Sahib to test the market by selling Biryani.

    The Biryani was prepared by Haji Mohammad Ali and his family members at home from home made

    spices and recipe.

    It was a small dhaaba with a bamboo roof supported by wooden pillars with waiting staff comprised of

    two elder sons serving with limited seating capacity.Started with one tumbler (Deg) of Biryani serving about 40 people per day.

    The outlet was surrounded by various educational institutions i.e. St Joseph, St Patrick's, St Paul's and

    various Government Schools.

    The business was named Caf Student;

    To attract students of the proximity

    Economical food for the market

    Why we named it Caf Student

    The outlet was surrounded by various educational institutions i.e. St Joseph, St Patrick's, St Paul's and

    various Government Schools.

    The business was named Caf Student;

    To attract students of the proximity

    Economical food for the market

    1969Haji Sahib started off with opening Dhaba Hotel with limited seating capacity

    1976Made arrangements for a proper seating area

    1983Setup a restaurant as a joint venture in Saudi Arabia

    1989Initiated process to start a large restaurant (300 seats) with a separate kitchen to cater to bulk

    deliveries1997New four storey kitchen building completed

    1999Construction of the large restaurant ( three storey) completed

    2000Started Home Delivery services

    2000Opened a new branch at I.I. Chundrigar

    2003Dedicated wireless communication system was introduced

    2004Started remote area delivery service to famous picnic and resorts

    2005Opened Nursery Take away

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    2006Expansion of Saddar restaurant (900 seats)

    2006Plans to open up new branches at Shahrah-e-Faisal, Defence and Gulistan-e-jauhar.

    2007 Opened a branch at Sh-e-Faisal Nursery

    2007Opened a branch at University Road Gulshan-e-Iqbal

    2008Set Up a State-of-the-Art Call Center for centralized order taking of Home Delivery Service

    2008 Opened North Nazimabad Branch in March 20082008 Opened M. A. Jinnah road Branch in August 2008

    2008 Opened Garden Branch in August 2008

    2008 Opened Defence Branch in September 2008

    2008 Opened North Karachi Branch in October 2008


    Mian Amir Mehmood is a Pakistani politician and educationist.He was also the Mayor Lahore City. Mian Aamir Mahmood is renowned member of City District

    Government Lahore. Mian Amer Mehmood was born on 25th of July in 1960 at Lahore,


    He has also got the character of being the former Nazim of the City District Government Lahore.

    Pursuing the end of his M.B.A from the Punjab University, Mian Ahmer Mehmood preferred

    education department for his career and opened the recognized Punjab Group of Colleges in

    the year 1985 with the planned of terminating into the University of Central Punjab and

    notorious Mohammad Ali Jinnah University at Karachi. He is the current chairman of University

    of Central Punjab. He founded the college 1985. He is also the owner of Dunya News .

    after completing his MBA fromPunjab University he chose to venture into the education sector

    of Pakistan and launched thePunjab Group of Colleges in 1985. Later he establishedPunjab Law

    College in 1987 andPunjab College of Business Administration in 1989. In 1993, he

    establishedPunjab Institute of Computer Science,followed byMuhammad Ali Jinnah

    University in 1996. In 2002, 2003 and 2010 he launched theUniversity of Central

    Punjab,Resource Academia School System andAllied Schoolsrespectively.
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    Media group:

    In December 2008 Amer Mahmood launched a new television networkDunya News,channel

    was criticized in 2012 whenMalik Riaz,Meher Bukhari andMubasher Lucman had discussions

    in a talk show. Later in September 2012 he also launched a daily publishingUrdu language

    newspaperRoznama Dunya,which publishes from six different cities in Pakistan.

    e is the first ever member of the Board of Trustees, of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),

    Thailand Established in 1959 by SEATO Member countries from Pakistan.

    For his services as Mayor of the city of Lahore, he was declared The Son of Lahore, by the

    President of Pakistan at a ceremony held at the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2012.

    In recognition of his valuable services towards the education, political and media sectors of the

    country, he was honored with the Hilal e Imtiaz, a highly prestigious national award, by the

    President of Pakistan.


    is a newspaper columnist in Pakistan. His series of columns have been published in four volumes

    in Urdu language. His most notable columnZERO POINT has great influence upon people of

    Pakistan especially Youth and Muslims of Pakistan. He writes for the Urdu newspaper Daily

    Express four time a week, covering topics ranging from social issues to politics.


    Javed Chaudhry was born on January 1st, 1968 in Lalamusa , district of Gujrat, Pakistan. Heholds a master degree in Mass Communication from Islamia University, Bahawalpur (1991) and

    the university awarded him a gold medal for his excellent academic performance. He has Four

    children and currently resides in Shahzad Town, Islamabad.

    He started his career in journalism in 1989. He worked at Daily Nawa-i-Waqt, Daily

    Pakistan,Daily Ummat and Daily Khabrain before joining Daily Jang in 1997.
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    ARFA Abdul Karim Randhawa 2 February 1995 14 January 2012) was aPakistani student and

    computerprodigy who in 2004 at the age of nine years became the youngestMicrosoft Certified

    Professional (MCP). She kept the title until 2008. ARFA represented Pakistan on various international

    forums including theTech Ed Developers Conference.She also received the Presidents Award forPride

    of Performance.

    ARFA represented Pakistan on various international forums, and was invited by the Pakistan Information

    Technology Professionals Forum for a stay of two weeks in Dubai. A dinner reception was hosted for her

    there, which was attended by the dignitaries of Dubai including the Ambassador of Pakistan. During that

    trip, Arfa was presented with various awards and gifts including a laptop.

    In 2011, at the age of 16, ARFA was studying at the Lahore Grammar School Paragon Campus in her

    second year ofA-levels.On 9 January 2012, Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft, contacted ARFA parents

    and directed his doctors to adopt "every kind of measure" for her treatment. Gates set up a special

    panel of international doctors who remained in contact with her local doctors through teleconference.

    On 15 January 2012, Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif announced that the name of Lahore Technology Park

    would be changed toArfa Software Technology Park.


    I chose Bill Gates because he is my role model. He inspires me becausehe is a very successful business man. Also, he is a great leader for his Microsoft Company, andhe is very generous. Gates is not selfish; he cares about other people who need help because theyhave diseases and they are very poor. This paper will explain his life, economic life, and his great


    Born on Oct. 28, 1955, Gates grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. Their father, William H.Gates II, is a Seattle attorney. Their late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, University ofWashington regent, and chairwoman of United Way International.Gates attended publicelementary school and the private Lakeside School. There, he discovered his interest in softwareand began programming computers at age 13.
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    In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman, where he lived down the hall fromSteve Ballmer. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version of the programming languageBASIC for the first microcomputer - the MITS Altair.

    In his junior year, Gates left Harvard to devote his energies to Microsoft, a company he had

    begun in 1975 with his childhood friend Paul Allen. Guided by a belief that the computer wouldbe a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing softwarefor personal computers. Gates' foresight and his vision for personal computing have been centralto the success of Microsoft and the software industry.In 1999, Gates wrote "Business @ theSpeed of Thought," a book that shows how computer technology can solve business problems infundamentally new ways. gates was married on Jan. 1, 1994, to Melinda French Gates. Theyhave three children. Gates is an avid reader, and enjoys playing golf, tennis and bridge.

    William (Bill) H. Gates is founder, technology advisor and board member of MicrosoftCorporation, the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people andbusinesses realize their full potential. He served as chairman of the board until Feb. 4, 2014.

    On June 27, 2008, Gates transitioned out of a day-to-day role in the company to spend more timeon his global health and education work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He shares histhoughts about the foundation and other topics onGates Notes,a website launched in January2010. Gates continues to serve on Microsofts Board of Directors and as an advisor on key

    development projects.


    Early Life
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    LUMS and Ali Institute of Education are the two great ventures of Babar Ali as he thinks. LUMS is the

    pioneer institute of business education in Pakistan. LUMS produces the lots of economists,

    mathematicians, entrepreneurs, marketers and accountants each year. Ali institute of education focuses

    on training of teachers, so they able to groom our young generation.

    Syed Babar Ali envisioned and set up the great businesses in Pakistan including;

    Packages of the most recognized company worldwide

    Milkpak Nestle Milkpak Limited

    Tetra Pak Pakistan Limited

    International General Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited

    Tri-Pack Films Limited

    First International Investment Bank and Systems Private Limited

    Achievements and Honors:

    Served as the Minister of PakistanFinance and Economic Affairs in 1993

    An International President of WWF (1996-1999)

    Honorary Doctorate Degree of Laws from McGill University, Canada (1997)

    An OBE from Britain (1997)

    Receive many awards from the Government of Sweden and the Netherlands.

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    hatsApp, which was freshlyacquired by Facebook for $16 billion,is #winning this week. But the

    app's success did not come at a small price. Founders Jan Koum and Brian Acton are no

    strangers to failure, and their incredible journey speaks volumes about the value of tenacity and

    vision. Today, Jan and Brian's app is now the most valuable messaging platform on the planet,but they have had their fair share of rejection by top tech companies, including the one that

    eventually bought their service.

    Their no-nonsense commitment to keeping WhatsApp free of advertising and respecting users'

    privacy is what drew millions of users to the app when it launched in 2009. Two recent

    interviewsone with Wired UK andanother with Forbesdig deep into the founders'

    backgrounds, revealing an incredible rise-and-fall tale of winning, losing, and winning again. If

    you didn't believe in the worth of "try and try again" before, read on to uncover the amazing

    story of this remarkable tech duo. It's a tale for anyone who has ever experienced failure.

    TALMON MARCO: viber founder
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    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York, into a

    comfortable, well-educated family, and raised in the nearby village of Dobbs Ferry. His father,

    Edward Zuckerberg, ran a dental practice attached to the family's home. His mother, Karen,

    worked as a psychiatrist before the birth of the couple's four childrenMark, Randi, Donna and


    Zuckerberg developed an interest in computers at an early age; when he was about 12, he used

    Atari BASIC to create a messaging program he named "Zucknet." His father used the program in

    his dental office, so that the receptionist could inform him of a new patient without yelling across

    the room. The family also used Zucknet to communicate within the house. Together with his

    friends, he also created computer games just for fun. "I had a bunch of friends who were artists,"

    he said. "They'd come over, draw stuff, and I'd build a game out of it."

    Mark Zuckerberg is co-founder and CEO of the social-networking website Facebook, as well as one of

    the world's youngest billionaires.In 2005, Zuckerberg's enterprise received a huge boost from theventure capital firm Accel Partners. Accel invested $12.7 million into the network, which at thetime was open only to ivy league students. Zuckerberg's company then granted access to othercolleges, high school and international schools, pushing the site's membership to more than 5.5million users by December 2005. The site then began attracting the interest of other companies,who wanted to advertize with the popular social hub.


    The founder of Skype Niklas Zennstrm and Richard Reed, co-founder of Innocent Smoothies,

    joined forces this week to mentor three start-ups as part of Albion Startup Kitchens free

    masterclass series.

  • 8/10/2019 Shaukat Raza Mirza


    Zennstrm sold Skype to Bay in 2005 for a record $3.1bn in the largest European venture capital

    exit to date, while Innocents sale to Coca-Cola netted Reed and co-founders Adam Balon and

    Jon Wright an estimated 100m.


    Mr. Salim Ullah Ghauri serves

    as the Chief Executive Officer of Netsol Technologies Limited. Mr. Ghauri serves as Chief Executive

    Officer of Netsol Innovation (Pvt) Limited. He serves as the President of NetSol Technologies Europe Ltd.

    Mr. Ghauri served as the Chief Executive Officer of Global services Division of NetSol Technologies, Inc.and served as its President since 1999. He served as the President of Middle East Operations at NetSol

    Technologies Inc. He served as Head of new Asia Pacific region at NetSol Technologies Inc.

    since October 2006. He served as the President of Asia Pacific and Middle East Operations at NetSol

    Technologies Inc. He founded Network Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd. (formerly Network Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.),

    a wholly owned subsidiary of NetSol Technologies Inc., located in Lahore, Pakistan in 1996. Before

    Network Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd., he was employed at BHP Steel in Sydney, Australia from 1987 to 1995,

    where he commenced his employment as a Consultant. Under his leadership, Network Technologies

    (Pvt.) Ltd. gradually built a strong team of IT professionals and infrastructure in Pakistan and became the

    first software house in Pakistan certified as ISO 9001.