she stoops to conquer first draft


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Post on 08-Mar-2016




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She Stoops to Conquer


Please Enjoy the Show!


Phillip Lewis


Alison Ennis


Ryan Hake

Bailey Heinz


Selima Dougadir


Nina Genatossio


Note from the Director She Stoops to Conquer is a timeless piece everyone can observe as the unentertained

life. My team and I found the plot’s unveiling of a dual identity or a deceptive nature

expressed a need to enjoy the person you are and not to attempt to e anything else. The

playwright gives many examples of rags to riches and the frivolous lifestyle gone

array. I particularly enjoy the self-criticism both the story and the playwright has. This

gives an awareness of the self and a consciousness of one’s own flaw. To laugh at

one’s self is to live life to the fullest.

The story is essentially a practical joke played on two travelers, Hastings and Marlow.

Mrs. Hardcastle’s son, Tony deceives them into believing the house of soon to be

acquainted Hardcastle family is actually an inn for lodging. The play spirals out of

control with this misunderstanding until everyone is reveled for who they truly are and

many of the characters leave getting what they want.

Note from the Technical Director Hi, I am Selima Dougadir and I’m Ryan Hake. We are the wonder twins. Just kidding.

We are actually planning out what to say here so Phillip can prettify it and make it

awesome though we’re two awesome people only capable of creating awesome things.

If you doubt this, check out our Facebook info. We are not on a horse.


Geoffrey Rush (Mr. Hardcastle):

Is a seasoned actor who has played many noble and proper Englishmen, such as Lionel

Logue from The Kings Speech. Mr. Hardcastle, being a man of discipline and

tradition, displays qualities of Geoffery Rushes character in Les Miserables Javert. He

was one of 25 people to have won the "Triple Crown of Acting": an Academy Award,

a Tony Award and an Emmy Award. Apart from being nominated for 4 Academy

Awards for acting (winning 1) and 5 BAFTA Awards (winning 3), he has also won 2

Golden Globe and 3 Screen Actors Guild Awards. ‚When people come to me and tell

me I was terrific in this or that, I do not want to fall flat on my face the next time. But,

tough, I have fallen flat before. You just get up and dust yourself off.‛

Julie Walters (Mrs. Hardcastle):

Walters has won numerous other acting awards. Walters met her husband, Grant

Roffey, an AA patrol man, in a whirlwind romance. The couple have a daughter,

Maisie Mae Roffey (born 1988, City of Westminster, London), but did not marry until

1997, 11 years into their relationship, when they went to New York. The couple live on

an organic farm run by Roffey in West Sussex. ‚Being a mother adds another

emotional dimension, a feel for children that I didn't have before I had one. They were

a pain before.‛

Kiera Knightly (Kate Hardcastle):

Knightley was born in Teddington, London, England, the daughter of Sharman

MacDonald, an award-winning playwright, and Will Knightley, a theatre and

television actor. Her father is English and her Scottish mother is of half Welsh

ancestry. She has an older brother, Caleb. Knightley lived in Richmond, attending

Stanley Junior School, Teddington School, Waldegrave School For Girls, and Esher

College. She was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of six, but nevertheless was

successful in school and was thus permitted to acquire a talent agent and pursue an

acting career. ‚Yes, I have breasts. So does 50% of the population. Do we really have

to waste time talking about mine? I don't think so.‛

Carey Mulligan (Constance Neville):

Mulligan said that skiing is her favourite pastime, but she chose to practice the sport

less in fear of losing an acting job because of an injury. Although she attended Catholic

school, she considers herself spiritual. Her religious schooling showed the already

skeptical Mulligan that Catholicism was too strict. Mulligan took part in the Safe

Project by being photographed by Nick Haddow in the places they feel the safest, for a

series to be auctioned off to raise awareness of sex trafficking. She donated the Vionnet

gown she wore at the 2010 BAFTAs to the Curiosity Shop, which sells its donations

from celebrities and fashion associates to help raise money for Oxfam's projects

worldwide that aim to protect and assist women, like campaign against violence and

give poor girls the possibility of education. The dress had a starting bid of £50 and

Mulligan said she felt honored to be supporting the organization. ‚If someone sends

me a bag and it’s really expensive, I think, ‘You should give these things away, you

should make some money’. I just gave most of my shoes to my brother’s girlfriend, she

went crazy. I tend to hang on to really nice things, but what can you do with a dress

you wore to the Oscars? It sits there. It’s a bit of a shame really.‛

Russell Brand (Tony Lumpkin)

In 1995, Brand applied for the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and Drama Centre

London and was accepted to Drama Centre. By this point he was a heroin addict and

an alcoholic. He was expelled in the final term of his last year for smashing a glass over

his head and then stabbing himself in the chest and arms because of poor reactions to

one of his performances. After leaving Drama Centre, Brand decided to focus on

comedy, and began writing material with Karl Theobald, whom he met at Drama


They formed a short-lived double act, Theobald and Brand on Ice. "Life’s never a

postcard of life, is it? It never feels like how you’d want it to look."


Dramatis Personae

Mr. Hardcastle Geoffrey Rush

Mrs. Hardcastle Julie Walters

Kate Hardcastle Kiera Knightly

Constance Neville Carey Mulligan

Tony Lumpkin Russell Brand

Charles Marlow Actor

George Hastings Actor

Diggory Actor

Maid Actor

Produced by

Coya Paz


Selima Dougadir

Nina Genatossio

Ryan Hake

Bailey Heinz

Alison Ennis

Phillip Lewis


Borwards: Founders of America

David Ball

Jesus Conrad

Members of the Text Analysis Co.

Coya Paz

SPECIAL THANKS Oliver Goldsmith, though short, lived a varied life with many

experiences. Goldsmith received his Bachelor of Art from Trinity

College, Dublin in 1750. He tried out many careers and even went

to medical school at Edinburgh. Though he went by Dr. Goldsmith

and did have a practice, it was uncertain as to whether he actually

attained his Bachelor of Medicine. He was also a gambler, often

losing all his money and a fan of drinking. Goldsmith went on a

walking tour of Europe, paying his way as he went with his flute.

When he moved to London in 1756, Goldsmith turned to writing.

This came to be one of his successful endeavors. She Stoops to

Conquer was written in 1773, A year before he passed away.

Interesting quotes of what others said about Goldsmith:

Note from the Dramaturge As one can see, the life of Oliver Goldsmith was far from dull. He led a

varied, drunken, ever changing life that most certainly is paralleled in

his work. It was said that his humor was lost on the rich women, while

women of a lower class favored him. This can be seen in Marlowe’s

character. It takes Kate being seen as a lowly barmaid, for the two to

fall in love. Marlow and Hastings were men who traveled, just as

Goldsmith had journeyed for a year. [Also, during this time it was

common of wealthy young men to go on a yearlong “grand tour” of

Europe.] His life was ever changing and uncertain similar to his

characters and the fast paced, whirlwind plot. Goldsmith himself was

constantly poking fun at the society he lived in, just as his work

illuminates these social quarks. Perhaps, and this is my interpretation of

his personality, he almost looked at life as a Comedy of Manners.

This way of looking at the comedy in life and society is relevant still

today. Though we see this production and laugh at the ridiculousness of

frivolous costumes, the stubborn class system and the characters fake

portrayals of themselves; through discussion we reveal the same truths

about our current time. It is from this distanced view that we allow

ourselves to realize the absurdity of our own society and personal

personas. Plus, it is a vibrantly entertaining way to point out the roles

and manners that humanity tries to fulfill.


Goldsmith Born in Ireland

sometime between



Died of kidney

disease April 4,


“Whether we take him

as a poet, as a comic

writer or as a

historian, he stands in

first class.”

- Dr. Johnson

“When in company with ladies he was always endeavoring after

humor, and as continually failed; but his ill success was equally

diverting to the company as if he had succeeded. If they laughed

he was happy and did not seem to care whether it was with him or

at him.” - Hilles from Portraits by Sir Joshua Reynolds