shelby and caitlyn's hitler

"A fanatically hysteric romantic with a brutal will." Karl Alexander von Muller, Nazi historian. ‘He was a ice-cold realist, a profoundly calculating person.” André-Francois Poncet, French ambassador. "He is Germany little savior." Winifred Wagner, widow of Siegfried Wagner, son of Richard, and Director of the Bayreuth Festival. "Hitler was a demon but I realized it too late." Admiral Erich Raeder, Commander-in-Chief of the wartime Krieg marine. “I have never met a happier people than the Germans and Hitler is one of the greatest men. The old trust him; the young idolize him. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country." David Lloyd George, Daily Express, 17.9.1936 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. The way has been shown to us by the Führer." Dean Eckert, sermon at Tegel, North Berlin, 10 February 1935

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Page 1: Shelby and caitlyn's hitler

"A fanatically hysteric romantic with a brutal will." Karl Alexander von Muller, Nazi historian. ‘He was a ice-cold realist, a profoundly

calculating person.” André-Francois Poncet, French ambassador.

"He is Germany little savior."  Winifred Wagner, widow of Siegfried Wagner, son of Richard,  and Director of the Bayreuth Festival.

"Hitler was a demon but I realized it too late." Admiral Erich Raeder, Commander-in-Chief of the wartime Krieg marine.

“I have never met a happier people than the Germans and Hitler is one of the greatest men. The old trust him; the young idolize him. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country."  David Lloyd George, Daily Express, 17.9.1936

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. The way has been shown to us by the Führer." Dean Eckert, sermon at Tegel, North Berlin, 10 February 1935

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Adolf Hitler was born in April 20, 1889 and was the fourth out of six children. He was mainly attached to his mother, because his father currently beat him; when Hitler fought with him (which was constantly). His father continuously threw down Hitler’s dreams of being an artist and a priest in order for Hitler to go to technological school (but when Hitler did go, his behavior got him kicked out.) When Hitler’s brother died, Hitler went from a outgoing boy, to being very detached. When his father died, Hitler’s behavior at school became dementedly wrong.

This may have impacted him as a human being by feeling lost, and confused. His father expected so much of him, that Hitler didn’t even want to try. When many of his family members died, he probably felt alone; which made him feel more prone to danger and proving people wrong.

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Adolf Hitler was pushed into accepting a place in Technology school, but was kicked out for behavioral issues, mainly brought on by abuse at home and the want to show his father that he was not capable of technological studies . His behavior consisted of abusing school property, and drinking. When he finally got kicked out of school, he applied for a space in Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.; but was rejected twice and was told that he did not have the artistic skills in order to be an artist. In 1909 (20 years old), he lived as a homeless person but made money by selling his paintings with a friend. Five years later, Hitler joined the army.

This impacted him by living on his own, having his own responsibilities and failing. He had no friends to back him up, and constantly felt undermined. His dreams continually were crushed by others and he didn’t know how to take it well.

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Hitler joined the Bavarian army in 1914. He was honored twice for bravery, the Iron Cross, and the wound badge. But in 1918, he was blinded temporarily with mustard gas, which usually is the result of hysteria. After this experience, it was said that Hitler claimed he needed to ‘save’ Germany, which implied exterminating the Jews. Hitler further on spoke at a conference held for the ‘November Criminals’ where he helped build up Germany, and get around the Treaty of Versailles, so that Germany would never fall again.

This may have impacted Hitler the most. He fought his way and charmed his way into being respected by his officers and peers. His experience with the war got him thinking that this is the way people should live, Hitler loved being in the war and having a part in fighting for Germany. He felt that everyone should do more of a part in order for Germany to be free and safe from blame and the Jews.

FUN FACT:Hitler used his artistic skills to draw cartoons for the army newspaper

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Hitler first heard of the Nazi party when he was confined to army intelligence in 1919, and was order to ignore them. But Hitler was interested in this party, and ceased to take orders from his officers; which lead to his leave of the Army roll. Hitler knew that in the scarcity, people would be more influenced by his speaking, and soon enough; he was giving speeches to many anti-Jews like himself. When the time was right, Hitler started giving names and uniforms; although there was none created for his type of position. In 1934, Hitler used a brown suit for his uniform, but ceased to wear it all throughout WWII. This probably impacted his humanity by wanting to be in power all the time, he did not want to sit back and follow a flawed system; he wanted to lead his people against those who were’ taking over’. He was later called, by his followers, Führer (which means leader in German).

Hitler’s anti-Semitism may have come from the fact that he was always getting bad news from Jewish people. A Jewish doctor told him that his mother had breast cancer and would die. His Jewish officer told him that he would not get the Iron Cross (which he ended up getting, anyways). Hitler didn’t see another type of person, he saw bad news-like he was getting constantly from them.

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Shelby’s Hitler assessment:After reading what I have about Adolf Hitler, I have changed my opinion of him. At first, I thought of him as a murderous and inhumane being; but now I don’t. I cannot believe Hitler was all bad, he just had a bad life; and made even worse choices. Hitler could have been an even worse leader, he could have used a lot more torturous means against the Jews, like mustard gas. His experiences made him who he was, but he wasn’t a bad person in the start. It may be a bad excuse for what he did, but I can’t help but imagine if he HAD been worse; or if he hadn’t even been who he was at all. Who knows where we would be, or where the Jew‘s would be right now if Hitler hadn’t done what he did. At the beginning, Hitler had a good excuse for what his means were – he wanted only the best for Germany, not for it to be at disposal to all the other countries. Humanity always had the right to their opinion, Hitler’s was that Jews were ruining the world. It was his choice to act upon those thoughts, and he’s more brave than anyone because of what he chose to do. He did kill many, but he’s still teaching students and citizens that you can act on your thoughts, and learn from your choices. (But I defiantly do NOT want people to act upon their thoughts to kill ME-I meant along the lines of inventions or fixing the world.)

= )

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After doing the research on Adolf Hitler I have learned to change my opinion about him and his actions. I used to view him an evil and manipulating human being. With no sense of compassion or sincerity. I learned to look at all sides of things. His family life had a big impact on who he became. His fathers abuse, pushed Hitler to become the insane and cruel man that he was. I believe that if Hitler hadn’t been abused that things may have been different and he wouldn’t have gone as crazy as he was. I personally don’t blame Hitler for his actions I blame his father. I now view him as a victim of mistreatment and feel sorry for him because he could have lived a better life had he not been pressured and harmed. I’m not saying that what he did was right but I am saying that there was a logical reason of why he did what he did.