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RURAL ROADS Helping you build affordable all-weather rural roads

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Post on 27-Mar-2020




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RuRal RoaDs Helping you build affordable all-weather rural roads

Building affordable all-weather rural roads

Given these challenges, you might find that you are facing the following pressures:

Higher rain intensity leading to inaccessibility of gravel rural roads during and after rainy season

Frequent re-gravelling of rural roads leads to exhaustion of local aggregates and is not sustainable

Conventional pavement systems may be over-engineered for low volume roads and too costly (not fit for purpose), impacting budgets and on plan project completion

Remote project sites mean long distances from bitumen/asphalt plants leading to compromises on quality, and consequent increased maintenance needs and premature failure

Distances and terrain cannot be accessed affordably by conventional hot bitumen truck haulers.

ToDay’s ChallenGes To BuilDinG aFFoRDaBle all-WeaTheR RuRal RoaDs

Today, an estimated 40% of rural populations in iDa* developing countries lack direct access to an all-weather road†. This means a large percentage of our world’s population may not always have access to hospitals, markets, schools or their families. Developing and maintaining fit-for-purpose road infrastructure can mean a great deal to local communities, socially, environmentally and economically.

aDVeRse CliMaTiCConDiTionsIncreasing rainfall leading to roads

being washed away

CosTsLack of fit-for-purpose

solutions leading to the use of over-

engineered solutions

suPPly QualiTyRemoteness of

project sites from supply and

manufacturing sites

BuDGeTs Lower budget allocation per square metre

of road


Turn this...

*International Development Association †According to internal Shell estimations

into this...


Erosion of gravel roads due to rain and greater needs for rural connectivity.

Product Our product portfolio can help you deliver; Shell Spramul – for slurry seals, chip seals and micro-surfacing applications

Shell Bitumen products in drums – for remote

project locations.

Increasing pressure to reduce waste and use local alternative aggregates.

EnvironmentWith our technologies and resources we can work with you to help you reduce your CO2 emissions.

Increasing need to have affordable fit-for-purpose products that are not over-engineered.

TechnologyAs a customer you can benefit from our solution centres that leverage Shell’s global know-how to deliver solutions adapted to your needs.

Supply of bitumen may be constrained due to difficult storage and handling over long distances, diverse climates and remoteness.

Supply We have an extensive global and regional bitumen supply network, helping you to benefit from a reliable supply and to complete projects on schedule.

Increasingly high and volatile raw material costs that may impact adversely on your business plans.

Price risk managementShell, as one of the largest hydrocarbon trading companies in the world, has the expertise to offer you price risk management solutions, helping you to effectively manage your cash flow volatility.

Increasing need for high health and safety standards in the work environment.

Health, safety, security and environmentShell companies have a systematic approach to health, safety, security and environmental management in order to achieve continuous performance improvement. This helps you to benefit from a safe, reliable supply.

Going forward, your suppliers may not be able to provide you with a dedicated contact point which may lead to gaps in your supply planning.

Dedicated account managementWorking closely with a dedicated account manager who understands your needs and acts as a day-to-day link to our network of experts.

Proven solutions to help you build affordable all-weather rural roadsWe are working together with leading funding institutions such as the World Bank and other NGOs related to the rural roads industry. These collaborations help us to offer proven business solutions that address your needs for affordable engineering systems designed to provide all weather rural connectivity.

For further information please contact your Shell Bitumen representative or visit;

© 2010 Shell International Petroleum Company Limited

The Shell emblem, SHELL, SPRAMUL C and INSTAPAVE, are trade marks of the Shell Group.


Did you know?* We deliver approximately 11,000 metric tonnes of bitumen products across more than 30 countries every day.

We continually invest in technology and R&D to develop innovative and award-winning products.

We work with around 1,600 customers to pave approximately 350km of roads every day – that’s 1 kilometre of road every 4 minutes!

*based on internal Shell figures from January 2010.

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