shenley brook end ·...

SHENLEY BRO SCHOOL NEWS 15 May Year 7 15 May Year 7 18 May Year 13 19 May All Yea 22 May School 1-5 June Langua 1 June Trainin 2 June School Welcome The school’s new building progra theatre extension frame; and th classrooms are nearly complete. lessons continue as usual. The Year 11 leavers’ assembly an season, and the Sports Hall has all the students in Years 10, 11, 1 continuing their revision program Once again there is a wide range predicted the winner of the gene I trust that you have an enjoyab exams, please be a good support Mr Martin Head Teacher OOK END SCHOOL Vol 16 Issue 17 : 14 May 7 Geography Trip 7 Lunchtime concert at the Open Univer 3 Drama Trip ars Solos Concert, 7pm to 8.30pm, in th l closes for half term ages Longrigg Residential Trip ng Day l reopens for students amme is well under way. The new library he foundations for the new suite of labo Although there has been some noise an nd prom last week signalled the start of been decked out with hundreds of exam 12 and 13 have prepared well for the ex mmes. Good luck to you all (including par e of activities covered in this newslette eral election in one of the debates! ble half term break (and if your child is t in the midst of revision). 2015 rsity he LTC y frame is up, as is the oratories and nd dust disruption, f the examination m desks. I trust that xams and are rents). er; our students even s in the middle of

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Page 1: SHENLEY BROOK END · a short story written by your favourite author. Please visit the library or 6 th



15 May Year 7 Geography Trip

15 May Year 7 Lunchtime concert at the Open University

18 May Year 13 Drama Trip

19 May All Years Solos Concert, 7pm to 8.30pm, in the LTC

22 May School closes for half term

1-5 June Languages Longrigg Residential Trip

1 June Training Day

2 June School reopens for students


The school’s new building programme is well under way. The new library frame is up, as is the

theatre extension frame; and the foundations for the new suite of laboratories and

classrooms are nearly complete. Although there has been some noise and dust disruption,

lessons continue as usual.

The Year 11 leavers’ assembly and prom last week signalled the st

season, and the Sports Hall has been decked out with hundreds of exam desks. I trust that

all the students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 have prepared well for the exams and are

continuing their revision programmes. Good luck to you all

Once again there is a wide range of activities covered in this newsletter; our students even

predicted the winner of the general election in one of the debates!

I trust that you have an enjoyable half term break (and if your child i

exams, please be a good support in the midst of revision).

Mr Martin

Head Teacher


Vol 16 Issue 17 : 14 May 2015

Year 7 Geography Trip

Year 7 Lunchtime concert at the Open University

Year 13 Drama Trip

All Years Solos Concert, 7pm to 8.30pm, in the LTC

School closes for half term

Languages Longrigg Residential Trip

Training Day

School reopens for students

The school’s new building programme is well under way. The new library frame is up, as is the

extension frame; and the foundations for the new suite of laboratories and

classrooms are nearly complete. Although there has been some noise and dust disruption,

The Year 11 leavers’ assembly and prom last week signalled the start of the examination

season, and the Sports Hall has been decked out with hundreds of exam desks. I trust that

all the students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 have prepared well for the exams and are

continuing their revision programmes. Good luck to you all (including parents).

Once again there is a wide range of activities covered in this newsletter; our students even

predicted the winner of the general election in one of the debates!

I trust that you have an enjoyable half term break (and if your child is in the middle of

exams, please be a good support in the midst of revision).

Vol 16 Issue 17 : 14 May 2015

Year 7 Lunchtime concert at the Open University

All Years Solos Concert, 7pm to 8.30pm, in the LTC

The school’s new building programme is well under way. The new library frame is up, as is the

extension frame; and the foundations for the new suite of laboratories and

classrooms are nearly complete. Although there has been some noise and dust disruption,

art of the examination

season, and the Sports Hall has been decked out with hundreds of exam desks. I trust that

all the students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 have prepared well for the exams and are

(including parents).

Once again there is a wide range of activities covered in this newsletter; our students even

s in the middle of

Page 2: SHENLEY BROOK END · a short story written by your favourite author. Please visit the library or 6 th

Year 10 Study Skills Seminar

On Tuesday 28 April Year 10 students took part in a Study Skills Seminar presented by

Elevate Education. The seminar was designed to provide students with a range of study and

revision techniques as part of their preparation for their maths and science GCSE exams in

May/June 2015.

The key skills identified by Elevate Education during the seminar were:

1) Students should know which exam board each of their subject uses and

should download a copy of the specification/syllabus for each one. By the

end of the course students should have effective notes on every

specification bullet point for every subject. Students should use a traffic

light system, e.g. red = difficult, yellow/orange = moderate, green = easy,

for every topic in order to prioritise revision.

2) Effective notes should be taken during the year so that the time prior to exams can be

used revising effectively by reading over those notes, writing summaries, performing

practice papers etc.

3) Revision notes should be kept in a well organised folder. Subjects can be separated by

using dividers. The specification should act as the cover sheet for each subject.

4) Students can use trigger words (keywords) and colour coding to produce effective notes.

5) Students should spend a minute or so reviewing notes immediately after

writing them. This will improve memory retention considerably.

6) Students should use mind maps to help memorise and process information.

7) Students should perform practice exam papers as part of their revision to ensure that

they can apply their knowledge in different ways. Practice papers and the accompanying

mark schemes can be downloaded from the exam board websites or from Moodle. Slowly

building from completing them with notes, to without notes, to under timed conditions is

excellent preparation for the real thing.

I hope that you find this overview useful in preparation for the upcoming exams. Good luck.

Mr Davis

Director for Student Progress: AR&R

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To find out

more about




here, please

IAG NEWS Year 11 VWG Trip – 8 May 2015

On 8 May a group of Year 11 students visited Volkswagen’s National

Training Centre. The day provided students with an opportunity to find

out about the various apprenticeships available with the Volkswagen

Group and experience the state of the art facilities on offer. The

students took part in a practical session that enabled them to show their

competence in the automotive industry and understand the tasks expected of

them if they were to become an apprentice.

Apprenticeship Opportunities • Advanced Engineering – Craft

• Advanced Engineering – Technician

• Intermediate Engineering – Craft

• Lloyds Banking Group – Customer Service,

Financial Management, Innovative Technology

• Advanced Business

• Intermediate Business

• Advanced Technology Sales

Year 8 Preferences

Student choices have been collated and letters will be sent out before half term confirming

students’ allocations. If your child would like to make a change to the preferences due to the

progress made in Year 8, please write to me with the request. I will make changes where

possible, depending on timetable and class constraints and inform students and parents of

the outcome before the end of term.

Mr G McCluskey

Assistant Headteacher

Page 4: SHENLEY BROOK END · a short story written by your favourite author. Please visit the library or 6 th

Bronze DofE Practice Expedition 8

woke up refreshed. On the second day of walking we encountered all

types of weather from rain, wind and sun, but we safely made it to our destination. I’m very

glad I completed the expedition because it gives you self

even if you do end up with wind burn and blisters. Amy Smith 9CCF

Bronze DofE Practice Expedition 8-9 May 2015

Last weekend Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh teams

completed the Bronze practice expedition. I enjoyed

the expedition because we learnt many ne

Even though we may have got slightly lost we kept

our morale up.

On the first day the walk felt very long but we were

very happy when we got to camp and could sit down.

The camping was really good fun, but the strong

winds kept us up most of the night, however we still

woke up refreshed. On the second day of walking we encountered all

types of weather from rain, wind and sun, but we safely made it to our destination. I’m very

glad I completed the expedition because it gives you self-confidence and self

even if you do end up with wind burn and blisters. Amy Smith 9CCF

Last weekend Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh teams

completed the Bronze practice expedition. I enjoyed

the expedition because we learnt many new skills.

Even though we may have got slightly lost we kept

On the first day the walk felt very long but we were

very happy when we got to camp and could sit down.

The camping was really good fun, but the strong

he night, however we still

woke up refreshed. On the second day of walking we encountered all

types of weather from rain, wind and sun, but we safely made it to our destination. I’m very

e and self-fulfilment

Page 5: SHENLEY BROOK END · a short story written by your favourite author. Please visit the library or 6 th

Shenley Brook End School Finance Office

Please be advised that until further notice the school finance office is open for business

during the following hours only:

8.15am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday for parents. Please knock on the window.

For students: Please come to the door and knock.

8.15am to 8.35am

10.20am to 10.40am

12.25m to 13.10pm

Lost Property

Our lost property bins are overflowing. The contents will be on tables in “The

Street” from this Friday, 15 May, until half term, 22 May.

Please encourage your child to look for any items of clothing or school uniform that may have

been mislaid. Parents are welcome to co

3.30pm, to look.

Items of any value, jewellery, keys, money etc are kept locked in the front office, and

enquiries for these items should be made to the receptionist.

Any remaining items will be recycled du

Library News

Books R Us

When the group met this week they received the book they selected which will be one of the

shortlisted books they have chosen to read round the group. After reading the books they

will be giving them a score out of 5 and we will find out in June which was the winning title

from this shortlist.

Shenley Brook End School Finance Office

Please be advised that until further notice the school finance office is open for business

8.15am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday for parents. Please knock on the window.

For students: Please come to the door and knock.

bins are overflowing. The contents will be on tables in “The

Street” from this Friday, 15 May, until half term, 22 May.

Please encourage your child to look for any items of clothing or school uniform that may have

been mislaid. Parents are welcome to come into school at the end of the school day at

Items of any value, jewellery, keys, money etc are kept locked in the front office, and

enquiries for these items should be made to the receptionist.

Any remaining items will be recycled during half term week.

When the group met this week they received the book they selected which will be one of the

shortlisted books they have chosen to read round the group. After reading the books they

them a score out of 5 and we will find out in June which was the winning title

Please be advised that until further notice the school finance office is open for business

8.15am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday for parents. Please knock on the window.

bins are overflowing. The contents will be on tables in “The

Please encourage your child to look for any items of clothing or school uniform that may have

me into school at the end of the school day at

Items of any value, jewellery, keys, money etc are kept locked in the front office, and

ring half term week.

When the group met this week they received the book they selected which will be one of the

shortlisted books they have chosen to read round the group. After reading the books they

them a score out of 5 and we will find out in June which was the winning title

Page 6: SHENLEY BROOK END · a short story written by your favourite author. Please visit the library or 6 th

Carnegie Shadowing Group

Students are busy reading the eight titles selected for this year’s Carnegie Gold Medal

Award. So far the book which all those w

Patrick Ness. This year’s titles cover a wide range of issues pertinent to teenage life today

and some are quite long reads.

Forthcoming Events

Quiet Reading

Games and Puzzles Session

Farewell to the Library

As the time approaches for us to move out of the current Main Library we will be holding a

special event to mark this occasion. We will be inviting

of the Library to join us on this day.

Lower School Debate

Our most recent lower school debate, ‘This House believes violent video games increase

strategies for dealing with hazardous situations, whilst others raised the issue of parents

refusing to buy particular games, or banning their children from playing for periods of time,

causing aggressive outbursts.

Zeeshanali won the majority vote from the floor whilst


Election Balloon Debate

Students are busy reading the eight titles selected for this year’s Carnegie Gold Medal

Award. So far the book which all those who have read it have enjoyed is ‘More Than This’ by

Patrick Ness. This year’s titles cover a wide range of issues pertinent to teenage life today

Friday 15 May and Tuesday 19 May lunchtim

Thursday 21 May lunchtime

Thursday 4 June lunchtime

As the time approaches for us to move out of the current Main Library we will be holding a

special event to mark this occasion. We will be inviting past Library Assistants and friends

of the Library to join us on this day.

Our most recent lower school debate, ‘This House believes violent video games increase

aggressive behaviour’ proved very popular with our

audience. Following their speeches,

Zeeshanali were bombarded with questions about

subjects ranging from parental responsibility to

age-ratings, from games being stress relievers, to

them being the cause of frustration and anger.

Some audience members suggested violen

provided specific reaction skills and positive

strategies for dealing with hazardous situations, whilst others raised the issue of parents

refusing to buy particular games, or banning their children from playing for periods of time,

won the majority vote from the floor whilst Ben’s arguments swayed the

On the same day the nation went

to the polls, we held an election

balloon debate in the Main

Library, with 6 students

representing the major parties

and ‘significant others’.

Students are busy reading the eight titles selected for this year’s Carnegie Gold Medal

ho have read it have enjoyed is ‘More Than This’ by

Patrick Ness. This year’s titles cover a wide range of issues pertinent to teenage life today

Friday 15 May and Tuesday 19 May lunchtimes

As the time approaches for us to move out of the current Main Library we will be holding a

past Library Assistants and friends

Our most recent lower school debate, ‘This House believes violent video games increase

aggressive behaviour’ proved very popular with our

their speeches, Ben and

were bombarded with questions about

subjects ranging from parental responsibility to

ratings, from games being stress relievers, to

them being the cause of frustration and anger.

Some audience members suggested violent games

provided specific reaction skills and positive

strategies for dealing with hazardous situations, whilst others raised the issue of parents

refusing to buy particular games, or banning their children from playing for periods of time,

arguments swayed the

On the same day the nation went

to the polls, we held an election

balloon debate in the Main

Library, with 6 students

representing the major parties

and ‘significant others’.

Page 7: SHENLEY BROOK END · a short story written by your favourite author. Please visit the library or 6 th

Each ‘candidate’ had 2 minutes to summarise their party’s main policies, followed by an open

forum to challenge opposition parties.

The audience then voted off 2 Speakers – so we said farewell to The Green Party and

Labour. Our candidates took questions from the floor, defending their policies against some

tough criticism. After this round, 2 more parties were voted out of the balloon; this time,

we lost the Liberal Democrats, and UKIP. Finally, Conservative and ‘Others’ (including SNP,

Plaid Cymru and the Monster Raving Loony Party) battled it out in a final closing appeal for

votes. Whether it was the Union Jack socks which swayed the audience, we’ll never know,

but in the final count, Conservative took the victory.

Many thanks to our enthusiastic and entertaining speakers, pictured above, from left to

right, Robert Welch, representing the Liberal Democrats; Tom Scott for Conservative;

Zack Deeley,The Green Party; Jamie Heathcote speaking on behalf of Labour; Alex Taylor

representing UKIP and Louisa Bell for ‘Significant Others’.

As students left, we invited them to fill in a ballot paper, as if they were voting in a general

election. From the 85 votes cast, with students from Year 7 up to sixth form, and a handful

of staff, the results were as follows:

Conservatives 26


Labour 18

Green Party 8

Lib Dems 7

Others 5

(inc SNP, Plaid Cymru, Monster Raving Loony Party)

Shenley Book Ends Sixth Form Reading Group

Despite exams looming, most of our group are still continuing to read for pleasure, finding it

a necessary source of relaxation in their busy revision schedules. Books they would

recommend as Mood Boosting at this challenging time, include Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt; Howl’s Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones; Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton; Fairy Tail, a manga series by Hiro Mashima, and John Green’s A Fault in our Stars. Humorous titles including Bridget Jones’ Diary and The Rosie Project have also proved popular as an antidote to the pressures of exams.

If you are preparing for exams and don’t feel you want to be distracted or challenged by a

long or complex novel, try reading some of our curriculum-related magazines including Total Film, New Scientist or The Economist. The articles are both informative and accessible, easily fitting into a 20 minute break. Similarly, you may enjoy a familiar book from your

younger years – Harry Potter or Percy Jackson – as a way to immediately boost your mood, or

a short story written by your favourite author.

Page 8: SHENLEY BROOK END · a short story written by your favourite author. Please visit the library or 6 th

Please visit the library or 6th Form Resource Centre for a personal recommendation to see

you through the exam season and beyond, either to complement your studies, or to provide a

short period of respite from revision.

Longrigg Residential Trip

Becky James-Gavira 10BCW

I really enjoyed Longrigg. The place and area was really nice with

amazing views. We did a week of climbing and went to a different location every day. We

were really lucky with the weather as it was hot, sunny and dry the whole time. I came away

from Longrigg with a good score to go towards my GCSE PE Grade. Overall I really enjoyed

Longrigg and would definitely go again.

Taylor Shields 10SCO

I really enjoyed the Longrigg rock climbing trip. The staff at the centre were very friendly,

caring and great instructors. The views were amazing; the weather was great, the facilities

were good, pretty much faultless overall. The trip would not have been as good if it wasn’t

for the teachers who came with us from school, they made the trip much more enjoyable and

if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have been able to go. After doing this for the week, it has

made me become interested in rock climbing and would intrigue me to do it again.

Students Enjoying Climbing as part of the Longrigg Year 10 GCSE PE Trip