shepherdstown register (shepherdstown, va. [w. va.]). 1857 ...€¦ · -* l 1. j)j>ovs'...

-* L 1 . 1 j>OVS' CIA) THING. . I have just re- J) reived Bo)V Coats and l'atus, very chf.*p ; also a fine assortment of Shiris w ith linen bo-oms ; anil drilling and can- i >D cotton Draweis. a supcih article. M *j 16 A. UUMKlCKllOUSE. lyoot WAN m>.. Those having H Wool to ili*{>"Pe of will find it to their advantage to «js\e us a call before' disposing of it. May 10 Cumtron <$. Staley. iv anteUI rrO purchase immediately, a colored Girl JL from 10 to 15 years ol ajje, or a Wo¬ man from 30 to 43 years of age. A lib- 1 oral price will be given, cash paid . in¬ quire of the printer. May 16 TURNPIKE NOTICE. rnilE Stockholders of the SliepherJa- j I tow n ami Sniithfield Turnpike Com-j pany are not i tied that an election will he; held on Saturday. June tfth, next, at the Hotel of Daniel Entler,in Shepherdstown, between the hours ot two and six o'clock in the aitt rn >on of that day, lor the pur¬ pose of electing a INeiddent, Five Direc¬ tors and Treasurer to manage the affairs of the Company for the ensuing year. S-m Uholders are req ;e>ted to attend eith- <r in person or bv proxy. JOHN M. JEWE'IT, Secretary. M «y 1 G, 1857. 4t LADIES' FAIR. PHIIE ladies of the German Reformed JV Church in Shepherdstown, would res¬ pectfully inform the public that iliey will open thi'i* Fair on May 28tii, (Election ])jy ) in Mr. Towner's commodious stoie house lately occupied by John H. M .- Endiee. 'They will offer a very superior ;i->s»r!inent of useful ami fancy articles. On which occasion there will he an elc- - ui DIN NEK prepared in tho same l.a | As the proceeds are to he devoted to the external improvement of the Church tiwy earnestly solicit their friends and the eitiz- us generally » in«ptcl ih< ir articles ;.iuj give them such encouragement as the proverbial generosity and benevolence of « Id Jetfcrsou County warrant them to ex¬ pect. May 1 :0f^--y^j}l\ t. % ^.mit3 II jS 1 ecu before the public more than 20 years and is deservedly popular. Kxtract of a letter dated Three Springs, a-hington County, Va., from J. Merch¬ ant : . It is proper that I should state that your Gargling Oil has given general satisfaction, and has taken a stand with the most popular medicines introduced in the trade. Extract of a letter from Burwell Fure;uson, .fated Wayne, Va., August 30. 1>.~>6: . 1 have * dd all of the Gargling Oil on hand. It has b«en tried on almost ever) complaint incident to man or beast, and has never Jailed to cure. ) hr»ve seen it used for Pole Evil and Fistula and cured every caso. Extract of a letter from R. O. Jcssop, dated Friendship, Maryland. September 4,1S55: . Messrs. M. H. Tucker & Co. Gents : . I have M'en the admirable ellects of your Oil in case of a bruise and much swelling. A member of my family having received a severe bruise upon his leg, we applied your Gargling Oil. and in five or six days she was able to attend to the household all'uirs as usual I can also attest to its efficacy in curing Corns, with which 1 have sutFered much for fifteen years. and which ] have cured with a few applications of the Gargling Oil. ICf- Pamphlets gratuitously furnished by a- gents with Testimonial* of its utility. All orders addressed to the Proprietors, M. H Tucker & Co., Lockport, N. Y. For sale by Druggists and Merchants generally, through the United States. British Possession.*, and other Countries. And by /: C. WILLIAMS, Shepherdstown ; ./. E. L'L.IGGET, Harper's Ferry, HELLER Sf COOKE, Charlestown, and by Druggists and Merchants in the vicinity. Wholesale by Drug¬ gists in Philadelphia and New York, and by Da¬ vis & Miller and W. 11. Brown & ilro., Balti¬ more. May IG. ly DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. riMIE Co-partnership heretofore existing be- X tween the subscribers under the tirm of Cameron k Staley, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 1st day of April. The books of the firm will he found at the store of Cameron & Stalev, and debts of the firm must be liqui¬ dated immediately. Those indebted to the lirm will be expected to come forward and settle their indebtedness. ^ D. \V. ORMEROX, GEO. R. STALEY. April 9, 1S57. tf ' - - tmSTee'8 i\ UTiCE. ^ 1.L notes and accounts due George W. A F"*. having be.-n put in my hands ftir rollscti<>n, I truft all who are inteiested j will lie prepared to pay die fcame when, presented as indulgence cannot be given. GEORGE R. STALKY. I May 9. 1857. Trustee. |\ I A R II II A) WO VJ A N *S Private Medi- JJ-Lcal Companion, juu received and lor salt bv E. C. WILLIAMS. J i A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. rPIIE subscriber, intending to move to L the West, will sell his FARM situated in the counties of -Jefferson and Berkeley, on the road leading from Shepherdstown to Martinsburg, 4 inilcs from the former and 5 miles ftom the latter place, and within a short distance of a Depot on the B. & O. Railroad. It contains 311 ACRES, susceptible of division into two Tracts, a sulHcien i portion of which is in good and thrifty TIMBER. It is well watered, an abundant stream passing through it, which is accessible to every portion ot the Farm. There is on it a very large ORCHARD of well selected FRUIT. The Buildings consist of a verv comfortable DWELLING, » in jood repair, with the usual OUT¬ HOUSES, &c., an excellent BARN, | CATTLE S1IED, GRANARY AND CORN HOUSE, lately built, and equal to any in the counties named. In short, in consideration of fertility, water, acces¬ sibility to market, improvements, & c.. an 'excellent opportunity is now offered to any one who may desire to purchase him¬ self a comfortable home. For terms, &c., apply by letter or in person to the subscriber. T. H. TOVYNER. Post Office Address . Shepherdslown, Jefferson County, Ya. May 2, 1857. tf %* Berkeley American and Free Press copy. AT RS. CATHAKINE S. SN1VELY 1VL having connected herself in i he Millinery /{uaiuess with Miss MA- U Y STEVENS, takes litis method of announcing to the citizens of Shep- [herdstovvu and vicinity that they have ta¬ ken a room in the house of Joseph Unt¬ ie r, nearly opposite J >hn H. McEndree's store, w here they are prepared to do all kinds of MILLLNKUY WORK with j neatness and dispatch and at low prices. Having just returned from Baltimore with the LATEST FASHIONS ami NEW- EST STYLES of BONNETS, &c.. they would respectfully invite their friends to give them a call. fBS&T Terms CASH. I Shepherdsiown, May 9, 1857. 3t B AR Eli Y ! GrEOCETtlES, A N D LIQUORS! rPIIE undersigned takes this method of i informing the vitizens of Shepherds- town and vicinity thai he has again com¬ menced the Bakery business, at Bridge¬ port, opposite the Canal, and therefore informs all who are fond of good bread that they can be furnished with the same, | fresh every morning, by calling at his> store opposite the Canal. HUSKS and CAKES of every kind will he kept on ; hand. FOUND .ami FRUIT CAKE ol every kind will be made to order by leav¬ ing orders with him one day previous. In connection with my Bakery I will constantly keep on hand and for sale a large assortment of ssoiiiams, Confectionaries, and Liquors, of every description, also a quantity of ex¬ cellent LIME, for white-washing, or in quantities for plastering, all of which will be sold exceedingly !ov\*. N. B. . Particular attention will be giv¬ en to forwarding packages for a small commission. M. L. ENTLER. May 2, 1857. if H RIDDLE &, BROTHER, RESPECTFULLY INVITE ATTENTION' TO TIIEIR EX¬ TENSIVE ASSORTMENT OK CUTLERY, BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Large additions to ic.'iich they are constantly . receiving direct from the Manufacturers. A VIXG had long experience in the busi¬ ness, and determined to sell for a small profit and lo till orders promptly and fail hlully. they hope to merit a continuance of public juii- ronase. The following are a few of the leading articles they expect ti> he «!wavs prepared iu furnish, viz: Y\ osten holm's, Manpin's, Bar¬ low's, «Vc., Pocket Cutlery, Razors and Scis¬ sors ; Eyre, Ward & Co's and Menden Cutle¬ ry (Jo's superioi Tablo Cutlery ; J. ¥ ilson's .Shoe, Butcher and Cook Knives; best makes '/j03., Albata, German Silver and Plated 11 e J "able Spoons ; Guns, Percussion ler Flask*, Shot Belts and Pouches ; ox Coffee Mills; Meat Clutter? and Eng- Planes, braces, Iron and Steel igijed'd Steel-Blade Squares, DisMguV' < llit el. Mill, Circular and Cross-cut Saws, j , a lid nd, Kipping, Tenon and Pit Saws, . sur- Ureaves', &c., Files, Horse Rasps Uprittht, Horizontal. Mortice, Plate .jock, Mineral and Porcelain Shutter ,/ f)t J Lock Furniture, Kant and Loose Hinges and Gimlet Screws, Tacks nishing and Shoe IS'ails, Shovels,! antire, Hay and spade Forks, Eiffel'? ^ Seuip^.'s Wedding, Hilling and Grubbing j Hoes, Hollow-ware Castings, Cafl Poxes and Sad Irons, Hunt's, Sharps' and Stewart's Axes, Hand Axes and HattheU, Coil, Trace, Hatter: and Dog Chuns, best brands Ca>t, shear and Blister steel, English and American A nviJs, Common. Wright's uoiid box Vises, King's stacks & Dies, fledge and band Hammers, A- merienn and German W rought .Nails, V\ heeling Cul Nails. Martiosburg, Sept. C. 1856. 42 . tf A VfcRY complete assortment of 11 Queens- ware and Cethr-ware, lor .-hie by Rente h 4. Co. I)URK Cider Vinegar ami Pickets fur sale by Fentck 4- Co. i-25 W I T l\T E S iS E S ; 'oj "OR, THE £ FORGER CONVICTED. ^ JOILY S. DYE, is TIIE .1 ITII OR, w W ho 1»U3 h:»<l 10 years experience as a banker and Publisher, and Author of A se- O vies of Lectures at the Uroatlway Tabernacle , ^ when, for Jen successive nights, over SO.GUU People greeted him with ^ rounds of applause, whiie he exhibited the ^ manner in which Counterfeiters execute ^ their Frauds, and the Surest and Shortest Means of Detecting them ! ^ The Bank Note /.ngravtrs all say r 'that he is the great est Judge of IJa- O per Munfij living. 0 H REATKST Discovery ok The PreS- _ VT lnt Centcby fur Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. I j- Describing Every Genuine llill in Exis- j tence, and exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation ! Arranged so admirably, tliat reference is easy and detection instantaneous. lrg=» No Index to examine ! No pages to o hunt up! Hut so simplified and arranged ^ that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can sto all at a glance. ** English, French and German. Thus Each may read the same in his own ^ Native Tongue. . .Most Perftcl Bank J\"otc List Published, Also a List of i"- All the Private Bankers in America. A complete Summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be published in each edition, together with all the Impor- > tant ucirs of the day. Also a scries of fltles & from an Olu Manuscript found in I he t.asi. , It furnishes'the .Most Complete History of ORIENTAL LI^'E describing the Most Perplexing Position6 in which the Ladies Ci and Gentlemen of that Country have been so olten found. These stories will contin¬ ue throughout the u hole year, and will prove the Most Entertaining ever offered to the public. O fdr" Furnished Weekly to subscribers ^ only, at §1 a \«;ir. All letter*. utu=t be addressed to JOHN S. DYIS, iiioker, Publisher and Proprietor, ^ 7U Wall street, New York. ^ April 05, 1357. 23 . ly I mm mmm \ jof Spring and Summer Goods. ' HPHE undesigned has just returned rrom the .1 Eastern Market and would inforai his rus- tomers, and the putdic generally, that he is now prepared lo show one of the largest, cheapest and best selected assortment of SPKIXG AND SlJM.MhiU G< >01)S which he has ever before olfered to this community. THE UiDlES DEPARTMENT l embraces everything new and desirable; par- { lie u In r attention has been bestowed in the se- | lection ol Ladies' Dress Goods, Embroidery, <Vc. G EXTL EM EX ' S I IE. i A'..Unu- Isual pains has been teken in the selection ol { Good- in this department, Clolhs and Cassimers I from the lowest grades lip to ten dollars per ; \anl ; In* has been fortunate in procurinu seme great bargains in Cloths, Cassimers and st¬ ing. Come quickly or you will miss the chance. I\L\CY GOODS. . .This department is completed, embracing an endless variety ol Fancy Goods, lionnets and lionnct Trimmings, Lbess Trimmings, Fringes, Velvet, &c. Car¬ pet, Matting, Oil Cloth, Trunks, (Iro- ceiies, Haidware and Queensware, a large supply, which he will sell at a veiy low tij»ure. Every other va¬ riety of Goods, usually kept in a first class house, which will be said as low, it not lower, than any house this side of1 Ualtimore. He would invite one and all to give him a call. He will take great pleasure in show- inn his Goods to all who may favor him with a 'call. All kinds of produce, that a farmer may have to dispose of, will be taken at the highest j market price in exchange for his Goods. WILLIAM MOULDER. Shepherdstown, April 18, 1857. NEW ! mm cioobs. OWING to the eat and incessant rush for new and fashionable goods, we have not had the time to spare to write an advertisement, and we hastily embrace the present opportuni¬ ty occasioned by the inclemency of the weath¬ er to inform our friends and the public genera l- ly that wc have replenished our stock, and are prepared to exhibit for sale a large and varied assortment of the newest and most fashionable and cheapest goods ever offered. IN TI1E GENTLEMEN'S BE- partment we have every description of wearing appatei and feel confident we cart please the [ most fastidious taste. Cloths, Cussimers aud Ves tings, BOOTS, SHOES^y^, JJats and Caps. ! LA l)li: & DEPdR TMENT.-Un- usual care lias been taken in making selections for tlie ladies department. *Ve deem it quite unnecessary to enumerate the many articles for the I. adies, suflice it to saj every thing worn by the sex can be found in the establishment, We respectfully and cordially solicit an ex¬ amination of our stock before purchasing else¬ where, as lve feel confident we can satisfy the wants and please every desci iption of taste. N. II. . Ml kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. BAKER & BILLMYER. Shepherdstown, April 25, 1857. tf LIME FOR SALE. milE subscriber has commenced the X Ihine Burning Business, at the Qaerry, on the "Spring Mill Farm," i miles east of Shepherdstown, where I intend keep-; ing the artii le of the very best quality, fori sale, for Cash. /^OFFISE. . Lovers of fine tlavoredj U Coffee's are invited to call and exam-, me our stock of Rio and Goverment Java Coffees. A good ariicle for 12} cents. April 13 Rentch 4* Co. T1LOUK, Torn Meal, Oats and Corn, JP constantly kept on hand and for sale. April 25 Rentch 4* Co. 1) \(JS. . 10.000 jH>'iuds of Rags wail- 1 1/ led in exchdii^e t> t goods or cash. April 25 Rentch 4* Co . j LAliD, Whale, FIuxm-ciI and Etheriai Oils, lor >uie by Rentch 4* Co. j SAMUEL M. KNOTT. Ap'ril 25, 1857. tf a Rentch 4* Co. FRESH DRUGS, Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c. rp H K subscriber has just received a large I consignment of Drugs, Medicines, Painls, Oils, &c., which will b* sold low. Among them will be found Linseed Oil, Lewis <V Co*s Pure White Lead, Spirits Turpentine, Umber, Red Lead, Venetian Red, Litberage, Crom Green, Spanish Whuing, Window Glass 10 X> 12 and 8X10, Putty, Swain's Panacea, Jane's Expectorant, Hoofland's German Bitters, Hol- lowa>'s PilU and Ointment, McLane's Pills, Aver's Pills, Wright's Pills, Brandreth's Pills, Mc/llister's Ointment, Bear's Oil, Bay Rum, Alcohol, Copal Varnish, Japan Varnish, Starch, Liquorice, Refited Vatnlla Beans, Extract Va¬ nilla, Indillible Ink, Cod Liver Oil, Shoema- j ker's Wax, Peeper, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, ! Long Pepper, Tummiric, Wbite Pepper. While i and Black Mustard. Faber's best Lead Pencils, I Supeiior Extracts for the Handkerchief, Coop- j er's Isinglass, Mexican Liniment, Castor Oil by the bottle or gallon, and all articles kept in a Drug Store. Those in want of the above ar¬ ticles will please give me a call. CHARLES HARPER. Shepherdstown, April 18, 1857. tl* LATE ARRIVAL . OF . Sprvug aud Summer UooAs. fPHE undersigned having just returned from J. the Eastern Cities takes pleasure in infor- ming*their customers and the public general¬ ly, that they have j ust received A Large Stock of Goods which we are selling at reduced prices. We invite all who are in want of Goods to give a call, as we ate determined to sell goods at a small advance. Our stock consists in purt as follows : Ladies', Gentlemen's and Boys' Wear Boots, Shoes, Ilats ancT^y Caps, Queens-ware, China-ware, Glass-ware, Tin-ware, Cidar-u aie s»nd other Wares, llatdwarc . consisting of Cut and liought Nulls, Hoop Iron, I far Iron , Horse Shoes , Locks , Hinges , Screws . Axes, Hatchets . and ev en/ variety of Hardware. GROCERIES, BACON, FISII, SALT, See. Our stork of Groceries arc large and of tl.e very best the market can alford. Farmers and others wishing to purchase Groceries by the quantity, will find it to their advantage to call and examine our stock. Weaie prepared to sell at very small advance for cash. No¬ tions) Fruits and Cokfectionaries. DRY GOODS. consisting of Brown and bleached Muslins from 5 cents up to 25 cents. Iri*ti linen, Crash 1 a- ble Spreads, Striped Cottons, ("snaburgs, &c. A general assortment of Hoys' and Mto's Wear Hosiery and Gloves of all kinds aiul styles. We would particularly iuvile attention to our large stock of Shoes, which is full and complete, all of which vmII be sold upon nio-i reasonable terms. kinds ol Count r\ Produce will be taken in exchange for good*. Call at Cheap Side So. 2, for Bargains. UENTCH & STON EB RAKER. Shepherdstown, April 11, 1857. Virginia, Jefferson County, Set : In the County Court, March Terui,~J85 7. AT a Court continued and-held (or Jef- fersen County, on Friday, the 20th ol March 1 857. The Court appoints the following nam¬ ed commissioners and officers to conduct the election, to he held in this County, on the 4 ill Thursday, in May next, as pio- vided and required by Law. District No. 1 . Franklin Osborne, Fisher A. Lewis, John VV . McCurily, Joseph Myers and John Humphrey s, or any two of them. T. E. Woodward, officer. District No. 2. Robert V. Shirley, John VV. Grantham, Jos. 0. Coyle, Hubert W. Baylor and Samuel D. Cryarly, or any two or more of them. Geo. Murphy, officer. District Xo. 3. Henry Davenport, John S. Moore, Ks- rom Sliler, Pavid Howell and Aiulren Alridge, or any two or more of them. | Thos. Johnson, officer. District Xo. 4. John T. Gibson, James L. IIoofT, Geo H. Tate, Geo. W. Eichelberger and Francis VV. Drew, or any two or more ol them. N. \V. Manning, officer. District Xo. 5. John II. McEndree, John Hess, Dan'l Cameron, Samuel Knott and Landon C. lleskitt, or any two or more of them. ' Le^ is Lucas, officer. District No. 6. Edmund I. Lee, Wm. G. Butler, Cain M. Entler, R. I). Shepherd, jr., and J. P. A. Entler, or any two or more of them. George M. Bast, officer. District No. 7. Wm. Small wood, John Moler, Roberi N. Duke, Philip Engle and George Crow I, or any two or more of them. John J. Laley, officer. District No. 8 George Mauzv, A. II. //err, Wm. J. Stephens, Geo. B. Stephenson and Geo.' W. Little, or any two or more of them. Geo. Koonce officer. And it is ordered that a Poll be opened on the same day in District No. 1 tor the election of a Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal of John James Grantham from the said Dis¬ trict; and in District No. 6 for the elec- t ion of a Constable to fill the \*ancy oc- j casioned by the resignation of Hcuxy \ Wmtermoyer, jr. A Copy . Teste, T. A. MOOKE, Clerk. April 1 1, 1857. te ll\ A N (. V A R T I C LES.-Jewelry, X Canes, Whips, Gum and Imitation i Combs, Pocket Combs, Ink Stands, Port Monniat, Razors. Pen Knives, Musical Instruments <fcc., for sale by Oct 28 E. C. WILLIAMS. IV* OOL WAN TED. . From one to len \V thousand pounds of Wo A wanted ei¬ ther for Cash -or trade. April 18 William Moulder, i NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. FKt'.M ALBERT G. RICIURDSO.VS Advertising and Corresponden ce Offi» e, 36 1 Broadway, New York. T\\c Wwader W\c Age. NO PAY ! JF Dr. Tobias' celebrated Venetian Liniment does not cure Cholera, Dysentery, Croup, Cholic, Cough*, D>spepsia, Vomiting" Muinp«, Toothache, Headache, Chapped Hand*. Cold Feet, Musquito Bites, Insect Stings, Chronic Rheumatism. Swellings, Old Sores, Cuts. Burns Bruises, and Pains or Weakness iu the Limbs,' Back and Chest. NO HUMBUG-TRY IT. Dr. Tobias has warranted his Liniment for eight years without ever having a demand made for the return of the money . all that is asked is] to use it according to the directions. NO ONE WILL EVER BE WITHOUT IT, After once using it. It you do not find it bet¬ ter than any thing you have ever tried before. CET YOUR MONEY RETURNED ! (fy Thousands of Certificates have been re¬ ceived speaking of its rare vjitues. Now-a-days it is the practice to fill the paj^rs with certifi¬ cates from unknown person*, or given by those who have never used the mcdicine . now Dr. Tobias oilers to pay 1,000 DOLLARS to any one who will prove that he ever publish¬ ed a false certificate during the time he has had his medicine before the public. Call on the agents and get a Pamphlet con¬ taining genuine certificates. As persons envi¬ ous of the large sale ul the YenetiM Liniment have sta!e«l it is ii juTioij» to take it internally, Ur. 'Tobias has taken the following oath. I, SAMUEL I. TOBIAS, of «he City «/ Ne« i Vork. being duly sworn, do depose that I c».m- I pound a Liniment called Venetian, and that the ! ingredients i>l which it is composed arc perfect¬ ly harmless to take internally, « ven m double . he quantity named in the Directions accom¬ panying i nch boti'c. S. I. TOBIAS. .New V«.<rk, January 0, 13'6. Sworn to dav before me. FERNANDO Wool), Mayor. Pri e 25 and .r)0 ccnt<,sol>l bv the IVngcists ami Patent Medicine Deal cm throuyhi a »lw I nited Spates. Id?" ALo for stle Ur. Tobias* ilor^e I.ini meui in Pint Bottles at 50 cents, warrantee superior to any other. \)(. 'Tobias ' office, i G Courtland street. New York. Ap il 11, 1 Sf;7. . 12ill«n C oslav 'a K vvV Vi^Ac vm'\n«ior . y PC infallible <!<. troyrr >tf RAT8, MK'K. i 1 ANTd, GROUND V.lC'li MOLE8; &e.. &c., <Vc. (Not tianuemus t«» the Human Fam ily ) Rats do rial die in their holed, l»at come oat'nnd die. Put up in 20c., 35c., G5c., $1, $2, §>3, and |5 Box< s. "COSTAR'S" BED IiL'(i EXTERMINATOR. Never known t«» luil . and u»ed every day by thousands in New Yoik and elsewhere. ..C08TARV* ELECTRIC rOWDER. For the destruction of Maths, M u»-quitoe*. 1 F|ie», Flea*, n*nt Iiiaecta, Vermin on Fowls and Animals, &C., &c. Sold \\ h » legale and Retail at "COSTAR'S'* PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 38$ BROADWAY. .\ E VV YORK, and by the principal Druggist md Dealer^ throughout the I'niied States, ibe ( Can ad us, West Indies, California and South America. 15P 'Vders must alwayu be accon: panicd by ?he cush. [ No good* sent on commission. li?" 8r;,all Sample Package* I»ut upai the lowest w ho!e»ule prices fwi lnoi orders in new place*, w ith (. sid*, Show bills. Posters, Ac. Package? expressly put up l> r Mupa, Steam- boa l*. lloit !s, Public latftituticita, & c. Full particulars to W huico.i It? Dealer- . scales of price*, & c., will be promptly mailed on application. AddreiM "COST A R" No. 388 Broad war. New York. April M, 1857. 3uj IN TOWN AGAIN ! THE undersigned respectfully annouii* 1 Cf» lo (lie Public that lie lias again located in Shepherdciowti and opened a shop in the White *flout>e, un the corner, diagonal¬ ly opposite Daniel En tier's _ ^Jotel, for the purpose of car- rving on the 11 1 L S 0 E S S El SUES! in all its various branches. lie u ill be regularly in receipt of the l|aris, New York and Philadelphia Fashions. Good! work and neat fit* can be relied on. CSf* Terms . Cash or it* equivalent.! JOHN SNYDER. April 4, 1857. if p ENTLE MEN'S W E A K.. Plain IT Black, Fancy Striped and Barred Cassimeres, Green, Brown, Olive, Mul¬ berry, Blue and Black Cloths, Beaver and Ribbed Over Coat Cloths, for sale by Nov 15 John 11. McEndrre. BOOTS AM) SHOES. . Bi*ck X) and colored Gaiters, thick and thin sol«d .Morocco Shoe*, children® thick and thin soled Slipper?, Boois and Shot s, Men s and Boys thick and Ihin soled Shoes, .Mens Oak bottom Nailed Boots, Boys do., for sale by Nov 15 John II. McEndree. C^OAL. . Persona in want of Cmnber- ) land and Anthracite Coal, ca.i be sup¬ plied by leaving orders with us. Cash on delivery. March 14 Rtntch <$. Slonebrukei . _ __ ______ j Clocks and Vioiin*. Vtolm Uow«, Viulio lii'd ses,Flut<?s, die., ja^t an.t for».«le by .April 21 ' LO WILLIAMS. LI N S E Y S, &.C.. 6 4 Foiled, 34 1'laids, Yarns, for sale by Nov 15 John //. h/cEndfit. 1(U1J, N. O. auii Purio Ki<-o Mo'as- O &es, for sale by Rentch 4* Co. m iii rrr J it itl AT CHEAPtHDE 2s'o. 1. RAVING returned Irom fh^ Eastern eitie* with u spleudtti ;o**onn »ut ol R«aJy-tn»tl«» Clothing. I will oiler to tho public arinraU* a variety ol (he Joilowing articles, t ir^' COATS. . Fx'ra Miprr line Rlack, Brovrn ond Drab Cl« ih Goats ; Eilrt }>up«r fine Dlack, Brown, l>iab and Tweed Coats ; Extra super fine Dlack. Bjown, Drab and (.'aa- siraere Coals ; ^xtra super fine Grass Linen, Alpaca and Imitation Grass Coals; Extra *u- per fine Derby, Brown and Check Linca Coats ; Extra super fine Marseilles and Cotton Coa'a ; Cheap Cotton Coats, dltierent pattern*, at "5 5 cents. PASTS. . Extra fine Black, Rroan, Drab and Fancy Casiimere Pants ; Ext refine Summer Cloth, Alpaca and Tweed Panta ; ex- tia fine Crass Linen, Derby, Linen and Russia Duck Pants ; cxtia fine Suttcen, Cottonade and Cotton ("heck Pants. * VESTS. . Extra super fine Satin, *>tlk, Marseilles, Janes and Cassimere Vests. SHIRTS. . Fine No. I Linen Hosom Shirts, fine Fancy Linen Bosom Shirts, Hick¬ ory and Cotton Shir's, very fit;e stitcl.ed Linen Bosoms for Shirts. i OL LARS, HANDKERCHIEFS , . Byron, Standing and Faru-v Linen Shirt Coilars, and Cotton Neck Ties and .Napoleon Tin, Black Silk Handkerchiefs 38 inches for gentlemen, Summer" Fancy Black and Lawn Cravats, Silk Fancy and Cotton Pockct Handkerchiefs, Cent U men's fine Linen Cambric H and kerclucJs -very large. , HOSIERY AND GLOVES.. Gen- . tlemen's assorted hall Hose and Cotton Gloves; Gentlemen's Kid, Buckskin, Silk and fine Ber- i lin (i loves ; Gentlemen's and Boys' Gum and Cottnn Suspenders, Poitmonias, Buckskin and Coliou purses, \S allets. Pocket Books, Corne- ! »ia Kings, Steel Pens, i( Holders, Lead Pen. Icils, Pencil Sharkers, Pop Uun«, Envelopes, Ptlls, SiC. ( OMRS. . Ivory, Siamese, RulTa'.oe, Wooden and iVegro Combs ; Sh«e Brushes, 1 >lioe Blarkiitg \\ niiaiu's Yaoketf Soap, Fan¬ cy i.n I Windsor Soap, Carpet Bsys, Trunks, I inhrella*. Ac. «5 ifc' 1 JiOO '/'.y, GAITERS A.X/JfBJ SHOES. . Uenilcntcn's Fine Mo- i -occo ii. d C.iif Skin Boots, Shoe* and Slipper*; t»» <:. U ioeii'.s fine Buck-kin, L.«* tiosr. Cloih,; co and Call Skin Goiters ; Childten*S lino I Boots. (. .iters. Shoes and Slippers. *^UATS AND CAPS .Ger- ''m> S'lk, Taylor Huts, also Cushmerell, Slouch and Wool Hats of various !>»rs and qualities. Mens' and Boys' I e»hoin. h'traw andl'alio Hats-, (. loth and Mo¬ rocco (Japs for Men and Boys. Also India i iiutiWr (J, . its and Lcggens, Corn Shoes and < 'ottoi^J sts. toIaccg and segars, aucl every article in I lie (.'lolhinj line, ready lo til oul a coinU'iiinn, *11 i if which I vvtll foil un¬ reason il'ly l<»w I"! ' n? or lo puucliiJ. vu»loui- »¦ i » on the iiMial erciiit. N. B.. On hand yel n low very fiae C* »it« r* iiiil Nho»s» for ladies, wfiich ( w ill sell very cheap lo close sales ol ladle* ware. A. Ill MHICKllOUSC. Shepherd* low n, April 11, 1S57. if A FARM fOR SALK.' j^piIE subscriber having determined lo I leave the State, w ill he. I I he Far ill up¬ on wliieli he re»kles. it <* situated about one mile North of Shepherd stow n, on the road leading from thai j lace to Bed- ington, anJ contains 155 ACRES, | of Limestone Land. 130 of which are | cleared and the balance ii) Timber. Tlio jcle?re«l land is divided into nix fields of about twenty-one acres ej.rh. There aro on the premises a Two-story Dwelling House, (containing eight rooms,) Stable#, Corn Crib*, Wapou Sited*. and all oilier necersary ort-buildinps, an orchard of 120 Trees of choice fruit. There are six springs and a never luiling well of water near the- dwelling. Nov 'J 9 E. C. WILLIAMS. IiMiANNELS. . A (in*' assortment of \\ line ami colon ci Flannels lor sacks, <kc., YVtHsh dolor skirts, lied and brown canton do. John II. Afc/Jtidrce. 1 1 ATS AND CAPS . - A I .j r i: ^ tliek df jQ Men's and boy's Black and colored Slourli Ilatfi, black and (suey cloth Cap*, Men's High crowned Shindies, «il k Hal* for pale by * John II. McEndrtt. [ aTmES* Duress (,()() I JS..Bhek JJ and Colored Fitftrrd Silks, 1'lain Mark and Colored Moimelih*. Swiped nvtl Figured do., IJebage, !Se»l Style# Cali¬ co.", for «ale by Nov 1 .") John II. Mcllndrte. f A DinS* and (it nio Trimming* o( tv- JLl t ry description, f«»r sal*- b\ Nov 15 John II. Mr Kndrte. II! AVE a very good KlFf«FM for sal* cheap. ' J. II. McENDREE. February 1656. 12-tf. DRUGS, Ac.-Prifcolle Balm {J a thou¬ sand dower*, Houseman* Hope, Sweet and Castor Oils, A vera Cherry l'ectoraf, J antes Hsir Ton c, Barrey's Trirophcr- uus, Bay Hum, a nire article for sale bv Nov 1 5 John //. McEndrtt. A YfciKY »u[»eri»r loi of Tobacco and i\. Cigars. just received awl for sale. Aptil 25 lienlch Co. ETHERKAL Uil, Linseed Oil,kc., just re¬ ceived aud for e^lc Lr Augu>i 1 1 'E. C. WILLIAMS. 7)1, A CK UERBT BKANDVT fa' medic- JJ tual nurpoie*, just rrctived and for tale by K. C. WH.I.IAMS. i\7AlL8. . A large Hock of all kind* of it Nails* for sale by Nov 15 John II. McEndree. A DIES Gum Sandlet, ladies and chil¬ dren'* Gum Shoes, Men'i do., for f.«»le by John H. McEndree. QAl/r. . 200 backs Ground Allom and U Fine Salt, for sale. Terms Cash. Sepi 6 Itentch 4* Stonebrukcr. L A FINE stock of Stationary, School Books, fcc.; for sale by Nov 15 John II. McEndree*

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Page 1: Shepherdstown Register (Shepherdstown, Va. [W. Va.]). 1857 ...€¦ · -* L 1. J)j>OVS' CIA)THING. I have just re- reived Bo)V Coats and l'atus, very chf.*p; also a fine assortment

-* L 1 . 1

j>OVS' CIA) THING.. I have just re-

J) reived Bo)V Coats and l'atus, verychf.*p ; also a fine assortment of Shirisw ith linen bo-oms ; anil drilling and can-i >D cotton Draweis. a supcih article.M *j 16 A. UUMKlCKllOUSE.lyoot WAN m>..Those havingH Wool to ili*{>"Pe of will find it to

their advantage to «js\e us a call before'disposing of it.May 10 Cumtron <$. Staley.

ivanteUIrrO purchase immediately, a colored GirlJL from 10 to 15 years ol ajje, or a Wo¬man from 30 to 43 years of age. A lib- 1oral price will be given, cash paid . in¬quire of the printer. May 16

TURNPIKE NOTICE.rnilE Stockholders of the SliepherJa- jI tow n ami Sniithfield Turnpike Com-jpany are not i tied that an election will he;held on Saturday. June tfth, next, at theHotel of Daniel Entler,in Shepherdstown,between the hours ot two and six o'clockin the aitt rn >on of that day, lor the pur¬pose of electing a INeiddent, Five Direc¬tors and Treasurer to manage the affairsof the Company for the ensuing year.S-m Uholders are req ;e>ted to attend eith-<r in person or bv proxy.

JOHN M. JEWE'IT, Secretary.M «y 1 G, 1857. 4t

LADIES' FAIR.PHIIE ladies of the German ReformedJV Church in Shepherdstown, would res¬

pectfully inform the public that iliey willopen thi'i* Fair on May 28tii, (Election])jy ) in Mr. Towner's commodious stoiehouse lately occupied by John H. M .-

Endiee. 'They will offer a very superior;i->s»r!inent of useful ami fancy articles.On which occasion there will he an elc-- ui DIN NEK prepared in tho same

l.a|As the proceeds are to he devoted tothe external improvement of the Churchtiwy earnestly solicit their friends and theeitiz- us generally t« » in«ptcl ih< ir articles;.iuj give them such encouragement as theproverbial generosity and benevolence of« Id Jetfcrsou County warrant them to ex¬

pect. May 1 1»

:0f^--y^j}l\t. %^.mit3

II jS 1 ecu before the public more than 20 yearsand is deservedly popular.

Kxtract of a letter dated Three Springs,W a-hington County, Va., from J. Merch¬

ant :. It is proper that I should state that yourGargling Oil has given general satisfaction,and has taken a stand with the most popularmedicines introduced in the trade.

Extract of a letter from Burwell Fure;uson,.fated Wayne, Va., August 30. 1>.~>6:. 1 have* dd all of the Gargling Oil on hand. It hasb«en tried on almost ever) complaint incidentto man or beast, and has never Jailed to cure.

) hr»ve seen it used for Pole Evil and Fistulaand cured every caso.

Extract of a letter from R. O. Jcssop, datedFriendship, Maryland. September 4,1S55:.Messrs. M. H. Tucker & Co. Gents :. I haveM'en the admirable ellects of your Oil in case ofa bruise and much swelling. A member of myfamily having received a severe bruise uponhis leg, we applied your Gargling Oil. and infive or six days she was able to attend to thehousehold all'uirs as usual I can also attestto its efficacy in curing Corns, with which 1have sutFered much for fifteen years.and which] have cured with a few applications of theGargling Oil.ICf- Pamphlets gratuitously furnished by a-

gents with Testimonial* of its utility.All orders addressed to the Proprietors, M.

H Tucker & Co., Lockport, N. Y.For sale by Druggists and Merchants

generally, through the United States. BritishPossession.*, and other Countries. And by/: C. WILLIAMS, Shepherdstown ; ./. E.L'L.IGGET, Harper's Ferry, HELLER SfCOOKE, Charlestown, and by Druggists andMerchants in the vicinity. Wholesale by Drug¬gists in Philadelphia and New York, and by Da¬vis & Miller and W. 11. Brown & ilro., Balti¬more. May IG. ly

DISSOLUTIONOF CO-PARTNERSHIP.riMIE Co-partnership heretofore existing be-X tween the subscribers under the tirm ofCameron k Staley, was dissolved by mutualconsent on the 1st day of April. The books ofthe firm will he found at the store of Cameron& Stalev, and debts of the firm must be liqui¬dated immediately. Those indebted to the lirmwill be expected to come forward and settletheir indebtedness. ^


April 9, 1S57. tf

' - -

tmSTee'8 i\ UTiCE.^ 1.L notes and accounts due George W.A F"*. having be.-n put in my hands ftirrollscti<>n, I truft all who are inteiested jwill lie prepared to pay die fcame when,presented as indulgence cannot be given.

GEORGE R. STALKY. IMay 9. 1857. Trustee.

|\ I A R II II A) WO VJ A N *S Private Medi-JJ-Lcal Companion, juu received and lorsalt bv E. C. WILLIAMS.J i



PRIVATE SALE.rPIIE subscriber, intending to move to

L the West, will sell his FARM situatedin the counties of -Jefferson and Berkeley,on the road leading from Shepherdstownto Martinsburg, 4 inilcs from the formerand 5 miles ftom the latter place, andwithin a short distance of a Depot on theB. & O. Railroad. It contains

311 ACRES,susceptible of division into two Tracts, a

sulHcien i portion of which is in good andthrifty TIMBER. It is well watered, an

abundant stream passing through it, whichis accessible to every portion ot the Farm.There is on it a very large ORCHARDof well selected FRUIT. The Buildingsconsist of a verv comfortable

DWELLING, »in jood repair, with the usual OUT¬HOUSES, &c., an excellent BARN,

| CATTLE S1IED, GRANARY ANDCORN HOUSE, lately built, and equalto any in the counties named. In short,in consideration of fertility, water, acces¬

sibility to market, improvements, & c.. an

'excellent opportunity is now offered to

any one who may desire to purchase him¬self a comfortable home.

For terms, &c., apply by letteror in person to the subscriber.

T. H. TOVYNER.Post Office Address. Shepherdslown,

Jefferson County, Ya.May 2, 1857. tf%* Berkeley American and Free Press


AT RS. CATHAKINE S. SN1VELY1VL having connected herself in i heMillinery /{uaiuess with Miss MA-U Y STEVENS, takes litis methodof announcing to the citizens of Shep-[herdstovvu and vicinity that they have ta¬

ken a room in the house of Joseph Unt¬ie r, nearly opposite J >hn H. McEndree'sstore, w here they are prepared to do allkinds of MILLLNKUY WORK with

j neatness and dispatch and at low prices.Having just returned from Baltimore withthe LATEST FASHIONS ami NEW-EST STYLES of BONNETS, &c..they would respectfully invite their friendsto give them a call. fBS&TTerms CASH.

I Shepherdsiown, May 9, 1857. 3t


LIQUORS!rPIIE undersigned takes this method ofi informing the vitizens of Shepherds-town and vicinity thai he has again com¬

menced the Bakery business, at Bridge¬port, opposite the Canal, and thereforeinforms all who are fond of good breadthat they can be furnished with the same,

| fresh every morning, by calling at his>store opposite the Canal. HUSKS andCAKES of every kind will he kept on

; hand. FOUND .ami FRUIT CAKE olevery kind will be made to order by leav¬ing orders with him one day previous.

In connection with my Bakery I willconstantly keep on hand and for sale a

large assortment of

ssoiiiams,Confectionaries, and Liquors,of every description, also a quantity of ex¬

cellent LIME, for white-washing, or inquantities for plastering, all of which willbe sold exceedingly !ov\*.

N. B.. Particular attention will be giv¬en to forwarding packages for a smallcommission.

M. L. ENTLER.May 2, 1857. if




CUTLERY, BUILDERS' HARDWARE.Large additions to ic.'iich they are constantly

. receiving direct from the Manufacturers.A VIXG had long experience in the busi¬ness, and determined to sell for a small

profit and lo till orders promptly and fail hlully.they hope to merit a continuance of public juii-ronase. The following are a few of the leadingarticles they expect ti> he «!wavs prepared iu

furnish, viz: Y\ osten holm's, Manpin's, Bar¬low's, «Vc., Pocket Cutlery, Razors and Scis¬sors ; Eyre, Ward & Co's and Menden Cutle¬ry (Jo's superioi Tablo Cutlery ; J. ¥ ilson's.Shoe, Butcher and Cook Knives; best makes

'/j03., Albata, German Silver and Plated11 e J "able Spoons ; Guns, Percussion

ler Flask*, Shot Belts and Pouches ;ox Coffee Mills; Meat Clutter? and

Eng- Planes, braces, Iron and Steeligijed'd Steel-Blade Squares, DisMguV'< llit el. Mill, Circular and Cross-cut Saws, j, alid nd, Kipping, Tenon and Pit Saws,. sur- Ureaves', &c., Files, Horse Rasps

Uprittht, Horizontal. Mortice, Plate.jock, Mineral and Porcelain Shutter

,/ f)t J Lock Furniture, Kant and LooseHinges and Gimlet Screws, Tacksnishing and Shoe IS'ails, Shovels,!antire, Hay and spade Forks, Eiffel'?

^ Seuip^.'s Wedding, Hilling and Grubbing jHoes, Hollow-ware Castings, Cafl Poxes andSad Irons, Hunt's, Sharps' and Stewart's Axes,Hand Axes and HattheU, Coil, Trace, Hatter:and Dog Chuns, best brands Ca>t, shear andBlister steel, English and American A nviJs,Common. Wright's uoiid box Vises, King'sstacks & Dies, fledge and band Hammers, A-merienn and German W rought .Nails, V\ heelingCul Nails.

Martiosburg, Sept. C. 1856. 42. tf

A VfcRY complete assortment of11 Queens- ware and Cethr-ware, lor .-hieby Renteh 4. Co.

I)URK Cider Vinegar ami Pickets fursale by Fentck 4- Co.

i-25 W I T l\T E S iS E S ;'oj "OR, THE


JOILY S. DYE, is TIIE .1ITIIOR,w W ho 1»U3 h:»<l 10 years experience as a

banker and Publisher, and Author of A se-

O vies of Lectures at the Uroatlway Tabernacle ,

^ when, for Jen successive nights, over

SO.GUU People greeted him with

^ rounds of applause, whiie he exhibited the^ manner in which Counterfeiters execute

^ their Frauds, and the Surest and ShortestMeans of Detecting them !

^ The Bank Note /.ngravtrs all sayr'that he is the great est Judge of IJa-O per Munfij living.0 H REATKST Discovery ok The PreS-_ VT lnt Centcby fur

Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes.I j- Describing Every Genuine llill in Exis-j tence, and exhibiting at a glance every

Counterfeit in Circulation !Arranged so admirably, tliat reference

is easy and detection instantaneous.

lrg=» No Index to examine ! No pages to

o hunt up! Hut so simplified and arranged^ that the Merchant, Banker and Business

Man can sto all at a glance.** English, French and German.

Thus Each may read the same in his own^ Native Tongue..

.Most Perftcl Bank J\"otc List Published,Also a List of

i"- All the Private Bankers in America.A complete Summary of the Finance ofEurope and America will be published in

each edition, together with all the Impor-> tant ucirs of the day. Also a scries of fltles& from an Olu Manuscript found in I he t.asi.

,It furnishes'the .Most Complete History ofORIENTAL LI^'E describing the MostPerplexing Position6 in which the Ladies

Ci and Gentlemen of that Country have beenso olten found. These stories will contin¬ue throughout the u hole year, and willprove the Most Entertaining ever offeredto the public.

O fdr" Furnished Weekly to subscribers^ only, at §1 a \«;ir. All letter*. utu=t be

addressed to JOHN S. DYIS, iiioker,Publisher and Proprietor,

^ 7U Wall street, New York.^ April 05, 1357. 23. ly

I mm mmm \jof Spring and Summer Goods.


HPHE undesigned has just returned rrom the.1 Eastern Market and would inforai his rus-

tomers, and the putdic generally, that he is nowprepared lo show one of the largest, cheapest andbest selected assortment of SPKIXG ANDSlJM.MhiU G< >01)S which he has ever beforeolfered to this community.THE UiDlES DEPARTMENT

l embraces everything new and desirable; par-{ lie u In r attention has been bestowed in the se-

| lection ol Ladies' Dress Goods, Embroidery, <Vc.GEXTLEMEX ' S IIE. i A'..Unu-

Isual pains has been teken in the selection ol

{ Good- in this department, Clolhs and CassimersI from the lowest grades lip to ten dollars per

; \anl ; In* has been fortunate in procurinu seme

great bargains in Cloths, Cassimers and V« st¬

ing. Come quickly or you will miss the chance.I\L\CY GOODS...This department

is completed, embracing an endless variety ol

Fancy Goods, lionnets and lionnct Trimmings,Lbess Trimmings, Fringes, Velvet, &c. Car¬pet, Matting, Oil Cloth, Trunks, (Iro-ceiies, Haidware and Queensware,a large supply, which he will sell ata veiy low tij»ure. Every other va¬

riety of Goods, usually kept in a firstclass house, which will be said as

low, it not lower, than any house this side of1Ualtimore. He would invite one and all to givehim a call. He will take great pleasure in show-inn his Goods to all who may favor him with a

'call. All kinds of produce, that a farmer mayhave to dispose of, will be taken at the highest

j market price in exchange for his Goods.WILLIAM MOULDER.

Shepherdstown, April 18, 1857.


! mm cioobs.OWING to the eat and incessant rush for

new and fashionable goods, we have not hadthe time to spare to write an advertisement,and we hastily embrace the present opportuni¬ty occasioned by the inclemency of the weath¬er to inform our friends and the public genera l-ly that wc have replenished our stock, and are

prepared to exhibit for sale a large and variedassortment of the newest and most fashionableand cheapest goods ever offered.IN TI1E GENTLEMEN'S BE-

partment we have every description of wearingappatei and feel confident we cart please the [most fastidious taste. Cloths, Cussimers audVestings,BOOTS, SHOES^y^,

JJats and Caps.! LAl)li:& DEPdRTMENT.-Un-usual care lias been taken in making selectionsfor tlie ladies department. *Ve deem it quiteunnecessary to enumerate the many articles forthe I.adies, suflice it to saj every thing worn

by the sex can be found in the establishment,We respectfully and cordially solicit an ex¬

amination of our stock before purchasing else¬where, as lve feel confident we can satisfy thewants and please every desci iption of taste.N. II.. Ml kinds of country produce taken in

exchange for goods.BAKER & BILLMYER.

Shepherdstown, April 25, 1857. tf

LIME FOR SALE.milE subscriber has commenced theX Ihine Burning Business, at the Qaerry,on the "Spring Mill Farm," i miles east

of Shepherdstown, where I intend keep-;ing the artii le of the very best quality, forisale, for Cash.

/^OFFISE.. Lovers of fine tlavoredjU Coffee's are invited to call and exam-,me our stock of Rio and Goverment JavaCoffees. A good ariicle for 12} cents.

April 13 Rentch 4* Co.

T1LOUK, Torn Meal, Oats and Corn,JP constantly kept on hand and for sale.

April 25 Rentch 4* Co.

1) \(JS.. 10.000 jH>'iuds of Rags wail-

1 1/ led in exchdii^e t> t goods or cash.April 25 Rentch 4* Co . j

LAliD, Whale, FIuxm-ciI and EtheriaiOils, lor >uie by Rentch 4* Co. j

SAMUEL M. KNOTT.Ap'ril 25, 1857. tf

a Rentch 4* Co.

FRESH DRUGS,Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c.

rp H K subscriber has just received a largeI consignment of Drugs, Medicines, Painls,

Oils, &c., which will b* sold low. Amongthem will be found Linseed Oil, Lewis <V Co*sPure White Lead, Spirits Turpentine, Umber,Red Lead, Venetian Red, Litberage, CromGreen, Spanish Whuing, Window Glass 10 X>12 and 8X10, Putty, Swain's Panacea, Jane'sExpectorant, Hoofland's German Bitters, Hol-lowa>'s PilU and Ointment, McLane's Pills,Aver's Pills, Wright's Pills, Brandreth's Pills,Mc/llister's Ointment, Bear's Oil, Bay Rum,Alcohol, Copal Varnish, Japan Varnish, Starch,Liquorice, Refited Vatnlla Beans, Extract Va¬nilla, Indillible Ink, Cod Liver Oil, Shoema-

j ker's Wax, Peeper, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves,! Long Pepper, Tummiric, Wbite Pepper. Whilei and Black Mustard. Faber's best Lead Pencils,

I Supeiior Extracts for the Handkerchief, Coop-j er's Isinglass, Mexican Liniment, Castor Oil

by the bottle or gallon, and all articles kept ina Drug Store. Those in want of the above ar¬

ticles will please give me a call.CHARLES HARPER.

Shepherdstown, April 18, 1857. tl*


Sprvug aud Summer UooAs.fPHE undersigned having just returned fromJ. the Eastern Cities takes pleasure in infor-ming*their customers and the public general¬ly, that they have j ust received

A Large Stock of Goodswhich we are selling at reduced prices. Weinvite all who are in want of Goods to give u»

a call, as we ate determined to sell goods at a

small advance. Our stock consists in purt as

follows :

Ladies', Gentlemen's and Boys' WearBoots, Shoes, Ilats ancT^yCaps, Queens-ware,

China-ware, Glass-ware, Tin-ware, Cidar-u aie

s»nd other Wares, llatdwarc.consisting ofCut and liought Nulls, Hoop Iron, Ifar

Iron , Horse Shoes , Locks , Hinges ,

Screws . Axes, Hatchets . andeven/ variety ofHardware.

GROCERIES, BACON, FISII, SALT,See.Our stork of Groceries arc large and of tl.e

very best the market can alford. Farmers andothers wishing to purchase Groceries by thequantity, will find it to their advantage to calland examine our stock. Weaie prepared tosell at very small advance for cash. No¬tions) Fruits and Cokfectionaries.

DRY GOODS.consisting of Brown and bleached Muslins from5 cents up to 25 cents. Iri*ti linen, Crash 1 a-

ble Spreads, Striped Cottons, ("snaburgs, &c.A general assortment of Hoys' and Mto'sWear Hosiery and Gloves of all kinds aiulstyles. We would particularly iuvile attentionto our large stock of Shoes, which is full andcomplete, all of which vmII be sold upon nio-ireasonable terms. kinds ol Count r\

Produce will be taken in exchange for good*.Call at Cheap Side So. 2, for Bargains.

UENTCH & STON EBRAKER.Shepherdstown, April 11, 1857.

Virginia, Jefferson County, Set :In the County Court, March Terui,~J85 7.

AT a Court continued and-held (or Jef-fersen County, on Friday, the 20th ol

March 1 857.The Court appoints the following nam¬

ed commissioners and officers to conductthe election, to he held in this County, onthe 4 ill Thursday, in May next, as pio-vided and required by Law.

District No. 1 .

Franklin Osborne, Fisher A. Lewis,John VV . McCurily, Joseph Myers andJohn Humphrey s, or any two of them.T. E. Woodward, officer.

District No. 2.Robert V. Shirley, John VV. Grantham,

Jos. 0. Coyle, Hubert W. Baylor andSamuel D. Cryarly, or any two or moreof them. Geo. Murphy, officer.

District Xo. 3.Henry Davenport, John S. Moore, Ks-

rom Sliler, Pavid Howell and AiulrenAlridge, or any two or more of them.

| Thos. Johnson, officer.District Xo. 4.

John T. Gibson, James L. IIoofT, GeoH. Tate, Geo. W. Eichelberger andFrancis VV. Drew, or any two or more olthem. N. \V. Manning, officer.

District Xo. 5.John II. McEndree, John Hess, Dan'l

Cameron, Samuel Knott and Landon C.lleskitt, or any two or more of them. '

Le^ is Lucas, officer.District No. 6.

Edmund I. Lee, Wm. G. Butler, CainM. Entler, R. I). Shepherd, jr., and J. P.A. Entler, or any two or more of them.George M. Bast, officer.

District No. 7.Wm. Small wood, John Moler, Roberi

N. Duke, Philip Engle and George Crow I,or any two or more of them. John J.Laley, officer.

District No. 8George Mauzv, A. II. //err, Wm. J.

Stephens, Geo. B. Stephenson and Geo.'W. Little, or any two or more of them.Geo. Koonce officer.And it is ordered that a Poll be opened

on the same day in District No. 1 tor theelection of a Justice of the Peace to fillthe vacancy occasioned by the removal ofJohn James Grantham from the said Dis¬trict; and in District No. 6 for the elec-t ion of a Constable to fill the \*ancy oc- jcasioned by the resignation of Hcuxy \Wmtermoyer, jr.

A Copy.Teste,T. A. MOOKE, Clerk.

April 1 1, 1857. te

ll\ A N (. V A R T I C LES.-Jewelry,X Canes, Whips, Gum and Imitation iCombs, Pocket Combs, Ink Stands, PortMonniat, Razors. Pen Knives, MusicalInstruments <fcc., for sale by

Oct 28 E. C. WILLIAMS.IV* OOL WAN TED.. From one to len\V thousand pounds of Wo A wanted ei¬ther for Cash -or trade.

April 18 William Moulder, i


ALBERT G. RICIURDSO.VSAdvertising and Corresponden ce Offi» e, 36 1

Broadway, New York.

T\\c Wwader o£ W\c Age.NO PAY !

JF Dr. Tobias' celebrated Venetian Linimentdoes not cure Cholera, Dysentery, Croup,

Cholic, Cough*, D>spepsia, Vomiting" Muinp«,Toothache, Headache, Chapped Hand*. ColdFeet, Musquito Bites, Insect Stings, ChronicRheumatism. Swellings, Old Sores, Cuts. BurnsBruises, and Pains or Weakness iu the Limbs,'Back and Chest.

NO HUMBUG-TRY IT.Dr. Tobias has warranted his Liniment for

eight years without ever having a demand madefor the return of the money. all that is asked is]to use it according to the directions.NO ONE WILL EVER BE WITHOUT IT,After once using it. It you do not find it bet¬ter than any thing you have ever tried before.


(fy Thousands of Certificates have been re¬

ceived speaking of its rare vjitues. Now-a-daysit is the practice to fill the paj^rs with certifi¬cates from unknown person*, or given by thosewho have never used the Dr.Tobias oilers to pay

1,000 DOLLARSto any one who will prove that he ever publish¬ed a false certificate during the time he has hadhis medicine before the public.

Call on the agents and get a Pamphlet con¬

taining genuine certificates. As persons envi¬ous of the large sale ul the YenetiM Linimenthave sta!e«l it is ii juTioij» to take it internally,Ur. 'Tobias has taken the following

oath.I, SAMUEL I. TOBIAS, of «he City «/ Ne«

i Vork. being duly sworn, do depose that I c».m-

I pound a Liniment called Venetian, and that the! ingredients i>l which it is composed arc perfect¬

ly harmless to take internally, « ven m double. he quantity named in the Directions accom¬

panying i nch boti'c. S. I. TOBIAS..New V«.<rk, January 0, 13'6.

Sworn to dav before me.

FERNANDO Wool), Mayor.Pri e 25 and .r)0 ccnt<,sol>l bv the IVngcists

ami Patent Medicine Dealcm throuyhi a »lwI nited Spates.

Id?" ALo for stle Ur. Tobias* ilor^e I.inimeui in Pint Bottles at 50 cents, warrantee

superior to any other.\)(. 'Tobias ' office, i G Courtland street. New

York.Ap il 11, 1 Sf;7. . 12ill«n

C oslav 'a K vvV Vi^Acvm'\n«ior .

y PC infallible <!<. troyrr >tf RAT8, MK'K.i1 ANTd, GROUND V.lC'li MOLE8; &e..&c., <Vc. (Not tianuemus t«» the Human Family ) Rats do rial die in their holed, l»at come

oat'nnd die.Put up in 20c., 35c., G5c., $1, $2, §>3, and |5

Box< s.

"COSTAR'S" BED IiL'(i EXTERMINATOR.Never known t«» luil.and u»ed every day

by thousands in New Yoik and elsewhere...C08TARV* ELECTRIC rOWDER.

For the destruction of Maths, M u»-quitoe*.1 F|ie», Flea*, n*nt Iiiaecta, Vermin on Fowls

and Animals, &C., &c.Sold \\ h » legale and Retail at "COSTAR'S'*

PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 38$ BROADWAY..\ E VV YORK, and by the principal Druggistmd Dealer^ throughout the I'niied States, ibe

(Can ad us, West Indies, California and SouthAmerica.15P 'Vders must alwayu be accon: panicd by

?he cush.[ No good* sent on" 8r;,all Sample Package* I»ut upai the

lowest w ho!e»ule prices fwi lnoi orders in new

place*, w ith (. sid*, Show bills. Posters, Ac.Package? expressly put up l> r Mupa, Steam-

boa l*. lloit !s, Public latftituticita, & c.

Full particulars to W huico.i It? Dealer-.scales of price*, & c., will be promptly mailedon application.

AddreiM "COSTA R" No. 388 Broad war.New York.

April M, 1857. 3uj

IN TOWN AGAIN !THE undersigned respectfully annouii*1 Cf» lo (lie Public that lie liasagain located in Shepherdciowtiand opened a shop in the White*flout>e, un the corner, diagonal¬ly opposite Daniel En tier's _

^Jotel, for the purpose of car-

rving on the

1 1 1 L S 0 E S S El SUES!in all its various branches. lie u ill beregularly in receipt of the l|aris, NewYork and Philadelphia Fashions. Good!work and neat fit* can be relied on.

CSf* Terms.Cash or it* equivalent.!JOHN SNYDER.

April 4, 1857. if

p ENTLEMEN'S W E A K.. PlainIT Black, Fancy Striped and BarredCassimeres, Green, Brown, Olive, Mul¬berry, Blue and Black Cloths, Beaver andRibbed Over Coat Cloths, for sale byNov 15 John 11. McEndrre.

BOOTS AM) SHOES.. Bi*ckX) and colored Gaiters, thick and thinsol«d .Morocco Shoe*, children® thick andthin soled Slipper?, Boois and Shot s,Men s and Boys thick and Ihin soledShoes, .Mens Oak bottom Nailed Boots,Boys do., for sale byNov 15 John II. McEndree.

C^OAL.. Persona in want of Cmnber-) land and Anthracite Coal, ca.i be sup¬

plied by leaving orders with us. Cashon delivery.March 14 Rtntch <$. Slonebrukei .

_ __ ______ j

Clocks and Vioiin*. Vtolm Uow«, Viulio lii'dses,Flut<?s, die., ja^t an.t for».«le by

.April 21'


LI N S E Y S, &.C.. 6 4 Foiled, 341'laids, Yarns, for sale byNov 15 John //. h/cEndfit.

1(U1J, N. O. auii Purio Ki<-o Mo'as-O &es, for sale by Rentch 4* Co.


rrr Jititl

AT CHEAPtHDE 2s'o. 1.

RAVING returned Irom fh^ Eastern eitie*with u spleudtti ;o**onn »ut ol R«aJy-tn»tl«»

Clothing. I will oiler to tho public arinraU* a

variety ol (he Joilowing articles, t ir^'COATS.. Fx'ra Miprr line Rlack,

Brovrn ond Drab Cl« ih Goats ; Eilrt }>up«rfine Dlack, Brown, l>iab and Tweed Coats ;

Extra super fine Dlack. Bjown, Drab and (.'aa-siraere Coals ; ^xtra super fine Grass Linen,

Alpaca and Imitation Grass Coals; Extra *u-

per fine Derby, Brown and Check Linca Coats ;

Extra super fine Marseilles and Cotton Coa'a ;

Cheap Cotton Coats, dltierent pattern*, at "5 5

cents.PASTS..Extra fine Black, Rroan,

Drab and Fancy Casiimere Pants ; Ext refineSummer Cloth, Alpaca and Tweed Panta ; ex-

tia fine Crass Linen, Derby, Linen and RussiaDuck Pants ; cxtia fine Suttcen, Cottonadeand Cotton ("heck Pants. *

VESTS.. Extra super fine Satin,*>tlk, Marseilles, Janes and Cassimere Vests.SHIRTS.. Fine No. I Linen Hosom

Shirts, fine Fancy Linen Bosom Shirts, Hick¬ory and Cotton Shir's, very fit;e stitcl.ed LinenBosoms for Shirts.


. Byron, Standing and Faru-v LinenShirt Coilars, and Cotton Neck Ties and.Napoleon Tin, Black Silk Handkerchiefs 38

inches for gentlemen, Summer" Fancy Blackand Lawn Cravats, Silk Fancy and CottonPockct Handkerchiefs, Cent U men's fine LinenCambric H and kerclucJs -very large.

, HOSIERY AND GLOVES..Gen-. tlemen's assorted hall Hose and Cotton Gloves;

Gentlemen's Kid, Buckskin, Silk and fine Ber-

i lin (i loves ; Gentlemen's and Boys' Gum andCottnn Suspenders, Poitmonias, Buckskin andColiou purses, \S allets. Pocket Books, Corne-

! »ia Kings, Steel Pens, P« i( Holders, Lead Pen.Icils, Pencil Sharkers, Pop Uun«, Envelopes,Ptlls, SiC.

( OMRS.. Ivory, Siamese, RulTa'.oe,Wooden and iVegro Combs ; Sh«e Brushes,

1 >lioe Blarkiitg \\ niiaiu's Yaoketf Soap, Fan¬

cy i.n I Windsor Soap, Carpet Bsys, Trunks,I inhrella*. Ac. «5 ifc' 1JiOO '/'.y, GAITERS A.X/JfBJ

SHOES..Uenilcntcn's Fine Mo-i -occo ii.d C.iif Skin Boots, Shoe* and Slipper*;

t»» <:. U ioeii'.s fine Buck-kin, L.«* tiosr. Cloih,; co and Call Skin Goiters ; Childten*S lino

I Boots. (. .iters. Shoes and Slippers.*^UATS AND CAPS.Ger-

''m> S'lk, Taylor Huts, alsoCushmerell, Slouch and Wool Hats of

various c« !>»rs and qualities. Mens' and Boys'I e»hoin. h'traw andl'alio Hats-, (. loth and Mo¬rocco (Japs for Men and Boys. Also India

i iiutiWr (J, . its and Lcggens, Corn Shoes and< 'ottoi^J sts.

toIaccg and segars,aucl every article in I lie (.'lolhinj line, ready lo

til oul a coinU'iiinn, *11 i if which I vvtll foil un¬

reason il'ly l<»w I"! ' n? i§ or lo puucliiJ. vu»loui-

»¦ i » on the iiMial erciiit.N. B.. On hand yel n low very fiae C* »it« r*

iiiil Nho»s» for ladies, wfiich ( w ill sell verycheap lo close sales ol ladle* ware.

A. Ill MHICKllOUSC.Shepherd* low n, April 11, 1S57. if

A FARM fOR SALK.'j^piIE subscriber having determined loI leave the State, w ill he. I I he Far ill up¬on wliieli he re»kles. it <* situated aboutone mile North of Shepherdstow n, on

the road leading from thai j lace to Bed-ington, anJ contains

155 ACRES,| of Limestone Land. 130 of which are

| cleared and the balance ii) Timber. Tliojcle?re«l land is divided into nix fields ofabout twenty-one acres ej.rh. There aroon the premises a Two-story DwellingHouse, (containing eight rooms,) Stable#,Corn Crib*, Wapou Sited*. and all oiliernecersary ort-buildinps, an orchard of 120Trees of choice fruit. There are six

springs and a never luiling well of waternear the- dwelling.Nov 'J 9 E. C. WILLIAMS.

IiMiANNELS.. A (in*' assortment of\\ line ami colon ci Flannels lor sacks,

<kc., YVtHsh dolor skirts, lied and browncanton do. John II. Afc/Jtidrce.1 1 ATS AND CAPS . - A I .j r i: ^ tliek dfjQ Men's and boy's Black and coloredSlourli Ilatfi, black and (suey cloth Cap*,Men's High crowned Shindies, «il k Hal*for pale by * John II. McEndrtt.

[ aTmES* Duress (,()() I JS..BhekJJ and Colored Fitftrrd Silks, 1'lainMark and Colored Moimelih*. Swiped nvtlFigured do., IJebage, !Se»l Style# Cali¬co.", for «ale byNov 1 .") John II. Mcllndrte.

f A DinS* and (it nio Trimming* o( tv-JLl t ry description, f«»r sal*- b\Nov 15 John II. MrKndrte.

II! AVE a very good KlFf«FM for sal*cheap.


J. II. McENDREE.February 1656. 12-tf.

DRUGS, Ac.-Prifcolle Balm {J a thou¬sand dower*, Houseman* Hope,Sweet

and Castor Oils, A vera Cherry l'ectoraf,J antes Hsir Ton c, Barrey's Trirophcr-uus, Bay Hum, a nire article for sale bvNov 1 5 John //. McEndrtt.

A YfciKY »u[»eri»r loi of Tobacco andi\. Cigars. just received awl for sale.

Aptil 25 lienlch Co.

ETHERKAL Uil, Linseed Oil,kc., just re¬ceived aud for e^lc Lr

Augu>i 1 1 'E. C. WILLIAMS.

7)1,ACK UERBT BKANDVT fa' medic-JJ tual nurpoie*, just rrctived and for taleby K. C. WH.I.IAMS.i\7AlL8.. A large Hock of all kind* ofit Nails* for sale byNov 15 John II. McEndree.A DIES Gum Sandlet, ladies and chil¬dren'* Gum Shoes, Men'i do., for

f.«»le by John H. McEndree.

QAl/r..200 backs Ground Allom andU Fine Salt, for sale. Terms Cash.

Sepi 6 Itentch 4* Stonebrukcr.


A FINE stock of Stationary, SchoolBooks, fcc.; for sale by

Nov 15 John II. McEndree*