shipping railways t0| 'gentlemen. now...

" THE •WATERPOBD NEWS . " ESTABLISHED1847/ LA.RQE8T CIRCULATION IK THE SOCTN OP ICELAND, Pttbliohed every FRIDAY Evening, and Second Edition on SATURDA Y Hominy * , at Ko>. 49 and 50, Xing-Street , ' (OPPOSITE TIIE PHOV1KCUL BAKK). PRICE—THREE PENCE : Yearly (in Advanco), 13a. By Post (Yearly), 15s., in Advanco. IJ5f All Cheques and P. 0. Ordors , mado payable to CORNELIUS REDMOND , at this Office Tho NEWS (Liberal in politics) circulates extensivel y amongst' the merchants , traders and nobility, gentry, fanning classes , &c., in Watorford, KUkonny.Tipperory, arid the sonth of- Ireland generally. Tho NEWS has attained a circulation " novor equalled by.any papor pnblishod in Waterford , and is admittedly tho leading JSirni in this important city, with whioh there is dircot daily communication from London. Particular attention paid to commercial and agricul- tural matters. - ; ¦ ¦ ' Advertisements roceived ior tho NEWS by all rospoot- nbjTNowspapcr Agents in tho United Kingdom. , Pro- p^ roent requisite from parties not known at tho ofBco. AOBNT8 FOB SALK . OF THE NEWS . [VI *ATEBFOE'P—Mr. W. KBLVT, Xittlo Goorgo' a-st.^ "-"- RAMOSE—Mjs» CLAMCT, Eofroshmont Booms, ' , in ' ¦ ' ¦¦ CABBICK-ON-SUIB—Mr J.M. MnRPHT. 'News Agent. LONDON-iFor Advts.) Mr. WILLIAM CABROLL, 18 , Crawshay Road , Vassal Road , 'North Brixton. DUBLIN—Advertising Agents : Messrs. AV. H. SMITH &. SON , Abboy-Btreot. DUNGARVAN—Mr. EDWARD BRKNNAN , Stationer, &c , Post and Telegraph Offico , Tho Square. ANCHOR" IIWE Transatlantic , Peninsular , Mediterranean , and Oriental Steamshi ps. ATLANTIC SERVICE. DUBLIN TO NEW YORK DIRECT. S.S. Columbia, THURSDAY, 2nd SEPT ; S. S. Caledonia , T HURSDAY, 16th SEPT, and ovory alternate Thursday thereafter. L ONDONDERRY to NEW YORK direct—Regular Sail- ings eTery Friday. Thoso Vossels leave New York every Saturday for Londonderry. FABKSDublin to New York—Saloon Cabin, .£12 12s and .£14 14s. Steerago, £6 6s. Londonderry to New- York t Saloon Cabin, il2 12s, X14 14s, and £16 16s. Seoond Cabin (including all necessaries for tho voyage), £8 8s. Steerage , £6 6s. By special arrangements with tho Railway Compa- nies , passengers for tho " Anchor" Line aro forwarded to Dublin and Londonderry at greatly reduced rates. Passengers booked through to all parts of tho United States and Canada. Drafts on America for sums of £1 and upwards issnod free of charge. App ly to local Agents throughout Ireland ; to HEN- DISSON BROTHERS, 47, Union-Btroct, Glasgow ; 30, rdylo-Street, Londonderry ; DENIS LYONS , Listowcl ; or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, ( 13, Eden-quay, Dublin. ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES, AND THE SOUTH or IRELAND. Altered and additional Service by Great Western Railway Company' s Trains and Steamboats, via Milford Haven, in connection with tho WATER- •* OBD and LIMERICK , WATERFOBD & CENTRAL IBBLAND, and WATERFORD, DUNOARVAN, AND LISKORK LINES. Shortest Route and Reduced Fares. ¦ V-—4^ Ezpreis Train* and Fait - *?WHtAi iXv< Mail Steamers , JMllil lllrl i EVERT WEEK DAY. DOWN. L SAVB LONDON (Poddington) at 5.15 p.m., ' Sundays execpted , and ARRIVE AT WATER- FORD (weather and circumntances permitting) about eleven a.m., in time for tho Trains on tho Waterford and Limorick , Central Ireland, and Lismore Lines . . UP. —Lcavo Waterford at 5.0 p.m., each Week Day, on Arrival of tho 11 a.m Train from Limeriok, 10.35 a.m. Train from Maryborough, and 11.25 a.m. Train from Lismoro, ARRIVING in LONDON (weather and circumstances per- mitting) at 10.45 a.m., tho following day. * Spocial Steamers , carrying Passengers, perishable goods, and Live Stock; -will Sail from W & L. Company' s North Wharf pa Tuesdays, Thursdays , and Sundays, at 6 a-m: Pauongora travelling by the Steamer leaving Water- ford on Saturdays will proceod from Now Milford by tho 9.50 Train on Sunday morning. No Cargo can bo received on board after 4.45 p.m., Morning and Evening, and the stages will then be romoved,to enable tho Steamers to depart PUNCTUA I ILT at the appointed time. The 2:« a.m TRAIN from NEW MILFORD will , in all cases , WATT ARRIVAL of Steamers leaving Wa- terfordat 5p.m- Under no circumstanco can Passengers holding Third Class Tickets bo allowed tho uso of Saloon. FARES— WATERFORD AND LONDON : SINGLES (availablo 5 days) 1st Class and Saloon, 4Gs0d 2nd Class and Saloon, 35s 6d • • ' 3rd Class and Fore Cabin. 20s Od RETonxG (availablo 2 months) 1st Class & Saloon, 76s. " " " 2nd Class & Saloon 59s. •> » 3rd Class and Foro Cabin, 33s 6d. Further information can bo obtained from Mr. E. Fooo Railway Torminus, Limerick ; Mr. W. D. Mo- NAMARA , Adel phi Wharf , Waterford. Tho REDUCED FARES between other important Stations , tho Tuno Tables , and Through Rates for Goods, &c., can bo obtained of Mr. W. J. BUSSELL, the Great Western Railway Company ' s District Agont , Adelphi Wharf , Waterford. J. GRIERFON , Gonoral Managor. Paddington Terminus , September, 1880. . THE IRISH BOATS "WHITE STAR LINE. ROYAL AND " UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS, _ «¦. NOTICE. —Tho Steamers of this ^^^i^^+ v\ line; t»Vo the Lano Routes, recom- - S^ffB ljSUv^V mended by Licnt MAUBT, on both ^¦ESHSJHBavOutwar d and Homeward Passages, Theso well-known magnificent Steamers, all oonstroct- ed by Messrs. H ABLAND * WOLFE, of Belfast , are appointed to sail weekly as nnder. carrying her Majesty s and the United States Mails :— From L IVERPOOL :— ADRIATIC ... Tuesday; ... 7th Sept. BALTIC ... Saturday, ... 11th Sept. GERMANI C .. Thursday, ... 16th Sept. REPUBLIC ... Tuesday, ... j^ ^P 1 - CELTIC ... Tuesday, ... 28th Sept. FROM NKW YORK : GERMANIC ... Saturday, ... 28th Aug. REPUBLIC ... Thursday, .. 2nd Sept. Tnese splendid vessels REDUCE tho PASSAGE to the shortest possible- time , and afford to Passengers the highest degree of comfort hitherto attainable at sea. ¦ Average Passage, 8J days in Sntamer ; 9fr drfys in Winter. Each Vessel is constructed in 7 waters-tight compartments. , - The S TKBBAOE 8 are unusually spacious , well-lighted , ventilated, and warmed , and Passengers of this _ class : reoeive the utmost civility and attention. Cattlo, Sheep or ?igi are not taken by this lino. An unlimited •upply of Cooked Provisions. Medi cal comfo rts free of . charge. Stewardesses in Steerago to-att*d the ¦ Women and Children. •Passengers booked throngh. at lev/ rates, to all part* of ' tht United States and Canada. ¦ : - APPLT TO : T. S. HARVEY, Little George ' s-strect , Watcrford, Ji M. MURPHY, 43, New-lane, Carrick-on-Suir. JOHN WALL, Jun., Dungarvan. JOHN HOLOHAN , Castleoomer. JAMES WATTS, Bonmabon. JOHN TOB1N, senr., farmer , Ball ydnff. JAMES SCOTT & Co.; Queenstown ; or t j ISMAY , IMRIE & Co., 10 , Water-street , L.vorpool , I AMERICAN LINE. ' «k UNITED STATES MAITi "Qi^B^ULiverpool to Philadelphia ~r . .. EVEBT V f SDlitsoOJLT. ¦ ' ¦ ' ' . Calling at Queenstow* every,Thursday, r /• ¦ - First-class Full-powered Iron Steamships are appointed , ->.;,\ j to Sail i— ¦ ¦ ••< ' ¦ - ' ' ¦ ' ¦ .i: # IiOBj) . Gouou Sept 81 OHIO ...; .. Sept 22 ¦ ..,. PKWTLVANIA... Sept II ILLINOIS Sept 29 1, »L O« D OLIVE Sep t 151 •BRITISH CBOWH Oct 6 ' 'I' No'inte rmedia te Passengers ' carried ion TOjrage* 3 "«arltodthns » ' ' " . ¦ ¦ . ¦Y-\bt\ > ~ 5..i ' f -- !r i:- .Th«on} yTrans-Atlantio Line sailing nndor the Uni- - : . ted 8tate« . Flw, and carrying the American Bafti for ;: saving life .beeides tho usual complement of lifeboats , Vi. wA w ertrannmDer of Life Preservers. ' The acoom- ,;V, nwt«m for all classes of passengera is equal to any of -. Js5_ H*ropean Steamship Lines. Every Steamer carries ; i •jsWI T oo iuia Stewardess. . v^: " ¦ j ~ - n ¦ l - ' \-J- - ' -^ c ' ' '- "—* * ***^g» IW1U KUWI HV WUUW "" * ¦..«*yMM - i , . the Wh&rfof the Pennsylvania : Bailroad Company, ^ 1 !^fe^ * l ^«t«rtand «noitdi * octtontetoaa P: ' loe$ ^UX»Mi«m bj Ihia line «an paM direct into tho ' EaU- ^^t& 2^^ Ut * Ting:tll8 ^^me? 1 ^»«i d uS" c?^^J^^w ~EWesirO^e. ' '^^ '^V^" BW-t^ ^SMn^o^Tkitloi^ W astrony oU«r fo»ijto... SHIPPING Inman Lino Soyal Mail Steamers. - MVERPpOL TO KEW YORK as follows :- ujy o Wn Thursday, Sept. 9 Si y °i Montreal Tuesday, Sept. H City of Richmond Thursday, Sept. 23 . City of Chester Thursday, Sept. 30 City of Brussels Tuesday, Oo »;. 5 . From Queenstown the following day. Saloons replete with evory modorn comfort and con- vonionco. Fares—15, 18, and 21 Guineas. Stoerago. o Guineas , with full nupply of Cooked Previsions and every comfort. Stoproge Passeng-era forwarded to Bos- ton and Philadel phia without extra ohargo. PatsengerB booked to any part of the States and Canida, at Spocial Bates. Apply to WILLIAM I NMAN , 22, Water-street, Liverpool j T S. HARVET, 12, Little Georgo' s-atreet , Waterford j P. ' 6ul.LrvAN, 28, Bridge-Btroet, Carrick- on-Suir , or tj any Intnan Lino Agent. ¦ f22.1y Waterford ¦ Steamship Company i {. LIMITED). . "" ¦ ¦¦ mTENDED ORDER OF. SAILING—SEPT., 1880. . ¦ ¦ ¦ ;. > . -; - *¦: tn'KAMEES ' ¦ REGINALD ,., COM.BEAGH . - LABA,!. ZEPHYR, ¦ ¦ . . RANGER ,:.XDAyrJCINTERNirEESOLUTE, EBXN, l - ' T?/V5 A ' 1.11/ L>T> UHJ iiJ ' .^.k l w «.> i ' » < •* > ! - -. -- J. '> ' 4 - ¦ BAtm\ j •¦ Jff A |*tt]Kg<M|..AiS. t * '* '*' ¦* i '\ . '"- < ;. ¦ # J^* ¦ ^¦lhS£t1j^' ;: ^iL^^S?knnmV^ttpanjfrAnuled) ' : ,^)CBtJifcAlt^. - ' ' . reoeite Goods and Live Stock for Ship- ^dWB^|MggH» ]nont on the conditions mentioned in ¦ . Sailing Lists , &c., to be had at their OSlces. ¦ WATEEFOED AND BEISTOL rnoa WITKRTOBD to BRISTOL, FROX BRISIOI. to WATEBFORO. Direct : Direct : Pnday, Sept. 3.:. 4 affnoou Wednesday, Sep. 1 ... 4 affn Tuesday, 7...12 noou - [Saturday, 1 ... 11 night Friday, 10... 2 aft' noon Wednesday, 8 ... 8 night Toenday, U... i affnoon [Saturday, 11 ... 0 night Friday, J7... 6 affnoon ;Wedne«day, IS ...11 night Tuesday, 21...11 morning Saturday, 18 ... 11 night Friday, 24...12 noon Wednesday, 22 ... 8 ' night Tuesday, 28... 4 affnoon [Saturday, 25 ... 9 night IWednesday, ,, 29 ...11 night W On earl y Homing Sailings , Cabins of tho Btooraers will be open to receive Passengers arriving by tho Ni ght Mai] Train. Farea—Cabin, 15g. ; Return do. (available for Ono month) 25s. ; Children , 10s. ; Servants (travelling with Families) 10s. Beturo, 156. j Deck, 7s. Bd. Kctnrn Tickets by Dublin, Cork, or Watford , 36s. Extension of Time granted on all Bcturn Tickets on ths following terms :— For a Fortni ght, 3s. 6d., and for every subsequent week , 2s. WATEEPOED AND LIVERPOOL. »R0H WAJERFOBD : »R0K LIVCRrOOL : Wednesday Sept 1 ...12 Noon Wednesday, Sept 1 ... 8 morn Friday, 3 ...12 Noon Friday, 3 ... 9 morn Monday, 6 ... 3 Affn Monday, 6 ...11 morn Wednesday 8 ... 3 Affn Wednesday, 8 ...12 noon Friday, 10 ... 3 Alt'n Friday, 10 ... 1 affn Monday, 13 ... 4 Affn Monday, 13 ... 4 affn Wednesday 15 ...12 Noon Wednesday 15 ... 7 mom Friday, 17 ...12 Noon Friday, , ' 17 ... 9 mom Monday, 20 ... 3 Affn Monday, 20 ... 11 morn Wednesday, 23 ... 3 Affn Wednesday, 22 ...12 noon Friday, 24 ... 3 Affn Friday, 34 ... 1 affn Monday, 27 ... 4 Affn Monday, 27 ... 4 affn Wednesday, 29 ...11 Morn Wednesday, 29 ... 6 affn Cabin Fare, 15s. Od : Servants (travelling with families) and Children, 10s ; Deok, 7s Gd ; Children , 4s. Goods received and discharged at Clarenco Dock. Goods Booked through from all principal Stations on Great Northern, Lancashire and Yorkshire , London and North Western : Loudon and South Western, Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnnhire and Midland Railways to WaUrford. Throug h Bookings also to Limorick, Tippe- rary, &c. . Goods Booked throngh. from all Stations on Waterford and Central Ireland Eailway, Waterford , Dungarvan , and Lismore Bail way, and Waterford and Limerick Railway. Parcels booked through at low Bates to all principal Sta- tions on London and North Western Bailway. WATEEFORD AND NEWPORT, raosi wiTZRTORn, raoH HEWTOBT. Weekl y. J Weekly. WATEBFOED AND DUNGASVAN. As Cargo offers. WATEBFOED AND TOUQHAL. As Cargo offers. WATEEFOED AND NEW EOSS. FBOX NBW Boss—Daily, Sundays excepted, at 8-45 a.m. Fnoit WXTSRTORDDolly, Sundays excepted. at 3-15 p.m. WATEBFOBD AND DUNCANNON. FROX DoHCAinioit—Dail y, Sundays eftepted, at 8.30 a.m. FEOM WATSRIORDDail y, Sundays oxcepted, at 3.30 p.m. WATERFOED AND DUNMOEE. FBOK WATEBTOBB Daily, except Sundays, at 3.30. FKOK DraHOES—Dally, except Sundays, at 8 a.m. NOTI The Waterford Steamship Company, Limited, Insure all Goods Shipped by these Linos of Steamers at 3s. 4d. per Cent, to Traders having Yearl y Agreements , and 5s. per Cent, to Occasional Shippers ,values to be doclared at time of Shipment. Forms and all Information to bo had at the offices. Berths secured and every information given by Agents at: BRISTOLWatorford Steamshi p Company' s OfBco (Limited) 68, Queen Square. LIVERPOOLWaterford Steamship Company (Limited), 20 , Water-street , and Clarence Dock. NiwroRT—Thomaji & Co., Dock-street. DraoABVAN —Mr. T. Downey, Main-street. Y OUOHII . W. N. Usslier , Nelson-placo. ' •¦ ¦At-the Offices; New Boss and Duncannon. And at tho Company ' s Office*. THE MAU., WATEBFOED . CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY SEPT., 1880. Regular Steam Communication between WATEBFOBD and LONDON , Via Southampton and London, and Sonth Western Bailway. PLYMOUTH MtD SOUTHAMPTON , MID SOUTH or ENG- LAND, COBK, DUBLIN, BELFAST Ann GLASGOW. ~\ ' *K 'TI lHE New and powerful Screw MB^HI ^ _ 1_ Steamers COPELAND . TOWAED, -^ rJ&All^ WICKLOW, ABKLOW, POBTLAND, ^^ McSBdUU^BALLYCOTTON (building), AKAN- 11 "* ' MOBE (building), FASTNET, DUN- MORE, BOCKABILL, KATKLIN, aro intended to Soil as nnder, weather lwrmiuin)- (unless pre- vented by unforeseen circumstances), with liberty to Tow Vcasels. and to call at any Port or Ports in any order , in or out of tho cnBtomary course, to Receive and Discharge Cargo, or for any othor purposa whatsoever. FKOM WATHBFOKD TO GLASGOW. Wednesday, lBt Sspt. 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, 3rd ,. 1 p.m., via Cork and Belfast Saturday, 4tu G p.m., via Belfast Tuesday, 7th ,, 1 p.m., via Dubliu. Wednesday, 8th ,. 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, 10th 1 p.m., via Cork and Belfast Saturday, 11th 0 p.m., via Belfast Tnesday. 14th 1 p.m.. Direct Wednesday, 15th 1 p.m., via Cork Friday, 17th 1 p.m., via Cork and Belfast Saturday, 18th ,, 6 p.m., via Belfast. Tuesday, 2lst 1 p.m., via Dahlin Wednesday, 22ud 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, 24th 1 p.m., via Cork and Belfast Saturday, 25th C p.m., via Belfast Tuesday, 28th 1 p.m.. Direct. Wednesday, 29th , 1 p.m., via Cork. raox.aLAsaow TO WATSBFORD. Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, andFEIDAY , at 2 p.m. Caledonian Train to Greenock at 0.30 p.m. NOTfc—The Steamer on Friday goes via Cork. rBOK WATXRTORD TO BELFAST. Every FEIDAY, via Cork, - - . at 1 Every SATUBDAY , direct ; . at 6 pan BEI.TAST TO WATERFORD, direct : Every THUB8DAY. Via Glasgow , every MONDAY. rsoK wATxnroaD TO DUBLIII , direct. rUESDAY8, 7th and 21st Sept. ... at 1 p.m, (Via Glasgow) TUESDAYS, 14th and 28th Sept at 1 p.m DUBLIN TO WATKRrORD, VIA CORK. Everj SATUBDAY. n>0M WATSBronn TO cosr. Direct. Every WEDNESDAY - - at 1 p.m. Every FEIDAY, - at 1p.m. FROK C OBS TO WATERTORD , direct , Every MONDAY. WATXarOBD TO L05D0H. Steamer to Sonthamiiton , thence by London and South Western Bailway to Nine Elms Station, at Through Bates, Every SATUBDAY. at 4 p.m. LOSDOH TO WATisrOED—Every TUESDAY. Goods received at any of the Receiving Houses of the London and South Western Bailway Company, and at Nine Elmi Station , up to 6.30 p.m. . ¦ ¦ ' ., ' ; VT AIIBTORD TO FtTMOOTH, direct , - Every BATUBDAY , at 4 p.m ¦ PlTMOOTH TO WATIRTORD , direct, Every FBIDAY, at Noon. WATIBJrOM) TO OOOTHAJirTOS, VIA PLTX0OTB, Every BATUBDAY at 4 p.m. SOUTHAKITO" Tfr _ WATE«rO»» , TJA PttHOOTB, Every WKDNE3DAY , at Noon. These Steamers h»te , exeellent acconunodatioB for Pa-engers. . PAiisAOiVko ' HBT 1 . ' ' . i . ' ¦ ' - .. .. ¦ . . Cabin. Beturs. Deck Waterford to OUsgow and Belfast , 17*. 6d. 25a. 1(W - Cork, „. ¦ ¦ .- 9s- H«. *«. ' " Dublin, ..:• - ..: 12». 81 2O». 7s. «d ' PlymoatliitBonthimpton^Oi. ' 80s. : 10s London , .!. - - ¦¦ .. ,! 25s, ; ... . Us. . Children above S and imder IS years of age , Half Fare. , tr Hon. -The Clyd* 8hlpplng Company Iasups »U Oopdi shipped br ««»• Uaeii of 8teuaers si Si *& per oen t W Tr«4«ri hav^ye»rl y wreomento , »nd' t *. per Cast to oocadonal Shipper*. , - Value* to be Oeclared at time of Shipment. Forms iocf»U inlormatkm to be had at the ofloec _ = ' _^J. For Eftles of Freizht. to., «vply to—J. ' Gv PIVKZSTO * , Bd2itTHK»V f S^lBi« ¦ IT &.rHymoath r THOIUS X'OAKxrr , Iiondon " fcn« . Boutli-WejtBrn BaUway Company ExrteTBuildlngs , Arthur Street. JFert. and «t t& I* tg. W. ' : , ' ¦ ' .. : i i! CnjtomHouse Qnar. 'VTatorford. ^_ 8pedal forms bf Bllto'of ,l*dm» remdred by the Cly de Bilppini(^^p»iiytob« hadotth«A««nW r|- | f 4: S. V^ ITATIOHAli lilHE tojreW TOBJC. _ ¦:. iABdiEOT;'^^<JE»;, 8iiutsiptos. I -- , ? ¦$¦ From LrykBrobi 'io *iJ»i yf ^' y^^r 'jrisf Qneenafcwn/^ ' c :. ., v-:^ < , oTery VWjtSiJixsDAT; -/.;! < : ,\ ' .¦?.]- £•» ; ¦ ¦^' ¦yv -- Frsml^aon i »W»wjy^f M foiioir»J&!iv i«.% RAILWAYS WATEEFOED AND CENTRAL IRELAND AND KILKENNY JUNCTION BAILWAY8. . «3- Groat redaction In local Third Class Eeturn Fares. The shortest route from Waterford and Kilkenny to Dublin, Athlono, Parsonstown , or Nenagh , is via Maryborough. Improved (julck and through' daily communication between Maryborough , and other stations, to Waterford , thence via New Milford to London, and all Stations on the Great West- ern Bailway of England. ' , Service improved and accelerated One hour. rBOK WATERTORD. TRAIXS ON WZEE DATlT SOHDATS BT1TIOKB. 12431 4 2 1243124S 1ZS. '123 Class Class [Class. Class. Cluss. Class A.M. I r.K. P.M. I P. H. noon ; P. K. I hm ]h. m. 'h. m. h.m. h. m. i p. m. Watorford , departure ' 7 15 i 1. 0 i 4 .0 6 15 12 0 6 50 Kilmacow 7 25 I 1 10 ! 4 10 6 35 12 13 7 0 Mulllsavat 7 35 —14 20 645 12 25 710 Bollyhole 755 135.440 715 12 50 730 Thomastown 8 10 1501455 730 15 750 Bennetsbrid ge 825 25.5 5 745 120 85 Kllkenny..... ° ..arTival 840i220|520 815 140 825 Do .... departure 8 55 i » SO : 5 SO 1 50 8 35 Balljiagget 9 IS 2 50 L 5 60 2 10 8 55 Attanagh .. 9 35 8 0 f 6 0 218 8 5 Abaeytoix - ...... ; 9 soj Sisie JS ^ i^vr .^-SO,.0-aO- K^^^jo9!J«awa (rfi'8ST« «T^* To »« Maryborough dep. up 10 52 4 2; I 3 24 PortarUn gtonJnno....!ll 11 1*17 : 3 43 Dublin arrival! 1 15 ' i 40 ! j I 5 40 Athlone Juno, arrlv. 445 ' 830 I Maryboro' dep. down' lO 30 ! : 7 11 : i 9 52 BaUybrODhr '10 56 ! 7 46 10 25 Fobcrea |11 34 8 3 ! , Parsonstown 12 4 90|— ! Nenagh 12 23' , 9 20 : ! Templemoro 1 18 ; ; 8 17 , 10 54 Thurles arrival 1 36 8 35 ¦ ; 11 13 I - : i ' TO WAregrOBD | TRAMS OK WEEK DATS. SUNDAT8 STATIONS . 1 2 3 I 1 2 3.1 1 4 2 11 k 2 I Iciass. Class. Class. Class. 12&3 12&3 i A.M. A.M. A.M. i P.M. Class. ClOSS. htn hm hm. um lim pm ThnrleB ' - . dep. i 7 10 : ¦ 22 Templemoro - - : 7 29 : ' . 220 BaUybrophy - -' : 7 59 ; 2 47 Nenagh . - ' 6 30 Farsonstown - -' 640 Boscrca - - 7 13 | Maryboro 1 arrl up! , 8 38 i i 3 24 Athlone Junction -' : i 8 15 2 30 Dublin . depj 6090 10 0 30 PortarlingtonJunc'tn 1 8 3 ! 9 49 2 45 Marybon? arvl dwn 8 25 10 13 3 9 11 52 DOWN TBAIKS. ' » ! Mail 1, 2, 3 Maryboro ' dep. i 8 40 ilO 35 I 3 30 8 30 4 0 Abbeyleix . . _ ' 9 0 ;10 55 3 50 8 50 4 20 Attanagh . - I 9 15 I I 4 5 9 5 4 35 Ballyragg st . . : 9 25 11 15 4 15 9 IS 4 45 KiUenny arrival- 945 11 40 438 940 5 10 Do. departure ' 7 30 10 0 11 45 450 950 520 Bennctsbrid ge -' 7 45 10 12 : 5 3 10 2 5 32 Thomastown . 8 5 10 25 12 5 5 20 10 15 5 44 Ball yhale . . 8 25 10 40 12 15 5 30 10 30 6 0 Mollinavat . - ' 8 50 11 0 ; I 6 0 10 55 6 25 Kilmacow . - 9 0 11 10 , 12 45 6 10 11 5 6 35 Waterford arrival 9 20 U SO I 1 0 I 6 30 '11 30 7 0 SATURDAY EXCURSIONSOn Saturday, 5th June, and on each following Saturday, till further notice, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class Betnrn Tickets at Singlo Fares will bo issued from all Sta- tions to Waterford by the 3-30 p.m. Down Train , available for return by any Train on Sni4s>y or Monday. Special Fares are charged to First and Second Class Fas- Bengera booking to travol by the Express Mall Trains on Great Southern and Western Line. . W. WILLIAMS , Secretary. WATEBFOED AND LIMEBICK BAILWAY. V p Trains from Waterford. TRAINS ON WZ» DATS. Sd y WATESTOBD Mail I I I Mail Mail TO LimcRlcK 1 & 2 123 123 123 1 23;i&2 1243 Class. Class. Closs.Class. Class. Class, class A.M. A.M. T.M. j P.M. r.H. r.M. F.M Waterford dep. 60 925 1135 245 8301— 830 Carrick-on-Snfr 6 30 10 5 12 7 3 25 9 15 9 15 Clonmel 74 10 35 1335 44 10 0 10 0 Tippcrary 8 5 ' H 35 1 45 5 9 11 35 11 35 Junction arrifal 825 1150 20 520 1155 11 55 Dublin , 1 15 5 5 540 |1O 0 4 10 4 10 Cork 130 435 4S5|8 15 20 20 Dublin departur 90 10 30110 745 745 Cork 10 15 12 30 2 45 10 0 i 10 6 Junction 8 35 12 12 2 23 5 45 12 25 I 12 25 Limorick nrrivl 9 35 12 52 3 25 I 6 50^1 80 > l _ 30 Down Trains from limerick. j TRAINS OH . WEKK DATB I SdyS, MMERICS ' I ; . I Mail I Mail TO WATERWBD. 12&31243 1 42 1 k 2 12431 & 2 1 2 i Class. Class. Class. Class. Class. Class. Class, A.M. ' A.M. I A.M, I P.M. P.M. , p.m I P.M. Limerick dep... I 7 0 11 0 | 1 35 4 0 10 50 10 60 Junction arriv. I 8 10 12 5 215 5 15 11 55 11 55 Cork ... |130 20 435 815 20 20 Dublin ., 1 15 6 5 5 40 10 0 4 10 4 10 Dublin dep... D 0 10 15 1 0 7 45 7 45 Cork ,, ... —lOO 6 0 12 30 2 45 ;10 6 10 6 Junction l 8 35 12 15 I 2 25 535:12 23 12 23 Tipperary 1855 12 301235 550 12 5O 12 5O Clonmel 730 10 5 J 32 ' 3 30 7 01220 220 Carrick 820 10 40 2 0 '4 5 74513 0 3 0 Waterford urriv 920 1130 2 35 i 4 40 830 :145 345 FASES-'First Class Single Picket , 14s. 6d; Second do. , 11B. ; Third do., Cs. 5d. Eeturn—First Clsss, 21s 9d. ; Second do., 16s. fld. M. J. KENNEDY, Socrotary. SOVTHERN RAILWAY TIME TABLE DuMin and Tnurlr* , Week Day *. (o ClomnW, Walerfori , ani , Limerick . llrl . 2nd , and 3rd claw) a.m. a.m. p.m. Dublin, departure i 10 15 10 Thurles ' ; i 8 15 «1 50 p.m 5 40 Horec-nod-Jockey ; 8 35 V 2 10 6 0 I^iffan ' s-brldgo i 8 SO 2 25 6 15 Farranalleou i 9 5 2 40 6 30 Fetbard . , 9 20 2 55 6 40 Clonmol arrival ¦ 9 45 . 3 20 7 0 Waterford 11 30 4 40 8 30 Limerick ' 13 52 0 50 I 30 Limerick, Waterford , and Week Vayi. Clonmel, ' ¦ to Thurlet anA DiiUin. j (1«1, 2nd, and 3rd Clao j. . a.m. p.m. p.m. Walcrford departure i 9 35 2 45 Limorick . , I 7 0 135 4 0 Clonmel j 10 45 4 10 7 20 Fethard ¦ ' 11 10 4 31 7 45 FarramUlcfln , ! 11 25 4 40 7 S5 Loffan ' s-brid ge : 11 40 4 50 8 10 Horse-and-Jockey 11 55 5 0 8 25 Thurlos ' arrival ¦ 12 IS 5 20 8 45 Dublin , ! 5 5 10 0 WATEBFOED, DUNGARVAN, k LISMOBE EA1LWAY SHORTEST ROUTE TO CORK, TBALKE, A»D KILLAENET. . FROM WATERFORD . STATIONS. I ; Wcek Dnys. Sundays. A. M. P. M. 1\ M. Waterford ... dep. 8 30 12 0 250 Kllmcaden |8 50 12 20 3 8 Kllmocthomas ... j9 20 I 5 3 38 Durrow and Stradbally ,9 40 125 350 Dungarvan ... 10 5 1 55 4 16 CappaKb ... 10 25 2 15 til ' - Cappo inin ... 10 40 2 33 4 45 Llsnnre, ... arriv. 10 55 4 55 8. 4 W. Bailway : ' Lismore ... dep. 11 30 5 0 Fermoy ... arriv . 12.14 , 5 37 ¦— ' Mallow ... 11 0 0 20 Cork 12 0 815 - - Kllkrney ... 5 42 : 9 27 Traloe .. 17 0 10 25 - TO WATSBFORD StATIONS. i Week Days. Sunday! 8.4 W. Bailway. It. t. i. x. A.u. ' i. ic. A. K Tralee dop. - 6 0 8 15 - , - grT 0 ' .. ::: :: =- . 8*8 iSSz- .r MaUow ... ... -i, » 5 . -1 25.- _ Fermoy ; -r& S » 215 Lismoro ... " ... arriv. ;«§ 10 35 3 0 - . - W. D. & L. EaUway. . \* > % *#*. . ;. ' ; LUmo re;.; ... dep. 7)45 It SO .3 20 " - Cppoauln ... ¦ T' «f* »¦ . b S3 - - Cappagh 810 U»p' « 7 Dungarran... ... 8 38* M, M S4W '~ i ~ Durrow 4 StredbalJy 8 55 U0 5«m h^ ' - Kllmacthomas ' ... . 9 20 lNff Sf'Jl Sa. Kflmeaden , ... , 9 « 1 8S ¦ ?W g^ t I . Witerford - ' , ..: arrival 00 ISO Nfg :!>J- fc~ - r v . . ,. . . i. . j. . (, ,i . . v.FABES.. ¦> ; X- *¦ ' >Mhttff i$X . ..Waterford to Bangarvss-FbstC3*ss , Bugle, oiUii»l*l class , is: ( Drdolsss. 2». 5d. leturn . lst elw .SiiH&M oUss , 6s.9d. -/"8rd-elass , * «" ¦' . •> ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ' ' ' - ¦ ;'*T*!»»IS F . -WaUrf ord to Llsmore-Slnile : 1st class; 7s. 9d.j ewi' sUtt, 6s. 1 8rd class , Ss ^7d. Betum-lst class , 13s. j 2nd cUf»7«K Srdclsss , 6s. " , f :-rr ¦ - :¦>. %.;¦ ¦ > ¦ ¦ ¦' . —: h '- f - , ¦ ¦ .- n:-:-l>. -^ On Satordany iHsrket TidkaU , at reduced fares , rvitl be l«uedfr«n};all BtoOons to Wat«rford , b y the 7.45a.m. Up Train .) and )ta Dungarvan b j ths 7.45 a.m. Up Train from Ustaor«^C*4poo>Qi£ ; sad 'U pp*gh i v *nd; by \h» 8.80 a-m. DownTrnn troni - Kllniictho au and Dorrow—«r*il»ble for return sa the day of fetrnsonl r^r.Nomoner.wnibentamod , or aUowsnsa made , foraay Ti ikotloM.mislsid , or not used; ¦ - -tj ;^^.)^fe;TBpll AB .OfKALLEY , yansger. - ' ¦l-&" ,>.\' :to\A%i-? .:-8>f.; ' '/ ;-!4 .> i Vl af'S- ~V>1^lii,.S- -»M ¦WW ¦ .. »{'a xn. ;a m, ,p.ia ' iP ,P '| !J.p;).y»1 -P.y i P " . » ; ^^lrt»] ' *' tt ; \h mlk«* ITiir ¦ kta'l'k' iii ' |U-m- <* '' »»• ¦WM? fflMS. 11UUU »l. , 0 4^0 ^», :71« »0 XmW^WMt**** iT^' $kw$$ity?M ' i Siippli SI mpS ^ii T0| ' GENTLEMEN. - ' - ' v * ' . V* *¦¦¦ . . .. ' . ' We have been appoinj^a SOLE AGENTS for "WATERFORD for the SALE . .-$ji> ' OF : . Tlie Celled WATERFOED TWEEDS, WHICII WE OPPEE ^AJK^MIL L . PRICES—viz. : 2a. 2d. and 2s. lOd. p«r YARD. ~ ¦ , *' •: ' ?"" ' PATTERNS PBBE. ROBERT^, . LEDLIE, FERGUSON , & CO., : ffeir (LIMITED), [sl9] ; ;; tj|<£ ; ' - ' : ; 53 AND 54, QUAY, WATERFORD. THOJ^^ll^JipiE ' & SONS GENE ? Ai, ,. . K^nshlfc^iJi^ GLASS AND CHINA WAREHOUS E (OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE TRADE). OWEN POWER & SON'S , 7, 8- , AND 33, GREAT GEORGE'S-ST., WATERFORD. OWING to tho great depression of Trade, we have purchnsed 6oui e large LOTS of GOODS at unexceptionalJ y LOW PRICES : TOILET SETS, ... 3s. Gd. upwards. I TEA SETS 10s. Cd. upwards , BREAKFAST SETS ... 15s. Cd. | TABLE do. (all patterns) 17s. Gd. Also, a splendid Collection of Dresden and Sevre China, suitable for Wedding Presents. Our STOCK of DESSERT SERYICES are all of the Newest and most artistic Patterns and Desi gns. CRESTS AND MONAGRAMS EXECUTED ON GLASS , CHINA , AND IRONSTONE. AGENTS FOR MINTONS &. COPELAND'S CHINA. ; HALLE, PARTIES , AND PICNICH , SUPPLIED WITH CUTLERY AND ALL OTHEB REQUISITES . SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO HATCHINGS IN GLASS AND CHINA . ( LIST OF DEPARTMENTS ( Traction, Portable and Fixed Steam Engines ; Thrashing M achines, IMPLEMENTS ... ] Saw Benches, Laffel's Tiu-binc Water Wheel , Food-preparing Machinery, (. and every requisite for Farm , Dairy, Garden, nnd Forest. r Flower Seeds, Vegetable Seeds, Farm'Seeds, ~ \ From the Best Districts SEEDS ... ... ] Dutch Flowering Bulbs, &a. > and Growers. r Importers of American and Canadian Linseed Cakes , Decorticated Feeding Stuffs ... < Cotton Cakes and other Feeding Stuffs—Best Brands. (. Prices and Samp les on app lication. ( Superphosphates, Bone Coiupouuds, Pure Dissolved Bones , Crushed MANURES ... } Bones and Bono Meal. i . Best Qualities and Guaranteed Analys is. Sole Importers of the Celebrated President Lawn Mower. DUBLIN—34 , DAWSON-ST. BELFAST—VICTOBIA -ST. LONDON—1G , HOLBOBN VIADUCT . ffjg- WORKS AND STORES HIBERNIA BUILDINGS, DUBLIN. ' (a27.litj LAIEITZ'S PINE-WOOL FLANNELS. VESTS , DRAWERS , SOCKS , STOCKINGS , WAIST-BELTS, KNEE-CAPS , Ac For the Belief of Sciatica, Gout, Rheumatism, etc., etc. milE ABOVE GOODS , MADE " PINASTER," or BLACK have been largely used for the last obtained fro m many leading Physicians the highest Testimonials. AGENTS FOE : \kATEB $&&ttB *DI8'rkl0T : U^ ._ : ^. IHOBIIT &c soifrs; ' f (ap23) - ' , ' |^- 58 AND 69, QUAY, WATERFORD MAN U FACTURERS *P adfe& M' PU RVEYORSTOH.RH. BYS PJICIAL W AHRANT * yB8r THE P RINGEJR W ALES . -^QUALITY^- 1 ^fR?* f -^ASK. FOR=S-1 U NIFORM «riw?>,iir. GENUINE OR ,, AMD ¦ OFHONQUR DOUBLE SUPERFINE U NSURPASSED. ' ¦ ¦ " ¦!» ¦ " ¦ ¦ I, IN S QUARETINS. .1 diAiibkjnasik ORIENTAL TOOTH PASTE—J EWBBUEY & BEOWN ' BTho only Gonnino. —Guaranteed absolutely froo from any pornicious ingrodiont. Recommended by Medical and othor testimony. ORIENTAL TOOTH PASTE—Is pleasant and agreeablo ; its use ensures white and sonnd TKETH . Established 50 years as tho most offectnal 1 prcserrativo for tho Teeth and Gams. ORIENTAL TOOTH PASTE—Warranted to retain its properties, and to keep good in ANT CLIMATI . Tho only genaino is signod JEWSBUBT & Buoww, Msnobestcr. ORIENTAL TOOTH> PASTE—Sold univer- sally by Chomista and Porfamors, la. Od. and 2s. Cd, per Pot ; Wholosalo onl y JEWBBUET & BEoWN . M&nohcstcr. . my 14. HALFPENNY POSTAGE CARD S, All descriptions of Printing on such Cards . . tSS~K 'eeuted «t Tiu WiTEBfOBD Niws Of iee. . . .; Improved White £oft Soap, XI1REE from smoll , for tho Laundry and Honse JU hold pturpotea. .It renders linen beantifnll y white, oloanses better, and ia ohoaper than any other Soap. It poiiesses detergont qualitieB , and is a disinfectant when naed for cleansing and pnrUying Walla, Floore, Bodaing, knl, and is recomendea u a Vermin Killor. Tho Snds d isinfe ct Drains , Ao. ' MinnfaoturerBandnoloPatenteei , PIKE and CO., by ' appointment to tho Military and NaTalLaundrief . CarltonWorki, Peokham , London,8 JI. ¦ i Agent for W«iterford^-Mr. TJIOHAS P<XBC«M.,Bar ron»tran d.«treot. ?, :. ' ;.; , i. . ; i:w. - - ' . ; ¦. ' ¦- * (. -I: 1 ;¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' '! ' aa 0 .. '" ' . " \rr ! :KENNA]NS^fM:s ; . y P RA^iHilpH|NE8^ Y\ •' ¦ l'Or^*iW^BHHHBBPfri:: ' , FROM TUE FIBROUS PARTS OF TIIK PINE, in combination with other Materials, Twenty-Five Years on the Coutinent , and hare CURE FOR ALL ! ' HOLX.OWAY'S OINTMENT. IMJ-OETANT . DISCOVERYNo MOBE SOFPEBINQ .Tho disoorery of this Ointment has proved an invalu- able boon to. thousands of sufferers ; when rnbbod over or near tho seat of Buffering, its raro Balaamio ptopor ties aro convoyed to overy part. Thns it hoala inward wounds and nicers of the STOMACH , BOWLES, or WOMB , strengthens tho spinal marrow incases of norvons weak ness and dapression, and all diseasos of tho TnROAT, LUNOS, ana CHEST. ' NO invalid need despair of euro , whilst this Ointmont can be obtained ; for tho reputa- tion it bears in ovory qnartorof tho globo, is folly borno out by the success it has attainod, corroborated as it is by testimonials from persons of all classes and coun- tries I . . ' ' ' ; GODT . RKEUMATIBM, AND NBUBALOIA . ' -These truly formidiablo and drcodod diseasea, with nocturnal spasms, norvons twitohings , muscular crampa , and BCiatica, will yield, when treated by thi s Ointmont. Inno casoB is it more importaat to havo tho Ointmont thoroughly and offeotnally collveyed throngh tho pores of the skin to tho affected parts, upon which it will bring ito soothing in- fluonoesto bear, and thns produoo ooso, comfort, and Boonrity. The Pills should also be taken in appropriate dosoa to IdSBon the inflammation, and to purif y tno blood- : ' BAD Lias , BAD BBEABTS, OLD WOUNDS ; AND UL- CEBATiotis op AiiL KINDS. Tho application of this Ointment hoala. in a remarkablo manner , overy kind of Ulcerationi softens the stiff or contracted tUiruevoauica. " prond M 'Both .to. disappear; and. fonl and- kaUtaoSK ' disohargeii to become oonverted into Vnltlijritrttdjrmt ' ¦ faoes ' t* and-lia«e' effects are not tomporarypbul are radi cal fBdpfrman ost. ; . . . , ' ^~i[i&&ti&: -ftc '' : ' Pn.M, : ^iBtBlA8, " Ain) ABSCSSBXS . Those and all similar affections must be carefully treated according to the pjon reco tomendedin the printed instro otiona. ' Xbe Ointment mm t be app lied directly to the parts affected , and'R plloiroy' a Pills be simnltaneonal y taken to purify, the blood, a ' ndrtb relieve the internal congestions whiaS , are so fertilo ii cause of this olass of disease.' I ¦• ¦ -} <i^^j DBOPSICAIi ENIIAAOIHBKTS, SWILLID. XlOBrjUnU VABicosi Vims. -In tho reduction 1 of a H U m S m f] SwaUingR.norwedybqna]a1^isaompN»UripB9pf it prevontu tho formation :of extraoitonaMilJpjgJtCt^] an invaluable j remedy, for oheckWjKflKpKftB. ohargesVwWdUigen^ rnbbadMimMBpSed; \ ScBorrjiAljnj OhvBKVtMm ^^m, Ointment Uaoert&ui!w;nedr.for ' «HJ |MMB fce aldn , whether .tap le or cj i.DUdaUd ^l^K^worTn , blotcho, , li ii PS ^^P mMQm, HOTELS. " THE GEOBGE HOTEI. , " 6, COLLEGE-ST., and 29 , .30, i 31 , FIiEET-ST PATRICK SHERIDAN CAREY , (Late of the City Mansion'Hotel), PBOPBIETOB. Entrance , 6, College r Stxeet. - " Night Porter in attendance. ' . ' ¦ ' ¦i ; ~ . \. - . . . . ii. '^. ' - 'j- SHIP and COKMEaCIAI. HOTEL : ¦¦; V24, ^AT . i.WATEBS'ORD. 1 M I; C H; AiErL .; ^IIV AN H AYDifG pnT ohasod 'h«.Interest in.the above HOTEL, begs tb'inncranoa that this Estab- lishment OPSirep 'ontSATURDAT , FEB. 15, 1870. . M. K, trn8t8^y;;j8tric<il attention to thoso who patronise: T HE fjfiiif.j AND;' COMMIECIAI/ HOTEL, to merit a.CQntifiua£ce Qf : :theirrpatronage. Quay; Wate^r4i' Fe> * ,vl2, 1879; / ^ . : i ; ; u SOTJTH^^ENSraGTpN P. r iyS,te{; BeBid«a^*l : ' l r £U3iily Club '' ^LEOTJDWEBTsrAirSIOl^'- -'' 13, 15, 17, and 19, HARRINGTON ROAD , S.1V JLU , i' j , i(. (uta xv } fi^i/uvamjiuit xtw^xxj j o* tt LONDON. (Tho best and most convenient position in Town). One minuto from South Kensington Station ; ten minutes to Westminster ; eighteen minutes to the City—Arannion Hougo Station ; near Parks , Gardena , Albert Hall , and Museums. FOR Families wishing to avoid expense of House- keeping, Visitors to Town , or Gentlomen desiring the advantago of a Club, combined with tho privnej and comfort of Homo, at a modorato Cost. Introduction or reference) required. dl9-tf Imperial Hotel , LOWER SACKVILLE-STREET, DUBLIN. (Opposite tho General Post-Offico and Telegraph Office) Tho most central in the City. BREAKFASTS , withchop. eggs . or cold meat , 2s. ; steak or fish , 2s. Gd. DINNERS : Soup, cntrei! , joints , sweet") , and chees e, 33. —with fish , Gd. extra. Beds , 2s. and 33. ; attendance , Is. each. Ladies ' Coffee Room, Billiard-room. CHARLES LAWLEK , Proprietor. P.S.—A reduction made for Ladiusor Gentlemen who wish to board by the week in this hotel . CITY MANSION HOTEL, 30 LOWER BRIDGE STREET, DUBLIN I BEG to inform my numerous Frionda and tho Public that , through elision of time , I have become Pro- priotor of tho above old-established Hotel . I have completely and most comfortably re-furnished it , and havo considerably enlarged it , fitting it up throughout in best modern etyle. I trust by careful and constant attention to tho wants and comforts of my visitors to merit tho patronage so liberally bestowed on my lato father , and respectfully solicit an early trial. MICHAEL COFFEY, Proprietor. Son of lato MATJBICF. COKKET . Please note Address-30, LOWKIl BI'JDGE STREET, DUBLIN. [dU-3ml RICHARD COFFEY'S GREAT GLOBE HOTEL, t , 5, 6, 7, LOWER BRIDGE-STEEKT, DUBLIN MOST Central ; immediate uei gbbcrarhood of Law Courts and Telegraph Offices ; a fo iv doors from King' s Bridgo Tramway Lino ; tivo to ten minutes' drive from any City Railway ; newly decorated re-furnished, and supplied with overy modern improve- ment requisite fop tho comfort of visitors , under the personal supervision of Mr. and Mrs. COFFET . Eggs , Butter, Cream, and Vegetables from the Farm daily. Notwithstanding present high rates , terms arc most raodorato. Breakfasts from Is. 3d. Beds, from Is. Gd. each. Tablo d'Hoto daily, thrco o' clock ; Sun- days , fivo o' clock. Soup, Two Joints , Vegetables aud Cheese , 2s. onl y. A Night Porter. First-class attendance. All Ser- vants paid by the Propriotor. KELLY'S CROWN (HOTEL , MONCK STREET , W %X FORD. (CLOSE TO TIIK RAILWAY STATION). THIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel in which overything can bo had on tho most moderate terms. Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits ; also , Brandies , Wines, Porter , Gcorgo Younger and Son' s eolebrated Alloa AJos, Ac. ' . . , Cars oh Hire al . +ho shoaest-SOJapCt .. „. . . (au-15; tf' NeV SMp -Hotel &n cT Botflidg Stores 31 & 32, QUAY. TO HOTEL-KEEPERS AND PRIVATE CONSUMERS. E /^ItOWE begs to inform the Public \y that he is now sending out GUINNESS'S DOUBLE STOUT, SCOTCH mid BASS'S ALES, which ho guarantees to bo Genuine and in splondid condition. He cun deliver to all parties desiring sam<! at their residences from his van , and trusts that by bottling none but a genuine nrticlo to meri t a share of their patronage. jo25-3m Visitors to London WILL find Home Comforts , oti moderate terms , at " The Sherwood Private Hotel , " 19, Adaiu-St. Strand. F. SLACK' , Proprietor. LIMERICK—The Glentworth, A First-class Family and Commercial Hotel . THE " Glentworth" is the nearest Hotel iu tho City to tho Railway Station, Banks , Steam- boat Offices , Telegraph and Post Office , and to all pub- lic places of amusement. P. KF .NNA , Proprietor. 11 , 15, r.nd 16, Glontworth-street , Limerick ^ jo !8 D u B ~ LT N T Commercial and Private Lodging Honse , 49, MARLBOROTJGH STREET. PARTIES Visiting Dublin can be accommodated, with or without Board, and all tho comforts of n homo, on Modorato Torms. (o25-tf] t£<J3 " Situation contral , closo to Sackvillc-strcct. BAY HOTEL, DTJNMOKE EAST THIS HOTEL, commanding a magnificent view of the Bay and Harbour of Waterford, is now OPEN for Visitors. The House, recently ro-modelled, newl y Fur- nished, and fitted with all modern improvements, will bo found equal to any Mnrino Hotel in tho Country. A now BILLIAED R OOM, with one of Harris ' best Tables, has just been added, and is repleto with all requirements. . TAEIFP will be found moderate. All Letters to be addressed to ¦ A. M. FLAHAVAN, PitorRiETRESS. 835* Daily communication between Watcrford and Dunmore by Steamboat and Cars. Steamer leaves Dunmoro at 8 a.m. ; returns from Wator- ford at 3.30 p.m. " (m21.1y Oysters ! Oysters ! Oysters ! The Commencement of the Season, BURLINGTON RESTAURANT AND OYSTER BAR, DUBLIN. THE PROPRIETOR begs to acquaint hie Frionds and tho Public that ho is now prepared with a constant . Supply p f. RED BANK BURRIN OYSTERS, Frosh overy. J>njr» from his own Beds in tho ^^spRlg: tedawWMffl ftogW^^yto C ' uatomera. : , ¦; . ' - ' ;; Wiae*?4 jm Q^t|j(tOiHl .date.; .John ' Jameson and DrjJjj^liroailJ'^herryl Martoil and Hcnncssy' .s ••• Very.OMjhaa 'd/; Santornb, Chablu, &a. ^i2Sffi«Wr£PH CORLESS; P ROPRIETOR, : , Wfg^«»BEW ST.;* CHURCH LANE, D UBLIN. iJMpfOYBT ERS. 'l OYSTERS I OYSTERS ! tf ItP^ T;' TIiTciydo 'Hotal , W:. ANDERSTON ; QUAY , atASGow , T8 . in tho immediate vicinity of tho English and X .Irish Steamers , including tho Clydo Shipping Compvny' g 8tcamor8. '4.Tonrist8 and families visit- ing ^Scotland .will find this (Hotel a comfortable bome^iCharges very inoddrdte. ' i . r , - ' ¦¦} s6,ly : ' V EI GHT^PBIZE^aiEDA LS. ; A mm NOW READY , Printed on Good Papor, and in largo clear Type , A NEW EDITION OP BUTLER»S CATECHISM. TO THE CATHOLIC CLERGY, BOOKSELLERS , &o On Sale at Tho News Office , With tho Recommondation of tho Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, tho Right Rov. Dr. POWER A Catechism for the Instruction of Children , BY THE "Ify!" 08 ^ fte^ Br. JAMES BUTLER, Aroh- -L T JL vta bishop of Caehel and Eml y. JIKCOMMENDATION : " Iappi jvo of of tliis Edition of tho Right Rov Dr. JAMES BTJTLER ' S Catechism, and recommend it to the Faithful of theso Dioceses. 4* " JOHN POWER , R.C.B. " Watorford, Sept. 16th, 1870." OBDERS from any part of tho Diocese , sent in and directed to C. REDMOND, Printer and Publisher, Waterford News Offico , 49 King-street , promptly at- tended to. The Trado supplied on moderate terms. ¦ May bo had Retail from ovory Catholic Bookseller in tho Diocese. S«1^»H« *w MONET ON MOB.TGAGE Messrs. H. HALTER .j- SONS , Mort gage Brokers, London ... 11, PANCRAS -LANE , B.C. Dublin ... 41, LOWER SACKVILLE -ST. Glasgow ... 58, WKST R KOKNT -ST. Manchester ... J OHN DALTON' -STRF .KT. HAVE LARGE FUNDS availabl e for LOANS upon K KAL or LIFE ESTATK. Applications may be made through EDWARD S. KENNEV , City Hall , Mall ; jj' * Or , THE N EWS Office , Waterford. TO BE LENT, _OQ/" W f \f \f \ And various other Sums <Xt£\J 9 \ J\JU 9 Apply to JOSEPH & CHARLES AMBROSE , jy 4. Little George' s-St., Waterford. £30,000 TO LEND, IN ONE OR 51 ORE SUMS THE DIRECTORS of THE Inisn CIVIL SERVICE BUILDING SOCJETT invite attention to tho re- vised tables of tho Society, under which unprecedented advantages arc offered in assisting persons to acquire Freehold or Leasehold property. Tho Loans are repayablo by quarterly instalments, according to tho following tables, which include Princi- pal and Interest : REPAYMENT TABLES , 6I1EWIM1 THE QUARTERLY PAYMENTS KOR EACH £100 AD VANCED FOR THE PERIODS SI'ECIKIKI). Table 1. Table 2. Applicable to Loans on Fee AiiplicaMo to Loans on Simple Property. Leasehold Property. ^^^^^-pumner of | A[ 5 £5 0 5 I £6 i 0 10 a 5 U lu I :j 11 9 IS 2 8 1 15 I 2 15 0 2.) 2 0 H 20 i! 7 C The costu (ittcndiuir a Loan nrp very low, and special facili- ties arc allordcd [or the completion purchases throiis li tho Courts. DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Tlie jircscnt rate of Interest allowed on Deposit Receipts 2J per Cont. per Annum. SPECIAL RATES for T1XED DEPOSITS. Current Accounts opened and check books supplied. Intercut allowed on the minimum luoutlily bauuicc. Depositors have the followinj; tpiarantcee, viz . : Tlie entire Fwidit mitrt , nwlcr the Act of ParHuiucnt , he in. rrslid on Mort gage of Freehold or LoudcoM I VopeWi/. The totut ainoit- .U receivable on de]to*it ix limited t fj the Act of tiro-Huril* of the balance due to the Society on its Mort- j 'i' jes. The l* roypcctns und overy information may be liiid , free of expense, on upplieatiou to ALFKED K. MEKCER , Secrctnry, 52, Lower Suckvillc-strcct , Dublin. MATTHEW HUNT, Lociil Surveyor , IJcresford-strcct , Wutcrford . The Society bas already ndvancod nearly three quarter! of a million on mortgage. ICniy 10.0m 6d., Is., 2s. 6d. " Keatmg' s Powder. " THIS POWDER , so celebrated and perfectl y unrivalled in destroy ing Buos , B EETLES , FLEAS , MOTHS, and all Insects (whilst perfectly harmless to all animal life), is now supplied ia vastly improved tins , holding a considerably increased quantity. All Wool- lens and Furs shonld bo well spririklod with tho Powdor before placing away. - It. ia . invaluable to tako to tho Seaside. To avoid disappointment , insist upon having " Keating' s Po wder. " No other Powder ia effectual. Sold only in Tins by all Chemists, TO OET RID OK W0RM8 IN CuiLDREN. —PrOCUrO & Till of " Keating ' s Worm Tablets. " This unique lle- dieino is certain to cure, and may be taken with abso- lute safety by tho .youngest child. Price , Is ljd , of all Chemists. ocl7.6m. . Bishop & Sons' Quinine Wine- mniS INVIGORATING WISE , stronglj ro- JL commended by tho highest Medical authorities foi its Tonic and Kestorativo Qnalities , is prepared with the most caroful attention to the purity of it« ingredientR, and contains Ouo Grain of Quinine , each Glass. SOLD H VERTWHEUE. Dublin- -Wholesale by BOILKAU & BOVD , M'MASTIK , HODGSON & Co. ; H UI ; H MOORE & Co. ; A LEXANDBR FINDLVTOR & Co ; FAWCETT & Co. j CAKTRELL and COCURANE. Retail by HENIST ToniK , J AJIES FLANA. OAN , J OHNSTON and OLDHAM , and others. Blackrock— J. KICHARDSOK . Cori—TOMKISS and SON, WOODKOKD , Bounxr., k. Co. ; H. MORRIS , J. MORGAN SMITH . Belfast—WILLIAM DOBDIN & Co ; CLARK & M'Mui, LAN ; J and J. HACLETT, HUOH WHITE , EAKIN <k Co., and LEATHESI , COULTEI : , and HOWARD , and W GlLitORE & CO. Londonderry OSBOKNE & PATTEN , J AMES THOMP - SON and SON. Dumjannon and Aughnacloy —J. M. FKROUSON & Co. Manufactured and Bottled by Mc.H.sra. BISHOP and SONS, FINSBURY DISTII - LEHY , LONDON. np2.7m SCHMITTOT YPIE. By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent. Every Man his own Printer. BLACK HEPKODUCTIONS of Manuscripts , Documents, Plans, <fcc. No " Graph"—No perforated Stencil Plates. Prices from 30s. to 48s. complete. OTTO LELM, Importor and Eiportor, 36, Farringdon Streot , London , E.C. (ml2.3m (THE OLD HOUSE). JOHNSTON'S CORN FLOUR . IS THE BEST. " Is decidedly superior. " The Lancet. Refuse other kinds when offered instead. (JclS-ly) COOPER COOPEK and CO. undertake to an- swer the oft-heard question—Why is Tea so dear ?—mid they soy that it is simply because tbc public in this, na in other iuattei»,aropowerless to insist on baring their shnre of tho advantages which result from failing- murkots. Ten, in fuct , was never so cheap to bay KUCO it was first imported in- to England, as may be easily ascertained by a refcrenco to the current market reports, and yet relatively the retail pric* ' was neveruo ozorbitaiit. Now Cooper Cooper and Co. haTe -rooolvod to rectify thiB discrepancy, and to this end thoy nn- dertake to 8EU> the BERT .TEAS that enn be purcaued at tWf ICT'tfTV Pr l rt1i B1i l\.ff° . 'ft < W m ?' ^PJVg'l l g'Ufc- ., ff , nctnnlnrfce* paid to tUsimpotten. Thisnyiteta ol buiBew ' U speciallyJntendod to bring the public Into partnersblp. ns ' : ' it were, or at all ovents to enablo them to Become rartici- paton in the great morgin of profit which liea between the wholesale and retail price of tea. Cooper Cooper and Co' s prices will be foand to bo 9d. per pouud less inonoy than those usually charged for identical qualities. nnEAv SEAL TEA. —The finest black ten ioipor- /JL.- tod from China Is sold at 3a. a pound by COOPEE COOPEK'and CO. That shipped from tho southern port, Foochowfoo , is termed Kyshow, and possesses grant strength and a shan> , though anooablo pungent flavoar. Tho fine tea •hipped from the northern port, Shang hai, is colled Honing, and is distinguished by a sott , nilky fUvonr. Both these tan aro to bo had in tbeir original parity at 3s. a pound at Cooper Coopertand Co' B. .various establishments , ' viz., 50 , King Wiluam^treet , London Bridgo ; €3, Blshpcunte street With, in, E.C. : 268, Kegentwihrcns, W. ' j and 35 , Strand , W.C., who in.ftddlOon tothese «pedalitie» , sell everyjiVrletr of teas grown in India, and Uhina in their integrity. ; Simp les gratis ,nr»lEic6riLAPSE:ifl:lthft SPEJCftfCATION in I'. I ¦: TEA an«Wc»CO0PEB COOPEE ana CO. to s«U tea, of zeal excellence ' at 28. a jKrand. >tt is fit to jut on any gto- rtlenmn ' a tublB. ' . SamjlMgratia ond ,po«tfrpf. -; :: jell ^m iv^*aj»W«48?^ijfiw-ji, tte3'^aap;' - ; r ./ - : ,- ¦ ¦ ¦ . ;Ti\^S^OtfKvBAJtB?FALL OPJJtOB TUEN lJsfc#&&BT|!^PS?If|B0, : \p8e iBJpSAUE COF. ¦PEIiEIS-CEIKVTBlAB, vnoted , aU oter the woild for Iti inJ$M»^ Wi?rtrti«»; anef as- ttB|pnW; p^tOy. that cm to depended nponA It;Uvgmr»nt«»d ' to. -pi'Odqee whisker*.

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    Pttbliohed every FRIDAY Even ing, and Second Edition onSATURDA Y Hominy *, at Ko>. 49 and 50, Xing-Street, '


    PRICE—THREEPENCE : Yearly (in Advanco), 13a.By Post (Yearly), 15s., in Advanco.

    IJ5f All Cheques and P. 0. Ordors, mado payableto CORNELIUS REDMOND , at this Office

    Tho NEWS (Liberal in politics) circulates extensivelyamongst' the merchants, traders and nobility, gentry,fanning classes, &c., in Watorford, KUkonny.Tipperory,arid the sonth of- Ireland generally. Tho NEWS hasattained a circulation" novor equalled by.any paporpnblishod in Waterford, and is admittedly tho leadingJSirni in this important city, with whioh there is dircotdaily communication from London.

    Particular attention paid to commercial and agricul-tural matters. - ; ¦ • ¦ '

    Advertisements roceived ior tho NEWS by all rospoot-nbjTNowspapcr Agents in tho United Kingdom. , Pro-p ̂roent requisite from parties not known at tho ofBco.„ AOBNT8 FOB SALK .OF THE NEWS .

    [VI *ATEBFOE'P—Mr. W. KBLVT, Xittlo Goorgo'a-st.^"-"-RAMOSE—Mjs» CLAMCT, Eofroshmont Booms,', in

    '¦' ¦¦ CABBICK-ON-SUIB—Mr J.M. MnRPHT.'News Agent.LONDON-iFor Advts.) Mr. WILLIAM CABROLL, 18,

    Crawshay Road, Vassal Road, 'North Brixton.DUBLIN—Advertising Agents : Messrs. AV.H. SMITH

    &. SON , Abboy-Btreot.DUNGARVAN—Mr. EDWARD BRKNNAN , Stationer,

    &c, Post and Telegraph Offico , Tho Square.


    Transatlantic , Peninsular, Mediterranean , andOriental Steamships.


    S.S. Columbia, THURSDAY, 2nd SEPT ; S. S.Caledonia, THURSDAY, 16th SEPT, and ovory alternateThursday thereafter.

    LONDONDERRY to NEW YORK direct—Regular Sail-ings eTery Friday. Thoso Vossels leave New Yorkevery Saturday for Londonderry.

    FABKS—Dublin to New York—Saloon Cabin, .£12 12sand .£14 14s. Steerago, £6 6s. Londonderry to New-York t Saloon Cabin, il2 12s, X14 14s, and £16 16s.Seoond Cabin (including all necessaries for tho voyage),£8 8s. Steerage, £6 6s.

    By special arrangements with tho Railway Compa-nies, passengers for tho " Anchor" Line aro forwardedto Dublin and Londonderry at greatly reduced rates.

    Passengers booked through to all parts of tho UnitedStates and Canada.

    Drafts on America for sums of £1 and upwards issnodfree of charge.

    Apply to local Agents throughout Ireland ; to HEN-DISSON BROTHERS, 47, Union-Btroct, Glasgow ; 30,rdylo-Street, Londonderry; DENIS LYONS, Listowcl ;or to HENDERSON BROTHERS,( 13, Eden-quay, Dublin.


    Altered and additional Service by Great WesternRailway Company's Trains and Steamboats, viaMilford Haven, in connection with tho WATER-•*OBD and LIMERICK, WATERFOBD & CENTRALIBBLAND, and WATERFORD, DUNOARVAN, ANDLISKORK LINES.

    Shortest Route and Reduced Fares.¦ V-—4 ̂ Ezpre is Train* and Fait

    - *?WHtAiiXv< Mail Steamers,JMllil lllrl i EVERT WEEK DAY.

    DOWN.—LSAVB LONDON (Poddington) at 5.15 p.m.,' Sundays execpted, and ARRIVE AT WATER-

    FORD (weather and circumntances permitting)about eleven a.m., in time for tho Trains ontho Waterford and Limorick, Central Ireland,and Lismore Lines. .

    UP.—Lcavo Waterford at 5.0 p.m., each Week Day,on Arrival of tho 11 a.m Train from Limeriok,10.35 a.m. Train from Maryborough, and11.25 a.m. Train from Lismoro, ARRIVING inLONDON (weather and circumstances per-mitting) at 10.45 a.m., tho following day. *

    Spocial Steamers, carrying Passengers, perishablegoods, and Live Stock; -will Sail from W & L. Company'sNorth Wharf pa Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays,at 6 a-m:

    Pauongora travelling by the Steamer leaving Water-ford on Saturdays will proceod from Now Milford bytho 9.50 Train on Sunday morning.

    No Cargo can bo received on board after 4.45 p.m.,Morning and Evening, and the stages will then beromoved,to enable tho Steamers to depart PUNCTUAIILTat the appointed time.

    The 2:« a.m TRAIN from NEW MILFORD will , inall cases, WATT ARRIVAL of Steamers leaving Wa-terfordat 5p.m-

    Under no circumstanco can Passengers holding ThirdClass Tickets bo allowed tho uso of Saloon.

    FARES—WATERFORD AND LONDON :SINGLES (availablo 5 days) 1st Class and Saloon, 4Gs0d2nd Class and Saloon, 35s 6d

    • • ' • 3rd Class and Fore Cabin. 20s OdRETonxG (availablo 2 months) 1st Class & Saloon, 76s.

    " " " 2nd Class & Saloon 59s.•> » 3rd Class and Foro Cabin, 33s 6d.

    Further information can bo obtained from Mr. E.Fooo Railway Torminus, Limerick ; Mr. W. D. Mo-NAMARA , Adelphi Wharf , Waterford. Tho REDUCEDFARES between other important Stations, tho TunoTables, and Through Rates for Goods, &c., can boobtained of Mr. W. J. BUSSELL, the Great WesternRailway Company's District Agont, Adelphi Wharf,Waterford. J. GRIERFON , Gonoral Managor.

    Paddington Terminus, September, 1880.


    "W H I T E S T A R L I N E .R O Y A L A N D

    "UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS,_ «¦. • NOTICE.—Tho Steamers of this

    ^̂ ^î ^+v\ line; t»Vo the Lano Routes, recom--S f̂fBljSUv^V mended by Licnt MAUBT, on both

    ¦̂ESHSJHBavOutward and Homeward Passages,Theso well-known magnificent Steamers, alloonstroct-

    ed by Messrs. HABLAND * WOLFE, of Belfast, areappointed to sail weekly as nnder.carrying her Majesty sand the United States Mails :—

    From LIVERPOOL :—ADRIATIC ... Tuesday; ... 7th Sept.BALTIC ... Saturday, ... 11th Sept.GERMANI C .. Thursday, ... 16th Sept.REPUBLIC ... Tuesday, ... j^̂ P1-CELTIC ... Tuesday, ... 28th Sept.

    FROM NKW YORK :GERMANIC ... Saturday, ... 28th Aug.REPUBLIC ... Thursday, .. 2nd Sept.Tnese splendid vessels REDUCE tho PASSAGE to

    the shortest possible- time, and afford to Passengers thehighest degree of comfort hitherto attainable at sea. ¦

    Average Passage, 8J days in Sntamer ; 9fr drfys inWinter. Each Vessel is constructed in 7 waters-tightcompartments. , „

    - The STKBBAOE 8 are unusually spacious, well-lighted,ventilated, and warmed, and Passengers of this _ class

    : reoeive the utmost civility and attention. Cattlo, Sheepor ?igi are not taken by this lino. An unlimited

    • •upply of Cooked Provisions. Medical comforts freeof .charge. Stewardesses in Steerago to-att*d the¦ Women and Children.•Passengers booked lev/ rates, to all part* of' tht United States and Canada. ¦

    • • : - APPLT TO :T. S. HARVEY, Little George's-strect, Watcrford,Ji M. MURPHY, 43, New-lane, Carrick-on-Suir.JOHN WALL, Jun., Dungarvan.JOHN HOLOHAN, Castleoomer.JAMES WATTS, Bonmabon.JOHN TOB1N, senr., farmer, Ballydnff.JAMES SCOTT & Co.; Queenstown ; or t jISMAY, IMRIE & Co., 10, Water-street, L.vorpool


    "Qi B̂ ÛLiverpool to Philadelphia~r . .. EVEBT Vf SDlitsoOJLT. ¦'¦' • ' . Calling at Queenstow* every,Thursday, r /•


    - First-class Full-powered Iron Steamships are appointed, ->.;,\ j to Sail i— • ¦ • ¦• • < '¦- '• '¦ '¦. i : #IiOBj).Gouou Sept 81 OHIO ...; .. Sept 22¦..,. PKWTLVANIA... Sept II ILLINOIS Sept 29

    1, »LO«D OLIVE Sept 151 •BRITISH CBOWH Oct 6' 'I' No'intermediate Passengers ' carried ion TOjrage*3 "«arltodthns » ' ' " . ¦ ¦. ¦Y- \bt \ > ~5..i 'f - -!r i:-.Th«on}yTrans-Atlantio Line sailing nndor the Uni--:. ted 8tate«.Flw, and carrying the American Bafti for;: saving life.beeides tho usual complement of lifeboats,

    Vi.wA w ertrannmDer of Life Preservers.' The acoom-,;V,nwt«m for all classes of passengera is equal to any of-. Js5_H*ropean Steamship Lines. Every Steamer carries; i •jsWITooiuia Stewardess.. v^: • " ¦ j ~- n ¦l- ' \-J-- '-^c' ' •'- "—***** ĝ» IW1U KUWI

    HV WUUW "" * ¦..«*yMM- —i,. the Wh&rfof the Pennsylvania: Bailroad Company,

    ^1!̂ fê *l̂ «t«rtand «noitdi*octtontetoaa P:'loe$

    ÛX»Mi«m bj Ihia line «an paM direct into tho'EaU-

    ^̂ t&2^^Ut*Ting:tll8

    ^̂ me?1̂ »«iduS"c?^^J^^w~EWesirO^e.''̂ '̂̂ V "̂BW-t^

    ŜMn ô^Tkitloi^ W astrony oU«r fo»ijto...

    SHIPPINGInman Lino Soyal Mail Steamers.

    -MVERPpOL TO KEW YORK as follows :-ujy o Wn Thursday, Sept. 9Siy °i Montreal Tuesday, Sept. HCity of Richmond Thursday, Sept. 23 .City of Chester Thursday, Sept. 30City of Brussels Tuesday, Oo»;. 5

    . From Queenstown the following day.Saloons replete with evory modorn comfort and con-

    vonionco. Fares—15, 18, and 21 Guineas. Stoerago.o Guineas, with full nupply of Cooked Previsions andevery comfort. Stoproge Passeng-era forwarded to Bos-ton and Philadelphia without extra ohargo. PatsengerBbooked to any part of the States and Canida, at SpocialBates. Apply to WILLIAM INMAN , 22, Water-street,Liverpool j T S. HARVET, 12, Little Georgo's-atreet,Waterford j P.' 6ul.LrvAN, 28, Bridge-Btroet, Carrick-on-Suir, or tj any Intnan Lino Agent. ¦¦ f22.1y

    Waterford ¦ Steamship Companyi {.LIMITED). . " "

    ¦¦ ¦

    mTENDED ORDER OF. SAILING—SEPT., 1880.. ¦ ¦ ¦;. > . -; - *¦ : tn'KAMEES '¦

    REGINALD, . , COM.BEAGH.- LABA,!. ZEPHYR,¦¦. . RANGER,:.XDAyrJCINTERNirEESOLUTE, EBXN,l- ' T?/V5 A ' 1.11/ L>T> UHJ iiJ '.̂ .k l w «. > i ' » < •* > ! -

    -. -• - J.' > ' 4- ¦• BAtm\j •¦ J f f A |*tt]Kg — l_30

    Down Trains from limerick.j TRAINS OH .WEKK DATB I SdyS,

    MMERICS ' I ; . I Mail I MailTO WATERWBD. 12&31243 1 42 1 k 2 12431 & 2 1 2 i

    Class. Class. Class. Class. Class. Class. Class,A.M. ' A.M. I A.M , I P.M. P.M. , p.m I P.M.

    Limerick dep... — I 7 0 11 0 | 1 35 4 0 10 50 10 60Junction arriv. — I 8 10 12 5 215 5 15 11 55 11 55Cork „ ... — |130 2 0 4 3 5 815 2 0 2 0Dublin ., 1 15 6 5 5 40 10 0 4 10 4 10Dublin dep... — — D 0 10 15 1 0 7 45 7 45Cork ,, ... — l O O 6 0 12 30 2 45 ;10 6 10 6Junction — l 8 35 12 15 I 2 25 535:12 23 12 23Tipperary — 1 8 5 5 12 3 0 1 2 3 5 550 12 5O 12 5OClonmel 7 3 0 10 5 J 32 ' 3 30 7 0 1 2 2 0 220Carrick 8 2 0 10 40 2 0 '4 5 7 4 5 1 3 0 3 0Waterford urriv 9 2 0 1130 2 35 i 4 40 830 :145 3 4 5

    FASES-'First Class Single Picket, 14s. 6d; Second do., 11B. ;Third do., Cs. 5d. Eeturn—First Clsss, 21s 9d. ; Second do.,16s. fld. M. J. KENNEDY, Socrotary.


    DuMin and Tnurlr* , Week Day *.(o ClomnW, Walerfori , ani ,

    Limerick. llrl . 2nd , and 3rd claw)a.m. a.m. p.m.

    Dublin, departure i — 10 15 1 0Thurles ' ; i 8 15 «1 50 p.m 5 40Horec-nod-Jockey ; 8 35 V2 10 6 0I îffan's-brldgo i 8 SO 2 25 6 15Farranalleou i 9 5 2 40 6 30Fetbard . , 9 20 2 55 6 40Clonmol arrival ¦ 9 45 . 3 20 7 0Waterford 11 30 4 40 8 30Limerick ' 13 52 0 50 I 30

    Limerick, Waterford , and Week Vayi.Clonmel, '¦

    to Thurlet anA DiiUin. j (1«1, 2nd, and 3rd Claoj.. a.m. p.m. p.m.

    Walcrford departure i 9 35 • 2 45 —Limorick . , I 7 0 135 4 0Clonmel „ j 10 45 4 10 7 20Fethard ¦' 11 10 4 31 7 45FarramUlcfln , ! 11 25 4 40 7 S5Loffan's-bridge : 11 40 4 50 8 10Horse-and-Jockey 11 55 5 0 8 25Thurlos ' arrival ¦ 12 IS 5 20 8 45Dublin , ! 5 5 10 0 —



    STATIONS. I ; Wcek Dnys. Sundays.A. M. P. M. 1\ M. — —Waterford ... dep. 8 30 12 0 2 5 0 — —

    Kllmcaden |8 50 12 20 3 8 — —Kllmocthomas ... „ j9 20 I 5 3 38 — —Durrow and Stradbally „ ,9 40 125 350 — —Dungarvan ... „ 10 5 1 55 4 16 — —CappaKb ... „ 10 25 2 15 til ' - —Cappoinin ... „ 10 40 2 33 4 45 — —Llsnnre, ... arriv. 10 55 4 55 — —

    8. 4 W. Bailway : ' — —Lismore ... dep. 11 30 5 0 — —Fermoy ... arriv. 12.14 , 5 37 — ¦—'Mallow ... „ 11 0 0 20 — —Cork 12 0 815 - -Kllkrney ... „ 5 42 : 9 27 — —Traloe .. „ 17 0 10 25 — -


    StATIONS. i Week Days. Sunday!8.4 W. Bailway. It. t. i. x. A.u. 'i. ic. A. K

    Tralee dop. - 6 0 8 15 - , -grT0'.. ::: :: =- . 8*8 i S S z -.rMaUow ... ... „ -i, » 5 . -1 2 5 . - _Fermoy ; „ -r& S » 2 1 5 — —Lismoro ... " ... arriv. ;«§ 10 35 3 0 - . -

    W. D. & L. EaUway. . \*> % *#*.. ; . ' ; —

    LUmore;.; ... dep. 7)45 It SO . 3 20 "- —Cppoauln ... „ ¦ T'«f* »¦. b S3 - -Cappagh „ 810 U»p'«7 — —Dungarran... ... „ 8 38* M,M S4W '~ i ~Durrow 4 StredbalJy „ 8 55 U0 • 5«m h ̂ '-Kllmacthomas' ... . „ 9 20 lNff Sf'Jl Sa. —Kflmeaden , ... , 9 « 1 8S ¦ ?W g t̂ I .—Witerford - ', ..: arrival 0 0 I S O Nfg :!>J- fc~

    - r v .. ,.•. . i.. j. . ( , ,i . .v.FABES.. ¦> ; X- *¦' >Mhttff i$X...Waterford to Bangarvss-FbstC3*ss, Bugle,oiUii»l*lclass,is: ( Drdolsss. 2». 5d. leturn. lstelw.SiiH&MoUss, 6s.9d.-/"8rd-elass,*«" ¦' . • > ' ¦'¦ '¦¦' ' • '- ¦ ;'*T*!»»ISF. -WaUrf ord to Llsmore-Slnile: 1st class; 7s. 9d.j ewi'sUtt,6s. 1 8rd class, Sŝ 7d. Betum-lst class, 13s. j 2nd cUf»7«KSrdclsss, 6s.",f :- r r •¦- :¦>. %.;¦¦>¦¦ ¦'.—: h '- f -, ¦ ¦ .-n:-:-l>. -^On SatordanyiHsrket TidkaU, at reduced fares, rvitl bel«uedfr«n};all BtoOons to Wat«rford, by the 7.45a.m. UpTrain.) and )ta Dungarvanbj ths7.45 a.m. Up Train fromUstaor«^C*4poo>Qi£; sad 'U pp*ghi v *nd;by \h» 8.80 a-m.DownTrnn troni- Kllniictho au and Dorrow—«r*il»ble forreturn sa the day of fetrnsonl r^r.Nomoner.wnibentamod,or aUowsnsa made, foraay Ti ikotloM.mislsid, or not used; ¦

    - -tj M»;̂ .̂) f̂e;TBpll AB .OfKALLEY, yansger.-

    '¦l-&",>. \ ':to\A% i-? .:-8>f.;' '/;-!4.> i Vlaf ' S -~V>1^lii, .S- - »M¦WW¦•..»{'a xn. ;a m, ,p.ia' iP ,P'|!J.p;).y»1 -P.y i P".»;^̂ lrt»] '*'tt; \h mlk« * ITiir

    ¦ kta'l'k'iii' |U-m-


    THIS HOTEL, commanding a magnificent viewof the Bay and Harbour of Waterford, is now

    OPEN for Visitors.The House, recently ro-modelled, newly Fur-

    nished, and fitted with all modern improvements,will bo found equal to any Mnrino Hotel in thoCountry. A now BILLIAED R OOM, with one ofHarris' best Tables, has just been added, and isrepleto with all requirements.. TAEIFP will be found moderate. All Letters to beaddressed to ¦

    A. M. FLAHAVAN, PitorRiETRESS.835* Daily communication between Watcrford

    and Dunmore by Steamboat and Cars. Steamerleaves Dunmoro at 8 a.m. ; returns from Wator-ford at 3.30 p.m. " (m21.1y

    Oysters ! Oysters ! Oysters !The Commencement of the Season,


    THE PROPRIETOR begs to acquaint hieFrionds and tho Public that ho is now preparedwith a constant .Supply pf . RED BANK BURRINOYSTERS, Frosh overy. J>njr» from his own Beds in tho

    ^̂ spRlg:tedawWMfflftogW^^ytoC'uatomera. : , ¦; .' -' ;; Wiae*?4jmQ t̂|j(tOiHl .date.; .John' Jameson and

    DrjJjj l̂iroailJ'̂ herryl Martoil and

    Hcnncssy'.s •••Very.OMjhaa'd/; Santornb, Chablu, &a.î2Sffi«Wr£PH CORLESS; PROPRIETOR, :


    ItP^T;' TIiTciydo 'Hotal,W:. ANDERSTON; QUAY, atASGow,T8. in tho immediate vicinity of tho English andX .Irish Steamers, including tho Clydo ShippingCompvny'g 8tcamor8. '4.Tonrist8 and families visit-ing ^Scotland .will find this (Hotel a comfortablebome îCharges very inoddrdte. ' i •. r,- '¦¦} s6,ly :


    NOW READY ,Printed on Good Papor, and in largo clear Type,



    On Sale at Tho News Office ,With tho Recommondation of tho Bishop of Waterford

    and Lismore, tho Right Rov. Dr. POWERA Catechism for the Instruction of Children,

    BY THE"Ify!"08 ̂

    fte^ Br. JAMES BUTLER, Aroh--LTJL vta bishop of Caehel and Emly.

    JIKCOMMENDATION :" Iappi jvo of of tliis Edition of tho Right Rov Dr.

    JAMES BTJTLER'S Catechism, and recommend it to theFaithful of theso Dioceses.

    4* " JOHN POWER, R.C.B." Watorford, Sept. 16th, 1870."OBDERS from any part of tho Diocese, sent in and

    directed to C. REDMOND, Printer and Publisher,Waterford News Offico , 49 King-street, promptly at-tended to. The Trado supplied on moderate terms.¦ May bo had Retail from ovory Catholic Bookseller intho Diocese.

    S«1 »̂H«


    MONET ON MOB.TGAGEMessrs. H. HALTER .j- SONS, Mortgage Brokers,

    London ... 11, PANCRAS -LANE , B.C.Dublin ... 41, LOWER SACKVILLE -ST.Glasgow ... 58, WKST R KOKNT -ST.Manchester ... JOHN DALTON'-STRF.KT.

    HAVE LARGE FUNDS available for LOANSupon K KAL or LIFE ESTATK. Applications

    may be made throughEDWARD S. KENNEV , City Hall , Mall ;

    jj '* Or, THE NEWS Office, Waterford.TO BE LENT,

    _OQ/"W f \f \f \ And various other Sums the BERT .TEAS that enn be purcaued attWf ICT'tfTV Prlrt1i B1i l\.ff°.'ft , though anooablo pungent flavoar. Tho fine tea•hipped from the northern port, Shanghai, is colled Honing,and is distinguished by a sott, nilky fUvonr. Both these tanaro to bo had in tbeir original parity at 3s. a pound at CooperCoopertand Co'B. .various establishments,' viz., 50, KingWiluam t̂reet, London Bridgo ; €3, Blshpcunte street With,in, E.C. : 268, Kegentwihrcns, W.'j and 35, Strand, W.C., whoin.ftddlOon tothese «pedalitie», sell everyjiVrletr of teasgrown in India, and Uhina in their integrity.; Simples gratis

    ,nr»lEic6riLAPSE:ifl:lthft SPEJCftfCATION inI '. I ¦: TEA an«Wc»CO0PEB COOPEE ana CO. to s«U tea,of zeal excellence' at 28. a jKrand. >tt is fit to jut on any gto-rtlenmn'a tublB.'.SamjlMgratiaond,po«tfrpf.-; :: jell^m

    iv^*aj»W«48? îjfiw-ji,tte3'̂ aap;' -; r./ -: ,-¦¦ ¦ .

    ;Ti\^S^OtfKvBAJtB?FALL OPJJtOB TUENlJsfc#&&BT|!̂ PS?If|B0,:\p8e iBJpSAUE COF.¦PEIiEIS-CEIKVTBlAB, vnoted, aU oter the woild for ItiinJ$M» ̂Wi?rtrti«»; anef as- ttB|pnW; p ^t O y . that cm todepended nponA It;Uvgmr»nt«»d'to.-pi'Odqee whisker*.

  • SALESAuction of Horses


    STREET, WATERFORD.No. 1.—Chestnut Gelding " MELVILLE," 5

    yrars old, 10 hands high, by William the Conquorcr,Duui bv (.'aniiual.

    No. 2.—U«y Mare, " MONA ," 5 years old, byFlorion , out of Rosaline, by Stockwell ; beaten by aho:ul for Selling Race at Tramorj, in July, byUniuunlc. :

    Xo. J. —" Miss MOORE ," 5 years old, 15i Uands,liy (.iami'Wril , out of Spider ; a first-class Huntress.

    No- -1.—B.iy Mare, 5 years old, by Kidder-minster ; a good Harness Mare.

    No. 5.—U rovni Cob horse, 7 years old ; no betterU:IVURSS horse aud quiet.

    Sale at Two O'Clock.JOHN FENDER, Auctioneer.


    T H E I N T E R E S T I N T H E L E A S EOf a Business Houso and Premises

    TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION.JOHN TENDER having received instructions

    from Mrs. WADDF.I.L. will sell by Auction, onMONDAY , SEPTEMBER 20tb, 18S0, at THECITY AUCTION MART, 27, Barronstrand-street,Water-fool, the INTEREST in the LEASE of theBusiness Houso nnd Premises, whioh are held underLouse, from September, 137(5, for tho term of 27years, at tho yearly Rent of .£30.

    The House and Premises are at present let to aYearly Tenant at £VS a year.

    To Persons in want of a good Business House thoabove would prove a desirable purchase.

    Sale at twelve o'Cloek.JOHN PENDER, AUCTIONEER .


    A Nicely-situated Villa Residence,Standing on about Three Acres of Land,

    Half a Mile from the City of Waterford.

    Jous FENDER having reeeivt.-d instructionsfrom Mr. P. H EANY, will


    THE INTEREST IN THE LEASE of theabove Villa, residence and Grounds, held under

    Lea-e for 21 years, fiom 1877, at the Yearly Rent of.£23.

    Also, The ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FURNI-TURE AND EFFECTS, consisting of :—DrawingKooin , Parlour, and Bedroom Furniture ; full Com-pass Cottage Piiiuo, in Rosewood Case ; Cabinet,Lounge, Sofa, Dining Table, Arm Chairs andChairs in Haircloth ; Secretaire, Chimney Glasses,Hall Table, Oil Cloth and Stair Carpeting, Mahc-gany and Iron Bedsteads ; Dressing Tables andBasin Stands, with Marhlo Slabs ; Kitchen andPautry Requisites, Old China nnd Cut Glass, and alargo lot of Sundries.

    Is.B.—Sir. HEANY has expended within a fewycara the Bum of £250 on thn Dwelling House, andbuilding a New Coach House and Stabling for TwoHorses.

    (Jg$* This Villa and Lands arc , nicely situateon t lie bank of the River Suir. Tbc Lands extendto the river, and command some picturesque viewsof land and water.

    Particulars atid Conditions at Sale. Sale atTwelvo O'clock.

    JOHN PENDER. Auctioneer. 2t


    CHANCERY Division—LAND JUDGES .(he Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM TZBETIn the -Matter of the Estate of W ILLIAM TZBEY—

    continued in the names of CHARLES HKNRTJ AUKS nud Lucius HENRY- DEESIW, OfficialAssignees, and J AMES HARAN, Credifow Assig-nee of said WILLIAM TEKRY, a Bankrupt^

    p iontrs.Erpartc —PEIRSE KELLT, Petitioner. ' ,



    Before the Right Honorable Judge FiiAtsuAN, athis Court, FOUR COURTS, Inn* Quay,DUBLIN, B

    On FRIDA Y, the 5th day of NOVEMBER, 1830,at the hour of 12 o'Cloek, nooff

    PART of the LANDS of BALLYNA&OURTY,in th'c Barony of Dccics WithouGrDrum and

    County of Waterford, containing 4Q», 1R. 4|r.,Statute Measure, or thereabouts, held ivFce Simple,and producing, a net Rental of JBOC 1» 4d.

    Dated this 18th day of June, 1880» i;J. M. KENNEDH fxaminer.

    DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS.The Lands offered for Sale aro r̂imt Land, well

    circumstanced, situate at tho entianco to Dungar-van Bay/and within Two-and-a-half mile i of . thatSeaport Town!. Closo to the Lands, sea-E and andsea-weed for manure arc in great abundance.

    The Purchaser can have immediate possession ofabout 13a, 3r. 3p. statute measure, in the owner'spossession. The residue of the Lands are in thehands of Tenants, who mostly coinbino fishing andfarming, and all of whom pay their Rents punctually.

    For Rentals and further particulars, please applyat tho Registrar's Offico, Land Judge's Court, FourCourts, Dublin, or to

    PEIRSE WILLIAM KELLY, Solicitor,having carriage of Sale, 37, NorthGreat Georgo's-sttvot, Dublin, andCathedral Square, Watcrford, by whomPrivate Proposals for tho purchase ofsaid Lands will be received for approval

    63.021). up to tbo 25th day of OCTOBER, 18S0.

    SEPTEMBER, 1880.THE BLACKWATEB COMPANY'S STEAMERFAIRY is intended to ply between Youghal,Yillierstown, Camphire, and Cappoqain, as nndernoted,unloss prevented by unioreseon circumstances :—


    Wcl 1 for Carroquin 12-10 after from Cappoqnfn S- 0 afterT.iu 2 for Cwpoquin 12-30 alter from Cappoquin 5-15 alterFri 3 for Cmnrhiro |

    and Cnppoqiiin 12-30 after from Cappoquia 5-1S afterSit 4 lor Camphire I

    and Cappoquin 1-10 after rom Cappoqnia 5-15 after

    S m 5 for Camphlrcaud Cappoquin 1 -45 after from Camplilrc 5-15 after

    Mo G for Cappoquiu 4-15 after Ti 7 lor Oppcqain +-15 alter train Cappoquin 8-10 momWed 8 for Oppoqain 4-30 after from Cappoqnin 0-15 mornTnu 0 tor Cappoquiu 4-i5 after from Cappoquia 0-5Ojnornl'ri 10 for Cappoquin 5-25 after from Cappoquin ]li-3ufuornSit 11 for Cimphire V

    and Cappoquin 5 30 after from Cappoqain 11- O inorn

    Su 12 from Cappoquin 12-0 uoonMo 13 for Cupi>oqnin 9-30 morn from Cappoquin 1-40 afterTu 14 for Cappoqain 10-15 morn from Ctppoquiu 3- 0 afterVfeU 15 for Uippgquin 12-10 after from Cappoquin 4- 0 aftorTh JO for Cappoquin 12-10 after from Cappoqain 5- 0 afterFri 17 for Cappoquin 12-50 after from Cappoquin 5-15 afterBit 18 for Cainplura

    aud Cdppoquiu 1-0 after from Cappoquin 5-15 after

    San 19 for Camphireand Cappoquin 1-45 after from Camphlrc &30 lifter

    Jto 20 for Cappoquin 4-40 after Ti 21 for Cappoquin 4-15 after (i>m Cappoquin 8-40 mornWo 22 for Cippoquin 4-15 after from Cuppoqnin 9-15 wornTli 23 for Cappoquin 4-40 after from Cappoqntn 9-45 mornVri2t for Capponuiu 5-10 after from Cappoquin 10.15 mornBat 25 for Camplure

    and Cappoquin 5-10 after from Cappoquin 1045 morn

    Sm2G for Camphiro 5-30 after from Cappoquin 11- 0 mornMo 'J7 from Cappoqaia 12- 0 uoonTu 28 for Cappoquin 9-30 morn from Cappoquin 2-10 afterWcd2'J for Cappoqniu 10-15 mon> from Cappoquin 3-25 ffterTna 30 for Cappoquin 12-10 after from Cappoquin 4-15 after

    FARES :1st Class Return to Cappoqnin, 3s. ; Single do., 2a. ;

    2nd class liotorn, 23 ; Single do., Is. 4d. .1st olasaRjturn to Camphire, 2s. 6d. j Singlo do, Is. 9d. ; 2ndclass Return, Is. 'Jd. ; Singlo do, 1B. 21. 1st class Be-

    ' tarn to Villicrstown, 28. ; Singlo do, 1B. Cd; 2nd classBctnra, 1B. Gd ; Singlo ditto. Is. Villioratown to Cap-poqin, Ud. and Is. Return Tiokots urailablo only for


    ^tabjâ fo., gmaagcr*' towage

    nnloss ralno declared at timo of shipment, and paidfor accordingly. ' ¦ • jll. '

    for further particalara apply to YT,. STACK, Youghal,to whom it i» requested any Irrognlarity may bo re-ported. ¦ I , >. ¦¦. ¦¦ '. . ',

    Tramore Steeplechaoe and Flat.Bao«iFRIDAY, 16th OCTOBBB/liB80, : '

    (Over the Now Flyinjr Course). ; .

    FAEMRRS' PLATS ... ¦ ' ... • 26 Sovi.VWATIEFOBD PLATE (Handicap) .;. ¦-,: 60 Sov».rFOXIIOKTEBH* PLATK...i ... .; 40 SoT»."RAILWAT PLAT* (Selling Eace) ... 180 Soy».

    'TRAMOMB PLAT* (Flat) '... 20; SOT«.

    All Entries cUse on MONDAY, 27th S«PT.; 1880For further particulars apply to , ;; ¦"; -^('••: ?*'

    «20 ¦ ALKRED BUDD/E«4.>-Han.::8ei.v;¦ • . : . .'TO '- '3B^;LET/-4||;:v::;?- ::v:;;-i

    For 31 YEAB8, rotjec^:therapproT»l of thf j

    ¦ ¦ ¦ .¦¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦ , ¦ ¦ Court o! Chan«ery;-j-;; !,^ .̂w .;'^

    mSE TAN-YAED PBBJHSBS.iBBBESFOBD-;/ .-< • : ¦ : A' ;:; .-STBBET,WA!tEBFOBD>:rtt:̂ ;o||.¦¦I t ! - -;- ,-; . ' -In which tbe; Uto Ilr^P?b;WAMK carried on|>

    ¦'«;' !' . ' J Tto PrepI^:are)«:o»̂ ntoj^f»WTerf WftU


    Highly Important Auction ; .OP LEASEHOLD INTEREST in the LICENSED


    PIANO, 4O.Sahsoribera havo reeeivod inatractions from MVV.WM

    DirTRB, to SELL by AUCTION on tho Promises, onTHURSDAY, SEP11. Oth , 1880, at ^o'Clookieharp

    1 ,THE VALUABLE INrEREST in tho LICENSED' HOUSE , 31 QUEEN -STREET, held from thoCorporation of Waterford for a term of O'J yonrs lit thoNominal Ront of £H per annum, all Rent and TaieaSaid up. to 20th of September next, Liconae paid tofovombor. It.containa nioely-fittod up Bar, SovcnRooms, Yard, Bottlinc Store, &c, and ia Sitaato in agood buaiuesa part of tho City, cloao to the RailwaySUtion8. Tho entiro presents a good opportnnity tothoso desirous of proeurfng good bnainesa promisos.A eonsidorable 8nm of money has been recently laidout on tho promises, and sold on acconnt of the de-clining health of tho proprietor. Immodiato possessiongiven. -Immediately after will bs Sold tho Stock-in-Trade, consisting of aboutl CO gallons of Whiskoy,Brandy, (in bottle), cask of Cidorfc20 dozen of implyPortor BottleB, Druinor, Towtor, and Copper Measures,Glass, Servora, Taproom Tables, Ac- Also tho Hpuso-hold Furniture, excellent fall compass Cottage Piano,feather Bods and Bedding, STOBK-EOOM, KITCHEN, AND DAIBT,aro fully furnished.with all requisite china, dolph, tabloglasses and table linen, lamps, Jritohon tables, dresser,pots, pans, Jrainors, and auamplo supply of the usualculinary utensils, including silver tablespoons, dessertspoons, dinner forks, dessert forks, tea spoons, eggspoons, and sngar tongs. The plated ware comprisessalver;. tuai spoons, ladloa, six candlosticks, toast-raok,fish knife, toa urn, cruet-stands, and fruit knives, Ac. -• CABBIAOSS AND HABKK8S.—TWO Broughams (verylittle used); , ooo phceton, one vis-a-vis phetoo, oneiHfl d̂fl m̂Tij^T JpBfip \ OnO Sii& nnfl invalid oar >' oo9 setof silver-mounted donblo hainess; two sots of singleharnoas j Boveral bridles aad saddlos, bits, hors«clothing, Ac. ; ' . i {¦ '

    ¦¦ ¦ ' i :¦¦ ¦ ¦

    : : AGRICULTURAL lurh-ExsirlB AMD . MACHINIST.-Saw and bono mill (complete, an4 in porfeoti workingordor) ; 5 boz-carU and 5 seU of coAtackhng } rig-iagharrow, 3 dray-carta, 1 donkey^artvAnd tackling i 1mowing machine (as "good as new) }-2 two-farrowploughs, , 1 wbeol-pJougb, .1 drill do., S^Wroo-horsegrubbsrs, 2 two-bone do., turnip sower, 2 do.njialpors,corn-crasher,' straw-cotter,' sheep racks and troughs;water jbarrels, draJn'.tUes i a largo qoantityi oPfilmplanks, spokes, and spado-handles | motal boilers. :t;.7N, Thaifollowina,articles includ«d in« tho

    sale t.r-An eicellentThMhing Machine, whioh also .wia-nowsj bags and prepareW corn for market j 1 Iron 'over*shotMU1 Wheel, 1 .Taefnl Farm; Mare. 1 four-wheel.Dog Cart. ." i . ; ." pPBOOBAKlCB^Mi ĵi ;̂ ^̂ ;: MONDAY.'-Sale1 will oommenco Iwith the FamingImplements at ~ 12 [o'Cloek:sharp.'!.-¦ Luhchoon., at ,On«e'Clock, unmediatelyalterwhioh snbsoriberll will'proTcoodjo disposo' of the oattlo'and sheep/;;i!!#iiif .̂H'^TUESDAY.—Sale will oommtoooat Ub'olow sharp,withwldooofOnWooreffe^.^hUlThrie o'CIockiWhflo!ithb t̂h^ KILMACTHOMAS TWEED, ,ao woll known for its cxabllent qualities, sappliod atfrom 38B. to 45s. por Suit J

    Livery of uvory description t ado to ordor.. For.tho convenience l>f Cni tomors, J. OB. is pro-

    parod to wait upon any Gentle nan at bis Rcsidenco,and submit Samples for inspi otion, on receipt of aPost-curd with nnmo and addpee i. Distanco no object,und no extra oxponso attache 1 to any orders withwhich ho may bo favoured.' Ordcjrs received- at tbo Estal lishmont, 'BROWN-8T.,'PontLA\r,'on Mondays,' Thurs ays, and Saturdays.

    "-' tlhtonding Pnrohasers will oo suit their own interests'by dropping a' Post-card to tho .bovo address.

    Brown-Street , Portlaw, Fob. 1880. I f27-ly.lReduction in the Pr ce of Whiskey,


    RJ MAHON T .t •

    Galvanised Corrugated Iron Roofing Shoots ; am befixed by any hand; man at 2d. per square foot upwards.Iron Buildings for all pnrposos.; Iron Tanks, Forcing,Hardies, Gates, and Constructional Ironwork. > .

    About 21,000 New slightly blemished, defooUvc, bntWater-tight Galvanised Corrugated Iron Roofing 8hoetsin Lets to suit Buyers. Vory cheap Iron Boots made

    ^r«TAO^K^K-r--MAKOTACrTOEB !,'IT2.10M" •- < • ': ¦;- .• Windsor Iron Works, Llvorpool.

    ,, ^i] yy .̂For:the f ilood it the L ife/' ;

    :&'COJ£KXW8 '; :.' '= : "¦ . '¦¦'. ;

    .¦o t̂^ î^WOBLD-FAMED . i * ¦ ¦ ' •Vm$UlZi,^i^>i> r BLOOD MLXTUB.E.S '&Hiifi 'inAo Mark-" Blood Mixture." . I ' 'nrvmvViT.uA-wanMi



    GENUINE SUCCESSOf tho popular Irish Comedian and old favourite!

    Sir. CHARLES COOKE,And bis unrivalled DRAMATIC COMPANY,

    WITH Beautiful New Scenery, Costly Dresses,and splendid Band !

    The following will be tho moderate scale of PricesIs. Cd., Is., Gd.; Gallery, 3d.

    Tickets may bo had and Scats secured at the Halleach day from Twelve to Threo o'clock.

    On FRIDAY Evening, September 3rd,tho faniou9 Play,


    To conclude with the New Farce (never performedin Waterford), written by Mr. JOEL WIUTAKER,

    calbd,M Y N A M E I S J O N E S !

    On SATURDAY Evening, September 4th, thoGem of Irish Plays,

    T H E S H A U G H B A U N !In which Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES COOKS will appear

    in their great Characters, CONN andWidow 0'KBH.T.

    Singing each, evening by Miss T. WALSIT.Doors open at 7.30. To cornmonce at Eight.A variety of New Music will be played under the

    direction of Mr. T. Egan.Sole Manager ... ... Mr. C. P. Cooke.Business Manager ... ... Mr. Hilton.

    Steam to New Zealand Direct.The Passengers' Line of Packets-.

    MESSRS. MONEY WIGRAM and SONS'Steamship " DURHAM," 2,284 tons rcgiator,

    F ANDERSON, Commander, will Ioavo the BasS IndiaDocks on tho 16th Sept., calling at Plymouth, for Port¦i—J.j iaeU>n,-anA oonvoying passengora to all Now Zea-land orts. Her cabins aro spacious, woll ventilated,«5»d furnished with ovcry.Toquisito, including bedding,linCn, towels, &c- , and aro specially arranged for thocomfort and accommodation of families. Carries asnrfcon and stewardess- For freight or passago applyto Shaw', Savill & Co., 31, LcadonhaU St., E.C. jyIG-8t

    i SALT FORKnpENDEKS will be received until TITO o'clockA on FRIDAY, the I7th SEPTEMBER, for

    1,200 BAEEEts of SALT PORK for Deptford.1,200 HALF HHDS. of do. for Deptford.'COO BARBELS of do. for Haulbowlino,

    (Queenstown).600 HALF Hnns. of do. for Hanlbowline,

    (Queenstown).Forms of Tender containing Conditions of Con-

    tract and all particulars may ba obtained on persona]application at this Office , or by letter, addressed," Director of Navy Contracts, Admiralty, White-hill, S.W., Contract Department." s3.2t.

    JOHN COLLETT, Director of Navy Contracts.Admiralty, ¦Whitehall, S.W., 2Cth August, 1880.

    ;. LOCAL BAILWAY TRAFFIC,Traffic Butiy ts for vttlt ending ¦ AUGUST 27th, 1SS0.

    Woterford; Atbenry | ^KilkennyI tad I and Watcrford JunctionI limorick I Ennia I and Kil- ' BaUwny(Mi milcB (36 miles ' kenny (31 I (281 mile!| op«ra). 1 open), miles open). | open).

    ~"~~~ £ a. d. I £ 8. d. ; £ s. d. £ «. d.

    PweSs"̂ 16S5 0 0 I 2K> 0 0 ; 308 0 3 12017 0

    Goodl.CaUle lSU 0 0 | 88 0 0 ' 375 6 3 11 4 10

    XoUl 13166 0 0 I 201 0 0 J 683 6 6 : 132 1 10

    wttTSst rr.PKS Q 0 | 213 0 0 : 600 2 0 I H3 2 1

    WATEEFOED, DUNGA.BVAN. AND LISMOBE.. (« Miles.)¦Tor Wtti Ending FRIDAY. AUGUST 2?lh, 1880.

    txttagon, Puoela. Mails, &c, £201 18 0Goods. Coals, and Cattle 129 1 0

    ToUL £330 19 0

    C«rrMporidin& week, 1879 £28 0 0

    girths, Jttaniancs, and Heaths,JLiwmctmenUof Births, Jfam'a f a .and Dealh>,mu»t bt pr t-paii

    ""' ~""""B IE 'T 'H S .On the 29th alt., at the National Bank, Watcrford, the wile

    H.'J.TenroM, Esq., of a daughter.Adjust 28, »t lockes Hall, Kilkenny, the wife ot James

    Bnllinm, Qq., of » daughter.On,'27th nit., at Bock Cottage, Newtowu, Waterford, the

    wife of H. £. Clibhorn, Esq., of a son.On26thalt, at MoUinabro", oo. Kilkenny, the wife of H.

    Hantrey Jones, Esq., 8.I., B.I.C., ot a daughter.AtOIenconner House, Clonmcl, tha residence ot her father,

    the «lf» of Isidore Arthur Lynch, Esq., J.P., Arrandale, co.Gslmy, of a daughter.

    At New Ship Hotel, The Quay, the wife of Captain Crowe,of tvin daughter*.

    Oi 29th alt, the wife of Captain Wm. Fercenl-Uaxwoll , ofMoora Hill, co. Watcrford, of a daughter.

    —. itJL_fc. E I A O E .S.Ot 2ith August, at IuterUkeo, BwiUarUnd, by the Eer.

    George Sesptid, M.A., lucombent of Holy Trinity, Xilbum,Alexander Orew Anderson, aon ot tho lai« Junes Anderson,Esq., ot Gncediue Lodg*. co.' Waterford. to Uarntet Wlni-{red, daughter ot Nicholas AUred Power, Saq., J.P., BeUeTOOHouse, eo. Kilkenny. . - ¦

    Anirust 30, at 8t. Mary's Catholic Cathedral, Kilkenny, bylei. James Dunphy, C.C.. Mr. Michael O'Neill, Parliament-¦Veer, to Miss Margaret Baclon, Imperial Hotel, Kilkenny.

    \l St. Siuncbia's Church, Limerick, on lit September,Mfcrice P.Leahy, Esq., Sessional Crown Solicitor, CnllinagbHOIK, Newcastle West, oo. Limerick, to Helena, daughter ofEoi-na O'Callaghan. Esq.. Lota, Liraeilck.

    AVast 25, at St. Joseph's Catholio Church, Mountmellick,Johf youngest son of the late Mr. Thomas Hickay, Bana-mock, Longhrea, to Mary Josephine, yoangest daughter otMr. lichael ltichardson, MountmeUick.

    \ D E A T H S .On 2&d August, Mr. J. M. Murphy, emigration and newt

    agont, (arrick-on-Snir, and clerk to tho Borke Asylum—ntruly hosat, npright, and omiablo man, of the kindest andgeailett tepotition, who through lite was highly regarded,and in doth U deeply lamented.—S.LP. .

    At hi* *ridonce, Barrack-ttroct, after a protrnctod illness,Mr. Michal Harrison, in his 33rd year.

    On80th t̂.. at Clogheen, in the 17th year of her ape, Jane,second da*hter of Mr. Thomas Steele, master of tbo work-houe. \ - i

    Angus ̂S st her residence, WUliamatown, aged 6S yean,the widow { Mr. Edmond Power, formerly P.L.Q., Water-ford Union, >r many years.

    Adjust 25, \t 18, Qlentworth-strcct, Limerick, Mr. JamesGubbins, Cat Kilflnane, father ot tho Very Eer. J. Oubhins,Pror., O.M.2.B.I.P.

    Anfrart 28, t Kingstown, in tho K3rd year of her age, SusanMary, relict aStcpnen Berkeley Btallord, Esq., Bollymore,co. n exford. \May i, «t LovAngelos, Califoraia, after a long illness, Wm.Burden DunneJtfJ)., last soiriring son of William J>nnne,Esq., ot Cork CU, formerly of co. Waterioid.

    On 28th ulL, { dysentexick diarrhma, Robert Carter, agedI yean, son of l̂ bert WaddaU, 121, Ooay, Waterford.

    AugoBt22, ot lorlotina, Nathanial George E.. bclored childof Olirer Milling8.I., B.I.C., DongarTan, aged 2 yearn and 4months. \July 16, at CaVo, pern, South America, Hugh C*rrlg«,elder son of JohnhLrrigt,, J«t« of Ennis, co. Clare, aolit-'lor.

    August 1, at his (sidonce in Vermont, Sylvester SnlliTort,aged2Syeais, anaVeof co. Kilkenny, Ireland,and graduatoo? St. Kieran'ii Co%r« clasa'73.

    August 4, at Jjxe+titet, New York, Mr*. Cathcrirj*MeQrath, a natite O^Bagnalstown, co. Carlow.

    ^ott ^Tcips—%assage,A R R I V E D .

    Mth-ChaM. SwsniJ, Cheekpoint, coals: J. M. Teman,Cardifl. Bo»«,cools; Baton Packet, Cardilj; coal*; Doboon,Cardlff.BoE.. coals; ftma, Newport, coali.

    SU -̂Volture, s. Milord,go j Mount Etna, Qnoenstown,Frateni Areceo Baltii r̂e, wheat ; Mflford, a, Hilford, go iBoadieea, Cardiff, coallj 'Mary Elljabeth, Cardiff. ,coiJjKate Cardiff, coals; Skr of the West, Newport, coolssPntUsd, s, Glasgow, g cj Comeragh, », LiTerpool, g c

    Sept lst-Copeland, 1 Glasgow, g e: City Camp, NewTorkv imaize; AscnpartrViUna, maiza) BeSnald, a. Bristol,CoaVS^rtilt"!'6' EU»^

    n)-ri'. k™«"°>

    . ' '• S A 't L E l) ., ;, 30th-EmeraldIsle, Barrlw, ballast} Hester, Portmadoc,

    oallastj Beginsld, s, Briskd, g o; Lara, a,LiTerpool, gcjHeddiffe, Cardiff. pitwoodiBangur.a.Newport; Waterford,i,MQford, ge. . 1 ,. 3Ut-Vultnre, a, Milfont g o 1 Wish, Cardiff, ballast •, Es-. pennxa, Cardiff, ballast: Eb»b»th, Bridgewatar, oata i Xbn-

    . «rick, s, MUfDrd, g o ; Moifat Etna, *tngv Cork; Portland,- îi »tDubUnsndGla«gow,gc;Comomgh,s, Bristol, gc.• ~̂~&pimaa£2!>5?iJa'ijr *: qa»gow,goj Beginald, *, Liver• ' Poctge;Mi2rf« t'M1Uor^» o<

    ¦ ' ¦' ( ¦ ¦ • ¦ •¦•»̂


    ^M Îi1 » »̂ '¦.' ' ;; *". WATEÊ ?D MAEKUT BEVBSW, ;¦ ! . ' ¦

    ¦ _._S» CUBUWT WXBK. • ';.

    ' BDTTWI -Owfn JT" *̂?̂ *' heat of tts weather)

    tioa PriZ, « i 7 ̂wnUnnod nnaltered nnoeW wftokT /̂ '̂h ŵta

    brought 140a. • The

    \ on r̂hfllt tw ?nfb t̂&i l"te, M lirtUy s»lt»d

    "IT^9 ™' ^^E- MAHOKT A C O^

    ¦ . v> tag. t>ei firkin irrii. "• "v«80* BBa I™"1"/? ,, !

    WATEBFORD MARKETSWaterford , September 3rd, 1880.

    NATIVE WHEAT-Tho supply up to the prcsont is Torysmall, and moat of the samples aro soft and inferior.BLACK OATS-Farmers an bringing a large quantity tmarkot, qunllty of which is Tory prims.FOBEIQN WHEAT dull.MAIZE dull.FLOUR-No chango.

    J. A S. PHELAN.

    P R I C E S C U R R E N T .UHSH. _

    ~ Old. . New.

    wllEAt, per barrel of 2801bs. ilT~d'. »T~d s7~d—T—d— Wbito . - .!w O t o u O i>a 0to 22 6— Kcd . . . .' 00 0 00 020 0 21 0

    BAIlLEY, per barrel of 2241bs. ! i— ' Grinding . . - 0 0 0 00 000 0 00 0

    rMi^ Malting . -¦ 00 0 00 000 0 00 0OATS, per barrel of lOOlbs I t

    — Ulack - . . -! 03 0 00 0 0 9 10 0— White . . .' no 0 00 000 0 00 0

    _ T — Groy, . - 00.0 00 00J U 00 0FLOUR , per sack, of 2801b». |— SupcrBnes - - 3 9 0 40 000 0 00 0

    r.i^,T-,TIllleriorii • • 37 0 38 000 0 00 0OATMEAL, por Sack - - 2 8 0 2 8 0 JO 0 0 0 0BUAN , l>or Cwt. - . . . 1 5 0 6 0 0 0 0 "0WLLAUU do I 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0FOREIGN. , _FRIE.

    ffHEAt , iwr barrel oT^Olbi; '*.~a.' • ~d— American Spring . . . . .26 0 to 26 3— Kcd Winter old - - . . ,00 0 00 0— Bcd Wlnter No. 3 - . . .26 0 26 3— Nicolnleft 0 0 0 0 0 0— I brail . . . . . . . .00 0 00 0

    INDIAN COKN, Yellow, OdeBsa and Galati -00 0 00 0— — Ibrail and Foxonian (old) - 00 0 00 0— — American Old . . -00 o 00 0— — Do. New . - . . U S 14 6— — Danubian Old . . . . 00 0 00 0— — Do. New . . . .00 0 00 0

    FLOUB, American, per barrel of. lMlbs. • .00 o 00 0— French, per sack, of 2801bs. - - 00 0 00 o

    INDIAN M£AL, American, per Back • .00 0 00 0_ _ i Home Manufacture, par 1U . ,„ „I sack, of !»01bs. / ( 1S 6 la °

    Imports and Exports for week ending Thursday, 2nd3 , IMPOSTS. . EXPOBTS.Indian, Corn.... 8100 Quartern. Indian Com —QuartersWheat 1..... eaa ao. .' Wheat ;....' —Barrels.

    gats — do. Oats 1032 o of it was based simply on anagreeinenti Bach «* might Jw mode between any twoindividualfl for tha renttogp'a house. Thti WaterfordCompany had thbrefoira no lUtcrnjitive but to submitto the poeition tbiis iuddenly forced upon them. ; Onthe 6th of H»y,'b3W«ifer;!.they received theiolloirio zlettariatWaterf M̂iH f̂etiv îJ c p̂vi'!̂ :*

    i!hiVI>iiB Siar'.;>jrfi(MM*totlu«otk»'Mrved by m«btf yoitf Mmbany/tor ,'ii IMJd ĵw trotmeat of Uw 30th

    :(lmt,|fcntfora:asdjr*!i^tk« pubno.'pr wi^UlitT^Wo^b^oTuUTWrotdv


    meeting of your hoard, who, on the 6th of May, tookup the position, from which they never deviated, andwhich is embodied in a letter, written to the GreatSouthern and Western Company, which I shall readfor you :—

    " Watorford and Limerick Eailwoy, Board-room,110, Middlo Abboy-strcet, Dublin, 6th May, 1880.

    " DEA.R SIB—The Groat Southern and Wcatorn Com-pany having given notice of their intention to put an endto the agreomont of 30th day of Decombor, 1867, madobotween tho Waterford and Limorick Bailway Companyand tho Great Southern and Western Bailway Company,and thoreby to prevent tho exchango of traffic betwocntho lines of tho two companies in manner hithortoauthorized, tho Waterford and Limerick Bailway Com-pany, having regard to tho public convenience andrequirements, and to tho UBO of both systems as acontinuous line of railway communication, aro compolledto givo notice, and horeby/givo yon notico accordingly,that thoy will , after tho period of three months, fromtho 20th day of April, 1880, tender traffic to and rccoivotraffic from tho Great Southern and Western Company,at the pointof junction botween tho railways , and roquirothat company to tako it forward , and thu Watcrford andLimerick Company wilL rnccivo it at tho usual through-rates, failing which the Watcrford anil Limerick Com-pany muBt mako application to tbo Bailway Commis-sioners for tho necessary order in that bohalf.—I am,dear air, yours faithfully,

    " M. J. KENNEDY , Secretary , p. J.M." To Fraa. B. Oraisby, Esq., Secretary Great Southern

    and Western Bailway Company, Dublin."A long correspondence between the companies

    followed, and an interview took place between theboards on Friday, the 28th of May, at King's-bridgc.At that interview tbo Great Southern and WcBternRailway Company were asked to name tberenttheydesired for tbe station, but even at tbat period, uiorothan a month after giving the notice to quit, theywere unprepared to specify any BUUI , which they,howover, subsequently did in a letter dated the 11thJune, nearly two montb.8 after the notico to quit,which contains the following paragraph :—

    " Should an agreement bo mado between the twocompanies, my board nro prepared to consent that Micharrangomont should bo pormanont , with tho powerof revising tho rent every five yoars in caso of aserious change ill amount of traffic, and, although lessthan wo should expect from arbitration, they are pre-pared to accept tho rent of .£1,000 for the services, s»moas heretofore givon , or to leavo the sum to bo paid to anarbitrator to bo appointed by tho Board of Trado."

    It will thus bo RCOH that Xl ,00U a year was thominimum rent which the Great Southern Companyexpected. They called tbo proposed arrangement apermanent one, yet the effect of their suggestionwould be that if the traffic of tho Waterfoi-d Com-pany handftd to tbnt company .it the junction andthe rent wore revised and increased accordingly, theWaterford and Limorick Company should leave thestation, if it objected to pjy such revised ncd in-creased rent. You are probably aware how expen-sive and inconvenient to tbe Waterford and Lime-rick Company tho user of this station is ; tbat allour trains have to leave our main lino and run overan average of nearly a mile of sidings for the pur-poso of handing traffic to tho Great Southern andWestern Bailway Company at tho station in ques-tion. It iB estimated that about 5,200 miles extraare thus annually run for tbe benefit of tbo GreatSouthern and Western Kailway Company ; andwhen I tell you that tbe Board of Trade has prac-tically disapproved of tho station of tho GreatSouthern and Western Eailway Company at thejunction, you will not be surprised at your boarddeclining to Bubmit to arbitration the amount ofmoney which they were to pay for performing theduty of the Great Southern and Western BailwayCompany, for putting themselves to u great deal ofunnecessary expense and risk in buck shunting, andfor delaying all their main line trains in workinginto this station. The expenses which the proposalof the Great Southern'Company would involve yourcompany in could not be estimated at less tban.£30,000, if capitalised at 5 per cont. interest, notcounting delay or risk, and your directors saw noreason why they should not expend a. portion of thismoney in building a station on their own ground,and in expediting the traffic , and increasing thuefficiency of their own main line. For these reasonsyour board at once declined tho offer of the GreatSouthern and Western Company to arbitrate thequestion of rent. Tbe Waterford and LimerickCompany, in a letter dated tho 14th af May, pro-posed tho following alternatives to the GreatSouthern and Western Company—

    " Will provide, at tho point of junction, on their ownground, as convenient a station as practicable andthoy dosiro mo to ask your permission, so far as no-cossary, to enter on your company's yard for the pur-poso of conatrnoting such works in connection with thestation as may bo considered dosirablo to facilitate youin entering to recoivo tho traffio. If your directorsprefer it , my board will bo prepared to considor thoerection of a station in a poiition, which you maypossibly doom morn convenient ; but whero tho Wator-ford and Limerick Bailway company cannot erect itwithout your compiny's consent—namely, on that por-tion of the ground which is north of the Watcrford andLimerick fiailway lino, and on. whioh a station andconvenient sidings , with platforms facing both com-pany's railways, can bo erectod—passengora could thonbo oxpoditioualy transferred without either train leav-ing its own main line. But, should you adopt this al-ternative, you munt givo un undertaking to stop allpassenger trains at that station for sufficient timo toaffect tho transfor."

    The proposition was repeated on the 2nd of June,and in several subsequent letters to the GreatSouthern and Western Bailway Company, whoseconsent was necessary to tho second alternative,though not to the' first j but the Great SouthernCompany, for reasons best known to themselves,declined this offer. In reply to a direct question,they wrote on the 16th of June:—

    "Thoy do not (Iodine to interchange traffic at thojunction whon your oompany havo providod tho no-cessary accommodation."

    On receipt of this letter, wo imagined, that alldifficulty was at an end, and that tbo GreatSouthern and Western Bailway Company wereprnpared, without compulsion, to co-operate cor-clially with us in working tho traffic and in ac-commodating the public. We accordingly askedthem what increased accommodation was con-sidered necessary from their poiut of view, as vrowore quite willing to provide it at once, and weasked them furthpr to favour U3 with their earlyviews, as time at that moment was becoming ofgreat importance, as we apprehend the publicwould bo seriously iaconvenienccd if any breakdown took place. Letters to this effect wero senttwice, but tho replies of tho Great Southern andWestern Builway Company wero as follow :—

    " I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your lettorbearing ditto tho 38th instant."

    And again on tbo 2nd of July :—"I am directed to acknowledgerecoipt of your lotter

    of tho 1st instant, referring to tho above subject."Thus finding that no satisfactory reply could be

    obtained from, or arrangement made with them,we placed before the Board of Tride our plans ofthe proposed new station, which wero subsequentlyapproved. Wo offered to loave to the Board ofTrade tho question of the accommodation to beprovided by us at the junction. Still tbe GreatSouthern and Western Bailway Company declinedto answer our communications until tbe 14th July,BUT.' days before the termination of tho notico toquit, when they sent us a lettor, which I shallread:—

    " King'a-bridgo, Dublin, 14th July, 1880." DEAU SIB—Referring to formor correspondence, ]

    am directed by vaj board to state that no suitable- ac-commodation having beon provided by you at theLimerick Junction to onablo tha traffio to bo carried oswith convenience and aafety to tho pablic, they hare torepeat tho offor mado in my lotter of tho 4th Jane, 1880,' that on tho expiration of tho notico terminating thoajreomont of 1867, in order that no ineonvonionco mayonsuo to tho pnblic, this board will allow tho presentarrangements to continue, your board undertaking topay such Bum as may bo awarded by arbitration for suchaccommodation.' And I havo to request an answer tothis lotter by return of post, as if your company do notaccept this proposal, my company will ceaso all throughbooking arrangements with your company after the 20thiuat.—Yours faithfully, >: !' FBAS. B. OBMSBY, SUO." M. J. Konnody, Eaq., Secretary Waterford

    and Limorick Railway, Watorford."It will thus bo seen that, at tbe eleventh hour, tho

    Great Southern and Western Bailwuy ¦ Companymode tbe absence . of suitable accommodation theostensible excuse for not only declining to exchangetraffic at the junction.but also to break off all throughbooking arrangements with your company,'and, atthe Bamotimo, ngaxp.' attempted to drive your com-pany into an arbitration. • These acts wero not only,in our opinion, illegal in themselves and tho causeof immense public inconvenience, but wero part of adeliberate attempt to force your company to agree totheir terms, 'and' were all the more unreasonablewhen, as I have before stated, your directors offered,so long provious as the 14th' of May, to provide atthe junction any accommodation which '.the.GreatSouthern and Western Boil irayj Company and theBoard of Trado might have considered necessary.On the 17th of July the Great Southern and WesternEailway Company pnt : notices . in ;tho newspapers,breaking 'off tlirough booking arrangements withyour company ̂and advertising their °oitln8 »yj*Jgto Tipperary from the Junction. I Foti .' oi" children had been admitted to tho school. Thematter then dropped.

    THE NUK8E8.Mr. FISHEB called attention to tho system that em-

    poworod tho reliovtng-ofilcor to cngago nurses in out-door cases. Ho asked was it a fact that somo of thosonurses received 10s. a week ? Mr. O'Shea said it was.

    The CHAIRMAN held that arclioving-officer had poworto coll in a medical attendant, and tho subjeot droppod.

    THE APPOINTMENT OV MASTER TAILOR.Mr. NEWELL said he would propose that they post-

    pono indefinitely tho appointment of a master tailor.CHARMAN : Thoro was a qnorum, and you cannotobject. Mr. CONN said tho proposition was out of order.

    Mr. NEWELL said the board was so small whon lasttho subjoct was undor consideration, that he did notthink it right for thoso presont to give an increaso ofsalary, and mako a new appointment.

    The CflAiKjfiN said Mr. Newell should havo givonnotico of motion to rescind tho resolution.

    Mr ELLIOTT thought tho board had exceeded theirpowers, aa there were two resolutions, ono the appoint-ment of the matron, at a new salary, and tho other thoadvertising of a master'tailor, which thoy passed inglolo. Mr CONN believed Mr Elliott was in error. Howanted to put him in order, and ho w»9 snro the Chair-man would be with him, as tho chairman was a man ofBense. At tho present momont they ware callod uponto appoint a'master tailor : tendon for the offico werobefore them, and he (Mr. Conn) thought nothing couldbo moro regular. . . . ;

    Tbo CHAIBUAN said thero had been n regular noticeof motion given, and he could not take it npon himselfto postpone tho matter. Mr. O'M&LBA : Has thematron refused to do this work ? CLERK : She has, sir.

    Somo diacusBion hora onanod as to whether tho fixingof the salary required a notice of motion, but it wasultimately rosolved to consider tho 'ft'iiofltiimfli ;._!i -The/ollopringthreenppliodforth*»l^3jit£onf niSEfe;Laurence Conway, Miohael Mi«na>;-Mlcb*al •SheohiaSA poU. was taken, and there votod-r;:|>v, te- «(!;r ,£¦:";¦{!*

    Far Conway—Messrs HaUvt?Xlu3nr ÂUen, lOsmy}O'Moara, Clampott. Conh; Eflk«tfc££;-I fe i '4'' ;;: a; j. ForJMurphy—Messrs EogoWMa'Mdowoji Ŝ.Vv'i^1 For Bheehan—Mr Kelly—1. •- '] ! ; '• ' '

    As Conwaj had a clear majority of the board, ho wasdeclared elected. ¦ " . ' i :

    .' r . TH« ACCOMMODATION OF THE HOUSE. •The Local Government Board wrote, pointing oat Uuf

    the nowlimitation order would not mqi&-lffgg,f9MhyboJ» aid girl., under onoBffav3WrelW!y»»Jftom, ono- : children1'gW!a»*P'lt'>'»grionltnral laborIthit woald be te-9ff7«".f:H« wpnld xnoro that a porHon of tho resort bd

    STIMULANTS USED IN HOSPITALS DURING TK«WEEK.—Kale Side : Whiskey, 24 ; beer, 84 pints,Female Side : Wine, 8 glasses ; whiskey, 70 glassoa ;beer, 12 pints.


    annual ceremony in honor of the great St. Augustinewas conducted in a, most imposing manner in theAugustinian Church, Dungarvan, on Sunday hist.The celebrant of the High Mass was the Kev. J. V.Kcily, of Brooklyn, New, York. He has a vcryjCnovoico and his singing was most effective. Thochoir, which is composed of younij talented ladiesof the town, WPS presided over by .Miss llauuigan,who played on tho hannoninm with her usualbrilliancy. Her singing of Salularis (solo) was allthat could lie desired. Thcltev. Father Cleary, O.S.F., Wiitcrford, after Mass, preached a most excel-lent sermon. In tbe eveniug, after Vespers, theKev. Father Murphy, O.S.A., preached a strinon onthe life of the saint. Father Murphy, who is ;vWaterfowl man, is a preacher of the highcat order.Tho ceremonies of the day concluded with the PapalBenediction and tho Benediction of the BlessedSacrament. The congregation were deeply affected,xml must long remember those beautiful and trulyedifying ceremonies.—Communicated.

    BETKEAT AT ST. K IEIUN'S COLLEGE .—On Mon-day evening tho usual retreat for ecclesiastical nndlay Students of St. Kicran's College commenced.The spirtual exercises are conducted by the VeryBev Father Flood, Prior, Dominican Convent ,Limerick.—Kilkenny Journal-|ST .COLMAN 'S COLLEGE , FEBMOT .—WO would direct

    special attention to an advertisement irhich appearsin our columns, Betting forth the nnraorous advan-tages offered by this fine cpllegiato institution. FewCatholic educational establishments offer such valu-ablo scholarships, and we trust that this will bo tho3ource of much competition among the Catholios notalone of tho county but of Ireland. JB150 aroofforedfor H scholarships in the next Session, the parti-culars of which aro detailed in advertisement.

    THE WATEBPOKD AKT EXHIBITIONA spocinl meeting of the executive committee of

    the Waterford Art Exhibition, 1S79, w;ih held, incompliance with a circular from tho Hon. Secretary,on Wednesday, Sept. 1st, at the Mayor 's Office,City Hall, for tbe purposo of receiving the rcpoitand statement of accounts of the Hon. Treasurer,John N. "White , Esq., T.C., and to allocate thebalance. The following members attended at threoo'clock :—

    CHARLES N. BOLTON , Esq. , Brook-Lodge , in tliochoir ; Dr. G. I. Mackesy, J.P , Messrs. C. 1J . Bolton,William Gallwey, J, A. Murphy, Cupt. Oandy, J.I'.,J. O'Donog hoc, Dr. Kiiigroso Atkins , J. X. White ,Hon. Treasurer ; Aid. G. St. Georgo Freeman, J.P.,Hon. Secretary ; E. S. Kenney, ic.

    Mr. White submitted his statement of accounts ,which shewed the gross receipts to be £351 12s. Sd.,and tbe expenditure £314 2s. lid. lc:iviug an avail-able balance of JA0 9s. 0d., as>ppeara in the ab-stract publshed in our advertising columns.

    Dr. Atkins moved, and Aid. Mackesy, M.D.,seconded, " That the statement of accounts, assubmitted l)y our Tieasuier, be received, accepted ,nnd adopted." Passed unanimously.

    Moved l)y Dr. Atkins, seconded by Mr. O. P.Bolton, and unanimously—" Resolved : That thostatement of accounts now presented by tho Trea-surer, Mr. J. N. White, be accepted, without anyfurther audit, and that in recognition of the valu-able services of Mr. Whito iu connection with thofinancial tsatters of the Exhibition, the markedthanks of tho committee be conveyed to thatgentleman, and tbat this vote of thanks be pre-sented in an endorsed and illuminated form."

    Mr. White objected to this resolution , as he con-sidered that all tbe work had been done by Aid.Freeman, the hon. secretary, and he (Mr. White)did not believe himself entitled to any thanks.

    Aid. Freeman said that Mr. White had, from thostart, rendered most material service, both in thepromotion and the carrying out of tbe undertaking,and he believed that he-deserved tbe warmestthanks that tbe committee could bestow upon him.

    Tbo resolution was put and passed unanimously,and the available balance having been voted to thofunds of the Waterford School of Design, the pro-ceedings concluded.

    SCBATH EACES AT TBAMOEEOn Monday last, pursuant to a very briof notico, a

    numerous crowd wended thoir way, at three o'clock intho afternoon , towards tho stnnd-houso of tho " NowFlying-course" at Tramore, which bad kindly been lentfor tho occasion, by tho spirited proprietor, Mr Budd,there to witness a few good races between somo cloverauimaU, and the result was, a very enjoyablo evening.Mr Benjamin Bunbury acted as starter, and Mr JamesPower, J.P, discharged tho duties of judge. Tho firstrace was -.—

    Match for 25 sovs , ono mile on the flat , 103t71bs each.Mr B Bunbury'a Simon (\V Cusack) ... ... 1Mr Vealo's Mi33 Moore (Ownor) .. 0

    Simon mado tho running until tho bend for home,when Miss Mooro joined issue, and raced together for atime, but failing to quito stay home, she. was defeatedby a length..Sweepstakes of fivo sovs each, weight for age, two milca

    ovor the steeplechase courae.Mr J Powor's Constance, 4 yrs, (Mr Joo Widgor) 1Mr M Murphy's Queon of Scots, i yrs, (Mr T

    Widgor) ... 2MrBBunbury'sFlorence , 103t, 4 yrs(MrWCuaack) 3

    Also ran—Mr Vealu's Secret (Mr T Strongo) Ilst21b.To a rather straggling start, Queou of Scots showed

    tho way, being closely attended by Constance andFlorence, Secret starting last, and badly. Thus theyran for a considerable distance, until Secret began toimproro her position, and on passing tho Btand for thefirst t'.me, she had gone np to tho leader. A really finerace WAS hero witnessed, as the four runners juTipcdtho next few fences abreast, and it was uot until eotmngto tho lost but ono from home, that Secret was sent totho front; all tho others were hero settled, nnd Secretwas winning in a canter , but hia jockoy, instead offinishing on the flat , kept on to tho atecplechoso courso,and thoreby lost a certain victory. Mr J Widgor Boeingtho mistake, sent Constance along, und won easily byabont ton lengths ; a fine race for second placo was wonby Queen of Scots, after a good set-to, by a hood.Swcopstakes of fivo sovs, llsb 71bs each, two miles on

    tho flat.Mr Conroy's Mona (Mr B Widgcr) ... - ... 1Mr Vealo's Miss Moore (Mr A Bndd) ... ... 2

    Also ran—Mr B Bunbury'a Sting (Mr B Bunbury,jnnr); Mr Murphy's Qnecn of Scots (Mr T Widgur).

    Miss Mobro lod for three-fourths of the journey, whonMona drew up and won, hard held, by a head.

    THEATEE EOYAL, WATEEFOED.The world-famed Sims Eeavc«, with a distinguished

    musical party, has now commenced his farowcll tour,and will give a Concert in our Theatre on tho 4th ofOctober. Messrs. Howard and Co., Quay, have boenentrusted with tho management.

    Signor Campobcllo, with Madame Sinico and party,now at Berlin, will givo a concert here iu November.

    THTJBLES MABKETSThere is a very good butter market neld here on

    Mondays. Lost Monday tho prices ranged fromJ£3 10s to £3 17s. Tares, 3qrs and 151bs. Mr. JohnByan, Watorford, bought G8 firkins ; Mr. Brad-shaw, Tipperary, 08 ; Aid. Mahony, Waterford, isexpected here. Tho other local buyers arc, MessrsJohnson, John B. Coleinan. and J. Byan, Ncnagh.On Wednesdays and Saturdays thero aro fowl andegg markets held here. The now Southern Bail-way is improving tho town ; complaints, however,are made that the carriage of coals from Watcrfordis yet too high.—Correspondent.

    CRICKET—WATEEFOED c.c. v DUNMORE C.C—This match was played at Woodstown on lastMonday, the Waterford team winning easily by 33runs. Dunmoro going first to the wickcU put on ascore of 53 runs, towards which Mr. Haines contri-buted 20. For Waterford, Mr. B. Eyan played wellfor 21; Mr. E. Murphy mado 14; Captain Gandy13, and Mr. W. Galway 10; tho total score being 91.

    THTJELKS EACES—These .steeple and flat raceswill come off. on tbo 7th Out. Tho course, whichis only two miles from the town, i3 laid out byMr. Waters, whoso fanio in that respect is wellknown ail over Ireland.

    FATAL ACCIDENT ' IN THE SEA.—On Wednesdayafternoon Mr. Walsh, Qraifraamanagh, Now Boss, whowas staying at Summer Hill, Tramore, went to. bt the,i& ^Hff - 't isb -.titv »ad.. yhon returning-' to the shore,'Wwiroa"8cited with a fit,1 and fell-in .shallow water: :: - -pojm,'.the expert baUniig iwhoso box he had, . . . yj¦-,.

    8fcephwir»"?*";:>io i- «Pired almost. immodii.telj. Dr."aid w/^

    01"¦ was promptly in attendance, but medicalwas j*8 nnavailiag. Tho romains of deceased, whojnjyP&bout 40 year* of ago, were removed this morn-

  • fctt lfrttd %ottx\\SOMETHING .THAT SHOULD BE LEABNED

    BY H,£ABT.JIow many tones in the humiin face P> nurtfcn, when they"re all In place.How many bones in tbo human head 1i-'S'it, my child, u I've often Bald.How many bones In the human ear ?riireo in each, and thoy help to hear.How many bones in the haninn spine ?Tiventy-siz, liko a climbing vino.How many bones in the human cheat ?1 ivonty-fonr ribs, nnd two of the rest.How many bones in the shoulder bind ?Two iu ojcb—ouo before ami behind.llowinany bonos in tho humin arm ?l|i c.U'li one, two in each foroarni.{low many bones in tho human wrist ?his'ht iu each, if none nro missed.How m.iny hours in tho lahn ol tbo hand ?J'lvo iu each, with lniuy a band.How many bones in the liners ten ?l'wunty-cight, nnd by the joint* thoy bend.How many boues in tho human hin ?Ouo m each, liko a dish thoy dipHow many bones in tho human thigh ?One m eaeli , and deeii they lie.Jtjw many bones iu the human knees ?One in each, the kneeiian, pleaseHow many bone* from the leu to the kneo ?1 >vo in each, we can plainly gee.How many bones in the nnkle strong ?» ivcn iii eiich, but none are lone.How many bones in tho bull of tho foot ?* IVC in o.ich, as tho palms were put.How unuy hones in the toos, half a score ?rwoutj-oinfit , and thore urn no more.• "> l\ow altoS«thcr these bones may fix,And they count in the body two hundred mid sixAnd then wo haife the human month,(H miner an.l under tbirty-two teeth.And now tied tl,»n |,.,re a bone, I nhouM think ,1 .i-it forms on a joint , or to fill up a chink.A Kosunioid hone, or a wormbn, wo callAnil now wo may rest, for we- »u told them all.

    G I R L H O O DAn rx.imsite incoinplotcocss, blossom foreshadowing fruit ;A skutch timt m. its twauty, with promise of future worth :A plant with some leaves unfolded, and tho rest asleep at its

    T° 'ISrth*'111 the'r fUt "re 8lTbctnesl> tho fairest thing on the

    WoiiLinhood, wifohood, mothcrhooa-each n possiblo thins,i,ow°°" thronsb the 8Uonce that IiM Wtween them md

    Sometliini/ pf each nnd nil has woven a magic rimr,Linking the three together in glory on girlhood's brow.

    PICTURES IN THE FIREIn the wintry twilight seatedBy the glowing emlwrs1 bluzc :In their depths one sees depictedJluuy a scene of bygone days.Fauesof tho Ion* departed

    Coino—thcu vanish from our sMit •Telling us of hopes now blightedJoys that made our hearts once light.Oao there was whose smile illumined

    All things with a brighter glow ; 4A.itiu e seemed to love attuned,Hope displayed its Kunniest bow.Bnt , ulas ! tho heavens o>erclondin-.Uftinty changed to gloom mid storm ;As tho pictured ashes glowing,

    Quickly tike auotber form.But tho " Healer, Time," theu gentlyLays soft hand on brow and heart,W hispers "hope," then 'midst onr sorrowbiuilcs like Bunbcams brightly dart.Life ie changeful gloom and brightness,Like spring's suushiuo and its showers ;Shailows sndder add but glory

    When they pas» to Bunny hours.Lot us then accept with gladness

    All our God sees fit to send.Striving still to servo Him rightly,Fuithfnl ever to the and.

    anrfcultuw(From the Irish Farmer).

    DORKINGS .—Subscriber : A' fine (forking hen liastaken to hatch, but I want to prevent her, us it isnow too late, and, being a young hen, would notBuit. I buve tried several preventives suggested bytomo old folks ; please inform me of sotuo humaneuioJc of prevention ? i ut tho hen in a. thoroughlydark enclosure, such as under un inverted tub, orImskct, so covered as either to admit or excludelight. Leave her thus for two days, without foodor water, when you will find, on freeing her, shewill not resume clucking, or'a tendency to git, forremainder of the year. •

    MKADOWS—J. Ii.—I have eomo meadow land fromwhich I have taken a crop of bay ; if ploughed upnow, prepared, manured, and rape put in, wouldthe rape be off in time to be followed by loots nextyear ? What time is scarlet clover sown ; howshould the soil 'JO prepared, and what time is it fitfor use ? The rape will be fit for use by the end olMatch or beginning of April, if sown now on well-lnuuured and properly-prepared land. Scarlet clovermay be sown as soon as tho corn is removed, andthis should he, if possible, boforo the 1st of Sep-tember. Scarify the laud, remove ail weeds, andharrow tho seed in lightly, and finish by rolling.Ou dry soils on which scarlet clover should only besown, no other preparation is necessary. The crop¦will bo fit to cut or feed off in May in time to bofollowed by Swedes. •

    } ioa LAND—O. T.—I jare a Urge,piece of bogland drained and reclaimed; what would be tbobest crop to sow in it ? I intend sowing rape ; itis now too late ? Having no form-yard manure,what kinds and quantities 6f artificial manuresshould I apply ? Sow rapo, and harrow in with thoseed six cwt. of bone superphosphate per Englishacre.

    RED WATKB.—A safe and effectual remedy forred water in cattle is 1 lb. of salt and 1 pint ofnettle juice. Immediately after giving this drench,turn tbo animal where it can have free access towater. In getting the nettle juice, put the nettlesinto a mortar, pound them well, and add a pint ofwater, a little at a time, until the nettle juice andwater make a quart. Ol course the whole quartmust be given with a pint or pound of salt. I neverheard of this remedy failing.

    OLEOMABOAHINE.—In a recent number of theRural New Yorker, we find an elaborate illustratedreport of the oleomargarine manufacture, as cafriedon at Weat 48th street, New York. The processwas devised ten or twelve years ago by Mr. Mege-Alourics, who was commissioned by the ' FrenchGovernment to investigate certain questions indomestic economy. He began work on tho theorythat the formation of the butter contained in milkwas due to the absorption of fat from the animaltissues. Taking this as a hypothesis, be constituteda series of experiments with beef fat, which ter-minated in the production of a. substance thatgreatly resembled butter, and which is now knownus oleomargarine. It is under the patent taken outon his process that the bulk of it is now manu-factured. Two tons are now daily turned.out atthe New York factory. The fat worn the cattlekilled during the day at the several abattoirs in thecity is brought to the factory each evening, weighed,washed in several waters, and sorted. The selectedand cleansed fat is thoroughly cat up and melted atu low temperature. . The liquid portion is siphonedoff into square wooden tanks on wheels, and drawninto the pres3 room to rest and await the granula-tion ol the stearine, wbioh takes place in the courseof about tbirty-six hours.- . When thru, granulated,the fat grtatly resembles granulated clover honey,and is. nearly odourless. .The stearino is thenseparated from the oil, or oleomargarine proper, bystraining under hydraulic pressure, under whichthe oil percolates out through doth, and is collectedin a tin basin underneath, from which it rang intoa tank fed by all the presses. The stearine, on theother hand,; remains in' the the form of aclear, white solid cake, which is sent to tbe candlefactory. The oil, as its 'runs from the press, is atransparent, amber-coloured liquid without odourand almost tasteless..Large quantities of the oilare barreled and exported' to Europe, especially toHolland, where it is churned and . made info oleo-margarine. The oil is drawn from the tank-intothe'churn, which is provided with a rapidly revolv-ing shaft. It is here j mixed '..with the 'colouringmatter and aboot 20 .pec cent, of fresh milk. •';¦ Themilk is added to impart] to the product fte flavourof butter j for although 1 the oil is richer in fat

    Lu which giie, to tatter ; its IS WidSmff™flavour. K-lJa ĝi-Wm t̂itBd^^S,̂ '0.*'about 40 minuteVa *»$W*&2^*fe*Srsion, which ;is still a ycU6wUVliqm^§nrnS,b5' into a tank-car half -fillfsd wjtbi,broken £&¦££*?¦the churning & ^htfhad'abb'utJ00 iu'bia

    a^SS^X-rf4 >̂ '̂to.the iiicrei*^5P 5̂y ĵ^ ĝBj êjpre»ent.'fa55'

    1 fMii'ir ' I TTTi iif TiTT r 8i T ¦ ' m I IT »




    good fooling.existed betwaon them ; to one of the fourwho did not agree to bis-terms—John Sheo—ho gavoaeod potatoos; ho had boon in tho habit almost everySnndny ol driving to his'Jarm at Shambougb, and hiflson, Evans Boyd, accompanied whcnlho was able ; binson Charlo8 was 21 years of age, had graduated illTrinity College, and had passed the fiial examinationfor tho bar ; ho had never interfered in his (Mr. Boyd s)

    ! dealings with his tenants; on tho Sunday in questionwitness, with his two sons and his nophew, drovo toShambongh ; his sons, EvanB and Charles, sat on tholeft sido of the car, and he himself and his nephewon tho rijht; his nephow drovo ; when thoy arrived attho point whoro the townlands of Shambongh andAnnis join, as ho bosk rocollectod, something occurredwhich mado him say, " What is that ?" immediatelyafterwards he saw a tall man jumping on tho road as ifho was dancing, about six or seven yards behind him ontha Shambongn sido of tho road ; to his horror ho sawthat tho man had a gun, with a bayonet attached to it;almost at tho samo moment ho heard a shot at his back ;his nophow was then off tho car.; his sdn, Evans, askedhim to givo him the roins ; ho did not know wantanswer lie mado him, but ho did not givo him tho reins ;ho hit tho horso with a stick, and ho galloped ontowards tho farmyard ; after going a short distanco, holookod around and saw a man on his sido of tho roadwith a gun and bayonot ; tho man was carrying tho gonin a hortyontal position and was running or walkingaftor him ; ho also saw two other mon on the other sidoof the roi»d who had gans and bayonets also j that wnatho only timo he saw tho other two mon ; all threo ap-peared to bo disgnisod; ho (witness) shouted " murder"nnd "villains ;" tho mon whom ho saw rnnningstopped when ho heard his voico ; ho,misted hianophow from tho car, but his son EraiiB said ho waaafraid his brother Charlos would fall off , and thon , fortho first timo ho knew tho latter was hurt ; nothingfarther occurred until they reached the farm, whoro hefound ho him himself was wounded in tho arm andback.

    Cross-examined—Had yon any quarrel with thoHoldens or Pheluns oxcopt tho withdrawal of tho offerof 10 pur cent, rent reduction ? No ; I might say thatI put thoao tenants in tho hands of an agent in Dublinto recoivo their rents, and to whom they paid thoirrents ; Richard and James Pholan paid their rents tomy agunt. Wero thoso rents paid without any proceed-ings being taken ? Yes. When you saw tho uinnwhom you describo as a tall man, was ho in front orbohind tho car ? Ho was a Jittlo behind tho car, whichwaa in motion. Can you toll how many shots werofired r I only heard ono ; the men appeared to bo com-pletely disguised ; I could not idontify them ; tho manon my sido of tho road appoarod to be much tailor thantho other two.

    Mr. Thomas Evans Boyd in his deposition stated—Attho junction of tho townlands I saw a man coming outof tho ditch on my side ; ho proceeded, jumping side-ways for somo distance, nnd thon passed over to inyfather's sido, passing tho horso's head ; ho. had a gunwith a bayonot, nnd was dressed in a yellowish canvasstuff , which camo to about Bix inches abovo his knees ,with loggings of tho sumo material, and was a tallman ; before wo came to tho place whoro wo saw him",two men similarly dressed camo out on tho road ; theyalso had guns with bayonets ; I saw tho bayonot of tbotoll man who had crossed tho road pointed at niyfathor's faeo ; I jumped from my side of the car intothe well , and tried to knook down tho bayonet ; mycousin had jumped off tho car as I thought to knockdown tho bayonet, and immediately afterwards I *&wtho gun, and it wont off , as it was loaded ; Ijfot backinto tho scat, and then saw ono of tho men wnh a gunto his shoulder, tho bayonot close to my brother, andtho gun pointed at my brother ; that gun was fired atmyself and my brother, and wo wero covered with theemoko ; tho car was in motion at tho timo ; tho threemon wero at this timo at tho rore of tho car, on mjside of it; one of the mon put his gun to his shoulderand pointed it at my stomach ; I put up my right leg,and as I did so he raised tho gun up to my mouth,endeavouring to stab mo ; ho struck my hip with thotop of the bayonet, but I struck down tho bayonet withmy left hand ; tho gun wont off , and tho shot burned ahole in tho log of my trousors ; I know Walter nndJohn l'holan ; I have known Walter for ovor twelveyoara ; I soo both in court now j Walter Pholan is themau who attempted to stab me, and who fired tho lastof three shots ; John Phelnn is tho man who fired theshot at my brother Charles ; whon Walter Pholan was at-tempting to stab me ho was growling liko a dog, and said" not ouo shot ;" X replied, " no ono will fall off thiscar ; I know two of you if not tho threo ;" tho carthon piuscd on ; subsequently I found a hat closo totho place- whoro tho mon camo ont.

    Cross-oxaminod—When tho men woro approachingtho horao was in a slow trot. Tho first mm was aboutfour seconds on tho road beforo tho other two appearod ;tho - firet was about crossing over whon tbo other twoappearod ; Walter Phelan was in a sort of trot behindtho car, while tho othor shot was being fired , and hakopt ropcatedly pointing tho rifle at mo ; tho two menat my sido of tho car had masks on their faces—somesort nl linen on tho tops of their heads, and white over-alls ; tho masks were tied bohind with whitish string!in a bow ; thoy wero nob completely disgnised, for tnobacks of their heads wero plainly to bo seen ; the othermau who firod at mo, whon ho pnt himsolf in nn nttitudoto do so, showed darkish coloured trousers at tv.o thigh.In thu identification of fcho two men basod on what yonsaw of their eyos and tho backs of thoir heads ? Havingknown them so vsry long, and thoir heights oxactly,and their gait, I know them ; John Phelan walks withhia head down ; thcro was nothing rcmarkablo abouthia eyes ; I Baw tho back of his head. How- munyseconds clapsod from tbo timo the firBt man camo outunti l tho last shot was fired ? I cannot say oxactly—inor about twclvo or fourteen seconds ; Ihavo no peculiarmarks whereby I know Walter Pholan, excopt tho backof his head, his eyes, and voico. I did not call out"Pholan" byname. If you know thorn why did younot namo thorn ? I was aboat to do so, but 1 knew theywould bo more determined to kill me if I did. Weroyou much excited ? Not a bit. Did you deliberatelytako the observation* you have given ? I did. Canyou positively Bwear to Walter Pholan'a voico P , I can.Nonu of them had hats on.

    Mr. Arthur Gladwoll Boyd deposod—I saw tho mancrossing in front of tho honno from tho left hand Bide oftho road ; when ha pointed his riflo at my uncle, Imade a wave at tho riflo with my whip, but could notreach it; I let tho reins go and jumped off tha car inthe direction of tho bayonet ; I made a blow of tho whipat tho bayonctwmd struck it, and tho gun went ; off thoothor way ; tho blow lowered tho gun ; as I 'jumpedoff tho car I fell on my left hand ; tho man steppedback as if to charge mo with tho bayonet ; 1 got up andran a short distanoo along tho road, and then jumped offtho ditch into tho Gold ; I got into a sort of morass andfell in thu Sold ; I saw ono of tho men in tho ditoh as iffollowing mo ; I got np and ran away without lookingback.

    Cross-examined—I saw only ono man ; ho had hisface covered with a mask, and woro a kind of whiteleggings ; I cannot say_ wnetberornofc ho hod anythingon his head.

    Thomas Breon deposed that ho resided at Now Boss,and was a carrior ; on Sunday, tho 8th of August, hi*homo was grazing on tho road leading to Shatnbongh ;ho saw Mr. Boyd s car approaching:, and also saw thethroo man dressed in a peoaliar way, and having gunsand bayonets ; he heard tbo throo shots firod ; no sawono young gentleman jump into a morass, and ono oftho throe men follow him ; the man mado a dart of hisgon at him, and in doing so slumblod himself, and nomo-thing that he had on his faco came partly off , and hohad to pat it on again ; witness had an opportunity ofseeing his faco whon tho mask was partly off , and knowhim to bo John Pholan, one of the prisoners.

    Cross-oxamined—Was on tho roadside while thia. wag;going on; he did not clearly see tbo man who fired atMr. Thomas Boyd. Where woro .you standing whontho mask came off the man's face ? Lying down in thomiddle of a clump in tho marsh. How far wore yonfrom him when the mask oa,me off? I daro say abouttwice the length of the room wo are in.

    Eo-oxamined—As soon as I hoard tho firing I madea rush for the clump, and for a short time lost sight ofthe rnpnjon tbo road, my baok being tamed to thorn ; Ionly identify tho man whoso mask came off ; I wouldidontify him if tho mask had notf»Uon off; ho wan not atall man. .

    Sub-conatablo Manor deposod that aftor tho outrageho went to wheroit oconrred and fonnd the cap, n riflnand cap inside tho gripo whoro the parties who fired atMr. Boyd had lain ; ne found a pioco of tioking aboutfiyo yards from whero thoy should havo rnn out fromtho placo they were concealed ; in a barn bolonning toEiohard Phelan he fonnd some tioking which exactlycorresponded with it.

    Other members of the Constabulary give .evidenco ' aito tbo finding of othor rifles, and the suits of disguises.

    Thomas Macnamara deposed that ho and a man namedDunne woro on tho road and pusod Mr. Boyd'scar ;thoy afterwards heard shots ; they looked baok and sawthree mon on tho road ; when witness and Donne hoardtho shots they ran away, and ho know nothing; more ofthe transaction. ¦ ¦' '¦¦ : - • : ¦ • : . : • ¦,. ! - , ,., ¦; The evidence of other witnesses eorroboatod generallythat already given 08 to tbo fact that three men in dis-guuo made tno attack. I • ¦• :• • . . " f , ' '. Dr. J. W. Boyd and Dr. Miller gavo evidonbe as'to*the wonhds received by,:'Mr. Charles D.!Boyd, wbiohwere the oanse of his death;' ' . . .

    Tho Chairman, after giving John Phelau the usualcaution, aiked him did he desire to say anything ? Theprisoner replied in the negative. ; - : . . < ; >¦.- ;¦-

    ¦' ¦ ¦¦ ¦-The tame question was :put to'-Walter Phelia-and

    ho made a similar reply. ^ . . i l :• " * ...Tho' Chairman̂jon the : application of Mr. Bolton,

    thon committed Walter-Phstah and John Phelan fortrial. . A man named Thomas Dojle, who remained inoustody on suspicion, wa« diioharged. ;¦• ¦• ' ": .¦ . ' .

    : The prisoners Walter and John Phelan wore marobodthrough the street! ¦ handcuffed to jail, guarded;bypolice.: A alight crowd viewed their removal from theconrthouso. ' :¦ ̂

    ¦ ' . ;¦. .- '_'v ; : r - - ¦•• ¦>¦, !' . . _ ,. : ".;

    -• On Thursday the carman Brion, who identinod oneof the murderers of tho l»te Charles D. Boyd of Chll-comb, was taken by Ute-oonstabuUry, accompanied by.Mr. Bolton, Mr.IFfrSnch.' Md tho Messrs. Boyd, :to•bow ,the pUo»*%lwre ,he; lay, and tho position of theMoB»rs.oBoyd* >n»»il»nU whon' he *aW the outrage.In'conMquenoe of'tha ill-feeling rnanifcBted'by tho mobagatiwt Brien, it WM ftwind necoaaary to take, 10m in a

    ys • ;¦ ¦¦• 'i - , . -i.i;fv',-|-';' Mri-Ariftony "soia Mr. Kabei'B 'obsenratioiii wnMjbe ail right If they woro made whon the retolutfpa-em*.pasaBch.M Ho (Mr. Anthony): was also made thl» JWhJ«oiof aa artioUi la; th© »amo paper, in whlohit WSf'etkt l̂,topl--'of v̂'-Aal,lo)4,MLb«^!U(MA;;ineotqi with poUtioal life bohad nover Tot ĥM#«Miioolb\jw"iMr?K8ljbrl»ald;tbat'.the '' t̂o^MJ ĝ'wa»lotwritfenrfa the 8eM9th»tMrr :̂ thor^̂ ttt>.

    ĴM^W ĥ ̂thaTj.houldi. y M &il̂ii Û;lar.tiHt«rtb»d fifen: M1.JI1 i^SSR

    :«\l^^MiidBi£&(waaitiauad. aaldnir tba n mSmAs


    Where two placea aro mentioned, the last-named ii tluilat which the depot is stationed.CAV4LAKT.

    1st Lifo Ouards ...Windsor ;24th...lst—Oosport , Bt«ct«2nd... Kegcnfs Park 2nd but, ca|routo for Inu,'Boyal Horse Guards—KDi'glits- Drccon

    bridge 25th ... 1st bnt, A fghaniiUt1st Dragoon Guards—Trans- Beronport ; 2nd bat , 1W.

    yaal ; Colchester port2nd do...Dimdnlk 26th...Malta, Hamilton3rd do...En routo to liallim- 27th ... Hong Kong, Earn,

    collig I kUlen '4th do...York |28th...Fermoy, Bristol5th do...AlUcrabot pth...3Ihow, Worcester6th do...Afghanistan , Caiiter-,:!uth...Uanekhet, Dilrnlrj

    bnry fllst...Chatham , Kingston7th do...AIderahot |32IH I — Jorscy, Bwhnin1st Drayoous...Longford Ulnl...Ij iicknow , Halifa x2nd do...Dublin |:Mth...niiin Dnm, Carlitil*3rd Hussars ... Colcbestcr |:i5lh ... Malta , Chichc8t«r*th do ...Aldershot ::iiith...Cork , Worcester5th Lancers...York !37tli...L'ork , Fort KlaonCth DntKOons...Norwich ISStli...Malta7th Hussars...Cahir toth...Jluirs i , ltcngul , TC!8th... Afghanistan, Canterbury; mouth9th Lancers ... Afghani8tau,;.(0th...I ;anckhct , Warrington

    Canterbury jU at...Gibraltar , Cunlilf10th iHuHaar»...Kawul Pindee,.4-.'uil...Al13th ... 1st bat, Devonport ,'94th...Tru!isvaal, AnnasliDevonport ; 2nd bat, Bel 95tb ..Aldershot, J >.'rl >-lary, Mad. ; Devonport 96th...Aldershot. Anhton

    14th...lst bat, Parkhurst, Brad- 97th ..Halifai ,\ N'.S. j Mai.)ford ; 2nd bat, Afghanistan , stoneBradford 9Sth ...Malta , /or Iclia , Tea

    15th ... 1st bat, Tipiwrary, plemoroBevcrley ; 2nd bat, Algban- 99th...Bermuda, Deviicsistan, Bombay ; Beverlcy 100th...Scalkotc, Ben. ; Birr

    16th ... 1st bat, Belfast, Bed- 101st...Halifax, N S ; Tnlwford j 2nd bat, Secunderabad, lO2ud...Ceylon , NoosBedford 103rd...Bradford, Nxi»

    17th... 1st bat, Pcshawur Tal- lO4th...Dublin, Tralcoley, Norwich ; 2nd bat.Nas- 105th...Mullingnr, Pontcfraclscrnbad, Bombay ; do. 106th—Athlone, Snnderlnnil

    18th...lst bat,Pcshawur Valley, 107th...Channel Islands, CClonmcl j 2nd bat, Aider- cheatershot ; do 108th ... Portsmouth, EDG

    19th...1st bat, Bermuda, Rich- killenmond, Yorkshire : 2nd bat. 109th...Aldor8hot. BirrAldershot, Uiobinond ; Yrks Bide Brigade, 1st bat, Aid

    20th ... 1st bat, Cyprus, Bury ; shot, for India : Winchortet2nd bat, Curragb, Bury ; 2nd bat, Gibraltar, (fc

    21st ...1st bat, Sccundcrabad, homo) ; do. ; 3rd bat, C(Paisley j 2nd hat, Transvaal, ragh ; Winchester ; ith UPaisley K»wnl Piudeo, Bengal ; Wi:

    Chester22nd ... let bat, Ncwry, 1st West India Ecspmont

    Chester ; 2nd bat , Allaha- Jamaica ; 2nd do., Siei.bad, Chester Leone

    23rd ... 1st bat, Bengal, Malta FcnciMe Artillsrjen route for India, Wrexhain ; Malta2nd bat, Doronport, Wrci-ham


    A Horse Brig., Woolwich 5th Brigade, WoolwichB Horse Brig., Dublin 6th Brigade, ColcbosterC Horse Brig., Aldcrthot 7th Brigade, Portaraouth1st Brigade, Woolwich 8th Brigndc, Dovonport2nd Brigade, York 9th Brigade, Dover3rd Brigado, Newbridge I' th Brigade, Cork4th Brigade, Lcith Fort 11th Brigade, Sheerneas


    A Troop, Aklcrsuot anh ChathamC Troop, Aldcrshot 21st Bcnnurla1st Company, Halifax, 2ftid London2nd do., Capo. 23rd f:l.»th»— (lorp«4o) ''3rd Oibraltar 2.1th Aldcrshot4th Portsmouth (torpedo) 25th Bermuda5th Cnpo 26th ShornellSeCth Curragh 27th Bermuda.7th Chatham 28th Bermuda (torpedo)8th Gibraltar 29th Porthtnnouth '9th Chatham |3Oth Oibrullor /10th Gibraltar 31st Cjpnn (ordeied lorn*)11th Malta 32ud Bermuda /12th Malta 33rd Pambroka (loiptdo)13th Edinburgh (anrTcy) Hth Bristol14th Dublin (anrvcy) Jitb Chathnm /15th St. George's Barracks Wth Chatliam '16th Clifton (anrTcy ) 17th Chatham -17th Aldorshot »th Chatham/18th Cork 10th Ch/ithon/19th Southampton (currey) Wth Chathart

    * /PEKFKCT HEALTH restored by DCIIAKRT 'B DIM -CIOUS REVALENTA A KABICA Foqp, which cureleffectually consumption, cough, o-Vhrnn, bronchitiiiindigestion (dyspepsia), habitual contipation, acidity,phlegm, diarrhoea, dysentery. liver complaints, fli*tulsncy, distcuaion, hiemorrhoi/s, nertousncM,bilionsncss , fevers , soro throaty catarrhs, eoldi,wutcrbrnsh, noises in tho head an cart, rhenrtsti«m,gout, poverty and impurities of PO blood, crnfjont ,hysteria, nearalgia, irritability/ sleenlcssnea , lo»spirits, spleen, palpitation, heafbnrn, headacha, ie-bility, dropsy, cramps, spasms,»ausea, and Tomitiojafter eating, oven in prcgnancvpr at sea ; sinking fits,exhaustion, epilepsy, paralysis/atrophy, wasting di*cases, feverish breath. Slyearajnvanableanccoss willadults and dolicatc children. 100,000 cures of cateiconsidered hopeleaa. It save/ fifty times its cost indrugs. Experience of Dr. B./E. Booth, physician totho Samaritan Hospital for /Women nnd CiUdrep,London : " Dn Barry's RcvJonta Arabica is rich inphosphates—tho clcmunts of flood , bono, and muscle iunder its influence, many vroJon and children aafferinjfrom atrophy and marked Mobility have eomplcteljrecovered." Dr. W. WalUca Elmslio writes to thiLancet :—" I find D«i Barr* Food invaluable, and 11cases of dysontcry, typhoio/ nnd ague, it is worth illweight in gold. I strongljpdviso uo English Surgconior officers to go into Campfcithout it." Dr. "Wurzor ITestimonial-: " Du BarryJ Food is one of tho most ei>collont, nourishing, andyTOstorativo absorbents, andsuporsedes, in map.y case* all kinds of medicines. It upartioularly effeoiivo in fon8umption, indigostion (A!'4pepsia), a confined habifof