short film proposal


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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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Short film proposal. My idea. My idea for the short film is to make a stop motion animation in the style of morph with LittleBigPlanet like narration. The overall message of the film would be “If you don’t succeed, try, try and try again”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Short film proposal


Page 2: Short film proposal

My ideaMy idea for the short film is to make a stop motion animation in the style of morph with LittleBigPlanet like narration. The overall message of the film would be “If you don’t succeed, try, try and try again”. It will have a story so it will be narrative based with a plot.

The film centres around a couple of plasticine characters who have to overcome adverse challenges for example, getting from one table to another. One of the characters will give up on the challenge straight away therefore failing the challenge. The other character won’t give up but will keep trying to complete the challenge thus succeeding and proving the message correct.

Page 3: Short film proposal

How I will make the filmTo make the film I will use an SLR camera to take the images; as I’m making a stop motion animation this would be the best camera for the job. The reason for this being because a stop motion film consists of numerous photos tagged together to give the effect of motion. Also the use of an SLR camera would be beneficial because they have a higher number of mega pixels so better quality, plus they have a better lens for even better quality.I will film it in college and possibly a scene at home.My target audience will be aimed towards the PG and U film ratings because I’d like it to be enjoyed by children.Ideally I want the film to be 1 minute to 1 minute 30 seconds long.

Page 4: Short film proposal

Film OutlineThe film won’t include actors but will use narration and non diegetic sound effects, I will also use well considered comic noises as the characters voices. For the music I will make my own on garage band, the music will match the comedic factor of the film.