short schedule  · web view2021. 3. 28. · the word "companion" is a combination of two...

Summary of Changes Month/Yr Summary of Change Basis of Change November 2017 Update the sample script to include a line reassuring the Pilgrims that there is time for all to share at Closura There was a sense that some people were reluctant to share after the first few people had spoken if they took a lot of time. This change is to affirm to all that their sharing is important and valued. Secretariat approval on November 2009. November 2017 Replace “Invitation to Counseling” to “Invitation to Pastor Care/Prayer” to the sample script as last words before Inn sent to bed on Thursday night Spiritual Advisor request with Secretariat approval on September 2017 March 2021 Editorial changes: corrected the titles for two clergy talks: one grace talk (from “Sanctifying Grace” to “Walking in Grace”) and one meditation (from “The Person of Christ” to “The Humanity of Christ”). Added both talks to the Table of Contents because they weren’t listed there previously. Secretariat approval on March 2021. Revised & Approved March 2021 i

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Page 1: Short Schedule  · Web view2021. 3. 28. · The word "companion" is a combination of two Latin words - "cum (coom) meaning "with" and "panis" meaning bread. Thus, a companion is

Summary of Changes

Month/Yr Summary of Change Basis of Change

November 2017

Update the sample script to include a line reassuring the Pilgrims that there is time for all to share at Closura

There was a sense that some people were reluctant to share after the first few people had spoken if they took a lot of time. This change is to affirm to all that their sharing is important and valued. Secretariat approval on November 2009.

November 2017

Replace “Invitation to Counseling” to “Invitation to Pastor Care/Prayer” to the sample script as last words before Inn sent to bed on Thursday night

Spiritual Advisor request with Secretariat approval on September 2017


Editorial changes: corrected the titles for two clergy talks: one grace talk (from “Sanctifying Grace” to “Walking in Grace”) and one meditation (from “The Person of Christ” to “The Humanity of Christ”). Added both talks to the Table of Contents because they weren’t listed there previously.

Secretariat approval on March 2021.

Revised & Approved March 2021 i

Page 2: Short Schedule  · Web view2021. 3. 28. · The word "companion" is a combination of two Latin words - "cum (coom) meaning "with" and "panis" meaning bread. Thus, a companion is

Dear Director(a);

This is a standardized script. There are “optional” times for some of the events. The times for the for the background devotionals and services are not included so as to give the Background Spiritual, Chef, and Palanca Chair the freedom to choose when those would take place. Please add the times and places to your script for these events.

The Short Schedule is attached to the script to match the times in the script. If you want to go to a certain page in the script, place the cursor over the title or page number, depress the control (Ctrl) key and left click. You will be taken to the corresponding page. If you make a change to the script, you can update the Short Schedule to reflect it.

To change/update the Short Schedule, click on References at the top of the screen and then click on update table.

May God bless you as you prepare.

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Page 3: Short Schedule  · Web view2021. 3. 28. · The word "companion" is a combination of two Latin words - "cum (coom) meaning "with" and "panis" meaning bread. Thus, a companion is

Short Schedule

Thursday (Date)............................................................................1

1:00 - 5:30 PM - FINAL SET-UP AND TEAM ARRIVAL.........................1

5:30 PM - DINNER (ON YOUR OWN).................................................1

6:30 PM - CORE TEAM PRAYER and anointing/sanctuary..................1

5:45 PM - DINNER WITH CANDIDATES AND / OR TEAM......................1

7:00 PM - REGISTRATION AND FELLOWSHIP BEGINS........................1

TEAM REGISTRATION IN PALANCA ROOM........................................2

7:00 PM - PRAYER VIGIL BEGINS.....................................................2

7:55 PM - Chas: Let Director(a) and Sponsor’s know that it is time to leave & take them to their Sponsor Service....................................2

8:00 PM - SPONSORS WORSHIP SERVICE IN (place).........................2

8:00 PM - PILGRIMS INN - WALK BEGINS.........................................2

INTRODUCE INN TEAMS..................................................................4

8:30 PM - GIFT OF TIME..................................................................6

MOVE TO SANCTUARY....................................................................8

INTRO TO SILENCE.........................................................................8

8:45 PM - 1ST MEDITATION - "KNOW YOURSELF" – Pastor (name).....9

9:15 PM - 2ND MEDITATION -"PRODIGAL CHILD" - Pastor (name)......9

9:30 PM - INTRODUCTION TO "WAY OF THE CROSS".........................9

10:15 PM - CANDIDATES TO BED...................................................11

10:30 PM - TEAM MEETING (Options are to make team meeting shorter)......................................................................................11

11:00 PM – TEAM TO BED.............................................................12

FRIDAY, (DATE)...........................................................................13

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5:30 AM - WAKE UP DIRECTOR & VICE...........................................13

5:45 AM - WAKE UP CORE TEAM....................................................13

6:00 AM - WAKE UP TEAM & CANDIDATES.....................................13

6:15 AM - CORE TEAM PRAYER IN SANCTUARY...............................13

6:30 AM - MORNING CHAPEL - SANCTUARY....................................13

6:45 AM – 3RD MEDITATION – “GLANCES OF CHRIST”, Pastor ____.....14

7:30 AM - BREAKFAST..................................................................14


8:30 AM - BREAK & MOVE TO PILGRIMS INN IF “INTROS” AT BREAKFAST.................................................................................15

8:30 OR 9:00 AM - INTRO TO DAY OF FAITH...................................15

9:30 AM - TALK #1 – PRIORITY - ___________....................................16

10:30 AM - BREAK WITH SNACKS.................................................17

10:45 AM - TALK #2 - PREVENIENT GRACE, Pastor ___....................17

11:25 AM - DECOLORES SONG......................................................18

11:45 AM - BREAK ON THE WAY TO LUNCH....................................18

12:00 PM - LUNCH........................................................................18

12:40 PM - BATHROOM BREAK - MOVE TO INN...............................19

1:00 PM - TALK #3 - PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS.....................19

1:50 PM - TALK #4 - JUSTIFYING GRACE TALK, Pastor ______............20

2:15 PM - 1ST PALANCA DROP......................................................20

2:30 PM - BREAK..........................................................................20

3:15 PM - BATHROOM BREAK – MOVE TO INN................................20

3:30 PM - TALK #5 - LIFE OF PIETY, _______________..........................21

4:00 PM - BATHROOM BREAK........................................................21

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5:00 PM - TALK #6 –GROWTH THROUGH STUDY, __________..............22

6:00 PM - DINNER........................................................................22

6:45 PM - BREAK – MOVE TO INN...................................................22

7:00 PM - TALK #7 PRAYER AND MEDITATION TALK _______.............23

7:40 PM - SHARING TIME, MOVIE TIME OR SONGFEST....................23

8:30 PM - MOVE TO FOOTWASHING...............................................23

8:45 PM - INTRO TO FOOTWASHING, Pastor ________.......................23

9:00 PM - FOOTWASHING.............................................................24

9:30-45 PM - BREAK – CANDIDATES TO BED...................................24

9:45 PM - TEAM MEETING IN BACKGROUND DINING.......................24

10:15 PM TEAM TO BED...............................................................25

SATURDAY, (DATE)......................................................................26

5:30 AM - WAKE UP DIRECTOR & VICE...........................................26

5:45 AM - WAKE UP CORE TEAM....................................................26

6:00 AM - WAKE UP TEAM AND CANDIDATE...................................26

6:15 AM - CORE TEAM PRAYER in Chapel.......................................26

6:30 AM - MORNING CHAPEL - SANCTUARY....................................26


7:15 AM - BREAKFAST..................................................................27

8:00 AM - BATHROOM BREAK – MOVE TO INN................................27

8:15 AM - PILGRIMS INN - INTRO TO DAY OF LOVE.........................27

8:30 AM - TALK #7 - MEANS OF GRACE, Pastor ________...................28

9:30 AM - TALK #8 - CHRISTIAN ACTION, ________________.................28

10:30 AM BREAK WITH LIGHT SNACKS........................................29

11:00 AM OPTIONAL PICTURE TIME.............................................29

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11:30 PM - LUNCH........................................................................29

12:15 PM - BREAK – MOVE TO SANCTUARY....................................29

12:3O PM - TALK #9 - OBSTACLES TO GRACE, Pastor ________..........29

1:00 PM - HEALING SERVICE.........................................................29

MIME COMMUNION (OPTIONAL)....................................................30


5:30 PM - FEAST..........................................................................30

7:00 PM - SHORT BREAK – MOVE TO INN....................................30

7:15 PM - FIESTA !!......................................................................30

8:00 PM - PERFORMANCES...........................................................31

8:30 PM - MOVE TO SANCTUARY – TABLE GROUPS.........................31

8:45 PM - TALK #10 – DISCIPLESHIP, _____________...........................31

9:15 PM - INVITATION TO AGAPE..................................................32

9:30 PM - AGAPE..........................................................................32

10:15 PM - CANDIDATES TO BED...................................................33

10:30 PM - TEAM TO BED - NO TEAM MEETING!!............................33

Sunday, (Date)............................................................................34

5:00 AM - WAKE UP TEAM.............................................................34

5:30 AM - MANANITAS..................................................................34

6:00 AM - CORE TEAM PRAYER (pray for Pastor)............................34

6:30 AM MORNING CHAPEL.......................................................34

5TH MEDITATION - CHRIST'S MESSAGE TO THE PILGRIMS, Pastor ____...................................................................................................35

7:00AM - FINISH PACKING UP.......................................................35

7:15 AM BREAKFAST................................................................35

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8:00 AM - BREAK..........................................................................35

8:15 AM - PILGRIMS INN - INTRO TO DAY OF HOPE.........................359:30 AM - WALKING IN GRACE………………………………………………...……….38

10:00 AM - BODY OF CHRIST………………………………………………..………….38

10:45 AM - TALK #14 - PERSEVERANCE.........................................37

11:15 AM - TABLE DISCIPLES........................................................38

11:45 PM - 3RD PALANCA DROP....................................................38

12:00 PM - LUNCH........................................................................38

1:15 PM - BREAK – MOVE TO SANCTUARY......................................39

1:30 PM - TALK #15 - 4TH DAY TALK, DIRECTOR(A)_____.................39

1:55 PM – MOVE TO _______ ROOM (for crossing).............................40

2:10 PM - SERVICE OF COMMITMENT.............................................40

2:45 PM - SHARING TIME..............................................................42

3:30 PM - CLOSURA AND COMMUNION..........................................42

5:30 PM FINAL CORE TEAM PRAYER...........................................44

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Registration signs Candidate sleeping signs "servant only" signs in place Male/Female signs on bathroom doors In Sanctuary, Place 3 music stands w/ small flashlights or reading

lights on each Place flashlight for pastor Subdue lighting in Sanctuary Prayer Vigil set up: kneeler, speaker crosses, candles, Bible, (any

other items that are needed for comfort, reading lamp, team and candidate lists, etc.)

Snacks/punch for Reception Inn set-up and PA system (from trailer) Get Cha tub from Trailer Angel Sanctuary: Watch envelopes, Worship Resources books (includes

Way of the Cross), Songbooks, Kleenex on pews, cross and candlesticks

Banner set up


6:30 PM - CORE TEAM PRAYER and anointing/sanctuary



Chas: Help candidates get to rooms and situated. Make sure they have their bed tags (from registration table) PLEASE USE BLUE


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Sacristan: Prepare communion for sponsor's service and for team meeting later


7:55 PM - Chas: Let Director(a) and Sponsor’s know that it is time to leave & take them to their Sponsor Service.





DIRECTOR(A): Good evening and welcome to The Walk With Christ. My name is (name) and I will be your "DIRECTOR(A)" this weekend. I would also like you to meet my friend (name) who is the VICE DIRECTOR(A) this weekend and shares my duties. (ONLY FOR WOMEN’S WALK) The word "DIRECTOR(A)" is Spanish for Director (female director). The origins of The Walk With Christ are Spanish, which I will explain later. For this reason we use a number of Spanish terms for significant parts of this retreat.

Maybe you are a little nervous about being here and there could possibly be a few butterflies in all of our stomachs. Perhaps we'd all feel more comfortable with a word of prayer to calm us as we prepare for these next three days. VICE DIRECTOR(A), would you lead us in prayer?

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Holy Father, first and foremost we give You praise. We acknowledge Your sovereignty in our lives. We thank You for the indescribable love You have for each precious “Child of God” that You have brought here this weekend. We are thankful that we can freely gather here together in this church that You have provided. We invite You to come fill this church and Your people with Your Holy Spirit to be with us and guide us as we seek Your face and Your truth. Open our hearts and minds to that truth and to one another. We ask You to keep watch over our families and loved ones at home, and we ask You to take away any worries we may have brought with us. We also lift up to You those who could not be here tonight, be their comfort and their shield. Please strengthen us and give us an excitement to discover the blessings You have planned for the weekend ahead. Pour out your abundant grace on your children gathered here and keep us safe in Your hands. We ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen

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Page 10: Short Schedule  · Web view2021. 3. 28. · The word "companion" is a combination of two Latin words - "cum (coom) meaning "with" and "panis" meaning bread. Thus, a companion is

DIRECTOR(A): As candidates, you were invited here, not just by your sponsors, but by the whole Walk With Christ community. You may have had to wait 6 months or a year or even longer for the time to be right for you to come. We have prepared for months in anticipation of your being here. So I welcome you to YOUR Walk With Christ. This weekend we are being given an opportunity to explore our relationship with Christ - and we will do that in many different ways. We may discover some new things about that relationship - but, whatever else we do this weekend we will praise our Holy Lord and we will give Him glory.

Just what is The Walk With Christ? No doubt you have already asked someone that question at least once. Perhaps the answer you received was less than satisfactory. The reason for that is that each person comes away from the Walk with different thoughts and impressions. This weekend for you will be what God wants it to be. He has prepared each of us in different ways for this experience and we come to this weekend in His time. Different parts of it will make an impression on each of you, depending on where you are in your Christian walk, the experiences of your past, and other intangibles that we could not hope to anticipate. But God knows all. You are here - not because someone twisted your arm, or you signed up months ago, or others recommended it - although any of those might be true. You are here because God’s Holy Spirit brought you here.

Let us illustrate what we can expect in these three days.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Read Luke 24:13-35 From the translation of your choice…

DIRECTOR(A): This provides the image for our three days together. Two friends, disciples, were walking together. They were sharing their hearts' deepest concerns. The risen Christ joined them and walked with them, but they didn't recognize Him. He responded to their needs through scriptures. It was a heartwarming time for them as He walked and talked with them on the road. The illuminating climax of the experience came when Christ blessed and broke the bread during the meal. The two had their eyes opened and they recognized the risen Christ. They jumped to their feet and ran all the way back to Jerusalem to tell others about their experience.

This Walk With Christ is with friends, also. Either friends we have now or will make during these three days. At this moment you are all mostly strangers to one another, but remember, "strangers are friends you have not yet met." The scriptures will be explained so that they bring light and understanding to our needs. For many, this, too, will be a heartwarming experience. We will share so deeply in worship and Holy Communion that our eyes will be opened, and we, too, will see the risen Christ. We will study, share, and experience God's grace in this community of friends.

These three days are largely the result of the commitment of many people to what they believe. You will be tasting and feeling the support of many you will not see, through food, prayers, and other expressions of love and friendship. There are others who are here to serve you who will be visible throughout the weekend.

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DIRECTOR(A): Introduce Spiritual Team Pastor (name), Spiritual Director Pastor (name), Pastor (name)

They are here to serve you. If you feel the need to talk to one of them, day or night, they are available. The Cha Chas will be sleeping next door to your sleeping rooms. If you come to their door, they will be happy to get a pastor for you at any time of the day or night.

So what's a Cha Cha you ask? They are our "shepherds" for the weekend. It is up to them to see that all your needs are taken care of. If you have a flat air mattress, need a pillow, toothbrush, a prayer, or anything else, feel free to let them or any of the team know how we can make your Walk as comfortable and worthwhile as possible.


I would also like to introduce our song team at this time. Not only will they lead us in worship all weekend, but they will also share their musical gifts with special music throughout.


I would also like to introduce another important part of the Walk With Christ team, my Advocate, (name). (Name’s) job is to assist the Director(a) in any way possible so that the Walk With Christ weekend flows smoothly and follows the guidelines established by our governing committee. (name) has been invaluable throughout the planning process with advice, knowledge and prayer.

DIRECTOR(A): All of us are here to serve Jesus Christ by assisting you in any way that will make this time of spiritual renewal more meaningful.

The Walk With Christ is not a secret society or a religion. The purpose of the Walk is to help you be a more effective disciple in your local church. We will share with you many things you may already know but possibly from a different perspective than you may have heard or experienced before. Let me give you some background and history of the weekend we call The Walk With Christ.

Prior to The Walk With Christ, the weekends were called "Cursillos." The word ‘Cursillo’ means short course. And so we have a short course in Christianity. In general, we can say that a Cursillo is a means for studying and focusing on the problems that confront us today, and for finding a true solution, the Christian one.

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VICE DIRECTOR(A): The Cursillo movement began in Spain over 40 years ago when a group of Roman Catholic men dedicated themselves to teaching the young men of their city about Christ. It grew as they talked, prayed and worked together. In January, 1949, the first Cursillo was given and the Cursillo movement began. In 1957, two Spanish airmen being trained in Texas, and a Spanish priest introduced the movement in a town south of Dallas. It then spread throughout the country and other parts of the world as a vital means of spiritual renewal.

In Washington State, the Cursillo movement began in the Roman Catholic Church and spread to the Episcopal Church. In the fall of 1979, the Spokane dioceses of the Episcopal Church held an outreach Cursillo at Pioneer UMC in Walla Walla. Thus bringing this movement to other denominations as a means of spiritual renewal.

In the early 1980’s Cursillo was changed to Walk to Emmaus under the umbrella of The Upper Room of the Methodist Church. We continued as part of this movement until pressure was brought by The Upper Room asking us to make changes in the way we presented the weekend. In 2005, by a vote of our community, it was decided that we should withdraw from The Upper Room and become independent, keeping our traditions. Then in late 2006, to show complete independence, we changed our name from Walk to Emmaus to “The Walk With Christ.” This weekend is virtually the same as it was in 1979. This is weekend number (#) of our movement and you will find people from many denominations here this weekend.

It was developed for lay renewal within the Christian Church. It is only one way - a way that has brought joy and meaning into our lives. It is offered to you as an opportunity, not an obligation. You will soon find that your Walk With Christ will be largely an individual experience. It is up to you to decide what you want out of it and what you will do with it. What you receive this weekend will come not so much from what we offer you, but from your response to this offering.

DIRECTOR(A): The effectiveness of your Walk with Christ depends on three things:1. The grace of God2. The organization we provide3. Your participation

First, and most important, we believe that we are all here by the grace of God. Your time to be here has come and, by God's grace, you are here. He will take care of all those problems and concerns at home or on the job. Forget them - put them away for the weekend. Christ will handle them for you. He did it for us, and He will do it for you.

Second, we will follow a specific plan and schedule which is designed to meet your every need. There will be no telephones, television, radio, or newspapers. We are essentially a cloistered, or closed, community here for the weekend. We will feed you, shelter you, wash your dishes, provide you with snacks, and many things you might have forgotten to bring.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Finally, your participation will be a key factor. Many of you are here because you trusted the judgment of someone else, probably your sponsor. Now we are asking you to trust us. I request that you simply do what is asked without anticipation or concern for the next day, the next hour, or even the next moment.

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We do have a specific plan and everything we do during the weekend will be for a particular reason. There may be times when you won't understand why we are doing something. You may even consider it a nuisance or an inconvenience. I ask again - please trust us. Reserve your judgment until Sunday evening.

We will be experiencing a variety of worship services - some of which you are familiar with, and some of which you may not have realized were part of our Christian heritage. We invite you to take a taste of each. Some of them you may gobble up instantly. Others you may want to savor before you decide. But do taste - the fun is in the tasting. Please, don't distract from the experience of your friends who are sharing this time with you. If you find that you have reached some premature judgment - good or bad - try not to let it interfere with keeping our schedule. If you are having a problem or concern, please talk with either the DIRECTOR(A) or me or with one of the spiritual team.

You may have heard people say that they "made" their Walk With Christ instead of saying they attended a Walk With Christ. This is not just a casual use of the word, for you really do "make" your Walk With Christ by actively and fully participating in it. The Walk With Christ is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You will never "make" another Walk With Christ, though you might work in a support role in some future walk. Use your time here to the fullest, making the most of every opportunity. Make your Walk With Christ one that will bring blessings to your life.

Chas: Have watch envelopes ready


Chas: Hand out watch envelopes

VICE DIRECTOR(A): In Genesis 1:14, we read, “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” God created time and we all live by it. We have schedules, appointments, and routines. Sometimes our lives are so wrapped up in what time it is that we miss the things God wants to show us. This weekend we are going to enter into Kairos. Kairos is a Greek word meaning “a moment of divine time.” Our first gift to you is to release you from worrying about what time it is. If you are wearing a watch, please remove it. You won't be needing it for the rest of the weekend. The Cha Chas are providing small envelopes. Please put your watch in the envelope, making sure that your alarm has been turned off, seal it and put it in your purse or pocket and later this evening put it in your suitcase for the rest of the weekend. Please do the same with your cell phone if you brought it. We are now on God's time, so please resist the temptation to look at your watch again until Sunday evening. You will come to realize that it is truly a gift not to worry about what time it is. We really did plan a schedule for this weekend but we wanted to give you one less distraction. Until you go home on Sunday, we will

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be your clock. When you hear the bell, the Cha’s or Director(a)’s voice, no matter where you are, please stop and listen for directions. If there is anyone who needs to take medication on a specific schedule, please let (name), your head Cha know. One of the Chas has been assigned to make sure that you are notified when it is time to take your medication. We are here to accommodate anyone's special needs. If you have difficulty in hearing or have any other physical problems, please let one of the Cha Chas know and we will attempt to make you as comfortable as possible.

DIRECTOR(A): We are guests here at (Church Name) Church, and they have welcomed us with open arms and hearts. However, this is a busy facility and the church will function as normally as possible during the time of our stay, including Sunday worship services. Therefore, our movements will be restricted within the church building according to our schedule. Please respect the areas posted "Servants only". If a Cha asks that you not go a certain way, please respect that they are just doing their jobs to keep the logistics of the weekend working.

(Explain bathroom usage if there are men Pastors on a Women’s Walk) So, all other bathrooms will be for our use except on Sunday, during church services, when they will revert to regular women’s / men’s use.

There is to be no smoking in the building, but you may smoke outside in the designated area. We will have breaks when you may smoke and a Cha will be assigned to escort you so our schedule can be maintained.

We ask that you do not leave money or other valuables in your suitcases. If you wish to have anything put into a secure situation, please let us know.

Dress comfortably and casually and wear your nametag at all times when we are together. That will help us get better acquainted with one another as the weekend progresses. At mealtimes we encourage you to sit at different tables so that you can meet others. You will make friendships here that will last a long, long, time.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Another item to always keep with you is your coffee mug. Not that we will be drinking that much coffee, but the desire to conserve resources is the idea behind this. We will be served different beverages during our meals and breaks so your mug will come in handy.

Again, don't be afraid to ask for something that you need or forgot. It would be unusual if someone didn't forget something. We will provide everything that we can for you; however, there are some things that we can't provide that can only come from you. These are your faith, that all will go well, your personal self-surrender to Christ, your idealism, and a true love for others. So don't worry . . . . relax, and let the weekend unfold.

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Page 15: Short Schedule  · Web view2021. 3. 28. · The word "companion" is a combination of two Latin words - "cum (coom) meaning "with" and "panis" meaning bread. Thus, a companion is

Chas: Make sure sanctuary is ready.

Have Worship Resource Booklets ready to pass out

Restroom break only (no smoke)


DIRECTOR(A): We will now be moving to the sanctuary. If you need to make a stop in the restroom, please do so quickly. Follow the Cha Chas and sit at the front of the sanctuary in the first few pews.

DIRECTOR(A): It is now time to begin your Walk With Christ. Our focus this evening will be on examining who we are as individuals in our personal relationship with Jesus. VICE DIRECTOR(A), will you please pray.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Lord Jesus Christ, as we come to you on this first night of our Walk With Christ, send your Holy Spirit to help us lay aside all our worldly concerns so we may discover anew your living presence in our lives. Help us to use this time as an opportunity to experience your presence in new ways as we see you alive - in faith, in love, and in hope. Also, may we see you in song, in the words of your speakers, and in the faces and actions of those we meet here. We give you all the praise. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Our focus this evening is on our own personal relationship with Jesus. In order that you may deeply consider who you are and where you are right now in your walk with Christ, we will enter into a silent retreat. This will be a time of self-examination.


Chas: Remind kitchen & palanca of silence

As spiritual preparation for our three days together, for this evening we will maintain silence, except when requested to read or sing. To some of you, the opportunity for silence will be welcomed; for some, it may seem difficult. But I urge you to take this time to reflect on God's calling for you this weekend. He certainly wants to bless you this weekend and He wants you to be open to that blessing. The next three days won't all be silent, but just for tonight we ask that you maintain silence until after communion at morning chapel.

DIRECTOR(A): (Scripture verse about waiting, silence, rest)

DIRECTOR(A): Read “Noise” from Worship Resource Booklet Page 7 (You may read it out loud and have everyone follow along in their books or you may read it out loud together)

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DIRECTOR(A): The spiritual team will now begin a series of meditations. Our first meditation this evening is "Know Yourself" and will be given by Pastor (name)

Song Team: _____________________

8:45 PM - 1ST MEDITATION - "KNOW YOURSELF" – Pastor (name)

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Take a few moments to silently reflect on this meditation. (2-3min.)

DIRECTOR(A): Our second meditation this evening is the "The Prodigal Child" and will be given by Pastor (name).

9:15 PM - 2ND MEDITATION -"PRODIGAL CHILD" - Pastor (name)

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Please take a few minutes to reflect on the things that Pastor (name) has brought to our attention. Where are you in the story? What does God have to say to you through this reminder?

Chas: Have cross and candles ready

DIRECTOR(A): Long ago pilgrims to Jerusalem followed the traditional route of Jesus from Pilate's house to Calvary, reciting prayers and meditations on each incident of his passion. Returning home they continued this practice by erecting carvings or pictures which reminded them of their journey. Why do we meditate on the tragic events of Good Friday each Lent and in these devotions? Perhaps because we, like those pilgrims before us, recognize that by walking in the Way of the Cross we may find it as the way of life and peace. Perhaps, through this journey, we may come to know more about who we are.


We will now read “The Way of the Cross” (page) from the Worship Resource Booklet. During each break in the reading, you will be given the opportunity to relieve one of the people holding the cross or candles. Please do so as the spirit leads.

Song Team: “Were You There”

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Chas: Bring cross and candles to front of sanctuary during song

Pastors Way of the Cross

Chas: Go forward at end of station #14 (Jesus is buried) and relieve people holding cross and candles and wait for conclusion.

Song Team: “Were You There” (Concluding song)

Chas: Take cross and candles out at the end of first verse.

Pastors Conclusion of Way of the Cross -

DIRECTOR(A): We will now make an examination of conscience. Please sit back, listen carefully, and think about what is said to you. (Pause)

VICE DIRECTOR(A) (This can be read by the Pastor): "Beloved, I have picked you for these three days to be in my company. I love you. And it is because I love you that I have called you here these three days. Because I want you to be Holy and I want you to help me bring about the conversion of your brothers and sisters, don’t be afraid. I am your God and I want to be your friend. To those who really know me, my yoke is easy and my burden is light. The world is so much more demanding than I. Be calm, my friend. Think. Think about yourself. Think about me. You are here. I am pleased that you are here. But it was not circumstances that brought you here. It was not a friend, not a fellow worker, not a pastor, not anyone or anything that brought you here. It was I, Christ Jesus, your Lord and Savior. “Understand that I consider you as one of my friends. You really are one of my friends. And infidelity from one of my friends is the thing that wounds my heart most deeply. From here on, I am counting on you! On whom or what will you count? My son/daughter, from here on I seek your fire, your energy, your surrender. So tell me clearly, "Cost what it may Lord, because it does cost, I promise that I will live in your grace."

“Think about those who have prayed for you, and those who are still praying for you. And all those who have sacrificed and will continue to sacrifice for you. Are you willing to walk with me, let me work in your heart as you work, study or relax in all of the things you do? My desire is for you to be with me now and always. Will you trust me? Will you commit yourself to me as I have to you?”

DIRECTOR(A): It is necessary for friends to be silent and alone together. For many people, such isolated silence is a new experience. Only in silence and solitude can we strip ourselves of excuses. It is only when we are quietly alone with others that we can see clearly the barriers that still exist between us.

Silence is necessary for friendship. Not the silence of people who have nothing to say, or who refuse to communicate with each other because they have built up walls of anger and resentment.

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It is the solitude of people who are confident enough in their relationship with each other and with God that they do not have to talk about anything. If we can be silent with each other and with our Lord, then maybe we can communicate with each other and our Lord, not with words, but with our hearts.

Spiritual Lead Pastor: Invitation for Pastoral Care/Prayer

DIRECTOR(A): Our time here tonight is drawing to a close. You will soon be going to bed. Feel free to spend some time here in the sanctuary - to reflect on what has been said, or to pray. When you are ready to leave, please go directly to bed. Tomorrow will be a full day, and you need your rest. In the morning, you will be awakened by the Cha Chas. You will have about this much time to get dressed and prepare for the day. When you are dressed, the Cha Chas will direct you back here to the sanctuary for chapel. Please remember to keep the silence until you are given other instructions at that time.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Will you pray with me. Lord, guide us waking and guard us sleeping, that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep we may gather strength. Amen. Goodnight, the Lord is with you!

Chas: Gather books as they leave, and leave books in sanctuary for Chapel.

Have songbooks ready for chapel. Help candidates get settled.


10:30 PM - TEAM MEETING (Options are to make team meeting shorter)

K/P Song Team 2-3 songs to gather everyone together.Opening Prayer (name)

DIRECTOR(A): Welcome and Thanks. Introduce first-time workers. Introduce Core Team (Core team comments)

CHEF: PALANCA: HEAD CHA: (travel patterns, medication needs, etc. SONG TEAM LEADER:

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SPEAKERS: reading of their scripture (who), song & b/u song, THE BELL, Please be on time to Chapel meet in the Inn snack area if possible - when you come in late, candidates start putting two and two together or they start being late themselves. Songs to song team leader! Songbooks (replace songbook at table with your own or return songbook at end of Walk.


VICE DIRECTOR(A): $75 cost of weekend - money to me. Talk about making payments if needed.Any questions from table disciples? Honesty to candidates if asked pointed questions!Table assignments Meal Servers/Grace

Servers GraceCha’s: Special Diets Before breakfast: Breakfast: after breakfast Lunch: after lunch: Dinner: after dinner:

(Options:) Post list of servers in B/G bathroom or Palanca/Kitchen areaLet servants know “If you are revealed, you are a server”Scripture readers for morning Chapel: Have 2-3 Scripture verses chosen pertaining to Faith (examples: Hebrews 11:1, Habakkuk 2:4, Matthew 17:20)(Options:)Ask if anyone wants to read scripture and let Candidates go first. If no Candidate volunteers, then servant volunteers

DIRECTOR(A): Footwashing Procedure: (Options:)Speak with core team prior to meetingMale Pastors do not wash feet on Women’s Walk (Pastors help with handing out towels or do not participate)

Night owls use palanca room, not sleeping rooms to do your fellowshipping.Reminder: team sleeping is away from candidates – But be aware of noise anywayTravel patterns, stairs Palanca? Chas?The Foyer hall bathroom will be used by candidates at meals.Remember - we are here to SERVE! Read Walk Cannon Sheet. Questions??Spiritual: Blessing of articles

Anointing / Communion

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Pray for Friday speakers:

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11:00 PM – TEAM TO BED

Chas: Lock up church and do final check for tomorrow

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Chas: Remember the silence. Remind candidates & team if necessary




Chas: Check on Sanctuary heat, Kleenex, communion, songbooks and Resources books

Remind candidates to bring mugs and bibles.

Sacristan: Prepare communion for morning communion


Chas: Hand out songbooks, Resource books, as people enter.

Check for stragglers


Song Team: (gathering song) once all are in attendance

DIRECTOR(A): Good Morning to each of you and welcome again to your Walk With Christ. I trust you had a peaceful rest. The theme of your Walk is _________________and this first day is called The Day of Faith. “Would anyone like to read scripture?”

Scripture: (2-3 Faith scriptures should be listed here) (examples Hebrews 11:1, Habakkuk 2:4, Matthew 17:20)

Remember last night in chapel as you listened to your Lord Jesus speak to you? He said, "I want to be your friend - to those who really know me, my yoke is easy and my burden is light. It was not circumstances that brought you here. It was I, Jesus Christ, your Lord and Master who has

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called you." My heartfelt prayer for all of us this weekend is that our faith and our spiritual walk will be renewed in ways we never dreamed possible, because with God all things are possible.

DIRECTOR(A): Read “Timing” from Worship Resources Book Page 10

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Reflection Question from bottom of page –

DIRECTOR(A): We will continue our meditations this morning with our third meditation, The Three Glances of Christ given by Pastor ____



Song Team: (Options:) Sing LORD’S Prayer (from closura sheet) Sing reflective song

Chas: Check on breakfast

DIRECTOR(A): We now come to the close of our time of silence. Thank you for taking this opportunity to experience this time of quiet and peace. So greet those seated near you! (break)

Breakfast is now ready for us. On your way out, please give the Worship Resources books to the Chas.

Chas: Collect Worship Resources books


Servers: (Assigned)

Chas: Check on PI - Faith banner or sign on podium, water, table caddies, banner

Hold back Speaker ________ – Priority

DIRECTOR(A): Grace will be given by Pastor

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Chas: Check for stragglers

DIRECTOR(A): We are going to move on to the Pilgrim’s Inn so follow the Cha Chas. You have been assigned to a table group, so when you get there, look for your name. You may use the bathroom or have a quick smoke if you need to.


DIRECTOR(A): Good morning ladies/gentlemen. Did everyone get enough to eat this morning? This is the room we will be meeting in most of the time this weekend. You are candidates. The term candidate is a holdover from the Cursillo movement. We prefer to think of you as pilgrims. We will designate this room as the Pilgrims Inn.

DIRECTOR(A): (Explain how you came up with theme, song and logo)

VICE DIRECTOR(A): This first day of The Walk With Christ is called the day of Faith. Hebrews 11 is often called the, “Hall of Faith” because it talks about how the faith of people from Abel through David. Hebrews 11:3 states “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Faith is something that takes action on your part. It is the relying on, clinging to, and trusting in the Lord. In Hebrews 11:6 it says, "And without faith it is impossible to please Him. For whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him."

When we are enabled by Faith in God, we should be able to meet any challenge . . . and the sooner we step out to live by Faith, the sooner we will start to become more and more mature in our Christian walk. It may be that we need to shed our past and to look forward to a closer walk with God. We may find that words of faith come easily, but deep appreciation for Christ comes with living by faith.

One thing you can be sure of this weekend is that we will praise the Lord. One of the most powerful ways we do this is in song. For most people, Director(a)_____ and I are two of them, the music is one of the best parts of a Walk. I want to encourage you to get into the music. We all come from different Christian backgrounds and some of us are more reserved than others. One of our blessings this weekend is our diversity. Don't feel like you have to do anything that

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is not comfortable for you. There is another side to this, however. It is also OK to move a little out of your comfort zone and try some new ways of expressing yourself and this is a very safe environment in which to do that.

DIRECTOR(A): You have each been assigned to a table group. You are asked to sit with the same table group each time we gather in Pilgrims Inn. You will have an opportunity to meet others at meals and other times, but this table group will be your "small group" for this weekend.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): You have met some of the most visible workers on this Walk With Christ, but we have not had a chance to know you yet. We will now take this time to meet each other. Please talk with the person on your right at your table and visit for a while, then you will each introduce your new friend to the rest of the Inn by telling us: (choose some easy things to share)

DIRECTOR(A): One of the most powerful blessings we will experience this weekend is the power of prayer. All day, every day that we are here, one or more persons is keeping prayer vigil for us. Whether it is morning, noon, or the middle of the night, there is someone praying for us, 24 hours a day. On the table, you will find some prayer request cards. These can be filled out by you and placed in the prayer request mailbox on your table at any time. They will be delivered to the prayer vigil and be included in the intercessions that are raised to God each hour. Please do not use first and last names or become too personal in your request. God knows your heart and the person you may be lifting up in prayer. Please take a moment to look at these cards - fill one out - or fill several out (we have more). If you cannot think of anything now, don't worry about it. It is available to you ALL WEEKEND.

This morning we will begin a series of talks. Each talk is given by a lay person or a pastor. The lay women are not professional speakers, and for some this will be the first time they have spoken before a group. All of them were pilgrims once who sat where you are today full of curiosity. We believe that Jesus is speaking to us through them. During the talks we ask that you take notes in the folder that is provided for you. This will help in the discussion that will follow. Although each of you will be taking notes, I will assign one person at each table to be the “designated” Recorder to take notes for each talk. After the talk you will be given a short time for discussion at your tables.

Palanca: Hang Blessing Song Banner in Dining Hall

9:30 AM - TALK #1 – PRIORITY - ___________

SONG TEAM: T/D Song: ________

DIRECTOR(A): Our first talk today is "Priority." This talk will give us some thoughts on who we are, what are our priorities and how priorities influence our lives. (put in personal note about speaker here) It gives me great joy and I am very proud to introduce to you ___________

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DIRECTOR(A) leaves with _______after talk.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Take a moment to meditate on ______ talk and share your thoughts with your table. After you have a few minutes of discussion, you get to make a poster of the central theme of the Talk and your response to it. The Cha Chas will distribute poster paper. Use the markers and other supplies in the caddies on your tables to create your interpretation. Make the posters colorful! When everyone has finished, each table will come to the microphone and present their work of art to the rest of the group. You should select one person to speak for your table when you present. Remember, this is a group effort, and everyone should take part.


Chas: Call out Pastor ________ "Prevenient Grace"


VICE DIRECTOR(A) leave to pray with Pastor _______

10:45 AM - TALK #2 - PREVENIENT GRACE, Pastor ___

Song Team: _______________

DIRECTOR(A): “Grace Scripture” Grace is a gift freely given to us by God. This weekend we will hear a series of Grace talks that will be presented by the Spiritual team. Our first grace talk is entitled "Prevenient Grace" and will be given by Pastor _____.

DIRECTOR(A): Leaves with to uncross Pastor

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Please take a few moments to reflect on these two questions.1. When have I felt the presence of God in my life?2. What was my reaction to it?

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Palanca: Have sign for picture ready & banner visible for picture.


Chas: (OPTION) Check on picture person and set up.

Pencils, notepads, any visual aids for distractions.


DIRECTOR(A): In my opening remarks to you last night I mentioned that we will be using a number of Spanish terms for significant parts of this retreat. We are going to teach you a Mexican folk song that has become something of a theme song for the Cursillo and Walk With Christ movements - and many of our visual themes come from this song. You will notice Walk With Christ people wearing shirts with colorful roosters on them, and banners with rainbows. These come from the song "DeColores", and it tells of a group of Mexican people who were on a bus trip in the spring. The bus broke down, and while they were waiting for help, they were fascinated by the beauty they saw around them instead of being preoccupied by their dilemma. There were flowers of many colors. There was a brightly colored rooster, hens and baby chicks, and a rainbow in the sky. All this spoke to them of how magnificently God has provided for us and how colorful He has made our lives. The song title means, " Of the Colors", and when someone says to you "DeColores!", it means that they wish for you a day filled with color - a beautiful day. It is like, "have a nice day!" - "DeColores"!!!

Chas: Check on Lunch

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Chas: Check ________ for next talk

Check prayer request boxes and give to Pastor _____

12:00 PM - LUNCH

Song Team: Teach the Blessing SongServers: _________________ Grace after: ________________

VICE DIRECTOR(A): leaves to pray with _____________


Chas: Check for stragglers not back to Inn

DIRECTOR(A). (Talk about the candle in prayer vigil.) The candle is lit in the prayer vigil where another candle burns continuously throughout the weekend. The light of these candles symbolizes Christ's light and presence. Our next talk is entitled, "Priesthood of All Believers" and it will address our authority given by Christ to be God’s ambassadors to the world.


Song Team: T/D Song - _________

Our next speaker is.........(Intro)....... Please help me welcome __________

Song Team: Speaker SongVICE DIRECTOR(A) or Speaker reads: Scripture ______

DIRECTOR(A): Share with each other about your reaction to ______ talk and you get to …(activity) from the main points to share with us in the Inn. You have this much time.


DIRECTOR(A): Leave to uncross _______ & Pray with Pastor _____

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Chas: Check on Palanca Drop

DIRECTOR(A): Our second grace talk is "Justifying Grace" and it will be given by Pastor _________

Song Team : ________________

1:50 PM - TALK #4 - JUSTIFYING GRACE TALK, Pastor ______

(Pastor ________ lead into first Palanca drop after talk)

Song Team : #51 "Amazing Grace"


DIRECTOR(A): I know that this is going to be hard, but please put your bags down for just a minute while I explain to you what this is all about! We have a new word for you: "Palanca." Palanca is another Spanish term and it means "lever" or "to lift up." Palanca is a gift of love, agape love that wishes only the best for the receiver. It is altogether selfless - it expects nothing in return. Your sack of palanca is full of notes of God's love being sent to you as a "lever" to "lift you up," to encourage you, and to remind you that you are special.

2:30 PM - BREAK

Chas: Call out _________Piety Speaker


VICE DIRECTOR(A): Leave to pray with _________Piety Speaker

Chas: Have activity ready

Call out _________

DIRECTOR(A): I'd like to explain the prayer vigil to you. This Walk with Christ movement is truly based on prayer. Beginning Thursday evening at 7:00pm, someone has been praying for us,

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our prayer requests, and the events of this weekend. Every hour, for one hour at a time, twenty-four hours a day - non-stop, a different person is praying in the prayer vigil room and this will continue throughout the weekend until Sunday when the Walk is over. Also, about a month ago, each one of your names was given to a Walk With Christ servant, who has been praying for you. Perhaps for nothing specific other than that you would experience the love and grace of God this weekend. (This should only be used on a women’s Walk that is attached to the Men’s Walk)The men who made their Walk two weeks ago have also been praying for us. Prayer is a powerful tool that connects our Walk With Christ community and connects us to God.

Song Team: T/D Song_______________

Our next talk is on "Piety" and will be given by __________. This talk addresses how to live in total connectedness with God. (personal note about speaker here) Please welcome ___________.

Song Team: Speaker SongVICE DIRECTOR(A) or Speaker reads: Scripture ______

3:30 PM - TALK #5 - LIFE OF PIETY, _______________

(OPTIONAL TIME TO HAVE CROSSING EXPLANATION)(See Sunday Director(a) 4th Day Talk for verbiage)

DIRECTOR(A): Leaves to uncross speaker

VICE DIRECTOR(A) Think about your life. Is it directed toward God? How might you direct your life toward God? Please take a few moments to reflect on this before sharing with your table group. (pause) The CHAS will pass out “Activity” interpretation of a life lived in Piety. Once done you will share your creation with the rest of us.



Chas: PULL STUDY SPEAKER________________

Chas: Have STUDY ACTIVITY materials ready

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Song Team: T/D Song:_______________

DIRECTOR(A): This next speaker will talk on the subject of study. This talk will show us that to know the God of the Word, you must know the Word of God. Please welcome _________

5:00 PM - TALK #6 –GROWTH THROUGH STUDY, __________

Song Team: SPEAKER SONG:__________



DIRECTOR(A): What are some ways you could rearrange your life to free some time for study? What kind of differences do you think regular study of the Bible might make in your life? Please take this much time to think about these questions and then share with your table group. “Activity”

Chas: Check on dinner

Sacristan: Prepare communion for background communion

6:00 PM - DINNER

Servers: _________________ Grace after: ____________

Palanca: Preparation for foot washing, Walk banner,

Chas: how is foot washing coming?

VICE DIRECTOR(A): We will be taking a short break. We will be going back to Pilgrims Inn. When you hear the bell please follow the Chas.



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Song Team: T/D Song:_______________

DIRECTOR(A): This next speaker will talk on the subject of prayer and meditation. This talk will show us that we must spend regular uninterrupted time in the presence of God through the practice of prayer and meditation in order to know His heart and follow His will for our lives. (insert personal note about speaker the same for all speakers) Please welcome ____________

Song Team: SPEAKER SONG:__________

VICE DIRECTOR(A) or Speaker reads: SCRIPTURE_____




DIRECTOR(A): One of the most important lessons I have learned in my walk with the Lord is that of being a servant. Jesus set an example for us at the last supper when He washed His disciple's feet. At first they were confused by his actions but then He explained to them.

8:45 PM - INTRO TO FOOTWASHING, Pastor ________

DIRECTOR(A): Jesus was a model servant, and He showed His servant attitude to his disciples. Washing guests’ feet was a job for a household servant to carry out when guests arrived. But Jesus wrapped a towel around His waist, as the lowliest slave would do, and washed and dried His disciples' feet. Even if He, God in the flesh, is willing to serve; we, his followers must also be servants, willing to serve in any way that glorifies God. There is a special blessing for those who not only agree that humble service is Christ's way, but who also follow through and do it.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): In Jesus day, both men and women wore sandals for shoes. The dust from the streets and pathways made their feet dirty. When a person came into a home of another

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to share a meal, it was the custom of the host to have the feet of the guest washed. It could have been because they reclined at the table and the person sitting beside them was sitting next to their feet. The lowest servant in the household was the one who washed the feet of the guests. As you are being served, think of Jesus who although He was equal to God, lowered Himself to that of the lowest house servant and so lovingly washed the feet of His disciples even the feet of Judas his betrayer. We will call you up by table groups. Please remove your shoes and if you have socks on, remove them also.

We hope, as you take part in this service, you will meditate on how Jesus is asking you to minister to your brothers and sisters. In John 13:12-17 John writes, So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord and you say well, for so I am. If then, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet; you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” Think for a moment what Jesus is calling you to do. Please receive this experience with reverence as you reflect on the importance of servant hood.

When your group is finished, reflect, meditate on this wonderful experience and if you wish, pray together. We will now demonstrate for you what it is we are going to do. Song Team, will you please come forward.


Background music – recorded or live


DIRECTOR(A): We have come to the end of The Day of Faith. We came to this weekend so that we might grow in our Faith. We have followed a path today that will lead us to a fuller life in Grace. Tomorrow we will continue walking that path. If you need to talk with one of the spiritual team, they will be available for as long as you like. Good night.


DIRECTOR(A): Concerns from the tables.Speakers/backups: Don't use Healing Service as counseling session.

Allow candidates to go forward first.Scriptures for Morning Chapel (Choose 2-3 scriptures about love) (Examples: 1 John 4:7, 1 Cor. 13)

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Confirm Fiesta VolunteersSkit – _______Song – ________Poster – __________

Explain Agape Each team member will pair up with a candidate - try to be on the

side of the candidate between Candidate and K\P team member Candidates & team members will circle twice – counter clockwise K/P will leave, clockwise, during the song __________

Special thanks to Kitchen and PalancaCore Team comments: ????Pray over remaining speakers:

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Servers for Saturday (Posted?) Grace: Breakfast: After breakfast: Lunch: After lunch:Dinner: After dinner:Servers for Sunday: (Posted?) Grace: Breakfast: After breakfastLunch: After lunch:

Sunday parking:

Pastor _________: Please close us in prayer.


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Chas: Check heating/cooling


6:15 AM - CORE TEAM PRAYER in Chapel

Pray for Pastor _______


Chas: Pass out Worship Resources books

Chas: Check on breakfast

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Good morning! This is the day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!! Today is your day of Love. As we enter into this day filled with God's immeasurable love and grace, there is no way we humans can comprehend the abundance of His love for us. It is a love that is complete, perfect, without limits or conditions. So great was God's love for us that He sacrificed Jesus, His only true Son to atone for our sins so that we might believe, becoming His children adopted through our faith. His love and mercies are new every morning for each of us. All we have to do is accept it, with faith. Today, accept the gift He is offering so freely and let God's amazing love fill you –

DIRECTOR(A): Please listen now as we hear God's word. Who would like to read Scripture: (any choice of scripture on Love should be listed here)

Now please turn to pg. 12 in your Worship Resources book and (follow along as I read or read together) “A Testimony of Love”.

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(Read reflection/action questions) 2-3 minutes.


Our next meditation will be "THE HUMANITY OF CHRIST" and will be given by Pastor _______

Song Team:________________________

DIRECTOR(A): Breakfast is ready so please follow the Chas to the dining room and sit where ever you like.


Chas: hold back __________

Song Team: "Blessing Song"Servers: ________________Grace after: ____________________



DIRECTOR(A): Welcome to your day of LOVE. We know from John 3:16, "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his unique Son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life.” In the fourth chapter of 1John we are told, "God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God and God in Him."

God accepts us as we are. He does not require us to be perfect, but by accepting His free gift of Love and applying it to our daily lives we can become better at loving one another and find the joy He has intended for each one of us. In Ephesians 3:17-19 it says, "And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. And to know this love that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

God loves us so much, just as we are, that He gave us Jesus to help us. And we are to love as Jesus loves. In John 15:12-13 we read, "This is my commandment: that you love one another as I have loved you. No one shows greater love than when he lays down his life for his friends.”

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Jesus loved us enough to give His life for us. We may not have to die for someone, but there are other ways to practice sacrificial love; listening, helping, encouraging, and giving. Think of someone in particular who needs this kind of love. Give them all the love you can and then try to give a little more.

Our prayer for you on this day of Love, is that you will fully experience that feeling of knowing you are loved. Enjoy this day, your day of love.

8:30 AM - TALK #7 - MEANS OF GRACE, Pastor ________

Song Team: SPEAKER SONG:__________________

DIRECTOR(A): Our next talk is "Means of Grace" and will be given by Pastor ____

Palanca: Have sign for picture ready & banner visible for picture.

Song Team: T/D SONG______________

9:30 AM - TALK #8 - CHRISTIAN ACTION, ________________

Song Team: SPEAKER SONG:____________VICE DIRECTOR(A) or Speaker reads: Scripture:

DIRECTOR(A): Our first talk this morning is "Christian Action" and will center on the type of Christian Action that brings Christ to the world. (personal intro)


VICE DIRECTOR (A): In what ways have you witnessed Christian Action? In what ways have you been or could you be a witness of Christian Action in your life? After spending a few moments reflecting share as a table group and then express your ideas to be shared with all.

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Chas: (OPTION if picture is on Saturday) Check on picture person and set up.

Pencils, notepads, any visual aids for distractions.


Chas: Check for lunch

DIRECTOR(A): Lunch is now ready. Please follow the Chas.

11:30 PM - LUNCH

Chas: Call out __________PASTOR______

Servers: ______________Grace after: ____________


Chas: Check on Healing Service set-up; hammer, nails, (flash paper or paper and burning pot), cross, Kleenex, matches.

12:3O PM - TALK #9 - OBSTACLES TO GRACE, Pastor ________

Song Team: ___________________

DIRECTOR(A): Our next talk is "Obstacles to Grace" and will be given by Pastor __


Chas: Hand out paper and pencils. While concerns are burning outside, set-up Mime Communion! DIRECTOR(A): Gather Spiritual team together for Inn to pray that God

will relieve them of the burdens they have heard.

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Palanca: Palanca bags in designated place after healing service Song Team: Do your song thing – may need filler music while outside



Sacristan: Prepare check to see what the Mime needs

Chas: Check Feast timing.


Kitchen: Beverages available for Pilgrim's sleeping area Core Team: 5:15-20 PM - Servers to Dining Hall dressed

DIRECTOR(A): You will now be given a rather long break. Take time to relax and visit. You will be told when it is time to gather for dinner.

5:30 PM - FEAST

DoxologyIntroduce Servers – Core Team & PastorsGrace after dinner:


Chas: Call out Discipleship Speaker______________

Sacristan: Prepare communion for background service if no Mime communion

7:15 PM - FIESTA !!

Chas: Help keep this mellow and NICE!

VICE DIRECTOR(A): It's time for Fiesta - another Spanish word. This term means party - we're going to have a celebration! You will now have an opportunity to show us highlights of

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your Walk With Christ. There are 3 ways to express yourself. You may wish to be in a skit, create a song, or a poster.

Song: ________ Practice Area: ____________Skit: _________ Practice Area: ____________Poster: ________ Practice Area: ____________


DIRECTOR(A): We will have a short break now to allow you time to take your belongings to your sleeping room and to use the restroom if necessary. You’re may need to bring a jacket or sweater. Then please go quietly up to the sanctuary and sit by table groups.

Chas: Jackets/Sweaters if needed can be piled on a pew in the rear


Palanca: Have Agape invitations ready.

Song Team: T/D SONG:_________

8:45 PM - TALK #10 – DISCIPLESHIP, _____________

Song Team: SPEAKER SONG________VICE DIRECTOR(A) or Speaker reads: Scripture: __

DIRECTOR(A): Our talk this evening is on Discipleship and will address how we can lead others to Christ. (personal note) Please welcome _____________


DIRECTOR(A): One of the privileges we have as children of God is to pray with one another, to bear one another's burdens and to share in one another's rejoicing. As we take a moment of silence now in response to _________ talk, think about your life as a disciple. (Pause) We'd like you to spread out in table groups and use this time for prayer and discussion. When the song team begins to sing, close your time together as quickly as possible.

Song Team: _________________

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Chas: Hand out invitations to Agape

DIRECTOR(A): We are now ready for the final event for this Day of Love. We have been invited, by our Lord, to a banquet given in His honor. Please line up at the back of the sanctuary as your table group is called. You will receive a written invitation. We would like you to walk in pairs and the song team will lead the way.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Call out table names.

Song Team: Song #________________ walking over

9:30 PM - AGAPE

Chas: Check route to Agape, bunch up and get close prior to going in, watch end of line for stragglers.

Song Team: When the Inn is all in, sing #__________Circle room twice. Agape Team: Around room with lanterns, file out as we sing #Song____________

DIRECTOR(A): Welcome to your Agape. This is a celebration, a love feast, prepared by our loving community for our day of love. We read in the Bible that the first Christians often met in the evening for a common meal. It may have been similar to a modern potluck, but often was an especially nice meal that the more fortunate Christians provided for those who had less. It was a sharing of love and concern in the Christian community, the kind of self-giving love, which in the Greek language, is called Agape. This is your agape - the feast of a loving community. You are invited to share at this table by Jesus Christ, not because of anything you have done or have been, but simply because you are. You are loved and respected just for being you. This is the meaning of Agape.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Tonight, we have the opportunity to express our companionship and friendship for one another as we share our bread together. The word "companion" is a combination of two Latin words - "cum (coom) meaning "with" and "panis" meaning bread. Thus, a companion is one with whom we share bread. In Middle Eastern society, to “share from the same loaf” with someone is “to become one with him” or be a part of the family. This is a banquet feast that symbolizes our companionship as we break and share bread becoming one with another. This Love Feast expresses our companionship with Jesus, our friend and brother, who has invited us to be with Him this weekend, and especially tonight. This is a joyous occasion - the table has been prepared with love. It is a very special banquet because you are not

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only guests, you are family - each one of you. Jesus has chosen you and calls forth to you: body, soul, and spirit.

DIRECTOR(A): Will you now approach the table. The bread that you see on the table before you was baked with modern ingredients and in modern appliances - but is still the bread of Jesus' time.

This is a banquet, a celebration, so relax and enjoy your food, drink, and companions. Remember Jesus broke bread and shared it with others, so feel free to share with your sisters/brothers here tonight. (If desired, the Director and Vice can demonstrate the linking of arms while sharing the juice).

Song Team: Chosen “Gathering Song”___ to bring us back together.

DIRECTOR(A): The banquet is now over and it is time for bed. This has been a full day and you will need your rest so you can enjoy tomorrow. Your consideration toward your sisters, in letting them sleep in, will be appreciated. So, please stay in bed in the morning until you are awakened. Think of all the love that surrounded you today . . . through scriptures, the talks, communion, through one another, and through the community in their prayers and sacrifices. Jesus has been with us in this love feast. Go to bed now, wrapped in His love and give him thanks.

Would you join me in prayer? Guide us waking, oh Lord, and guard us sleeping. That awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep we may gather strength and rest in peace. Amen. Good Night.


Chas: Lead them back to sleeping quarters, right to bed, stay there, sleep long!


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Chas: Signs up directing community to gathering place, one Cha outside to direct them, maintain quiet, lanterns ready,

Mañanitas song cards? Flowers ready, Candidates Agape flowers for Director and Vice.

Explain procedure, lights up front to go into rooms first and spread out to light up rooms, let lights get set before entering Candidates flowers in containers.

Team pack/move as needed.


Chas: Help sponsors pack up candidates’ belongings and store??

Cars from church parking lot to street/alternate parking.Check breakfast.Pastor _____ ready?

6:00 AM - CORE TEAM PRAYER (pray for Pastor)


DIRECTOR(A): I would like to take a few moments to explain the meaning of your surprise awakening with song and flowers. This special celebration is called Mañanitas - a Spanish family custom that has become a part of The Walk With Christ through our Cursillo background. On the birthday of a family member, others in the family get up early and go to the birthday person's room to awaken him or her with candles, flowers, and song. It is a special act of love on a special day.

In the same way, your Mañanitas starts a very special day for you - a day of rebirth and renewal - a real birthday. And so, my sisters - good morning and happy birthday! Song Team. could you lead us in the Mañanitas song?

Song Team: Mañanitas.

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Scripture: (any HOPE scripture examples: Romans 15:5-6, 1 Cor. 15:19) (assigned reader or ask if anyone would like to read)


DIRECTOR(A): Our next meditation is “Christ's Message to the Pilgrims”, by Pastor ____

Today is a busy day for this church. Even though we continue our Walk With Christ, the activities will go on as near to normal as possible. We’re going back to the Inn right now to make sure we’ve got everything packed up & stored, if needed, before we head to breakfast. Listen for the [bell] and we’ll gather to head up to breakfast.



Chas: Take Changing Our World speaker_____ out

Have activity ready

Servers: _______________ Grace: ______________

Song Team: Blessing song.Kitchen: Prepare Church reception and put “Thank You” banner up.

8:00 AM - BREAK

Chas: Take out Pastor _______


VICE DIRECTOR(A): The first day of our walk was called the Day of Faith. We began to hear and experience through others what a life of Faith in our Lord should be.

On the second day, the Day of Love we all experienced, in many ways, the Love God has for us through Jesus Christ. God's love sets us free to love others with the same Agape love we felt yesterday.

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The third day of our Walk With Christ is the Day of Hope. Thanks be to God that our Hope lies in Christ's victory and not our own attempts at righteousness. Our blessing for this day of Hope comes from Romans 15:13 "May the God of Hope fill you with all the joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in Hope."

Psalms 62:5-6 says, "For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my Hope is from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. "

So I say, "Thank you, God, for Hope." Without it, where would we be? There is Hope in every promise He has made. As we begin this day of Hope may each of you know and believe the promise of Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for good, and not for evil, to give you Hope and a future."

Song Team: T/D Song ________________

8:20 AM TALK #11 - CHANGING OUR WORLD, ________

Song Team: Speaker Song ___________VICE DIRECTOR(A) or Speaker reads: Scripture: __

DIRECTOR(A): This morning our first speaker will talk with us about "Changing Our World". [intro] Please welcome ___________


DIRECTOR(A): Think of some important areas in your environment where you might impact change by your presence and (explain activity)

9:00 AM INTRO TO CONGREGATIONAL SINGING (this time should be set up with Pastor or Worship leader of the hosting church.)

DIRECTOR(A): Some of you may not be done with your (activity) – that’s OK – you can finish them later. First, we have been asked to give back to this church who has so graciously hosted us this weekend by singing our theme song for their congregation. Please follow the Chas as we make our way up to the Sanctuary.


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Chas: Pastor _______ready?

Chas: Call out Body of Christ speaker _____ for her talk.

9:30 AM TALK #12 - WALKING IN GRACE, Pastor ______

Chas: Check on snacks

Get Service Sheets ready

Song Team: _Pastor song_______________

DIRECTOR(A): Our next talk will conclude our series of clergy talks. This talk is entitled "Walking in Grace" and will be given by Pastor ___________

10:00 AM TALK #13 - BODY OF CHRIST, ____________

Song Team: T/D Song ________________

Song Team: Speaker Song_____________VICE DIRECTOR(A) or Speaker reads: Scripture: __

DIRECTOR(A): Our next talk is titled, "The Body of Christ" and will address how each of us are members of the "body" and what our responsibilities are as part of the "body." Help me welcome ____________

VICE DIRECTOR(A) stays out to dress after uncrossing speaker


DIRECTOR(A): We going to take a short break and have some snacks while we think about what _________ has shared, and then share with one another what we have learned about being a part of the Body of Christ.


VICE DIRECTOR(A) __________

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Song Team: Speaker Song_____________

Chas: Ready to hand out Service Sheets only to Candidates. Name on bottom front and Table name on top front. Collect back to distribute at Crossing Ceremony in afternoon.

DIRECTOR(A): Our next talk is on "Perseverance". Would you please welcome my Vice Director(a) ___________________________(personal intro)


DIRECTOR(A): I now have the pleasure of introducing you to the rest of the Pilgrims Inn team gathered here this weekend to serve our Lord through the Walk. I would like to refer to them as "table disciples" and I hope you realize that they remained members of your table groups for good and appropriate reasons. For each speaker that has shared with us this weekend, there has also been a "back-up". The back-up speaker is a team member who has also come fully prepared to give a talk just in case the speaker wasn't able. They have actively participated with you in seeking knowledge and a closer relationship with our Lord this weekend. It takes a special kind of servant to get dressed up for the party, then never get to dance!

Introduce Table Disciples: Priority________, Priesthood of All Believers_________, Piety_______, Growth through Study_________, Prayer and Meditation___________, Christian Action_________, Discipleship______________, Changing Our World___________, Body of Christ____________.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): At this time, I would like you to meet the men/women of your palanca team.


Palanca in the open, introduce them.Recorder: Explain contents of 4th Day envelope.MOP TALK Given by (Advocate or Head Cha)

DIRECTOR(A): It’s time for lunch! You will need to take all your belongings with you to Lunch as we will not be coming back to the Pilgrim’s Inn. So gather your things & let’s go eat!

12:00 PM - LUNCH

KITCHEN / PALANCA SKITS (If you are doing them)

Palanca & Love Team set up ________ room with chairs only for Crossing service set up – have kneeler, candidate crosses,

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Service Cards, and Cross Explanation cards ready

Chas: DIRECTOR(A) out NOW, hurry and dress


Song Team: Speaker Song (Theme Song of Walk)

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Our next and last speaker will be speaking about our 4th day in our Walk With Christ weekend. (personal intro) I am honored to introduce your Director(a). Please welcome DIRECTOR(A)___________

(OPTIONAL TIME) Speaker Crossing Explanation

VICE DIRECTOR(A): You may have wondered about the courage and ability that the speakers have shown when presenting their talks. I am sure they had these same thoughts when they made their own Walk with Christ. I know I did. They have found that help from the Holy Spirit is something real and living.You have probably noticed that each speaker who presents a talk to us is wearing this wooden cross. It is called a speaker’s cross and it represents Christ in His great sacrifice for us. The cross reminds each speaker that it is Christ whom he (she) represents in words as well as deeds. And it is the Holy Spirit who empowers him (her) to share the talk with us.

There is so much power behind the cross - the cross is what saved each of us. This wooden cross is not magic, but the power it represents is awesome! As each speaker kneels, the cross is placed around her neck and prayers of courage and strength are spoken for her. Prayers are also lifted up for those of us who hear the message brought before us . . . . that our hearts as well as our ears would be open.

We would like to demonstrate this for you now.

1:30 PM - TALK #15 - 4TH DAY TALK, DIRECTOR(A)_____

Short discussion depending on how much time you have…

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1:55 PM – MOVE TO _______ ROOM (for crossing)

Chas/Palanca: Closura set up in Sanctuary.

Speakers Cross on podium with candidate questions, Kleenex.

Team area roped off.

Sacristan: Prepare communion for Closura


DIRECTOR(A): You have no doubt noticed that those of us who have made our Walks With Christ are wearing a rather special cross. We received ours when we made our Walks, and we wear them to all Walk With Christ functions. It is now time for you to receive your cross and your service sheets which you saw this morning. Before the crosses are actually presented, I'd like to tell you a little bit about them. They are not your prize or diploma for completing this weekend. Rather, they are the symbol of the commitment you are making here today. Your crosses were made by Pilgrims as their Palanca to you. I received the crosses accompanied by a letter that I wish to read to you.

"These crosses are Palanca to each pilgrim as an expression of love for them and what God is doing in their lives from a number of individuals in The Walk With Christ community. In one city the nails are sorted for size, bent, filed and assembled into component “kits” and shipped to “assemblers” in other cities in Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Northeastern Oregon. These craftsmen soldered and polished the metal into the finished crosses. During an early part of this walk, members of the Palanca Team strung the cross with leather and knotted the beads onto the cord. At each stage of this process the person was praying for the person who would receive and wear this cross. Your cross then went to the Prayer Vigil to be prayed over hourly for 24 hours prior to you receiving it. We all wish to remain anonymous because all the praise and the glory belong to God. The horse-shoe nail crosses came out of the tradition of the Cursillo movement, via our Catholic and Episcopal brothers and sisters in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. It is because we have been asked, “Why is this cross used as a symbol of The Walk With Christ?” that we offer this explanation: We all know that Golgotha was an ugly scene--Christ on the cross bleeding and dying for a lost world--but, from this most appalling scene the world ever witnessed, a paradise of peace and love sprang forth, and the cross became the symbol of man’s deliverance from the penalty and power of sin. The horse-shoe nail cross was chosen as one that could be made locally and be unique to The Walk With Christ brothers and sisters.”

Each Director(a) is given one of these crosses, made and strung with yours.

VICE DIRECTOR(A): On Thursday evening, your sponsors were able to hold your cross and pray for your weekend at the sponsor service. As the Palanca team strung the crosses and knotted the beads for them, they lifted you up to the Lord. We use the colors of the beads to

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represent different aspects of your Walk With Christ weekend. The figure of Christ on the Cross is our reminder of the price Christ paid for us.

On one side of the cross : Green - Day of Faith (1st Day) Red - Day of Love (2nd Day) Blue - Day of Hope (3rd Day) Yellow - God's Blessing for you in the 4th Day

On the other side of the cross: White - Piety Brown - Study Orange - Action Purple - Sacraments

DIRECTOR(A): As your table group is called, all of you are asked to come forward. Then Vice Director(a) will call your name and we ask that you come forward and kneel. As you receive your cross, you will be told "Christ is counting on you." Your response will be, "And I am counting on Him!" When everyone at your table has received his (her) cross and service sheet, please share a hug and return to your seats.

Pastor _____: Bless the crosses, service cards and cross explanation cards

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Call table groups forward.

After the new Pilgrim is crossed give them their Service Card and the Cross-Explanation Card.

DIRECTOR(A): Join me in our theme song.

Song Team: _________________________

(If this is part of a couples Walk) DIRECTOR(A): (WOMEN’S WALK) I would like to introduce you to a very special person, someone you will be pleased to meet. His name is _________ and he was the director on the men's Walk two weeks ago. Please give him a warm welcome. (MEN’S WALK) I would like to introduce you to a very special person, someone you will be pleased to meet. Her name is _________and she will be the Directora on the Women’s Walk in two weeks.

Introduce Directors of Men’s Walk – _____________

VICE DIRECTOR(A): Introduce Secretariat Representative

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Secretariat Representative- _____________________

DIRECTOR(A): We are now nearing the end of our "Walk With Christ". While the 3 days must come to end, the fourth day will continue the rest of your life. You are on the threshold of a new beginning - a new relationship with Christ. Recall that on Thursday evening, we read the story about the two friends who met and walked with the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus. At the close of that story the two men recognized the Lord.

Starting in Luke 24:31 we read: "And their eyes were open and they recognized Him and He vanished out of their sight. They said to each other, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us on the road, while He opened up to us the scriptures?" And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem and they found the 11 gathered together and those who were with them, who said, "The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!" Then they told what had happened on the road, and how He was known to them in the breaking of the bread.

These men ran to tell their closest friends about what had happened. Should we want to do less, after experiencing the love and presence of our Risen Lord during these last three days? I would like to have you reflect on these questions:

1. What has The Walk With Christ meant to you?2. What are you going to do as a result of it?


Quick time over the 2 questions

DIRECTOR(A): We have one more place to go before we leave for home. Please gather your things and follow the Song team. We are going to sing to the Kitchen and Palanca teams in the sanctuary before they go home, as a Thank You.


Chas: Usher communion row by row starting in the back.

DIRECTOR(A): We have one more term to introduce to you. Welcome to Closura, another Spanish word for you meaning "Closing". This is the closing of your Walk With Christ weekend. It is the end of the weekend experience in Christian living, and its purpose is to open the door to a new life - a new relationship with Christ throughout your Fourth day.

The people who are here are a sample of those who have reached out in love to you this weekend. They have been praying and sacrificing for you. Now they come in person to express their love and concern for you. The team and community who have been God's instruments this

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weekend, have given of themselves in His name. It has been Agape love, freely given, expecting nothing in return. They neither expect nor want any credit. Let me repeat that. They neither expect nor want any credit.

The sharing that occurs on a Walk With Christ weekend progresses as the weekend unfolds. On Thursday night, the sharing began with us individually during the silent time. Then we opened up our sharing to our table groups and eventually to all of us in the Pilgrims Inn. Now you have an opportunity to share with The Walk With Christ community. You will find here the same kind of loving and supportive community you found with the Pilgrims Inn.

Earlier I asked you two questions:

1. What has The Walk With Christ meant to you?2. What are you going to do as a result of it?

The Walk With Christ community would like to hear your response to these questions so that they may support you with their love and prayers. The team, your sponsors, and the community have all have been instruments of God this weekend.

They neither seek, nor desire thanks from you - so, PLEASE direct your thanks to our Living God not the people here.

If you desire, and only if you desire, I give you the opportunity to share your response to the weekend with your brothers and sisters. There is ample time for all to share. Please come to the microphone - give your name, church and city. The speaker's cross is available to you if you need an extra amount of courage--we will be praying for you. My brothers/sisters the microphone is yours!


DIRECTOR(A): Many people have worked this weekend to make it as special as possible for you. You have already met the Kitchen and Palanca teams who gave so lovingly of themselves this weekend. You also know those who shared within the Pilgrims Inn. But there are two other teams that have been less visible to you. The Love Team came early in the week and got the church ready for our arrival. They came Saturday night to give the kitchen team a break after the feast. They were here early this morning to get the church ready for worship service and Sunday school, and they will be here long after we are gone, making sure the church is as neat as it was before we arrived. The incredible men (women) who chaired this team are ________________. Will they please stand. And now would the rest of those who worked on the love team please stand and remain standing.

The other special team came in last night and set up our beautiful Agape Feast - _________. And would the rest of the Agape Team please stand and remain standing.

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Page 52: Short Schedule  · Web view2021. 3. 28. · The word "companion" is a combination of two Latin words - "cum (coom) meaning "with" and "panis" meaning bread. Thus, a companion is

There are others. Will anyone who wrote palanca, provided transportation, or meals, or who prayed for us please stand. I give to you - The Walk With Christ community!

Before we have a chance to join them, I want to again introduce to you a Representative of the Secretariat ___.

Pass the bell to (next Director(a), City of Walk, Date of Walk _____

Secretariat Representative invites Clergy to pray over next Director(a). The Community sings the Spirit of the Living God over the new Director(a).

CHAS: Be prepared to hand out the communion liturgy sheets to the candidates as they join their sponsors.

DIRECTOR(A): Will the sponsor's please stand so your candidates can join you. Candidates you may now go to sit with your sponsors.

This can be a time when the core team gathers at the front of the sanctuary for a final team prayer. (OPTION)

Pastor _________We will now share together in Holy Communion. I want to stress that communion is a sacrament and we need to approach the table that the Lord has prepared in reverence. Therefore, I would ask as we share the bread and wine, that we quiet ourselves before the Lord. The song team will play music, and you are encouraged to sing as we are served, but I ask that you wait until the meal is finished for everyone before you begin fellowship with one another. Once the pastors have blessed the elements the Chas will usher the back pews to come forward first. There will be ____ (determine if this number is sufficient or appropriate for this sanctuary) stations for receiving.

Pastor _____: gives instructions for Communion. This is very important to maintain reverent atmosphere. You must use the TWWC Communion Liturgy found in the Trailer. Chas should be instructed to usher starting from last row so when people go forward, around outside they can return to their seats behind those going forward. Song team begins playing immediately to discourage chitchat.

Song Team: Final song "He is Alive"


(If you choose not to do it while the New Pilgrims are getting situated with their Sponsors.)

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Page 53: Short Schedule  · Web view2021. 3. 28. · The word "companion" is a combination of two Latin words - "cum (coom) meaning "with" and "panis" meaning bread. Thus, a companion is

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