short story

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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a short story of a warrior fighting some evil doers


A young man, sword at his side, wanders to a villiage. The man looks fit, tall, his face is obscured by a hood. It was early morning, the sun was just coming up, leaving small orange rays to dance along the ground. There was a slight breeze, as the cold night air faded away, to make way for the warmth of the sun. By the time the man reached the bridge that leads to the villiage, the sun is the dominant feature of the sky. He comes to the old bridge, a sturdy, wooden structure, it showed mild signs of age. As the man crossed the bridge, he passed by a few thuggish looking people, carrying a squirming woman. Something boiled up in the man. He spoke only once "I think it would be best for you to let that woman go." He turned around to get a better look at the men. There were four of them. One was very large, around 6 foot 5 inches, and carried an equally large sword, and the woman. two of them looked like the generic thugs, nothing special. The last man looked to be the leader, he had an ornate sword, tattoos of all kinds, gold rings for every finger, and the look of an experienced fighter. As the man said this, the leader spoke up "Is that so? You hear that boys? Apparently, we should let her go! Do you also want us to dress in monkey suits and parade around town, master?" The leader spoke in an arrogant voice. The man said nothing more, he only moved his hand to his blade, in a final warning. The leader laughed "Haha! I like this guy's style! You two" He pointed to the smaller thugs "Get him." As the leader said this, the two thugs drew their blades and rushed to the man. In one fluid motion, the man drew his sword, then cut through the first thug, as if he wasn't even there. The second thug hesitated before continuing his bull rush to his target. The man then lowered his sword, then let the thug run himself off the bridge, and on to the ground below. "Looks like this one has some fight in him!" The leader said in ammusement "Well, big guy, have fun!" he said as he made a waving motion to the larger thug. He set the woman down, then drew his sword. His stomps made loud thuds on the wooden bridge. He swung down with all the force of a meteor strike, shattering a portion of the bridge. The man had disapeared from his point on the bridge. The larger thug looked confused, but laughed thinking he killed the man, only to be interrupted by the sound of footsteps. The man had manuvered behind him, and stabbed his sword into the thug's back. The thug fell forward into the hole he made. There was silence for a moment, then the sound of the man sheathing his sword. "It would appear I have underestimated you, I would like to know, what is the name of such a warrior?" The man removed his hood "You may call me Nobody." He said in a cold voice. His face looked young, but also hardened. There was a small silence between the two, lasting a few moments. "I see, you're one of those mysterious types, well then, I am somebody, as in, Somebody who's gonna slit your throat and drink your blood!" The leader said as he drew his blade. The man returned this gesture, taking his time to do so. They both sized eachother up for a brief moment, waiting to see who would strike first. The leader grew impatient and went in for an attack. A loud clang could be heard as the man parried his attack and returned with his own. The leader barely dodged the attack, leaving a cut in his shirt, with a small ammount of blood leaking through. The leader striked as hard as he could, the man blocked it expertly, then threw the leader away. "You are truley lucky this day, I will leave you and the girl be, for now. Just remember, I control a great many people in these parts, you better watch yourself" The leader spoke in a more humbled voice. "Then you better be off, if you truly wish to leave" the man said. The leader then sheathed his sword and walked away. The man walked to the woman, "Are you okay?" he said in a comforting voice. "Y-yes, thank you" the woman said as he removed her bondings. She was a young woman, no more then 20, with long dark hair and green eyes. "I am Alice" the woman said after a moment of silence "do you have a name, or would you prefer I didn't know?" she asked. "Raven" the man said hesitently. "Thank you Raven" Alice said, bowing her head. Raven got up and looked at the village on the other side of the bridge. "Is this your home?" Raven said while still looking at it. The village was small, with only a few aged buildings. It looked to have a farm, with a few animals. It was quiet, which was something Raven thought was odd. Every village he'd been to before had been full of life. "Yes..." Alice said looking down to the ground "I hope everyone is still alright." Alice looked worried and her feet kicked at the rocks on the ground below. Raven looked at the village once more "Are you afraid there are more of them there?" Alice looked up and nodded. Raven grabbed the handle of his sword and said "I'll escort you back home, then."