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Maths Funda & Shortcuts


Problems on Numbers with Solutions

The basic problem with us is, we all are get used to the simple life. We want things appear to be simpler. If we find the question likewhat will be the value of (2/3)*(1/5)*(3/7)*5, we just solve it in a fraction of seconds. But if we come across the questions likewhat will be the two third of one fifth of three seventh of fivethen we just skip to the next question. Where is problem? The problem is with our mindset. All of us keep on telling our minds that these questions are hard. But trust me guys, these are very simple problems to solve. All that you have to do is, to just put your mind on the problem. Here, with this post we are giving you some problems that appears to be harder at first glance but really very simple to solve. These are very important for any competitive exam. All the best and Happy Reading :)

1. If two third of one fifth of three seventh of a number is 4, what is the number?Solution :

Two Third of X is nothing but(2/5)XOne Fifth of X is nothing but(1/5)XThree Seventh of X is nothing but(3/7)X

So, here two third of one fifth of three seventh of a number is 4, that means

2. If three fifth of two seventh of a number is 24, what is its 40% ?Solution :

here we need 40% cent of the number.

40 per cent means (40/10)th of the given number.

So, (40/100)*140 =56is the required answer.

3. If three fourth of two third of a number is 12, what is the sum of its digits?Solution:

(3/4)*(2/3)*X = 12So we get the number X = 24

the sum of its digits is 2+4 = 6

4. Two third of the first number is same as three fourth of the second number. What is their ratio ?Solution :Generally people tend to find out first and second numbers at first and later will find out their ratios. But there is a simple technique to solve these type of problems.

say First number isFand the second number isS,

given that (2/3)*F = (3/4)*S

so, F/S = (3/4)*(3/2) = 9/8

what are you waiting for? the required ratio is 9:8 ;) simple.. isn't it?

5. Sum of two digits number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 44. What is the sum of the digits of the number ?Solution :Assume that the two digits of the given number areXandYGiven that,

So, the sum of the two digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits will be,

(10X+Y)+(10Y+X) = 44

=> 11X + 11Y = 44

so, X+Y =4

6. Difference between a two digits number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 36. What is the difference between the digits of the number ?Solution :Same process as above,

(10X+Y) - ( 10Y+X) = 36

10X+ Y - 10Y - X = 36

=> 9X - 9Y = 36

X - Y = 4 so required answer is4

7. Sum of a two digits number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 55. Which of the following could be the difference between the digits of the number ?1. 22. 33. 44. 75. 8Solution :

10X+ 10Y + X = 5511X + 11 Y = 55 => X+Y= 5

we know thesum of the two numbers (x+y) is 5and we also know that theSum of a two digits number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 55

So, now we should check combinations of X+Y=5 , the combinations should be(1,4), (3,2)

Now we should check the second ruleSum of a two digits number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits should be 55

According to this rule, we are getting numbers (32, 23), (14,41), (23, 32), (41, 14).Just check the given multiple choice options in the exam and choose the suitable option.

According to the given options the answer should be3.(The difference between numbers 1 and 4.

Some important points to keep in mind : Thesumof a 2 digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is always divisible by 11. Thedifferencebetween a two digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is always divisible by 9. If thesumof a 2 digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits of that number is given, thedifferenceof the digits cannot be exactly found. If thedifferenceof a 2 digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits of that number is given, thesumof the digits cannot be exactly found.8. Sum of the digits of a two digits number is 9. When the digits are interchanged the number will be decreased by 9. What is the number?Solution:

Given that,X+Y = 9 --------------------(1)

and when the digits are interchanged, the number will be decreased by 9. That means(10X + Y) - (10Y+X) = 9

10X + Y - 10Y - X = 9

9X - 9Y = 9

=>X-Y = 1--------------------(2)

So, 2X = 10

=> X = 5

from (1), Y will be 4.

So the number is54

9. When 45 is added to a number, it will be increased by 20%. What is the number ?Solution:

Then number is increased by 20%. That means the number is becoming 100%+ 20% = 120%

(X+ 45) = (120/100) X

100X + 4500 - 120 X = 0

=> X = 225

Shortcut Method :

if we add 45, the number is increasing 20%

then how much should we add to make it 100 %??

20% ------ 45

100% -------- ???

here we should multiply 20 with 5 to get 100. So just multiply 45 with the same 5.

So you will get 45 X 5 =225

10. When 20 is subtracted from a number, it will be decreased by its 25%. What is the number ?Solution :

same logic25% ----------- 20100% ----------- ?

So, the answer is 20 X 4 = 80

Problems on Ages with ShortcutsAge, a period of human life measured by years from birth, some people have 15 years, some may have 32 years and some good people like me always have 22 years (of course I am 22 from last 3 years, now don't ask me how). Generally you may get 3 replies when you tried to know anybody's age.1. They may tell you their true age.2. They may tell you some false and standard age (like me).3. Or you may return rubbing your cheek with sad face if the answerer was an unknown girl.But, the people in our competitive exams are lil different. They wont answer any question in direct manner. Instead of it saying a number, they just will say you some fraction or ratio, or just link their age to their relatives' or friend's age and ask you to guess their age. Ofcourse it sounds irritating. Usually we give a dirty look at the person and let him / her go in their way. But in exams, we don't have any other option except finding their real age. So here are some shortcut techniques to made the process of finding ages easier.We shall discuss the tricks with some examples so that you easily can understand them.

1. The average age of Khan, Kapoor, Kumar, Bachhan and Roshan is 28 years. The average age of Bachhan and Roshan is 25 years. What is the average age of Khan, Kapoor and Kumar ?

Solution :

Here 5 persons' average ( Khan, Kapoor, Kumar, Bachhan and Roshan) age is = 28 Years.

That means their total age = 5 X 28 = 140 Years.

similarly, average age of two persons (Bachhan and Roshan) is 25 years.

So their total age = 25 X 2 = 50 Years.

here140years is the total age of5 persons ( Khan, Kapoor, Kumar,Bachhan and Roshan)50 years is the total age of 2 persons (Bachhan and Roshan)

So obviously, the total age of Khan, Kapoor and Kumar = Total age of ( Khan, Kapoor, Kumar,Bachhan and Roshan) - Total age of (Bachhan and Roshan)

= 140-50 = 90 years.

But here we need average age of these 3 persons.

=> 90/3 = 30 Years

Shortcut Method :

((5 X 28) - (2 X 25)) / 3 = (140-50)/ 3 = 90/3 = 30 Years

2. The ratio between the ages of Kareena and Sonam is 5:8 respectively and difference between their ages after 5 years will be 12 years. What is the present age of Kareena ?

Solution :Usually for these type of questions people start with present age asXand adding 5 to get the ages after 5 years and later solve those equations. But its very time consuming.

A simple logic here is if the age difference between you and your friend is 8 years, after 5 or 10 years also the difference will be same. Hope you are getting what I am trying to say ;)

now see, the ratio between their ages is5 : 8

That means their actual ages will be some5Xand8X

Then the difference between their agesis5X-8Xin the question it is given that the difference is 12 years => 5X-8X = 12 => 3X=12 => X = 4

So obviously Kareena's age = 5(4) = 20

3. Abhi is 30 years younger than his mother Jaya. Five years ago, Abhi was 1/4 as old as his mother was. How old is Abhi today ?

Solution :

5 years ago the ratio between their ages was Abhi : Jay a=1X : 4X

we know that Hari is 30 years younger than Jaya. That means the difference between their ages is 30.

=> 3X = 30 => X = 10.

But this is the age of 5 years ago. So, the present age will be =10+5 = 15 Years

4. At present the ratio of the ages of Anand and Milind is 4 : 7 respectively. 6 years hence it will be 7 : 10 respectively. What is the present age of Milind ?

Solution :

Present ratio of their ages is 4 : 7(So their present ages will be 4X, 7X)

After six years it will be of 7 : 10

=> (4x+6) : (7x+6) = 7 : 10

=> 40x + 60 = 49X + 42 (Cross Multiplication)

=> 9x = 18

=> x = 2

So Milind's present age will be 7X2 = 14 Years

Shortcut :

There is a shortcut formula for finding X

here, New ratio difference is 3, Added number is 6 (years)Cross multiplication difference is 49-40 = 9

=> X = (3 x 6) / 9 = 2

So Milind's present age will be 7X2 = 14 Years

5. Ten years ago the ratio between the ages of Mohan and Suman was 3:5 respectively. 11 years hence it will be 11:16 respectively. What is the present age of Mohan?

Solution :

10 years ago 3x : 5x -------------> Old Ratio

11 years hence 11x : 16x -------------> New Ratio

here the difference between ages is21 years(10 years ago + 11 years hence)

apply above formula here

New ratio difference is (16-11) = 5

Added or substracted number (difference between ages) is = 21

Old and new ratios cross multiplication difference is = 55 - 48 = 7

==> X = (5 x 21) / 7 = 15

present age of mohan is = his age of 10 years ago + 10 = 3x15 + 10 = 55 years

6. Amar is as much younger than Raja as he is older than Kiran. If the ages of Amar and Raja are 30 years and 36 years respectively, what is the age ofKirannow ?

Solution :Simple logic....Amar is as much younger than Raja as he is older than Kiran. Try to understand this sentence. According to this sentence you can understand that

Amar is younger than Raja that means there is some X years difference between Amar and Raja. Amar is older than Kiranwith same age difference (X years) between Amar and Kiran.

But we know that the ages of Amar and Raja are 30 and 36 years.

So the difference between their ages is = 6 years

So the difference between Amar and Kiran should be = 6 years.

We know the age of Amar as 30 years and Kiran is younger than Amar for 6 years. So he should be of24 years.

With a single glance you can calculate answer for these type of problems.

7. The average age of a class of 20 students is 20 years. When the age of the teacher is also included, the average will be increased by 2 years. What is the age of the teacher ?

Solution :Simple logic,we know that 20 students' average = 20 years20 people total age = 20 x 20 = 400 years

Including Teacher's

21 people average = 22 years

21 people total age = 21 x 22 = 462

we know the age of 20 students = 400 Yeras

we know the age of 21 people (20 students+ Teacher) = 462

so the age of Teacher will be 462-400 = 62 Years

8. The average age of a wife and husband, who were married 10 years ago, was 20 years then. Including a child the present average age of the family is 23 years. What is the present age of the child?

Solution :

10 year's ago average age = 20 years10 year's ago total age = 20 x 2 = 40 years.

to calculate their present total age, you should add 20 (10 for wife and 10 for husband) to the age of 10 years ago

=> 40+20 = 60 years (this is the present age of husband and wife)----------- (1)

according to the given data, present average age of the family of3 members is =23 years

so Total age of 3 members = 23 x 3 = 69 years.------------------(2)

but we know the present age of Husband and Wife = 60 years

so from equations (1) and (2), we can get the present age of the child is = 9 years

9. Five years ago the average age of a family of five members was 27 years then. Including a child the present average age is still same today. What is the age of the child now ?

Solution :

5 years back average = 27 years

present average should be 5 +27 = 32 Years

So total age of the 5 members at present = 5 x 32 = 160 years-----------------(1)

but its given that including the child, the present average is 27 years.

=> the total age of 6 members at present = 6 x 27 = 162 years-----------------(2)

so from (1) and (2), you can easily get that the present age of the child is 2 years

10. The ratio between the ages of Karan and Arjun is 9:5 and sum of their ages at present is 56 years. How old will karan be after 4 years ?

Solution :

according to given data their ages should be 9x, 5x

their present age = 9x+5x = 56 ==> 14x = 56

so x = 4

so present age of Karan is 9 x 4 = 36 years

after 4 years, 36+4 = 40 years :)


Percentage is nothing but a fraction, whose denominator is 100. The actual meaning of Per-Cent is per every 100. It is usually denoted by the sign%and sometimes shortened as P.C.

Eg. 5/100 is called 5 per cent (or 5%)

Here 5, which is the numerator is called the rate per cent.

In the same way 18% means 18/100 (18 out of 100)

In the same way 18% means 18/100 (18 out of 100)

Percentage is the the standard way to compare two quantities. Suppose we want to compare to fractions (4/50) and (9/25), make the denominator 100 for both the fractions.

So,4/50 = 8/100 => means 8 out of 1009/25 = 36/100 => means 36 out of 100

so, (4/50) > (9/25)

Have a look at some important points about Percentages.

5% of Rs. 200 means (5/100)X(200/1) = 10 (remember guys, 'Of' meansmultiplication). 75% is equivalent to 75/100 = 3/4 Increase % = (increase/original) X (100)

Have a look at some short forms of percentages before doing some problems (better try to remember these)

5 % = 5/100 = 1/20 = 0.05 6 1/4 % = 25/400 = 1/16 = 0.0625 10 % = 10/100 = 1/10 = 0.1 12 1/2 % = 25/200 = 1/8 = 0.125 16 2/3 % = 50/300 = 1/6 = 0.166 20% = 20/100 = 1/5 = 0.2 25% = 25/100 = 1/4 = 0.25 33 1/3 % = 100 / 300 = 1/3 = 0.33 40 % = 40 / 100 = 2 / 5 = 0.4 50 % = 50 / 100 = 1/2 = 0.5 60 % = 60 / 100 = 3/5 = 0.6 66 2/3 % = 200/300 = 2/3 = 0.66 75 % = 75 / 100 = 3/4 = 0.75 80 % = 80 / 100 = 4 / 5 = 0.8 90 % = 90 / 100 = 9/10 = 0.9 100% = 100 / 100 = 1 125 % = 125 / 100 = 5 / 4 = 1.25 150 % = 150 / 100 = 3/2 = 1.5Permutations and Combinations Basics

Friends, in this post we shall discuss about another important topic of Aptitude Section,Permutations and Combinations. Lets start with definitions. Ofcourse all of you might have already tried to learn the standard definitions of Permutations and Combinations and almost fed up with them. So now we are not going to repeat those technical definitions again. Lets try to understand in simple words, what is permutation and what is combination.

In my school days I have a BIG confusion on which one is permutation and which one is combination. Then my uncle told me a simple technique to remember them without confusion.

He said,permutation is always complicated than combination

In simple words If the orderis important, it is aPermutation. If the orderis not important, it is aCombination.Still confused ? lets discuss with examples.

Permutation :Assume that I have 4 letters (A, B, C and D). Now if anybody asks me to write down all thepermutationsof 3 of these letters.....ABC BAC CAB DABACB BCA CBA DBAABD BAD CAD DACADB BDA CDA DCAACD BCD CBD DBCADC BDC CDB DCB

So, there are 24 permutations in total. Here theorder is important. In other wordsACBis different,BCAis different,CBAis different andABCis different (even-though they all are formed with same group letters).

Combination :As we have already discussed, the collection of letters is important here, not the order. That means, if you have ABC in your set that's enough. So you cant claim ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA... for combinations. These all are 1 combination of lettersA, BandC.So, from the given 4 letters (A, B, C and D), You can write the combination of 3 of those lettersABC ABD ACD BCD

hope you have got the basic concept now.

Now lets have a look at the technical side, before going to calculate Permutations and Combinations, you should know the word Factorial.

Factorial :The factorial of a number, represented byn!, is the product of the natural numbers up to and includingn

In simple words, the Factorial of thenumber nis the number of ways that the n elements of a group can be ordered.So, if somebody ask you a question,how many different ways six people can sit at a table with six chairs,you should say them its 6! = 6 5 4 3 2 1 = 720.

Note :We treat0! as 1How to Calculate Permutations ?There is a simple formula for calculating permutations.Number of all permutations ofnitems, takenrat a time, is given by:

nPr=n(n- 1)(n- 2) ... (n-r+ 1)


n above casenis 4 andris 3

So,nPr= P(n,r) = 24

How to Calculate Combinations ?

Important Note :To calculate combinations, First you should calculate all the equivalent permutations. Later you should correct this list by cutting out duplicates / repetitions.Now lets have a look at the mathematical formula for Combinations..nCr=n!=n(n- 1)(n- 2) ... ...r.


n above casenis 4 andris 3, so

nCr = C(n,r) = 4