shyam-vidya ayurved p.g. entrance ... 2010 english version.pdf · upsc 2010 (a synonym of success...

23 UPSC 2010 1 (A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance) Shyam-Vidya Ayurved P.G. Entrance Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.) UPSC Test Paper 2010 By- Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09826438399, 09993961427 (1) In Vatik unmad, Bhaya darsana is upasaya of which type ? (a) Hetu viparitarthakari (b) Vyadhi viparitarhakari (c) Hetu viparita (d) Vyadhi viparita (2) Caraka indicates abhyanga with pinda taila for which one of the following disease ? (a) Vatarakta (b) Amavata (c) Sandhivata (d) Sandhigat jwara (3) How many anuvasana basti are given in yogabasti ? (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 16 (4) Which one of the following disease is not caused by sansargaj nidana ? (a) Rajayaksma (b) Ksata ksina (c) Kstaja kasa (d) Hridroga (5) Which one of the following is the correct sequence of dosa vyapati in kusta ? (a) Twak-Rakta- Mamsa-Lasika (b) Twak-lasika-rakta- mamsa (c) Mamsa- Rakta-Lasika-Twak (d) Mamsa-Lasika-Rakta-Twak (6) Which one of the following is useful in switra ? (a) Bakuci (b) Khadir (c) Nimba (d) Sariva

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1(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

Shyam-Vidya Ayurved P.G. Entrance Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)UPSC Test Paper – 2010

By- Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09826438399, 09993961427

(1) In Vatik unmad, Bhaya darsana is upasaya of which type ?(a) Hetu viparitarthakari(b) Vyadhi viparitarhakari(c) Hetu viparita(d) Vyadhi viparita

(2) Caraka indicates abhyanga with pinda taila for which one of the following disease ?(a) Vatarakta(b) Amavata(c) Sandhivata(d) Sandhigat jwara

(3) How many anuvasana basti are given in yogabasti ?(a) 3(b) 5(c) 8(d) 16

(4) Which one of the following disease is not caused by sansargaj nidana ?(a) Rajayaksma(b) Ksata ksina(c) Kstaja kasa(d) Hridroga

(5) Which one of the following is the correct sequence of dosa vyapati in kusta ?(a) Twak-Rakta- Mamsa-Lasika(b) Twak-lasika-rakta- mamsa(c) Mamsa- Rakta-Lasika-Twak(d) Mamsa-Lasika-Rakta-Twak

(6) Which one of the following is useful in switra ?(a) Bakuci(b) Khadir(c) Nimba(d) Sariva

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2(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(7) “Sunaksikuta” is the symptom of :(a) Sotha(b) Udara roga(c) Ama vata(d) Pandu

(8) What is the toxic effect of aruskara ?(a) Vamana(b) Virecana(c) Mutral(d) Udarda

(9) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given belowthe lists :

List- I List- II(A) Snuhi (1) Rasayana(B) Bhallatak (2) Ksarakarmakara(C) Ahiphena (3) Krmikustahara(D) Jayapala (4) Madak

Code :A B C D

(a) 4 3 2 1(b) 2 1 4 3(c) 4 1 2 3(d) 2 3 4 1

(10) The purification of gandhaka can be done by using which one of the following ?(a) Nimba swarasa(b) Churnodaka(c) Haridra swarasa(d) Bhrngaraja swarasa

(11) Which one of the following possesses kesaranjana property ?(a) Haridara(b) Manjistha(c) Bhringaraja(d) Vaca

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3(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(12) What is the useful part of Mallotus philipponensis muell ?(a) Phala(b) Phalaraja(c) Puspa(d) Mula

(13) What is the botanical name of apamarga ?(a) Andrographis paniculata(b) Abutilon indicum (Linn)(c) Acacia leucophloea(d) Achryranthes aspera

(14) What is the sanskrit name of Acorus calamus?(a) Vatsanabha(b) Vidanga(c) Vaca(d) Sariva

(15) Which one of the following is useful in asthibhagna ?(a) Gandha taila(b) Kasisa taila(c) Pinda taila(d) Gandhaka druti

(16) Which one of the following drugs acts as medhya ?(a) Ahiphena(b) Vaca(c) Mandukaparni(d) Sarpagandha

(17) Abhisyandi dravya produces which one of the following ?(a) Srotomardava(b) Srotorodha(c) Dosasaithilya(d) Dosavilayana

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4(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(18) Which one of the following paka is most useful for internal use, vasti karma and Snehanartha ?

(a) Mrudu(b) Madhya(c) Khara(d) Chikkana

(19) Which one of the following drugs is most useful as sangrahaniya, dipaniya and Pacaniya ?

(a) Pippalimula(b) Satapuspa(c) Erandamula(d) Musta

(20) What is the source of agnijara ?(a) Mineral(b) Herbal(c) Aquatic(d) None of the above three

(21) Which one of the following is laghu to digest ?(a) Vilepi(b) Peya(c) Odana(d) Manda

(22) Which one of the following is contained by Bhunaga satva ?(a) Copper(b) Lead(c) Silver(d) Arsenic

(23) Tamra is the main ingredient in which one of the following ?(a) Gairika(b) Mayurapiccha(c) Harital(d) Manahsila

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5(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(24) What is the family of indravaruni ?(a) Mavaceae(b) Cucurbitaceae(c) Annonaceae(d) Poaceae

(25) Little disease is the synonym of which one of the following ?(a) Cerebral palsy(b) Bell palsy(c) Facial palsy(d) Erb’s palsy

(26) According to kasyapa, what is the reason for kukunaka ?(a) Vata + rakta(b) Pitta + kapha(c) Kapha + rakta(d) Tridosa

(27) According to kasyapa, at what age does a baby start to walk and speak ?(a) 9 months(b) 12 months(c) 15 months(d) 18 months

(28) According to Harit, premature delivery occurs due to which one of the following ?(a) Vata(b) Pitta(c) Kapha(d) Rakta

(29) Musak taila is administered in which one of the following ?(a) Guda bramsa only(b) Guda sula only(c) Bhagandara only(d) All the above

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6(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(30) Which one of the following terms was used by kasyapa ro denote Garbhini ?(a) Sagarbha(b) Garbha(c) Dauhrda(d) Antarvarni

(31) Accordng to Caraka, the combination of mahabhutas in amla rasa are :(a) Jala + Agni(b) Prithvi + Agni(c) Jala + Prithvi(d) Vayu + Agni

(32) Bhanjanaka roga is associated with which disease ?(a) Asthimajjagat(b) Talugat(c) Dantagata(d) Nasagata

(33) The statement of the verse‘‘Yatha swavedana varnam dustam sandramathavilam’’

is related to which one of the following vyadhi ?(a) Prameha purvarupa(b) Asmari purvarupa(c) Mutraksaya(d) Mutravasti

(34) Which one of the following is the lakshana of dhamanigat salya ?(a) Swakarma gunahani(b) Atopa-anaha(c) Saphena vayuyukta rakta pravrti(d) All the above

(35) Which dosa dusti is/are there in arsobhagandara ?(a) Vata and pitta(b) Vata and kapha(c) Kapha and pitta(d) Kapha only

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7(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(36) Read the following sloka :“Bina puspam tu ya nari yathakalam pranasyati krsa hinabala krudha saapicokta…….”

Which one of the following words completes the above sloka ?(a) Mohini(b) Stambhani(c) Vikuta(d) Katambhara

(37) Match List-I with List- II and select the correct answer using the code givenbelow the lists :

List- I List- II (Dosanusar artava dusti) (Laksananusar artava dusti)

(a) Raktaja (1) Ksinartava(b) Kapha Vataja (2) Kunapa Gandhi(c) Pitta Kaphaja (3) Granthi Bhuta(d) Potta Vataja (4) Puti puya Nibham

Code:A B C D

(a) 2 4 3 1(b) 2 3 4 1(c) 1 4 3 2(d) 1 3 4 2

(38) Match List-I with List- II and select the correct answer using the code givenbelow the lists:

List- I List- II(Name of instrument) (Use)

(a) Gandupadamukhi (1) Srotogata saya nirharana(b) Masuradalamukhi (2) Nasarbuda nirharana(c) Kolasthidalamatra mukhi (3) Esana vyuhan(d) Darvikrta Khalwamukhi (4) Ksarosadha ptanadhan

Codes:A B C D

(a) 3 1 2 4(b) 3 2 1 4(c) 4 1 2 3(d) 4 2 1 3

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8(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(39) Which one of the following is also one of the causative factors for gulma, Asthilaand plihodara?

(a) Vatika Arsa(b) Pittaja Grahani(c) Kaphaja Arsa(d) Sahaja Arsa

(40) Which one of the following is Abandhyavrana?(a) Bhagnavrana(b) Gudapak(c) Bhagandar vrana(d) All the above

(41) From the following Bhagnas, which one is Kricchrasadhya?(a) Kapala bhagna(b) Kati bhagna(c) Kustha bhagna(d) All the above

(42) Match List-I with List- II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists :

List- I List- II(Dhatu) (Karya)(a) Rasa (1) Lepana(b) Rakta (2) Snehana(c) Mamsa (3) Prinanam(d) Meda (4) jivanam

Code:A B C D

(a) 3 4 1 2(b) 3 1 4 2(c) 2 4 3 1(d) 2 3 1 4

(43) Match List-I with List- II and select the correct answer using the code givenbelow the lists:

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9(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

List- I List- II(Sarir bhava) (Sankhya)(a) Twacha (1) 15(b) Pranayatana (2) 6(c) Kosthanga (3) 10(d) Mahachidra (4) 9

Code:A B C D

(A) 2 1 3 4(B) 1 3 2 4(C) 3 1 4 2(D) 2 3 1 4

(44) What is the pathological site in grahni roga?(a) Caturth dhara kala(b) Panch dhara kala(c) Sasthi dhara kala(d) None of the above

(45) According to suseuta, how many asthis are there in sroni?(a) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 5

(46) Which karma is asmanoh sanghattanam?(a) Jata karma(b) Sodhana karma(c) Purva karma(d) panca karma

(47) Vomoting centre is in(a) Medulla(b) Brain stem(c) Pons(d) Cerebellum

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10(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(48) Acromion process is a part of(a) femur(b) Humerus(c) Scapula(d) Base of skull

(49) Toad skin is found in the deficinecy of(a) Vitamin A(b) Vitamin C(c) Vitamin D `(d) Vitamin B12

(50) What is the correct sequence in Femoral Triangle from Middle to Lateral side ?(a) Nerve, Artery, vein(b) Artery, vein, nerve(c) Vein, nerve, artery(d) vein, artery, nerve

(51) Paittika galaganda is treated by :(a) Virecana(b) Raktamoksana(c) Virecana and vasti(d) Swedan

(52) Facial nerve is known as :(a) 6th Cranial nerve(b) 7th Cranial nerve(c) 8th Cranial nerve(d) 9th Ctanial nerve

(53) According to Susruta which sandhis are found in katikapala ?(a) Samudga(b) Tunna sevani(c) Both samudga and tunna sevani(d) Tuna sevani

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11(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(54) Description of “Satvika madyapana” is found in :(a) Viman sthana(b) Cikitsa sthana(c) Sarira sthana(d) Kalpa sthana

(55) Which astik darsan has not accepted non existence as padarth ?(a) Sankhya Darsan(b) Vaisaisik Darsan(c) Nyay Darsan(d) Yog Darsan

(56) What is the specialized character of apratighatatwa ?(a) Vayu(b) Agni(c) Akash(d) None of the above

(57) What is Upstambha ?(a) Vata, Pitta, kapha(b) Satva, Raja, Tama(c) Ahar, Nidra, Brachmacarya(d) None of the above

(58) Kaphaj prameha is sadhya due to which reason ?(a) Samakriyatvat(b) Visamakriyatvat(c) Mahatyaytvat(d) None of the above

(59) According to sarngadhara, what is the sthana of prana vayu ?(a) Hrdaya(b) Mastiska(c) Nabhi(d) Kantha

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12(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(60) Number of Tantrayuktis according to Dradhbala is :(a) 32(b) 40(c) 36(d) Unlimited

(61) According to Caraka, in which one of the following types of unmada, does thepatient dance, sing and laugh at improper times ?

(a) Vatika(b) Paittika(c) Kaphaja(d) Sannipataja

(62) Sranga belongs to which of the following karma ?(a) Vamana(b) Raktamoksana(c) Nasya(d) Siravedha

(63) Which of the following is indicated for the treatment of annavaha sroto dusti ?(a) Ama doshiki(b) Chardi-vat(c) Atisara- vat(d) Vamana

(64) Match List-I with List- II and select the correct answer using the code givenbelow the lists :

List- I List- II(Disease) (Laxana)

(a) Visama jwara (1) Muhurbaddha-Muhuradrava(b) Parinam soola (2) Muktanubandhi(c) Grahanee (3) Bhuktejjeryati

Code:A B C

(a) 3 2 1(b) 2 3 1(c) 1 3 2(d) 2 1 3

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13(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(65) Match List-I with List- II and select the correct answer using the code given below lists:List- I List- II(Hetu) (Vyadhi)

(a) Mrittikabhaksana (1) Hrdroga(b) Asya sukha-swapnasukh (2) Pandu(c) Ksat (3) Prameha(d) Krmi (4) Kasa

Code:A B C D

(A) 2 4 3 1(B) 1 3 4 2(C) 2 3 4 1(D) 1 4 3 2

(66) Which are the most effective jwaraghna dravyas ?(a) Nimba and manjistha(b) Abhaya and pippali(c) Laksa and bilva(d) Musta and parpatak

(67) In sthula pramehi, after samsodhana which of the following karma must be performed ?(a) Langhana(b) Pachana(c) Karsana(d) Samtarpana

(68) Heaviness in kantha and udar, sour mouth and kuksi atopa symptoms of which disease ?(a) Udar roga(b) Swasa roga(c) Hikka roga(d) None of the above

(69)”Sahabhojanat …………… roga sankramanti narannaram”. The refernce of the sloka given above is from which one of the following ?

(a) Caraka samhita(b) Susruta samhita(c) Vagbhat(d) None of the above

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14(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(70) Which one of the following disease is said to be sukha sadhya wherein there issame rutu and dosa ?

(a) Swasa roga(b) Gulma roga(c) Jwara roga(d) None of the above

(71) Nirgundi Patra Pindasveda is included in which one of the following four types of sveda mentioned by susruta ?

(a) Usma(b) Upanaha(c) Drava(d) Tapa

(72) Paravat ivakujan is a laksana in which one of the following disease ?(a) Ksayaja kasa(b) Ksataja kasa(c) Urah ksat(d) Rajayaksama

(73) Trauma in Guda vali causes which of the following ?(a) Guda bhramsa(b) Guda paka(c) Guda arsa(d) All the above three

(74) Which sthana is not included in susruta samhita ?(a) Sarira sthana(b) Sutra sthana(c) Vimana sthana(d) Nidana sthana

(75) Mahakalyanaka ghrita is mentioned by caraka in which one of the following disease ?(a) Apasmara(b) Unmada(c) Ksatksina(d) Svayathu

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15(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(76) Life span of R.B.C is :(a) 120 days(b) 60 days(c) 30 days(d) 45 days

(77) What is the drug of choice for kasa, swasa and hikka roga ?(a) Ananta mula(b) Puskara mula(c) Dasa mula(d) Aragwadha mula

(78) Pratimarg harana of dosa is mentioned in which one of the following ?(a) Sita pitta(b) Amla pitta(c) Rakta pitta(d) Bahu pitta

(79) Purisa samraksana was mentioned by caraka in the context of which one of the following disease management ?

(a) Kasa(b) Swasa(c) Hikka(d) Rajayakshma

(80) Tilapistanibha purisa is one of the laksana in which one of the following disease ?(a) Kumbha kamala(b) Bahupotta kamala(c) Amatisar(d) Ruddhapatha kamala

(81) Which is the drug of choice if ghrita yoga is gudapaka ?(a) Dadima ghrita(b) Changeri ghrita(c) Satadhouta ghrita(d) Sukumara ghrita

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16(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(82) In which one of the following disease are all the panchakarma therapies administered ?

(a) Kusta(b) Visarpa(c) Kilasa(d) Switra

(83) Match List-I with List- II and select the correct answer using the codes givenbelow the lists :

List- I List- II(Dosa) (Raktamokshana)

(a) Vata dusti (1) Sira vyadhana(b) Pitta dusti (2) Srnga(c) Kapha dusti (3) Jaloukavacarana(d) Sarvabgagat dusti (4) Alabu

Codes:A B C D

(a) 2 3 4 1(b) 1 4 3 2(c) 2 4 3 1(d) 1 3 4 2

(84) Gudena bahudrava saranam is one of the laksana in which one of the following disease ?

(a) Atisar(b) Grahani(c) Pravahika(d) Adhogat amlapitta

(85) According to Caraka, which one of the following acts as the best medicine as wellas the best diet in the management of arsa roga ?

(a) Navanita(b) Ksira(c) Takra(d) Dadhi

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17(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(86) “Yatha visam yatha sastram yatha agnirsanityatha” is associated with which Samhita ?

(a) Susrut(b) Caraka(c) Sarangdhar(d) Vagbhata

(87) Acchapeya sneha is which one of the kalpana ?(a) Prathama kalpana(b) Pravicarana(c) Prthama kalpana and Pravicarana(d) Alpa snehana

(88) For the treatment of which one of the following disease, drugs, Ksarkarma, sastrakarma and agnikarma have been prescribed ?

(a) Arsa(b) Udar roga(c) Siro roga(d) Nasa roga

(89) The classical reference to dasavidha pariksya was made by whom ?(a) Caraka(b) Susruta(c) Vagbhata(d) Yogaratnakara

(90) In which one of the following disease, piccha basti is not specifically mentioned ?(a) Arsha(b) Atisara(c) Pravahika(d) Grahani roga

(91) According to vagbhata, Nihsphure is a symptom of which one of the following ?(a) Nagodara(b) Upasuska(c) Upavistaka(d) Lina garbha

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18(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(92) Pingala is the synonym of which one of the following ?(a) Revati(b) Ahiputna(c) Putana(d) Pitrgraha

(93) When both the flaps of the divided ear are thick, wide and equal, which type ofbandha is used ?

(a) Vyayojima bandha(b) Aharya bandha(c) Ardhakapata sandhika(d) Nemisandhanka

(94) Which of the following have been described by Susruta as kaphaja roga of Karnapali ?(a) Visphota, stabadhata, sopha(b) Daha, Visphota, sopha, paka(c) Kandu, svayathu, stambha(d) Sopha, paka, kandu, gurutva

(95) What is advised by kasyapa for pliha roga ?(a) Visa garbha taila(b) Mahanarayana taila(c) Anu taila(d) Katu taila

(96) Vaman and Virecana are both contraindicated in :(a) Revati(b) Pundarika(c) Skanda(d) Naigmesa

(97) Sphalita mutratwa is a causative factor of which one of the following ?(a) Rakta pradara(b) Karnini yoni roga(c) Bandhyatva(d) Yoni arsa

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19(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(98) Sava gandha is found in which one of the following ?(a) Sva graha(b) Sakuni graha(c) Pitr graha(d) Revati graha

(99) Match List-I with List- II and select the correct answer using the code given below thelists :

List- I List- II(Synptoms and signs) (Disease)

(a) Kalusasiravritodaro (1) Arikrsa(b) Udaregranthyah sira (2) Mukha mandika(c) Susaka sphigudara griva dhamni jal santatah (3) Sakuni graha(d) Sphotah sadaharuk-paka sandhisuhsyuh punah punah (4) Suska revati

Code:A B C D

(a) 3 1 4 2(b) 2 4 1 3(c) 3 4 1 2(d) 2 1 4 3

(100) Which one of the following drugs is not a content of rajh pravartni vati ?(a) Rasanjana(b) Hingu(c) Tankana(d) Ghrta kumari sara

(101) Suska revati jataharini attacks at the age of :(a) 14 years(b) 16 years(c) 18 years(d) 20 years

(102) Raskartpura is used in which one of the following ?(a) Phiranga roga(b) Asrgdara(c) Soma roga(d) Yoni kandu

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20(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(103) According to vagbhata ajagallika is treated by which one of the following ?(a) Chedana karma(b) Tumbi(c) Siravedha(d) Jallauka

(104) At what age, hasta sweda treatment is given to a child ?(A) 4th month(b) 6th month(c) 7th month(d) 9th month

(105) According to Harit Samhita, panca khsir dosa are :(a) Ghana, usna, amla, alpa, khsara(b) Guru, usna, alpa, mrudu, ghana(c) Usna, snigdha, durgandhita, amla, kshara(d) Durgandhita, usna, amla, mrudu, khsara

(106) The use of root of tanduliyaka with rice water for 3 consecutive days after menstruation, causes which one of the following ?

(a) Rajovrdhi(b) Garbhpat(c) Bandhya(d) Rajaksaya

(107) According to whom among the following the sutikagara should face east or south ?(a) Caraka(b) Susruta(c) Vahbhaat(d) Harita

(108) In which yoniroga is “varti” used as a therapeutic measure ?(a) Vataja yonivyapad(b) Pittaja yonivyapad(c) Kaphaja yonivyapad(d) Raktaja yonivyapad

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21(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(109) For the normal formation of prothrombin the vitamin required by the liver is :(a) Vitamin A(b) Vitamin B(c) Vitamin C(d) Vitamin K

(110) The vitamin essential for fertility is :(a) Vitamin A(b) Vitamin C(c) Vitamin D(d) Vitamin E

(111) Satdharana curna is indicated in :(a) Pakvasayagata vata(b) Amasayagatha vata(c) Kostagatavata(d) Nabhisthagara vata

(112) What length of uttar basti yantra praman has been stated in astanga hridaya ?(a) 12 angula(b) 10 angula(c) 8 angula(d) 5 angula

(113) Which one of the following is not a pillaroga ?(a) Pothaki(b) Kukunaka(c) Utklista(d) Slista

(114) Bahu praspandan does not occur in which one of the following disease ?(a) Siragraha(b) Visvaci(c) Avabahuka(d) Khanja

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22(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

(115) Tamra varna linings are found in which one of the following disease ?(a) Sirotpat(b) Suskaksipaka(c) Marutparyay(d) Amladhyusit

(116) According to Susruta, samyak ghritapaka laksana is :(a) Shabdsyoparamse prapte(b) Phenodgam(c) Madhucchistamiva visada(d) All the above

(117) Who has described vranagranthi in granthiroga ?(a) Caraka(b) Susruta(c) Vagbhata(d) All the above

(118) What is the site of siravedha in vatakantaka ?(a) Urumula(b) 2 angula above the ksipramarma(c) 4 angula above the gulpha(d) Left hand

(119) Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?(a) Medhra arsa : Kurca sadrsa(b) Yoni arsa : Chatrakara(c) Nabhi arsa : Gandupada mukha(d) Karnarsa : Cuccu sadrsa

(120) According to Caraka, which sastrakarma should be performed in extensive wound ?(a) Pracchana(b) Cedana(c) Lekhana(d) Sivana

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23(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G. Entrance)

Shyam-Vidya Ayurved P.G. Entrance Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)UPSC Test Paper – 2010

By- Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09826438399, 09993961427

(Answer Sheet) UPSC Ayurveda M.O. Entrance Test 07/03/10

1- A 21- D 41- C 61- A 81- B 101- B

2- A 22- A 42- A 62- B 82- A 102- A

3- B 23- B 43- D 63- A 83- A 103- D

4- D 24- B 44- C 64- B 84- A 104- A

5- A 25- A 45- D 65- C 85- C 105- A

6- A 26- C 46- A 66- D 86- B 106- C

7- D 27- B 47- A 67- D 87- A 107- D

8- D 28- A 48- C 68- C 88- A 108- C

9- B 29- A 49- A 69- B 89- A 109- D

10- D 30- D 50- D 70- C 90- D 110- D

11- C 31- B 51- Wrong Qu. 71- A 91- D 111- B

12- B 32- C 52- B 72- B 92- C 112- A

13- D 33- B 53- B 73- C 93- D 113- D

14- C 34- C 54- B 74- C 94- C 114- C

15- A 35- C 55- B 75- B 95- D 115- A

16- C 36- D 56- C 76- A 96- A 116- A

17- B 37- B 57- C 77- B 97- C 117- C

18- B 38- A 58- A 78- C 98- C 118- B

19- D 39- A 59- C 79- D 99- B 119- D

20- D 40- B 60- C 80- D 100- A 120- D