siebel case study presentation senthil kumar


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Siebel Case Study Presentation done after internal training three to four weeks from capgemini


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Page 2: Siebel Case Study Presentation   Senthil Kumar

Contents:• Case Study Requirement Detail

- House (Internal Product)

- Opportunities Entity

- Activities Entity

- Role setup in Siebel Application – Organization and Position• Diagram flow – Case Study• Three Layer in Siebel – Mapping with Case Study• Siebel Three Layer Mapping with Case Study

- Use Interface Layer

- Business Layer

- Data Layer • Case Study Configuration flow

- House Detail View – PRODUCT Entity

- House Detail Appraisal View

- Opportunities Entity – House Detail View

- Activities Entity.

- Organization and Position Role in Application.

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Case Study Requirement Detail - House (Internal Product) :-

• Company A requires the ability to manage the list of houses that are currently for sale. This includes storing key characteristics, such as price, number of bedrooms, and square feet; keeping a history of appraisals; and pulling in any data about renovation history from an external file that is supplied by a third-party vendor.

Table 1 lists the detailed requirements for the House entity.Table 1.Requirements Summary for the House Entity

Requirement CommentTrack houses for sale. Houses will map to the entity product

BC: Internal ProductTrack the features of eachhouse, such as square feet,number of bedrooms, and soon.

Add additional columns (or any other alternative) to store additional attributes andexpose them in the user interface.Fields: Number of bedrooms: (LOV)-Studio/1bhk/2bhk/3bhk (Static)Total Carpet Area:Property Type: Commercial /Residential (LOV)Total Amount

Entering and editing recordsfor houses.

Applet with New/Delete/Update available

Provide users with predefinedvalues to choose from whenentering house features.Track and display previousappraisal information (date,amount, assessor) for each house. This should be a 1: M link to house.

New BC on S_Product_XM, type=”Appraisal”Interested: True/False

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Case Study Requirement Detail - Manage OpportunitiesCompany A needs to give its internal employees as well as its partner agents ability to manage opportunities.

Opportunities are recorded for potential buyers and include contact information and information about the type of house the buyer is interested in. Opportunities that come into Company A directly are passed on to a partner agency based on location. Table 4 summarizes the requirements for the opportunity entity.

Table 2 Requirements Summary for the Opportunity Entity

Requirement CommentFor each opportunity, trackthe house features that thebuyer is looking for and buyercharacteristics.

BC: Fields: House TypeRange: 5-10L10L-20L20-30L30-40L>40LContact (Dynamic Pick applet)Comments: Freetext

Users may choose values forhouse attributes.square feet,price range, and so on.froma list rather than enter them.

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Case Study Requirement Detail - Manage Activities:-Company A requires the ability to manage activities for each opportunity and contact. The

standard Activity management functionality meets Company A requirements well, except for the gaps listed in Table 3

Table 3 Requirements Summary for the Activity Entity

Requirement Comments

Display the opportunityassociated with each activity.

Add the opportunity to theActivity List and FormApplets.Activity name:Desc:: (Pickapplet)Type: Comments

When entering an activity, allowusers to associate an opportunityto an activity.Constrain the values in thepick applet so it only showsthe opportunities for theaccount associated with theactivity.Allow users to navigate from theOpportunity Detail view to one ofthe following views, depending onthe sales stage:Contact Detail - Activities (SCW)Contact Detail - Contacts (SCW)

Configure dynamic drilldownthat implements theconditions described in thebusiness requirement.Account/Contact

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Case Study Requirement Detail - Additional Requirements:-

• Company A has a manager and 2 sales rep. The sales rep work on commissions. Hence, Sales Rep A should not be able to see what Sales Rep B has in his opportunities. However, their manager should be able to see all the opportunities that they are working on.

• The views seen by the manager in the application would be different from the one’s seen by the sales rep. • For attributes like No of Bedroom, ensure that we have a drop down with values Studio, 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom, 3

Bedroom• When a customer shows interest in a house and you select a house as his choice, all the pre-defined features should

automatically be displayed along with it.

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Key Business Process Diagram flow - Case Study :-

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Organization and Position Role in Application

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Case Study Configuration flow

• House Detail View – PRODUCT Entity Configuration• House Detail APPRAISAL VIEW Configuration• OPPORTUNITIES Entity – House Detail View

Configuration• ACTIVITIES Entity Configuration• Organization and Position Role in Application


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House Detail View – PRODUCT Entity Configuration

Activity-1 Extending the Database by Adding New Columns to the Base Table

Activity-2 Configuring the Internal Product Business Component

Activity-3 Modify Existing Product Applets to Display House Attributes

Activity-4 Creating the House Detail View Activity-5 Creating the Houses Screen Activity-6 Compiling and Unit Testing

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Activity-1 Extending the Database by Adding New Columns to the Base Table

Step-1 Select Table Name- S_PROD_INT in Table Object and Lock Project Table

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling related Projects, Tables, Business Objects, Business Component, Applets, Views and Screens

Step-2 Adding New Columns to the Products Extension Table - S_PROD_INT_XSelect Table - S_PROD_INT_X and Create New column Object Name given below

Step-3 Compiling - Table level S_PROD_INT_X

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Activity-2 Configuring the Internal Product Business Component

Step-1 Select Business Component Name- Internal Product in Buscom Object and Lock Project Buscom.

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling related Projects, Tables, Business Objects, Business Component, Applets, Views and Screens

Step-2 Adding New Fields to the Products Extension Table - S_PROD_INT Create New fields Object Name given below

Step-3 Change the default Properties from Internal Products BUSCOM Fields --> No Delete, No Insert, No Merge and No Update value should set FALSE.

Step-4 Compiling -Buscom Name: Internal Product.

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Activity-3 Modify Existing Product Applets to Display HOUSE Attributes

Step-1 Configuring the following two applets are easier than creating New Onces.Product List AppletProduct Form Applet Applets are already based on the Internal Product Business ComponentAdd List Column Objects for each New fields. Select a Object hierarchy is Applet ---> List --->List Column.

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling related Projects, Tables, Business Objects, Business Component, Applets, Views and Screens.

Screen shot: - (Output Results)

Step-2 Select the Product List Applet Record choose Edit Web Layout and Remove the Following unnecessary columns for the 1:Base mode of the Applet example few fields given below- Class - Compensable - Customizable - Description - Effective End Date- Effective Start Date - Equivalent Product - Lead Time - Orderable- Organization - Product Line - Revision - Serialized-Service Product - Unit of Measure

Step-3 Add the fields you defined including the fields to be hidden by defaultChoose file to Save and close.

Step-4 Similar way configuring the Product Form Applet follows above steps 1 to 3.

Step-5 Compiling Applet - Product List and Form Applet.

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Activity-4 Creating the House Detail View :- Create a new view to display the Product List and Product Form Applets. They want in the view first should be Product List and second should be Product form Applet. We can select View Standard list-form view.

Step-1 Create New View from Object wizards.

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling related Projects, Tables, Business Objects, Business Component, Applets, Views and Screens.

Step-2 Select fields details given below

Step-3 Select Web Template – View Detail

Step-4 Select Applets – Product List Applet and Product Form Applet

Step-5 Review the View Web Template in Base Mode Layout and check out in review format mode.

Step-6 Compiling Views

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Activity-5 Creating the Houses Screen

Step-1 Create New Screen from Object wizards.

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling related Projects, Tables, Business Objects, Business Component, Applets, Views and Screens.• Register the House Detail View in the application.• Associate the House Detail View to a responsibilityStep-2 Select fields details given below

Step-3 Select Web Template – View Detail

Step-4 Select Applets – Product List Applet and Product Form Applet

Step-5 Review the View Web Template in Base Mode Layout and check out in review format mode.

Step-6 Compiling Views

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House Detail APPRAISAL VIEW Configuration

Displaying data from a 1:M extension table requires the following steps.

Acitivity-1 Creating the Appraisals Business Component. Acitivity-2 Creating a Link Between Houses and Appraisals Acitivity-3 Adding the Appraisals Business Component to a

Business Object Acitivity-4 Create a New Appraisals List Applet Acitivity-5 Creating the House Detail - Appraisals View Acitivity-6 Adding Additional Columns to the Opportunity Base

Table Acitivity-7 Compiling and Unit Testing

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Acitivity-1 Creating the Appraisals Business Component.

Step-1 Creating New BUSCOM - Appraisals from Object Wizards

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling related Projects, Tables, Business Objects, Business Component, Applets, Views and Screens.

Step-2 Add New columns and filed Names as shown in the following Table, and then click Add for each one.

Step-3 Compiling BUSCOM – Appraisals, Project – Product and Table – S_PROD_INT_XM

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Acitivity-2 Creating a Link Between Houses and Appraisals.

Step-1 To Expose the RowID field in the Internal Product BUSCOM. Find existing from BUSCOM Object - Internal Product ROW_ID from Name Property and column Property.

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling related Projects, Tables, Business Objects, Business Component, Applets, Views and Screens.

Step-2 Select Links List Applet from Object Explorer. Choose New Record.

Step-3 Enter Values for the Properties as shown in the following Table

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Acitivity-3 Adding the Appraisals Business Component to a Business Object

Step-1 Select the Internal Product from Business Object from Object Explorer / List Editor

Compiling and Unit Testing:- Compiling related Projects, Tables, Business Objects, Business Component, Applets, Views and Screens.

Step-2 Enter New Record Using the values shown following table.

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Acitivity-4 Create a New Appraisals List Applet

Step-1 Create New Appraisals List Applet from New Object wizard.

Compiling and Unit Testing:- Compiling related Projects, Tables, Business Objects, Business Component, Applets, Views and Screens.

Step-2 Web Layout - General Dialog box. Select the Templates to Use following Table and then click Next Field.

Step-3 In the Web Layout - Select the following fields and then click Next.-Appraisal Value, - Date, - Name, - Assessor Name, - Type, - Interested and - Appraisals Value

Step-4 Finish dialog box and Preview the information entered and then click finish.

Step-5 Preview the Applet by right clicking in the Layout window and then choosing preview and close.

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Acitivity-5 Create a House Detail - Appraisals View

Step-1 Create New Appraisals View from New Object wizard.

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling it related Project, Table, Business Object, Business Component, Applets, View and Screen.

Step-2 View Web Layout - Select the Templates to select the View Detail (Parent with Pointer) Web template and then click Next.

Step-3 In the Web Layout – Applet dialog box , Select the following two Applets and then click Next.-Product Form Applet-Appraisals List Applet

Step-4 Finish dialog box and Preview the information entered and then click finish.

Step-5 Preview the Applet by right clicking in the Layout window and then choosing Preview and Close.

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Acitivity-6 Adding the House Detail - Appraisals View to the House Screen

Step-1 Create a View, you need to associate it with a screen. In this case, Internal Product Adds the House Detail - Appraisals view to the Internal Product Screen.

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling it related Project, Table, Business Object, Business Component, Applets, View and Screen.• Register the House Detail Appraisals View in the application.• Associate the House Detail Appraisals View to a responsibility.Screen shot: - (Output Results)

Step-2 Create a New Screen View object Type-

Step-3 Compiling Screen View – Appraisals

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OPPORTUNITIES Entity – House Detail View Configuration

Activity-1 For Each Opportunity, Track the House features that the buyer is looking for and buyer characteristics.

Activity-2 Users may choose values for house attributes, Square feet, Price Range and so on from a list rather than enter them.

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Activity-1 For Each Opportunity, Track the House features that the buyer is looking for and buyer characteristics

Adding Additional Columns to the Opportunity Base Table:Step-1 Select Opportunity Base Table S_OPTY and Lock after Adding following column records as given below and compile it.

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling it related Project, Table, Business Object, Business Component, Applets, View and Screen.

Screen shot: - (Output Results)

Step-2 Add above fields into Existing Opportunities Applets both - Form & List Applet

Step-3 Create a Dynamic Pick Applet for Contact from Object Wizard and enter following table value given below

Step-4 click Finish and compile it.

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Activity-2 Users may choose values for house attributes, Square feet, Price Range and so on from a list rather than enter them.

Add Pick Lists for each of the fields that need pre-defined Values.

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling it related Project, Table, Business Object, Business Component, Applets, View and Screen.Screen shot: - (Output Results)

Step-1 Create Price Range New Static Pick List from Object Wizard and enter following table Value given below

Step-2 Click Finish and compile it.

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Activities Entity Configuration

Activity-1 Display the Opportunity associated with each activity. Activity-2 When entering an activity, allow users to associate an opportunity to an Activity Activity-3 Allow users to navigate from the opportunity detail view to one of the following

views, depending on the sales stage- Contact Detail - Activities (SWC)/ Contacts (SWC)

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Activity-1 Display the Opportunity associated with each activity.

Step-1 Adding the Opportunity Field to the Activity List Applet (SCW)

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling it related Project, Table, Business Object, Business Component, Applets, View and Screen.

Step-2 Adding the Opportunity Field to a Activity Detail Applet (SCW)(To add a control object to a form applet)

Step-3 To map fields (CONTROLS and LIST columns) from an Applet to a Web template Just u have to click Column to include in Activity Form Applet - Opportunity field

Note:- In our Case Study already setup in Application. Just Right click select column – Opportunity to include in Activity List Applet.

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Activity-2 When entering an activity, allow users to associate an opportunity to an Activity-Dynamic Pick ListsStep-1 Find Existing BUSCOM Action and Lock Action BUSCOM

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling it related Project, Table, Business Object, Business Component, Applets, View and Screen.

Step-2 Create New Pick List icon from Object Explorer

Step-3 In the Pick List dialog box, enter the values from below values in Table

Step-4 Pick List Type dialog box, click the Dynamic option button and click Next

Step-5 Pick List Definition dialog box, click the Create New Pick List option button and click Next

Step-6 Next Pick List Definition dialog box, enter the values shown in the following table, and then click Next

Step-7 Pick Map dialog box, use the drop-down lists to choose the fields shown in the following table, and then click Add

Note: Mappings between the source field and the target field.

Step-8 Finish and compile it.

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Activity-3 Allow users to navigate from the opportunity detail view to one of the following views, depending on the sales stage- Contact Detail - Activities (SWC)/ Contacts (SWC)

Step-1 Find Existing BUSCOM Name: Action and Lock Project

Compiling and Unit Testing:-Compiling it related Project, Table, Business Object, Business Component, Applets, View and Screen.

Step-2 Add/Create a New Field for Activity Name and Sales Stage.

Step-3 Add Fields Activity Name and Sales Stage to the Existing House Activity List Applet and Activity Form Applet.

Step-4 Drilldown on top of Activity Name ( use Static Pick List) for Sales Stage Field which contain two values Dropdown Value is ACCOUNTS and CONTACT. Applet Name: Opportunity Detail - Activities View (SCW).

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Setting Up the Organizational Structure – Company A

Company A Organizational Structure Diagram Navigation Path to Create Division / Position

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Setting Up the Organizational Structure – Company A

Navigation Path :-Creation of Division/Position: - GROUP ADMINISTRATION -> DIVISION / POSITIONCreation of Employees: - ADMINISTRATION – USER -> USERSCreation of Responsibilities: - APPLICATION ADMINISTRATION –> REPONSIBILITIES




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How to get Siebel CRM Context HelperSenthil Kumar Janakiraman Functional Consultantemail Id: [email protected]

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