signalizing analyzer software suite

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  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite




    Key Features

    JDSU Signal Analyzer Sotware SuiteTechnical Overview

    With continual waves o new mobile network technology, testing can become adaunting task. Successul analysis o these new technologies and services producessignicant testing requirements. Without the right tools, testing can quickly consumean organization and result in technology deployment delays.

    JDSUs modular soware and modular hardware delivers advanced capabilitiesneeded to address your current mobile network testing requirements, and expansionexibility to tackle uture needs.

    Te most powerul mobile network analysis soware in the industry, SignalingAnalyzers intuitive user interace sets the standard or troubleshooting and peror-mance analysis. See network problems as they occur. Use the application soware torapidly turn an overwhelming amount o data into actionable inormation.

    An unparalleled drill down soware capability enables quick isolation o elusivenetwork problems. Te high-perormance, client server architecture delivers a break-through in troubleshooting methodology. JDSUs multi-user architecture delivershigh perormance testing or clients who need to run independent tests simultane-ously using a common set o hardware probes.

    From the physical layer through to service specic proling and perormance testing,

    the Signaling Analyzer soware platorm enables network equipment manuacturesto rapidly build, test and deploy new services and technologies or the 3G evolution.

    Modular hardware and sofware delivers advanced capabilitiesto address current mobile network testing requirements

    Intuitive user interace sets the standards or troubleshootingperormance and analysis

    Rapidly turns overwhelming amount o data into actionableinormation

    Unique drill down capabilities enables quick isolation oelusive network problems

    Signaling Analyzer Sotware

    Distributed Network Analyzers

    Figure 1


    Call trace or rapid troubleshootingand rapid isolation

    Graphical statistics and KPIs

    Shows variety o inormationelements ocus on higher layerprotocols

    Deciphering provides highperormance real-time automaticdeciphering o Iub and Gb links

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    JDSU can help you build a solution thatts your specic mobile network needs.ypical solution components include:

    A DNA hardware probe or each in-terace to be measured. DNA probesuse a line interace module to connectto target interaces. See Figure 1.

    Signaling Analyzer soware runningon a PC or each user. In addition totraditional licensing where sowarepermanently resides on a single PC,JDSU uses industry-leading FlexNetlicensing technology to allow a teamto share a xed number o oatinglicenses.

    Required sotware

    Signaling Analyzer base client sowareprovides:

    Conguration and control o DNAprobes

    Importation and ltering o data col-lected by DNA probes

    Analysis o collected data such asdecodes and call trace

    Technology options offer protocol-rich

    analysis for:







    Optional sotware

    JDSUs modular soware design deliversadvanced capabilities that can be addedto Signaling Analyzer. (+ indicates addi-tional technology option support)


    URAN optimizer

    3GPP deciphering

    SAR UPA (UMS PerormanceAnalyzer) export

    GAN and UMA soware (+GSM)


    Demux and channelization

    Drive test import (+CDMA) Optional applications supported

    across all technology options include:

    Call Manager client and Call Man-ager database

    Multi-User Server


    Sotware update service

    JDSU continually enhances SignalingAnalyzer soware with new eaturesand enhancements. Soware Update

    Service (SUS), allows you to stay cur-rent and take advantage o leading-edgeindustry improvements. Customerswho purchase SUS take advantage oJDSUs engineering investment directedat adding continual enhancements toSignaling Analyzer.

    Solution Building Blocks

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Application and Measurement


    Call trace, a graphical call visualizationengine and the cornerstone applicationor rapid troubleshooting and problemisolation, gives you one line view o thecall. Drill down to messages and decodes,and calculates call-specic KPIs or eachcall detected.

    Graphical statistics and KPIs showgraphical statistics or a variety o inor-mation elements, ocused on higherlayer protocols. View counts and ratiosor message types to cause values andspecic inormation elements withinprotocols such as SIR values in NBAPdedicated measurement reports.

    Tabular statistics and KPIs make avail-able a range o tabular statistics suchas FER/BLER per NodeB/BS, qualitydistribution analysis, x carrier poweranalysis, Rx total wideband poweranalysis, IMSI-based SAI/LAC analysisand more. Most tabular statistics have aunique drill-down capability to the calltrace application.

    Deciphering provides high peror-mance, real-time automatic deciphering

    o Iub and Gb links.Auto Conguration allows or ullAAL-2 channel auto conguration over acomplex UMS Iub interace.

    Multi-User Server enables high-per-ormance multi-client analysis o up to30 clients in a single solution. All clientshave simultaneous yet ully independentaccess to data owing through the samehardware platorm without impactingor limiting perormance o the overallsystem.

    Call Manager, a database-enabled anal-ysis application, yields a detailed historicanalysis o millions o calls over greattime spans.

    Signaling Analyzer (XML) API makesavailable an XML-based applicationprogramming interace to all major unc-tions within the Signaling Analyzer. Usethe API to control the Signaling Analyzerin an automated regression test system.

    R5 high-speed downlink packet

    access (HSDPA) sotware provides ullsupport or analysis including call trace,statistics, decodes and reassembly o allsupported Release 5 protocols and radiochannels including HS-DSCH.

    Pseudo RNC RLC/MAC reassemblyenables the Signaling Analyzer to per-

    orm RNC-like rame selection on aper-call basis beore analysis o the data.Obtain accurate measurement resultsin ull compliance with what a UMSRNC and the network is actually doingand decisions made by an intelligent 3GUMS network.

    Flexible trafc overview presents ahigh level picture o the trac and mes-sages being analyzed.

    View ltering allows or exible viewltering based on any inormation ele-

    ment in higher-layer protocols.

    Hardware data ltering achieves anenvironment where you can choose whatdata subset to capture and analyze. Tisincludes intelligent UMS control planeversus user plane lters.

    Decodes display the contents o everyreassembled rame and message.

    Flexible data logging options enablesthe user to choose how and where to cap-ture and save data.

    On-line help and context-sensitive helpor all measurements and applicationsallow you to get up to speed quickly, andresolve usage questions eciently.

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Flexible trafc overview and decodes

    Signaling Analyzer eatures a exible trac overview display. When needed, hundredso standard and proprietary protocol decodes are available to help interpret the pro-tocols as they appear on the network. Virtually any important inormation elementin any layer o the protocol stack can be shown in the message overview. Tis makesit easier or engineers to troubleshoot. Right click, select the inormation elements ointerest, and go rom any rame or message to which the graphical call trace the high-lighted message belongs. See Figure 2.


    Iub and Gb deciphering is a completely auto-congured application. urn decipher-ing on with a single mouse click and the application will automatically decipherciphered rames i the ciphering keys are captured on Iu or Gr interaces.

    Traic Overview

    Figure 2. Signaling Analyzer trac overview and decodes

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Call Trace Call trace eatures

    Graphical, user denable representation o calls/sessions and errors

    Wide variety o per call KPIs Unique group and ungroup message unction

    Detailed call trace based lters that will lter on location (cell), call type, subscriber(IMSI), handset (IMEI), (un) successul calls, etc.

    Express and custom drill down or rapid analysis and problem isolation o calls withsame or similar elements, traits or prole

    Drill down graphical ladder diagram o the selected call

    Voice and video export and playback

    Line graphs or detailed RF quality and optimization analysis

    CDR generation and CSV output or uture analysis in other SW application

    Te call trace application, the cornerstone o Signaling Analyzer, is a powerul expert

    analysis display or rapid troubleshooting and accurate perormance analysis. Foreach call discovered, the application produces a user-congurable window that con-tains a single line, graphical representation with phase graphics. A large number ocalls/sessions can be displayed densely or ecient troubleshooting. See Figure 3.

    Figure 3. Signaling Analyzer Iub-Iu call trace

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Call Trace Embedded KPIs

    and Group Function

    Choose rom a wide variety o user-denable embedded call inormation andKPIs in each call. A partial list o available inormation and KPIs that are option-ally displayed in each call trace include (examples rom Iu and Iub call trace prolesonly): IMSI, IMEI, Node B Communication Context ID, CRNC CommunicationContext ID, S-RNI, SRNC Identity, LAC, RAC, SAC, Cell Identier, NBAP Cause,RRC Release Cause, RRC Rejection Cause, Setup ime, Clear Down ime, UplinkOctets, Downlink Octets, Uplink Bit Rate, Downlink Bit Rate, Uplink Max Bit Rate,Downlink Max Bit Rate, etc. See Figure 4.

    Call trace based group unction

    Te Signaling Analyzer includes a unique group and ungroup unction. With oneclick, go rom millions o messages to a ltered view o messages belonging to thecall o interest. With another mouse click, lter and group the messages belongingto that specic call in the trac overview or easy and ecient troubleshooting.Another mouse click on the group button ungroups the messages so all the messages

    captured can be viewed in the trac overview. Te group and ungroup unction canalso be used without directly drilling down to messages and decodes rom the calltrace window.

    Figure 4. Signaling Analyzer embedded call trace KPIs selection

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Call Trace Filters Sotware lters

    Signaling Analyzer comes with a large variety o call trace based lters. Speciy thecriteria to start call tracing on elements such as successul versus unsuccessul, dura-tion o call, IMSI, MSI, IMEI, LAC, RAC and several types o protocol-related causevalues. With this unctionality enabled, only the calls that meet the call trace criteriawill be displayed. See Figure 5.

    Figure 5. Signaling Analyzer call trace confguration window

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Call Trace Express and

    Custom Drill Down

    Call trace includes built-in drill down unctionality to quickly search and lter. Areyou looking or one or two calls among thousands? Its easy with express and customdrill down. Find a specic call or several calls rom the same subscriber, at the samelocation, with the same ailure cause, with similar perormance or other criteria romamong thousands o calls. Use any available call trace column or eld to drill down.See Figure 6.

    Figure 6. Signaling Analyzer call trace custom drill down

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Use sequence diagram to graphically view a call. Tis ladder diagram shows the mes-sages o a call over one or multiple interaces. See Figure 7.

    All unctions in Signaling Analyzer are integrated and allow or drill down and drillout. Click any o the sequence diagram messages in the diagram and drill down tothe corresponding message in trac overview and view the message decode. Print orsave the diagram in a graphical ormat. Add message numbers or time stamps to thediagram to annotate a particular message in a call.

    Call Trace Sequence Diagram

    Figure 7. Signaling Analyzer call trace sequence diagram

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Call Trace Voice, Video, and

    Line Graphs

    Voice and video export and playback

    When Signaling Analyzer capturesall data without any user plane ltersenabled, voice and video trac will alsobe captured. Te voice or video on spe-cic interaces can be easily extracted,saved, and played back. For video,Signaling Analyzer supports MPEG4codec with AMR audio with Quickimeas the player. A simple right click on aspecic graphical call trace provides the

    option o extracting and playing back avoice conversation or video.

    Call trace driven line graphs

    Use Signaling Analyzers suite o linegraph statistics or network optimiza-tion. See Figure 8a. Plot importantnetwork perormance and qualityparameters over time. Line graph sta-tistics are done on a per-call level. Tisallows you to easily identiy and analyzeservice degradation over time or spe-cic calls. Te statistics eature proles

    plot important power metrics and RLC/MAC block quality overlaid throughoutthe call. As well, the plots intelligentlyollow channel switching, macrodiver-sity and so handover behavior. SeeFigure 8b. Line graph statistics prolesinclude:

    FP analysis trac

    FP analysis signaling

    FP analysis IP FI (packet RAB e-ciency analysis)

    NBAP dedicated SIR analysis RRC CPICH EC/NO analysis

    Figure 8b. Signaling Analyzer FP analysis line graphs showing SIR, QE and CRCI over time in one graph or

    a specifc call.

    Figure 8a.

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Call trace CSV output

    Use the CSV export capability to make inormation available to other post-process-ing applications. Call trace data is available as raw data in a CSV le ormat. wo levelso details can be saved to the CSV le ormat:

    Call correlated messages with all the message detail available in the trac overview

    Call trace inormation ound in the graphical user interace

    CDR generation or Call Manager

    Call trace generates CDRs or later analysis using the Call Manager soware applica-tion. Feed CDRs through a proprietary ow client mechanism to a specied server IPaddress where the Call Manager database is installed and running.

    Graphical statistics and KPIs

    Calculate statistics and graphically visualize a variety o packets, messages and inor-mation elements. Signaling Analyzer provides higher-layer protocol content. Te

    types o statistics supported range rom message type, to cause values, to specicinormation elements within protocols. Te soware comes with a wide range o pre-dened statistics or supported technologies (UMS, GSM, GPRS, IMS, and SS7). Setyour own thresholds or color coding columns in addition to making the statisticscalculations in predened time intervals. See Figure 9.

    Call Trace CSV Output, CDRs,

    and KPIs

    Figure 9. Graphical statistics example shows UMTS Iu KPIs and QE (quality estimate) in user plane statistics

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Tabular statistics

    Run statistics and visualize the results in a tabular ormat. Te application perormsa range o tabular statistics such as FER/BLER per Node B, QE distribution analy-sis, x carrier power analysis, Rx total wideband power analysis, IMSI analysis, SAI/LAC analysis and more. Most tabular statistics have a unique drill down capabilityto the call trace application. abular statistics are designed to show overall networkperormance and identiy quality degradation by customer, location, network nodeor network segment. See Figure 10.

    Call Trace Tabular Statistics

    Figure 10. Signaling Analyzer tabular statistics highlights BLER and FER in addition to QE distributions per Node B

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Auto conguration

    Signaling Analyzers intelligent Iub auto conguration application allows users to

    congure the most complex interace in the mobile network in a ew minutes com-pared to hours or days with a traditional protocol analyzer. Te Signaling Analyzeror UMS eatures ull Iub interace auto conguration o AAL-2, dedicated andcommon, control and user plane channels.

    Pseudo RNC RLC/MAC reassembly

    o get correct measurement results rom both user and network points o view, toolsmust emulate the way the RNC would handle trac and make decisions concerningwhich RLC/MAC blocks to use and which to discard. Signaling Analyzer includes apseudo-RNC unction that emulates the unctionality o the RNC in handling RLC/MAC modes, RRC states, and macrodiversity behavior. Tis capability provides theoundation or intelligent and correct URAN analysis.

    Sotware view lteringTe Signaling Analyzer soware supports view ltering, while the distributed net-work analyzer probes support hardware-based data lters.

    Soware view lters supported provide display exibility. All key inormation ele-ments in each protocol stack can serve as ltering criteria. Filtering criteria includesboth the inormation elements in each level o the protocol stack, and also non-pro-tocol related content. Filter on both physical and logical linksets, various events,message validity, time-based and text string match with decodes. Combine logicallyand/or ltering criteria with lters as a match (lter in) or do not match (lter out).View lters can also be used inside any application to lter application results such asstatistics and call traces.

    Hardware ltering

    DNA hardware has a range o intelligent hardware lters. Tis includes the lteringand reliable separation o control and user plane in complex radio access networks.In addition to its intelligent upper-layer ltering capability, the DNA is able to lteron a wide variety o lower-layer parameters to enable isolated analysis on a particularbase station cluster or single base station. o aid optimization and troubleshooting inthe RAN, hardware lters are crucial or ecient core network analysis to ensure thatthe user is looking at only the most pertinent data and inormation available.

    Flexible data logging options

    Congure logging intervals during which capture data log les are automaticallycreated. Speciy congurations or time-based logging such as 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2hours etc. In addition to time-based logging, Signaling Analyzer gives you the ability

    to log by data capture size, or example 500 Megabytes, 3 Gigabytes or 8 Gigabytes.

    Auto Coniguration, Reassembly,

    Filtering, and Logging

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Signaling Analyzer Multi-User Server is an application designed or organizationsthat need distributed measurement and analysis. See Figure 11. Te applicationworks or multiple real-time. Te systems architecture allows or correlation o datacoming rom multiple independent probes. Tis scaleable approach produces givesclients high-perormance, time-synchronized, multi-segment, multi-interace analy-sis. See Figure 12.

    Multi-User Server

    Figure 11. Up to 30 clients have concurrent access to the data collected and aggregated rom multiple DNA platorms. Realize eciency gains as

    engineers and subject-matter experts have independent analysis o trac coming rom a network or test bed. The fxed installed hardware ootprinteliminates the need or the continuous re-cabling and reconfguration experienced with the traditional box approach to protocol analysis.

    Figure 12. JDSU DNAs in a multi-user confguration can be rack mount-

    ed. Clients can remotely access the DNAs via a Multi-User Server.








    IP network

    Multi-user client

    Multi-user client

    Multi-user client

    Multi-user client

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Call Manager Perorm ecient historic analysis over hours, days, weeks and months o time. Enableengineers who are tasked with service optimization, service assurance, troubleshoot-ing, or network maintenance to work with vast amounts o data in an applicationramework optimized or exible and rapid analysis rom thousands to millions ocalls. Te CDR and database-enabled Call Manager excels when the need or manag-ing an overwhelming amount o data and calls exists.

    Deploying Call Manager as an integrated part o JDSUs multi-user analysis systemyields high-perormance analysis o a loaded network. When calls made an hour agoor a month ago are equally important to the calls made during the troubleshooting andanalysis session, Call Manager correlates these calls in a simple and ecient view. CallManager is integrated into the existing analysis ramework where the graphical calltrace is the oundation and cornerstone troubleshooting application. See Figure 13.

    Figure 13. A simple multi-user system allows several users to perorm protocol analysis in real time while another group o users simultane-

    ously perorm historic and pseudo-real time analysis o millions o calls residing in the Call Manager database.

    Network and Signaling Analyzer clients Call Manager clients Distributed perormance manager

    Multi-User Server(s) Multi-user architecture

    Centralized coniguration and managementInterleaving, iltering, correlation, data and measurement distribution

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Other Add-in Sotware


    IMA (inverse multiplexing o ATM)

    Does your UMS network include IMA technology to transport AM trac over abundle o 1 or E1 cables? Looking at individual E1/1 links, or multiple individuallinks simultaneously is meaningless without the higher-level IMA technology view.JDSUs IMA add-in soware works in conjunction with Signaling Analyzer to ana-lyze networks incorporating IMA technology. Te product allows Signaling Analyzersoware to acquire IMA measurements and present this inormation in the SignalingAnalyzer environment. Te soware can analyze data rom one IMA group at a time.

    Demux and channelization

    With the Signaling Analyzer demux and channelization solution, the SignalingAnalyzer soware can extract and analyze up to our ports o SM-1/OC-3 tributaryanalysis or a simultaneous total o 336 V1.5/VC11 1s or 252 V2/VC12 E1s orAM. Demux and channelization or AM and HDLC is included.

    Te solution needs just a raction o the number o hardware probes and associated

    cables that traditional approaches require. JDSUs solution achieves an attractive portcost by signicantly reducing the number o required hardware probes. With JDSUsarchitecture, more E1/1 links can be easily added. A single DNA can support up to336 1s or 252 E1s.

    Signaling Analyzer XML API

    Te Signaling Analyzer API provides an XML-based application programminginterace to all major unctions and applications within the Signaling Analyzer. BuildSignaling Analyzer into an automated test or regression test system. Te extensive,ull-eatured API enables test automation with accessibility o virtually any majorunction o the soware to get access to test results with minimal manual engineeringeort.

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Import o Drive Test Data o improve system perormance by reducing latency, mobile network technology ismigrating to Node Bs and basestations. Monitoring at either the air interace or theNode B or base station will only indicate transactional perormance-related issues.Te system complexity mandates a broad understanding and looking at two dierenttools is inecient and problematic?

    JDSU Signaling Analyzer delivers aster and more comprehensive troubleshoot-ing by correlating the collected data on the radio and network interaces by time andlocation. Tis provides a detailed end-to-end picture o the true network issues/per-ormance. Signaling Analyzer currently supports data import rom JDSUs E6474Awireless network optimization platorm. See Figure 14.

    Figure 14. Importing UMTS drive test data into Signaling Analyzer produces time-aligned Uu/Iub/Iu call trace, sequence diagrams, and trac overview dis-

    plays. Drive test import is also available or CDMAOne/CDMA2000.

    3. Signaling Analyzer combines traces

    using GPS time stamps embedded

    in original traces.sal

    2. Import one or more captured

    .sd5 drive test ile into Signaling

    Analyzer log ile (oline)

    1. Simultaneously collect GPS time-sync'ed drive

    test and SART data. Save independent iles.


  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    LTE Support From the eNb to the evolved packet core the Signaling Analyzer platorm is capa-ble o analyzing the mobility signaling procedures, mobile services and streamingmedia quality. From combined call traces to real time graphical statistics and keyperormance indicators only JDSU can deliver a solution or tomorrows emergingtechnologies.

    Te soware enables passive probing and analysis o LE network interaces. Fromsingle point monitoring and analysis to a ully distributed test environment, theSignaling Analyzer platorm eortlessly scales to meet the dynamic and changingtest needs rom the lab to operations. With a powerul combination o distributablehardware pre-processing with scalable soware architecture the Signaling Analyzerplatorm will help to ensure the successul deployment o an integrated LE/SAE net-work system. See Figure 15.

    UMTS 3GPP support and UTRAN optimization

    Are you implementing R5 or R6 capabilities in your networks? JDSU invests to keep

    Signaling Analyzer current with the latest technology waves. JDSU engineers regu-larly incorporate 3GPP updates to support the most current updates o R99, R4, R5,and R6. All supported Signaling Analyzer unctions such as call trace, graphical andtabular statistics, and detailed ltering capability is supported or 3GPP Release 5- andRelease 6-based HSPA URAN systems.

    Are you moving to an IP based URAN? Will you need to monitor a mix o AM andIP based URAN interaces? All UMS analysis eatures can be applied regardless othe transport type utilized.

    In addition to timely 3GPP release support, JDSU has worked with a number o lead-ing NEMs to pioneer the industrys rst HSDPA and HSUPA optimization tools. Areresources eciently allocated and correctly utilized by RNC and NodeB? Is the RANdelivering services eciently? Many leading-edge NEMs have resolved signicantow control optimization issues that would have been extremely dicult to nd andisolate without the HSDPA and HSUPA optimization tools.

    Figure 15.

  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite



    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Flexible Use Models Single user direct connect

    Connect one or more DNAs, through a daisy chain or Ethernet switch, directly to acontrolling PC using standard Ethernet cables (as shown below in Figure 16). A PCmakes this use model ideal or dispatched troubleshooting o one or more interacesmonitoring single or multiple transport technologies such as rame relay, AM orEthernet. In this scenario, data storage and the Signaling Analyzer application resideon the controlling PC.

    Figure 16. Direct connect scenario

    Mobile access Mobile core

    Connect one or more DNAs through a Multi-User Server to multiple clients. A multi-user system enables up to 30 users concurrent access to the data collected and aggre-

    gated rom multiple distributed network analyzer probes. Tis is accomplished by aclient/server-based system where the server congures the distributed network ana-lyzer probes, collects data rom the probes and intelligently and eciently orwardsprocessed data during run-time to attached multi-user clients. See Figure 17.

    Multiple Users with Remote


    Figure 17: Multiple Users with Remote Connection.

    Mobile access Mobile core


  • 7/30/2019 Signalizing Analyzer Software Suite


    Signal Analyzer Sotware Suite

    Test & Measurement Regional Sales


    Hardware Platorms

    J6801B distributed network analyzer

    J6802B distributed network analyzerMX

    J6803B distributed network analyzerPRO

    J6804A distributed network analyzer- HD

    Sotware Licensing

    For most JDSU Signaling Analyzersoware reerenced in this document,JDSU oers a choice o legacy or oatinglicenses.

    Legacy licenses are enabled by a manu-ally entered license code to be used ona single PC.

    Floating licenses are enabled by alicense le. Floating licenses can bechecked out rom a central licenseserver enabling sequential license shar-ing within an organization.

    Sotware update service

    For most JDSU Signaling Analyzer so-ware reerenced in this document, JDSUoers a soware update service (SUS).

    JDSU continually enhances SignalingAnalyzer soware with new eatures andenhancements. Soware update service(SUS), gives you access to the most recentsoware.

    Base client sotware (required)

    Signaling Analyzer real-time

    Signaling Analyzer ofine

    Optional productivity application SW

    Signaling Analyzer Multi-User Server

    Call Manager database

    Call Manager client

    Drive test le import


    SAR UPA export

    Technology options (one or more


    LE support

    - IPSEC deciphering option

    - Proprietary options

    UMS support

    - Base UMS with R99 & R4 support

    Real-time technology option

    Ofine technology option

    - Additional UMS application SW

    R5 with HSDPA optimization

    R6 with HSUPA optimization

    3GPP deciphering

    Demux and channelization


    Drive test import


    SS7 support

    - Real-time technology option

    - Ofine technology option

    IMS support

    - Real-time technology option

    - Ofine technology option

    GSM/GPRS/EDGE support

    - Real-time technology option

    - Ofine technology option

    - UMA

    CDMAOne/CMA2000 support

    - Real-time technology option

    - Ofine technology option

    - Drive test import

    Proprietary protocol support

    - Contact JDSU

    Ordering Inormation