silicon valley community foundation 2009 990

efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493312025000 Return of Or anization Exem t From Income Tax OMB No 1545-0047 990 g p Form Under section 501 ( c), 527, or 4947 ( a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code ( except black lung 2009 benefit trust or private foundation) Department of the Treasury . Internal Revenue Service 0- The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements A For the 2009 calendar year, or tax year beginning 01-01-2009 and ending 12 - 31-2009 C Name of organization D Employer identification number B Check if applicable Please SILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION flAddresschange use IRS 20-5205488 F Name change label or Doing Business As E Telephone number print or F Initial return type . See (650) 450-5400 Specific Number and street (or P 0 box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite (T t d Instruc - 2440 WEST EL CAMINO REAL No 300 G Gross receipts $ 540,554,644 ermina e tions. F Amended return City or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4 (Application pending MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040 F Name and address of principal officer H(a) Is this a group return for VERA BENNETT affiliates? (Yes F7No 2440 west el camino real 300 Mountain View, CA 94040 H(b) Are all affiliates included ? fl Yes F_ No If "No," attach a list (see instructions) I Tax-exempt status F 501(c) ( 3 I (insert no ) 1 4947(a)(1) or F_ 527 H(c) Group exemption number 0- 3 Website :1- WW WSILICONVALLEYCFORG K Form of organization F Corporation 1 Trust F_ Association 1 Other 1- L Year of formation 2006 M State of legal domicile CA urnmar y 1 Briefly describe the organization ' s mission or most significant activities SILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION IS A CATALYST AND LEADER FOR INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO OUR REGIONS MOST CHALLENGING PROBLEMS, SERVING ALL OF SAN MATEO AND SANTA CLARA COUNTIES THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION HAS MORE THAN 1,500 PHILANTHROPIC FUNDS AND MANAGES ASSETS OF MORE THAN $1 4 BILLION WHICH INCLUDES ASSETS OF ITS 15 SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION PROVIDES GRANTS THROUGH DONOR ADVISED AND CORPORATE FUNDS IN ADDITION TO ITS OWN COMMUNITY ENDOWMENT FUND IN ADDITION, THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SERVES AS A REGIONAL CENTER FOR PHILANTHROPY PROVIDING DONORS SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE WAYS TO GIVE LOCALLY AND AROUND THE WORLD SILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION LAUNCHED IN JANUARY 2007 FOLLOWING THE LANDMARK MERGER OF COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SILICON VALLEY AND PENINSULA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION AND IS NOW ONE OF THE LARGEST COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONS IN THE NATION THE NEW COMMUNITY FOUNDATION RECEIVED ITS IRS EXEMPTION IN NOVEMBER2006 of 2 Check this box Of- if the organization discontinued its operations or disposed of more than 25% of its net assets 3 Number of voting members of the governing body ( Part VI, line 1a) . 3 21 4 Number of independent voting members of the governing body ( Part VI, line 1b) 4 19 5 Total number of employees (Part V, line 2a) 5 135 6 Total number of volunteers ( estimate if necessary) . 6 0 7a Total gross unrelated business revenue from Part VIII, column (C), line 12 7a 919,102 b Net unrelated business taxable income from Form 990-T, line 34 . 7b 753,161 Prior Year Current Year 8 Contributions and grants ( Part VIII , line 1h ) . 136,667,832 110,036,156 9 Program service revenue (Part VIII , line 2g ) . 2,826,849 2,728,589 N 10 Investment income ( Part VIII, column ( A), lines 3, 4, and 7d . . . 21,210,980 -22,126,259 11 Other revenue ( Part VIII , column ( A), lines 5, 6d, 8c , 9c, 10c, and 11e) 1,512,473 1,148,949 12 Total revenue - add lines 8 through 11 (must equal Part VIII , column ( A), line 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162,218,134 91,787,435 13 Grants and similar amounts paid (Part IX, column (A), lines 1-3 . 229,964,419 121,508,677 14 Benefits paid to or for members ( Part IX, column (A), line 4) . 0 15 Salaries , other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column ( A), lines 5- 10) 10,637,858 8,783,172 16a Professional fundraising fees ( Part IX, column (A), line 11e) . 0 b Total fundraising expenses (Part IX, column (D), line 25) 0-2,034,595 17 Other expenses ( Part IX, column (A), lines 11a-11d, 11f-24f) . 12,523,480 11,632,925 18 Total expenses Add lines 13 - 17 (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) 253,125,757 141,924,774 19 Revenue less expenses Subtract line 18 from line 12 -90,907,623 -50,137,339 Beginning of Current Yea Year End of Year 20 Total assets ( Part X, line 16 ) . 1,050,540,598 1,174,000,509 %T 21 Total liabilities ( Part X, line 26 ) . . . . . . . 113,690,683 110,663,187 ap U. 22 Net assets or fund balances Subtract line 21 from line 20 Signature Block Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return , including a and belief, it is true, correct, and complete Declaration of preparer (other than o Sign Here Signature of officer VERA BENNETT CFAO Type or print name and title Preparer ' s Date Paid Signature Paul Keller Preparers Firm's name (or yours MOSS ADAMS LLP Use Only if self-employed), address, and ZIP + 4 975 OAK STREET SUITE 500 EUGENE, OR 97401 May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown above? (see instructio For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instruc

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Page 1: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493312025000

Return of Or anization Exem t From Income Tax OMB No 1545-0047

990 g pForm

Under section 501 ( c), 527, or 4947 ( a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code ( except black lung 2009

benefit trust or private foundation)

Department of the Treasury • .

Internal Revenue Service 0- The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements

A For the 2009 calendar year, or tax year beginning 01-01-2009 and ending 12-31-2009

C Name of organization D Employer identification numberB Check if applicable Please SILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONflAddresschange use IRS 20-5205488

F Name change

label or Doing Business As E Telephone numberprint or

F Initial returntype . See

(650) 450-5400Specific Number and street (or P 0 box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite

(T t dInstruc - 2440 WEST EL CAMINO REAL No 300 G Gross receipts $ 540,554,644

ermina e tions.

F Amended return City or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4

(Application pendingMOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040

F Name and address of principal officer H(a) Is this a group return forVERA BENNETT affiliates? (Yes F7No2440 west el camino real 300

Mountain View, CA 94040H(b) Are all affiliates included ? fl Yes F_ No

If "No," attach a list (see instructions)I Tax-exempt status F 501(c) ( 3 I (insert no ) 1 4947(a)(1) or F_ 527

H(c) Group exemption number 0-


K Form of organization F Corporation 1 Trust F_ Association 1 Other 1- L Year of formation 2006 M State of legal domicile CA


1 Briefly describe the organization 's mission or most significant activitiesSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION IS A CATALYST AND LEADER FOR INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO OUR












2 Check this box Of- if the organization discontinued its operations or disposed of more than 25% of its net assets

3 Number of voting members of the governing body ( Part VI, line 1a) . 3 21

4 Number of independent voting members of the governing body ( Part VI, line 1b) 4 19

5 Total number of employees (Part V, line 2a) 5 135

6 Total number of volunteers ( estimate if necessary) . 6 0

7a Total gross unrelated business revenue from Part VIII, column (C), line 12 7a 919,102

b Net unrelated business taxable income from Form 990-T, line 34 . 7b 753,161

Prior Year Current Year

8 Contributions and grants ( Part VIII , line 1h ) . 136,667,832 110,036,156

9 Program service revenue (Part VIII , line 2g ) . 2,826,849 2,728,589

N 10 Investment income ( Part VIII, column ( A), lines 3, 4, and 7d . . . 21,210,980 -22,126,259

11 Other revenue ( Part VIII , column ( A), lines 5, 6d, 8c , 9c, 10c, and 11e) 1,512,473 1,148,949

12 Total revenue -add lines 8 through 11 (must equal Part VIII , column ( A), line12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162,218,134 91,787,435

13 Grants and similar amounts paid (Part IX, column (A), lines 1-3 . 229,964,419 121,508,677

14 Benefits paid to or for members ( Part IX, column (A), line 4) . 0

15 Salaries , other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column ( A), lines 5-

10) 10,637,858 8,783,172

16a Professional fundraising fees ( Part IX, column (A), line 11e) . 0

b Total fundraising expenses (Part IX, column (D), line 25) 0-2,034,595

17 Other expenses ( Part IX, column (A), lines 11a-11d, 11f-24f) . 12,523,480 11,632,925

18 Total expenses Add lines 13 - 17 (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) 253,125,757 141,924,774

19 Revenue less expenses Subtract line 18 from line 12 -90,907,623 -50,137,339

Beginning of Current

YeaYearEnd of Year

20 Total assets ( Part X, line 16 ) . 1,050,540,598 1,174,000,509

%T 21 Total liabilities ( Part X, line 26 ) . . . . . . . 113,690,683 110,663,187apU. 22 Net assets or fund balances Subtract line 21 from line 20

Signature Block

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return , including aand belief, it is true, correct, and complete Declaration of preparer (other than o

SignHere Signature of officer

VERA BENNETT CFAOType or print name and title

Preparer ' s Date

PaidSignature Paul Keller

Preparers Firm's name (or yours MOSS ADAMS LLP

Use Only if self-employed),address, and ZIP + 4 975 OAK STREET SUITE 500

EUGENE, OR 97401

May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown above? (see instructio

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instruc

Page 2: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 ( 2009) Page 2

Statement of Program Service Accomplishments

1 Briefly describe the organization's mission











Did the organization undertake any significant program services during the year which were not listed onthe prior Form 990 or 990 -EZ'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl Yes F No

If "Yes," describe these new services on Schedule 0

Did the organization cease conducting , or make significant changes in how it conducts , any programservices ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F Yes F No

If "Yes," describe these changes on Schedule 0

4 Describe the exempt purpose achievements for each of the organization's three largest program services by expenses

Section 501 ( c)(3) and 501 ( c)(4) organizations and section 4947( a)(1) trusts are required to report the amount of grants and

allocations to others , the total expenses , and revenue, if any, for each program service reported

4a (Code


) (Expenses $ 134,582,849 including grants of $ 121,508,677 ) (Revenue $ 1,087,357

4b (Code ) ( Expenses $ including grants of $ ) (Revenue $

4c (Code ) ( Expenses $ including grants of $ ) (Revenue $

4d Other program services

(Expenses $

( Describe in Schedule 0

including grants of$ ) (Revenue $

4e Total program service expenses $ 134,582,849

Form 990 (2009)

Page 3: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 (2009) Page 3

Checklist of Required Schedules

Yes No

1 Is the organization described in section 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a private foundation)? If "Yes,"



complete Schedule As . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Is the organization required to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors? IN . . . . . . . 2 Yes

3 Did the organization engage in direct or indirect political campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to No

candidates for public office? If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, Part Is . . . . . . . . . 3

4 Section 501 ( c)(3) organizations . Did the organization engage in lobbying activities? If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, Yes

Part II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 Section 501 ( c)(4), 501 ( c)(5), and 501 ( c)(6) organizations . Is the organization subject to the section 6033(e)

notice and reporting requirement and proxy tax's If "Yes, "complete Schedule C, Part III . 5

6 Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds or any similar funds or accounts where donors have theright to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? If "Yes,"complete

Schedule D, Part Is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Yes

7 Did the organization receive or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open space,

the environment, historic land areas or historic structures? If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part II^ 7No

8 Did the organization maintain collections of works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets? If "Yes,"

complete Schedule D, Part III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 N o

9 Did the organization report an amount in Part X, line 21, serve as a custodian for amounts not listed in Part X, or

provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation services? If "Yes,"

complete Schedule D, Part IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 N o

10 Did the organization, directly or through a related organization, hold assets in term, permanent,or quasi- 10 Yes

endowments? If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part 15

11 Is the organization's answer to any of the following questions "Yes"? If so,complete Schedule D,

Parts VI, VII, VIII, IX, orXas applicable.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c 11 Yes

* Did the organization report an amount for land, buildings, and equipment in Part X, line107 If "Yes,"complete

Schedule D, Part VI.

* Did the organization report an amount for investments-other securities in Part X, line 12 that is 5% or more of

its total assets reported in Part X, line 16'' If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part VII.

* Did the organization report an amount for investments-program related in Part X, line 13 that is 5% or more of

its total assets reported in Part X, line 16'' If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part VIII.

* Did the organization report an amount for other assets in Part X, line 15 that is 5% or more of its total assetsreported in Part X, line 16'' If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part IX.

6 Did the organization report an amount for other liabilities in Part X, line 257 If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part X.

t Did the organization 's separate or consolidated financial statements for the tax year include a footnote that

addresses the organization 's liability for uncertain tax positions under FIN 487 If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part


12 Did the organization obtain separate, independent audited financial statements for the tax year? If "Yes ,"complete

Schedule D, Parts XI, XII , and XIII12 Yes

12A Was the organization included in consolidated , independent audited financial statements for the tax year? Yes No

If "Yes," completing Schedule D, Parts XI, XII, and XIII is optional . . . . . . . . IN

13 Is the organization a school described in section 170 (b)(1)(A)(ii)'' If "Yes, "complete Schedule E

14a Did the organization maintain an office, employees , or agents outside of the United States? .

b Did the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $ 10,000 from grantmaking , fundraising, business, and program

service activities outside the United States? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Part I . 95

15 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance to any

organization or entity located outside the U S 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Part II . .

16 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or assistance to

individuals located outside the U S '' If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Part III . . Q9

17 Did the organization report a total of more than $15,000, of expenses for professional fundraising services on

Part IX, column ( A), lines 6 and l le? If "Yes ,"complete Schedule G, Part I

18 Did the organization report more than $15,000 total offundraising event gross income and contributions on Part

VIII, lines 1c and 8a '' If "Yes, " complete Schedule G, Part II . . . . . . . . . .

19 Did the organization report more than $15,000 of gross income from gaming activities on Part VIII , line 9a7 If

"Yes," complete Schedule G, Part III .

20 Did the organization operate one or more hospitals? If "Yes, "complete Schedule H . .

13 No

14a N o

14b N o

15 Yes

16 No




N o20

Form 990 (2009)

Page 4: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 (2009) Page 4

Li^ Checklist of Required Schedules (continued)

21 Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to governments and organizations in 21 Yes

the United States on Part IX, column (A), line 1'' If "Yes,"complete Schedule I, Parts I and II .

22 Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to individuals in the United States 22 Noon Part IX, column (A), line 27 If "Yes,"complete Schedule I, Parts I and III

23 Did the organization answer "Yes" to Part VII, Section A, questions 3, 4, or 5, about compensation of the

organization's current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated 23 Yes

employees? If "Yes,"complete Schedule J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

24a Did the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000

as of the last day of the year, that was issued after December 31, 20027 If "Yes," answer questions 24b-24d and

complete Schedule K. If "No,"go to line 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24aN o

b Did the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? . 24b

c Did the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time during the yearto defease any tax-exempt bonds? . 24c

d Did the organization act as an "on behalf of" issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year? 24d

25a Section 501(c )( 3) and 501 ( c)(4) organizations . Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction with

a disqualified person during the year? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part I . . . . . . 25a No

b Is the organization aware that it engaged in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person in a prior

year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organization's prior Forms 990 or 990-EZ7 If 25b No

"Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S

26 Was a loan to or by a current or former officer, director, trustee, key employee, highly compensated employee, ordisqualified person outstanding as of the end of the organization's tax year? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, 26 YesPart II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

27 Did the organization provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, substantialcontributor, or a grant selection committee member, or to a person related to such an individual? If "Yes," 27 No

complete Schedule L, Part III . 19

28 Was the organization a party to a business transaction with one of the following parties? (see Schedule L, Part IV

instructions for applicable filing thresholds, conditions, and exceptions)

a A current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part

IV 28a Yes

b A family member of a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes,"

complete Schedule L, Part IV .28b No

c An entity of which a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee of the organization (or a familyYes

member) was an officer, director, trustee, or owner? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part IV 19 28c

29 Did the organization receive more than $25,000 in non-cash contributions? If "Yes," complete Schedule MIN 29 Yes

30 Did the organization receive contributions of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets, or qualifiedNo

conservation contributions? If "Yes,"complete Schedule M ^ 30

31 Did the organization liquidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? If "Yes,"complete Schedule N,

PartI . 31 No

32 Did the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of its net assets? If "Yes,"complete

Schedule N, Part II . 32 N o

33 Did the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations

sections 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-3'' If"Yes,"complete Schedule R, PartI . . . . . . . GS 33 No

34 Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? If "Yes,"complete Schedule R, Parts II, III, IV,

and V, line 1 . . 34 Yes

35 Is any related organization a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)7 If "Yes,"complete

Schedule R, Part V, line 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 35 No

36 Section 501(c )( 3) organizations . Did the organization make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable relatedNo

organization? If "Yes, "complete Schedule R, Part V, line 2 . 36

37 Did the organization conduct more than 5% of its activities through an entity that is not a related organizationNo

and that is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes? If "Yes, "complete Schedule R, Part VI 95 37

38 Did the organization complete Schedule 0 and provide explanations in Schedule 0 for Part VI, lines 11 and 197

Note . All Form 990 filers are required to complete Schedule 0 38 Yes

Form 990 (2009)

Page 5: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 (2009) Page 5

Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance

Yes No

la Enter the number reported in Box 3 of Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal

of U.S. Information Returns. Enter -0- if not applicable . .

la 67

b Enter the number of Forms W-2G included in line la Enter -0- if not applicablelb 0

c Did the organization comply with backup withholding rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportablegaming (gambling) winnings to prize winners? 1c Yes

2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax

Statements filed for the calendar year ending with or within the year covered by thisreturn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a 135

b If at least one is reported on line 2a, did the organization file all required federal employment tax returns?Note : If the sum of lines la and 2a is greater than 250, you may be required to e-file this return (see 2b Yes


3a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by thisreturn? . 3a Yes

b If "Yes," has it filed a Form 990-T for this year? If "No,"provide an explanation in Schedule 0 . . . . 3b Yes

4a At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in, or a signature or other authorityover, a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financialaccount)? . 4a Yes

b If"Yes," enter the name of the foreign country .BD , VI , CJ , EI , LU , OC , RM , MP, NO , SZ , UK

See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22 1, Report of Foreign Bank and

Financial Accounts

5a Was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction at any time during the tax year? . 5a No

b Did any taxable party notify the organization that it was or is a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? 5b No

c If"Yes" to line 5a or 5b, did the organization file Form 8886-T, Disclosure by Tax-Exempt Entity Regarding

Prohibited Tax Shelter Transaction? . Sc

6a Does the organization have annual gross receipts that are normally greater than $100,000, and did the 6a No

organization solicit any contributions that were not tax deductible?

b If "Yes," did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or giftswere not tax deductible? . 6b

7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 170(c).

a Did the organization receive a payment in excess of $75 made partly as a contribution and partly for goods and 7a No

services provided to the payor7 .

b If "Yes," did the organization notify the donor of the value of the goods or services provided? . 7b

c Did the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which it was required tofile Form 82827 . 7c No

d If "Yes," indicate the number of Forms 8282 filed during the year 7d 0

e Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personalbenefit contract? . 7e No

f Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? 7f No

g For all contributions of qualified intellectual property, did the organization file Form 8899 as required? . 7g

h For contributions of cars, boats, airplanes, and other vehicles, did the organization file a Form 1098-C asrequired? . 7h

8 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section 509(a )( 3) supporting organizations. Did

the supporting organization, or a donor advised fund maintained by a sponsoring organization, have excessbusiness holdings at any time during the year? . 8 No

9 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds.

a Did the organization make any taxable distributions under section 49667 . 9a No

b Did the organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? . 9b No

10 Section 501(c )( 7) organizations. Enter

a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on Part VIII, line 12 10a

b Gross receipts, included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, for public use of club 10b


11 Section 501(c)(12) organizations. Enter

a Gross income from members or shareholders . 11a

b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sourcesagainst amounts due or received from them ) . . . . . . . 11b

12a Section 4947( a)(1) non -exempt charitable trusts. Is the organization filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041' 12a

b If "Yes," enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the

year 12b

Form 990 (2009)

Page 6: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 (2009) Page 6

LQLM Governance , Management, and Disclosure For each "Yes" response to lines 2 through 7b

below, and for a "No" response to lines 8a, 8b, or 10b below, describe the circumstances,processes, or changes in Schedule 0. See instructions.

Section A . Governing Bodv and Management

Yes No

la Enter the number of voting members of the governing body . la 21

b Enter the number of voting members that are independent . lb 19

2 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee have a family relationship or a business relationship with anyother officer, director, trustee, or key employee? 2 Yes

3 Did the organization delegate control over management duties customarily performed by or under the directsupervision of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? 3 No

4 Did the organization make any significant changes to its organizational documents since the prior Form 990 was

filed? 4 No

5 Did the organization become aware during the year of a material diversion of the organization's assets? . 5 No

6 Does the organization have members or stockholders? 6 No

7a Does the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who may elect one or more members of thegoverning body? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7a No

b Are any decisions of the governing body subject to approval by members, stockholders, or other persons? 7b No

8 Did the organization contemporaneously document the meetings held or written actions undertaken during theyear by the following

a The governing body? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8a Yes

b Each committee with authority to act on behalf of the governing body? 8b Yes

9 Is there any officer, director, trustee, or key employee listed in Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached at theorganization's mailing address? If"Yes," provide the names and addresses in Schedule 0 9 No

Section B. Policies (This Section B requests information about policies not required by the InternalRevenue Code. )

Yes No

10a Does the organization have local chapters, branches, or affiliates? 10a No

b If "Yes," does the organization have written policies and procedures governing the activities of such chapters,affiliates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with those of the organization? . 10b

11 Has the organization provided a copy of this Form 990 to all members of its governing body before filing the form?11 Yes

11A Describe in Schedule 0 the process, if any, used by the organization to review the Form 990

12a Does the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? If "No,"go to line 13 . 12a Yes

b Are officers, directors or trustees, and key employees required to disclose annually interests that could give riseto conflicts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12b Yes

c Does the organization regularly and consistently monitor and enforce compliance with the policy? If "Yes,"describe in Schedule 0 how this is done 12c Yes

13 Does the organization have a written whistleblower policy? 13 Yes

14 Does the organization have a written document retention and destruction policy? 14 Yes

15 Did the process for determining compensation of the following persons include a review and approval by

independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of the deliberation and decision?

a The organization's CEO, Executive Director, or top management official 15a Yes

b Other officers or key employees of the organization 15b Yes

If "Yes" to line a orb, describe the process in Schedule 0 (See instructions

16a Did the organization invest in, contribute assets to, or participate in a joint venture or similar arrangement with a

taxable entity during the year? 16a No

b If "Yes," has the organization adopted a written policy or procedure requiring the organization to evaluate its

participation in joint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and taken steps to safeguard theorganization's exempt status with respect to such arrangements? 16b

Section C. Disclosure

17 List the States with which a copy of this Form 990 is required to be filed-CA

18 Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Form 1023 (or 1024 if applicable), 990, and 990-T (50 1(c)

(3)s only) available for public inspection Indicate how you make these available Check all that apply

F Own website F Another's website F Upon request

19 Describe in Schedule 0 whether (and if so, how), the organization makes its governing documents, conflict ofinterest policy, and financial statements available to the public See Additional Data Table

20 State the name, physical address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the books and records of the organization 0-


2440 West El Camino Real 300

Mountain View, CA 94040


Form 990 (2009)

Page 7: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 (2009) Page 7

1:M.lkvh$ Compensation of Officers, Directors ,Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated

Employees, and Independent ContractorsSection A . Officers , Directors , Trustees , Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees

la Complete this table for all persons required to be listed Report compensation for the calendar year ending with or within the organization'stax year Use Schedule J-2 if additional space is needed* List all of the organization 's current officers, directors, trustees (whether individuals or organizations), regardless of amount

of compensation, and current key employees Enter -0- in columns (D), (E), and (F) if no compensation was paid

* List all of the organization' s current key employees See instructions for definition of "key employee "

* List the organization's five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee or key employee)

who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the

organization and any related organizations

* List all of the organization' s former officers, key employees, or highest compensated employees who received more than $100,000of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations

6 List all of the organization 's former directors or trustees that received, in the capacity as a former director or trustee of the

organization, more than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations

List persons in the following order individual trustees or directors, institutional trustees, officers, key employees, highestcompensated employees, and former such persons

fl Check this box if the organization did not compensate any current or former officer, director, trustee or key employee


Name and Title





Position (check all

that apply)









amount of other


D Lc c






-•CDCD 0





from the

organization (W-


from related


(W- 2/1099-


compensationfrom the

organization and



See add'I data

Form 990 (2009)

Page 8: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 ( 2009) Page 8

lb Total . 1,995,184 0 213,378

2 Total number of individuals ( including but not limited to those listed above ) who received more than

$100,000 in reportable compensation from the organization-16


Did the organization list any former officer, director or trustee, key employee, or highest compensated employee

on line la's If"Yes,"complete Schedule] forsuch individual . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 No

For any individual listed on line la, is the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the

organization and related organizations greater than $150,000' If"Yes,"complete Schedule] forsuch


Did any person listed on line la receive or accrue compensation from any unrelated organization for services

rendered to the organization ? If "Yes, "complete ScheduleI for such person . . . . . . . . . 5 No

Section B. Independent Contractors

1 Complete this table for your five highest compensated independent contractors that received more than

$100,000 of compensation from the organization

(A) (B) (C)Name and business address Description of services Compensation


Moss Adams LLPOne California Street Fourth Floor ACCOUNTING SERVICES 166,297San Francisco, CA 94111


2 Total number of independent contractors (including but not limited to those listed above) who received more than$100,000 in compensation from the organization 0-3

Form 990 (2009)

Page 9: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 (2009) Page 9

1:M.WJ004 Statement of Revenue

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Total revenue Related or Unrelated Revenueexempt business excluded fromfunction revenue tax underrevenue sections

512, 513, or


la Federated campaigns . la

b Membership dues . . . . lbm°

c Fundraising events . 1c0 {G

d Related organizations . . . ld

e Government grants (contributions) le

i f All other contributions, gifts, grants, and if 110,036,156similar amounts not included above

g Noncash contributions included in39,519,087

lines la-1f $

h Total.Add lines la-1f . 110,036,156

a, Business Code

2a GRANT REFUNDS & cancel 900,099 2,669,126 2,669,126

a2 b SEMINARS 900,099 59,463 59,463




f All other program service revenue

g Total . Add lines 2a-2f . 10- 2,728,589

3 Investment income (including dividends, interest

and other similar amounts) 10- 19,611,728 919,102 18,692,626

4 Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds , . 0-

5 Royalties . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-

(i) Real (ii) Personal

6a Gross Rents 385,310

b Less rental 264,255expenses

c Rental income 121,055or (loss)

d Net rental inco me or (loss) . . 0- 121,055 121,055

(i) Securities (ii) Other

7a Gross amount 406,764,967from sales ofassets otherthan inventory

b Less cost or 448,489,592 13,362other basis andsales expenses

c Gain or (loss) -41,724,625 -13,362

d Net gain or (los s) . . . . .0- -41,737,987 -41,737,987

8a Gross income from fundraisingQo events (not including3 $

of contributions reported on line 1c)See Part IV, line 18 .


b Less direct expenses . b

c Net income or (loss) from fundraising events . .

9a Gross income from gaming activities

See Part IV, line 19 . .


b Less direct expenses . b

c Net income or (loss) from gaming activities .

10a Gross sales of inventory, less

returns and allowances .


b Less cost of goods sold . b

c Net income or (loss) from sales of inventory . 0-

Miscellaneous Revenue Business Code

11a FOUNDATION SUPPORT FEE 900,099 950,412 950,412

b OTHER INCOME 900,099 77,482 77,482


d All other revenue . .

e Total .Add lines 11a-11d1,027,894

10-12 Total revenue . See Instructions91,787,435 1,087,357 , 919,102 , -20,255,180

Form 990 (2009)

Page 10: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 (2009) Page 10

Statement of Functional Expenses

Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations must complete all columns.

All other organizations must complete column ( A) but are not required to complete columns (B), (C), and (D).

Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b,

7b, 8b, 9b, and 10b of Part VIII .


Total expenses

(B)Program service


(C)Management andgeneral expenses


1 Grants and other assistance to governments and organizations

in the U S See Part IV, line 21119,993,473 119,993,473

2 Grants and other assistance to individuals in the

U S See Part IV, line 22

3 Grants and other assistance to governments,

organizations , and individuals outside the U S See

Part IV, lines 15 and 16 1 ,515,204 1,515,204

4 Benefits paid to or for members

5 Compensation of current officers, directors , trustees, and

key employees 2,204,562 1,121,620 618,019 464,923

6 Compensation not included above, to disqualified persons

(as defined under section 4958 ( f)(1)) and persons

described in section 4958 ( c)(3)(B) .

7 Other salaries and wages 4,899,288 3,282,767 1,086,905 529,616

8 Pension plan contributions ( include section 401(k) and section

403(b) employer contributions ) 378,804 234,858 90,913 53,033

9 Other employee benefits 768,876 446,057 222,096 100,723

10 Payroll taxes 531,642 329,618 127,594 74,430

11 Fees for services ( non-employees)

a Management . .

b Legal 216,249 20,506 101,156 94,587

c Accounting 171,322 171,322

d Lobbying

e Professional fundraising See Part IV, line 17

f Investment management fees 3,851 ,658 3,817,771 33,887

g Other 63 ,597 4,319 62,645 -3,367

12 Advertising and promotion 350,590 160,240 1,434 188,916

13 Office expenses 67,061 39,730 18,066 9,265

14 Information technology 766,981 440,247 219,320 107,414

15 Royalties

16 Occupancy 2,542,533 1,690,820 648,245 203,468

17 Travel 20 ,633 15,079 2,362 3,192

18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any federal,state, or local public officials

19 Conferences , conventions, and meetings 191,559 122,566 4,584 64,409

20 Interest

21 Payments to affiliates

22 Depreciation , depletion, and amortization 635,432 298,653 254,173 82,606

23 Insurance 98,921 46,493 39,568 12,860

24 Other expenses Itemize expenses not covered above ( Expenses

grouped together and labeled miscellaneous may not exceed 5% of

total expenses shown on line 25 below )

a UBI Taxes 705,413 705,413

b CONSULTANTS- GENERAL 969,005 902,211 19,469 47,325

c BAD DEBT EXPENSE 861 ,480 861,480

d Program Expenses 70,794 70,794

e Misc 29,854 27,257 1,402 1,195

f All other expenses 19,843 2,566 17,277

25 Total functional expenses . Add lines 1 through 24f 141,924,774 134,582,849 5,307,330 2,034,595

26 Joint costs. Check here F_ if following SOP 98-2

Complete this line only if the organization reported in

column (B) joint costs from a combined educational

campaign and fundraising solicitation

Form 990 (2009)

Page 11: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 (2009) Page 11

IMEM Balance Sheet

(A) (B)Beginning of year End of year

1 Cash-non-interest-bearing 1

2 Savings and temporary cash investments 3,313,724 2 9,648,576

3 Pledges and grants receivable, net 5,403,277 3 8,557,729

4 Accounts receivable, net 158,780 4 165,394

5 Receivables from current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, andhighest compensated employees Complete Part II of

Schedule L 420,775 5 373,912

6 Receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)) andpersons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) Complete Part II of

Schedule L 6

7 Notes and loans receivable, net 3,899,479 7 2,364,998

8 Inventories for sale or use 8

9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 238,984 9 290,817

10a Land, buildings, and equipment cost or other basis Complete 5,254,826

Part VI of Schedule D 10a

b Less accumulated depreciation 10b 1,980,398 3,168,213 10c 3,274,428

11 Investments-publicly traded securities 813,087,685 11 913,114,383

12 Investments-other securities See Part IV, line 11 215,323,322 12 229,309,387

13 Investments-program-related See Part IV, line 11 13

14 Intangible assets 14

15 Other assets See Part IV, line 11 5,526,359 15 6,900,885

16 Total assets . Add lines 1 through 15 (must equal line 34) . 1,050,540,598 16 1,174,000,509

17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 1,263,821 17 1,381,497

18 Grants payable 21,145,807 18 10,760,556

19 Deferred revenue 19

20 Tax-exempt bond liabilities 20

} 21 Escrow or custodial account liability Complete Part IVof Schedule D . 21

22 Payables to current and former officers, directors, trustees, keyemployees, highest compensated employees, and disqualified

persons Complete Part II of Schedule L . 22

23 Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated third parties 23

24 Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelated third parties 24

25 Other liabilities Complete Part X of Schedule D 91,281,055 25 98,521,134

26 Total liabilities . Add lines 17 through 25 . 113,690,683 26 110,663,187

Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here F and complete lines 27

through 29, and lines 33 and 34.

27 Unrestricted net assets 906,389,846 27 922,136,183

M 28 Temporarily restricted net assets 10,331,339 28 44,305,955

29 Permanently restricted net assets 20,128,730 29 96,895,184

Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 check here F- and completeW_ ,

lines 30 through 34.

30 Capital stock or trust principal, or current funds 30

31 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building or equipment fund 31

32 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 32

33 Total net assets or fund balances 936,849,915 33 1,063,337,322z

34 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances 1,050,540,598 34 1,174,000,509

Form 990 (2009)

Page 12: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 (2009) Page 12

Financial Statements and Reporting

Yes No

1 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990 p Cash F Accrual F-Other

If the organization changed its method of accounting from a prior year or checked "Other," explain in Schedule 0

2a Were the organization's financial statements compiled or reviewed by an independent accountant's 2a No

b Were the organization's financial statements audited by an independent accountant? . 2b Yes

c If "Yes," to 2a or 2b, does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility for oversight of theaudit, review, or compilation of its financial statements and selection of an independent accountant?If the organization changed either its oversight process or selection process during the tax year, explain inSchedule 0 . . . 2c Yes

d If "Yes" to line 2a or 2b, check a box below to indicate whether the financial statements for the year were issued

on a consolidated basis, separate basis, or both

fl Separate basis F Consolidated basis fl Both consolidated and separated basis

3a As a result of a federal award, was the organization required to undergo an audit or audits as set forth in theSingle Audit Act and 0MB Circular A-133? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a No

b If "Yes," did the organization undergo the required audit or audits? If the organization did not undergo the required 3b

audit or audits, explain why in Schedule 0 and describe any steps taken to undergo such audits . .

Form 990 (2009)

Page 13: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493312025000

SCHEDULE A Public Charity Status and Public SupportOMB No 1545-0047

2009(Form 990 or 990EZ)Complete if the organization is a section 501(c )(3) organization or a section

Department of the Treasury 4947 (a) (1) nonexempt charitable trust.

Internal Revenue Service► Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. ► See separate instructions.

Name of the organization Employer identification numberSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION


Reason for Public Charity Status (All organizations must complete this part.) See Instructions

The organization is not a private foundation because it is (For lines 1 through 11, check only one box

1 1 A church, convention of churches, or association of churches section 170(b)(1)(A)(i).

2 1 A school described in section 170 (b)(1)(A)(ii). (Attach Schedule E )

3 1 A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization described in section 170 ( b)(1)(A)(iii).

4 1 A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital described in section 170 (b)(1)(A)(iii). Enter the

hospital's name, city, and state

5 1 A n organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit described in

section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv ). (Complete Part II )

6 1 A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit described in section 170 ( b)(1)(A)(v).

7 F An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general publicdescribed insection 170(b)(1)(A)(vi ) (Complete Part II )

8 1 A community trust described in section 170 ( b)(1)(A)(vi ) (Complete Part II )

9 1 An organization that normally receives (1) more than 331/3% of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross

receipts from activities related to its exempt functions-subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 331/3% of

its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses

acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975 See section 509(a)(2). (Complete Part III )

10 1 An organization organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety Seesection 509(a)(4).

11 1 An organization organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes of

one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or section 509(a)(2) See section 509(a)(3). Check

the box that describes the type of supporting organization and complete lines 11e through 11h

a 1 Type I b 1 Type II c 1 Type III - Functionally integrated d 1 Type III - Other

e F By checking this box, I certify that the organization is not controlled directly or indirectly by one or more disqualified persons

other than foundation managers and other than one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or

section 509(a)(2)

f If the organization received a written determination from the IRS that it is a Type I, Type II or Type III supporting organization,

check this box F

g Since August 17, 2006, has the organization accepted any gift or contribution from any of the

following persons?(i) a person who directly or indirectly controls, either alone or together with persons described in (ii) Yes No

and (iii) below, the governing body of the the supported organization ? 11g(i)

(ii) a family member of a person described in (i) above? 11g(ii)

(iii) a 35% controlled entity of a person described in (i) or (ii) above?11


h Provide the following information about the supported organization(s)

MName ofsupported



(iii)Type of


(described onlines 1- 9 above

or IRC section


I ( nIs th eorganization in

col ( i) listed inyour governing



Didyou notify the

organization incol (i) of your



Is theorganization in

col (i) organized

in the U S 7


Amount ofsupport?

instructions)) Yes No Yes No Yes No


For Paperwork Red uchonAct Notice , seethe In structons for Form 990 Cat No 11285F Schedule A (Form 990 or 990 -EZ) 2009

Page 14: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009 Page 2

Support Schedule for Organizations Described in IRC 170(b )( 1)(A)(iv) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi)

(Complete only if you checked the box on line 5, 7, or 8 of Part I.)

Section A . Public SupportCalendar year ( or fiscal year beginning (a) 2005 ( b) 2006 (c) 2007 (d) 2008 ( e) 2009 (f) Total


1 Gifts, grants , contributions, andmembership fees received (Do not 500,000 297,452,055 136,667,832 110,036,156 544,656,043include any " unusualgrants ")

2 Tax revenues levied for theorganization ' s benefit and eitherpaid to or expended on itsbehalf

3 The value of services or facilitiesfurnished by a governmental unitto the organization withoutcharge

4 Total. Add lines 1 through 3 500,000 297,452,055 136,667,832 110,036,156 544,656,043

5 The portion of total contributionsby each person ( other than agovernmental unit or publiclysupported organization ) included 64 ,279,726

on line 1 that exceeds 2% of theamount shown on line 11, column

(f)6 Public Support . Subtract line 5

480,376,317from line 4

Section B. Total Support

Calendar year (or fiscal yearbeginning in)

7 Amounts from line 4





Gross income from interest,dividends, payments receivedon securities loans, rents,royalties and income fromsimilar sourcesNet income from unrelatedbusiness activities, whether ornot the business is regularlycarried onOther income (Explain in Part

IV ) Do not include gain or loss

from the sale of capital


Total support (Add lines 7

through 10)

Gross receipts from related activ

(a) 2005 ( b) 2006 (c) 2007 ( d) 2008 ( e) 2009 (f) Total

297,452,055 136,667,832 110,036,156 544,656,043

107,503,814 20,259,371 -22,724,669 105,038,516

1,112,009 1,333,672 985,840 3,431,521

1,934,441 1,370,942 1,027,894 4,333,277


sties, etc ( See instructions 12 12,746,551

First Five Years If the Form 990 is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a 501(c)(3) organization,

check this box and stop here

Section C. Com p utation of Public Su pport Percenta g e14 Public Support Percentage for 2009 (line 6 column (f) divided by line 11 column (f)) 14

15 Public Support Percentage for 2008 Schedule A, Part II, line 14 15

16a 33 1 / 3% support test - 2009 . If the organization did not check the box on line 13, and line 14 is 33 1/3% or more, check this box

and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization lk^F-b 33 1 / 3% support test -2008 . If the organization did not check the box on line 13 or 16a, and line 15 is 33 1/3% or more, check this

box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization Ok-F-17a 10%-facts-and -circumstancestest - 2009 . If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, or 16b and line 14

is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the "facts and circumstances" test, check this box and stop here . Explainin Part IV how the organization meets the "facts and circumstances" test The organization qualifies as a publicly supported

organization lk^F-b 10%-facts -and-circumstances test - 2008 . If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b, or 17a and line

15 is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the "facts and circumstances" test, check this box and stop here.

Explain in Part IV how the organization meets the "facts and circumstances" test The organization qualifies as a publicly

supported organization Ok-F-18 Private Foundation If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b, 17a or 17b, check this box and see

instructions lk^F-

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009

Page 15: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009 Page 3

IMMOTM Support Schedule for Organizations Described in IRC 509(a)(2)

(Complete only if you checked the box on line 9 of Part I.)Section A . Public Support

Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning (a) 2005 (b) 2006 (c) 2007 (d) 2008 (e) 2009 (f) Totalin)

1 Gifts, grants, contributions, andmembership fees received (Do notinclude any "unusual grants ")

2 Gross receipts from admissions,

merchandise sold or servicesperformed, or facilities furnished inany activity that is related to theorganization's tax-exempt


3 Gross receipts from activities that

are not an unrelated trade orbusiness under section 513

4 Tax revenues levied for theorganization's benefit and eitherpaid to or expended on itsbehalf

5 The value of services or facilitiesfurnished by a governmental unit tothe organization without charge

6 Total . Add lines 1 through 5

7a Amounts included on lines 1, 2,and 3 received from disqualifiedpersons

b Amounts included on lines 2 and 3received from other thandisqualified persons that exceedthe greater of $5,000 or 1% of the

amount on line 13 for the year

c Add lines 7a and 7b

8 Public Support (Subtract line 7c

from line 6 )

Section B. Total Support

Calendar year (or fiscal year beginningin)

9 Amounts from line 6

10a Gross income from interest,

dividends, payments received on

securities loans, rents, royalties

and income from similar


b Unrelated business taxable

income (less section 511 taxes)

from businesses acquired after

June 30, 1975

c Add lines 10a and 10b

11 Net income from unrelatedbusiness activities not includedin line 10b, whether or not thebusiness is regularly carried on

12 Other income Do not include

gain or loss from the sale of

capital assets (Explain in Part

IV )

13 Total support (Add lines 9, 10c,

11 and 12 )

14 First Five Years If the Form 990

check this box and stop here

(a) 2005 (b) 2006 (c) 2007 (d) 2008 (e) 2009 (f) Total

is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a 501(c)(3) organization,

lk^ F_

Section C. Com p utation of Public Su pport Percenta g e15 Public Support Percentage for 2009 (line 8 column (f) divided by line 13 column (f)) 15

16 Public support percentage from 2008 Schedule A, Part III, line 15 16

Section D . Com p utation of Investment Income Percenta g e

17 Investment income percentage for 2009 (line 10c column (f) divided by line 13 column (f)) 17

18 Investment income percentage from 2008 Schedule A, Part III, line 17 18

19a 33 1 / 3% support tests-2009 . If the organization did not check the box on line 14, and line 15 is more than 33 1/3% and line 17 is not

more than 33 1/3%, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported


b 33 1 / 3% support tests-2008 . If the organization did not check a box on line 14 or line 19a, and line 16 is more than 33 1/3% and line

18 is not more than 33 1/3%, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization lk^F_20 Private Foundation If the organization did not check a box on line 14, 19a or 19b, check this box and see instructions lk^F_

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009

Page 16: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009 Page 4

MOW^ Supplemental Information . Supplemental Information. Complete this part to provide the explanation

required by Part II, line 10; Part II, line 17a or 17b; or Part III, line 12. Provide any other additionalinformation. See instructions

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009

Page 17: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493312025000

SCHEDULE C Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities OMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990 or 990-EZ)2009For Organizations Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c) and section 527

Department of the Treasury 1- Complete if the organization is described below.

Internal Revenue Service 1- Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. 1- See separate instructions. •

If the organization answered " Yes," to Form 990, Part IV , Line 3, or Form 990-EZ, Part VI, line 46 (Political Campaign Activities),then• Section 501(c)(3) organizations Complete Parts I-A and B Do not complete Part I-C• Section 501(c) (other than section 501(c)(3)) organizations Complete Parts I-A and C below Do not complete Part I-B• Section 527 organizations Complete Part I-A onlyIf the organization answered " Yes," to Form 990, Part IV , Line 4, or Form 990-EZ , Part VI, line 47 ( Lobbying Activities), then• Section 501(c)(3) organizations that have filed Form5768 (election under section 501(h)) Complete Part II-A Do not complete Part II-B• Section 501(c)(3) organizations that have NOT filed Form5768 (election under section 501(h)) Complete Part II-B Do not complete Part II-AIf the organization answered " Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, Line 5 ( Proxy Tax) or Form 990-EZ , line 35a ( regarding proxy tax), then* Section 501(c)(4), (5), or ( 6) organizations Complete Part IIIName of the organization Employer identification numberSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION


Complete if the orcianization is exempt under section 501(c) or is a section 527 orcianization.

1 Provide a description of the organization ' s direct and indirect political campaign activities in Part IV

2 Political expenditures - $

3 Volunteer hours

Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501 ( c)(3).

1 Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by the organization under section 4955 - $

2 Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by organization managers under section 4955 - $

3 If the organization incurred a section 4955 tax, did it file Form 4720 for this year? F Yes (- No

4a Was a correction made? fl Yes fl No

b If "Yes," describe in Part IV

UTMET-Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c) except section 501 ( c)(3).

1 Enter the amount directly expended by the filing organization for section 527 exempt function activities - $

2 Enter the amount of the filing organization's funds contributed to other organizations for section 527exempt funtion activities - $

3 Total exempt function expenditures Add lines 1 and 2 Enter here and on Form 1120-PO L, line 17b - $

4 Did the filing organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? 1 Yes 1 No

5 State the names, addresses and employer identification number (EIN) of all section 527 political organizations to which paymentswere made For each organization listed, enter the amount paid from the filing organization's funds A Iso enter the amount of politicalcontributions received that were promptly and directly delivered to a separate political organization, such as a separate segregatedfund or a political action committee (PAC) If additional space is needed, provide information in Part IV

(a) Name (b) Address (c) EIN (d) Amount paid from (e) Amount of political

filing organization's contributions received

funds If none, enter -0- and promptly anddirectly delivered to a

separate politicalorganization If none,

enter -0-

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 50084S Schedule C (Form 990 or 990 - EZ) 2009

Page 18: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009 Page 2

Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(3) and filed Form 5768 ( electionunder section 501(h)).

A Check F if the filing organization belongs to an affiliated groupB Check 1 if the filing organization checked box A and "limited control" provisions apply

Limits on Lobbying Expenditures(The term "expenditures " means amounts paid or incurred.)

(a) Filing

O rganization's


(b) Affiliated











la Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grass roots lobbying)

b Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying)

c Total lobbying expenditures (add lines la and 1b)

d Other exempt purpose expenditures

e Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 1c and 1d)

f Lobbying nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the following table in bothcolumns

If the amount on line le, column ( a) or (b) is:

Not over $500,000

The lobbying nontaxable amount is:

20% of the amount on line le

Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000

Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000

Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000

Over $17,000,000 $1,000,000

g Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 1f)

h Subtract line 1g from line la If zero or less, enter -0-

i Subtract line lffrom line 1c If zero or less, enter -0-

i If there is an amount other than zero on either line 1 h or line 11, did the organization file Form 4720 reporting

section 4911 tax for this year?F- Yes F- No

4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h)(Some organizations that made a section 501 ( h) election do not have to complete all of the five

columns below. See the instructions for lines 2a through 2f on page 4.)

Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period

Calendar year ( or fiscal year(a) 2006 (b) 2007 (c) 2008 (d) 2009 (e) Total

beginning in)

2a Lobbying non-taxable amount 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

b Lobbying ceiling amount3,000,000

(150% of line 2a, column(e))

c Total lobbying expenditures 35,000 211,784 246,784

d Grassroots non-taxable amount 250,000 250,000 500,000

e Grassroots ceiling amount750,000

(150% of line 2d, column (e))

f Grassroots lobbying expenditures 85,699 211,784 297,483

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009

Page 19: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009 Page 3

Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(3) and has NOT filed Form 5768

( election under section 501(h)).

(a) (b)

Yes No A mount

1 During the year, did the filing organization attempt to influence foreign, national, state or local

legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum,through the use of

a Volunteers?

b Paid staff or management (include compensation in expenses reported on lines 1c through 1i)7

c Media advertisements?

d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public?

e Publications, or published or broadcast statements?

f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes?

g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body?

h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any similar means?

i Other activities? If "Yes," describe in Part IV

j Total lines 1c through 1i

2a Did the activities in line 1 cause the organization to be not described in section 501(c)(3)7

b If "Yes," enter the amount of any tax incurred under section 4912

c If "Yes," enter the amount of any tax incurred by organization managers under section 4912

d If the filing organization incurred a section 4912 tax, did it file Form 4720 for this year?

Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(4), section 501(c)(5), or section501(c)(6).

1 Were substantially all (90% or more) dues received nondeductible by members?

2 Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less?

3 Did the organization agree to carryover lobbying and political expenditures from the prior year?


Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(4), section 501(c)(5), or section501(c)(6) if BOTH Part 111-A, lines 1 and 2 are answered "No" OR if Part 111-A, line 3 isanswered "Yes".

1 Dues, assessments and similar amounts from members 1

2 Section 162(e) non-deductible lobbying and political expenditures ( do not include amounts of politicalexpenses for which the section 527(f) tax was paid).

a Current year 2a

b Carryover from last year 2b

c Total 2c

3 Aggregate amount reported in section 6033(e)(1)(A) notices of nondeductible section 162(e) dues 3

4 If notices were sent and the amount on line 2c exceeds the amount on line 3, what portion of the excess

does the organization agree to carryover to the reasonable estimate of nondeductible lobbying andpolitical expenditure next year? 4

5 Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (see instructions) 5

lffff^ Supplemental information

Complete this part to provide the descriptions required for Part I-A, line 1, Part I-B, line 4, Part I-C, line 5, and Part II-B, line 1i

H iso, complete tnis part ror any aaaitionai inrormation

Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Part IV, Supplemental Information The community foundation made GRANTS TO OTHER


ACTIVITIES IN Support ofAB 1057 , AB 12, ACR 80,

Proposition 1D, and 5 1916

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990EZ) 2009

Page 20: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493312025000

SCHEDULE D(Form 990)

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service



Employer identification number

1 20-5205488

Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts . Complete if the

org anization answered "Yes" to Form 990 , Part IV , line 6.

(a) Donor advised funds (b) Funds and other accounts

1 Total number at end of year

2 Aggregate contributions to (during year)

3 Aggregate grants from (during year)

4 Aggregate value at end of year

MB No 1545-0047

9611 1561

92,265,843 17,770,313

100,201,843 21,193,274

840,357,134 333,643,375

5 Did the organization inform all donors and donor advisors in writing that the assets held in donor advisedfunds are the organization's property, subject to the organization's exclusive legal control? F Yes F No

6 Did the organization inform all grantees , donors, and donor advisors in writing that grant funds may beused only for charitable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor advisor , or for any other purposeconferring impermissible private benefit F Yes 1 No

WNW-Conservation Easements . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 7.

1 Purpose ( s) of conservation easements held by the organization (check all that apply)

1 Preservation of land for public use ( e g , recreation or pleasure ) 1 Preservation of an historically importantly land area

1 Protection of natural habitat 1 Preservation of a certified historic structure

1 Preservation of open space

2 Complete lines 2a-2d if the organization held a qualified conservation contribution in the form of a conservationeasement on the last day of the tax year

Held at the End of the Year

a Total number of conservation easements 2a

b Total acreage restricted by conservation easements 2b

c Number of conservation easements on a certified historic structure included in (a) 2c

d N umber of conservation easements included in (c) acquired after 8/17/06 2d

3 N umber of conservation easements modified, transferred, released, extinguished, or terminated by the organization during

the taxable year 0-

4 Number of states where property subject to conservation easement is located 0-

5 Does the organization have a written policy regarding the periodic monitoring, inspection, handling of violations, andenforcement of the conservation easements it holds? 1 Yes 1 No

6 Staff and volunteer hours devoted to monitoring, inspecting and enforcing conservation easements during the year 0-

7 Amount of expenses incurred in monitoring, inspecting, and enforcing conservation easements during the year -$

8 Does each conservation easement reported on line 2(d) above satisfy the requirements of section170(h)(4)(B)(i) and 170(h)(4)(B)(ii)'' 1 Yes 1 No

9 In Part XIV, describe how the organization reports conservation easements in its revenue and expense statement, and

balance sheet, and include, if applicable, the text of the footnote to the organization's financial statements that describesthe organization's accounting for conservation easements

EMBEff Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets.ComDlete if the oraanization answered "Yes" to Form 990. Part IV. line 8.

la If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, not to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet works ofart, historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education or research in furtherance of public service,provide, in Part XIV, the text of the footnote to its financial statements that describes these items

b If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet works of art,historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of public service,provide the following amounts relating to these items

(i) Revenues included in Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 -$


00 Assets included in Form 990, Part X -$

If the organization received or held works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets for financial gain, provide the

following amounts required to be reported under SFAS 116 relating to these items

a Revenues included in Form 990, Part VIII, line 1

b Assets included in Form 990, Part X

0- $

0- $

Supplemental Financial Statements

0- Complete if the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990,

Part IV, line 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12.

0- Attach to Form 990. 0- See separate instructions.

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Intructions for Form 990 Cat No 52283D Schedule D ( Form 990) 2009

Page 21: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule D (Form 990) 2009 Page 2

Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures , or Other Similar Assets (continued)

3 Using the organization's accession and other records, check any of the following that are a significant use of its collectionitems (check all that apply)

a F_ Public exhibition d 1 Loan or exchange programs

b 1 Scholarly research e F Other

c F Preservation for future generations

4 Provide a description of the organization 's collections and explain how they further the organization 's exempt purpose in

Part XIV

5 During the year, did the organization solicit or receive donations of art, historical treasures or other similarassets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be maintained as part of the organization's collection? 1 Yes 1 No

Escrow and Custodial Arrangements . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990,

Part IV, line 9, or reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21.

la Is the organization an agent, trustee, custodian or other intermediary for contributions or other assets notincluded on Form 990, Part X'' 1 Yes fl No

b If "Yes," explain the arrangement in Part XIV and complete the following table

c Beginning balance

d Additions during the year

e Distributions during the year

f Ending balance

2a Did the organization include an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21''

b If "Yes, " explain the arrangement in Part XIV

MrIM-Endowment Funds . Com p lete If the org anization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV , line 10.

la Beginning of year balance .

b Contributions

c Investment earnings or losses

d Grants or scholarships

e Other expenditures for facilities

and programs

f Administrative expenses .

g End of year balance

(a)Current Year ( b)Prior Year (c)Two Years Back (d)Three Years Back (e)Four Years Back

141,036,046 180,455,645

16,099,049 5,184,975

31,846,752 -30,338,064

-9,730,256 -10,434,601

-740,504 -563,361

-3,641,649 -3,268,548

174, 869, 438 141, 036, 046

2 Provide the estimated percentage of the year end balance held as

a Board designated or quasi-endowment 0- 54 000 % %

b Permanent endowment 0- 46 000 % %

c Term endowment 0- 0

3a Are there endowment funds not in the possession of the organization that are held and administered for theorganization by Yes No

(i) unrelated organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a(i) No

(ii) related organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a(ii) No

b If "Yes" to 3a(ii), are the related organizations listed as required on Schedule R'' . . I 3b

4 Describe in Part XIV the intended uses of the organization's endowment funds

1:M-4VJ@ Investments- Land. Buildinas . and Eauioment . See Form 990. Part X. line 10.

Description of investment(a) Cost or other

basis (investment)(b)Cost or otherbasis (other)

(c) Accumulateddepreciation (d) Book value

la Land

b Buildings

c Leasehold improvements 2,520,024 608,554 1,911,470

d Equipment 1,036,916 600,847 436,069

e Other 1,697,886 770,997 926,889

Total . A dd lines la-le (Column (d) should equal Form 990, Part X, column (B), line 10(c).) . 3,274,428

Schedule D (Form 990) 2009

fl Yes l No

Page 22: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule D (Form 990) 2009 Page 3

Investments-Other Securities . See Form 990, Part X, line 12.(a) Description of security or category

(including name of security)( b)Book value

( c) Method of valuationCost or end-of-year market value

Financial derivatives

Closely-held equity interests



HEDGE FUNDs 116,380,220 F

PRIVATE EQUITY - VC 36,434,590 F

REAL ASSETS 22,238,072 F


Total . (Column (b) should equal Form 990, Part X, col (8) line 12) 2 2 9,3 0 9,3 8 7

Schedule D (Form 990) 2009

2. Fin 48 Footnote In Part XIV, provide the text of the footnote to the organization's financial statements that reports the organization's

liability for uncertain tax positions under FIN 48

Page 23: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule D (Form 990) 2009 Page 4

Reconciliation of Chan g e in Net Assets from Form 990 to Financial Statements

1 Total revenue (Form 990, Part VIII, column (A), line 12) 1 91,787,435

2 Total expenses (Form 990, Part IX, column (A), line 25) 2 141,924,774

3 Excess or (deficit) for the year Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 -50,137,339

4 Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments 4 172,852,117

5 Donated services and use of facilities 5

6 Investment expenses 6

7 Prior period adjustments 7

8 Other (Describe in Part XIV) 8 3,772,629

9 Total adjustments (net) Add lines 4 - 8 9 176,624,746

10 Excess or (deficit) for the year per financial statements Combine lines 3 and 9 10 126,487,407

Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return

1 Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements . 1 457,211,862

2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12

a Net unrealized gains on investments . 2a 168,482,079

b Donated services and use of facilities . 2b

c Recoveries of prior year grants 2c

d Other (Describe in Part XIV) 2d 207,835,958

e Add lines 2a through 2d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 76,318,037

3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 80,893,825

4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, but not on line 1

a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b 4a

b Other (Describe in Part XIV) 4b 10,893,610

c Add lines 4a and 4b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c 0,893,610

5 Total Revenue Add lines 3 and 4c. (This should equal Form 990, Part I, line 12 . 5 91,787,435

Reconciliation of Ex penses per Audited Financial Statements With Ex penses per Return

1 Total expenses and losses per audited financial

statements 1


2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, line 25

a Donated services and use of facilities . 2a

b Prior year adjustments 2b

c Other losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c

d Other (Describe in Part XIV) 2d 145,143,766

e Add lines 2a through 2d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2e 145,143,766

3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 130,967,602

4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1:

a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b 4a

b Other (Describe in Part XIV) 4b 10,957,172

c Add lines 4a and 4b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c 0,957,172

5 Total expenses Add lines 3 and 4c. (This should equal Form 990, Part I, line 18 . 5 141,924,774

Su pp lemental Information

Complete this part to provide the descriptions required for Part II, lines 3, 5, and 9, Part III, lines 1a and 4, Part IV, lines lb and 2b,

Part V, line 4, Part X, Part XI, line 8, Part XII, lines 2d and 4b, and Part XIII, lines 2d and 4b Also complete this part to provide any

additional information

Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Part V, Line 4 Description of Intended Use of Provide Grants to non-profit organizations in Santa Clara and

Endowment Funds San Mateo Counties that address five grantmaking strategies

Economic Security, Immigrant Integration, Education (Closing

the Middle School Achievement Gap), Regional Planning (LandUse and Transportation Planning), and a Community

Opportunity Fund focused on safety-net issues and innovative


Part X Description of Uncertain Tax The community foundation (PARENT ORGANIZATION) adopted

Positions Under FIN 48 the provisions of FASB Accounting Standards Codification

("ASC") 740-10, Income Taxes, relating to accounting for

uncertain tax positions on January 1, 2009 The community

foundation had no unrecognized tax benefits which would requirean adjustment to the January 1, 2009, beginning balance of net

assets and had no unrecognized tax benefits at December 31,2009 The community foundation and its supporting

organizations file exempt organization returns and, if applicable,unrelated business income tax returns in the U S federal andCalifornia Jurisdictions

Part XII, Line 2d - Other Revenues from Supporting Organizations 203796043 Change

Adjustments in Value of Split Interest Agreement 3772629 Realized Gain

Adjustment 267286

Part XII, Line 4b - Other Investment income Adjustment 3869184 Rental Income

Adjustments Adjustment 2383759 Contribution Revenue Adjustment



Adjustments 144993071 EXPENSE ADJUSTMENTS 150695





Split Interest Agreement 3772629

Schedule D (Form 990) 2009

Page 24: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493312025000

SCHEDULE F Statement of Activities Outside the United StatesO M B N o 1545-0047

(Form 990) ^009n Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990,

Part IV, line 14b, 15, or 16.


Department of the Treasury n Attach to Form 990 . ► See separate instructions.Open to Public

Internal Revenue Service Inspect ion

Name ortne organization


Employer identification number


General Information on Activities Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered"Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 14b.

1 For grantmakers . Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or

assistance, the grantees' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and the selection criteria used to award

the grants or assistance? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F Yes fl No

2 Forgrantmakers . Describe in Part IV the organization's procedures for monitoring the use of grant funds outside the

United States

3 Activites per Region (Use Schedule F-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed )

(a) Region (b) Number ofoffices in the


(c) Number ofemployees or

agents in region

(d) Activities conducted inregion (by type) (i e ,

fundraising, program services,grants to recipients located in

the region)

a If activity listed in d( ) ( )

is a program service,

describe specific type of

service(s) in region

(f) Total expendituresfor region

East Asia & the Pacific Grants to recipients

located in region

Grants to receipients

consistent with the

purpose of grants made

within the U S


Europe Grants to recipients

located in region

Grants to receipients

consistent with the

purpose of grants made

within the U S


north america Grants to recipients

located in region

Grants to receipients

consistent with the

purpose of grants made

within the U S


south asia Grants to recipients

located in region

Grants to receipients

consistent with the

purpose of grants made

within the U S


Totals . n 0 0 1,515,204

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 . Cat N o 50082W Schedule F (Form 990) 2009

Page 25: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule F (Form 990) 2009 Page 2

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990,

Part IV, line 15, for any recipient who received more than $5,000. Check this box if no one recipient received more than $5,000 . . . . . . . . ► F

Use Schedule F-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed.


(a) Name of


(b) IRS code


and EIN (if


(c) Region (d) Purpose of


(e) Amount of

cash grant

(f) Manner of



(g) Amount of

of non-cash


(h) Description

of non-cash


(i) Method of


(book, FMV,

appraisal, other)

See Add'I Data

Enter total number of recipient organizations listed above that are recognized as charities by the foreign country, recognized astax-exempt by the IRS, or for which the grantee or counsel has provided a section 501(c)(3) equivalency letter . . . . .

Enter total number of other organizations or entities . 11111.


Schedule F (Form 990) 2009

Page 26: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule F (Form 990) 2009 Page 3

Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 16.

Use Schedule F-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed.

(a) Type of grant or (b) Region (c) Number of (d) Amount of (e) Manner of cash (f) Amount of (g) Description (h) Method ofassistance recipients cash grant disbursement non-cash of non-cash valuation

assistance assistance (book, FMV,appraisal, other)

Schedule F (Form 990) 2009

Page 27: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule F (Form 990) 2009 Page 4

Supplemental Information

Com p lete this p art to p rovide the information re q uired in Part I , line 2 , and an y additional information.

Identifier ReturnReference Explanation

Schedule F (Form 990) 2009

Page 28: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Additional Data

Software ID:

Software Version:

EIN: 20 -5205488


Form 990 Schedule F Part II - Grants or Entities Outside The United States

(a) Name oforganization

(b) IRS codesection

and EIN(ifapplicable)

(c) Region (d) Purpose of grant(e) Amount ofcash grant

(f) Manner ofcash disbursement

(g) A mount of non-


(h) Description of


(i) Method ofvaluation

(book, FMV,appraisal, other)

South Asia Education 17,399

East Asia & Pacific Building Community 54,000

East Asia & Pacific Building Community 5,000

East Asia & Pacific Building Community 23,000

North America Building Community 25,000

Europe Education 15,604

North America Building Community 5,000

North America Building Community 160,000

North America Building Community 22,000

Europe Building Community 55,000

Europe Education 5,000

Europe Education 5,000

South Asia Building Community 21,395

South Asia Education 20,000

Europe Building Community 20,000

North America Education 100,000

North America Education 10,000

Europe Arts & Culture 40,000

North America Building Community 15,000

Europe Education 60,000

Europe Health & Wellness 6,750

Europe Arts & Culture 8,100

Europe Arts & Culture 6,500

North America Education 28,700

North America Education 64,800

East Asia & Pacific Building Community 108,506

East Asia & Pacific Building Community 31,074

East Asia & Pacific Building Community 8,054

Europe Building Community 10,000

North America Education 20,000

Page 29: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

(a) Name oforganization

(b) IRS codesection

and EIN(ifapplicable)

(c) Region (d) Purpose of grant(e) Amount ofcash grant

(f) Manner ofcash disbursement

(g) A mount of non-


(h) Description of


(i) Method ofvaluation

(book, FMV,appraisal, other)

East Asia & Pacific Building Community 8,000

North America Building Community 20,000

Europe Education 5,527

Europe Building Community 10,000

East Asia & Pacific Education 40,000

East Asia & Pacific Education 40,000

Europe Building Community 150,000

Europe Building Community 35,000

North America Building Community 5,000

North America Education 18,000

North America Education 95,000

North America Higher Education 10,000

North America Higher Education 7,500

North America Education 60,000

Europe Education 5,000

South Asia Education 22,000

Page 30: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

efile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN: 93493312025000

Schedule I OMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990) Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, 2009Governments and Individuals in the United States

Complete if the organization answered " Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, line 21 or 22.Department of the Treasury

Attach to Form 9901111Internal Revenue Service

Name of the organization Employer identification number


iU General Information on Grants and Assistance

1 Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or assistance, the grantees' eligibility for the grants or assistance, andthe selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F Yes 1 No

2 Describe in Part IV the organization ' s procedures for monitoring the use of grant funds in the U nited States

Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" toForm 990, Part IV, line 21 for any recipient that received more than $5,000 . Check this box if no one recipient received more than $ 5,000. UsePart IV and Schedule I -1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F

(a) Name and address of ( b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash ( e) Amount of non - ( f) Method of ( g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization section grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government if applicable assistance (book, FMV,appraisal,


See Additional Data Table

2 Enter total number of section 501(c)(3) and government organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1732

3 Enter total number of other organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 1

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 50055P Schedule I (Form 990) 2009

Page 31: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule I (Form 990) 2009 Page 2

Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals in the United States . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 22.

Use Schedule I-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed.

(a)Type of grant or assistance (b)N umber ofrecipients

(c)A mount ofcash grant

(d)A mount ofnon-cash assistance

(e)Method of valuation


FMV, appraisal, other)

(f)Description of non-cash assistance

n Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the information required in Part I, line 2, and any other additional information.

Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Procedure for Monitoring

Grants in the U S

Part I, Line 2 Schedule I, Part I, Line 2 Advised grants to 501(c)3 organizations By accepting the grant, grantees must agree to the

following stipulations - All grant funds, and income earned on those funds, must be spent only for charitable, religious,

scientific, literary or educational purposes, - Individuals connected with the grant recommendation will receive no benefits,

goods or services in exchange for the grant, - The grant will not be used to satisfy the payment of a pre-existing pledge or

other financial obligation, - The grant will be used solely for the purpose specified in this letter and is not for the personal

benefit of an individual - Any funds not used for the purposes specified in the award letter will be returned to Silicon Valley

Community Foundation Endowment grants to 501(c)3 organizations Grantees must sign a grant agreement that stipulates

that the grantee will send to the community foundation report(s) on the use of the granted funds at specific time intervals or

upon the achievement of pre-determined milestones All grants to Non-501(c)3 organizations Grantees must sign a grant

agreement that stipulates that the grantee will send to the community foundation a report on the use of the granted funds one

year following the receipt of the grant

Schedule I (Form 990) 2009

Page 32: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Additional Data

Software ID:

Software Version:

EIN: 20 -5205488


Form 990,Schedule I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

Return to Form

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


100 Black Men of0maha Inc 47-0785487 501(c)(3) Building Community

2221 North 24th Street Suite 5,000201

O maha, N E 68110

1st ACT Silicon Valley38 77-0489520 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

West Santa Clara Street 12,000San Jose, CA 951131806

6th Street Playhouse52 West 94-1748527 501(c)(3) YES' Program

Sixth Street 5,000Santa Rosa, CA 95401

826 Valencia826 Valencia 04-3694151 501(c)(3) Education

Street 10,000San Francisco, CA


A Child's Hope Foundation 04-3683765 501(c)(3) Building Community

4885 North Canyon Road 5,000Provo, UT 84604

A Foundation Building 26-1761329 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Strength Inc2450 El Camino 17,000Real Suite 101

Palo Alto,CA 94306

A Gifted Education Inc6835 77-0451623 501(c)(3) Education

Trinidad Drive 6,200San Jose, CA 95120

A Hand UpP 0 Box 371404 20-1025309 501(c)(3) Building Community

Las Vegas, NV 89137 5,000

A Home Away From 94-3211339 501(c)(3) Youth Leaders &

Homelessness Fort Mason 10,000 School House

Building 9 Programs

San Francisco, CA 94123

A Home Within Inc2500 18th 94-3402610 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street 100,500San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


A Safe PlacePO Box 23006 94-2491881 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Oakland,CA 946230006 8,000

Aaron Diamond AIDS 13-3540234 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Research Center455 First 25,000Avenue 7th Floor

NewYork,NY 10016

Abbey Foundation of0regon 04-3703021 501(c)(3) Religion

One Abbey Drive 6,000St Benedict, O R


Abilene Korean Church602 75-2620249 501(c)(3) Building Community

Palm Street 6,000Abilene,TX 796021228

Abilities United525 East 94-1546643 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Charleston Road 143,600Palo Alto,CA 943064247

Abortion Access Project Inc 04-3298538 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

PO Box 410164 200,000Cambridge, MA 02141

Abraham's Vision3571 04-3779552 501(c)(3) Building Community

Highland Avenue 54,000Redwood City, CA


ACCION USA Inc56 Roland 04-3219159 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 300 120,000Boston, MA 02129

Ace Charter School1100 26-1570590 501(c)(3) Education

Shasta Avenue 32,000San Jose, CA 95126

ACE Public School Network 77-0555838 501(c)(3) Education

1100 Shasta Avenue 25,000San Jose, CA 951262621

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Achievekids3860 Middlefield 77-0412221 501(c)(3) Education

Road 33,240PaloAlto,CA 943034716

Achievement Rewards for 23-7335361 501(c)(3) Education

College Scientists 37,000Foundation Inc PO Box


San Francisco, CA


Across the Bridge Foundation 77-0517240 501(c)(3) Education

1460 The Alameda 117,500San Jose, CA 951262652

Acterra Action fora 23-7064937 501(c)(3) Environment

Sustainable Earth3921 East 134,618Bayshore Road

Palo Alto,CA 943034303

Action for Nuclear 85-0307612 501(c)(3) Building Community

Disarmament Inc202 6,000Harvard SE

Albuquerque,NM 87106

Acumen Fund Inc76 Ninth 13-4166228 501(c)(3) Building Community

Avenue Suite 315 6,200NewYork,NY 10011

Addison Penzak Jewish 94-2222989 501(c)(3) Building Community

Community Center of Silicon 26,000Valley14855 Oka Road Suite


Los Gatos, CA 950321956

Adolescent Counseling 51-0192551 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Services4000 Middlefield 188,511Road Suite FH

PaloAlto,CA 943034761

Advocates forChildren1515 04-3849393 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

South El Camino Real Suite 54,865201


San Mateo, CA 944023072

Advocates for Indigenous 72-1584619 501(c)(3) Education

California Language Survival 5,000221 Idora Avenue

Vallejo,CA 945917318

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Advocates for the West Inc 06-1654062 501(c)(3) Environment

PO Box 1612 5,000Boise, ID 83701

African America Drama 94-2494728 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Company of CaliforniaThirty 5,000East Julian Suite 218

San Jose, CA 951124076

African Library Projects 65-1261685 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Thistle Street 5,760Portola Valley, CA


Agape Foundation1095 23-7054694 501(c)(3) Building Community

Market Street Suite 304 5,250San Francisco, CA 94103

AIDS Project Los Angeles 95-3842506 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

611 South Kingsley Drive 28,000Los Angeles,CA 90005

Aim High for High SchoolPO 94-3296338 501(c)(3) Education

Box 410715 35,000San Francisco, CA


Alaska Conservation 92-0061466 501(c)(3) Environment

Foundation441 West Fifth 7,500Avenue Suite 402

Anchorage,AK 995012340

Albany Bible Institute621 14-1416690 501(c)(3) Religion

Pinnacle Road 5,000Voorheesville, NY121864620

ALearn186 University 30-0464507 501(c)(3) Education

Avenue 24,000Los Altos,CA 94022

Algiers Technology Academy 20-3737902 501(c)(3) Education

6501 Berkley Drive 5,000NewOrleans,LA 70125

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


All Stars Helping Kids Inc 77-0325111 501(c)(3) Building Community

970 Main Street 20,000Redwood City, CA


Allan Hancock College800 Public/Government Education

South College Drive 5,000Santa Maria, CA 93456

Alliance of People with 91-1011821 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

DisAbilities4649 Sunnyside 10,000Avenue N Suite 100

Seattle, WA 98103

Alma College614 West 38-1359083 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Superior Street 70,000Alma,MI 488011599

Almaden Valley Counseling 94-2775534 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Service6529 Crown 14,500Boulevard Suite D

San Jose, CA 951202905

Alta Alpina Cycling ClubPO 94-3080067 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 2032 5,000Minden,NV 894232022

Alum Rock Counseling 23-7367637 501(c)(3) Building Community

Centerlnc1245 East Santa 34,500Clara Street

San Jose, CA 951162337

Alum Rock Union Elementary Public/Government Education

School District2930 Gay 10,000Avenue

San Jose, CA 95127

Alumnae Association of 04-2103649 501(c)(3) Education

Smith College33 Elm Street 60,000Northampton, MA 01063

Alzheimer's Disease and 94-2897949 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Related Disorders 57,800Association1060 La Avenida

Mountain View, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Alzheimer's Disease and 13-3039601 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Related Disorders 11,250Association Inc225 North

Michigan Avenue 17th

FloorChicago,IL 606017633

Amateur Athletic Union of the 20-4731382 501(c)(3) Building Community

United States2625 5,000Middlefield Road PMB 122

Palo Alto,CA 94306

American Academy ofArts 04-2103651 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

and Sciences136 Irving 31,200Street

Cambridge, MA 021381929

American Association of 53-0025870 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Family and Consumer 10,000Sciences400 North

Columbus Street Suite 202


Alexandria,VA 22314

American Association of 56-1374863 (blank) Health & Wellness

Medical Dosimetrists12100 5,000Sunset Hills Road Suite 130

Reston,VA 20190

American Association of 68-0463071 501(c)(3) Higher Education

University Women3427 6,000Greer Road

Palo Alto, CA 94303

American Board of Radiology 20-1354373 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation5441 East 10,000Williams Boulevard Suite200

Tucson,AZ 85711

American Cancer Society Inc 94-1170350 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

747 Camden Avenue Suite B 115,493Campbell, CA 950084147

American Cancer Society Inc 13-1788491 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

250 Williams Street NW 20,300Atlanta, GA 303031002

American Civil Liberties 94-0279770 501(c)(3) Building Community

Union Foundation of Northern 11,400California39 Drumm Street

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


American Conservatory 94-6135772 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Theater Foundation30 Grant 29,250Avenue Sixth Floor

San Francisco, CA


American Diabetes 13-1623888 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Association Inc4040 7,600Moorpark Avenue Suite 105

San Jose, CA 951171851

American Eskimo Rescue & 81-0585126 501(c)(3) Environment

Sanctuary of Iowa2567 5,000Kennedy Street

St Charles, IA 50240

American Foundation for 13-3393329 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Suicide Prevention120 Wall 59,500Street 22nd Floor

NewYork,NY 10005

American Friends of Shalom 13-3014387 501(c)(3) Building Community

Hartman InstituteOne Penn 5,000Plaza Suite 1606

New York, NY 101191606

American Friends Service 23-1352010 501(c)(3) Building Community

Committee1501 Cherry 13,200Street

Philadelphia, PA191021403

American Heart Association 13-5613797 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

One Almaden Boulevard Suite 45,269500

San Jose, CA 951132214

American Himalayan 94-2951480 501(c)(3) Environment

Foundation909 Montgomery 46,700Street Suite 400

San Francisco, CA


American India Foundation 13-4159765 501(c)(3) Building Community

216 East 45th Street 26,200Seventh FloorNewYork,NY 100173304

American Jewish World 22-2584370 501(c)(3) Building Community

Service Inc45 West 36th 155,500Street 11th Floor

New York, NY 100187631

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


American Leadership Forum 94-3092396 501(c)(3) Building Community

1171 Homestead Road Suite 80,833220

Santa Clara, CA 950505485

American Prairie Foundation 81-0541893 501(c)(3) Environment

PO Box 908 6,000Bozeman, MT 597710908

American Radium Society Inc 13-6150560 501(c)(3) Building Community

11300 West Olympic 40,000Boulevard Suite600

Los Angeles, CA


American Red Cross85 53-0196605 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Second Street Eighth Floor 181,232San Francisco, CA


American Red Cross85 94-3045430 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Second Street Eighth Floor 7,000San Francisco, CA


American Red Cross Silicon 94-1156472 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Valley2731 North First 45,850Street

San Jose, CA 951342029

American Society for 13-1623829 501(c)(3) Building Community

Prevention of Cruelty to 5,600Animals424 East 92nd


NewYork,NY 101286804

American Society of 85-0323021 501(c)(3) Building Community

Radiologic Technologists 100,000Educational Fnd15000

Central Avenue SE

Albuquerque, NM


American University in Cairo 13-5647700 501(c)(3) Higher Education

420 Fifth Avenue Third Floor 200,500NewYork,NY 100182729

AmeriCares Foundation Inc 06-1008595 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

88 Hamilton Avenue 6,500Stamford, CT 06902

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Amherst College TrusteesPO 04-2103542 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Box 5000 9,500Amherst,MA 010025000

Anacapa High School814 95-3651488 501(c)(3) Education

Santa Barbara Street 5,500Santa Barbara, CA


Andover Foundation for 22-2600932 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Archaeological Research 5,000LimitedPO Box 61314

Honolulu, HI 96839

Andre Sobel River of Life 33-0671254 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation8899 Beverley 10,000Boulevard Suite 111

Los Angeles,CA 90048

Angel Island Immigration 94-2909759 501(c)(3) Building Community

Station Foundation50 60,000Francisco Street Suite 110

San Francisco, CA


Angels on Wheels Inc4505 47-0827230 501(c)(3) Building Community

South 76th Avenue 5,000Omaha,NE 68127

Anjuman-e-Jamal1998 San 91-2145160 501(c)(3) General support

Antonio Road 100,000PaloAlto,CA 943034917

Anti-Defamation League of 13-1818723 501(c)(3) Building Community

B'nai B'rith720 Market Street 5,300Suite 800

San Francisco, CA


Apache Elementary School Public/Government Education

12800 Copper Avenue NE 10,000Albuquerque,NM 87123

Arcadia University450 South 23-1352620 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Easton Road 81,500Glenside, PA 190383295

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Archbishop Riordan High 94-1156677 501(c)(3) Education

School175 Phelan Avenue 7,500San Francisco, CA 94112

Arlington I S D Education 75-2561891 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation1141 West 5,000Pioneer Parkway Suite 102


Arlington,TX 76013

Arlington Independent School Public/Government EducationDistrict1203 West Pioneer 36,000Parkway

Arlington,TX 76013

Art Angels for KidsPO Box 26-3428470 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

4728 5,000San Jose, CA 95150

Art in Action3925 Bohannon 94-3342383 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Drive Suite 300 19,950Menlo Park,CA 940251002

Art in the SchoolPO Box 85-0375839 501(c)(3) Education

3416 5,000Albuquerque, NM


Arthritis Foundation Inc657 94-1212126 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Mission Street Suite 603 11,000San Francisco, CA


Arts Council Silicon Valley4 94-2825213 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

North Second Street Suite 87,425500

San Jose, CA 951131305

Asante Foundation2600 93-6087366 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Siskiyou Boulevard Suite 100 50,000Medford,OR 975048177

Asha for Education1401 77-0459884 501(c)(3) Education

West Green Street 45,785Urbana,IL 61801

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Ashland Rotary Foundation 23-7170144 501(c)(3) Strengthening

PO Box 511 7,600 Nonprofits

Ashland,OR 975200018

Ashoka1700 North Moore 51-0255908 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 2000 45,500Arlington,VA 222091929

Asian American Donor 94-3105388 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Program2169 Harbor Bay 5,000Parkway

Alameda,CA 94502

Asian American Recovery 94-3007538 501(c)(3) Immigration

Services Inc1340 Tully Road 75,000 Integration

Suite 304

San Jose, CA 95122

Asian Americans for 94-2292491 501(c)(3) Immigration

Community Involvement 126,659 Integration

2400 Moorpark Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA 951282680

Asian Art Museum of San 94-1704765 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Francisco200 Larkin Street 12,050San Francisco, CA


Asian Health Services818 94-2235908 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Webster Street 28,000Oakland,CA 94607

Asian Pacific Fund225 Bush 94-3201522 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 590 51,000San Francisco, CA


AspiraNet400 Oyster Point 94-2442955 501(c)(3) Education

Boulevard Suite 73,000501

South San Francisco, CA


Aspire Public Schools1286 94-3311088 501(c)(3) Education

Runnymede Street 553,567East Palo Alto, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Assemblies of God Northern 44-0577787 501(c)(3) Building Community

California & Nevada District 20,000Council6051 South Watt


Sacramento, CA


Assist International IncPO 77-0243475 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 66396 5,000Scotts Valley, CA


Assistance League of San 77-0033914 501(c)(3) Building Community

JosePO Box 20174 5,000San Jose, CA 95160

Associated Students of the 94-0294680 501(c)(3) Education

University of California at 6,000Berkeley400 Eshleman Hall

MC 4500

Berkeley, CA 94720

Association for Computing 32-0231907 501(c)(3) Education

Machinery Inc2 Penn Plaza 16,500Suite 701

NewYork,NY 101210701

Association for India's 04-3652609 501(c)(3) Building Community

Development IncPO Box F 8,200College Park, MD


Association for the Creative 68-0111256 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

EndeavorPO Box 1025 7,000Sebastopol, CA 954731025

Association of the Los Altos 94-2542813 501(c)(3) Education

Historical Museum5l South 25,750San Antonio Road

Los Altos H ills, CA


Auburn Ski Club Associates 94-3049083 501(c)(3) Building Community

IncPO Box 829 20,000Soda Springs, CA 95728

Augustana College639 38th 36-2166962 501(c)(3) Education

Street 5,500Rock Island,IL 61201

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Austin Independent School Public/Government EducationDistrict1111 West Sixth 20,000Street

Austin,TX 78703

Autism Speaks Inc2 Park 20-2329938 501(c)(3) Education

Avenue 11th Floor 20,051NewYork,NY 10016

Avenidas450 Bryant Street 94-1480548 501(c)(3) Building Community

PaloAlto,CA 943011701 43,956

Avon Products Foundation 13-6128447 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Incorporated1345 Avenue of 8,050the Americas 28th

FloorNewYork,NY 10105

Awaso Hope Foundation4603 26-2828036 501(c)(3) Awaso Hope

Thornhaven Way 8,000 Foundation

San Jose, CA 95111

Ayala Foundation USA255 94-3369973 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Shoreline Drive Suite 428 20,000Redwood City,CA 94065

Ayn Rand Institute the 22-2570926 501(c)(3) Building Community

Center for the Advancement 5,000of 0 bjectivism2121 Alton

Parkway Suite 250

Irvine, CA 926064926

B Street Theatre2711 B 95-4047805 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 6,000Sacramento,CA 95816

Ball State University 35-6024566 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 672 10,000Muncie,IN 473080672

Ballet San Jose Silicon Valley 94-2894849 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

PO Box 1666 15,250San Jose, CA 951131666

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Barnard College3009 13-1628149 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Broadway 7,000NewYork,NY 100276598

BASIC Fund268 Bush Street 94-3290699 501(c)(3) Education

Suite 2717 290,000San Francisco, CA 94104

Bay Area Legal Aid1735 94-1631316 501(c)(3) Economic Security

Telegraph Avenue 50,000Oakland,CA 94612

Bay Area Ridge Trail Council 94-3148503 501(c)(3) Environment

1007 General Kennedy 9,250Avenue Suite 3


San Francisco, CA


Bay Area Video Coalition Inc 94-2403876 501(c)(3) Building Community

2727 Mariposa Street 5,000Second FloorSan Francisco, CA 94110

Bay Area Women's Sports 55-0897084 501(c)(3) Building Community

Initiative Inc59 Washington 5,000Street 119

Santa Clara, CA


Bay Localize436 14th Street 94-2889684 501(c)(3) Building Community

Suite 1127 210,540Oakland,CA 94612

BAYCAT2415 Third Street 94-3329786 501(c)(3) Education

Suite 230 33,885San Francisco, CA 94107

Bayshore Christian 77-0151434 501(c)(3) Building Community

Ministries1001 Beech Street 12,000East Palo Alto, CA


Bayshore Elementary School Public/Government Education

155 Oriente Street 5,750Daly City, CA 94014

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Bayshore Elementary School Public/Government Education

DistrictOne Martin Street 120,169Daly City, CA 94014

Bayshore School DistrictOne Public/Government Arts & Culture

Martin Street 5,000Daly City, CA 94014

Beachwood High School Public/Government Education25100 Fairmount Boulevard 5,000Beachwood, O H 44122

Bedini Theatre Project3368 94-2543047 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Jackson Street 5,000San Francisco, CA


Bellarmine College 94-1160938 501(c)(3) Education

Preparatory United States 63,200Catholic Conference960

West Hedding Street

San Jose, CA 951261215

Bellevue Boys & Girls Clubs 91-0776451 501(c)(3) Education

209 100th Avenue NE 11,000Bellevue, WA 98044

Belmont-Redwood Shores Public/Government EducationSchool District2960 26,060Hallmark DriveBelmont, CA 940022943

Benedictine Fathers of the 94-1399274 501(c)(3) Education

Priory Inc302 Portola Road 16,666Portola Valley, CA 94028

Beneficent Technology Inc 77-0555413 501(c)(3) Building Community

480 South California Avenue 50,000Suite


PaloAlto,CA 943061609

Bennington College 03-0179414 501(c)(3) Education

CorporationOne College 5,000Drive

Bennington,VT 052016003

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Berea CollegeCPO 2216 61-0444650 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Berea, KY 40404 25,000

Berkana Institute350 East 87-0487834 501(c)(3) Building Community

Tenth Avenue 5,000Spokane, WA 992021262

Berkeley Symphony 23-7219508 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Orchestra1942 University 8,075Avenue Suite 207

Berkeley, CA 94704

Berryessa Union School 58-2173450 501(c)(3) Education

District1376 Piedmont Road 60,600San Jose, CA 951322498

Best Buddies International 52-1614576 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Inc100 SE Second Street 6,500Suite 2200

Miami,FL 33131

Best Friends Animal Society 23-7147797 501(c)(3) Building Community

5001 Angel Canyon Road 167,167Kanab,UT 847415000

Beta Upsilon Scholarship 47-0799373 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation3147 Ames 5,000Avenue

O maha, N E 68111

Bienvenidos Children's 95-4042883 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Centerlnc316 West Second 7,500Street Suite 800

Los Angeles,CA 90012

Big Brothers Big Sisters of 75-0800632 501(c)(3) Building Community

North Texas450 East John 5,000Carpenter Freeway

Irving,TX 75062

Big Brothers Big Sisters of 23-7108045 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

the Bay Area731 Market 15,000Street Sixth Floor

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Big Brothers Big Sisters of 87-0668154 501(c)(3) Building Community

Utah151 East 5600 South 5,000Suite 200

Salt Lake City, UT 84107

Bill Wilson Center3490 The 94-2221849 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Alameda 48,000Santa Clara, CA


Biola University Inc13800 95-0549600 501(c)(3) Scholarships

Biola Avenue 5,000La M irada, CA 90639

Bishop Museum1525 Bernice 99-0161980 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 5,000H onolulu, H I 968172704

BizWorld Foundation444 De 94-3280297 501(c)(3) Education

Haro Street Suite 203 10,000San Francisco, CA


Blaine County School District 94-3166817 501(c)(3) Education

Education FoundationPO Box 10,000253

Hailey,ID 83333

Blue Card Inc171 Madison 13-1623910 501(c)(3) General support

Avenue Suite 1405 5,000NewYork,NY 10016

Blue Planet Run Foundation 74-3050022 501(c)(3) Building Community

500 Sansome Street Suite 30,208205

San Francisco, CA 94111

Board ofTrustees of the 37-6000511 501(c)(3) Higher Education

University ofIllinoisPO Box 87,42620787

Springfield, IL 627080787

Booksin Elementary School Public/Government Education1590 Dry Creek Road 6,082San Jose, CA 951254618

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Boston College TrusteesMore 04-2103545 50 1(c)(3) Higher Education

Hall 220 140 Commonwealth 45,000Avenue

Chestnut Hill, MA


Bowdoin College4100 01-0215213 501(c)(3) Higher Education

College Station 10,000Brunswick,ME 040118432

Bowery Arts and Sciences Ltd 13-3859496 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

310 Bowery 30,146NewYork,NY 10012

Boy Scouts of America 94-1156483 501(c)(3) Education

Pacific Skyline Council1150 48,450Chess Drive

Foster City, CA 944041107

Boys & Girls Club of Greater 94-3193725 501(c)(3) Dining for a Difference

Half Moon BayPO Box 545 7 , 930 Campaign

Half Moon Bay, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-3193725 501(c)(3) Building Community

CoastsidePO Box 545 7,800Half Moon Bay, CA


Boys & Girls Club of the 94-1552134 501(c)(3) Education

Peninsula401 Pierce Road 503,312Menlo Park,CA 940251240

Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward 59-1108790 501(c)(3) Building Community

County877 NW 61st Street 50,250Fort Lauderdale, FL


Boys & Girls Clubs ofMarin & 94-1244390 501(c)(3) Youth Dev Services-

Southern Sonoma Cnty203 25,000 Davidson Middle

Maria Drive School Annex

Petaluma, CA 949542301

Boys & Girls Clubs of 94-1702753 501(c)(3) Building Community

Monterey CountyPO Box 97 16,000Seaside,CA 939550097

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon 94-1294898 501(c)(3) Building Community

Valley518 Valley Way 15,000Milpitas,CA 950354106

Boys and Girls Club of 22-3670025 501(c)(3) Education

Camden County Inc1709 28,000Park BoulevardCamden,NJ 08103

Braille Institute of America 95-1641426 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Inc741 North Vermont 31,582Avenue

Los Angeles,CA 90029

Brain Tumor Society Inc124 04-3068130 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Watertown Street Suite 2D 6,000Watertown, MA 02472

Bread & Roses233 94-2260301 501(c)(3) Oakland & Alameda

Tamalpais DriveSuite 100 15,000 County Youth

Corte Madera, CA


Bread of Life EPA 1852 Bay 94-3103364 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Road 20,000East Palo Alto, CA 94303

Breast Cancer Connections 77-0417605 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

390 Cambridge Avenue 104,050Palo Alto, CA 943061506

Bridge the Gap38 Mariposa 91-1930327 50 1(c)(3) Extended Learning

AvenueSuite 4 20,000 Day Program

San Anselmo,CA 94960

Bridges Community Church 94-2235834 501(c)(3) Religion

505 Driscoll Road 6,000Fremont, CA 945393802

Bring Me A Book Foundation 77-0481924 501(c)(3) Education First Five

1045 Terra Bella Avenue 490,162 Years

Mountain View, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Brookings Institution1775 53-0196577 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Massachusetts Avenue NW 25,000Washington, DC 200362103

Brown UniversityBox 1877 05-0258809 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Providence, RI 029121877 16,000

Bryn MawrCollege101North 23-1352621 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Merion Avenue 10,000Bryn Mawr, PA 190102899

Building Skills Partnership 91-2156057 501(c)(3) Immigration

1010 Ruff Drive 80,000 Integration

San Jose, CA 95110

Burlingame Aquatic Club Inc 94-3385614 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

PO Box 281 16,700Burlingame, CA 94010

Bus Barn Stage CompanyPO 77-0408348 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Box 151 7,500Los Altos,CA 940230151

Business Civic Leadership 52-2246743 501(c)(3) Building Community

Center1615 H Street NW 5,000Washington, DC 20062

Business Executives for 52-1271179 501(c)(3) Building Community

National Security1717 25,000Pennsylvania Avenue



Washington, DC 200064620

Businesses United in 94-3386695 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Investing Lending and 97,062Development3000 El Camino

Real 5 Palo Alto

Square Sixth Floor

Palo Alto,CA 94306

Butler University4600 35-0867977 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Sunset Avenue 337,000Indianapolis, IN 46208

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Cabrillo Education 94-2976402 501(c)(3) Dining for a Difference

FoundationPO Box 354 10,132 Campaign

HalfMoon Bay,CA 94019

Cabrillo Unified School Public/Government EducationDistrict498 Kelly Avenue 130,518Half Moon Bay, CA


California Academy of 94-1156258 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Sciences55 Music 510,450Concourse Drive Golden

Gate Park

San Francisco, CA


California Alliance ofAfrican 94-3413477 501(c)(3) Education

American EducatorsPO Box 10,5003134

San Jose, CA 951563134

California Alumni 94-1007751 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Associationl Alumni House 6,000Berkeley,CA 947207520

California Audubon Society 95-1856339 501(c)(3) Environment

4225 Hollis Street 60,000Emeryville, CA 946083507

California Ballet Association 95-2582305 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Inc4819 Ronson Court 7,500San Diego, CA 92111

California Charter School 51-0465703 501(c)(3) Education

Consortium250 East First 500,000Street Suite 1000

Los Angeles, CA


California College of the Arts 94-1156485 501(c)(3) Higher Education

1111 Eighth Street 6,450San Francisco, CA


California Family Foundation 77-0053005 501(c)(3) Education

3201 Ash Street 189,750Palo Alto, CA 943062240

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


California Institute of 95-1643307 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Technology1200 East 7,261California Boulevard MailCode 202-31

Pasadena, CA 911253100

California Lawyers For The 94-2301744 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Arts IncFort Mason Center 71,000C-255

San Francisco, CA


California League of 94-3232552 501(c)(3) Building Community

Conservation Voters 5,000Education Fund350 Frank H

Ogawa Plaza Suite 1100

Oakland,CA 946122018

California Museum for History 94-3015670 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Women and the Arts1020 0 10,000Street

Sacramento, CA


California Pacific Medical 94-2728423 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Center Foundation1255 Post 26,300Street Suite 700

San Francisco, CA


California Pacific Medical 94-2728423 501(c)(3) Women's Board

Center Foundation Women's 5,000BoardPO Box 45902

San Francisco, CA


California Polytechnic State 20-4927897 501(c)(3) Education

UniversityOne Grand Avenue 10,500San Luis O bispo, CA 93407

California Province of the 94-1156486 501(c)(3) Building Community

Society ofJesusPO Box 68 5,000Los Gatos, CA 950310068

California Province Society of 94-6183431 501(c)(3) Building Community

the Sacred HeartPO Box 302 5,000San Jacinto,CA 925810302

California State Parks 94-1707583 501(c)(3) Environment

Foundation50 Francisco 9,950Street Suite 110

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


California State University 94-1524922 501(c)(3) Higher Education

East Bay Foundation Inc 10,00025976 Carlos Bee Boulevard

Hayward,CA 94542

California State University 95-6106694 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Long Beach Foundation6300 5,000State University Drive Suite


Long Beach, CA


California State University Public/Government Education

Sacramento6000 J Street 7,100Sacramento,CA 95819

California State University Public/Government Education

ChicoStudent Services 6,500Center Room 250

Chico,CA 95929

California State University Public/Government Scholarships

Fresno5150 North Maple MS 5,000JA064

Fresno,CA 937408026

California Tahoe 68-0290132 501(c)(3) Environment

Conservancy1061 Third 50,000Street

South Lake Tahoe, CA


California Teachers of the 94-3313973 501(c)(3) Education

Year Foundation2678-D 5,000Milton Avenue

Fullerton, CA 928311469

California Trout870 Market 23-7097680 501(c)(3) Environment

Street Suite 528 22,250San Francisco, CA


California Youth Connection 94-3141616 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

604 Mission Street Ninth 10,982FloorSan Francisco, CA 94105

Cambodian Children's Fund 20-0764162 501(c)(3) Education

2461 Santa Monica 20,000Boulevard 833

Santa Monica,CA 90404

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Cambrian School District 77-0448212 501(c)(3) Education

4115 Jacksol Drive 5,000San Jose, CA 951243399

Cameron M Neely Foundation 04-3265628 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

for Cancer Care30 Winter 12,075Street Second Floor

Boston, MA 02108

Camp Sunshine at Sebago 22-2582877 501(c)(3) Building Community

Lake Inc35 Acadia Road 10,000Casco,ME 040153655

Campbell Union High School Public/Government EducationDistrict3235 Union Avenue 25,000San Jose, CA 95124

Campus Crusade for Christ 95-6006173 501(c)(3) Religion

IncPO Box 628222 36,650O rlando, FL 328628222

Canada College4200 Farm 94-6133905 501(c)(3) Scholarships

Hill Blvd Bldg 9-109 130,483Redwood City,CA 94061

Canary Fund1501 5 65-1230251 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

California Avenue Suite 8,0002500


Palo Alto,CA 94304

Cancer Care Inc275 13-1825919 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Seventh Avenue 22nd Floor 5,000NewYork,NY 100016754

Canine Companions for 94-2494324 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

IndependencePO Box 446 10,000Santa Rosa, CA


Canopy Trees For Palo Alto 01-0565752 501(c)(3) Environment

3921 East Bayshore Road 15,700Palo Alto,CA 943034326

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Cape May Stage Inc3l Perry 22-2937929 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 50,000Cape May, NJ 08204

Capital Area Food Bank of 74-2217350 501(c)(3) Building Community

Texas Inc8201 South 20,000Congress Avenue

Austin,TX 78745

Captain Samuel Douglass Public/Government Education

Academy24 Townsend Hill 10,000RoadBrookline, NH 03031

Career Closet43 East Gish 77-0313083 501(c)(3) Building Community

Road Suite 100 11,000San Jose, CA 951124817

Caritas Holy Family Hospital 22-2961708 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation Inc7O East 5,000Street

Methuen, MA 018449947

Carleton CollegeOne North 41-0694747 501(c)(3) Higher Education

College Street 505,000Northfield, MN 550574070

Carmel Bach Festival IncPO 94-1434628 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Box 575 17,000Carmel,CA 939210575

Carnegie Mellon University 25-0969449 501(c)(3) Education

5000 Forbes Avenue 252,791Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Carolina for Kibera IncUNC 56-2248495 501(c)(3) Building Community

Chapel Hill Campus Box 14,0005145

Chapel Hill, NC 275995145

Carson Tahoe Regional 88-0387923 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Healthcare FoundationPO 5,000Box 2168

Carson City, NV 89702

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Carson Valley Arts Council 84-1653859 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

PO Box 244 25,000Minden, NV 89423

Cascade Land Conservancy 94-3112461 501(c)(3) Environment

615 Second Avenue Suite 10,000600

Seattle, WA 98104

Case Alumni Foundation 20-0401095 501(c)(3) Labuda Family

10605 Chester Ave Suite 10,000 Endowed Fund


Cleveland, O H 441062240

Case Western Reserve 34-1018992 501(c)(3) Education

University10900 Euclid 10,500Avenue

Cleveland, OH 441067035

Castilleja School Foundation 94-0373222 501(c)(3) Education

1310 Bryant Street 154,000PaloAlto,CA 943013597

Catalyst forYouth1724 22-3863184 501(c)(3) Education

Alberta Avenue 6,406San Jose, CA 95125

Catholic Charities CYO of 94-1498472 501(c)(3) Religion

the Archdiocese of San 32,250Francisco180 Howard Street

Suite 100

San Francisco, CA


Catholic Charities of San 94-2762269 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Jose2625 Zanker Road Suite 252,500200

San Jose, CA 951342107

Catholic Charities of Santa 94-2762269 501(c)(3) Immigration

Clara County2625 Zanker 411,460 Integration

Road Suite 200

San Jose, CA 951342107

Catholic Relief Services Inc 13-5563422 501(c)(3) Building Community

228 West Lexington Street 151,700Baltimore, M D 212013413

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Catholic Worker House545 94-3136771 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Cassia Street 10,000Redwood City, CA


Catholics in Alliance for the 20-3677401 501(c)(3) Religion

Common Good1730 Rhode 10,000Island Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20036

Cedar Hills Church4100 52-2019262 501(c)(3) Religion

McGhee Road Suite I 15,500Sandpoint,ID 838649041

Cedars Home for Children 47-6024881 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation Inc620 North 5,00048th Street Suite 110

Licoln,NE 68504

Center for American Progress 30-0126510 501(c)(3) Building Community

1333 H Street NW Tenth 20,000FloorWashington, DC 200054707

Center for Constitutional 22-6082880 501(c)(3) Building Community

Rights Inc666 Broadway 12,500Seventh FloorNewYork,NY 100122317

Center For Employment 94-1658311 501(c)(3) Immigration

Training701 Vine Street 101,000 Integration

San Jose, CA 95110

Center for Environmental 94-3251981 501(c)(3) General support

Health528 61st Street Suite 8,000A

Oakland,CA 94609

Center for Excellence in 77-0385218 501(c)(3) Building Community

Nonprofits546 Valley Way 92,590Milpitas,CA 950354106

Center for Functional 68-0282061 501(c)(3) Education

ResearchTwo Lincoln Drive 60,000Sausalito, CA 949651610

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Center for Independent Media 33-1137541 50 1(c)(3) Arts &Culture

1825 Connecticut Avenue 5,000NW 625

Washington, DC 20009

Center for Interdisciplinary 20-8671985 501(c)(3) Building Community

Policy Education and 54,000Research on Terrorism405


Redwood City,CA 94063

Center for Responsible 74-3043913 501(c)(3) Economic Security

Lending1330 Broadway Suite 100,000604

Oakland,CA 94602

Center for Social 90-0086729 501(c)(3) Building Community

Responsibility Inc5 Emmons 32,000Street 2

Montpelier, VT 05602

Center for Strategic & 52-1501082 501(c)(3) Building Community

International Studies Inc 150,0001800 K Street NW Suite 400

Washington, DC 200062230

Center for the Advancement 13-3858670 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

of Women25 West 43rd 25,000Street Suite 1120

NewYork,NY 10036

Center for the Education of 94-2914703 501(c)(3) Education

the Infant Deaf1035 Grayson 10,000Street

Berkeley, CA 94710

Center for Training and 94-2400381 501(c)(3) Building Community

Careers Inc1600 Las Plumas 10,000Drive

San Jose, CA 951331612

Center on Budget and Policy 52-1234565 501(c)(3) Building Community

Priorities820 First Street NE 50,000Suite 510

Washington, DC 20002

Central Asia InstitutePO Box 51-0376237 501(c)(3) Building Community

7209 7,450Bozeman, MT 597717209

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Central Oregon Community 93-6041247 501(c)(3) Higher Education

College Foundation2600 NW 10,000College Way

Bend,OR 977015933

Cesar Chavez Academy2450 77-0209800 501(c)(3) Education

RalmarAvenue 18,362East Palo Alto,CA


Chabot Space & Science 94-3146233 501(c)(3) Education

Center10000 Skyline 32,000BoulevardOakland,CA 94619

CHAM Deliverance Ministry 35-0868116 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc8O South Fifth Street 8,000San Jose, CA 951123519

Chamber Music San 51-0448351 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Francisco1314 34th Avenue 5,000San Francisco, CA


Chaminade University of Public/Government ScholarshipsHonolulu3140 Waialae 5,000Avenue

Honolulu, HI 968161578

Chapman Education 93-1121953 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation1445 NW 26th 5,000Avenue

Portland, O R 97210

Charles Armstrong School 94-1666217 501(c)(3) Education

1405 Solana Drive 5,000Belmont, CA 940023653

Chhandam Chitresh Das 94-2693092 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Dance Company32 Saint 11,000Charles AvenueSan Francisco, CA


Chicana Foundation of 94-2923423 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Northern California1419 20,000Burlingame Avenue Suite N

Burlingame, CA 94010

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Child Advocates of Silicon 77-0250773 50 1(c)(3) Education

Valley Inc509 Valley Way 80,300Building 2

Milpitas,CA 950354105

Child Aid917 SW Oak Street 33-0317937 501(c)(3) Building Community

Suite 320 5,000Portland,OR 97205

Child and Family Research 94-3037738 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

and Training Institute330 7,000Ravenswood Avenue

Menlo Park,CA 940253420

Child Care Coordinating 94-2226587 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Council of San Mateo County 312,162Inc2121 South El Camino

Real Suite


San Mateo, CA 944031819

Child Crisis CenterPO Box 86-0407090 501(c)(3) Building Community

4114 5,000Mesa,AZ 85211

Child Educational Center 95-3403258 501(c)(3) Education First Five

CalTechJPL Community140 5,000 Years

Foothill BoulevardLa Canada, CA 910113727

Children Now1212 Broadway 94-3059243 501(c)(3) Education First Five

Fifth Floor 160,000 Years

Oakland,CA 946121805

Children's Advocacy Center 94-3079497 501(c)(3) Building Community

816 West Tenth Street 21,700Medford,OR 975013016

Children's Center of the 94-1704824 501(c)(3) Building Community

Stanford Community695 5,000Pampas Lane

Stanford,CA 943057206

Children's Diabetes 84-0745008 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation at Denver 5,000Colorado777 Grant Street

Suite 302

Denver,CO 80203

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Children's Discovery 94-2870828 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Museum of San Jose180 Woz 179,135Way

San Jose, CA 951102722

Children's Empowerment Inc 94-3329561 501(c)(3) Education

480 Collins Avenue Suite J 55,000Colma,CA 940143204

Children's Health Council Inc 94-1312311 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

650 Clark Way 61,200Palo Alto,CA 943042300

Children's Hospital & 94-1657474 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Research Center Foundation 115,0002201 Broadway Suite 600

Oakland,CA 946123017

Children's Pre-School Center 77-0050078 501(c)(3) Education

4000 Middlefield Road 5,500Palo Alto, CA 94303

Childrens Theatre of 56-1028031 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Charlotte Inc300 East 10,000Seventh Street

Charlotte, NC 28202

Chinatown Community 94-2514053 501(c)(3) Building Community

Development Center Inc 10,0001525 Grant Avenue

San Francisco, CA


Chinese Historical Society of 94-6122446 501(c)(3) Education

America965 Clay Street 10,500San Francisco, CA


CHP 11-99 Foundation2244 95-6530738 501(c)(3) Building Community

North State College 26,000BoulevardFullerton, CA 928311361

Christ Episcopal Church 94-1552793 501(c)(3) Building Community

1040 Border Road 35,500Los Altos,CA 94024

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Christa McAuliffe Parent- 77-0188602 501(c)(3) Education

Faculty Group12211 Titus 8,900Avenue

Saratoga, CA 950703456

Christian Counseling and 23-1996251 501(c)(3) General support

Educational Foundation1803 50,000East Willow Grove Avenue

Glenside, PA 19038

Chrysalis Center1853 95-3972624 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Lincoln Boulevard 40,000Santa Monica,CA 90404

Church of the Nativity210 51-0219028 501(c)(3) Religion

Oak Grove Avenue 12,500Menlo Park,CA 940253218

Churchill Club3150 Almaden 77-0082988 501(c)(3) Community

Expressway Suite 214 10,000 Opportunity Fund

San Jose, CA 95118

Citizen Schools Inc400 04-3259160 501(c)(3) Education

Duane Street Room 125 60,000Redwood City, CA


Citizens for Responsibility 03-0445391 501(c)(3) Building Community

and Ethics in Washington Inc 10,0001400 Eye Street NW Suite


Washington, DC 200056503

City Arts and Lectures1955 94-2788795 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Sutter Street 20,000San Francisco, CA 94115

City at Peace104 West 27th 13-4134366 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street 12th Floor 10,000NewYork,NY 10001

City Hearts Kids Say Yes to 95-4036895 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

the Arts LA Fringe Theatre 24,000IncPO Box 1314

Topanga, CA 90290

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


City ofCupertino10300 Public/Government Building Community

Torre Avenue 40,500Cupertino,CA 950143255

City of Hope1055 Wilshire 95-4304125 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Boulevard 45,000Los Angeles,CA 90017

City of Los AltosOne North Public/Government Building Community

San Antonio Road 5,000Los Altos,CA 94022

City of Menlo Park701 Laurel Public/Government Education

Street 42,000Menlo Park,CA 94025

City of Palo Alto3201 East Public/Government Building Community

Bayshore Road 46,000Palo Alto, CA 94303

City of Redwood City1017 Public/Government Building Community

Middlefield Road 125,000Redwood City, CA


City of San Jose200 East Public/Government Building Community

Santa Clara Street Tenth 11,306FloorSan Jose, CA 951131903

City of Santa Cruz323 Public/Government Building Community

Church Street 25,000Santa Cruz, CA 95060

City ofSaratoga13777 Public/Government Building Community

Fruitvale Avenue 16,785Saratoga, CA 950705151

City Year142 West Santa 22-2882549 501(c)(3) Building Community

Clara Street 129,796San Jose, CA 951131711

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


CityTeam Ministries2304 94-1501265 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Zanker Road 220,750San Jose, CA 951311115

Clemson University 57-0426335 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 1889 40,000Clemson,SC 296331889

Cleo Eulau Center for 77-0393676 501(c)(3) Education

Children and Adolescents 55,0002483 Old Middlefield WaySuite 208

Mountain View, CA


CoachArt3303 Wilshire 94-3389547 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Boulevard Suite 320 32,000Los Angeles,CA 90010

Coast Opportunity Center 51-0199747 501(c)(3) Dining for a Difference

IncPO Box 1089 12,118 Campaign

El Granada, CA 94018

Coastside Adult Day Health 94-2935784 501(c)(3) Community

Center645 Correas Street 15,000 Opportunity Fund

Half Moon Bay,CA 94019

Coastside Child Development 94-3066324 501(c)(3) Dining for a Difference

CenterPO Box 84 9,074 Campaign

Half Moon Bay,CA 94019

Coastside Child Development 94-3066324 501(c)(3) Education First Five

CenterPO Box 84 6,000 Years

Half Moon Bay,CA 94019

Coastside Children's 94-2407737 501(c)(3) Dining for a Difference

Programs494 Miramontes 5 , 875 Campaign


HalfMoon Bay,CA 94019

Coastside Health Committee 94-2956085 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

P 0 Box 781 10,000Half Moon Bay,CA 94019

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Coastside HopePO Box 51-0199747 50 1(c)(3) Supporting Families

1089 7,700El Granada, CA 940181089

Coastside Medical Dental 94-3390196 501(c)(3) Dining for a Difference

Clinics Inc210 San Mateo 7 , 639 Campaign

Road Suite 104

Half Moon Bay, CA


Coastside Medical Dental 94-3390196 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Clinics Inc210 San Mateo 10,250Road Suite 104

Half Moon Bay, CA


Cobscook Community 01-0449348 501(c)(3) Building Community

Learning Centerl0 175,000Commissary Point Road

Lubec, ME 046525041

CO EP Charitable Foundation 56-2422286 501(c)(3) Building Community

12760 Camino Medio Lane 9,000Los Altos Hills,CA 94022

Cole Valley Improvement 20-1652073 501(c)(3) Building Community

AssociationPO Box 170611 5,000San Francisco, CA


Colgate University 15-0532078 501(c)(3) Colgate University

Treasurers Officel3 Oak 15,000 Unrestricted Annual

Drive Fund

Hamilton, NY 133461384

Colgate University 15-0532078 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Treasurers Officel3 Oak 20,000Drive

Hamilton, NY 133461384

Collective Roots Garden 71-0901459 501(c)(3) Building Community

Project IncPO Box 50784 85,750East Palo Alto, CA


College of San Mateo1700 Public/Government Education

West Hillsdale Boulevard 41,625San Mateo, CA 94402

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


College Track436 14th 94-3279613 501(c)(3) Education

Street Suite 500 205,500Oakland,CA 946122736

Colonial Williamsburg 54-0505888 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

FoundationPO Box 1776 70,000Williamsburg, VA


Colorado Collegel4 East 84-0402510 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Cache La Poudre Street 27,000Colorado Springs, CO


Colorado MESACampus Box 84-0800831 501(c)(3) Education

104 PO Box 173364 15,000Denver,CO 802173364

Columbia University475 13-5598093 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Riverside Drive Suite 964 8,750NewYork,NY 10115

Combined Training 94-2417423 501(c)(3) Environment

Equestrian Team Alliance Ltd 6,250PO Box 620010

Woodside,CA 940620010

Committed Partners for Youth 94-3143502 501(c)(3) Building Community

935 Oak Street 28,000Eugene, O R 97401

Common Sense Media650 41-2024986 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Townsend Street Suite 375 11,700San Francisco, CA


Commonwealth Club of 94-0399260 501(c)(3) Education

California595 Market Street 86,000Second FloorSan Francisco, CA


Commonwealth Foundation 22-2543558 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc186 Hampshire Street 25,000Third FloorCambridge, MA 02139

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Community Alliance with 94-2914745 501(c)(3) Building Community

Family Farmers Foundation 5,000PO Box 363

Davis, CA 95617

Community Collaboration Inc 20-8287750 501(c)(3) Building Community

605 Fulton Avenue 360,000Rockford,IL 61103

Community Collaboration Inc 20-8287750 501(c)(3) Building Community

605 Fulton Avenue 100,000Rockford,IL 61103

Community Development 94-2814128 501(c)(3) Regional Planning

Institute321 Bell Street 5,000East Palo Alto, CA


Community Educational 94-2267445 501(c)(3) Education

Services of San Francisco36 5,000Waverly Place Suite 1

San Francisco, CA 94108

Community Financial 20-3788598 501(c)(3) Economic Security

Resources771 Euclid Avenue 45,000Berkeley, CA 94708

Community Foundation of 83-0308856 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Jackson HolePO Box 574 200,000 Nonprofits

Jackson Hole,WY 83001

Community Foundation of 94-2808039 501(c)(3) Building Community

Santa Cruz County2425 501,781Porter Street Suite 17

Soquel,CA 95073

Community Foundation of 83-0308856 501(c)(3) Building Community

Teton ValleyPO Box 1523 15,000Driggs, ID 83422

Community Foundation of the 68-0349777 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Napa Valley3299 Claremont 1,000,000 Nonprofits

Way Suite 2

Napa,CA 945583382

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Community Foundation 68-0003212 501(c)(3) Building Community

Sonoma County250 D Street 27,854Suite 205

Santa Rosa, CA 954044773

Community Gatepath875 94-1156502 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Stanton Road 12 , 229Burlingame,CA 940101403

Community Health 94-2223670 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Awareness CouncilPO Box 67,133335

Mountain View, CA


Community High School 13-4224216 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation Inc890 Broadway 18,250Street

Redwood City, CA


Community Housing 94-3112338 501(c)(3) Building Community

Partnership280 Turk Street 15,000San Francisco, CA 94102

Community Impact105 Earl 13-3386904 501(c)(3) Building Community

Hall MC 2010 25,000NewYork,NY 10027

Community Initiatives354 94-3255070 501(c)(3) Building Community

Pine Street Suite 700 25,000San Francisco, CA


Community Initiatives354 94-3255070 501(c)(3) Building Community

Pine Street Suite 700 51,000San Francisco, CA


Community Learning Center 23-2791129 501(c)(3) Immigration

520 Tamarack Lane 72 , 593 Integration

South San Francisco, CA


Community Legal Services in 22-3866910 501(c)(3) Building Community

East Palo Alto2117-B 112,624University Avenue

East Palo Alto, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Community Music Center544 94-1156270 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Capp Street 11,500San Francisco, CA


Community Musicworks1392 05-0507426 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Westminister Street 10,000Providence, RI 029091628

Community of the Franciscan 13-3450836 501(c)(3) Building Community

Friars of the RenewalO ne 6,000Pryer Manor Road

Larchmont,NY 105383424

Community School of Music & 23-7023900 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Arts230 San Antonio Circle 82 , 932Mountain View, CA


Community Services Agency 94-1422465 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

204 Stierlin Road 194,733Mountain View, CA


Community Solutions for 23-7351215 501(c)(3) Building Community

Children Families and 20,250IndividualsPO Box 546

Morgan Hill, CA 950380546

Community Working Group 77-0446309 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc2507-A Alma Street 19,450PaloAlto,CA 943011704

Community Works Inc900 93-0633804 501(c)(3) Building Community

East Main Street 67,000Medford,OR 975047136

CompassPoint Nonprofit 93-1196632 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Services731 Market Street 78,500 Nonprofits

Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


Computer History Museum 77-0507525 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

1401 North Shoreline 93,620BoulevardMountain View, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Computers for AfricaPO Box 38-3645376 501(c)(3) Education

34262 12,000O maha, N E 681340262

Computers for Youth 13-3935309 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation Inc2339 Third 28,000Street Suite 46

San Francisco, CA 94107

Comunidad Para Baja 56-2495229 501(c)(3) Scholarship program

CaliforniaPO Box 565 20,000Los Gatos, CA 95031

Concentric MediaPO Box 94-3169925 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

1414 195,000Menlo Park,CA 940261414

Conexions Partnerships for a 20-4095892 501(c)(3) Environment

Sustainable Future1023 61,000Corporation Way

PaloAlto,CA 943034333

Congregation Beth Am26790 94-1450202 501(c)(3) Religion

Arastradero Road 35,385Los Altos H ills, CA


Congregation Kol Emeth4175 94-1566203 501(c)(3) Religion

Manuela Avenue 7,474PaloAlto,CA 943063703

Congregation Shir Hadash20 94-2662529 501(c)(3) Building Community

Cherry Blossom Lane 16,000Los Gatos, CA 95032

Conservation Earth IncPO 94-2924999 501(c)(3) Environment

Box 3098 13,800Half Moon Bay, CA


Conservation Through 87-0713649 501(c)(3) Building Community

Poverty Alleviation 5,000International Inc221 Lincoln

RoadLincoln,MA 01773

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Consortium for Public 25-1533592 501(c)(3) Building Community

Education410 Ninth Avenue 10,000Mckeesport, PA 15132

Consumer Watchdog1750 95-3993720 501(c)(3) Building Community

Ocean Park Boulevard Suite 12,000200


Santa Monica,CA 90405

Contemporary Jewish 47-0920831 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Museum736 Mission Street 20,000San Francisco, CA


Cooperative for Assistance 13-1685039 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

and Relief Everywhere Inc 6,750(CARE)PO Box 1871

Merrifield,VA 221169753

CORA (Community 94-2481188 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Overcoming Relationship 13,550Abuse)PO Box 5090

San Mateo, CA 944020090

Cornell University130 East 15-0532082 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Seneca Street 66,000Ithaca, NY 148504353

Corporation for Enterprise 52-1141804 501(c)(3) Economic Security

Development353 Folsom 205,000Street

San Francisco, CA 94105

Corporation of the Fine Arts 94-3045948 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Museums50 Hagiwara Tea 11,450Garden Drive

San Francisco, CA


Council on Foundations2121 13-6068327 501(c)(3) Building Community

Crystal Drive Suite 700 47,000Arlington,VA 22202

Counseling and Support 26-4655116 501(c)(3) Building Community

Services forYouth555 Bryant 50,000Avenue Suite 126

Palo Alto,CA 94301

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


County of San Mateo701 Public/Government Education, Health &

Gateway Boulevard Suite 4,152,854 Wellness


South San Francisco, CA


Court Appointed Special 94-2897531 50 1(c)(3) Supporting Families

Advocates of Contra Costa 35,000County Inc1615 East 17th

Street Suite 100

Santa Ana,CA 92705

Court Appointed Special 77-0305354 501(c)(3) Building Community

Advocates of Santa Cruz 104,000County294 Green Valley

Road Suite 326

Watsonville, CA


Coyote Point Museum 94-1262434 501(c)(3) Environment

Association1651 Coyote 5,500Point Drive

San Mateo,CA 944011097

Craighead Environmental 52-0810968 501(c)(3) Environment

Research Institute201 South 12,000Wallace Avenue Suite B2D

Bozeman, MT 59715

Creating Economic 55-0836010 501(c)(3) Building Community

Opportunities for Women Inc 56,000405 14th Street Suite 712

Oakland,CA 946122706

Creative Arts Charter School 94-3205197 501(c)(3) BAYCES Teacher

1601 Turk Street 9,000 Training

San Francisco, CA 94115

Creative Center of Los Altos 94-1527492 501(c)(3) Education

Pinewood School327 10,000Fremont Avenue

Los Altos Hills,CA 94024

Creative Center of Los Altos 94-1527492 501(c)(3) Education

DBA Pinewood School26800 23,000Fremont Road

Los Altos Hills,CA 94022

Creative Commons 04-3585301 501(c)(3) Building Community

Corporationl71 Second 11,000Street Suite 300

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Crystal Springs Uplands 94-1247265 501(c)(3) Education

School400 Uplands Drive 147,000H illsborough, CA940106946

Culver Educational 35-0868071 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation1300 Academy 36,500RoadCulver,IN 465111291

Cunha Intermediate Public/Government EducationCommunity School498 Kelly 35,000Avenue

Half Moon Bay,CA 94019

Curriki1615 L Street NW 20-3478467 501(c)(3) Education

Suite 650 25,000Washington, DC 20036

Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc 51-0169988 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

2672 Bayshore Parkway 20,800Suite 520

Mountain View, CA


Daly City Collaborativell1 Public/Government Education First Five

Lake Merced Boulevard 12 43,940 Years

Daly City,CA 94015

Daly City Peninsula 06-1734338 501(c)(3) Education First Five

Partnership Collaborative 11,000 Years

111 Lake Merced Boulevard

Room 12

Daly City,CA 94015

Dana Farber Cancer Institute 04-2263040 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Inc10 Brookline Place West 783,000Sixth FloorFloorBrookline, MA 024457226

Dana-Farber Cancer 04-2263040 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Institute Inc10 Brookline 225,000Place West Sixth Floor

FloorBrookline, MA 024457226

Dancers Group1360 Mission 94-2879185 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street Suite 200 5,500San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


David Suzuki Foundation 94-3204049 501(c)(3) Environment

USA235 Montgomery Street 5,000Suite 1220

San Francisco, CA


Day Worker Center of 20-2874108 501(c)(3) Building Community

Mountain View748 Mercy 42,983Street

Mountain View, CA 94041

De Anza College21250 Public/Government Education

Stevens Creek Boulevard 14,250Cupertino,CA 950145797

De La Salle Institute4101 94-1156332 501(c)(3) Building Community

Redwood Road 7,000Napa,CA 945580372

Death Penalty Focus870 95-4153420 501(c)(3) Building Community

Market Street Suite 859 30,000San Francisco, CA 94102

Death Penalty Focus of 95-4617662 501(c)(3) Building Community

California870 Market Street 5,000Suite 859

San Francisco, CA 94102

Delancey Street Foundation 23-7102690 501(c)(3) Building Community

600 Embarcadero Street 5,500San Francisco, CA


Delta Charter High School Public/Government Education343 Soquel Avenue 5,000Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Diocese of San Jose1150 53-0196617 501(c)(3) Religion

North First Street Suite 100 11,500San Jose, CA 951124966

Direct Relieflnternational27 95-1831116 501(c)(3) Building Community

South La Patera Lane 13,500Santa Barbara, CA 93117

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Djerassi Resident Artists 94-6115995 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Program2325 Bear Gulch 33,500RoadWoodside,CA 940624405

Doctors Without Borders333 13-3433452 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Seventh Avenue Second Fl 11,000NewYork,NY 100015004

Doctors Without Borders 13-3433452 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

USA Inc333 Seventh 33,600Avenue Second Floor

NewYork,NY 100015004

Dolores Street Community 94-2919302 501(c)(3) Building Community

Services938 Valencia Street 5,000San Francisco, CA


Dominican Sisters of Mary 38-3349686 501(c)(3) Building Community

Mother of the Eucharist4597 10,500Warren Road

Ann Arbor, MI 481059718

Dorothy Day House A 94-3158511 501(c)(3) Building Community

Nonprofit Public Benefit 10,000CorporationPO Box 12701

Berkeley, CA 947123707

Downtown Streets Inc542 20-5242330 501(c)(3) Building Community

High Street 17,000PaloAlto,CA 943011623

Dragon Productions Theatre 20-4214083 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Company535 Alma Street 6,500PaloAlto,CA 943011602

Dream Foundation1528 77-0405779 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Chapala Street Suite 304 10,000Santa Barbara, CA 93101

D-Rev Design for the Other 26-0642778 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Ninety Percent629 Emerson 111,000Street Suite 100

PaloAlto,CA 943011610

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Duke UniversityBox 90581 56-0532129 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Durham, NC 277080581 119,944

Duluth Heritage Sports 20-4440473 501(c)(3) Building Community

Center120 South 30th 10,000Avenue West

Duluth,MN 558061766

EPA Children's Day 94-3154022 501(c)(3) Building Community

Committee2265 Oakwood 5,000Drive

East Palo Alto, CA 94303

Eagle Hill Foundation of 04-2761985 501(c)(3) Education

Massachusetts IncPO Box 7,500116

Hardwick, MA 010370116

Eagles' Wings of Tuscaloosa 20-2579517 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

2205 Ninth Avenue 5,000Northport,AL 35476

EARN235 Montgomery Street 95-2172676 501(c)(3) Economic Security

Suite 470 179,500San Francisco, CA 94104

Earth Island Institute Inc300 94-2889684 501(c)(3) Environment

Broadway Street Suite 28 23,500San Francisco, CA


Earth Promise2155 County 75-2327438 501(c)(3) Environment

Road 2008 5,000Glen Rose,TX 760436117

Earthjustice426 17th Street 94-1730465 501(c)(3) Environment

Sixth Floor 8,200Oakland,CA 946122820

East Bay Agency for Children 94-1358309 501(c)(3) Building Community

303 Van Buren Avenue 5,000Oakland,CA 94610

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


East Bay Community 94-6070996 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Foundation200 Frank H 35,567 Nonprofits

Ogawa Plaza

Oakland,CA 94612

East Bay Community Law 94-3042565 501(c)(3) Building Community

Center2921 Adeline Street 16,500Berkeley, CA 94703

East Bay Zoological Society 94-1687847 501(c)(3) Building Community

PO Box 5238 57,000Oakland,CA 946050238

East Palo Alto Academy Public/Government Education

High School475 Pope Street 65,000Menlo Park,CA 94025

East Palo Alto Community 94-3145270 501(c)(3) Economic Security

Alliance & Neighborhood 75,000Development2369

University Ave

East Palo Alto, CA 94303

East Palo Alto Community 23-7006613 501(c)(3) Building Community

Service Center2584 7,000Farrington Way

Palo Alto, CA 943031118

East Palo Alto Kids 77-0359913 501(c)(3) Education First Five

FoundationPO Box 50542 92,600 Years

PaloAlto,CA 943030542

East Palo Alto Tennis & 26-3316879 501(c)(3) Building Community

Tutorial ProgramStanford 76,800University

Stanford, CA 94305

East Palo Alto Youth Court 26-3204191 501(c)(3) Building Community

PO Box 50878 12,500East Palo Alto, CA 94303

Eastfield Ming Quong Inc 94-1254641 501(c)(3) Building Community

251 Llewellyn Avenue 27,170Campbell, CA 950081940

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Easton Mountain Inc391 01-0778873 501(c)(3) Building Community

Herrington Hill Road 5,000Greenwich, NY 12834

Eastside College Preparatory 94-3187806 501(c)(3) Education

School Inc1041 Myrtle 412,000Street

East Palo Alto, CA


Eating Disorders Resource 68-0616393 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Center2105 South Bascom 5,500Avenue Suite 220

Campbell, CA 95008

Ecole Bilingue1009 Heinz 94-2427286 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Avenue 5,000Berkeley, CA 94710

Ecumenical Hunger Program 94-2476942 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

2411 Pulgas Avenue 166,931East Palo Alto, CA


Ed & Ruth Lehman YMCA950 84-1129504 501(c)(3) Building Community

Lashley Street 11,000Longmont, CO 805013516

Edgewood Center for Children 94-1186168 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

&Families1801 Vicente 22,500Street

San Francisco, CA


EdSource Inc520 San 94-2434900 501(c)(3) Education

Antonio Road Suite 200 1,700,000Mountain View, CA


Education Reform Nowlnc24 20-3687838 501(c)(3) Building Community

West 46th Street 4 20,000NewYork,NY 10036

Education through Music Los 87-0776958 501(c)(3) General support

Angeles2501 West Burbank 10,000Blvd Ste 305

Burbank, CA 91505

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Educational Broadcasting 13-1945149 501(c)(3) Education

Company450 West 33rd 50,000Street Seventh Floor

NewYork,NY 100012605

Egan Maritime Foundation4 04-6604534 501(c)(3) Building Community

Winter Street 112,000Nantucket,MA 025543638

EHC Lifebuilders507 Valley 94-2668427 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Way 10,000Milpitas,CA 950354105

EHC LifeBuilders507 Valley 94-2684272 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Way 498,091Milpitas,CA 950354105

Eisenhower Medical Center 95-6130458 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

39000 Bob Hope Drive 50,000Rancho Mirage, CA


El Camino Hospital 94-2823235 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation2500 Grant Road 82,076M/S WIL210

Mountain View, CA


El Centro de Libertad1230-A 94-3189174 501(c)(3) Building Community

Hopkins Avenue 20,000Redwood City,CA 94062

El Dorado Musical Theatre 80-0001275 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

5011 Golden Foothill 6,000Parkway Suite


El Dorado Hills, CA


Eldergivers1755 Clay Street 94-3099821 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

San Francisco, CA 94109 5,000

Electric Auto AssociationPO 51-0172118 501(c)(3) General support

Box 639 24,000Los Altos,CA 940230639

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Electronic Frontier 04-3091431 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation Inc454 Shotwell 5,500Street

San Francisco, CA


Electronic Privacy 52-2225921 501(c)(3) Building Community

Information Center1718 11,000Connecticut Avenue


to 200

Washington, DC 20009

Embrace1902 Divisadero 83-0509261 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Street 5,500San Francisco, CA 94115

Emory University400 58-0566256 501(c)(3) Education

Dowman Drive W401 30,000Atlanta, GA 30322

EMpower111 John Street 03-0529005 501(c)(3) Building Community

NewYork,NY 10038 28,000

Entertainment Industry 95-1644609 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation1201 West Fifth 25,000Street Suite T-700

Los Angeles, CA


Entrepreneurs Foundation60 94-3267369 501(c)(3) Building Community

South Market Street Suite 93,5001000

San Jose, CA 951132336

Environmental Defense 11-6107128 501(c)(3) Environment

Incorporated123 Mission 58,140Street 28th Floor

San Francisco, CA


Environmental Volunteers Inc 94-2550385 501(c)(3) Environment

3921 East Bayshore Road 124,450PaloAlto,CA 943034303

Environmental Working Group 52-2148600 501(c)(3) General support

1436 U Street NW 100 10,000Washington, DC 20009

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Epilepsy Foundation of 94-6128891 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Northern California5700 10,000Stoneridge Mall Road Suite



Pleasanton, CA 94588

Episcopal Community 94-3096716 501(c)(3) Building Community

Services of San Francisco 11,000165 Eighth Street Third Floor

San Francisco, CA


Esperanza International Inc 33-0099715 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

717 Third Avenue 8,000C hula Vista, CA


Estrella Family Services 94-2201749 501(c)(3) Building Community

1155 Meridian Avenue Suite 11,000110

San Jose, CA 951254331

Euphrat Museum of Art Public/Government Arts & Culture

21250 Stevens Creek 5,000BoulevardCupertino,CA 95014

Evergreen Valley College Public/Government Education

3095 Yerba Buena Road SC- 17,450123

San Jose, CA 951351513

FACE AID5530 Lytton 20-3699060 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Avenue Second Floor 22,000Palo Alto,CA 94301

Facing History and Ourselves 04-2761636 501(c)(3) Building Community

National Foundation Inc 43,60024301 Southland Drive Suite


Hayward,CA 945451549

Family & Children Services 94-1167408 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

375 Cambridge Avenue 22,300PaloAlto,CA 943061613

Family & Children's Center 39-0821863 501(c)(3) Building Community

1707 Main Street 10,000La Crosse, WI 54601

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Family ConnectionsPO Box 94-3315163 501(c)(3) Education First Five

358 150,307 Years

San Carlos, CA 940700358

Family House Inc5O Irving 94-2722663 50 1(c)(3) Supporting Families

Street 21,000San Francisco, CA 94122

Family Resources 77-0444288 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

International2422 Divide 30,000Way

Santa Maria, CA


Family Safety Network IncP 82-0481737 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

O Box 302 5,000Driggs, ID 83422

Family Service Agency of San 94-1186169 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Mateo County Inc24 Second 128,478Avenue

San Mateo,CA 944013828

Family Supportive Housing 77-0106237 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc1590 Las Plumas Avenue 157,834San Jose, CA 951331667

Family WorksPO Box 31112 91-1757277 501(c)(3) Building Community

Seattle, WA 98103 15,000

FareStart700 Virginia Street 91-1546757 501(c)(3) Building Community

Seattle, WA 98101 10,000

Farm Sanctuary IncPO Box 51-0292919 501(c)(3) Building Community

150 20,000Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Federation for American 52-1136126 501(c)(3) Building Community

Immigration Reform25 15,000Massachusetts Avenue NW



Washington, DC 20001

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Feeding America35 East 36-3673599 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Wacker Drive Suite 2000 120,475Chicago, IL 606012200

Fidelity Investments 11-0303001 501(c)(3) Building Community

Charitable Gift FundPO Box 1,018,965770001

Cincinnati, OH 452770053

Firefighters AlliancePO Box 33-1092681 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

3776 6,000Santa Barbara, CA 93130

First Baptist Church of West 95-1855655 501(c)(3) Religion

Los Angeles1609 South 50,000Barrington Avenue

Los Angeles,CA 90025

First Church of Christ 04-2254742 501(c)(3) Religion

Scientist3045 Cowper Street 18,000Palo Alto,CA 94306

First Congregational Church 94-1243683 501(c)(3) Building Community

of Palo A Ito1985 Louis Road 9,000PaloAlto,CA 943033450

First GraduatePO Box 29415 94-3381171 501(c)(3) Academic Skills

San Francisco, CA 94129 40,000 Building & Case


First GraduatePO Box 29110 94-3381171 501(c)(3) Higher Education

The Presidio 32,000San Francisco, CA 94129

First Lutheran Church600 41-1568278 501(c)(3) Religion

Homer Avenue 10,000PaloAlto,CA 943012827

First Place Fund forYouth519 94-3341034 501(c)(3) Education

17th Street Suite 600 20,500Oakland,CA 94612

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


First Presbyterian Church of 94-1207714 501(c)(3) Religion

Burlingame1500 Easton 19,500Drive

Burlingame, CA 940104868

Fisher House Foundation Inc 11-3158401 501(c)(3) Building Community

1401 Rockville Pike Suite 10,750600

Rockville, MD 208521402

Five Branches University200 77-0298754 501(c)(3) Education

7th Avenue 5,000Santa Cruz, CA 95062

FJC - A Foundation of Donor 13-3848582 501(c)(3) Building Community

Advised Funds520 Eighth 15,000Avenue 20th Floor

NewYork,NY 10018

Flagstaff Academy Inc1841 02-0688420 501(c)(3) Education

Lefthand Circle 25,250Longmont, CO 80501

Focus on the FamilyPO Box 95-3188150 501(c)(3) Building Community

16186 5,000Colorado Springs, CO


Forever Young Foundation 87-0509354 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

1424 South Stapley Drive 25,000Mesa,AZ 852045877

Fostering Imagination4318 55-0897570 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Overland Avenue 5,000Culver City, CA 90230

Foundation for a College 77-0401635 501(c)(3) Higher Education

EducationPO Box 50518 36,750Palo Alto, CA 943030518

Foundation for Dance 13-2990477 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Promotion Inc27 W 120th 50,000Street 1

NewYork,NY 10027

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Foundation for National 94-2282759 501(c)(3) Building Community

Progress222 Sutter Street 25,000Suite 600

San Francisco, CA 94108

Foundation for Students 81-0615887 501(c)(3) Education

Rising AbovePO Box 29174 35,666San Francisco, CA 94129

Foundation of City College of 94-1682567 501(c)(3) Higher Education

San Francisco50 Phelan 5,000Avenue S193

San Francisco, CA


Fractal Foundation2917 13-4252553 501(c)(3) Education

Campus Boulevard NE 5,000Alburquerque,NM 87106

Fremont Education 94-3144481 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation39120 Argonaut 8,000Way 381

Fremont, CA 945381304

French American 94-1558658 501(c)(3) Education

International School150 Oak 47,000Street

San Francisco, CA


Fresh Lifelines for Youth Inc 52-2234595 501(c)(3) Education

120 West Mission Street 51,030San Jose, CA 951101715

Fresh Producers3620 La 20-8747234 501(c)(3) Building Community

Habra Way 10,000Sacramento, CA 95864

Friedreichs Ataxia Research 52-2122720 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Alliance Fara102 Pickering 10,000Way Suite 200

Exton, PA 19341

Friends & Foundation of the 94-6085452 501(c)(3) Building Community

San Francisco Public Library 6,200391 Grove Street

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Friends for Youth Inc1741 94-2961034 501(c)(3) Building Community

Broadway 54,562Redwood City, CA


Friends of Families with 31-1604130 501(c)(3) Targeted Fund for New

Children in Crisis Foundation 10,000 Leaf Academy of

PO Box 825 Oregon

Lake Arrowhead,CA 92352

Friends of Fondation de 13-3966503 501(c)(3) Building Community

France6 West 48th Street 95,000Tenth FloorNewYork,NY 10036

Friends of Guadalupe River 77-0166797 501(c)(3) Environment

Park & Gardens438 Coleman 87,050Avenue

San Jose, CA 951102004

Friends of Huddart and 03-0465880 501(c)(3) Environment

Wunderlich ParksPO Box 7,000620767

Woodside, CA 940620767

Friends of Hue FoundationPO 77-0543081 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 1823 30,800San Jose, CA 95109

Friends ofKALW500 Mansell 94-2896792 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 12,125San Francisco, CA


Friends of the Eel RiverPO 68-0423026 501(c)(3) Environment

Box 2305 150,000Redway,CA 955602305

Friends of the Folsom Zoo 94-2783698 501(c)(3) Building Community

IncorporatedPO Box 704 25,000Folsom,CA 957630704

Friends of the National Zoo 52-0853312 501(c)(3) Environment

PO Box 37012 M RC 5516 200,000Washignton, DC


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Friends of the Palo Alto 77-0296155 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Junior Museum & Zoo1305 72,590Middlefield RoadPalo Alto, CA 943013349

Friends of the Palo Alto 56-2424518 501(c)(3) Building Community

Parks425 Grant Avenue 10,000Suite 27

Palo Alto,CA 94306

Friends of the Teton River 82-0527505 501(c)(3) Environment

IncPO Box 768 10,000Driggs, ID 83422

Friends of the World Food 13-3843435 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Program Inc1819 L Street 5,700NW Suite 900

Washington, DC


Friends of University of 51-0189191 50 1(c)(3) Education

GuelphUniversity of Guelph 45,000Guelph, O N


Friends ofYOSAR IncPO Box 54-2081466 501(c)(3) Building Community

611 25,000Yosemite Natl Park, CA


Friendship Circle SS834 74-3180360 501(c)(3) Building Community

28th Avenue 5,000San Francisco, CA 94121

FSG Inc2O Park Plaza Suite 20-2776974 501(c)(3) Building Community

320 25,000Boston, MA 02116

Full Circle Fund2601 Mission 94-3373850 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 901 61,000San Francisco, CA


Future Citizens Foundation 26-0015069 501(c)(3) Building Community

1551 Beacon Hill Drive 25,000Salinas, CA 93905

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


FWE Foundation2475 94-3373788 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Hanover Street 25,000Palo Alto,CA 94304

FXB USA Inc777 United 13-3772789 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Nations Plaza 55,600NewYork,NY 10017

Galapagos Conservancy 13-3281486 501(c)(3) Environment

11150 Fairfax Boulevard 26,250Suite 408

Fairfax,VA 220305066

GaleriaStudio 242857 24th 94-2495604 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 10,000San Francisco, CA 94110

Galileo Educational Services 94-1552134 501(c)(3) Education

3270 Lakeshore Avenue 50,000Oakland,CA 94610

Gamble Garden Center1431 77-0094213 501(c)(3) Environment

Waverly Street 11,500PaloAlto,CA 943013640

Gateway School126 94-2441484 501(c)(3) Education

Eucalyptus Avenue 82,000Santa Cruz,CA 950606154

Generation Fate Inc301 20-8488464 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Berkeley Avenue 5,000Roseville, CA 95678

Genocide Intervention Fund 20-2278405 501(c)(3) Building Community

1333 H Street NW 5,000Washington, DC 20005

Geohazards International200 76-0404723 501(c)(3) Environment

Town and Country Village 11,000Palo Alto,CA 94301

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


George Mark Children's Fund 94-3255845 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

2121 George Mark Lane 122,000San Leandro, CA


George Washington 53-0196584 501(c)(3) Scholarships

University2121 Eye Street 7,000NW Suite 310

Washington, DC 20052

Georgetown University37th 53-0196603 501(c)(3) Scholarships

and 0 Street NW 7,000Washington, DC 20057

Georgia Tech Foundation Inc 58-6043294 501(c)(3) Education

760 Spring Street NW Suite 75,000400

Atlanta, GA 303081028

Gifts to Share Inc915 I 94-2985546 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Fifth Floor 5,000Sacramento, CA


Gilroy FoundationPO Box 94-2719281 501(c)(3) Building Community

774 237,406Gilroy,CA 950210774

Girl Scouts of Northern 94-1551410 501(c)(3) Education

California7700 Edgewater 45,250Drive Suite 340

Oakland,CA 946213019

Girl Scouts Spirit of 47-0432299 501(c)(3) Building Community

Nebraska2121 South 44th 5,000Street

Omaha,NE 68105

Girls For A ChangePO Box 26-0035835 501(c)(3) Building Community

1436 23,000San Jose, CA 951091436

Girls Middle School180 94-3253594 501(c)(3) Education

North Rengstorff Avenue 83,250Mountain View, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Girls on the Run of Silicon 01-0628076 501(c)(3) Building Community

Valley IncorporatedPO Box 9,000510

Los Gatos, CA 950310510

Girls To Women1425 Bay 20-8766348 501(c)(3) Education

Road 25,000East Palo Alto, CA 94303

Girls' Vacation Fund Inc150 13-1954024 501(c)(3) Education

West 30th Street Suite 901 10,856NewYork,NY 10001

GirlVentures3543 18th 94-3319189 501(c)(3) Education

Street Suite 18 7,500San Francisco, CA


GIVE Foundation IncPO Box 02-0570370 501(c)(3) Building Community

50876 57,000Palo Alto, CA 94303

Give2AsiaPO Box 193223 94-3373670 501(c)(3) Building Community

San Francisco, CA 297,090941193223

Gladney Center for Adoption 75-0917409 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

6300 John Ryan Drive 5,000Fort Worth,TX 761324122

Glaucoma Research 94-2495035 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation251 Post Street 116,000Suite 600

San Francisco, CA


Glide Memorial United 94-1156481 501(c)(3) Building Community

Methodist Church330 Ellis 20,450Street

San Francisco, CA


Global Citizen Year 26-3161342 501(c)(3) Building Community

Incorporated251 Rhode 122,206Island Street Suite 205

San Francisco, CA 94103

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Global Fund for Childrenl 101 56-1834887 50 1(c)(3) Supporting Families

14th Street NW Suite 420 80,000Washington, DC 200055616

Global Fund for Women Inc 77-0155782 501(c)(3) Global Fund for Women

222 Sutter StreetSuite 500 10,000 - general support

San Francisco, CA


Global Fund For Women Inc 77-0155782 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

222 Sutter Street Suite 500 157,400San Francisco, CA


Global Green USA2218 Main 77-0387124 501(c)(3) Environment

Street Second Floor 25,000Santa Monica, CA


Global Greengrants Fund Inc 84-1612422 501(c)(3) Building Community

2840 Wilderness Place Suite 20,000A

Boulder,CO 80301

Global Heritage Fund625 20-5009512 501(c)(3) Building Community

Emerson Street Suite 200 356,000PaloAlto,CA 943011683

Global Lives Project Inc431 61-1524216 501(c)(3) Building Community

Kent Drive 7,500Mountain View, CA 94043

Global Village InstitutePO 62-1220750 501(c)(3) Environment

Box 90 35,000Summertown,TN


Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 94-2559878 501(c)(3) Community

The Lord's Pantry121 South 15,000 Opportunity Fund

White RoadSan Jose, CA 95127

Glow Foundation275 Fifth 56-2590044 501(c)(3) Education

Street 30,000San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Golden Gate National Parks 94-2781708 501(c)(3) Environment

ConservancyFort Mason 43,000Building 201

San Francisco, CA


Golden Oak Montessori of 26-3948527 501(c)(3) Education

Hayward CharterSchool951 5,000Palisade StreetHayward,CA 94542

Good Counsel IncPO Box 22-2831271 501(c)(3) Building Community

6068 9,000Hoboken,NJ 070307202

Grace Cathedral1100 94-1156846 501(c)(3) Religion

California Street 5,000San Francisco, CA


Grace Lutheran Church 91-0726292 501(c)(3) Religion

22975 24th Avenue South 15,000Des Moines,WA 98198

Grace USA PO Box 185 02-0693871 501(c)(3) Building Community

Half Moon Bay,CA 94019 29,000

Grameen Foundation USA50 73-1502797 501(c)(3) Building Community

F Street Northwest Eighth 16,000FloorWashington, DC 20001

Grant Academy470 East Public/Government Education

Jackson Street 8,000San Jose, CA 95112

Grant Elementary School470 Public/Government Education

East Jackson Street 8,000San Jose, CA 95112

Grantmakers Concerned with 20-2559651 501(c)(3) Community

Immigrants and RefugeesPO 52 , 982 Opportunity Fund

Box 1100

Sebastopol, CA 954731100

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Greater Bay A rea Make-A- 94-2958481 50 1(c)(3) Supporting Families

Wish Foundation235 Pine 11,700Street Sixth Floor

San Francisco, CA


Greater Europe Mission 36-2345199 501(c)(3) Missionary work

18950 Base Camp Road 5,000Monument,CO 801328009

Greater New Orleans 72-0408921 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation1055 St Charles 10,000Avenue Suite 100

New Orleans, LA


Greater Ravalli County 68-0514886 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 1146 10,000Hamilton, MT 59840

Greater San Jose After- 77-0441284 501(c)(3) Building Community

School All-Stars514 Valley 5,000Way

Milpitas,CA 95035

GreatNonprofitsPO Box 1133 20-5061881 501(c)(3) Strengthening

PaloAlto,CA 94302 25,000 Nonprofits

Green Lake Lutheran 41-0726172 501(c)(3) Religion

Ministries9916 Lake Avenue 5,000SouthSpicer, MN 56288

Green River Valley Land Trust 83-0332208 501(c)(3) Environment

PO Box 1580 25,000Pinedale, WY 829411580

Greenbelt Alliance631 94-1676747 501(c)(3) Environment

Howard Street Suite 510 128,000San Francisco, CA


Greenpeace Fund Inc702 H 95-3313195 501(c)(3) Environment

Street NW Suite 300 10,200Washington, DC 200013876

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Grist Magazine Inc710 06-1664153 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Second Avenue Suite 860 8,500Seattle, WA 981041712

Gynecologic Cancer 36-3797707 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation230 West Monroe 10,000Street Suite 2528

Chicago, IL 60606

Habitat for Humanity Greater 94-3088881 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

San Francisco Inc690 79,750Broadway Street

Redwood City, CA


Habitat for Humanity 91-1914868 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

International Inc121 Habitat 10,100Street

Americus,GA 317093498

Habitat for Humanity New 11-2857055 501(c)(3) Building Community

York City Inc111 John Street 8,00023rd Floor

NewYork,NY 10038

Habitat for Humanity of 81-0461253 501(c)(3) Building Community

Flathead ValleyPO Box 2836 10,000Kalispell, MT 59903

Hacienda Involved Parents & 77-0142543 501(c)(3) Education

Staff1290 Kimberly Drive 8 , 897San Jose, CA 951181536

Half Moon Bay Beautification 94-3054140 501(c)(3) Building Community

Committee IncPO Box 274 5,000Half Moon Bay,CA 94019

HALT1612 K Street NW 52-1130207 501(c)(3) Building Community

Suite 510 8,000Washington, DC 20006

Hands on Bay Area444 77-0195144 501(c)(3) Building Community

Townsend Street Suite 3 47,214San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Hands on Network Inc600 54-1619345 501(c)(3) Building Community

Means Street Suite 210 5,000Atlanta, GA 30318

Harlem Children's Zone35 23-7112974 501(c)(3) Building Community

East 125th Street 150,000NewYork,NY 10035

Harvest Heralds IncPO Box 93-0766718 501(c)(3) Building Community

1147 25,000Beaverton,OR 970751147

Hawaii Community 99-0261283 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation1164 Bishop 224,000Street Suite 800

H onolulu, H I 968132817

Hawaii Primary Care 99-0268275 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Association345 Queen 5,000Street Suite 601

H onolulu, H I 968134715

Hawes Elementary School 94-3084018 501(c)(3) Education

909 Roosevelt Avenue 5,750Redwood City,CA 94061

Headlands Center for the 94-2817843 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Arts944 Fort Barry 5,000Sausalito, CA 94965

Healing Waters Wilderness 84-1705456 501(c)(3) Building Community

Adventures167 Fell Street 5,000San Francisco, CA 94102

Health Care Without Harm 52-2358837 501(c)(3) General support

1901 North Moore St Ste 5,000509

Arlington,VA 22209

Heart of SiliconValley150 20-1479734 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Portola Road 14,000Portola Valley, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Heartland Family Service302 47-0390618 501(c)(3) Building Community

American Parkway 5,000Papillion,NE 68046

Heifer Project International 35-1019477 501(c)(3) Building Community

IncOne World Avenue 60,505Little Rock,AR 722022863

Help One Child Mission To 77-0330145 501(c)(3) Education First Five

Children At Risk858 9,000 Years

University Avenue

Los Altos,CA 940244637

Help Them Grow Inc VIBHA 22-3122761 501(c)(3) Building Community

1030 East El Camino Real 43,655424

Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Hidden Villa26870 Moody 94-1539836 501(c)(3) Building Community

Road 133,619Los Altos H ills, CA


High Spirit Community Farm 04-3809051 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Inc2l Bowdoin Street 12,000Cambridge, MA 02138

Hillbrook School300 94-0382325 501(c)(3) Education

Marchmont Drive 18,666Los Gatos, CA 950325659

Hillel the Foundation For 77-0575153 501(c)(3) Education

Jewish Campus Life336 East 12,286William StreetSan Jose, CA 951123876

Hiller Aviation Institute601 94-3226411 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Skyway Road 91,500San Carlos, CA 940702702

Hillsboro School District 1J Public/Government Education2700 NW Glencoe Road 10,000Hillsboro, O R 97124

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Hillsborough Auxiliary to the 94-6127204 50 1(c)(3) Supporting Families

Family Agency of San Mateo 5,000County24 Second Avenue

San Mateo, CA 94402

Hillsborough Schools 94-2634550 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation300 El Cerrito 24,950Avenue

H illsborough, CA940106899

HIP Housing364 South 94-2154614 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Railroad Avenue 50,500San Mateo, CA 944014024

His Church at Work Inc4080 20-5397231 501(c)(3) Building Community

McGinnis Ferry Road Suite 6,000204

Alpharetta, GA 30005

Hispanic Foundation of 77-0481921 501(c)(3) Building Community

Silicon Valley1922 The 5,500Alameda Suite 201

San Jose, CA 95126

History San Jose1650 Senter 23-7179176 501(c)(3) Building Community

Road 5,000San Jose, CA 951122599

Holderness SchoolPO Box 02-0147630 501(c)(3) Education

1879 25,000Plymouth,NH 032641879

Holy Trinity Episcopal 31-1629166 501(c)(3) Religion

Church330 Ravenswood 5,800Avenue

Menlo Park,CA 94025

Holy Trinity Parish3111 68-0432088 501(c)(3) Religion

Tierra de Dios Drive 20,000El Dorado Hills, CA


Homeless Garden ProjectPO 77-0475165 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 617 24,000Santa Cruz,CA 950610617

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Homeless Prenatal Program 94-3146280 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc2500 18th Street 15,000San Francisco, CA 94110

Homeless Services Center 77-0126783 501(c)(3) Building Community

115 Coral Street 65,000Santa Cruz,CA 950602104

Hooked on Nature4848 San 68-0628398 501(c)(3) Environment

Filipe Road 150-230 42,000San Jose, CA 95135

Hooved Animal Rescue & 36-4456161 501(c)(3) Building Community

Protection SocietyPO Box 94 20,000Barrington,IL 600110843

Hope Center for KidsPO Box 47-0826512 501(c)(3) Building Community

20143 5,000Omaha,NE 68120

HOPE Rehabilitation 94-1399287 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Services30 Las Colinas Lane 28 , 297San Jose, CA 951191212

Hopelink16225 NE 87th 91-0982116 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite A-1 5,000Redmond, WA 98052

HorseSense for Special 39-1966685 501(c)(3) Building Community

Riders Inc West 5823 State 15,000Road 33

La Crosse, WI 54601

Hospice of the Valley4850 94-2803411 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Union Avenue 11,500San Jose, CA 951245156

Housing and Economic Rights 20-2573758 501(c)(3) Economic Security

AdvocatesPO Box 29435 75,000Oakland,CA 946040091

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Housing Choices Coalition for 77-0458221 501(c)(3) Building Community

Persons with Developmental 25,000Disabilities30 Las Colinas


San Jose, CA 951191212

Housing Industry Foundation 94-3100671 501(c)(3) Building Community

538A Valley Way 5,000Milpitas,CA 95035

Housing Leadership Council 94-3395945 501(c)(3) Regional Planning

of San Mateo County139 85,000Mitchell Avenue Suite 108

South San Francisco, CA


HRJ Charities Inc2965 65-1252760 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Woodside Road 10,000Woodside, CA 94062

Huckleberry Youth Programs 94-1687559 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc3310 Geary Boulevard 5,000San Francisco, CA 94118

Human Investment Project 94-2154614 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Inc364 South Railroad 5,250Avenue

San Mateo, CA 944014024

Human Rights Watch Inc100 13-2875808 501(c)(3) Building Community

Bush Street Suite 925 69,200San Francisco, CA


Humane Society Silicon 94-1196215 501(c)(3) Environment

Valley901 Ames Avenue 1,064,878Milpitas,CA 95035

Imagine Bus Project342 94-3368095 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Ninth Street Suite 201 10,000San Francisco, CA 94103

Imagine Supported Living 61-1418745 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Services1395 41st Avenue 10,000Suite A

Capitola,CA 95010

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Immigrant Legal Resource 94-2939540 501(c)(3) Immigration

Center1663 Mission Street 200,000 Integration

Suite 602

San Francisco, CA 94103

Impact Fund125 University 94-3161863 501(c)(3) Building Community

Avenue Suite 102 5,000Berkeley, CA 947101616

India Community Center Inc 52-2351119 501(c)(3) Building Community

525 Los Coches Street 141,400Milpitas,CA 950355423

Indiana University 35-6018940 501(c)(3) Higher Education

FoundationPO Box 500 35,000Bloomington, IN


Individual Philanthropy 51-0644783 501(c)(3) Building Community

Institute554 Valley Way 204,234Milpitas,CA 950354106

Industry Initiatives for 77-0143865 501(c)(3) Education

Science and Math Education 30,000(IISME)PO Box 58059 MS


Santa Clara, CA


Inner City Education 95-4548521 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation5150 West 250,000GoldleafCircle Suite 401


Los Angeles, CA 90056

Inner-City Arts720 Kohler 95-4239478 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 28,000Los Angeles, CA


InnVision The Way Home974 77-0033628 501(c)(3) Building Community

Willow Street 233,133San Jose, CA 951252344

Insight Center for Community 94-2410277 501(c)(3) Economic Security

Economics Development 72,0002201 Broadway Suite 815

Oakland,CA 94612

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Institute for America's Future 52-1971942 50 1(c)(3) Building Community

Inc1825 K Street NW Suite 50,000400

Washington, DC 20006

Institute for Local 94-1537757 501(c)(3) Immigration

Government1400 K Street 51,000 Integration

Suite 400

Sacramento, CA 95814

Institute of Fine Arts 23-7184242 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

FoundationO ne East 78th 10,000Street

NewYork,NY 10075

Institute of Poetic Medicine 20-2951118 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

PO Box 60189 5,000Palo Alto,CA 94306

Institute of Transpersonal 94-2303485 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Psychology1069 East 5,000Meadow CirclePaloAlto,CA 943034231

International Campaign for 52-1570071 501(c)(3) Building Community

Tibet1825 Jefferson Place 10,000NW

Washington, DC 20036

International Earthlight 81-0647148 501(c)(3) Environment

Alliance65 Golden Eagle 61,250Drive

Sedona,AZ 863365012

International Forum on 94-3262147 501(c)(3) Building Community

Globalization1009 General 10,000Kennedy Avenue 2

San Francisco, CA 94129

International Humanities 33-0767921 501(c)(3) Environment

CenterPO Box 923 124,300Malibu, CA 902650923

International Rescue 13-5660870 501(c)(3) Building Community

Committee Inc122 East 78,20042nd Street 12th Floor

New York, NY 101681289

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


International Scholarship and 62-1247492 501(c)(3) Education

Tuition Services Inc200 73,670Crutchfield AvenueNashville,TN 37210

International School of the 94-2599581 501(c)(3) Education

Peninsulal51 Laura Lane 81,250PaloAlto,CA 943033221

International Youth 38-2935397 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation32 South Street 50,000Suite 500

Baltimore, MD 212027503

Internet ArchivePO Box 94-3242767 501(c)(3) Education

29244 7,500San Francisco, CA


Internews NetworkPO Box 94-3027961 501(c)(3) Building Community

4448 54,000Arcata,CA 955184448

Interplast Inc857 Maude 23-7297770 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Avenue 72,550Mountain View, CA


Intersection446 Valencia 94-1593216 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 20,000San Francisco, CA 94103

Intervarsity Christian 36-2171714 501(c)(3) Religion

Fellowship - USA PO Box 17,9007895

Madison, WI 537077895

Invisible Children Inc1620 54-2164338 501(c)(3) Building Community

Fifth Avenue Suite 400 25,000San Diego, CA 92101

Iowa State University 42-1143702 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Foundation2505 University 7,500BoulevardAmes,IA 500108622

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Ironmen Technology 11-3817917 501(c)(3) Education

Enrichment Academics & 175,000Mentoring2905 John Street

Munhall,PA 15120

Island Conservation100 91-1839907 501(c)(3) Environment

Shaffer Road 52,000Santa Cruz, CA 950605730

Israel 21cPO Box 2068 77-0571579 501(c)(3) Building Community

Sunnyvale, CA 94087 10,000

Israel Venture Network540 14-1891915 501(c)(3) Building Community

Cowper Street Suite 200 75,000PaloAlto,CA 943011806

It Can Be Done1480 West 74-3191155 501(c)(3) Building Community

Lonnquist Boulevard 8,150Mt Prospect, IL 600563663 ,

Italy Sister County Public/Government Building Community

Commission70 West 5,000Hedding Street East Wing

11th Floor

San Jose, CA 951101705

Ivan Radcliff FoundationPO 20-8821194 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 980892 13,500Park City, UT 84098

J David Gladstone Institutes 23-7203666 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

1650 Owens Street 142,500San Francisco, CA


Jamestown Community 94-3213124 501(c)(3) Building Community

Centerlnc3382 26th Street 40,000San Francisco, CA 94110

Japanese American Museum 77-0229249 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

of San Jose535 North Fifth 7,500Street

San Jose, CA 951123233

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Jed Foundation220 Fifth 13-4131139 50 1(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Avenue 9th Floor 6,500NewYork,NY 10001

Jefferson Adult Education Public/Government Immigration699 Serramonte Boulevard 66,946 Integration

Suite 111

Daly City,CA 94015

Jefferson County Historical 23-7422529 501(c)(3) Building Community

Society615 West First Street 11,000Madison, IN 47250

Jefferson Elementary School Public/Government EducationDistrict101 Lincoln Avenue 75,000Daly City,CA 94015

Jennings County Community 35-1922885 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation Inc265 East 5,000Main Street

North Vernon, IN


Jeremiah's PromisePO Box 75-3079265 501(c)(3) Building Community

1393 33,500PaloAlto,CA 943021393

Jerry and Paula Baker 20-3970774 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation Inc12930 25,000Boitano Road

Groveland, CA 95321

Jesus InstitutePO Box 94-3394016 501(c)(3) Religion

231997 10,000Encinitas, CA 920231997

Jewish Community 94-1156533 501(c)(3) Building Community

Federation of SF Marin 130,430Peninsula & Sonoma

Counties121 Steuart Street

Seventh FloorSan Francisco, CA


Jewish Community Relations 94-1156335 501(c)(3) Building Community

Council of San Francisco 10,060Marro & Peninsulal21

Steuart Street Suite 301

San Francisco, CA 94105

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Jewish Community Relations 94-1156335 501(c)(3) General support

Council SF Marin & Peninsula 5,000121 Steuart StreetSuite 301

San Francisco, CA 94105

Jewish Family and Children's 94-1156528 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Services2150 Post Street 26,050San Francisco, CA


Jewish Family Service of Los 95-1691013 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Angeles6505 Wilshire 24,000Boulevard Suite 500

Los Angeles,CA 90048

Jewish Family Service of 94-2536452 501(c)(3) Immigration

Silicon Valley14855 Oka 50,000 Integration

Road Suite 202

Los Gatos, CA 950321956

Jewish Federation of Silicon 94-1167405 501(c)(3) Building Community

Valley14855 Oka Road 87,750Suite 200

Los Gatos, CA 95032

Jewish Vocational & Career 94-2213100 501(c)(3) Building Community

Counseling Service225 Bush 5,000Street Suite 400

San Francisco, CA 94104

JIMENA Inc459 Fulton 26-2893844 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 207 10,500San Francisco, CA 94102

JobTrain1200 0 Brien Drive 94-1712371 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Menlo Park,CA 940251411 266,256

John Austin Cheley 48-1077337 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation10565 Centennial 5,000Drive

Alpharetta,GA 300227078

John Burton Foundation for Public/Government EducationChildren Without Homes235 100,000Montgomery Street Suite


San Francisco, CA 94104

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Johns Hopkins University201 52-0595110 501(c)(3) Higher Education

North Charles Street Suite 66,7502500


Baltimore,MD 212014100

Joint Venture Silicon Valley 77-0389802 501(c)(3) Building Community

Network100 West San 345,000Fernando Suite 310

San Jose, CA 95113

Jose Valdes Math Foundation 26-0825700 501(c)(3) Education

4848 San Felipe Road Suite 111,000150-213

San Jose, CA 951351276

Jumpstart forYoung Children 04-3262046 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc965 Mission Street Suite 40,000300

San Francisco, CA 94103

Junior Achievement of New 85-0416889 501(c)(3) Education

Mexico Inc3601 Pan 5,000American Freeway NE Suite


Albuquerque,NM 87107

Junior Achievement of Rocky 84-0430495 501(c)(3) Education

Mountain Inc1445 Market 5,000Street Suite 200

Denver,CO 802021716

Junior Achievement of Silicon 94-1393420 501(c)(3) Building Community

Valley and Monterey Bay Inc 14,7501401 Parkmoor Avenue Suite


San Jose, CA 951263430

Junior League of San Jose Inc 94-1720473 501(c)(3) Building Community

1615 Dry Creek Road 5,000San Jose, CA 95125

Junipero Serra High School 51-0219028 501(c)(3) Education

451 West 20th Avenue 32,500San Mateo, CA 94403

Just Vision Inc1616 P Street 20-4898729 501(c)(3) Building Community

NW Suite 340 5,000Washington, DC 20036

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Justice Through Music 27-0051467 501(c)(3) Building Community

Project IncPO Box 9576 10,000Washington, DC 20016

JustREAD1850 Sand Hill 68-0647480 501(c)(3) Education

Road Suite 38 14,139Palo A Ito, CA 943042164

Juvenile Diabetes Research 23-1907729 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation International49 10,450Stevenson Street Suite 1200

San Francisco, CA


Kalamazoo College1200 38-1358014 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Academy Street 15,000Kalamazoo,MI 49006

Kansas Athletics 48-6033929 501(c)(3) Higher Education

IncorporatedPO Box 414280 5,000Kansas City, MO


KARA457 Kingsley Avenue 94-2431483 501(c)(3) Building Community

PaloAlto,CA 943013299 80,029

Kasumisou FoundationPO 94-3314146 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 837 28,770Menlo Park,CA 94025

Katherine Delmar Burke 94-1156256 501(c)(3) Education

School707O California Street 5,000San Francisco, CA


Kenyon CollegeCollege 31-4379507 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Relations Building 5,000Gambier, O H 43022

Keys Family Day School Inc 94-2240127 501(c)(3) Education

2890 Middlefield Road 23,500Palo Alto,CA 94306

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


KickStart - International Inc 06-1613235 501(c)(3) Building Community

2435 Polk Street Suite 20 112,000San Francisco, CA


Kids Cook7900 Lorraine 26-4816851 501(c)(3) Education

Court NE Unit E 5,000Albuquerque, NM 87113

KIDS for the BAY1771 94-2889684 501(c)(3) Environment

Alcatraz Avenue 33,062Berkeley, CA 94703

Kids in Common A Children & 77-0230821 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Families Collaborative1605 10,500The AlamedaSan Jose, CA 951262202

King Baudouin Foundation US 58-2277856 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Inc10 Rockefeller Plaza 16th 84,210FloorNewYork,NY 100201903

Kinkaid School Inc201 76-0295523 501(c)(3) Education

Kinkaid School Drive 5,000Houston,TX 77024

KISS Institute for Practical 54-1696228 501(c)(3) Education

Robotics1818 West Lindsey 24,000Drive Building D

Suite 100

Norman,OK 73069

KVIE IncPO Box 6 94-1421463 501(c)(3) Building Community

Sacramento,CA 95812 12,000

La Casa de las Madres1663 94-2330864 501(c)(3) Building Community

Mission Street Suite 225 5,000San Francisco, CA 94103

La Clinica del Valle Family 94-3096772 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Health Care Center Inc3617 56,500South Pacific Highway

Medford,OR 975018957

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


La Honda-Pescadero Unified Public/Government EducationSchool DistrictPO Box 189 33,000Pescadero, CA 94060

La Salle Academy1434 04-3733010 501(c)(3) Education

North Second Street 15,875Philadelphia, PA 19122

Lake Tahoe Music Festival 94-2989407 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

10775 PioneerTrail Suite 10,000210

Truckee, CA 96161

Lance Armstrong Foundation 74-2806618 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

IncPO Box 6003 231,200Albert Lea,NM 560076003

Land Of Medicine Buddha Inc 77-0281122 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

5800 Prescott Road 10,000Soquel,CA 95073

Land Trust of Santa Cruz 94-2431856 501(c)(3) Environment

County617 Water Street 101,000Santa Cruz,CA 950604148

Larkin Street Youth Services 94-2917999 501(c)(3) Building Community

701 Sutter Street Suite 2 9,000San Francisco, CA 94109

Las Lomitas Education 94-2952818 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 7282 21,246Menlo Park,CA 940267282

Law Foundation of Silicon 52-1014754 501(c)(3) Building Community

Valley111 West Saint John 328,211Street Suite


San Jose, CA 95113

Lawrence Schools 48-1016950 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation110 McDonald 10,000Drive

Lawrence, KS 660441063

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Lawrence University of 39-0806297 501(c)(3) Higher Education

WisconsinPO Box 599 10,000A ppleton, WI 549120599

Leadership Public Schools 73-1643646 501(c)(3) Education

Inc2601 Mission Street 5,000Ninth FloorSan Francisco, CA 94110

League of Women Voters of 68-0061260 501(c)(3) Building Community

California Education Fund 6,0001107 Ninth Street Suite 300

Sacramento, CA


Learning and Loving 20-3270605 501(c)(3) Building Community

Education Center16890 40,500Church Street Suite 16

Morgan Hill, CA 950375144

Learning Together Family 39-1935714 501(c)(3) Education

Literacy IncPO Box 400 15,000Holmen,WI 54636

Legacy Works Foundation 20-0317764 501(c)(3) Building Community

180 Lytton Avenue 600,000PaloAlto,CA 943011046

Legal Advocates for 81-0594062 501(c)(3) Building Community

Permanent Parenting Inc 5,0003182 Campus Drive Suite


San Mateo, CA 94403

Legal Aid Society of San 94-1451894 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Mateo County521 East Fifth 132,750Avenue

San Mateo,CA 944021302

Lehigh University27 24-0795445 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Memorial Drive West 600,000Bethlehem, PA 18015

Leigh High School5210 Leigh Public/Government Education

Avenue 25,000San Jose, CA 95124

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(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Leukemia and Lymphoma 13-5644916 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Society675 North First St 33,250Suite 1100

San Jose, CA 951125156

Level Playing Field543 36-4407517 501(c)(3) Education

Howard Street Fifth Floor 5,000San Francisco, CA 94105

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy 87-0572187 501(c)(3) Environment

USAPO Box 7943 150,000Woodbridge, V A


Library Foundation of Los 95-4368250 501(c)(3) Building Community

Angeles630 West Fifth 28,000Street

Los Angeles, CA 90071

Lied Discovery Childrens 94-2943891 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Museum833 Las Vegas 25,000Boulevard NorthLas Vegas, NV 89101

Life on the Water1803 Martin 94-2660844 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Luther King Jr Way 5,000Berkeley, CA 947092115

Lifelong AIDS Alliance1002 91-1215715 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

East Seneca Street 10,000Seattle, WA 98122

Literacy BridgePO Box 1256 26-1335205 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Seattle, WA 981111256 28,000

Little Hands NorthPO Box 94-3212702 501(c)(3) Education First Five

6106 5,663 Years

San Mateo,CA 944030906

Little Kids Rock Inc116 94-3396568 501(c)(3) Education

Greenwood Avenue 40,000Montclair, NJ 07042

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(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Live Oak Adult Day Services 77-0069106 501(c)(3) Community

1147 Minnesota Avenue 15,000 Opportunity Fund

San Jose, CA 951253324

Live Oak Institute1328 94-2663536 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Sixth Street Suite 4 11,000Berkeley, CA 947101407

Living Goods678 Sausalito 20-5010527 501(c)(3) Building Community

Boulevard 100,000Sausalito, CA 949652331

Loaves & Fishes Family 77-0370874 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Kitchen508 Valley Way 27,500Milpitas,CA 950354106

Long Beach Aquarium of the 33-0532354 501(c)(3) Environment

Pacific100 Aquarium Way 100,000Long Beach, CA 90802

Long Beach City College 95-3297459 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation4901 East Carson 20,000Street Mail Code


Long Beach, CA 90808

Long Beach Education 33-0357679 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation550 Silvera 8,000Avenue

Long Beach,CA 90803

Los Altos Community 77-0273721 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation183 Hillview 44,950Avenue

Los Altos,CA 940223742

Los Altos Educational 94-2862793 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 98 28,000Los Altos,CA 940230098

Los Altos Educational 94-2862793 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 98 12,128Los Altos,CA 940230098

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Los Altos Lutheran Church 94-6024550 501(c)(3) Religion

460 South El Monte Avenue 5,000Los Altos,CA 94024

Los Altos School District201 Public/Government Education

Covington Road 13,600Los Altos,CA 940244030

Los Angeles Free Clinic dba 95-2539105 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

The Saban Free Clinic8405 10,000Beverly BoulevardLos Angeles,CA 90048

Los Angeles Parents Union 20-2207418 501(c)(3) Building Community

350 South Figueroa Street 10,000Suite 135


Los Angeles, CA 90071

Los Gatos Elementary 94-2874929 501(c)(3) Matching grant for new

Educational Foundation 10,000 families

17010 Roberts Road

Los Gatos, CA 95032

Los Gatos High School New 68-0486391 501(c)(3) Education

Millenium Foundation Inc2O 43,791High School Court

Los Gatos, CA 950306917

Loyola High School15325 38-1359274 501(c)(3) Education

Pinehurst Street 25,000Detroit, MI 482381633

Loyola University7214 St 72-0408946 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Charles Avenue Box 909 5,000N ew O rleans, LA 70118

Loyola University of Chicago 36-1408475 501(c)(3) Education

25 East Pearson Avenue 15,250Chicago, IL 606112045

Lucile Packard Foundation for 77-0440090 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Children's Health400 593,575Hamilton Avenue Suite 340

PaloAlto,CA 943011805

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Lucile Salter Packard 77-0003859 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Childrens Hospital At 125,800Stanford400 Hamilton

Avenue Suite 340

PaloAlto,CA 943011805

Lyrique-en-Mer Foundation 30-0153800 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

College of Fine Arts / Music 5,000Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Lytton Gardens Senior 94-3382412 501(c)(3) Building Community

Communities437 Webster 9,200Street

PaloAlto,CA 943011242

Maine Mathematics and 22-3181644 501(c)(3) Education

Science AlliancePO Box 80,0005359

Augusta,ME 043325359

Maitri Charitable Trust234 94-3132087 501(c)(3) Building Community

East Gish Road Suite 200 119,000San Jose, CA 951124724

Make-A-Wish Foundation of 22-2710919 501(c)(3) Building Community

Ct Inc126 Monroe Turnpike 11,000Trumbull, CT 06611

Making Waves Education 94-3267851 501(c)(3) Education

Program200 24th Street 51,000Richmond, CA 94804

Mama Hope1360 Mission 26-0835534 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 212 12,000San Francisco, CA 94103

Manhattanville College2900 13-1740469 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Purchase Street 7,000Purchase, NY 10577

Mansfield ISD Education 75-2765533 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation Inc605 East 24,000Broad Street

Mansfield,TX 760631794

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


MAPLightorg1474 University 33-1094233 501(c)(3) Building Community

Avenue Suite 105 67,000Berkeley, CA 94702

Marin Catholic High School 51-0219028 501(c)(3) Education

675 Sir Francis Drake Blvd 306,800Kentfield, CA 94904

Marin Country Day School 94-1375791 501(c)(3) Education

5221 Paradise Drive 27,500Corte Madera, CA


Marin Education Fund781 95-3667812 501(c)(3) Education

Lincoln Avenue Suite 140 25,000San Rafael, CA 949013377

Marin Education Fund781 95-3667812 501(c)(3) Education

Lincoln Avenue Suite 140 25,000San Rafael, CA 949013377

Marine Mammal Center2000 51-0144434 501(c)(3) Environment

Bunker Road Fort Cronkhite 10,900Sausalito, CA 949652609

Marine Science Institute500 94-1719649 501(c)(3) Environment

Discovery Parkway 21,300Redwood City, CA


Martha's Kitchen311 Willow 91-2091094 501(c)(3) Community

Street 15,000 Opportunity Fund

San Jose, CA 951103215

Martha's Vineyard Hospital 04-2104691 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

IncPO Box 1477 100,000Oak Bluff,MA 02557

Mary Campbell Center4641 23-7089122 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Weldin Road 5,000Wilmington, DE 19803

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Maryknoll Sisters Charitable 13-7092057 501(c)(3) Religion

TrPO Box 311 5,000Maryknoll, NY 10545

Massachusetts Institute of 04-2103594 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Technology600 Memorial 244,800Drive W98-3rd Floor

Cambridge, MA 021394822

Mathematical Sciences 94-2650833 501(c)(3) Education

Researchl7 Gauss Way 68,105Berkeley,CA 947205070

Mayfield Senior School of the 95-1816029 501(c)(3) Education

Holy Child Jesus500 250,000Bellefontaine StreetPasadena, CA 91105

Mayo Clinic Arizona134000 86-0800150 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

East Shea Boulevard 100,000Scottsdale,AZ 85259

MAZON Inc A Jewish 22-2624532 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Response to Hunger10495 18,000Santa Monica Boulevard Suite


Los Angeles,CA 90025

McKenzie River Gathering 93-0691187 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation2705 East 9,500Burnside Street Suite 210


Portland, O R 972141768

Media Matters for America 47-0928008 501(c)(3) Building Community

1625 Massachusetts Avenue 127,000NW Suite


Washington, DC 200362247

Megan Furth Academy2445 94-3128284 501(c)(3) Education

Pine Street 5,000San Francisco, CA 94115

Menlo Charity Horse Show 77-0456950 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

190 Park Lane 17,000Atherton,CA 940274121

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Menlo Park Friends of the 94-6108920 50 1(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Library800 Alma Street 18,431Menlo Park,CA 940253445

Menlo Park Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)(3) Building Community

Church950 Santa Cruz 144,300Avenue

Menlo Park,CA 940254611

Menlo Park-Atherton 94-2871701 501(c)(3) Education

Education FoundationPO Box 88,000584

Menlo Park,CA 940260584

Menlo Schoo150 Valparaiso 94-3204137 501(c)(3) Education

Avenue 10,000Atherton,CA 940274400

Menlo Schoo150 Valparaiso 94-3204137 501(c)(3) Education

Avenue 279,300Atherton,CA 940274400

Menlo-Atherton High School 26-0820369 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation For the FuturePO 51,550Box 1228

Menlo Park,CA 940261228

Mercy ShipsPO Box 2020 26-2414132 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Garden Valley, TX 15,000757712020

Meru FoundationPO Box 503 68-0002931 501(c)(3) Education

Sharon, MA 020670503 42,000

Metafoundation500 North 65-1208462 501(c)(3) Building Community

Main Street Suite 100 400,000Sebastopol, CA 95472

Methodist Church UnionPO 25-0965431 501(c)(3) Religion

Box 100086 5,000Pittsburg, PA 15233

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Methodist Union of Social 25-1368765 501(c)(3) Building Community

Agencies IncPO Box 433 5,000Homestead, PA 15120

MethowConservancyPO Box 91-1588861 501(c)(3) Environment

71 100,000Winthrop, WA 98862

Metropolitan Opera 13-1624087 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Association30 Lincoln 37,500Center Plaza

NewYork,NY 100236922

Miami Hispanic Ballet 65-0441197 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Corporation900 Southwest 35,500First Street

Miami,FL 33130

Michael] Fox Foundation For 13-4141945 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Parkinsons ResearchPO Box 86,200780

NewYork,NY 100080780

Michigan State University Public/Government Higher Education

300 Spartan Way 50,000East Lansing, MI


Mid-Peninsula Boys &Girls 94-1431583 501(c)(3) Education

Club Inc200 North Quebec 19,000Street

San Mateo,CA 944011321

Midpeninsula Community 77-0095021 501(c)(3) Building Community

Media Center Inc900 San 20,200Antonio Road

Palo Alto, CA 943034917

Mid-Peninsula Education 94-2693417 501(c)(3) Education

Centerlnc1340 Willow Road 10,000Menlo Park,CA 940251516

Mills College5000 94-1156566 501(c)(3) Higher Education

MacArthur Boulevard 32,000Oakland,CA 946131301

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Mills-Peninsula Hospital 23-7288765 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation1501 Trousdale 235,950Drive

Burlingame,CA 940104506

Mind Body Awareness Project 91-2167480 501(c)(3) General support

PO Box 20948 30,000Oakland,CA 946200948

MIND Research Insitute 33-0798804 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

3631 South Harbor 100,000BoulevardSuite200

Santa Ana,CA 92704

Mission Graduates304O 16th 23-7172909 501(c)(3) Education

Street 5,000San Francisco, CA 94103

Mission Hospice of San 94-2567162 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Mateo County1900 0 Farrell 20,500Street Suite 200

San Mateo,CA 944031389

Mission Neighborhood 94-1408150 501(c)(3) Building Community

Centers Inc362 Capp Street 10,000San Francisco, CA 94110

Missions MinistriesPO Box 84-1201744 501(c)(3) Building Community

3324 20,500Englewood, CO 801553324

Mississippi Center for Justice 13-4203234 501(c)(3) Building Community

PO Box 1023 25,000Jackson, MS 392151023

Montalvo AssociationPO Box 94-1249283 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

158 69,230Saratoga, CA 950701058

Monterey Bay Aquarium 94-2487469 501(c)(3) Environment

Foundation886 Cannery Row 72,750Monterey,CA 939401085

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Moreland School District Public/Government Education4711 Campbell Avenue 29 , 780San Jose, CA 95130

Morgan Autism Center2280 94-1722448 501(c)(3) Education

Kenwood Avenue 25,700San Jose, CA 951281332

Morgan Hill Community 80-0001382 501(c)(3) Building Community

FoundationPO Box 1974 10,000Morgan Hill, CA 95038

Morrissey-Compton 77-0004694 501(c)(3) Education

Educational Center2555 50,750Park Boulevard Suite 20

PaloAlto,CA 943061919

Mount Auburn Hospital330 04-2103606 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Mount Auburn Street 30,000Cambridge, MA 02138

Mountain View Educational 77-0006770 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 391557 43,700Mountain View, CA


Mountain View Los Altos 94-2848246 501(c)(3) Education

High School FoundationPO 13,500Box 1146

Los Altos,CA 940231146

Mountain View Parent 23-7366707 501(c)(3) Education First Five

Nursery School Inc1299 25,000 Years

Bryant Avenue

Mountain View, CA 94040

Mountain View Whisman Public/Government Education

School District750-A San 97 , 189Pierre Way

Mountain View, CA 94043

Mounted Patrol of San Mateo 75-2991593 501(c)(3) Building Community

County Foundation521 Kings 18,100Mountain Road

Woodside, CA 940624209

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Movimiento2700 Brookdale 73-1683375 501(c)(3) Building Community

Avenue 50,000Oakland,CA 946022133

Movimiento de Arte y Cultura 77-0251774 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Latino Americana de San 35,200Jose Inc510 South First


San Jose, CA 951132806

Multicultural Institute1920 91-1823468 501(c)(3) Immigration

Seventh Street 10,000 Integration

Berkeley, CA 94710

Mural Music &Arts Project 91-2192238 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

2043 Euclid Avenue 74,000East Palo Alto,CA 94302

Muscular Dystrophy 13-1665552 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Association1375 Sutter 5,200Street Suite 300

San Francisco, CA 94109

Museum of Chinese in the 11-2517055 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Americas215 Centre Street 48,500NewYork,NY 10013

Music Associates of Aspen 84-0445087 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc2 Music School Road 5,000Aspen, CO 816118500

Music Associates of Aspen 84-0445087 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc2 Music School Road 5,000Aspen, CO 816118500

Music for Minors Inc883 94-2494433 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

North Shoreline 16,250BoulevardSuiteC120

Mountain View, CA


Music in Schools Today582 94-2920480 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Market Street Suite 213 9,000San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Music in the Schools 91-2152501 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

FoundationPO Box 60323 14,000PaloAlto,CA 943060323

Music of Bhutan Research 27-0148472 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

CenterPO Box 2186 14,000Santa Cruz, CA 95063

Muskingum College163 31-4379515 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Stormont Street 10,000New Concord, O H


Muslim Advocates315 30-0298794 501(c)(3) Immigration

Montgomery Street 8th Floor 25,180 Integration

San Francisco, CA 94104

MVLA High School 94-2848246 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 1146 15,000Los Altos,CA 940231146

My New Red Shoes555 20-4683289 501(c)(3) Building Community

Airport Boulevard Fifth Floor 56,750Burlingame, CA 94010

Nami California1010 Hurley 94-2676057 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Way Suite 195 6,000Sacramento, CA 95825

NAMI Santa Clara County 94-2430956 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

2010 North First Street Suite 10,000530

San Jose, CA 951312040

Nantucket AtheneumOne 04-2104412 501(c)(3) Education

India Street PO Box 808 65,000Nantucket,MA 025540808

Nantucket Boys & Girls Club 04-6114678 501(c)(3) Building Community

IncPO Box 269 42,500Nantucket,MA 025540269

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Nantucket Historical 04-6003451 501(c)(3) Building Community

AssociationPO Box 1016 20,000Nantucket,MA 025541016

Napa Emergency Womens 94-2745889 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Services1141 PearTree 10,000Lane Suite 220

Napa,CA 94558

Napa Valley Opera House 68-0051718 501(c)(3) General support

1030 Main Street 257,000Napa,CA 94559

NARAL Pro-Choice America 52-1100361 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation1156 15th Street 8,700NW Suite 700

Washington, DC 200051744

NarikaP 0 Box 14014 94-3162871 501(c)(3) Immigration

Berkeley,CA 947125014 25,000 Integration

National Academy of 23-7284092 501(c)(3) Environment

Engineering FundPO Box 30,00096714

Washington,DC 200777395

National Alliance for 31-1020010 501(c)(3) Schizophrenia

Research on Schizophrenia 5,000 Research

and Depression60 Cutter Mill

Road Suite 404

Great Neck, NY 11021

National Alliance for the 43-1201653 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Mentally 1112010 North First 10,000Street Suite 530

San Jose, CA 95131

National Aphasia Association 13-3411063 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Inc350 Seventh Avenue 5,200Suite 902

NewYork,NY 100011940

National Bighorn Sheep 83-0301605 501(c)(3) Environment

Interpretive Association Inc 25,000PO Box 1435

Dubois, WY 825131435

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


National Brain Tumor 94-2876985 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation22 Battery Street 25,000Suite 612

San Francisco, CA


National Cancer Survivors 62-1560215 501(c)(3) Building Community

Day FoundationPO Box 8,000682285

Franklin,TN 370682285

National Center for Equine 94-2378104 501(c)(3) Environment

Facilitated Therapy880 6,000Runnymede Road

Woodside,CA 940622548

National Christian 91-1307530 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Community Foundation7730 8,550 Nonprofits

SW 31st Avenue

Portland, O R 97219

National District Attorneys 36-6144537 501(c)(3) Building Community

Association44 Canal Center 55,000Plaza Suite 110

Alexandria,VA 22314

National Film Preserve Ltd 23-7426302 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

800 Jones Street 25,500Berkeley, CA 94710

National Hispanic University 94-2434925 501(c)(3) Education

14271 Story Road 414,470San Jose, CA 951273823

National Institute for 54-1506977 501(c)(3) Education

Learning Development Inc 10,000107 Seekel Street

Norfolk,VA 235054415

National Iranian American 73-1626026 501(c)(3) Building Community

Council1411 K Street NW 5,000Suite 600

Washington, DC 20005

National Leadership 54-2174467 501(c)(3) Building Community

Roundtable on Church 5,000Management1350

Connecticut Avenue NWSuite



Washington, DC 20036

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


National Multiple Sclerosis 94-1609022 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Society1700 Owens Street 14,150Suite 190

San Francisco, CA


National Network of Abortion 04-3236982 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Funds42 Seaverns Avenue 75,000Boston, MA 021302865

National Peace Corps 58-1431113 501(c)(3) Building Community

Association1900 L Street 10,000Northwest Suite 404

Washington, DC 200365030

National Philanthropic Trust 23-7825575 501(c)(3) Building Community

165 Township Line Road 8,750Suite 150

Jenkintown, PA 190463533

National Public Radio Inc635 52-0907625 501(c)(3) Building Community

Massachusetts Avenue NW 15,600Washington, DC 200013753

National Resources Defense 13-2654926 501(c)(3) Environment

Council Inc4O West 20th 27,250Street

NewYork,NY 100114217

National Security Initiative 04-3813046 501(c)(3) Building Community

1225 Eye Street NW Suite 50,000307

Washington, DC 200053914

National Tropical Botanical 52-6057064 501(c)(3) Environment

Garden3530 Papalina Road 5,000Kalaheo,HI 967419599

Natural Resources Defense 13-2654926 501(c)(3) Environment

Council Inc4O West 20th 96,100Street

NewYork,NY 100114217

Nature Conservancy Inc 53-0242652 501(c)(3) Environment

4245 North Fairfax Drive 275,600Suite 100

Arlington,VA 222031637

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Nebraska Dental Foundation 47-0639998 50 1(c)(3) Health & Wellness

3120 0 Street 5,000Lincoln, NE 68510

Neighborhood Bible Studies 13-2552417 501(c)(3) Religion

Inc56 Main Street 75,000Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

Neighborhood Housing 77-0413992 501(c)(3) Economic Security

Services Silicon Valley1156 75,000North Fourth Street

San Jose, CA 95112

Nepalese Youth Opportunity 68-0224596 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation3030 Bridgeway 13,500Suite 123

Sausalito, CA 949652895

Nevus Outreach Inc600 SE 59-3455128 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Delaware Avenue Suite 200 47,000Bartlesville, O K 740033640

New America Foundation 52-2096845 501(c)(3) Building Community

1630 Connecticut Avenue 150,000NW Seventh

FlWashington, DC 200091053

New Avenues for Youth Inc 93-0910213 501(c)(3) Building Community

1220 SW Columbia Street 10,000Portland, O R 97201

New Creation Home 26-0044056 501(c)(3) Religion

Ministries422 Hibiscus Court 7,500East Palo Alto, CA 94303

New Dimensions Foundation 23-7278044 501(c)(3) Education

PO Box 569 12,500Ukiah,CA 95482

New Israel FundPO Box 94-2607722 501(c)(3) Building Community

91588 33,300Washington, DC 200901588

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


New Schools Venture Fund 94-3281780 50 1(c)(3) Strengthening

49 Stevenson Street Suite 650,000 Nonprofits


San Francisco, CA


NewTeacherCenter725 26-2427526 501(c)(3) Education

Front Street Suite 400 171,801Santa Cruz, CA 950604538

New YorkUniversityPO Box 13-5562308 501(c)(3) Higher Education

837 8,365NewYork,NY 100099984

Next Door Solutions to 94-2420708 501(c)(3) Building Community

Domestic Violence234 East 91,840Gish Road Suite 200

San Jose, CA 95112

Nightingale-Bamford School 13-1106710 501(c)(3) Education

20 East 92nd Street 20,000NewYork,NY 101280608

Noahs Ark Angel Foundation 42-1732713 501(c)(3) Building Community

225 Broadway Suite 2000 15,000San Diego, CA 92101

North Broward Hospital 59-6012065 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Districtl2 SE 12th Street 25,000Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

North Carolina Outward 56-0857708 501(c)(3) Environment

Bound Schoo12582 Riceville 5,000RoadAsheville, NC 28805

North Fair Oaks Community Public/Government Building Community

Festival400 County Road 159,805Redwood City,CA 94063

North Hawaii Community 99-0260423 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Hospital Inc67-1125 15,000Mamalahoa Hwy

Kamuela, HI 97643

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


North Peninsula Food Pantry 93-3164510 501(c)(3) Community

& Dining Center of Daly City 15,000 Opportunity Fund

PO Box 280

Daly City, CA 940160280

North Peninsula 94-2298841 501(c)(3) Immigration

Neighborhood Services 17,000 Integration

Center600 Linden Avenue

South San Francisco, CA


Northeastern University374 04-1679980 501(c)(3) Higher Education

DG 260 Huntington Avenue 5,000Boston, MA 021155000

Northern California Cycling 74-3238940 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation700 Emerson 25,000Street

PaloAlto,CA 943012410

Northern California 94-2761355 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Grantmakers625 Market 19 , 290 Nonprofits

Street 15th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94105

Northern California Public 94-1241309 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Broadcasting Inc2601 307,710Mariposa Street

San Francisco, CA


Northern Illinois University 36-6086819 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Foundation1425 West 10,000Lincoln Highway Altgeld

Hall 135

Dekalb,IL 601152828

Northwest Harvest E M MPO 91-0826037 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 12272 30,000Seattle, WA 98102

Northwestern University 36-2167817 501(c)(3) Higher Education

1801 Hinman Avenue 2nd 13,051FloorEvanston, IL 60201

Notre Dame de Namur 94-1156646 501(c)(3) Higher Education

University1500 Ralston 12,500Avenue

Belmont, CA 940021908

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Notre Dame High School596 94-1275235 501(c)(3) Education

South Second Street 66,710San Jose, CA 951125707

Notre Dame High School596 94-1424421 501(c)(3) Education

South Second Street 5,000San Jose, CA 951125707

Nuestra Casa1798-B Bay 94-2814128 501(c)(3) Immigration

Road 96,100 Integration

East Palo Alto, CA 94303

Nuru International71 26-1250716 501(c)(3) Building Community

Manzanita Road 195,750Atherton,CA 94027

Oak Hill Elementary School Public/Government Education6101 Patton Ranch Road 5,160Austin,TX 78735

Oakland Community 94-2494442 501(c)(3) General support

Organizations7200 Bancroft 20,000Avenue2 Eastmont Mall

MallOakland,CA 94605

Oakland East Bay Symphony 94-3081554 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

400 29th Street Suite 501 15,000Oakland,CA 94609

Oakland School for the Arts 68-0463892 501(c)(3) General support

Charter High School530 15,23518th Street

Oakland,CA 94612

Oakland Small Schools 43-2014630 501(c)(3) Building Community

FoundationPO Box 20238 28,000Oakland,CA 94620

OC International IncPO Box 94-1501634 501(c)(3) Building Community

36900 9,000Colorado Springs, CO


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Ocean Awareness Project 14-1861309 501(c)(3) Environment

IncPO Box 19367 10,000Washington, DC 20036

Ocean Exploration TrustPO 83-0488383 501(c)(3) Environment

Box 42 15,000Old Lyme,CT 06371

Oceana Inc1350 51-0401308 501(c)(3) Environment

Connecticut Avenue NW Fifth 5,250FloorWashington, DC


ODCSan Francisco35 1 34-1191163 50 1(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Shotwell Street 122,000San Francisco, CA


Odyssey House Inc - Utah 87-0292487 501(c)(3) Building Community

344 East 100 South Suite 5,000301

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Ohana Foundation for 99-0340582 501(c)(3) Education

Technical Development 700,00019770 Stevens Creek

BoulevardCupertino,CA 950142456

Ohio State U niversityPO Box Public/Government Scholarships

183029 5,000Columbus, O H 432183029

Ohio State University 31-1145986 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Foundation1480 West Lane 25,000Avenue

Columbus, O H 432213919

Okizu Foundationl6 Digital 68-0291178 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Drive Suite 130 55,000Novato,CA 949495755

Old Blue Rugby Foundation 13-3226589 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc166 Melrose Place 90,000Ridgewood, NJ 074504121

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


OIlie Webb Center Inc1941 20-3311641 501(c)(3) Building Community

South 42nd Street Suite 122 5,000Omaha,NE 68105

Omaha Suburban Athletic 47-0632369 501(c)(3) Building Community

Association Inc2933 South 5,000120th Street

O maha, N E 68144

Omega Boys ClubPO Box 94-3171846 501(c)(3) Education

884463 26,000San Francisco, CA


Omega Point Institute428 52-1312278 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Bryant Circle Suite 3 5,000O jai, CA 930234209

On Lok Day Services1333 94-3101292 501(c)(3) Building Community

Bush Street 15,000San Francisco, CA 94109

One Acre Fund1742 Tatum 20-3668110 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Street 125,000Falcon Heights, MN 55113

One Fire Development 33-1017561 501(c)(3) Building Community

Corporation1220 Southmore 20,000BoulevardHouston,TX 77004

One Step Closer Therapeutic 16-1774140 501(c)(3) Building Community

Riding IncPO Box 41161 5,000San Jose, CA 951601161

One World Children's Fund 77-0479205 501(c)(3) Building Community

1012 Torney Avenue 57,700San Francisco, CA 94129

O'Neill Sea Odyssey2222 77-0464784 501(c)(3) Environment

East Cliff Drive Suite 222 10,000Santa Cruz, CA 950624739

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Open Eye Pictures2656 32-0154227 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Bridgeway Suite 202 25,000Sausalito, CA 94965

Open Paths Counseling 95-3221061 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Center12655 West 10,500Washington BoulevardSuit101

Los Angeles,CA 90066

Opera San Jose Incorporated 77-0009773 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

2149 Paragon Drive 113,284San Jose, CA 951311312

Operation MobilizationPO 22-2513811 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 444 9,000Tyrone, GA 302900444

Operation Rainbowlnc4200 76-0022338 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Park Boulevard PMB 157 6,700Oakland,CA 946021312

Opportunity Fund Northern 31-1719434 501(c)(3) Building Community

Californiall l West St John 983,190Street Suite 800

San Jose, CA 95113

Opportunity Health Partners 20-2886131 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Inc33 Encina Avenue 103 10,000Palo Alto,CA 94301

Opportunity Impact838 20-8964069 501(c)(3) Building Community

Broderick Street 5,500San Francisco, CA 94115

Opportunity International Inc 54-0907624 501(c)(3) Building Community

2122 York Road Suite 150 550,250Oak Brook,IL 605231999

Option Institute and 04-2780755 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Fellowship2O8O South 52,500Undermountain RoadSheffield, MA 012579643

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Orange County NC Habitat 58-1603427 501(c)(3) Building Community

for Humanity1829 East 35,000Franklin Street Suite


Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Orangewood Children's 95-3616628 501(c)(3) General support

Foundation1575 East 17th 25,000Street

Santa Ana,CA 92705

Order of Malta - Western 23-7450840 501(c)(3) Annual Appeal

Association465 California 5,000StreetSuite 818

San Francisco, CA


Order of Malta Oakland Clinic 20-5969389 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Inc1999 Harrison Street 5,000Suite 1700

Oakland,CA 946124700

Order of St John Charities in 94-3145288 501(c)(3) Building Community

the Western USA340 Grand 35,000Boulevard Suite 3

San Mateo, CA 94401

Oregon Children's Foundation 93-1051724 501(c)(3) Education First Five

219 NW 12th Avenue Suite 10,000 Years


Portland,OR 972092955

Oregon Food Bank IncPO 93-0785786 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 55370 20,000Portland,OR 972385370

Oregon Shakespeare Festival 93-0407022 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Associationl5 South Pioneer 53,190Street

Ashland,OR 975202749

Oregon State University 93-6022772 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation850 SW 35th 29,000Street

Corvallis, OR 973334046

Organs 'R' Us570 El Camino 94-3333306 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Real Suite 150-330 8,070Redwood City,CA 94063

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Orphans Against Aids Inc 71-0944597 50 1(c)(3) Building Community

1110 Knollwood Drive 20,000Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Oshman Family Jewish 77-0185734 501(c)(3) Building Community

Community Center3921 31,500Fabian Way

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Oster Elementary School Public/Government Education

1855 Lencar Way 27,446San Jose, CA 951243603

Our City Forestl51 West 77-0371911 501(c)(3) Building Community

Mission Street Suite 151 14,000San Jose, CA 95110

Our Lady of the Wayside 94-1498472 501(c)(3) Religion

Church930 Portola Road 50,000Portola Valley, CA 94028

Our Military Kids Inc6861 56-2483648 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Elm Street Suite 2-A 10,000McLean,VA 22101

Our Mother's Home7438 65-0510103 501(c)(3) Building Community

Carrier Road 10,000Fort Meyers, FL 339672757

Outside In1132 SW 13th 93-0567549 501(c)(3) Building Community

Avenue 10,000Portland,OR 972051703

Outward Bound Inc1539 04-2375956 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Pershing Drive 9,500San Francisco, CA 94129

Oxfam - America Inc226 23-7069110 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Causeway Street Fifth Floor 78,400Boston, MA 021142206

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


PAAIA Fund1350 26-0551428 501(c)(3) Building Community

Connecticut Avenue NW 64,500Suite


Washington, DC


Pacific Autism Center for 77-0259858 501(c)(3) Education

Education1880 Pruneridge 21,000Avenue

Santa Clara, CA


Pacific Collegiate SchoolPO 77-0485136 501(c)(3) Education

Box 1701 31,000Santa Cruz,CA 950611701

Pacific Community Ventures 77-0485877 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

51 Federal Street Suite 402 5,000San Francisco, CA


Pacific Crest Trail 33-0051202 501(c)(3) Environment

Association5325 Elkhorn 60,000Boulevard PMB 256

Sacramento, CA


Pacific Forest Trust Inc 68-0292509 501(c)(3) Environment

1001-A 0 Reilly Avenue 42,000San Francisco, CA


Pacific Institute for Studies 94-3050434 501(c)(3) Environment

in Development Environment 10,000and Security654 13th Street

Preservation Park

Oakland,CA 946121075

Pacific News Service275 94-1709509 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Ninth Street 25,000San Francisco, CA


Pacifica Collaborative375 Public/Government Education First Five

Reina del Mar Boulevard 41,360 Years

Pacifica, CA 94044

Pacifica Foundation1925 94-1347046 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Martin Luther King Jr Way 6,050Berkeley, CA 947041037

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Pacifica GardensPO Box 94-3229680 501(c)(3) Community

1400 5,000 Opportunity Fund

Pacifica, CA 94044

Pacifica Library Foundation 20-0278962 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

104 Hilton Way 10,233Pacifica,CA 940442739

Pacifica Resource Center 94-3213100 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

1809 Palmetto Avenue 10,233Pacifica, CA 94044

Pacificans CareP 0 Box 875 77-0004308 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Pacifica,CA 940440875 10,233

PACT Helping Children With 52-1230183 501(c)(3) Building Community

Special Needs Inc7000 10,250Tudsbury RoadBaltimore, M D 21244

Painted Turtle Gang Camp 95-4612481 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation1300 Fourth 35,673Street Suite 300

Santa Monica, CA


Palestine Children's Relief 93-1057665 501(c)(3) Building Community

FundPO Box 1926 5,000Kent, O H 442400035

Palo Alto Art Center 94-2382459 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Foundation1313 Newell Road 40,700PaloAlto,CA 943032909

Palo Alto Community Child 94-2242823 501(c)(3) Building Community

Care3990 Ventura Court 14,000PaloAlto,CA 943063463

Palo Alto Community FundPO 77-0483215 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 50634 74,637PaloAlto,CA 943030634

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Palo Alto Drug &Alcohol Public/Government EducationCommunity Collaborative25 10,000Churchill AvenuePalo Alto,CA 94301

Palo A Ito Friends Nursery 94-1514802 501(c)(3) Education First Five

School957 Colorado Avenue 25,000 Years

PaloAlto,CA 943033802

Palo A Ito Medical Foundation 94-1156581 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

for Health Care Research & 510,650Education795 El Camino

RealPaloAlto,CA 943012302

Palo Alto Partners in 77-0186364 501(c)(3) Education

Education25 Churchill 133,925Avenue

PaloAlto,CA 943061005

Palos Verdes Peninsula 95-3498211 501(c)(3) Education

Education FoundationPO Box 8,0002632

Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA


Pan-African Childrens Fund 22-3862628 501(c)(3) Building Community

PO Box 8386 15,000Los Angeles,CA 90008

PARCA800 Airport 94-1650851 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Boulevard Suite 320 31,250Burlingame, CA 940101919

Parents Helping Parents Inc 94-2814246 501(c)(3) Building Community

1400 Parkmoor Avenue 56,383Suite 100

San Jose, CA 951263797

Parkinson's Institute675 94-3061594 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

AlmanorAvenue 8,000Sunnyvale,CA 940852934

Parkside Elementary School 94-6184899 501(c)(3) Parkside PTA - see

PTA 1685 Eisenhower Street 7,000 attached list of

San Mateo, CA 94403 recipients

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Partners for New Generations 77-0273721 501(c)(3) Building Community

183 HillviewAvenue 20,633Los Altos,CA 940223742

Partners in Health a 04-3567502 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Nonprofit CorporationPO Box 70,000845578

Boston, MA 022845578

Partners in School 94-3205455 501(c)(3) Education

Innovation1060 Tennessee 76,000Street Second Floor

San Francisco, CA


Partners International1117 94-1393427 501(c)(3) Building Community

East Westview Court 26,000Spokane, WA 992181319

Partnership for A Drug Free 13-3413627 501(c)(3) Building Community

America Inc405 Lexington 25,000Avenue 16th Floor

New York, NY 101741601

Pathways Hospice 77-0280660 501(c)(3) Environment

Foundation585 North Mary 63,281Avenue

Sunnyvale,CA 940852905

Pava FoundationPO Box 85-0349682 501(c)(3) Metcalf-Smithers

22386 6,000 Scholarship Fund

Santa Fe,NM 875052615

PCL Foundation1107 Ninth 94-2190378 501(c)(3) Environment

Street Suite 360 6,200Sacramento, CA


Peking University Education 94-3278466 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation USA510 147,000Broadway Suite 300

Millbrae,CA 94030

Peninsula Bible Church 77-0269849 501(c)(3) Religion

Cupertino10601 North 5,000Blaney Avenue

Cupertino,CA 95014

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Peninsula Bridge ProgramPO 94-3226017 50 1(c)(3) Education

Box 963 110,950Menlo Park,CA 940260963

Peninsula Clergy NetworkPO 73-1723866 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 30 20,000San Mateo, CA 94401

Peninsula Conflict Resolution 77-0144000 501(c)(3) Building Community

Center1660 South Amphlett 281,700Boulevard Suite219

San Mateo, CA 944022508

Peninsula Heritage School 95-2232586 501(c)(3) Education

26944 Rolling Hills Road 5,000Rolling Hills Estates, CA


Peninsula Humane Society & 94-1243665 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

SPCA 12 Airport Boulevard 19,551San Mateo,CA 944011006

Peninsula Interfaith Action 94-2921590 501(c)(3) Immigration

1336 Arroyo Avenue 75,200 Integration

San Carlos, CA 940703913

Peninsula Open Space Trust 94-2392007 501(c)(3) Environment

222 High Street 1,865,255PaloAlto,CA 943011040

Peninsula Outreach Program 77-0364279 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

2995 Woodside Road Suite 7,000400-429

Woodside, CA 940622496

Peninsula Peace and Justice 94-2899934 501(c)(3) Building Community

Center625 Hamilton Avenue 13,250PaloAlto,CA 943012016

Peninsula School Ltd920 94-1186181 501(c)(3) Education

Peninsula Way 24,500Menlo Park,CA 940252358

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Peninsula Stroke Association 77-0500631 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

3801 Miranda 19,671AvenueBuilding 6 Room


PaloAlto,CA 943041207

Peninsula Symphony of 94-6106974 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Northern California 12,750Association146 Main Street

Suite 207

Los Altos,CA 940222930

Peninsula Temple Sholom 13-1663143 501(c)(3) Religion

1655 Sebastian Drive 30,000Burlingame, CA 940105837

Peninsula Volunteers Inc800 94-1294939 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Middle Avenue 24,000Menlo Park,CA 940255121

People Acting in Community 77-0090129 501(c)(3) Building Community

Together Inc1100 Shasta 98,000Avenue Suite 210

San Jose, CA 951262621

People for Puget Sound911 91-1518715 501(c)(3) Environment

Western Avenue Suite 580 10,000Seattle, WA 981043608

Pepperdine University24255 95-1644037 501(c)(3) Education

Pacific Coast Highway 26,850Malibu,CA 902634617

Performance Zone Inc161 13-3357408 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Sixth Avenue Spring Street 10,60014th

FloorNew York, NY 100131205

Performing Arts Workshop 94-1614596 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

1661 Tennessee Street Unit 5,0003-0

San Francisco, CA 94107

Persian Cultural CenterPO 33-0373404 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 500914 5,000San Diego, CA 92150

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Pescadero Elementary Public/Government Education

SchoolPO Box 189 5,750Pescadero, CA 940600106

Philanthropic Ventures 94-3136771 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Foundation1222 5,228,250 N onprofits

Preservation Park Way

Oakland,CA 946121201

Phillips Brooks School2245 94-2494458 501(c)(3) Education

Avy Avenue 15,000Menlo Park, CA


Phillips ExeterAcademy20 02-0222174 501(c)(3) Education

Main Street 51,781Exeter, NH 038332460

Phoenix Gospel Mission 86-6057771 501(c)(3) Building Community

1801 South 35th Avenue 5,000Phoenix,AZ 850096706

Photographic Center 91-1561025 501(c)(3) Building Community

Northwest900 12th Avenue 15,000Seattle, WA 98122

Physicians for Human Rights 22-2488437 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

IncTwo Arrow Street Suite 10,000301

Cambridge, MA 02138

Pivot Learning Partners 94-3227655 501(c)(3) Education

(Springboard)181 Fremont 50,000Street Second Floor

San Francisco, CA


Placer Womens Center Inc 94-2578871 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

PO Box 5462 5,000Auburn,CA 956045462

Planned Parenthood 13-1644147 501(c)(3) Building Community

Federation of America Inc 5,950434 West 33rd Street

NewYork,NY 100012601

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Planned Parenthood Golden 94-6138828 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Gate815 Eddy Street Suite 65,550100

San Francisco, CA


Planned Parenthood Mar 94-1583439 501(c)(3) Building Community

Monte Inc1605 The Alameda 114,950San Jose, CA 951262203

PlayPumps International Inc 04-3839391 501(c)(3) Building Community

1717 Rhode Island Avenue 50,000NW Suite


Washington, DC 20036

Polytechnic Institute of New 11-1630820 501(c)(3) Education

York UniversitySix Metrotech 85,000Center

Brooklyn, NY 11201

Pomegranate CenterPO Box 91-1363774 501(c)(3) Building Community

486 5,000Issaquah, WA 98027

Pomona College550 North 95-1664112 501(c)(3) Higher Education

College Avenue 102,000Claremont,CA 917116327

Pop Warner Little Scholars 20-5994332 501(c)(3) Building Community

IncPO Box 2307 10,000KailuaKona, HI 967452307

Portola Valley Schools 93-1012148 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation4575 Alpine Road 36,000Portola Valley, CA


Portuguese Organization for 51-0187655 501(c)(3) Community

Social Services & 15,000 Opportunity Fund

Opportunities 1115 East

Santa Clara Street

San Jose, CA 95116

Positive Coaching Alliance 77-0485946 501(c)(3) Education

1001 North Rengstorff 74,000Avenue Suite


Mountain View, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Powder River Basin Resource 74-2183158 501(c)(3) Environment

Council934 North Main 25,000Street

Sheridan, WY 828013036

PowerPAC Foundation44 26-2215714 501(c)(3) Building Community

Montgomery Stree Suite 5,0002310

San Francisco, CA 94104

Pratt Fine Arts Center1902 91-1186639 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

South Main Street 5,000Seattle, WA 981442206

Presbyterian Church USA PO 23-6393377 501(c)(3) Religion

Box 643700 29,200Pittsburgh, PA 152643700

Presentation High School 53-0196617 501(c)(3) Education

2281 Plummer Avenue 54,000San Jose, CA 951254767

Presentation Schoo120872 91-1829138 501(c)(3) General support

Broadway 8,200Sonoma,CA 95476

President & Fellows of 04-2103580 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Harvard College124 Mount 68,907Auburn Street

Cambridge, MA 021385813

Presidio Hill Schoo13839 94-1201211 501(c)(3) Education

Washington Street 6,000San Francisco, CA 94118

Price Middle School2650 Public/Government Education

New Jersey Avenue 48,384San Jose, CA 95124

Primary Children's Medical 87-0453633 501(c)(3) Building Community

Center FoundationPO Box 8,50058249

Salt Lake City, UT


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Princeton Area Community 52-1746234 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Foundation Inc15 Princess 8,500 Nonprofits

RoadLawrenceville, NJ


Princeton Prospect 22-6075964 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Foundation616 Lakeview 5,000Terrace

Princeton, NJ 085406409

Pro Mujer240 West 35th 98-0115409 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 404 30,000NewYork,NY 100012506

Program Responsible In 77-0407227 501(c)(3) Building Community

Daring Excellence505 West 5,000Julian Street

San Jose, CA 951102338

Progressive Jewish Alliance 95-4739696 501(c)(3) Building Community

409 Liberty Street 6,500El Cerrito,CA 945303658

Project Angel Food922 Vine 95-4115863 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street 40,000Los Angeles, CA 90038

Project Baobab555 Bryant 02-0532299 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 198 12,570PaloAlto,CA 943011704

Project HIRED1401 77-0050319 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

ParkmoorAvenue Suite 125 26,935San Jose, CA 95126

Project Ninety Inc720 South 23-7398688 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

B Street 15,000San Mateo, CA 94401

Project Read - North San Public/Government Economic Security

Mateo County840 West 122,000Orange Avenue

South San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Project Seed2530 San Pablo 38-1949371 501(c)(3) Downer Elementary &

AvenueSuite K 20,000 Anna Yates

Berkeley, CA 947023422 Elementary

Project Sentinel525 77-0266612 501(c)(3) Economic Security

Middlefield Road 75,000Redwood City,CA 94063

Project We HO PEPO Box 94-3342713 501(c)(3) Building Community

50624 5,000East Palo Alto, CA 94303

Promises Film Company2600 94-3257302 501(c)(3) My Summer in Tehran

Tenth Street Suite 620 10,000Berkeley, CA 94710

Protect Children and Families Public/Government CommunityVote No on Prop 1D504 50,000 Opportunity Fund

Hillcrest DriveYreka, CA 96097

Protection & Education re 20-3726038 501(c)(3) Building Community

Animals Culture and the 40,000Environment Inc1137

Sherman Street 22

Denver,CO 802032258

Protestant Episcopal Church 94-1160945 501(c)(3) Religion

In The Diocese of California 39,000415 El Camino Real

Burlingame, CA 940105122

PTA CA Congress of 94-6174776 501(c)(3) BAM Connection

ParentsTeachers & Students 10,000 After-School Program

Inc2015 Virginia Street

Berkeley, CA 94709

PTA California Congress of 94-6174840 501(c)(3) Education

Parents Teachers & Students 29,000Inc199 Churchill Avenue

Woodside,CA 940621151

PTA California Congress of 94-6174402 501(c)(3) Education

Parents Teachers & Students 7,750Inc700 Los Altos Avenue

Los Altos,CA 94022

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


PTA California Congress of 77-0021356 501(c)(3) Education

Parents Teachers & Students 5,000Inc100 Los Altos Avenue

Los Altos,CA 94022

PTA California Congress of 94-6172286 501(c)(3) Education

Parents Teachers & Students 5,000Inc750 North California


PaloAlto,CA 943033629

Public Design Studio1211 48-1254410 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Folsom Street Fourth Floor 10,000San Francisco, CA 94103

Public Knowledge1875 52-2336690 501(c)(3) Building Community

Connecticut Avenue NW 10,000Suite


Washington, DC 200095731

Puente de la Costa SurPO 37-1484262 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 554 63,737Pescadero, CA 940600554

Purdue Foundation IncDauch 31-0958507 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Alumni Center403 West 19,500WoodStreet

West Lafayette, IN


Pursuit ofExcellence1795 77-0054289 501(c)(3) Education

Hamilton Avenue 40,300PaloAlto,CA 943033006

Q PlacePO Box 222 13-2552417 501(c)(3) Religion

Dobbs Ferry, NY 30,000105220222

Qualitas of Life Foundation 06-1833489 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

500 Park Avenue Suite 35B 5,000NewYork,NY 10022

Quest Scholars Program120 94-3348336 501(c)(3) Education

Hawthorne Avenue Suite 103 11,000Palo Alto,CA 94301

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Radiation Oncology Institute 51-0178702 50 1(c)(3) Health & Wellness

8280 Willow Oaks Corporate 400,000DriveSuite 500

Fairfax,VA 220314514

Radio Club Afterschool Inc 20-5056834 501(c)(3) Education

PO Box 27582 5,000Los Angeles, CA 90027

Radiological Society of North 15-0539115 501(c)(3) Building Community

America Inc820 Jorie 30,000BoulevardOak Brook,IL 60523

Rain for the Sahel and Sahara 73-1628703 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

IncPO Box 545 50,000Newmarket,NH 038570545

Raising A Reader2440 West 94-3390149 501(c)(3) Building Community

El Camino Real Suite 300 17,200Mountain View, CA 94040

Rape Recovery Center2035 87-0308785 501(c)(3) Building Community

South 1300 East 5,000Salt Lake City, UT 84105

Raphael House of San 94-3141608 501(c)(3) Building Community

Francisco Inc1065 Sutter 11,000Street

San Francisco, CA


RARE1840 Wilson Boulevard 23-7380563 501(c)(3) Environment

Suite 204 25,000Arlington,VA 222013000

Ravenswood Cities & 94-3239876 501(c)(3) Education

Schools2695 Fordham 17,050Street

East Palo Alto, CA 94303

Ravenswood City School Public/Government Education

District2110 Euclid Avenue 75,000East Palo Alto, CA 94303

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Ravenswood Education 26-0166433 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 396 48,271Menlo Park,CA 940260396

Ravenswood Family Health 94-3372130 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Center1798A Bay Road 643,823East Palo Alto, CA


Raymar Educational Films 45-0489949 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Inc696 33rd Street 6,500Oakland,CA 94609

Reading Partners528 Valley 77-0568469 501(c)(3) Education

Way 151,750Milpitas,CA 950354106

Rebuild Hope365 Ambar Way 26-1659534 501(c)(3) Building Community

Menlo Park,CA 940255801 11,550

Rebuilding Together - San 94-3107808 501(c)(3) Building Community

FranciscoPier 28 The 10,000EmbarcaderoSan Francisco, CA 94105

Rebuilding Together 94-3106209 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

PeninsulaPO Box 4031 50,750Menlo Park,CA 940264031

Rebuilding Together Silicon 77-0289381 501(c)(3) Building Community

ValleyPO Box 21996 42,500San Jose, CA 951511996

Rebuilding Together-Seattle 91-1606330 501(c)(3) Building Community

811 Harrison Street 10,000Seattle, WA 98109

Recording for the Blind & 13-1659345 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Dyslexic Inc2O Roszel Road 36,250Princeton, NJ 085406206

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Rector & V is itors of the 54-6001796 501(c)(3) Higher Education

University ofVirginiaPO Box 300,000400807

C harlottesville, VA229044807

REDF631 Howard Street 54-2132153 501(c)(3) Building Community

Suite 320 5,000San Francisco, CA


Redwood City 2020750 Public/Government Building Community

Bradford Street 65,278Redwood City,CA 94063

Redwood City Education 94-2903141 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 3046 41,250Redwood City, CA


Redwood City Elementary Public/Government Education

School District750 Bradford 112,176Street

Redwood City,CA 94063

Redwood City Friends of 94-3133401 501(c)(3) Building Community

Literacy1044 Middlefield 9,250RoadRedwood City, CA


Redwood City Library 94-3293215 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Foundation1044 Middlefield 8,500RoadRedwood City, CA


Redwoods Abbey Inc18104 94-1640741 501(c)(3) Building Community

Briceland-Thorn Road 7,500Whitethorn,CA 95589

Refugee Transitions870 94-3112099 501(c)(3) Building Community

Market Street Suite 718 21,085San Francisco, CA 94102

Regents of the Mercersburg 23-1365963 501(c)(3) Education

College300 East Seminary 30,000Street

Mercersburg, PA 17236

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of ( b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Regents of the University of 95-6006142 501(c)( 3) Education

California at Riverside1156 58,000Hinderacker HallRiverside, CA 925210209

Regents of the University of 95-6006144 501(c )(3) Education

California at San Diego9500 144,850Gilman Drive Mail Code 0013

La Jolla,CA 920930013

Regents of the University of 94-6036494 501(c )(3) Higher Education

California DavisOne Shields 638,936Avenue

Davis, CA 956165270

Regents of the University of 94-1539563 501(c)(3) Education

California Santa Cruz1156 100,000High Street

Santa Cruz,CA 950641077

Regents of the University of 94-6002123 501(c)(3) Higher Education

California Berkeley201 164,448Sproul Hall 1960

Berkeley, CA 947201960

Regents of the University of 95-6006145 501(c)( 3) Higher Education

California Santa Barbara 70,1573201 Saasb Payroll Office

Santa Barbara, CA


Regents of the University of 38-6006309 501(c)( 3) Higher Education

Michigan3003 South State 172,050Street Suite 8000

Ann Arbor, M I 481091288

Regents of the University of 41-6007513 501(c )(3) Higher Education

Minnesota2829 University 301,000Avenue SE Suite 601


Minneapolis , MN 55414

Regents University of 95-6006143 501(c )(3) Higher Education

California Los Angeles405 230,435Hilgard AvenueBox 951501


Murphy Hall

Los Angeles, CA


Regis Jesuit High School 84-0791593 501(c)( 3) Education

6400 South Lewiston Way 15,000Aurora,CO 800163000

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Remote Area Medical 62-1650446 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation1834 Beech 25,000Street

Knoxville,TN 379202602

Renaissance 94-2793122 501(c)(3) Building Community

Entrepreneurship Center275 13,700Fifth StreetSan Francisco, CA


Research Foundation of State 14-1368361 501(c)(3) Higher Education

University of New YorkState 16,000University Plaza 353



Albany, NY 12246

Resonate Inc251 Rhode 20-1836547 501(c)(3) Education

Island Street Suite 205 34,000San Francisco, CA 94103

Resource Area For Teachers 77-0365627 501(c)(3) Education

1355 Ridder Park Drive 314,248San Jose, CA 951312306

Resource Area forTeaching 20-3781320 501(c)(3) Education

of Greater Sacramento3136 53,000Howard Street

McClellan Park, CA 95652

Resource Foundation Inc237 13-3421446 501(c)(3) Building Community

West 35th Street Suite 1203 51,500NewYork,NY 10001

Resources Legacy Fund555 95-4703838 501(c)(3) Environment

Capitol Mall Suite 675 25,000Sacramento, CA 95814

Respite and Research for 94-2936723 501(c)(3) Community

Alzheimers Disease2380 15,000 Opportunity Fund

Enborg Lane

San Jose, CA 95128

Revere High Schooll01 Public/Government Higher Education

School Street 15,000Revere, MA 021513001

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Rhode Island Hospital 05-0468736 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

FoundationPO Box H 10,300Providence, RI 02903

Richard Dawkins Foundation 98-0499347 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

for Reason and Science 10,00011605 Meridian Market View

Unit 124

PMB 381

Falcon, CO 80831

Riekes Center for Human 94-3224127 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Enhancement3455 Edison 143,000Way

Menlo Park,CA 940251813

Right Moves for Youth Inc 56-1834718 501(c)(3) Building Community

1031 South Caldwell Street 10,000Suite


Charlotte, NC 28203

Rockefeller Philanthropy 13-3615533 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Advisors Inc6 West 48th 16,300 Nonprofits

Street 10th Floor

NewYork,NY 10036

Rocketship Education550 20-4040597 501(c)(3) Education

Kingsley Avenue 125,000PaloAlto,CA 943013224

Ronald McDonald House at 94-2538615 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Stanford520 Sand Hill Road 33,850Palo Alto,CA 943042001

Room to Read111 Sutter 91-2003533 501(c)(3) Education

Street 16th Floor 279 , 692San Francisco, CA


Root Capital Inc675 04-3478123 501(c)(3) Building Community

Massachusetts Avenue 50,000EighthFloorCambridge, MA 021393309

Ross Ragland Theater218 93-1006823 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

North Seventh Street 10,000Klamath Falls, O R 97601

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Rotary Club of Menlo Park 94-2723876 501(c)(3) Building Community

FoundationPO Box 876 10,500Menlo Park,CA 94026

Rotary Club of San lose 94-6112270 501(c)(3) Building Community

Endowment Inc1690 Senter 5,025RoadSan Jose, CA 951122599

Rotary Foundation of Rotary 36-3245072 501(c)(3) Building Community

InternationalPO Box 637 5,800Cupertino,CA 950150637

Russian Arts Foundation233 94-3165716 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Sansome Street Suite 928 6,000San Francisco, CA 94104

Rutherford Charitable 68-0359707 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

O rganizationPO Box 680 12,500Rutherford,CA 945730680

Sacramento Area Regional 68-0332874 501(c)(3) Building Community

Technology Alliance5022 6,000Bailey Loop

McClellan,CA 95652

Sacred Heart Community 23-7179787 501(c)(3) Building Community

Service1381 South First 52,800Street

San Jose, CA 951103431

Sacred Heart Nativity School 95-2206754 501(c)(3) Education

310 Edwards Avenue 55,000San Jose, CA 951103005

Sacred Heart School150 94-6183431 501(c)(3) Education

Valparaiso Avenue 895,853Atherton,CA 940274402

Sacred Heart Schools1000 53-0196617 501(c)(3) Education

Lincoln Street 16,000Santa Clara, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Sage Community SchoolPO 30-0407470 501(c)(3) Education

Box 655 5,000Chiloquin,OR 97624

Saint Francis of Assisi 88-0338219 501(c)(3) Religion

Catholic ChurchPO Box 5,0004226

Incline Village, NV 89450

Saint Ignatius High School of 34-0714500 501(c)(3) Education

Cleveland1911 West 30th 5,000Street

Cleveland,OH 441133401

Saint Marks School Inc39 94-2598891 501(c)(3) Education

Trellis Drive 7,000San Rafael, CA 94903

Saint Mary's CollegeLeMans 35-0868158 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Hall 5,000Notre Dame,IN 465565001

Salem State College 04-2620632 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Foundation Inc352 Lafayette 500,000Street

Salem, MA 01970

Salesian Society Inc2 13-1891552 501(c)(3) Religion

Lefevre Lane 6,250New Rochelle, NY


Salk Institute for Biological 95-2160097 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

StudiesPO Box 85800 335,425San Diego, CA 921865800

Salvation Army3755 North 13-5562351 501(c)(3) Building Community

Freeway Boulevard 25,000Sacramento, CA


Salzburg Seminar in 04-2200147 501(c)(3) Education

American Studies IncPO Box 5,000886

Middlebury,VT 057530886

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Samaritan House1511 South 23-7416272 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Claremont Street 316,139San Mateo,CA 944022120

Samuel Merritt College370 94-2992642 501(c)(3) Education

Hawthorne Avenue 6,000Oakland,CA 94609

San Bruno Chinese Church 94-3040624 501(c)(3) Religion

250 Courtland Drive 5,000San Bruno, CA 94066

San Bruno Mountain WatchP 94-3235791 501(c)(3) Environment

O Box 53 12,262Brisbane,CA 94005

San Diego State University Public/Government Education

5500 Campanile Drive 10,520San Diego, CA 921827436

San Francisco AIDS 94-2927405 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation995 Market 11,300Street Suite 200

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Ballet 94-1415298 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Association455 Franklin 337,407Street

San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Boys Chorus 94-1616811 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

333 Hayes Street Suite 116 10,000San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Camerawork 94-2400186 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Inc657 Mission Street 10,000Second FloorSan Francisco, CA


San Francisco Child Abuse 94-2455072 501(c)(3) Direct Services

Prevention Center1757 20,000Waller StreetSan Francisco, CA 94117

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


San Francisco Film Society 94-2663216 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

39 Mesa Street Suite 110 12,000San Francisco, CA 94129

San Francisco First Tee99 91-2169009 50 1(c)(3) Education

Harding Road 31,000San Francisco, CA 94132

San Francisco Food Bank900 94-3041517 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Pennsylvania Avenue 77,400San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Forty Niners 77-0287514 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation4949 Centennial 25,000BoulevardSanta Clara, CA


San Francisco Foundation 01-0679337 501(c)(3) Building Community

225 Bush Street Suite 500 60,250San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Friends of the 94-2699528 501(c)(3) Environment

Urban ForestsPO Box 29456 10,500San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Jazz 94-2990335 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

O rganizationThree 50,000Embarcadero Center LobbyLevelSan Francisco, CA


San Francisco Museum and 68-0104888 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Historical Society785 Market 15,000Street Suite 600

San Francisco, CA 94103

San Francisco Museum of 94-1156300 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Modern Art151 Third Street 105,600San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Opera 94-0836240 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Association301 Van Ness 44,000Avenue

San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


San Francisco Parks Trust 23-7131784 501(c)(3) Environment

Inc501 Stanyan Street 11,000San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Rescue 94-3163872 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

MissionPO Box 16217 25,000San Francisco, CA 94116

San Francisco SafeHouse 94-3327255 501(c)(3) General support

559 Ellis Street 10,000San Francisco, CA 94109

San Francisco School 94-1592822 501(c)(3) Education

Volunteers727 Golden Gate 5,500Avenue Second Floor

FloorSan Francisco, CA


San Francisco Suicide 94-1581618 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

PreventionPO Box 191350 10,000San Francisco, CA


San Francisco Symphony201 94-1156284 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Van Ness Avenue 191,500San Francisco, CA


San Francisco University 23-7313754 501(c)(3) Education

High School3065 Jackson 25,000Street

San Francisco, CA 94115

San Jose Auxiliary to the 94-6100771 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Lucile Salter Packard 10,500Childrens Hospital1362

Lincoln Avenue

San Jose, CA 951253010

San Jose Chamber of 77-0351510 501(c)(3) Building Community

Commerce Community 5,000Benefit Foundation310 South

First Street

San Jose, CA 95113

San Jose Children's Musical 23-7235146 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Theater1401 Parkmoor 19,870Avenue Suite 100

San Jose, CA 951263450

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


San Jose Community Media 26-2041299 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Access Corporation255 70,000West Julian Street Suite 100

San Jose, CA 95110

San Jose Grail Family 77-0397354 501(c)(3) Immigration

Services2003 East San 50,000 Integration

Antonio Street

San Jose, CA 95116

San Jose Institute of 94-2688830 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Contemporary Art560 South 50,500First Street

San Jose, CA 951132816

San Jose Mercury News Wish 77-0229665 501(c)(3) Building Community

Book Fund Inc750 Ridder 30,000Park Drive

San Jose, CA 951900001

San Jose Museum ofArt 23-7062028 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Association110 South 99,621Market Street

San Jose, CA 951132383

San Jose Museum ofQuilts & 77-0123939 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Textiles520 South First 124,875Street

San Jose, CA 951132806

San Jose Police Foundation 20-4979633 501(c)(3) Building Community

310 South First Street 6,000San Jose, CA 951132803

San Jose Repertory Theatre 94-2638313 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

101 Paseo de San Antonio 46,200San Jose, CA 951132603

San Jose Sports Authority 77-0269729 501(c)(3) Building Community

345 Park Avenue MSC A9- 8,000432

San Jose, CA 95110

San Jose State University Public/Government Education

One Washington Square 51,200San Jose, CA 951920036

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of ( b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


San Jose State University 94-6017638 501(c )(3) Education

Foundation210 North Fourth 7,246Street Fourth

FloorSan Jose, CA 951125500

San Jose State University 94-6017638 501(c)( 3) Higher Education

Research Foundation210 101,300North Fourth Street Fourth

FloorSan Jose, CA 951125569

San Jose Taiko GroupPO Box 94-2801727 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

26895 5,000San Jose, CA 95159

San Mateo Adult School789 Public/Government Immigration

East Poplar Avenue 65,000 Integration

San Mateo , CA 94401

San Mateo County 94-6133905 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Community College 37,550Foundation3401 CSM Drive

San Mateo ,CA 944029814

San Mateo County Health 94-3116070 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Foundation222 West 39th 10,500Avenue

San Mateo , CA 94403

San Mateo County Health Public/Government Health & Wellness

Services Agency225 37th 230,364Avenue

San Mateo , CA 94403

San Mateo County Historical 23-7186194 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Association2200 Broadway 30,500Street

Redwood City, CA


San Mateo County Office of Public/Government Education

Education (County 10,000Superintendent of Schools)101 Twin Dolphin Drive

Redwood City, CA


San Mateo County Sheriffs 94-6000532 Public/Government Supporting Families

Office400 County Center 106,064Third FloorRedwood City, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


San Mateo County Transit Public/Government Regional Planning

DistrictPO Box 3006 75,000San Carlos, CA 940701306

San Mateo Police Activities 31-1593896 501(c)(3) Education

League200 Franklin Parkway 6,500San Mateo, CA 94403

San Mateo Union High School Public/Government Education

District650 North Delaware 40,000Street

San Mateo,CA 944011795

San Mateo-Foster City Public/Government Education

School District1170 Chess 469,112Drive

Foster City, CA 944041129

San Miguel Febres Cordero 36-4378726 501(c)(3) General Fund

School Inc1949 West 48th 5,000Street

Chicago, IL 60609

San Ramon Valley 94-2853998 501(c)(3) Education

Educational FoundationPO 9,100Box 1463

San Ramon,CA 94583

Santa Barbara Center for the 95-3847102 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Performing Arts Inc1330 20,000State Street Suite 102

Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Santa Barbara Opera 77-0347413 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Association1330 State 25,000Street Suite 209

Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Santa Barbara Symphony 95-2104089 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Orchestra Association1900 16,000State Street Suite G

Santa Barbara, CA


Santa Barbara Theatre Organ 77-0142687 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

SocietyPO Box 1913 5,000Goleta, CA 931161913

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Santa Clara County Asian 94-2439581 50 1(c)(3) Building Community

Law Alliance Inc184 East 57,500Jackson Street

San Jose, CA 951125153

Santa Clara County Office of Public/Government Education

Education1290 Ridder Park 106,936Drive

San Jose, CA 951312304

Santa Clara University500 94-1156617 501(c)(3) Higher Education

El Camino Real 398,065Santa Clara, CA


Santa Clara Valley Audubon 94-6081420 501(c)(3) Environment

Society22221 McClellan 31,300RoadCupertino,CA 950144030

Santa Clara Valley Science 94-6122043 501(c)(3) Education

Fair AssociationPO Box 307 5,000Los Altos,CA 940230307

Santa Clarita Ballet 95-4582206 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Company Inc26798 Oak 7,500Avenue

Santa Clarita,CA 91351

Santa Cruz County Animal 94-6000534 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Services A uthority2200 5,000Seventh Avenue

Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Santa Cruz Museum 94-2427733 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Association1305 East Cliff 10,000Drive

Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Santa Fe Institute1399 85-0325494 501(c)(3) Building Community

Hyde Park Road 195,000Santa Fe,NM 87501

Santa Maria Urban Ministry 94-1461062 501(c)(3) Community

778 South Almaden Avenue 15,000 Opportunity Fund

San Jose, CA 951102919

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Santa Rosa Symphony -- Its 94-6134075 501(c)(3) Its Elementary

Elementary50 Santa Rosa 13,000 Program

AvenueSuite 410

Santa Rosa, CA 954044951

Saratoga Presbyterian 23-6393377 501(c)(3) Building Community

Church20455 Herriman 10,000Avenue

Saratoga, CA 950704901

Save San Francisco Bay 94-6078420 501(c)(3) Environment

Association350 Frank H 122,576Ogawa Plaza Suite 900

Oakland,CA 946122016

Save the Children54 Wilton 06-0726487 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Road 100,545Westport, CT 068803108

Save the Harbor Save the 04-2908768 501(c)(3) Environment

Bay212 Northern Avenue 12,500Suite 304 West

Boston, MA 02210

Schmahl Science Workshops 06-1780217 501(c)(3) Education

171 Branham Lane Suite 10 24,825PMB 223

San Jose, CA 951362379

Scholars Strategy Network 27-0480740 501(c)(3) Education

3411 33rd Place NW 50,000Washington, DC 20008

Scholarship America IncPO 04-2296967 501(c)(3) Education

Box 297 231,825St Peter, MN 56082

School Health Clinics of 77-0031679 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Santa Clara County5671 25,000Santa Teresa Boulevard



San Jose, CA 95123

School-ForcePO Box 5196 91-2159650 501(c)(3) Education

Belmont, CA 940025196 6,000

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Schools of the Sacred Heart 53-0196617 501(c)(3) Education

2222 Broadway 46,000San Francisco, CA


Schwab Fund for Charitable 31-1640316 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Giving101 Montgomery 519,883Street

San Francisco, CA


Science and Environmental 45-0452872 501(c)(3) General support

Health Network217 Welch 5,000Avenue Suite 101PMB 282

A mes, IA 50014

Science BuddiesPO Box 94-3216541 501(c)(3) Education

5038 10,000Carmel,CA 939215038

Scripps College1030 95-1664123 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Columbia Avenue 35,000Claremont,CA 91711

Scripps Health10666 North 95-1684089 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Torrey Pines Road 12,200La Jolla, CA 92037

Seattle Art Museum1300 91-0640788 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

First Avenue 30,000Seattle, WA 981012003

Seattle Parks Foundation860 91-1998597 501(c)(3) Building Community

Terry Avenue North Suite 5,000231

Seattle, WA 98109

Second Harvest Food Bank of 94-2614101 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Santa Clara & San Mateo 812,838Counties750 Curtner Avenue

San Jose, CA 951252113

Second Harvest Food Bank 77-0326685 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Serving Santa Cruz and San 24,000Benito Counties800 Ohlone


Watsonville, CA 950767005

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Seed International Inc43670 54-1575891 501(c)(3) Building Community

Trade Center Place 20,000Sterling,VA 20166

Self-Help for the Elderly407 94-1750717 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Sansome Street Suite 300 25,000San Francisco, CA 94111

Sempervirens FundPO 94-2155097 501(c)(3) Environment

Drawer BE 51,750Los Altos,CA 940234054

Senior Coastsiders Inc535 94-3119310 501(c)(3) Community

Kelly Avenue 28 , 649 Opportunity Fund

Half Moon Bay, CA


SeniorGleaners1951 Bell 51-0183481 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Avenue 5,000Sacramento, CA


Senior Housing Solutions512 94-2619024 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Valley Way 8,333Milpitas,CA 950354106

Sensory Access Foundation 23-7296574 501(c)(3) Building Community

300 West Iowa Avenue 67,114Sunnyvale, CA 940866134

Sequoia AwardsPO Box 2355 94-3148844 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Redwood City,CA 94064 6,000 Nonprofits

Sequoia Union High School 94-3084148 501(c)(3) Education

District480 James Avenue 204,000Redwood City, CA


Services Immigration Rights 77-0487468 501(c)(3) Immigration

& Education Network (SIREN) 30,500 Integration

1425 Koll Circle Suite 109

San Jose, CA 95112

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Seton Health Services 94-2824033 501(c)(3) Dining for a Difference

Foundation1900 Sullivan 5,714 Campaign


Daly City,CA 94015

Seva Foundation1786 Fifth 38-2231279 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street 5,250Berkeley, CA 947101716

Shadhika Project Inc3790 El 77-0344785 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Camino Real 7,250PaloAlto,CA 943063314

Shared Adventures90 77-0366565 501(c)(3) Building Community

Grandview Street B101 30,000Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Shelburne Museum IncUS 03-0179436 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Route 7 PO Box 10 10,000Shelburne,VT 05482

Shelter Network of San Mateo 77-0160469 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

County1450 Chapin Avenue 187,731Second FloorBurlingame, CA 940104062

Shomrey Mishpat Rabbis for 45-0464545 501(c)(3) Building Community

Human Rights North America 12,500PO Box 1539

West Tisbury, MA


Sierra Club Foundation85 94-6069890 501(c)(3) Environment

Second Street Suite 750 80,750San Francisco, CA


Sierra Nevada College999 88-0121831 50 1(c)(3) Higher Education

Tahoe Boulevard 5,000Incline Village, NV


Sierra Nevada Community 88-0512538 501(c)(3) Building Community

Sailing IncPO Box 19655 10,000Reno,NV 89511

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Siksha Foundation206 First 26-1153264 50 1(c)(3) Building Community

Avenue South Suite 310 75,000Seattle, WA 98104

Silicon Valley Bicycle 77-0338658 501(c)(3) Building Community

CoalitionPO Box 8447 60,250San Jose, CA 95155

Silicon Valley Campaign for 77-0524824 501(c)(3) Building Community

Legal Services3l North 15,000Second Street Fourth Floor

FloorSan Jose, CA 951131233

Silicon Valley Childrens Fund 77-0166138 501(c)(3) Building Community

4525 Union Avenue 53,800San Jose, CA 951243530

Silicon Valley Council of 77-0524747 501(c)(3) Community

Nonprofits1400 Parkmoor 85,000 Opportunity Fund

Avenue Suite 130

San Jose, CA 95126

Silicon Valley Cycling 20-5881471 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

FoundationPO Box 826 5,000Pescadero, CA 94060

Silicon Valley Education 20-5061316 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation1400 Parkmoor 214,500Avenue Suite 200

San Jose, CA 951263798

Silicon Valley Faces777 25-1920931 501(c)(3) Building Community

North First Street Suite 220 45,000San Jose, CA 95112

Silicon Valley Manufacturing 91-2140464 501(c)(3) Building Community

Group Sustainable Valley 170,550Foundation224 Airport

Parkway Suite 620

San Jose, CA 951103718

Sisters of Charity BVM 52-1235775 501(c)(3) Religion

United States Catholic 11,000Conference1100 Carmel


Dubuque,IA 520037991

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Sisters of Notre Dame de 53-0196617 501(c)(3) Building Community

Namur California Province 5,3001520 Ralston Avenue

Belmont, CA 94002

Skyline College3300 College Public/Government Education

Drive 8,000San Bruno, CA 94066

Smile Train Inc4l Madison 13-3661416 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Avenue 28th Floor 14,300New York, NY 100102351

Smith College33 Elm Street 04-1843040 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Northampton, MA 01063 58,000

Smithsonian Institution1000 53-0206027 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Jefferson Drive SW SIB 492 1,095,000M RC


Washington, DC 20560

Smuin Ballets - SF300 94-3197247 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Brannan Street Suite 407 21,000San Francisco, CA


SOAR Foundation32930 94-3255490 501(c)(3) Building Community

Alvarado-Niles Road Suite 30,000350


Union City, CA 94587

Society for Orphaned 20-4095458 501(c)(3) Building Community

Armenian ReliefPO Box 537 5,000Berwyn, PA 193120537

Society of St Vincent de Paul 93-0831082 501(c)(3) Building Community

PO Box 1663 25,000Medford,OR 975010128

Society of Surgical Oncology 13-6161070 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Inc85 West Algonquin Road 5,000Suite 550

Arlington Heights, IL 60005

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Society of Women Engineers 94-2702183 501(c)(3) Building Community

PO Box 61333 5,000Sunnyvale,CA 940881333

Solid Ground Washington 23-7421892 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

1501 North 45th Street 15,000Seattle, WA 98103

SO LV5193 NE Elam Young 93-0579286 501(c)(3) Environment

Parkway Suite B 20,000Hillsboro, O R 97124

SO MO S Mayfair370-B South 77-0499813 501(c)(3) Building Community

King Road 74,500San Jose, CA 951163400

Soroptimist Foundation Inc 68-0014751 501(c)(3) Building Community

2491 San Ramon Valley 5,000Boulevard PMB


San Ramon,CA 94583

SOS Children's Village USA 13-6188433 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc1200 G Street NW Suite 5,000550

Washington, DC


South County Catholic High 30-0284947 501(c)(3) Education

School17190 Monterey 100,000Street Suite 202

Morgan Hill, CA 95037

South Peninsula Hebrew Day 94-2174555 501(c)(3) Education

School1030 Astoria Drive 6,000Sunnyvale,CA 940873008

South San Francisco Public Public/Government Education

Library840 West Orange 5,000Avenue

South San Francisco, CA


South San Francisco Unified Public/Government Education

School District398 B Street 269,846South San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Southern Association of 56-2133609 501(c )( 6) Health & Wellness

Therapeutic Radiation 5,000O ncology200 Queens Road

Suite 400

Charlotte , NC 28204

Southern Exposure417 14th 93-1216297 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 15,250San Francisco , CA 94103

Southern Oregon University 23-7030910 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation1250 Siskiyou 12,500BoulevardAshland,OR 975205034

Southern Utah Wilderness 94-2936961 501(c )( 3) Environment

Alliance425 East 100 South 7,500Salt Lake City, UT


Sovereign Order of Malta - 23-7450840 501(c )( 3) Supporting Families

Western Association465 19,318California Street Suite 818

San Francisco, CA


Spark3543 18th Street 28 20-1836547 501(c )( 3) Spark

San Francisco, CA 20,000941101699

Spaulding Center for Wooden 75-3079357 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

BoatsFoot of Gate 5 Road3 22,000Road 3 Suite 7


Sausalito, CA 949651462

Special Olympics District of 52-0967608 501(c)(3) Building Community

Columbia Inc900 Second 75,000Street NE Suite 200

Washington, DC 20002

Spindrift School of Performing 40-0000399 501(c )( 3) Oceana Dance

ArtsPO Box 891 20,000 Program

Pacifica, CA 94044

Spiral Gardens Community 87-0717055 501(c )( 3) Building Community

Food Security Project Inc 25,0002830 Sacramento Street

Berkeley, CA 94702

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Sports4 Kids517 Fourth 94-3251867 501(c)(3) Education

Street 5,000Oakland,CA 94607

Springboard Forward360 Pine 91-2165886 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 300 12,500San Francisco, CA


Squash Busters795 04-3330698 501(c)(3) Education

Columbus Avenue 15,000Roxbury Crossing, MA


St Andrew's Episcopal 94-1447223 501(c)(3) Religion

Church13601 Saratoga 12,000Avenue

Saratoga, CA 950705055

St Andrews Episcopal School 52-1107876 501(c)(3) Education

Inc8804 Postoak Road 15,000Potomac,MD 208543553

St Andrew's School Inc 94-1523245 501(c)(3) Education

13601 Saratoga Avenue 15,500Saratoga, CA 950705055

St Anselm Church97 Shady 94-1156769 501(c)(3) Centennial Campaign

Lane 500,000Ross,CA 949571061

St Anthony Catholic Church 94-1347082 501(c)(3) Religion

3500 Middlefield Road 69,981Menlo Park,CA 940253025

St Anthony Foundation150 94-1513140 501(c)(3) Building Community

Golden Gate Avenue 86,400San Francisco, CA


St Bartholomew Church600 51-0219028 501(c)(3) Religion

Columbia Drive 35,500San Mateo, CA 944023208

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


St Bernard's School Inc4 13-1255270 501(c)(3) Education

East 98th Street 10,000NewYork,NY 100296598

St Elizabeth Seton School 94-2495928 501(c)(3) Education

1095 Channing Avenue 125,995PaloAlto,CA 943013019

St Francis Center of Redwood 94-3052056 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

City151 Buckingham Avenue 779,181Redwood City, CA


St Francis High School1885 53-0196617 501(c)(3) Education

Miramonte Avenue 8,100Mountain View, CA


St Joseph's Family Center 03-0391775 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

7950 Church Street Suite A 34,000Gilroy,CA 950204401

St Joseph's Hospital Atlanta 58-0566257 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

5673 Peachtree-Dunwoody 20,000RoadNortheastSuite 650

Atlanta, GA 30342

St Jude Children's Research 62-0646012 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Hospita1501 St Jude Place 24,111Memphis,TN 381051905

St Lawrence University23 15-0532239 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Romoda Drive 20,000Canton, NY 136171423

St Lukes Protestant 94-1706055 501(c)(3) Building Community

Episcopal Church of Auburn 7,500124 Orange Street

Auburn,CA 95603

St Mark's Episcopal Church 94-1347052 501(c)(3) Religion

600 Colorado Avenue 44,000Palo Alto,CA 94306

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


St Mary's College of 94-1156599 501(c)(3) Education

CaliforniaPO Box 4530 7,050Moraga,CA 945754530

St Nicholas Church473 53-0196617 501(c)(3) Building Community

Lincoln Avenue 10,000Los Altos,CA 940223519

St Patrick's Church756 94-1156707 501(c)(3) Religion

Mission Street 5,000San Francisco, CA 94103

St Pius Parish1100 94-1156707 501(c)(3) Religion

Woodside Road 5,000Redwood City,CA 94061

St Thomas Episcopal Church 94-2673950 501(c)(3) Building Community

231 Sunset Avenue 7,000Sunnyvale, CA 940865969

St Thomas the Apostle 36-2361102 501(c)(3) Building Community

Church272 King Street 10,000Crystal Lake, IL


St Vincent de Paul Society 94-1375833 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

San Mateo County50 North B 71,650Street

San Mateo,CA 944013917

Stagebridge2501 Harrison 94-2894993 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 10,000Oakland,CA 94612

Stand for Children Leadership 52-1957214 501(c)(3) Education

Center516 SE Morrison 150,000Street Suite 410

Portland,OR 972142344

Stanford Health Services 94-6174066 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

145A El Camino Real 22,000Menlo Park,CA 94025

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Stanford Jazz WorkshopPO 94-3074721 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Box 20454 8,500Stanford,CA 943090454

Stanford Schools Corporation 20-2699147 501(c)(3) Education

485 Lasuen Mall 76,348Stanford,CA 943053096

Stanford University326 94-1156365 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Galvez Street 3,370,214Stanford,CA 943056015

Star Struck Productions 94-3394511 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

43575 Mission Boulevard 10,000616

Fremont, CA 94539

State Street Ballet2285 Las 86-0717486 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Positas Road 13,000Santa Barbara, CA 93105

Stephen Centerlnc2723 Q 36-3363994 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street 5,000Omaha,NE 68107

Steppingstone Foundation Inc 04-3086666 501(c)(3) Education

155 Federal Street Suite 800 55,000Boston, MA 02110

Stone Church of Willow Glen 23-6393377 501(c)(3) Religion

1937 Lincoln Avenue 19,150San Jose, CA 951253447

Stone SoupPO Box 1019 91-1963830 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Republic, WA 99166 100,000 Nonprofits

Stonebridge Church2129 43-1946691 501(c)(3) Religion

North Bristol Lane 5,000Nixa,MO 65714

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Student Conservation 91-0880684 501(c)(3) Environment

Association Inc1230 12,000Preservation Parkway

Oakland,CA 94612

Students Partnership 04-3561445 501(c)(3) Building Community

Worldwide1413 K Street NW 10,000Fifth FloorWashington, DC 20005

Sturge Presbyterian Church 23-6393377 501(c)(3) Building Community

25 South Humboldt Street 9,600San Mateo,CA 944012925

Success Charter Network Inc 20-5298861 501(c)(3) Building Community

34 West 118th Street 25,000Second FloorNewYork,NY 10026

Sugar Bowl Ski Team 94-3171879 501(c)(3) Building Community

FoundationPO Box 68 65,000Norden,CA 957240068

Summer Search255 North 68-0200138 501(c)(3) Education

Market Street Suite 200 38,350San Jose, CA 95110

Summerbridge Cambridge Inc 04-3307783 501(c)(3) Education

PO Box 381486 10,000Cambridge, MA 02238

Summit Preparatory High 94-3379995 501(c)(3) Education

School890 Broadway Street 10,000Redwood City, CA


Sun Valley Summer 82-0397940 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Symphony IncPO Box 1914 7,500Sun Valley,ID 833531914

Sun Valley Writers 82-0496196 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

ConferencePO Box 957 25,000Ketchum,ID 83340

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(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Sunday Friends Foundation 77-0518937 501(c)(3) Building Community

PO Box 24887 36,000San Jose, CA 951544887

Sunny View Lutheran Home 94-1542379 501(c)(3) Building Community

22445 Cupertino Road 5,000Cupertino,CA 950141052

Sunnyside Health Services 59-2562599 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Inc5201 Bahia Vista Street 8,000Sarasota, FL 342329931

Sunnyvale Community 94-1713897 501(c)(3) Building Community

Services725 Kifer Road 132,014Sunnyvale,CA 940865123

Sunset Ridge Elementary Public/Government Education

School340 Inverness Drive 5,000Pacifica, CA 94044

Superstars Literacy Inc675 51-0666163 501(c)(3) Education

Hegenberger Road Suite 250 5,000Oakland,CA 94621

Support for People with Oral 11-3136013 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

and Head and Neck Cancer 5,000PO Box 53

Locust Valley, NY 11560

Support Network for Battered 94-2598854 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Women1257 Tasman Drive 30,633Suite C

Sunnyvale, CA 940892251

Surf Aid International USA 14-1850033 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

PO Box 130369 171,000Carlsbad, CA 92013

Susan G Komen Breast 94-3047626 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Cancer Foundation150 Post 20,475Street Suite 755

San Francisco, CA


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(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Susan G Komen Breast 75-1835298 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Cancer Foundation Inc 8,325National Office5005 LBJ

Freeway Suite 250

Dallas,TX 752446125

Sustainability Institute Inc 02-0492913 501(c)(3) Environment

Three Linden Road 100,000Hartland,VT 05048

Sustainable Conservation98 94-3232437 501(c)(3) Environment

Battery Street Suite 302 284,600San Francisco, CA


Sweet Briar InstitutePO Box 54-0534105 501(c)(3) Higher Education

1057 5,700SweetBriar,VA 245951057

Swords to Plowshares 94-2260626 501(c)(3) Building Community

Veterans Rights Organization 15,0001060 Howard Street

San Francisco, CA


Symphony Silicon ValleyPO 32-0083030 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Box 790 17,227San Jose, CA 951060790

Symphony Silicon Valley 32-0083030 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

ChoralePO Box 790 7,700San Jose, CA 951060790

Tabard Theatre Company 77-0571960 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

5663 Chambertin Drive 8,000San Jose, CA 951183909

Taiwan Buddist Tzu Chi 94-2952782 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation USA1100 South 10,400Valley Center Avenue

San Dimas,CA 91773

Tapestry Arts San Jose Inc 23-7448161 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

255 North Market Street 10,000Suite 124

San Jose, CA 95110

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Taube-Koret Campus for 94-3399181 501(c)(3) Building Community

Jewish Life4000 Middlefield 135,500Road Building R

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Taylor Family Foundation 94-3262932 501(c)(3) The Taylor Family

5555 Arroyo Road 5,000 Foundation - general

Livermore, CA 945509825 support

Teach for America Inc101 13-3541913 501(c)(3) Education

New Montgomery Street Fifth 446,750FloorSan Francisco, CA


Teatro Vision1700 Alum 77-0266551 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Rock Avenue Suite 265 10,000San Jose, CA 95116

Tenderloin Neighborhood 94-2761808 501(c)(3) Building Community

Development Corporation201 40,000Eddy Street

San Francisco, CA


Teton Regional Land TrustPO 94-3146525 501(c)(3) Environment

Box 247 7,500Driggs, ID 83422

Tewecado Trust IncPO Box 73-1628540 501(c)(3) Building Community

36078 5,000Tucson,AZ 857406078

The Advaita Society1060 94-2372185 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Heinz Avenue 50,000Berkeley, CA 947102719

The Alameda County 94-2960297 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Community Food Bank IncPO 21,500Box 2599

Oakland,CA 94614

The American Israel 52-1623781 501(c)(3) Building Community

Education Foundation251 H 100,000Street NW

Washington, DC 200012076

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


The Archaeological 95-3403273 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Conservancy5301 Central 5,200Avenue NE Suite 902

Albuquerque, NM


The Bhutan Foundation2100 13-3376290 501(c)(3) Building Community

Pennsylvania Avenue NW 7,000Suite


Washington, DC 200373223

The Boulder Shelter for the 84-1041149 501(c)(3) Building Community

Homeless Inc4869 North 5,000Broadway

Boulder,CO 80304

The Branson SchoolPO Box 94-0338330 501(c)(3) Education

887 13,000Ross,CA 94957

The Breakthrough 94-3140620 501(c)(3) Education

Collaborative545 Sansome 45,840Street Suite 700

San Francisco, CA


The Carolena Foundation 26-2646285 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

1271 Washington Avenue 10,000146

San Leandro, CA 94577

The Carter Centerlnc453 58-1454716 501(c)(3) Building Community

Freedom Parkway NE 82,900Atlanta, GA 303071496

The Catholic Foundation of 83-0400149 501(c)(3) Building Community

Santa Clara County777 North 29,400First Street Suite 740

San Jose, CA 951126349

The Center for Progressive 52-1454259 501(c)(3) Building Community

Leadership1133 19th Street 11,000NW Ninth Floor

Washington, DC 200363610

The Chronicle Season of 94-3019992 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Sharing FundPO Box 44740 35,000San Francisco, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


The Colorado Conservation 84-1565898 501(c)(3) Environment

Trust2334 Broadway Street 25,000Suite A

Boulder,CO 803044107

The Conservation Fund1655 52-1388917 501(c)(3) Environment

North Fort Myer Drive Suite 5,0001300

Arlington,VA 222093199

The Coral Reef Alliance351 94-3211245 501(c)(3) Environment

California Street Suite 650 11,000San Francisco, CA


The Crucible1260 Seventh 52-2137825 501(c)(3) Free programming for

Street 15,000 West Oakland Youth

Oakland,CA 94607

The Eco-Life FoundationPO 20-0147505 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 462845 37,500Escondido, CA 92046

The Exploratorium3601 Lyon 94-1696494 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 13,400San Francisco, CA


The Family Giving Tree606 77-0284682 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Valley Way 175,665Milpitas,CA 950354138

The Federation of Black 31-1577961 501(c)(3) Building Community

Cowboys Inc83-11 South 5,000Conduit Avenue

Howard Beach, NY 11414

The Foundation Center312 13-1837418 501(c)(3) Community

Sutter Street Suite 606 10,000 Opportunity Fund

San Francisco, CA


The Foundation for Reed 94-3152375 501(c)(3) Education

Schools277- A Karen Way 15,000Tibruon, CA 94920

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


The Foundation for Santa 95-3234551 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Barbara City College721 Cliff 5,375Drive

Santa Barbara, CA


The Galway University 30-0099346 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Foundation303 Park Avenue 99 , 985South 1115

NewYork,NY 10010

The Global Fund for Children 56-1834887 501(c)(3) General support

1101 14th Street NWSuite 5,000420

Washington, DC


The Hamlin School2120 94-1393894 501(c)(3) Education

Broadway 11,000San Francisco, CA 94115

The Harker School3800 94-1613808 501(c)(3) Education

Blackford Avenue 12,750San Jose, CA 951171928

The Health Trust2105 South 94-6050231 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Bascom Avenue Suite 220 44,500Campbell, CA 950089936

The High Desert Museum 51-0179336 501(c)(3) Environment

59800 South Highway 97 50,000Bend,OR 97702

The Hill School717 East 23-1352647 501(c)(3) Education

High Street 15,000Pottstown, PA 194645770

The Inn Between of Longmont 84-1476894 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc250 Kimbark Street 6,000Longmont, CO 80501

The International Institute of 94-1156554 501(c)(3) Immigration

The Bay Area2600 55,440 Integration

Middlefield RoadRedwood City,CA 94063

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


The Leukemia & Lymphoma 13-5644916 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Society Inc675 North First 771,089Street Suite 1100

San Jose, CA 951125156

The Light Factory345 North 51-0185359 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

College Street 10,000Charlotte, NC 28202

The Multiple Myeloma 06-1504413 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Research Foundation383 22,050Main Avenue Fifth Floor

Norwalk,CT 068511586

The National Adrenal 11-2777036 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Diseases Foundation Inc505 25,000Northern BoulevardGreat Neck, NY 11021

The Nueva Schoo16565 94-1633387 501(c)(3) Education

Skyline Boulevard 130,500H illsborough, CA940106221

The Peace Education Fund 94-3168104 501(c)(3) Building Community

2201 Broadway 10,000Oakland,CA 94612

The Philip Hayden Foundation 39-1815753 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Inc40335 Winchester Road 30,000E-115

Temecula, CA 92591

The Phillips Brooks School 94-2494458 501(c)(3) Education

2245 Avy Avenue 11,000Menlo Park,CA 940256707

The Presbyterian Church of 23-6393377 501(c)(3) Building Community

Sunnyvale728 West Fremont 17,000Avenue

Sunnyvale,CA 940873102

The Rape Foundation1223 95-4250167 501(c)(3) Building Community

Wilshire Boulevard Suite 410 10,000Santa Monica,CA 90403

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


The Real Estate Trust2440 04-3701887 501(c)(3) Building Community

West El Camino Real Suite 10,754300

Mountain View, CA 94040

The Road Home210 South 87-0212465 501(c)(3) Building Community

Rio Grande Street 5,000Salt Lake City, UT 84101

The Salvation Army832 13-5562351 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Folsom Street 52,550San Francisco, CA


The Salvation Army832 94-1156347 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Folsom Street 44,200San Francisco, CA


The San Diego Foundation 95-2942582 501(c)(3) Building Community

2508 Historic Decatur Road 12,639Suite


San Diego, CA 921086138

The San Francisco 94-3130473 501(c)(3) Building Community

International Program660 5,000Fourth Street 129

San Francisco, CA 94107

The San Jose Public Library 77-0142379 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation150 East San 12,500Fernando Street Fourth

FloorSan Jose, CA 951123580

The Santa Cruz Hub for 31-1748056 501(c)(3) Building Community

Sustainable Transportation 80,000703 Pacific Avenue Suite C

Santa Cruz, CA 950604427

The Santa Fe 0 peraPO Box 85-0131810 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

2408 10,400Santa Fe,NM 875042408

The Scripps Research 33-0435954 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Institute10550 North Torrey 10,000Pines Road

La Jolla, CA 92037

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


The Shade Tree IncPO Box 88-0253276 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

669 12,000Las Vegas, NV 891250669

The Sobrato Foundation2440 80-0091312 501(c)(3) Building Community

West El Camino Real Suite 300,000300

Mountain View, CA 94040

The Tech Museum of 94-2864660 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Innovation201 South Market 527,816Street

San Jose, CA 951132008

The Trust for Public Land116 23-7222333 501(c)(3) Environment

New Montgomery Street 10,000FourthFloorSan Francisco, CA


The UCLA FoundationBox 95-2250801 501(c)(3) Higher Education

951481 114,050Los Angeles, CA


The Unity Care Group237 77-0323115 501(c)(3) Building Community

Race Street 12,000San Jose, CA 951264823

The University at Albany 14-1503972 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Foundation1400 Washington 15,000Avenue UAB 226

Albany, NY 12222

The University Corporation 94-1384645 501(c)(3) Higher Education

San Francisco State1600 22,500Holloway Avenue ADM 153

San Francisco, CA


The University of Detroit 38-1360586 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Mercy4001 West McNichols 11,000RoadDetroit, MI 482213038

The University of Texas MD 74-6000203 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Anderson Cancer Center 8,5001155 Pressler Street Unit

1381 CPB


Houston,TX 77030

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


The University of Texas at 74-1946138 50 1(c)(3) Higher Education

AustinPO Box 7458 243,000Austin,TX 787137458

The V Foundation106 13-3705951 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Towerview Court 20,000Cary,NC 27513

The Vera Project305 31-1816016 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Harrison Street 10,000Seattle, WA 98109

The Vote Solar Initiative300 94-3213100 501(c)(3) Environment

Brannan Street Suite 609 20,000San Francisco, CA


The Watershed Project155 91-1767292 501(c)(3) Environment

Richmond Field Station 1327 5,000South 46th Street

Richmond, CA 948044600

The Whale MuseumP 0 Box 91-1007501 501(c)(3) Environment

945 5,000Friday Harbor, WA


TheatreWorksPO Box 50458 94-2831245 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Palo Alto,CA 943030458 236,082

Think 360 Arts Complete 84-0585621 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Education Inc2250 Oneida 5,000Street Suite 301

Denver, CO 80224

Three Dollar Bill Cinema1515 91-1708195 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

12th Avenue 40,000Seattle, WA 98122

Thrive AlliancePO Box 132 20-4745089 501(c)(3) Community

San Carlos, CA 94070 70,300 Opportunity Fund

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Tides CenterPO Box 29907 94-3213100 501(c)(3) Building Community

The Presidio 62,700San Francisco, CA


Tides FoundationPO Box 51-0198509 501(c)(3) Building Community

29903 The Presidio 225,000San Francisco, CA


Tides IncPO Box 29903 The 57-1138099 501(c)(3) Building Community

Presidio 5,000San Francisco, CA


Ties to the World725 Saint 20-8606321 501(c)(3) Building Community

Marys Road 50,000Lafayette, CA 945495338

Tiger Woods Charity Event 06-1554474 501(c)(3) Building Community

Corp121 Innovation Drive 57,500Suite 150

Irvine, CA 926173093

Tipping Point Community703 20-2121739 501(c)(3) Building Community

Market Street Suite 708 28,000San Francisco, CA


Today's Youth Matter461 94-3176545 501(c)(3) Building Community

Valley Way 20,000Milpitas,CA 950354105

Tower Foundation of San lose 83-0403915 501(c)(3) Higher Education

State UniversityOne 257,700Washington Square

San Jose, CA 951920256

TowerTheatre Foundation 91-1829147 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

IncPO Box 1378 55,000Bend,OR 97709

Town of Portola Valley765 94-1581254 Public/Government Building Community

Portola Road 404,119Portola Valley, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Town School for Boys2750 94-1170412 501(c)(3) Capital Campaign

Jackson Street 5,000San Francisco, CA 94115

Townsend K12 School Public/Government Education

District #1201 North Spruce 20,000Street

Townsend, MT 596442215

TransAccess1150 South 94-2687057 501(c)(3) Building Community

Bascom Avenue Suite 7A 105,000San Jose, CA 95128

TransFair USA 1500 41-1848081 501(c)(3) Building Community

Broadway Suite 400 100,000Oakland,CA 946122002

TransForm436 14th Street 72-1521579 501(c)(3) Regional Planning

Suite 600 147,500Oakland,CA 946122706

Transition USPO Box 917 26-1884389 501(c)(3) Environment

Sebastopol, CA 95473 60,000

Transitions Inc29 East 87-0669128 501(c)(3) Education

Center Street 5,000Blanding, UT 84511

Transparency International 54-1688204 501(c)(3) Building Community

US Inc1023 Fifteenth Street 5,000NW Suite 300

Washington, DC


Tri-City Homeless Coalition 94-3087060 501(c)(3) Building Community

40849 Fremont Boulevard 15,000Fremont, CA 94538

Trinity School2650 Sand Hill 94-2780280 501(c)(3) Education

Road 8,500Menlo Park,CA 94025

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Triton Museum ofArt1505 94-6122076 50 1(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Warburton Avenue 21,351Santa Clara, CA


Truckee Tahoe Community 68-0416404 501(c)(3) Building Community

FoundationPO Box 366 27,900Truckee, CA 96160

Trustees of Dartmouth 02-0222111 501(c)(3) Higher Education

College6066 Development 1,289,000OfficeHanover, NH 037553555

Trustees of Phillips Academy 04-2103579 501(c)(3) Higher Education

180 Main Street 23,000Andover,MA 018104166

Trustees of Princeton 21-0634501 501(c)(3) Higher Education

UniversityPO Box 5357 1,335,482Princeton, NJ 085435357

Trustees of Tufts College80 04-2103634 501(c)(3) Higher Education

George Street 7,500Medford,MA 021555519

Tuacahn Center for the Arts 87-0487695 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

1100 Tuacahn Drive 10,000Ivins, UT 84738

TurtleWill IncPO Box 1147 86-1039391 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Carefree,AZ 85377 50,000

Twelveacres Inc595 Millich 94-1196224 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Drive Suite 104 10,000Campbell, CA 950080550

Twenty-First Century 13-3363860 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation132 West 112th 30,000Street Lower Level 1


New York, NY 100263752

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


U C San Diego Foundation 95-2872494 501(c)(3) Higher Education

9500 Gilman Drive 0937 85,994La Jolla, CA 920930937

US Fund for UNICEF125 13-1760110 501(c)(3) General support

Maiden Lane 6,000NewYork,NY 100384912

UC Davis FoundationOne 94-6081352 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Shields Avenue 21,500Davis, CA 956165270

UC Santa Cruz Foundation 23-7394590 501(c)(3) UC Santa Cruz

1156 High St 5,000 Foundation

Santa Cruz,CA 950641077

Union Middle School2130 public/Government Education

Los Gatos-Almaden Road 29,500San Jose, CA 951245418

Unitarian Universalist Church 95-1921036 501(c)(3) Religion

of Long Beach5450 Atherton 25,000Street

Long Beach,CA 908154004

Unite for Sight Inc3l 32-0081616 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Brookwood Drive 5,000Newtown,CT 064701842

United Campus Christian 94-6121136 501(c)(3) Religion

Ministry at Stanford 5,000UniversityP 0 Box 20149

Stanford,CA 94309

United Friends of the Children 95-3665186 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

1055 Wilshire Boulevard 7,500Suite 1955

Los Angeles, CA


United Methodist Church of 31-1813333 501(c)(3) Religion

Los Altos655 Magdalena 7,906Avenue

Los Altos H ills, CA


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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


United Negro College Fund 13-1624241 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Inc220 Montgomery Street 5,000Suite 1120

San Francisco, CA 94104

United States Association for 52-1662800 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

UNHCR1775 K Street NW 860,000Suite 290

Washington, DC 20006

United States Coast Guard Public/Government Building Community

CG-82100 Second Street 177,560SW Room 2310

Washington, DC


United States Fund for 13-1760110 50 1(c)(3) Supporting Families

UNICEF125 Maiden Lane 18,538NewYork,NY 100384912

United States Ski Team 84-6030639 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation1500 Kearns 130,000Boulevard Box 100

Park City, UT 840607226

United Way International701 23-7424837 501(c)(3) Building Community

North Fairfax Street 5,350Alexandria,VA 223142045

United Way of the Bay Area 94-1312348 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

221 Main Street Suite 300 202,400San Francisco, CA


United Way Silicon Valley 94-1450153 501(c)(3) Building Community

1400 Parkmoor Avenue 788,345Suite 250

San Jose, CA 951263429

United World Mission IncPO 59-6045867 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 602002 6,000Charlotte, NC 282602002

University of California 94-6090626 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Berkeley Foundation2080 773,488Addison Street 4200

Berkeley, CA 947204200

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


University Of California Public/Government ScholarshipsMercedPO Box 2039 10,000Merced, CA 953440039

University of California San 94-6036493 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Francisco3333 California 20,500Street Suite 450

San Francisco, CA 94118

University of California San 94-2829914 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Francisco FoundationPO Box 1,281,32545339

San Francisco, CA


University of California 23-7314834 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Santa Barbara FoundationMC 272,2502013

Santa Barbara, CA


University of California 23-7394590 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Santa Cruz Foundation1156 12,493High Street

Santa Cruz,CA 950641077

University of Connecticut Public/Government Scholarships

233 Glenbrook Road Suite 5,0004116

Storrs, CT 06269

University of DelawareReef 51-6000297 501(c)(3) Education

Hall 81,000Newark, DE 19716

University of Florida 59-0974739 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation IncPO Box 15,00014425

Gainesville, FL 32604

University of Georgia 58-1353149 501(c)(3) Education

Research Foundation Inc 30,000623B Boyd Graduate

Research Center

Athens,GA 306030000

University of Illinois 37-6006007 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation1305 West Green 5,000Street Harker HallMC 386

Urbana,IL 618012962

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


University of Maine System 01-6000769 501(c)(3) Higher Education

IncAdvancement Services 44,000PO Box 9300

Portland,ME 041049300

University of Manitoba 36-3683991 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation USA Inc330 5,000North Wabash Avenue 22nd

FloorIBM Plaza

Chicago,IL 606113607

University of Maryland 31-1678679 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Baltimore Foundation Inc660 50,000West Redwood Street Room


Baltimore, M D 212011541

University of Massachusetts 54-2084125 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Amherst Foundation Inc 62,000Memorial Hall 134 Hicks Way

Amherst,MA 010039270

University of Montana 81-0362989 501(c)(3) Higher Education

FoundationPO Box 7159 16,000Missoula, MT 598077159

University of Nebraska 47-0379839 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 82555 6,000Lincoln,NE 685012555

University of New Hampshire 02-0437506 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation9 Edgewood Drive 5,000Durham,NH 03824

University of North Carolina 56-6001393 501(c)(3) Education

at Chapel Hi11208 West 39,500Franklin Street CB 6100

Chapel Hill, NC 27516

University of Oklahoma 73-6091755 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation Inc100 60,000Timberdell RoadNorman,OK 73019

University of Oregon 93-6015767 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Foundation360 East 10th 50,000Avenue Suite 202

Eugene,OR 974013273

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Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


University of Rochester247 16-0743209 501(c)(3) Education

Wallis Hall 15,000Rochester, NY 14627

University of San Francisco 94-1156628 501(c)(3) Higher Education

2130 Fulton Street 556,500San Francisco, CA


University of Southern 95-1642394 501(c)(3) Higher Education

California3551 Trousdale 68,450Parkway Suite 160

Los Angeles, CA


University ofthe Pacific3601 94-1156266 501(c)(3) Education

Pacific Avenue 86,000Stockton, CA 952110197

University of Utah285 87-6000525 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Connor Street 5,000Salt Lake City, UT 84113

University of Wisconsin 39-0743975 501(c)(3) Education

FoundationPO Box 78807 140,200M ilwaukee, WI 532780807

University of Wyoming 83-0201971 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation1200 East 25,250Ivinson Avenue

Laramie, WY 820704159

Upwardly Globa1582 Market 94-3346127 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 1207 135,000San Francisco, CA 94104

Urban Habitat436 14th 20-0275424 501(c)(3) Building Community

Street Suite 1205 55,000Oakland,CA 94612

Urban ImprovEight St John 04-2786576 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street 5,000Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Page 194: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Urban Land Institute4 53-0159845 501(c)(3) Regional Planning

Embarcadero Center Suite 5,000700

San Francisco, CA 94111

Urban School of San 94-1622034 501(c)(3) Education

Francisco1563 Page Street 15,000San Francisco, CA 94117

USA Cycling Development 84-1529751 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

FoundationO ne Olympic 40,000Plaza Building 6

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

USAction Education Fund 52-2214307 501(c)(3) Education

1825 K Street NW Suite 210 60,000Washington, DC 20006

Utah Food Bank Services 87-0212453 501(c)(3) Building Community

3150 South 900 West 5,000Salt Lake City, UT 84119

Valley Bible Fellowship 77-0129275 501(c)(3) Religion

Church211 Church Street 5,000Mountain View, CA


Valley Presbyterian Church 23-6393377 501(c)(3) Religion

945 Portola Road 24,150Portola Valley, CA


Vasconcellos Project510A 20-3562138 501(c)(3) Building Community

Valley Way 14,800Milpitas,CA 95035

Vassar CollegeBox 14 124 14-1338587 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Raymond Avenue 30,500Poughkeepsie, NY


Venice Family Clinic6O4 95-2769432 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Rose Avenue 17,573Venice,CA 90291

Page 195: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Verbum Dei High School 95-1642382 501(c)(3) Education

11100 South Central 66,600Avenue

Los Angeles, CA


Verde Elementary School 68-0000495 501(c)(3) General operational

2000 Giaramita Street 221,519 support

Richmond, CA 948011699

Veterans Administration Public/Government Supporting Families

Palo Alto Health Care 15,000System3801 Miranda

Avenue Mail Stop 135

PaloAlto,CA 943041207

Via Rehabilitation Services 94-1212130 501(c)(3) Building Community

Inc2851 Park Avenue 22,500Santa Clara, CA


Victorious Ministry Through 23-7157736 501(c)(3) Building Community

ChristPO Box 1804 10,000Winter Park, FL 327901804

Victory Ranch Inc828 30-0383339 501(c)(3) Education

Owens Lake Drive 95,000San Jose, CA 951232475

Vida Verde Nature Education 36-4471996 501(c)(3) Environment

1043 Tunitas Creek Road 37,750Half Moon Bay, CA


Villa Siena Foundation1855 94-3344872 501(c)(3) Building Community

Miramonte Avenue 6,914Mountain View, CA


Visions of a Better World 04-3244808 501(c)(3) Building Community

Foundation USA Inc83 Silver 5,000Hill RoadSudbury, MA 017761358

Visionspring322 Eighth 31-1811558 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Avenue Suite 12A-02 83,333NewYork,NY 10001

Page 196: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Vista Center for the Blind 94-1196206 50 1(c)(3) Supporting Families

and Visually Impaired2470 24,130El Camino Real Suite 107

PaloAlto,CA 943061701

Vista Del Mar Child and 95-1647832 501(c)(3) Building Community

Family Services3200 Motor 29,070Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90034

VMC Foundation2400 77-0187890 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Moorpark Avenue Suite 207 257,700San Jose, CA 951282624

VMC Seismic Safety Public/Government Environment

Committee2400 Moorpark 5,000Avenue Suite 202

San Jose, CA 95128

VMI Foundation 54-0505966 501(c)(3) Higher Education

IncorporatedPO Box 932 10,000Lexington, VA 244500932

VMSN Inc7437 South 39-2072453 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Eastern Avenue 10,000Las Vegas, NV 89123

Volunteer Center of San 94-1156355 501(c)(3) Strengthening

Francisco and San Mateo 8 , 225 Nonprofits

Counties1675 California


San Francisco, CA 94109

Volunteers in Medicine 93-1327847 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Clinic of the Cascades2300 10,000N E Neff Road

Bend,OR 977016577

Walden West Outdoor School 77-0450789 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation15555 Sanborn 241,000RoadSaratoga, CA 950709707

Washington & Jefferson 25-0965601 501(c)(3) Scholarships

College60 South Lincoln 7,000Street

Washington, PA 15301

Page 197: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Washington University7425 43-0653611 501(c)(3) Education

Forsyth Boulevard 50,000St Louis, MO 63105

Water Education Foundation 94-2419885 501(c)(3) Environment

717 K Street Suite 317 10,000Sacramento, CA


Waterorg920 Main Street 58-2060131 501(c)(3) General support

Suite 1800 5,000Kansas City,MO 64105

Watsonville Pilots 77-0166415 501(c)(3) Building Community

AssociationPO Box 2074 30,000Freedom, CA 950192074

Wellesley College106 04-2103637 501(c)(3) Education

Central Street Room 268 7,500Wellesley, MA 024818203

WellspringPO Box 7384 94-3210971 501(c)(3) Building Community

Menlo Park,CA 940267384 9,750

Wesleyan University318 06-0646959 501(c)(3) Higher Education

High Street 8,750Middletown,CT 064590472

West Bay Opera Association 94-6105053 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Inc221 Lambert Avenue 5,600PaloAlto,CA 943062217

West Valley Community 94-2211685 501(c)(3) Building Community

Services of Santa Clara 35,200County Inc10104 Vista


Cupertino,CA 950142253

WestEd730 Harrison Street Public/Government Education

San Francisco, CA 94107 89,676

Page 198: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Westside Church2051 NW 95-1684062 501(c)(3) Building Community

Shevlin Park Road 100,000Bend, O R 977015274

Westside Shepherd Rescue of 41-2078176 501(c)(3) Environment

Los Angeles Inc2721 5,000Wigtown Road

Los Angeles,CA 90064

Wheelock College200 The 04-2103639 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Riverway 5,000Boston, MA 02215

Whitman College345 Boyer 91-0567740 501(c)(3) Higher Education

Avenue 5,000Walla Walla, WA 99362

WildAid Inc744 Montgomery 20-3644441 501(c)(3) Environment

Street Suite 120 5,000San Francisco, CA


Wildlands ProjectPO Box 16-1402497 501(c)(3) Environment

5284 5,000Titusville, FL 32783

Wildlife Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)(3) Environment

Network Inc25745 Bassett 278,000Lane

Los Altos,CA 940224401

Wildlife Conservation Society 13-1740011 501(c)(3) Environment

2300 Southern Boulevard 51,000Bronx, NY 10460

Wildlife Waystation Inc 95-3190812 501(c)(3) Environment

14831 Little Tujunga Canyon 10,000RdAngeles Natl Forest, CA


Willamette University900 93-0386972 501(c)(3) Higher Education

State Street 29,320Salem, O R 97301

Page 199: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


William J Clinton Foundation 31-1580204 50 1(c)(3) Building Community

610 President Clinton 35,200Avenue

Little Rock,AR 722011732

William Marsh Rice 74-1109620 501(c)(3) Education

UniversityPO Box 1892 51,000Houston,TX 772511892

Winter Wildlands Alliance Inc 82-0523471 501(c)(3) Environment

910 Main Street Suite 235 50,000Boise, ID 837025732

Witness Inc8O Hanson Place 13-4167155 501(c)(3) Building Community

Fifth Floor 11,000Brooklyn, NY 112171506

Women Donors Network565 05-0542397 501(c)(3) Building Community

Commercial Street Suite 300 33,000San Francisco, CA 94111

Women for Women 52-1838756 501(c)(3) Building Community

InternationalPO Box 9224 8,000Central Islip, NY


Women Thrive Worldwide 52-2100597 501(c)(3) Building Community

1825 Connecticut Ave NW 5,000Suite 600

Washington, DC 20009

Women's Action to Gain 77-0373186 501(c)(3) Building Community

Economic Security1904 5,500Franklin Street Suite 801

Oakland,CA 94612

Women's Foundation of 94-2752421 501(c)(3) Building Community

California340 Pine Street 50,200Suite 302

San Francisco, CA


Women's Initiative for Self 94-3081525 501(c)(3) Building Community

Employment1398 Valencia 6,750Street

San Francisco, CA 94110

Page 200: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Women's Media Center151 38-3727585 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

West 25th Street Suite 12F 10,000NewYork,NY 10001

Women's Recovery 23-7079003 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

Association of San Mateo 16,100County Inc1450 Chapin

Avenue First Floor

Burlingame, CA 940104099

Women's Sports Foundation 23-7380557 501(c)(3) Health & Wellness

1899 Hempstead Turnpike 25,000Suite 400

East Meadow, NY


Woods Hole Research Center 04-3005094 501(c)(3) Environment

Inc149 Woods Hole Road 25,000Falmouth, MA 025401644

Woodside Community 94-6108531 501(c)(3) Building Community

FoundationPO Box 620494 47,500Woodside, CA 940620494

Woodside High School 32-0232205 501(c)(3) Education

Foundation199 Churchill 82,340Avenue

Woodside, CA 940628687

Woodside Priory School302 94-1399274 501(c)(3) Education

Portola Road 27,350Portola Valley, CA


Woodside School Foundation 94-2928552 501(c)(3) Education

3195 Woodside Road 19,000Woodside,CA 940622552

Worcester Regional Science 04-3172538 501(c)(3) Education

and Engineering Fair 7,500Incorporated2 Cherlyn Drive

Northboro,MA 015321104

Working Partnerships USA 77-0387535 501(c)(3) Regional Planning

2102 Almaden Road Suite 75,000107

San Jose, CA 95125

Page 201: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


World Learning IncKipling 03-0179592 501(c)(3) Building Community

Road PO Box 676 11,000Brattleboro,VT 053020676

World Pulse Voices4223A 41-2065177 501(c)(3) Building Community

NE Fremont Street 5,000Portland, O R 97213

World Vision InternationalPO 95-1922279 501(c)(3) Building Community

Box 9716 28 , 892Federal Way, WA


World Wildlife Fund IncPO 52-1693387 501(c)(3) Environment

Box 97180 19,975Washington, DC 200907180

Worldchanging1517 12th 35-2257451 501(c)(3) Environment

Avenue 100,000Seattle, WA 981223955

Worldwatch Institute1776 23-7367468 501(c)(3) Climate & Energy,

Massachusetts Avenue NW 15,000 Food &Agr

Washington, DC 20036

Wounded Warriors Inc10730 20-1407520 501(c)(3) Building Community

Pacific Street Suite 10 6,000O maha, N E 681144761

Wu Yee Children Services831 94-2387002 501(c)(3) Building Community

Broadway Street Second Floor 10,000San Francisco, CA


WWP IncPO Box 758517 20-2370934 501(c)(3) Building Community

Topeka, KS 666758517 5,250 1 1

Wycliffe Bible Translators Inc 95-1831097 501(c)(3) Building Community

PO Box 628200 6,250O rlando, FL 328628200

Page 202: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Xavier U niversity3800 31-0537516 501(c)(3) Education

Victory Parkway 10,000Cinncinnati, O H


Xtreme SquashPO Box 71-1038115 501(c)(3) Education

60742 10,000Palo Alto,CA 94306

Yale UniversityPO Box 2038 06-0646973 501(c)(3) Higher Education

NewHaven,CT 065212038 23,500

Year Up Inc210 Spear Street 04-3534407 501(c)(3) Higher Education

San Francisco, CA 94105 102,500

YMCA ofAshland540 YMCA 93-0386976 501(c)(3) Building Community

Way 10,000Ashland,OR 975201491

YMCA of GreaterSeattle909 91-0482710 501(c)(3) Building Community

Fourth Avenue 15,000Seattle, WA 981041108

YMCA of Martha's Vineyard 04-3293959 501(c)(3) Building Community

IncPO Box 881 25,000Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

YMCA of San Francisco631 94-0997140 501(c)(3) Building Community

Howard Street Suite 500 25,233San Francisco, CA 94105

YMCA of Santa Clara Valley 94-1156318 501(c)(3) Education

1922 The Alameda Third 10,000FloorSan Jose, CA 951261430

YMCA ofSilicon Valley1922 94-1156318 501(c)(3) Education

The Alameda Third Floor 184,100San Jose, CA 951261430

Page 203: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


YMCA of Superior California 94-1156634 501(c)(3) Education

1926 V Street 16,800Sacramento, CA


YMCA of the Mid-Peninsula 94-1212140 501(c)(3) Education

2400 Geng Road Suite 120 37,550PaloAlto,CA 943033350

Yosemite Foundation155 94-3058041 501(c)(3) Environment

Montgomery Street Suite 16,0001104

San Francisco, CA


Yosemite National Institutes 94-2145930 501(c)(3) Education

28 Geary Street Suite 650 29,645San Francisco, CA 94108

Young America's Foundation 23-7042029 501(c)(3) Building Community

110 Eldon Street 21,200Herndon,VA 201704891

Young Entrepreneurs 52-1651248 501(c)(3) Building Community

organization3017 Trieste 10,000Way

El Dorado Hills, CA


Young Life1000 Johnnie 84-0385934 501(c)(3) Building Community

Dodds Blvd Ste 103-178 52,500103-178

Mount Pleasant, SC


Youth and Family Enrichment 94-3094966 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Services610 Elm Street Suite 1,440,931212

San Carlos, CA 940703070

Youth Community Service Inc 20-8099150 501(c)(3) Education

3800 Middlefield Road 45,700PaloAlto,CA 943034716

Youth Science Institute296 94-1265213 501(c)(3) Education

Garden Hill Drive 28,700Los Gatos, CA 950327669

Page 204: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Youth Speaks290 Division 91-2134499 501(c)(3) Education

Street Suite 302 40,000San Francisco, CA 94103

Youth Tennis Advantage610 94-2293585 501(c)(3) Education

16th Street Suite 322 15,600Oakland,CA 94612

Youth Treatment and 65-1232572 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

Education CenterPO Box 10,00027278

San Francisco, CA 94127

Youth United for Community 20-8221895 501(c)(3) Environment

Action (YUCA)2135 Clarke 15,000Avenue

East Palo Alto, CA 94303

Youth Venture Inc1700 54-1744720 501(c)(3) Building Community

North Moore Street Suite 59,5002000

Arlington,VA 22209

YouthGive322 LaVerne 11-3669587 501(c)(3) Building Community

Avenue 10,000Mill Valley, CA 94941

Yu-Ai Kai-Japanese 94-2427398 501(c)(3) Building Community

American Community Senior 11,500Serv of San Jose588 North

Fourth Street

San Jose, CA 951125311

YWCA of Silicon Valley375 94-1186196 501(c)(3) Supporting Families

South Third Street 5,250San Jose, CA 951123649

Z Space Studio131 Tenth 94-3177230 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Street Third Floor 5,000San Francisco, CA 94103

ZeroO ne - The Art and 77-0534962 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Technology Network1346 75,000The Alameda Suite 7-109

San Jose, CA 951265006

Page 205: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States

(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grantorganization if applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance or assistance

or government assistance (book, FMV, appraisal,


Zeum221 Fourth Street 94-3178735 50 1(c)(3) Building Community

San Francisco, CA 94103 15,000

Zohar Dance Company4000 77-0427930 501(c)(3) Arts & Culture

Middlefield Road Building L 5,000Room 4

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Page 206: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493312025000

Schedule J Compensation Information OMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990)For certain Officers , Directors, Trustees , Key Employees, and Highest 2009

Compensated Employees

- Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990,Department of the Treasury Part IV, question 23. ' to Pu b lic

Internal Revenue Service Attach to Form 990 . 1- See separate instructions. Insp ecti o n


Employer identification number


Questions Regarding Compensation

la Check the appropiate box(es ) if the organization provided any of the following to or for a person listed in Form

990, Part VII, Section A, line la Complete Part III to provide any relevant information regarding these items

1 First-class or charter travel 1 Housing allowance or residence for personal use

fl Travel for companions fl Payments for business use of personal residence

F Tax idemnification and gross - up payments fl Health or social club dues or initiation fees

fl Discretionary spending account fl Personal services ( e g , maid, chauffeur, chef)

Yes I No

b If any of the boxes in line la are checked, did the organization follow a written policy regarding payment orreimbursement orprovision of all the expenses described above? If "No," complete Part III to explain lb Yes

2 Did the organization require substantiation prior to reimbursing or allowing expenses incurred by allofficers, directors, trustees, and the CEO/Executive Director, regarding the items checked in line 1a? 2 Yes

3 Indicate which, if any, of the following the organization uses to establish the compensation of the

organization 's CEO/ Executive Director Check all that apply

fl Compensation committee F Written employment contract

fl Independent compensation consultant F Compensation survey or study

fl Form 990 of other organizations F Approval by the board or compensation committee

4 During the year, did any person listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la with respect to the filing organization

or a related organization

a Receive a severance payment or change-of-control payment? 4a No

b Participate in, or receive payment from, a supplemental nonqualified retirement plan? 4b No

c Participate in, or receive payment from, an equity-based compensation arrangement? 4c No

If "Yes" to any of lines 4a-c, list the persons and provide the applicable amounts for each item in Part III

Only 501(c)(3) and 501 ( c)(4) organizations only must complete lines 5-9.

5 For persons listed in form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization pay or accrue any

compensation contingent on the revenues of

a The organization? 5a No

b Any related organization? 5b No

If "Yes," to line 5a or 5b, describe in Part III

6 For persons listed in form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization pay or accrue any

compensation contingent on the net earnings of

a The organization? 6a No

b Any related organization? 6b No

If "Yes," to line 6a or 6b, describe in Part III

7 For persons listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization provide any non-fixed

payments not described in lines 5 and 67 If "Yes," describe in Part III 7 No

8 Were any amounts reported in Form 990, Part VII, paid or accured pursuant to a contract that was

subject to the initial contract exception described in Regs section 53 4958-4(a)(3)7 If "Yes," describe

in Part III 8 No

9 If "Yes" to line 8, did the organization also follow the rebuttable presumption procedure described in Regulations

section 53 4958-6(c)' 9

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Intructions for Form 990 Cat No 50053T Schedule 3 ( Form 990) 2009

Page 207: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule J (Form 990) 2009 Page 2

OTITFI-Officers , Directors , Trustees , Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees . Use Schedule 3-1 if additional space needed.

For each individual whose compensation must be reported in Schedule J, report compensation from the organization on row (i) and from related organizations, described in the

instructions on row (ii) Do not list any individuals that are not listed on Form 990, Part VII

Note . The sum of columns (B)(i)-(iii) must equal the applicable column (D) or column (E) amounts on Form 990, Part VII, line la

(A) Name ( B) Breakdown of W-2 and/or 1099-MISC compensation ( C) Retirement and (D ) Nontaxable (E) Total of columns (F) Compensation

(i) Basecompensation

(ii) Bonus &incentive


(iii) Otherreportable


other deferred


benefits (B)(i)-(D) reported in prior

Form 990 or

Form 990-EZ

Emmett Carson (1)
















Mari Ellen Loijens (1)
















Vera L Bennett-Chief (1)
















Eleanor Clement Glass (1)
















Ellen H Clear (1)
















































Oris C Miller (1)
















Robert A Bassine (1)
















Sandra Hutchings (1)
















Schedule 3 (Form 990) 2009

Page 208: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule J (Form 990) 2009 Page 3

EIRISTW Supplemental Information

Complete this part to provide the information, explanation, or descriptions required for Part I, lines la, 1b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7, and 8 Also complete this part for any additional information


Identifier Return Explanation


Schedule 3 (Form 990) 2009

Page 209: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493312025000

Schedule L Transactions with Interested Persons OMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990 or 990-EZ) - Complete if the organization answered 2009"Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lines 25a , 25b, 26, 27, 28a, 28b, or 28c,

or Form 990-EZ, Part V lines 38a or 40b.

Department of the Treasury 1- Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. 1-See separate instructions . Open

Internal Revenue Service Insvection


Employer identification number

1 20-5205488

Excess Benefit Transactions (section 501(c)(3) and section 501 (c)(4) organizations only).

Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 25a or 25b, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 40b

1 (a) Name of disqualified person (b) Description of transaction(c) Corrected?

Yes No

2 Enter the amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under

section 4958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► $

3 Enter the amount of tax, if any, on line 2, above, reimbursed by the organization . ► $

Loans to and / or From Interested Persons.Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 26, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 38a

(b) Loan to(e) In Appfoved (g)Written

(a) Name of interested person and or from the? (c)O riginal(d)Balance due default7 by board or agreement?

purpose organization principal amountcommittee'?

To From Yes No Yes No Yes No



ASSISTANCE X 500,000 373,912 No Yes Yes

Total $ 373,912

Grants or Assistance Benefitting Interested Persons.Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 27.

(a) Name of interested person(b)Relationship between interested person

(c)Amount of grant or type of assistanceand the organization

Business Transactions Involving Interested Persons.Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 28a, 28b, or 28c.

(b) Relationship (e) Sharing of

between interested (c) A mount of( d) Description(a) Name of interested person

person and the transactionescription of transaction revenues?

organization Yes No



For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Intructions for Form 990 Cat No 50056A Schedule L (Form 990 or 990 - EZ) 2009

Page 210: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493312025000

SCHEDULEM NonCash Contributions OMB No 1545-0047

(Form 990) 2009

Complete if the organization answered " Yes" on Form

Department of the Treasury990, Part IV, lines 29 or 30.

r Attach to Form 990.Internal Revenue Service

Name of the organization Employer identification numberSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION

1 20-5205488

Types of Property





(b)Number of Contributions


Revenues reported on

Form 990, Part VIII , line



Method of determining


1 Art-Works of art . .

2 Art-Historical treasures

3 Art-Fractional interests

4 Books and publications

5 Clothing and householdgoods . . . . . . .

6 Cars and other vehicles .

7 Boats and planes . .

8 Intellectual property .

9 Securities - Publicly traded . X 111 39,519,087 AVG STK VAL ON GIFT DATE

10 Securities -Closely held stock

11 Securities -Partnership, LLC,

or trust interests

12 Securities - Miscellaneous

13 Qualified conservationcontribution - H istoricstructures

14 Qualified conservationcontribution -Other . . .

15 Real estate - Residential

16 Real estate -Commercial

17 Real estate -Other . .

18 Collectibles . . . . .

19 Food inventory . .

20 Drugs and medical supplies

21 Taxidermy . .

22 Historical artifacts . .

23 Scientific specimens .

24 Archeological artifacts

25 Other ( )

26 Other(

27 Other(

28 Other ( )

29 N umber of Forms 8283 received

for which the organization compl

by the org

eted Form 8

anization during the tax yea

283 , Part IV, Donee Ackn

r for contributions

owledgement 29

Yes No

30a During the year, did the organization receive by contribution any property reported in Part I, lines 1-28 that it

must hold for at least three years from the date of the initial contribution, and which is not required to be used

for exempt purposes for the entire holding period? 30a No

b If "Yes," describe the arrangement in Part II

31 Does the organization have a gift acceptance policy that requires the review of any non-standard contributions? 31 Yes

32a Does the organization hire or use third parties or related organizations to solicit, process, or sell non-cash

contributions? 32a No

b If "Yes," describe in Part II

33 If the organization did not report revenues in column (c) for a type of property for which column (a) is checked,

describe in Part II

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 51227] Schedule M (Form 990) 2009

Page 211: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule M (Form 990) 2009 Page 2

Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the information required by Part I, lines 30b,

32b, and 33. Also complete this part for any additional information.

IIdentifier Return Reference Explanation

Schedule M (Form 990) 2009

Page 212: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493312025000

SCHEDULE 0OMB No 1545 0047

(Form 990) Supplemental Information to Form 990 2009

Department of the TreasuryComplete to provide information for responses to specific questions on

Form 990 or to provide any additional information . • 'Internal Revenue Se rvice

0- Attach to Form 990.

Name of the organization Employer identification numberSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION


Identifier Return ExplanationReference


Form 990 , 990 Form is placed on secured web site or sent by Email for governing body to review and comment Review isPart VI, verified by emailSection B,line 11

Form 990 , Annually each board member of the SVCF and supporting organizations completes "Form 990 questionnaire"Part V I, that reports obligations and documents disclosures that are necessary to comply with Form 990 requirementsSection B,line 12c

Form 990 , Human Resources Staff reviews comparability data and Board of Director approval is required forPart VI, CEO/Executive DirectorSection B,line 15

Form 990 , Governing /Organizing Documents /Conflict of Interest Policy All requests for information w ill be submitted to thePart V I, CFO and VP of Finance The requestor w ill be contacted within 24 hours to obtain the followingSection C, information Contact information - name , address , email, and phone number Documents will be provided in theline 19 office , on a CD or through email Audited Financial Statements for current year - posted to website annually

after approval by the Board of Directors

The process for selecting an independent accountant to perform the audit of the Foundation's financialstatmements has not changed



ForPaperwork ReduchonActNohce , seethe Instructons forForm 990 Cat No 51056K Schedule 0(Form 990)2009

Page 213: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

efile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN: 93493312025000

SCHEDULE R Related Organizations and Unrelated PartnershipsOMB N o 1545-0047

(Form 990)1-

2009Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 33, 34, 35, 36, or 37.

- Attach to Form 990. - See separate instructions.

Department of the Treasury Open to Public

Internal Revenue Service Insp ecti o n

Name of the organization Employer identification numberSILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION


Identification of Disregarded Entities (Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 33.)

(a)Name, address, and EIN of disregarded entity

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)Primary activity Legal domicile (state Total income End-of-year assets Direct controlling

or foreign country) entity

Identification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations (Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 34 because it had oneor more related tax-exempt organizations during the tax year.)

(a) (b) (c) (d ) ( e) (f)Name, address, and EIN of related organization Primary activity Legal domicile (state Exempt Code section Public charity status Direct controlling

or foreign country) (if section 501(c)(3)) entity

See Additional Data Table

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 50135Y Schedule R (Form 990) 2009

Page 214: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule R (Form 990) 2009 Page 2

Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Partnership (Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 34

because it had one or more related organizations treated as a partnership during the tax year.)

Name, address, and EIN ofrelated organization

(b) Legal (d)Primary activity domicile Direct controlling

(state or entityforeigncountry)

(h) (I) U)(e)(f) (g) Disproprtionate Code V-UBI General or

Predominant incomeShare of total income Share of end-of-year allocations? amount in box 20 of managing

(related, unrelated,assets Schedule K-1 part ner

excluded from tax Form 1065)(Formsections 512-514)

Yes No Yes No

Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Corporation or Trust (Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV,line 34 because it had one or more related organizations treated as a corporation or trust during the tax year.)

(a) (b)Name, address , and EIN of related organization Primary activity

(c) (d) (e)Legal domicile Direct controlling Type of entity

(state or entity (C corp, S corp,foreign or trust)country)

(g)( (h)Share of totalShare of Percentage

incomeend-of-year ownership


Schedule R (Form 990) 2009

Page 215: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule R (Form 990) 2009 Page 3

Transactions With Related Organizations (Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 34, 35, or 36.)

Note . Complete line 1 if any entity is listed in Parts II, III or IV

1 During the tax year, did the orgranization engage in any of the following transactions with one or more related organizations listed in Parts II-IV?

a Receipt of (i) interest (ii) annuities (iii) royalties (iv) rent from a controlled entity

b Gift, grant, or capital contribution to other organization(s)

c Gift, grant, or capital contribution from other organization(s)

d Loans or loan guarantees to or for other organization(s)

e Loans or loan guarantees by other organization(s)

f Sale of assets to other organization(s)

g Purchase of assets from other organization(s)

h Exchange of assets

i Lease of facilities, equipment, or other assets to other organization(s)

j Lease of facilities, equipment, or other assets from other organization(s)

k Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations for other organization(s)

I Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations by other organization(s)

m Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, or other assets

n Sharing of paid employees

o Reimbursement paid to other organization for expenses

p Reimbursement paid by other organization for expenses

q Other transfer of cash or property to other organization(s)

r Other transfer of cash or property from other organization(s)















2 If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," see the instructions for information on who must complete this line, including covered relationships and transaction thresholds

(a)Name of other organization

Transaction Amount involvedtype(a-r)







Schedule R (Form 990) 2009

Page 216: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Schedule R (Form 990) 2009 Page 4

Unrelated Organizations Taxable as a Partnership (Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 37.)

Provide the following information for each entity taxed as a partnership through which the organization conducted more than five percent of its activities (measured by total assets or grossrevenue) that was not a related organization See instructions regarding exclusion for certain investment partnerships

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)Name, address, and EIN of entity Primary activity Legal domicile Are all Share of Disproprtionate Code V-UBI General or

(state or foreign partners end-of-year allocations? amount in box managingcountry) section assets 20 of Schedule K-1 part ner?

501(c)(3) (Form 1065)organizations?

Yes No Yes No Yes No

Schedule R (Form 990) 2009

Page 217: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Additional Data

Software ID:

Software Version:

EIN: 20 -5205488


Form 990, Schedule R, Part II - Identification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations

(a)Name, address, and EIN of related organization

(b) [ C )

PrimaryLegal Domicile


or Foreign Country)

(d )

Exempt Code


Return to Form


Public charityDirect Controlling


(if 501(c)(3))

BERNARD A NEWCOMB FOUNDATION Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Line h a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


CHONG-MOON LEE FOUNDATION Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Line h a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


DRISCOLL FAMILY FOUNDATION Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Line h a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


RAISING A READER Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Line h a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


REDDERE FOUNDATION Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Line h a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


SO BRATO FOUNDATION Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) (3) Line 11 a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


STAR HILL FUND Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) (3) Line 11 a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


STEVEN AND MICHELE KIRSCH FOUNDATION Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Line h a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


THE DIRK AND CHARLENE KABCENELL FOUNDATION Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) (3) Line 11 a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


THE PETER AND NORA STENT FAMILY FOUNDATION Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) (3) Line 11 a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


THE PORTOLA GROUP FOUNDATION Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) (3) Line 11a,I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


THE REAL ESTATE TRUST Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) (3) Line 11 a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


THE SKOLL FUND Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Line h a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


WILLIAM H CILKER FAMILY FOUNDATION Supporting Organization CA 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Line h a, I

2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


LORRY I LO KEY SUPPORTING FOUNDATION SUPporting CA 501 ( c ) (3) Line h a, I


2440 El Camino real Suite 300

Mountain View, CA94040


Page 218: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Additional Data

Software ID:

Software Version:

EIN: 20 -5205488


Form 990, Part VII - Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Key Employees, HighestCompensated Employees, and Independent Contractors


Name and Title





Position (check all

that apply)









amount of other

per ,o = from the from related compensationweek ^] (o organization ( W- organizations from the

rD 0 rD 2/1099-MISC) (W- 2/1099- organization and

-m rt

,o -n MISC ) related


fD 4 i a,


Anne F MACDONALD50 X 0 0 0




CS Park50 X 0 0 0


Caretha Coleman50 X 0 0 0


Dick Wilkolaski50 X 0 0 0


Emmett Carson40 00 X X 557,487 0 49,931

President & CEO

Erika Williams50 X 0 0 0


Gloria Brown50 X 0 0 0


Gordon Yamate50 X 0 0 0


Greg Gallo50 X 0 0 0




Ivonne Montes de Oca50 X 0 0 0


Jane Williams50 X 0 0 0


Jennifer Raiser50 X X 0 0 0


John Michael Sobrato50 X X 0 0 0

VICE Chair

Laura Arrillaga -50 X 0 0 0


Nancy H Handel50 X X 0 0 0


Narendra Gupta50 X 0 0 0


Sanjay Vaswani50 X 0 0 0


Susan M Hyatt50 X 0 0 0


Thomas Friel50 X 0 0 0


Mari Ellen Loijens40 00 X 171,828 0 17,923


Vera L Bennett -Chief40 00 X 188,808 0 24,848

Fin &Admin Officer

Eleanor Clement Glass40 00 X 170,412 0 15,976

ChieF of Donor Engmnt

Ellen H Clear40 00 X 154,731 0 21,471

VP Grantmaking

Page 219: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990, Part VII - Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Key Employees, HighestCompensated Employees, and Independent Contractors


Name and Title





Position ( check all

that apply)









amount of other

per = from the from related compensationweek 3 organization (W- organizations from the=

2/1099-MISC ) (W- 2/1099- organization and

(D C (D,D -n MISC) related

Lc c 0 CD 0 ° organizations

0C - in

m 3 {"fm ait,

CATHERINE GOWEN40 00 X 143,967 0 16,147


GABRIELLE MILLER40 00 X 181,956 0 18,508


0ris C Miller40 00 X 143,708 0 16,324


Robert A Bassine40 00 X 137,415 0 15,847

VP Human Resources

Sandra Hutchings40 00 X 144,872 0 16,403

Chief of Administration

Page 220: Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2009 990

Form 990 , Part IX - Statement of Functional Expenses - 24a - 24e Other Expenses

Do not include amounts reported on line

6b, 8b, 9b, and 10b of Part VIII .


Total expenses


Program service



Management and

general expenses




UBI Taxes 705,413 705,413

CONSULTANTS- GENERAL 969,005 902,211 19,469 47,325

BAD DEBT EXPENSE 861,480 861,480

Program Expenses 70,794 70,794

M I S C 29,854 27,257 1,402 1,195