similarity measures in formal concept analysis

Similarity Measures in Formal Concept Analysis Faris Alqadah Raj Bhatnagar Computer Science Department University of Cincinnati Faris Alqadah Raj Bhatnagar ( Computer Science Department University of Cincinnati ) Similarity Measures in Formal Concept Analysis 1 / 28

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Page 1: Similarity Measures in Formal Concept Analysis

Similarity Measures in Formal Concept Analysis

Faris AlqadahRaj Bhatnagar

Computer Science DepartmentUniversity of Cincinnati

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1 Introduction

2 Formal Concept Analysis

3 Similarity Measures

4 Experiments

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1 Introduction

2 Formal Concept Analysis

3 Similarity Measures

4 Experiments

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Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) studied and applied successivelyin many diverse fieldsData mining, conceptual modeling, software engineering, andsocial networkingPossible draw back: large number of conceptsEssential to develop formalisms to segment, cluster andcategorize concepts

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Related Work

Few studies have focused on similarity measure of formalconceptsAd-hoc approaches based on applications (Y.Ding 2002) (Blachonand Gandrillon 2007), no formal study of similarity.Similarity in fuzzy concepts addressed by Belholavek.Concept similarity in ontologies encompass string similaritymeasures, and external sources of data such as dictionaries.

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Formal Concept Analysis


1 Introduction

2 Formal Concept Analysis

3 Similarity Measures

4 Experiments

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Formal Concept Analysis


Context K = (G,M, I)G objects, M attributes, I is relationA ⊆ G then A′ is defined to be B = {m ∈ M|aRm ∀a ∈ A}Dually defined for B ⊆ M, B′

DefinitionA formal concept of K is a pair (A,B) with A ⊆ G and B ⊆ G suchthat A′ = B and B′ = A. Set of all concepts denoted as B

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Formal Concept Analysis


Context K = (G,M, I)G objects, M attributes, I is relationA ⊆ G then A′ is defined to be B = {m ∈ M|aRm ∀a ∈ A}Dually defined for B ⊆ M, B′

DefinitionA formal concept of K is a pair (A,B) with A ⊆ G and B ⊆ G suchthat A′ = B and B′ = A. Set of all concepts denoted as B

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Formal Concept Analysis


Context K = (G,M, I)G objects, M attributes, I is relationA ⊆ G then A′ is defined to be B = {m ∈ M|aRm ∀a ∈ A}Dually defined for B ⊆ M, B′

DefinitionA formal concept of K is a pair (A,B) with A ⊆ G and B ⊆ G suchthat A′ = B and B′ = A. Set of all concepts denoted as B

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Formal Concept Analysis

Relation to other theories

m1 m2 m3 m4g1 0 1 0 1g2 0 0 1 1g3 0 0 0 1g4 1 0 0 0g5 1 1 1 0g6 0 0 1 0g7 1 1 0 0

Concepts are maximal rectangles of 1s under suitable permutationBi-clusters, co-clusters: maximal sub-matrices with zero varianceMaximal bicliques in bipartite graph

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Formal Concept Analysis

Relation to other theories

m1 m2 m3 m4g1 0 1 0 1g2 0 0 1 1g3 0 0 0 1g4 1 0 0 0g5 1 1 1 0g6 0 0 1 0g7 1 1 0 0

Concepts are maximal rectangles of 1s under suitable permutationBi-clusters, co-clusters: maximal sub-matrices with zero varianceMaximal bicliques in bipartite graph

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Formal Concept Analysis

Hierarchy of Concepts











Concepts of a context form a natural hierarchial structure

TheoremFormal concepts of a context ordered by the subset relation form acomplete lattice.

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Formal Concept Analysis

Number of concepts

Given K = (G,M, I), in worst case |B| ∈ O(2min{|G|,|M|})

Empirical evidence with real world datasets suggests this is morelike O(max{|G|, |M|}2)Examples:

Genes-GO terms (1910× 3885) > 1,000,000 conceptsGenes-PhenoTypes (1910× 3965) > 1,000,000 conceptsMushrooms (8124× 120) > 200,00 concepts

Constraints typically imposed to make enumeration tractable,however parameter selection is problematicSegmenting, clustering of concepts should be explored

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Formal Concept Analysis

Number of concepts

Given K = (G,M, I), in worst case |B| ∈ O(2min{|G|,|M|})

Empirical evidence with real world datasets suggests this is morelike O(max{|G|, |M|}2)Examples:

Genes-GO terms (1910× 3885) > 1,000,000 conceptsGenes-PhenoTypes (1910× 3965) > 1,000,000 conceptsMushrooms (8124× 120) > 200,00 concepts

Constraints typically imposed to make enumeration tractable,however parameter selection is problematicSegmenting, clustering of concepts should be explored

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Formal Concept Analysis

Number of concepts

Given K = (G,M, I), in worst case |B| ∈ O(2min{|G|,|M|})

Empirical evidence with real world datasets suggests this is morelike O(max{|G|, |M|}2)Examples:

Genes-GO terms (1910× 3885) > 1,000,000 conceptsGenes-PhenoTypes (1910× 3965) > 1,000,000 conceptsMushrooms (8124× 120) > 200,00 concepts

Constraints typically imposed to make enumeration tractable,however parameter selection is problematicSegmenting, clustering of concepts should be explored

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Formal Concept Analysis

Number of concepts

Given K = (G,M, I), in worst case |B| ∈ O(2min{|G|,|M|})

Empirical evidence with real world datasets suggests this is morelike O(max{|G|, |M|}2)Examples:

Genes-GO terms (1910× 3885) > 1,000,000 conceptsGenes-PhenoTypes (1910× 3965) > 1,000,000 conceptsMushrooms (8124× 120) > 200,00 concepts

Constraints typically imposed to make enumeration tractable,however parameter selection is problematicSegmenting, clustering of concepts should be explored

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Similarity Measures


1 Introduction

2 Formal Concept Analysis

3 Similarity Measures

4 Experiments

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Similarity Measures

Formal Definition

DefinitionA similarity measure S is a function with non-negative real valuesdefined on the Cartesian product X × X of a set X

S : X × X → R (1)

such that the following three properties are satisfied1 ∃s0 ∈ R : −∞ < S(x , y) ≤ s0 < +∞, ∀x , y ∈ X2 s(x , x) = s0 ∀x ∈ X3 s(x , y) = s(y , x) ∀x , y ∈ X

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Similarity Measures

Weighted Concept Similarity

Set-inspired similarity measures

Jaccard index SJac =|x ∩ y ||x ∪ y |


Sorenesen coefficient SSor =2 ∗ |x ∩ y ||x |+ |y |


Symmetric difference SXor = 1− |x y ||x ∪ y |


Combine set-based similarity measures to form concept similaritymeasure

SwS (C1,C2) = w ∗ S(A1,A2) + (1− w) ∗ S(B1,B2) (5)

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Similarity Measures

Weighted Concept Similarity

Set-inspired similarity measures

Jaccard index SJac =|x ∩ y ||x ∪ y |


Sorenesen coefficient SSor =2 ∗ |x ∩ y ||x |+ |y |


Symmetric difference SXor = 1− |x y ||x ∪ y |


Combine set-based similarity measures to form concept similaritymeasure

SwS (C1,C2) = w ∗ S(A1,A2) + (1− w) ∗ S(B1,B2) (5)

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Similarity Measures

Formal Proof

Proofs depend on the fact that S is a set based similarity measure

Proof.By the properties of set union and set intersectionSJac(x , y) ≤ 1 ∀x , y , thus by the definition of weighted conceptsimilarity, s0 = 1.Property 2 is trivially satisfied by the fact that SJac is a similaritymeasure, thus SJac(x , x) = 1 and therefore

SwJac(C1,C1) = w ∗ 1 + (1− w) ∗ 1 = 1 ∀C1 ∈ B(G,M, I)

Property 3 is also satisfied by the fact that SJac is a similaritymeasure, so SJac(x , y) = SJac(y , x)

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Similarity Measures

Weighted Concept Similarity

Well established similarity measures, easy to computeSet intersection, union, and difference of any two sets x , y can becomputed in O(min{|x |, |y |})O(min({|A1|, |B1|, |A2|, |B2|})) for any given pair of concepts(A1,B1) and (A2,B2)

Drawback is selecting w

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Similarity Measures

Drawbacks of Weighted Concept Similarity










sg1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7 m1 m2 m3 m4

g1 0 1 0 1g2 0 0 1 1g3 0 0 0 1g4 1 0 0 0g5 1 1 1 0g6 0 0 1 0g7 1 1 0 0

Measures only consider set cardinalities and not informationC1 = ({g5}, {m1,m2,m3}), C2 = ({g2,g5,g6}, {m3}), andC3 = ({g4,g5,g7}, {m1})

S0.5Jac(C1,C2) = S0.5

Jac(C1,C3) = 0.333S0.5

Sor (C1,C2) = S0.5Sor (C1,C3) = 0.5

Intuitively the similarity between C1 and C3 should be greater thanthat of C1 and C2

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Similarity Measures

Drawbacks of Weighted Concept Similarity










sg1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7 m1 m2 m3 m4

g1 0 1 0 1g2 0 0 1 1g3 0 0 0 1g4 1 0 0 0g5 1 1 1 0g6 0 0 1 0g7 1 1 0 0

Measures only consider set cardinalities and not informationC1 = ({g5}, {m1,m2,m3}), C2 = ({g2,g5,g6}, {m3}), andC3 = ({g4,g5,g7}, {m1})

S0.5Jac(C1,C2) = S0.5

Jac(C1,C3) = 0.333S0.5

Sor (C1,C2) = S0.5Sor (C1,C3) = 0.5

Intuitively the similarity between C1 and C3 should be greater thanthat of C1 and C2

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Similarity Measures

Zeros Induced Similarity

View concepts as maximal sub-matrices of 1sCombining any two concepts must result in the introduction ofzerosThink of similarity as number of zeros introduced by combiningtwo concepts

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Similarity Measures

Zeros Induced Similarity

Given C1 = (A1,B1) and C2 = (A2,B2) then

z(C1,C2) =∑


|(B1 ∪ B2) \ a′| (6)

DefinitionGiven concepts C1 = (A1,B1) and C2 = (A2,B2) the zeros-inducedindex is

Sz =|A1 ∪ A2| ∗ |B1 ∪ B2| − z(C1,C2)

|A1 ∪ A2| ∗ |B1 ∪ B2|(7)

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Similarity Measures

Formal Proof

Proof.For any two sets x , y x \ y ⊆ x , thusz(C1,C2) ≤ |A1 ∪ A2| ∗ |B1 ∪ B2| ∀C1,C2, implying that s0 = 1.For any concept C = (A,B) , by definition A′ = B which implies

∀a ∈ A a′ ⊇ B→ z(C,C) = 0→ Sz(C,C) = s0

Property 3 is guaranteed by the commutative property of setunion.

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Similarity Measures

Zeros Induced Similarity

C1 = ({g5}, {m1,m2,m3}), C2 = ({g2,g5,g6}, {m3}), andC3 = ({g4,g5,g7}, {m1})

Sz(C1,C2) =9− 4




Sz(C1,C3) =9− 3



Direct implementation of computing zeros has complexity ofO(max{|A1|, |B1|, |A2|, |B2|}2)

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Similarity Measures

Zeros Induced Similarity

C1 = ({g5}, {m1,m2,m3}), C2 = ({g2,g5,g6}, {m3}), andC3 = ({g4,g5,g7}, {m1})

Sz(C1,C2) =9− 4




Sz(C1,C3) =9− 3



Direct implementation of computing zeros has complexity ofO(max{|A1|, |B1|, |A2|, |B2|}2)

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1 Introduction

2 Formal Concept Analysis

3 Similarity Measures

4 Experiments

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Datasets and Method

Real world, labeled datasetsEnumerate concepts, and compute similarity matrixUtilize similarity matrix with agglomerative clustering algorithm

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Name Dimensions Density Num. classesCongress 435× 48 0.33 2

Mushrooms 8124× 120 0.1917 2news_mer 2000× 892 0.003 2news_pcr 1997× 1025 0.0026 2

news_allrec 3124× 1671 0.0014 4

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Evaluation Measures

MultPrec(e,e′) =min(|C(e) ∩ C(e′)|, |L(e) ∩ L(e′)|)

|C(e) ∩ C(e′)|

MultRcl(e,e′) =min(|C(e) ∩ C(e′)|, |L(e) ∩ L(e′)|)

|L(e) ∩ L(e′)|

B3Prec = Avge[Avge′,C(e)∩C(e′)6=∅


]]B3Rcl = Avge

[Avge′,L(e)∩L(e′) 6=∅



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Evaluation Measures

MultPrec(e,e′) =min(|C(e) ∩ C(e′)|, |L(e) ∩ L(e′)|)

|C(e) ∩ C(e′)|

MultRcl(e,e′) =min(|C(e) ∩ C(e′)|, |L(e) ∩ L(e′)|)

|L(e) ∩ L(e′)|

B3Prec = Avge[Avge′,C(e)∩C(e′)6=∅


]]B3Rcl = Avge

[Avge′,L(e)∩L(e′) 6=∅



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Experimental Results

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Similarity Matrices

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Computation Times

Dataset Similarity Measure CPU Time (seconds)


Weighted Jaccard 545.23± 3.45Weighted Sornensen 300.35± 1.64Weighted SymmDiff 961.62± 2.13

Zeros Induced 4125.22± 3.76


Weighted Jaccard 522.24± 4.2204Weighted Sornensen 289.89± 0.69Weighted SymmDiff 885.89± 2.77

Zeros Induced 3233.54± 3.45


Weighted Jaccard 3.9170± 0.0440Weighted Sornensen 2.6630± 0.0517Weighted SymmDiff 6.1900± 0.0474

Zeros Induced 8.2050± 0.1203


Weighted Jaccard 0.7700± 0.0067Weighted Sornensen 0.5100± 0.0176Weighted SymmDiff 1.2270± 0.0134

Zeros Induced 1.9720± 0.0225


Weighted Jaccard 0.7680± 0.0092Weighted Sornensen 0.5040± 0.0158Weighted SymmDiff 1.2280± 0.0235

Zeros Induced 1.8530± 0.0183

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First steps towards clustering formal conceptsZeros-induced measure no parameters requiredInitial experiments indicate superiority of zeros-induced measureon clustering sparse dataFuture work should incorporate the lattice structure explicitly

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