simple moodle tutorial

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  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    Use of ICT For Teaching &Learning

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    Presen tat ion Outl ine

    What is ICT & What does it Offer?E-Learning Technologies

    Focus on VLE & LMS

    Unilag LMS EnvironmentMOODLE.

    Challenges of Deploying E-Learning in Unilag

    Conclusion & Recommendation

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    ICT & What it OffersICTInformation & Communication Technology

    ICT in EducationThe Use of Electronic &Multimedia Devices for Teaching & Learning.

    It is Simply called E-Learning (or V-Learning)

    It provides:collaborative & interactive learning (Synchronouslyor Asynchronously)

    improved open access to education for all.

    improved interaction amongst stake holders.A Sudent-Centered Learning Environment.

    learning beyond age/social barriers andgeographical limits.

    Above all, it is Peace of mind for You.

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    E-Learn ing Techno log iesVarious technologies facilitate E-Learning. These include:

    Audio & Video From simple audio/video recordings toaudio/video streaming over the internet. The webcam is auseful tool for producing multimedia documents.

    Interactive Whiteboards allow instructors and students towrite interactively on the touch screen.

    Blogs & Other Social Media Allow students and instructorsto post their thoughts, ideas and comments online.

    Computers, Tablets & Mobile Devices allow students andteachers to create and exchange documents in different file formats,

    such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, PDF files, and images

    A combination of various technologies provides a VirtualLearning Environment (VLE).

    A VLE is achieved through the LMSLearning Mgt. Sys.

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    VLE Through LMSLMSSet of software tools designed to create and a VLE.

    Web-based applicationFacilitates "anytime, any place, any pace access tolearning content and administration.

    Allows Educators to create online learning communities.

    Modular in construction and can be integrated with SIS.

    Promotes collaboration and critical reflection in the learningprocess.

    Simple, efficient, and does not require rocket-science touse.

    Commercially available (Blackboard) or Open source(Moodle)

    Unilag LMS is MOODLE

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    Unilag LMS MOODLE

    Acronym for:






    Envi ronment

    Gives the teacher fullcontrol over coursesettings.

    Course format could be

    weekly, topical or adiscussion- focusedsocial format.

    Facilitates forums,quizzes, surveys, chats,

    assignments, workshops.

    Globally accessibleover 400,000 registeredusers, speaking over 70languages in over 190

    countries could interact.

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    The MOODLE Environment

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    Gett ing Started With MOODLEInstitutional Requirement:

    Website and Internet/LAN Access

    Registration with MOODLE @ (NC)

    Web/LMS Administrator

    User Requirement:

    Internet/LAN Access

    MOODLE Account (Free registration

    username, password, and valid email addressare required for account creation)

    User types are: Student, Teacher,Manager, Administrator in order of

    increasing privileges.

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    Creat ing a New Accoun t

    Click on Create new account

    Fill in all the required information (the

    fields with red asterik are required)

    Go to your email, open the email from

    Admin User and follow the link to

    confirm your account

    Log in with your username and password

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    Chal lenges o f E-Learn ingE-Learning is not without Challenges, which has beenor can be overcome:

    E-testing may make cheating easier (Embeddedinternal control is available).

    Technically inclined students may have advantage overnon-technical students (Only initially)

    Lack of direct and immediate feedback from instructor

    Little or no social interaction among participants. (Ahybrid system could help)

    Teachers may lack the skill and experience to managevirtual teacher-student interaction (Training needed)

    Poor infrastructure is a big challenge

    The above challenges are not enough to stop E-


  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial


    Conc lus ion & Recommendat ion

    In this age of student population explosion, E-Learning isthe way to go.

    MOODLE is a Versatile, yet simple to use LMS forcreating a VLE

    It is Suitable for creating a Student-Centered

    Learning Environment

    Suitable for Distance Learning/large classes

    We should give adequate training to staff

    We should ensure the system is running withminimum down time

    The Faculty E-learning Facilities should be expanded.

  • 8/12/2019 Simple Moodle Tutorial

