simulation of the energy response of rays in csi crystal arrays thomas zerguerras exl-r3b...

Simulation of the energy response of rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

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Page 1: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Simulation of the energy response of rays in CsI crystal arrays


EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Page 2: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006


• Study of photon interaction with energies from 100keV to 25MeV in CsI crystals using a simple geometry (energy response, multiplicity, efficiency ...).

• Study of the response with a 5*5 array of 22*22*200mm3 crystals.

• Tests of some position reconstruction algorithms and their pertinence by using simulated data.

• Comparison of 5*5 arrays of different crystal sizes: 11*11*200mm3, 22*22*200mm3, 32*32*200mm3

• Comparison of 5*5, 7*7 and 9*9 arrays made with 22*22*200mm3 crystals.

• Only pure physics interactions are considered here(neither threshold nor noise nor light collection effects are included).

Page 3: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Part 1: Study with a 5*5 array of 22*22*200mm3 CsI crystals

Page 4: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006


Parallepipedic crystals: 22*22*200mm3

Material: CsI

5*5 array

Distance between 2 consecutive crystals: 100µ

Space between two crystals filled with Kapton.

Page 5: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Physics list

‘’Low Energy ’’ Electromagnetic list was used. Physics Processes involved are:

For :•Photoelectric effect•Compton scattering•Rayleigh scattering•Conversion

For e- and e+ :•Bremsstrahlung •Multiple scattering•Energy loss by ionisation (dE/dX)• Annihilation (for e+ )

This list takes atomic relaxation processes (Auger effect, X ray)into account.

Page 6: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Primary event

Incident photon on the center of the central crystal.

Momentum vector perpendicular to the crystal face.

Energies: 100keV, 500keV, 1MeV, 2MeV, 5MeV, 10MeV, 20MeV, 25MeVin the laboratory frame.

10 000 events generated at each energy


Page 7: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Total energy deposited

Escape peaks of Xray transitionsof iodine and cesium




Page 8: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006


Page 9: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Energy detection efficiency

95% Cut:Events rate with 95% of incident energy measuredin the array.

75% Cut:Events rate with 75% of incident energy measuredin the array.

Difference due toCompton backgroundshape.

Page 10: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Position reconstruction

Simple approachchoosing first hit crystalas this measuring maximalenergy could induce largeerrors @ energies between 0.5 and 5MeVwhere Compton scatteringis dominant.

Position reconstructionusing energy weightedcrystals is investigated

Page 11: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

2D view of energy weighted position reconstruction

100keV 500keV 1MeV

2MeV 5MeV 10MeV

20MeV 25MeV

Page 12: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Reconstructed radius

r = (xrec2+yrec


100keV 500keV 1MeV

2MeV 5MeV 10MeV

20MeV 25MeV

Page 13: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Position reconstruction efficiency

Good event:If the reconstructed (x,y) coordinates are inside the first hit crystal

Page 14: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Conclusions of part 1

• At energies higher than 5MeV, energy measurement error is between 5 and 25% for more than 30% of events . What happens by changing crystal dimensions ? Is this problem solved by increasing the size of the array ?

• Using simple geometry and primary event, 2 position reconstruction methods were tested: search of the crystal measuring maximal energy and Energy weighted position reconstruction. Both look promising. Position reconstruction seems to be better at very low (less than 500keV) and higher energy (higher than 10MeV). At intermediate energies, the Compton scattering affects the precision of the position reconstruction. Can it be improved ?

Page 15: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Part 2: Comparison of 5*5 arrays with following crystal sizes: 11*11*200mm3,

22*22*200mm3 and 32*32*200mm3

Page 16: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Energy deposit for the different crystal sizes

Page 17: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Multiplicity for the different crystal sizes

Page 18: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Energy detection efficiency

5*5 array

Page 19: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

2D reconstruction view

11*11*200mm3 32*32*200mm3

Page 20: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Reconstructed radius

Results shownhere are obtainedby using the energyweighted method

100keV 500keV 1MeV

2MeV 5MeV 10MeV

20MeV 25MeV

Page 21: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Position reconstruction efficiency (1)

Photon hit the center of central crystal. We use 3 tolerances:

•Reconstructed X and Y must be in the range of initial hit crystal (Energy Weighted methods). The crystal measuring the maximal energy must be the initial hit crystal(maximal method).

• Then by including the closest neighbours (cross configuration)

• Then by considering the 3*3 array of crystals centered on the hit crystal

Tolerance I Tolerance II Tolerance III

Page 22: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Position reconstruction efficiency (2)

Hit crystalCross


3*3 array


Page 23: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Conclusions of part 2

The choice of the crystal dimension is a compromise between the angular resolution required and the necessity to have accurate energy and position reconstructions.

When Compton scattering is dominant, the energy spread in more crystals.If the crystal size is too small, this could affect the accuracy of positionreconstruction.

But to choose the crystal sizes, other important points like the light collection efficiency must be considered.

Page 24: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Part 3: Comparison with different 22*22*200mm3 crystals arrays :

5*5, 7*7 and 9*9

Page 25: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Energy detection efficiency of each array

Page 26: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Position reconstruction efficiency of each array

Using Energy weighted method, efficiency decreases by increasingnumber of crystals

Consequenceof energy spread

Hit crystal Cross configuration

3*3 array

Page 27: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

View of energy spread (1)

E1 / Etot

Ehit / Etot

E2 / Etot

Etot= 81 crystals Ei

E1= 8 crystals Ei

E2= 16 crystals Ei

Study of ratios

Page 28: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

View of energy spread (2)

Ehit / Etot

E1 / Etot


Page 29: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

View of energy spread (3)

Ehit / Etot

E2 / Etot

@ Intermediateenergies (from500keV to 10MeV), events on a slope 1 straight line

Jump of a crystal line !!!




Page 30: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Photon hitting in a crystal corner (1)

9*9 array of 22*22*200mm3 crystal. Photon hit @ 1mm in X and Y from thecorner of the central crystal.

Page 31: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Photon hitting in a crystal corner (2)


Page 32: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Photon hitting in a crystal corner (3)

Energy detection efficiency 22*22*200mm3

Page 33: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Conclusions of part 3

• Even with an 9*9 array of 22*22*200mm3 crystals, there are 30% of the events where error on energy measurement is between 5 to 25% for photon energy higher than 5MeV). The energy spread in the detector and for about 10% of the events @1MeV, non contiguous crystals configurations occur .

•Reconstruction position with maximum energy method or energy weighted crystals method is accurate:

• when hitting on the center of a crystal, in a range of a 3*3 array centered on this crystal• in a range of a 2*2 crystal array when hitting the corner of a crystal

This limitation is due to Compton scattering, which dominates between 300keV and 7MeV in CsI.

Page 34: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006

Sum up and conclusions

• We checked energy and multiplicity response of a 5*5 array of 22*22*200 crystals using the Low Energy Electromagnetic Interaction model provided by GEANT4.

•We tested position reconstruction methods: the maximum energy and energy weighted methods look promising, in both cases when a photon hit the center or the corner of a crystal.

• We studied 5*5 arrays made with different crystal sizes (11*11*200mm3, 22*22*200mm3, 32*32*200mm3). Energy spread and angular resolution are elements to consider before fixing the crystal sizes.

• We compared 5*5, 7*7 and 9*9 arrays of 22*22*200mm3 crystals. At energies where Compton scattering dominates, events (about 10% @1MeV) with non continuous crystals clusters occur, thus limiting the position reconstruction accuracy. At energies above 5MeV, even with a 9*9 array, more than 95% of incident energy is measured for only 70% of the events. For the remaining events, error on energy measurement is between 5 and 25%. But position reconstruction seems sufficiently accurate at these energies.

Page 35: Simulation of the energy response of  rays in CsI crystal arrays Thomas ZERGUERRAS EXL-R3B Collaboration Meeting, Orsay (France), 02/02/2006-02/03/2006


Only physics interactions were studied here. Some other important points must be considered:

• Light collection in crystals: simulations performed with LITRANI (see talk of B. Genolini) and validation with experimental measurements.

• Noise and threshold effects (electronics, APDs...) can be included in GEANT4 simulations.

• Implementation of a more complicated geometry (using trapezoid crystals).

• Check the consequences of energy and position reconstruction errors by going back in the center of mass frame.

• Find out other methods to reconstruct position (algorithms using crystals energy correlation ? Cluster finding algorithms ? ...)

• Improve the primary generator event, following physics requirements (see talk of F. Skaza)