singapore american school newsflash, august 2006

Volume 9, Issue 1-06/07 - August 2006 MICA (P) 234/08/2005 A Singapore American School community service publication Flash News News Flash S ingapore American School families are invited to attend an Open House on Saturday, August 12. Students and parents will find class lists posted and be able to visit classrooms, meet teachers and pick up schedules. School uniforms will be available for purchase from the Booster Booth (on the second floor of the high school) and from the PTA in the Elementary Gymnasium. Vehicle Permits will be available in all school offices. Busing information will be available in the Elementary Theater. Community organizations such as SACAC, Scouts, EASA and many others will be at SAS for Open House. Cafeterias will be open as well as Subway and Juice Zone in the high school. Before you head home, don’t forget to visit the IS/MS Cafeteria where the PTA will be hosting an Ice Cream Social. Stop by to meet other families and enjoy ice cream compliments of the PTA.

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Newsflash, now Crossroads, was a Singapore American School community service publication.


Page 1: Singapore American School Newsflash, August 2006

Volume 9, Issue 1-06/07 - August 2006

MICA (P) 234/08/2005

A Singapore American School community service publication

FlashNewsNewsFlashS ingapore American School families are invited to attend an Open House on

Saturday, August 12. Students and parents will find class lists posted and be able to visit classrooms, meet teachers and pick up schedules.

School uniforms will be available for purchase from the Booster Booth (on the second floor of the high school) and from the PTA in the Elementary Gymnasium. Vehicle Permits will be available in all school offices. Busing information will be available in the Elementary Theater. Community organizations such as SACAC, Scouts, EASA and many others will be at SAS for Open House. Cafeterias will be open as well as Subway and Juice Zone in the high school.

Before you head home, don’t forget to visit the IS/MS Cafeteria where the PTA will be hosting an Ice Cream Social. Stop by to meet other families and enjoy ice cream compliments of the PTA.

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� SAS NewsFlash – August 2006

We welcome input from the community associated with Singapore American School

September NewSFlaSh

Deadline: September 1, 2006Publication Date: September 18, 2006

OctOber NewSFlaSh

Deadline: September 29, 2006Publication Date: October 16, 2006

Email Community NewsInput to [email protected]

Email Trading PostInput to [email protected]

Trading Post advertising is restricted to non-commercial items only from SAS students, parents and staff

Robert GrossSuperintendent of Schools

Rhonda NorrisAsst. Superintendent


David HossPrincipal

Primary School

Marian DeGrootPrincipal

Intermediate School

Robert GodleyPrincipal

Middle School

David NorcottPrincipal

High School

Mark BoyerAsst. Superintendent

Curriculum and Instruction

NEWSFLASH is published monthly by the Communications Office of the Singapore American School. It is distributed free of charge to the parents, faculty members and organizations served by the school.

COMMUNICATIONS OFFICESingapore American School

40 Woodlands Street 41Singapore 738547

Tel: 6360-6303SAS Website:

Editor: Mrs Beth GribbonAssistant: Ms Joey Lew






Are You Receiving What’s Happening at SAS?

We are sending all parents and guardians a regular weekly What’s Happening at SAS newsletter by email. If you have not been receiving the weekly email, probably we do not have your correct email ad-dress. Send us an email at [email protected] to give us your current email address. The distribution can include both parent email address-es. The weekly What’s Happening at SAS will also be posted on the website at

In This Issue

03 MessagefromSuperintendent

04 Alumni&Development

06 BoardofGovernors

08 OpenHouseMap

09 CalendarHighlights




16 BoosterClub

18 TheBigRedShoe

19 MathOlympiadProgram








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�SAS NewsFlash – August 2006






t’s M



A few months ago we celebrated our 50th anniversary as a school. While forecasting is often risky, I’m con-fident the next 50 years of the school’s history will be loaded with tales of heart warming success stories, major educational innovations and challenges we can’t envision at the present time. On the theory of

Winnie-the-Pooh that “nobody can be uncheered by a balloon,” we welcome you to Singapore American School and the start of the new school year.

The first teacher-parent-student activity is our open house scheduled Saturday, August 12 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. This is a wonderful time to meet the teachers, reconnect with friends and welcome families new to SAS. It’s also a great opportunity to pick up information on the numerous community groups and services that are available to the SAS parent and student community.

There are 51 new faculty members joining us this year. Of that group, 33 are from the United States, 5 from Canada, 2 from Australia, 2 from China, 2 from New Zealand, 1 from the UK, 1 from Brazil, 1 from France, 1 from Germany, 1 from South Africa, 1 from Singapore and 1 from Taiwan. Of that number, 43 have had previous international experi-ence. Our total professional staff of 333 is 67% American, 11% Canadian, 6% New Zealanders, 5% Australian, 4% Singaporean, 1% from the UK and the balance from 11 other countries.

We will open the school year with approximately 3700 students. This enrollment places us in compliance with the government lease that includes a stipulation of accommodating 3700 students on this 37 acre school site. We ended the 2005-06 school year with 3450 students. Our students represent 53 countries with 59% coming from the United States, 9% from Korea, 5% from Singapore, 4 % from India, 3 % from Canada, 3% from Japan, 2 % from Indonesia, 2% from the United Kingdom and the balance from 45 other countries.

The major phase of our building program was completed prior to school start in August, 2005; however, there were some important building and field enhancements this summer as well. Most of the work took place on the high school side of the campus. The high school gymnasium was upgraded to make the facility more conducive for student assem-blies now that the high school student population exceeds the capacity of the auditorium. The stadium bleachers were extended to overlook the fields on the west side of the stadium. Lavatory facilities were placed by the baseball/softball fields on the far corner of the campus. Finally, artificial turf was installed on two of the fields in back of the stadium bleachers. The open house on Saturday will give you a good opportunity to check out the summer projects.

Major initiatives for this school year include 1) the finalization of our math recommendations to be implemented in 2007-08; 2) the study of the admissions practices and management of student enrollment. This takes on additional significance now that we are at capacity on the Woodlands campus. The discussion will include the feasibility of open-ing another campus site in Singapore. There will be ample opportunity for the faculty and parent community to offer input on this issue; and 3) a continued emphasis on the Singapore American School Educational Foundation which is designed to provide funding for the enhancement of school programs and to ensure the financial future of Singapore American School.

We’re proud to be working with the Board of Governors, PTA, Booster Club, ARTS Council and SACAC in making this a wonderfully enjoyable school year for the student and parent community. Your comments, suggestions and ques-tions are always appreciated and encouraged.

Bob GrossSuperintendent of Schools

In This Issue

03 MessagefromSuperintendent

04 Alumni&Development

06 BoardofGovernors

08 OpenHouseMap

09 CalendarHighlights




16 BoosterClub

18 TheBigRedShoe

19 MathOlympiadProgram








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� SAS NewsFlash – August 2006



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B efore we begin the 2006-07 school year it is worth taking a minute to look at the accomplishments of the year behind us. It was, unquestionably, a special year for SAS with the celebration of the school’s founding in 1956. But behind

all of the ceremony, special visitors and exciting events something else happened: The Singapore American School Educational Foundation was established and more than $450,000 was donated by parents, alumni, staff, students and friends in our first Annual Fund Drive.

This is not an insignificant sum and the school is grateful to all who contributed. At a meeting of the Board of Governors, Finance Committee, in May it was determined that the funds collected should be distributed as follows:

• Financial Aid and Scholarships: $120,000• Athletic Programs, especially supporting intramural programs: $30,000• Visual and Performing Arts: $30,000• Community Service, especially to provide matching funds for student supported causes: $20,000• Special Projects: $50,000

This year’s special project will consist of a lecture series, under the auspices of the SAS Community Library, de-signed to provide information for parents regarding child development and community life.

In addition, $200,000 was placed in an endowment account where the interest generated will help with future ini-tiatives of the Annual Fund Drive and to assist in providing a secure financial future for SAS. The return of more than 400 alumni to SAS for the reunion and the resounding support of alumni throughout the world underline the importance to our student body that the school continue to thrive after they graduate.

Thank you to those who contributed to the 2005-06 Annual Fund. We look forward to your continued support. The Development Office as well as that of the Superintendent of Schools will be happy to answer your questions and to discuss the goals and purpose of the Educational Foundation at any time.

Initiatives for the 2006-07 Annual Fund Drive:

In addition to the previously listed areas of support, money raised in the 2006-07 Annual Fund Drive will be used to create a scholarship for a student, or students, from a developing Asian nation to attend the High School. We welcome the participation of any person or group who would like to assist with this project.

The creation and development of the Memory Garden continues to be an ongoing project. This garden will be dedi-cated to the memory of people and events that have helped shape our school.

Susan MurrayDirector of Alumni & Development Office

Creation and development of Memory Garden

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SAS Educational Foundation

The Singapore American School Educational Foundation

Donations to the Singapore American School Educational Foundation may be made in either U.S. or Singa-pore dollars. U.S. dollar donations are tax-deductible for U.S. tax purposes. Donations may be made at the Development Office at Singapore American School or online through our secure website. Go to the SAS website at and click on “Giving to SAS”. For more information about the Singapore American School Educational Foundation contact the Development Office at 6360-6329.

To support the following programs:

Community Service Projects $20,000

Athletics and Intramural Activities $30,000

Visual and Performing Arts Program $30,000

Funding for Special School Projects $50,000

Financial Aid for Students $120,000

Endowment Fund (Long-Term Investment) $200,000

Total Amount Donated for 2005-06: $450,000

Financial Aid for Students -- 27%

Funding for Special School Projects --11%Endowment Fund (Long-Term Investment) -- 44%

Community Service Projects -- 4%Athletics and Intramural Activities -- 7%

Visual and Performing Arts Program -- 7%

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� SAS NewsFlash – August 2006

Are You a Member of the American School Trust?

T he American School Trust Limited is the legal entity under which the Singapore American School oper-ates. Members of the Trust participate in the governance of the School by electing twelve fellow Trust members to the Board of Governors, who oversee the operations of the School.

In order to vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Trust, to be held this year on October 26, and to vote for candidates standing for election to the Board of Governors, you must be a member of the Trust.

To become a member of the Trust, you must apply directly: membership is not automatic. However, families new to SAS are members of the Trust because the Student Admission Form now includes a section for Trust applica-tion. Any parent or legal guardian of an SAS student, or any employee is eligible, and is encouraged, to join the Trust. There is no fee to join the Trust.

If you have not previously joined the American School Trust, or are unsure of whether or not you are a member, please call Board Secretary, Margaret Yeo, at 6360-6314 for assistance.








Board of Governors Elections to Be Held on October 26

A s part of the American School Trust’s Annual General Meeting, held this year at 7:00pm, October 26, Trust members will elect four Governors to the school’s 12-member Board of Governors by ballot.

The Board of Governors is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the operations of the school and provid-ing guidance to the school’s administration. Each Governor is elected to a three-year term, and while obliged to retire after completing his or her term, a retiring Governor may choose to stand for re-election. Four Governors will be retiring at this year’s AGM.

Trust members who wish to serve on the Board and stand for election will do so in the following manner:

Each candidate must file a written statement of his or her intention to stand for election, supported by the sig-natures of 30 members in good standing of the Trust, by October 5th. Filings should be made with the Board Secretary, Margaret Yeo. Forms for this purpose are available from Margaret, who is located in the Central Ad-ministration Office and can be reached at 6360-6314. Margaret will be pleased to answer any questions on the electoral process.

Candidates who would like to have biographical data and a photograph included in the school’s October monthly newsletter will also need to have this material submitted to Margaret by Tuesday, October 5th.

About the Board

T he Singapore American School Board of Governors is made up of twelve elected volunteers who serve three year terms and a minimum of two Board committees. All Board members are parents of current stu-dents and members of the Trust. The Board operates through its working committees: Facilities, Finance,

Curriculum, Trust and Executive Compensation.

More information about the SAS Board of Governors is available on the SAS website at

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�SAS NewsFlash – August 2006

Shelley DeFordChairman of the Board

Sally GreeneChairman Curriculum

Garth SheldonVice Chairman of the Board

Chairman Facilities

Carl StockingChairman Finance

Board of Governors

William BallBoard Member

Melanie Ng ChewBoard Member

Bob ComstockBoard Member

Tom LintonBoard Member

Maya RollBoard Member

Sheila WangBoard Member

Kirk HulseBoard Member

Bart BroadmanChairman Trust

Board Member since 1999Term ending 2008

Chairman of the BoardMember, Executive Committee

Member, Executive Compensation Committee Member, Finance Committee

Member, Trust Committee Representative, American Association

Board Member since 1999 Term ending 2008

Vice Chairman of the Board Chairman, Facilities Committee

Member, Finance Committee Member, Executive Committee

Board Member since 2000Term ending 2006

Chairman, Curriculum Committee Member, Executive Committee Member, Facilities Committee

Board Member since 2003 Term ending 2006

Chairman, Finance Committee Member, Trust Committee

Member, Executive Committee Member, Executive Compensation Committee

Board Member since 2001 Term ending 2007

Member, Facilities Committee Member, Trust Committee

Board Member since 2005 Term ending 2006

Chairman, Trust Committee Member, Finance Committee

Board Member since 2006Term ending 2007

Member, Curriculum Committee Member, Finance Committee

Board Member since 2002 Term ending 2008

Member, Curriculum Committee Member, Facilities Committee

Board Member since 2006 Term ending 2007

Member, Curriculum Committee Member, Trust Committee

Board Member since 2005 Term ending 2006

Member, Finance Committee Member, Trust Committee

Board Member since 2003 Term ending 2008

Member, Curriculum Committee Member, Facilities Committee

Board Member since 2004Term ending 2007

Member, Curriculum Committee Member, Facilities Committee

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� SAS NewsFlash – August 2006

IS Foyer/OfficeIS Classroom AssignmentsB

MS Foyer/OfficeMS Homebase AssignmentsG

Room M109MS Athletics & ActivitiesH

Elementary GymPTA SalesC

MS/IS CafeteriaPTA Ice Cream SocialF

PS Foyer/OfficePS Classroom AssignmentsA

High School 2nd Floor CafeteriaSubway & Juice ZoneM

On Campus ParkingP

Vehicle Pass/Decal - Available at PS/IS/MS/HS/Central Admin officeV

HS Athletics & Activities Office - HS S100DJ

HS Foyer/OfficeHS Homebase AssignmentsK

Drama Theater (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)HS New Student & Parent OrientationI

ECC Foyer/OfficeECC Classroom AssignmentsN

D Elementary GymAmerican AssociationAmerican Chamber of CommerceAmerican ClubAmerican EmbassyAmerican Womens’ AssociationANZA SoccerBoostersBoy ScoutsCaring for CambodiaConfraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)Cub ScoutsElementary After School Activities (EASA)Girl ScoutsHockeyNavy LeaguePTA Uniform SalesSACACSavitar TennisSingapore American NewspaperTabitha

Booster BoothBooster Sales/UniformL

Elementary TheaterBus InformationE

MS Waterfall



MS & HS Performing Arts

MS & HS Athletics



RunningTrack &Statidum


High School


Middle School

Intermediate School

Primary School





















PTA Office

Admissions Office

SAS Main Gate

MS School Pedestrian Gate

HDB Parking Lot



SAS Open House 2006

Blk 426A

Saturday August 12, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

During Open House only the front gate will be open for vehicular access. Parking will be available in front of the Primary School and Intermediate School, in the Elementary covered Car Park and the High School Basement Car Park and along the Middle School and High School driveway. In the event that parking space is not available on campus, a “Car Park Full Sign” will be displayed at the Front Gate. Additional parking is available at the HDB Car Park at Block 426A. The most direct access to the school is via the Middle School pedestrian gate. If parking in the HDB Car Park, please display hourly parking coupons and park in the white spaces.

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7-8 New Student Orientation9 NATIONAL DAY10-11 New Student Orientation10-12 PTA Uniform Sales 10:00am – 2:00pm (Elementary Gymnasium) Booster Booth Uniform Sales 10:00am – 2:00pm (HS 2nd Floor Lobby)12 Open House 10:00am – 2:00pm HS Orientation for Parents/Students New to SAS 9:00am – 12:00pm (Drama Theater/Studio Theater) PTA Ice-cream Social 10:00am – 2:00pm (IS/MS Cafeteria)14-18 SACAC Registration 9:00am – 4:00pm (SACAC Office)14-15 Parent Conference for Pre-Sch – Grade 214 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR GRADES 3 – 1215 PTA Board Meeting 9:30am (PTA Office)16 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR PRE-K – GRADE 2 PARENT CONFERENCE FOR PRE-SCH PTA MS New Parent Coffee 9:00am – 10:00am (PTA Office) PTA HS New Parent Coffee 11:00am – 12:00pm (PTA Office)

17 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR PRE-SCH PTA ECC/PS New Parent Coffee 9:00am – 10:00am (PTA Office) PTA IS New Parent Coffee 1:00am – 12:00pm (PTA Office)18 HS Welcome Back Dance 7:00pm – 10:00pm MS Gamma Pool Party 2:00pm – 3:00pm 19 SACAC Registration 9:00am – 12:00pm (HS Cafeteria)21 Booster Welcome Coffee 9:30am – 11:30am (H301)22 Boy Scout Registration/Parent BBQ 6:00pm – 7:30pm (H301) MS Back-to-School Night 7:00pm MS Classroom Without Walls Parent Night 7:00pm23 Alternate Dress Day24 IS Back-to-School Night 6.30pm – 8:30pm25 PTA General Meeting/Welcome Back Coffee 8:30am – 11:00am (Drama Theater)26 Girl Scout Registration 9:00am – 12:00pm (OFS)28 IS Parent Coffee 8:15am – 9:15am (5th Grade Grouproom, I311)29 MS Beginning Band Parent Night 6:00pm31 HS Back-to-School Night 7:00pm

August 2006 * Campus Mosquito Fogging, every Sunday 5:00pm – 7:00pm

1 Booster Club Race Night 6:00pm – 11:00pm (Turf Club)4 STUDENTS’ LATE START 10:00am No AM Pre-School due to late start PM Pre-School is in session MS Parent Coffee 10:00am (Drama Theater) Pre-Sch/Pre-K Parent Night Open House 6:30pm – 8:30pm5 K–Grade 2 Parent Night Open House 6:30pm – 8:30pm HS Parenting Class 7:00pm – 8:15pm (Library)7-8 Jostens on Campus7 Grade 4 Photo Day8 Grade 5 Photo Day9 Choir/Dance/Volleyball Exchanges in Kuala Lumpur Cross-Country Exchange in Bangkok Jazz Band Exchange in Taipei Soccer Exchange in Jakarta International Coastal Clean-up 7:45am – 12:30pm

11 6th Grade Classroom Without Walls Kindergarten Photo Day HS PTA Coffee 10:00am (H301) Grade 7 – 8 Photo Day12 PTA Board Meeting 9:30am (PTA Office) HS Parenting Class 7:00pm – 8:15pm (Library) 6th Grade Classroom Without Walls Grade 7-8 Photo Day Grade 1 Photo Day13-15 6th – 8th Grades Classroom Without Walls13 Alternate Dress Day SAS Community Library Lecture Series 7:00pm (Drama Theater) Grade 2 Photo Day14-15 Grades 9 – 11 Individual Yearbook Portraits 8:00am – 3:00pm14 ECC (Pre-Sch/Pre-K) Photo Day15-16 Peer Support Conference in Taipei15 PS/IS Photo Make-Up Day

September 2006

2006-2007 Vehicle PermitsYou must have a current 2006-2007 Vehicle Permit to drive your car

onto the SAS campus. Permits are available at all division offices and Central Administration and must be collected in person. Plan to get your permit the next time you are at SAS. Permits may be picked up during Open House on August 12. 2005-2006 permits will no longer be valid after September 15.

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10 SAS NewsFlash – August 2006

W elcome to the 2006-07 school year. To those of you returning to SAS, I would like to welcome you back from your summer

vacation. We all look forward to catching up with friends, and meeting new members of the SAS com-munity. For those who have just joined us at SAS, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our com-munity. By having your child or children enrolled at SAS you are automatically a member of PTA. During my time here in Singapore, I have participated on a number of committees and attended many of the func-

tions held at SAS, and strongly encourage you to become involved with organi-zations supporting the Singapore American School, such as the PTA. Participa-tion in these organizations is a wonderful way to meet many of the great people here in Singapore and to become involved with your child’s education.

Over the past four years we have seen dramatic changes in the school campus and we all should feel proud of the facilities that are available for our chil-dren. But the physical assets of SAS are only a small portion of the strength of our community. We look to you and your family to help us build the personal strength that SAS provides to our school and families.

As the new school year starts, the PTA is introducing our new logo to the com-munity. We have kept the logo similar to the SAS logo, but have created a distinct look to allow the community to recognize our unique organization. The star in the SAS logo has evolved in the PTA logo to feature two “human-like” star figures. The large star figure represents the PTA and the smaller one repre-sents the students. Both figures are reaching out to the same “height and point” to suggest a common goal and understanding. The “ribbon” suggests a “symbi-otic” relationship between parents and children. The SAS name is tucked under the larger figure’s arm to symbolize how the PTA works to support the school. We hope each time you see this logo you will think of PTA.

To get everyone back together and get the new school year started, I would like to invite you to attend the PTA Ice Cream Social during the SAS Open House on Saturday August 12, 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Intermediate/Middle School Caf-eteria. This event will be a great time to catch up with friends and to meet new members of our SAS family.

If you are new to SAS please stop by the PTA Office, located on the first floor of the Intermediate School half moon addition, during Open House to pick up your Welcome Pack and meet PTA Board members. We will be on hand to answer questions or just say hello. Included in your packet is the SAS PTA Directory along with Welcome Committee contact information.

For the first time we will be holding divisional New Parent Welcome Coffees the first week of school. If you are new to SAS these coffees will provide the opportunity to meet other new parents and get to know the school and PTA better in a smaller setting. Please check this issue of Newsflash or posters around school for dates and times.

I would also like to invite all of you to the PTA Welcome Back Coffee/General Meet-ing, which will be held at 8:30am to 11:00am on Friday August 25 in the Drama Theater. This will be a great opportunity to find out more about the plans for this school year, and to find ways to participate in activities sponsored by the PTA at SAS.

During the first few weeks of school you’ll see members of the PTA Board and Wel-come Committee around campus wearing name tags. Please feel free to stop any of us to introduce yourself or ask questions. You can also contact us at [email protected] or call any member of the Board or Welcome Committee. Their contact information can be found in the PTA section of the school website at

I look forward to seeing you around campus as we begin another year here at SAS.

Susan FayPTA President





(Pre-K through Grade 8)

August 10, 11 & 1210:00am - 2:00pmElementary Gym

Volunteer Sign-UpCall Sondra at

[email protected]


Join the PTA Sales Team!Volunteer 2 days per monthselling school uniforms.

Make new friends, trade travel tips, meet your child for lunch and so

much more.

Call Sondra Weber at 9137-0854




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CSACAC (Singapore American Community Action Council)

For more information about SACAC, visit our website

SACAC Sports is a community organization that runs many different athletic activities on campus at SAS. These activities are available for students at all grade levels and vary from season to season. Some of SACAC’s popular programs are gymnastics, cheerleading, football, soccer, softball and baseball. SACAC also offers a competitive swim program through the Fighting Fish swim team. The SACAC Sports office is located at SAS in the high school on the 2nd level. Registration for SACAC first season sports will take place in the SACAC office at SAS on Monday through Friday, August 14 – 18 from 9:00am to 4:00pm and on Saturday, August 19 from 9:00am – 12:00 noon. To participate in a SACAC sport or recreation class, you must be a member of SACAC. Information on membership and sports registration can be found on the SACAC website at or by calling SACAC Sports at 6363-6454.

SACAC Counseling and Community Programs is a resource with a wide variety of services including, psycho-logical counseling, workshops, a mental health library, community groups and more. The SACAC Counseling and Community Programs office is located at the American Club. For more information about their services email to SACAC at [email protected] or call 6733-9249.

FALL SACAC Sports Registration

Date: Monday, August 14 – Friday, August 18, 2006 Time: 8:00am – 4:00pm Venue: SACAC Sports Office

Date: Saturday, August 19, 2006Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pmVenue: HS Cafeteria

Registration for the First Season: American Football, Cheerleading, Flag Football, Soccer, Gymnastics, Fighting Fish, Tennis, Golf, and Wakeboarding

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Program Information and Upcoming Registration

Session One is launching soon!!! Program flyers and registration forms will be sent home on September 8 in backpack mail for EASA and EASA Language. Registration dates for Session One are September 11 to September 15. Programs and registration forms are avail-able on the EASA website at or contact the EASA office at 6360-6283.

About EASA at SAS

Elementary After School Activities (EASA) Elementary students at SAS can choose from a wide range of organized after school activi-ties. EASA classes have been designed to enhance and extend the student’s learning expe-rience in music, performing arts, arts & crafts, computers & technology, mind stretch and recreation. Classes are taught by dedicated and professional teachers – many of whom are SAS faculty. EASA flyers and registration forms are sent home with elementary students by backpack mail at the beginning of each session.

EASA Language – Ni Hao! Bonjour! Hola! Ahn Nyoung Ha Se Yo! Learning a second language can be fun and enriching! Singapore American School brings you another enrichment opportunity for your children through the EASA Language Program. Classes will be available in Mandarin, French, Spanish and Korean. This program provides an opportunity for your child to experience learning a second language in an activity-based curriculum. Students will be engaged in activities that are rich in visual cues and focus on developing communicative enjoyment and confidence. The program has been designed as a continuous three session curriculum and students are encouraged to participate for the entire three sessions to get maximum benefit from the program.

• 3 Sessions running from October to May• Classes on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays• 3:15pm – 4:15pm• Grade appropriate levels: ♦ Level A for KG - Grade 2 ♦ Level B for Grade 3 - 5• Professional and experienced teachers

Registration for Session One of EASA Language closes on September 15, 2006. Class sizes are limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. For more informa-tion visit the EASA website at or contact the EASA office at 6360-6283.

Adult Community EducationThe EASA office sponsors and manages classes for the SAS adult community. SAS par-ents, faculty and staff are welcome to attend. Classes and fees vary from session to session based on type of activity and length of session. All classes are held at SAS after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and are taught by professional and experienced teachers. EASA has offered classes in Mandarin, conversational ESL, PowerPoint, com-puter safety, jewelry making and art. Information and registration forms are sent to SAS families by email and through the SAS What’s Happening weekly email newsletter.

Need More InformationFor information about EASA programs and registration visit the EASA website at or call the EASA office at 6360-6283 or email [email protected].


SA EASA and EASA Language Program – Registration September 8, 2006

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About Boosters





The Singapore American School Eagles Booster Club provides volunteer parental support to athletic, cultural, extracurricular and scholastic activities

involving SAS high school students, and encourages awareness of these many exciting programs and accomplishments through active involvement and ongoing


Participation is encouraged for all parents and/or guardians of high school students attending Singapore American School and all other parties interested in supporting SAS high school students.

Booster volunteers sell uniforms and design specialty gift items, organize the Home Tour, assist with visual and performing arts productions, sponsor honor roll recognition events, awards evenings and the Senior Breakfast, grant Interim Scholarships, Senior Scholarships and Senior Spirit Awards, conduct bake sales and much more. With a broad range of activities, various talents and levels of time involvement are greatly appreciated.

For more information contactBooster President, Michelle Brunoehler,

at [email protected] or 9781-2582.



• August 21, 2006 (Welcome Coffee)• September 18, 2006• October 16, 2006• November 20, 2006• January 22, 2007• February 26, 2007• March 19, 2007• April 16, 2007• May 21, 2007

Booster Club MeetingsMeetings held in room H301

on Monday’s at 9:30am

August 10 10:00am – 2:00 pm

August 11 10:00am – 2:00 pm

August 12 09:00am – 2:00 pm

August 14 onwards, normal booth

hours begin 7:45am – 3:15pm

The Booster Booth only accepts

cash or check for payment.

Booster Booth Back to School Hours

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1� SAS NewsFlash – August 2006






W hen SAS 6th grade teacher, Peggy Smith, left Singapore in June, she brought with her many fond memo-ries of her time here. She also brought a memento from SAS that she hopes will help to keep the connec-tions strong between her home town of Halifax, Nova Scotia and Singapore American School.

Mrs. Smith bought a special piece of student artwork from SAS 7th grade student, Jerone Abueva, and brought it back to Canada. Jerone created The Big Red Shoe in her 7th grade art class with MS art teacher, Mr. Jeff Koltutsky. Having seen it on display in Central Administration, it reminded Peggy of another Big Red Shoe, a famous pub, back in Canada. The pub, a center for Celtic music in the Halifax area, is a meeting place for musicians favoring traditional Irish and Scottish music. Peggy will be donating the Big Red Shoe she purchased from Jerone to the Big Red Shoe Pub. It will serve as a reminder of good memories from SAS. Since the pub is also in close proximity to the summer home of SAS faculty members, Mike Molly and Mimi Molchan, the SAS Big Red Shoe at the Big Red Shoe Pub should help keep Singapore American School and SAS alumni connected for many years to come.

As SAS welcomes many new faculty mem-bers, students and families this August, we also hope that those that have moved on will find their own way to stay connected to SAS. If a good friend left SAS recently, encour-age them to register on our alumni website at

The Big Red ShoeDeparting Faculty – Keeping the Connections

Page 19: Singapore American School Newsflash, August 2006

1�SAS NewsFlash – August 2006

F orty-two students from the 5th grade of the Intermediate Division of SAS were among the 150,000 students world-wide to participate this year in the Math Olympiad program. They participated in a series of five monthly contests of five problems each, from November to March, and weekly after-

school practice sessions under the supervision and coaching of Tim Ramsey, Fabiola Lopez and Erin Millar. Students learned how to solve unusual and difficult problems and to think creatively.

• The gold pin is awarded to those in at least the 98th percentile (top 2%). Alex Briskman, with a score of 20 out of 25, was in this extraordinary group.

• The silver pin is awarded to those in the 90th to 97th percentiles, including the following students: Tanvi Ahuja, Derek Wang and Rohan Bharvani.

• The embroidered felt patch is awarded to those in at least the top 50% of all the participants, including the following students: Arianne Brakstad, Ryan Dunn, Jeong Eun Kim, Yuka Moroishi, Joshua Park, Janice Leung, Tamara Lam, Kyle Jo, Dean Chang, Nandita Baloo, Nihal Hakim, Sky Lalwani, Vijay Rajkumar, Radhika Kalra, Will Derasmo, Austin Yu, Iishaan Shekhar and Jacob Yoshimura.

• The SAS team finished in the top 20% of all competitors and was named to the National High Achieve-ment List.

The Math Olympiads serves over 4000 teams and 100,000 students in the U.S. and about 1800 teams and 35,000 students in 32 other countries. Since 1979, it has provided challenging, thought-provoking problems that stretch the abilities of students in grades 4 to 8. Our children have responded to the challenge with eagerness and enthu-siasm.




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Math Olympiad Program By Tim Ramsey, IS Librarian

T ournament of Minds (TOM), a program started in Australia, features teams from various international schools in Singapore. The school teams compete

against each other to solve open-ended problems from one of the following disciplines: Language-Literature, Math-En-gineering and Social Sciences. Teams are required to work together for six weeks to develop a solution to the problem, drawing upon ideas contributed by each member of the group. The preparation includes extensive research and writing. On Tournament Day, teams have ten minutes to present their so-lutions, in the form of a skit, to the judges and the audience. Many teams incorporate innovative costumes and props into their presentation. All teams must also solve a spontaneous problem given to them by the judges.

This year, SAS sent 4 teams of Intermediate School students to TOM, which was held in May at the Australian International School. All the teams had fun competing, and one of the SAS teams won first place in the Social Sciences category. This marks the second year in a row that an SAS team has won in this category. Congratulations to the winning team and to all the SAS TOM participants.

Tournament of MindsBy Mae Anderson, SAS Parent

L–R: Sarah Anderson, Isabelle Tan, Emily Bigler, Amanda Lutt, Sarah Christnacht, Katie Walton, Aaron Ross

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