sistem cerdas.docx

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  • 8/10/2019 sistem cerdas.docx


    Sistem cerdas merupakan sebuah mesin, atau pun hardware yang diciptakan untuk membantu kerja

    manusia yang didesain agar bisa mengambil keputusan sendiri saat dihadapkan pada sebuah masalah.

    Jadi seperti layaknya seorang manusia system cerdas dapat berpikir dan menganalisa situasi, mengambil

    keputusan berdasarkan data yang telah diberikan dan melakukan tindakan atas data tersebut.

    Banyak sekali system cerdas yang dikembangkan dalam dunia mikrosystem. Dengan mengkombinasikanteknologi dan komponen komponen mikrosistem dengan pengetahuan dalam bidang teknologi,sains,

    biologi, kimia atau ilmu sains lainnya akan tercipta mikrosistem yang sangat bermanfaat. Penggunaan

    system cerdas dewasa ini banyak digunakan pada teknolgi manufacturing, teknologi dunia medis,

    automotive, aerospace, dan bidang sejenisnya.

    Berdasarkan kemampuan yang dimiliki system cerdas tersebut ,maka system cerdas dapat dibagi

    menjadi 3, antara lain :


    Fuzzy logic


    Neural Netwrok


    algoritma matematika

    Logik fuzzy adalah hasil pendekatan atau rerata dari banyak nilai. Logika fuy memiiki nilai

    kebenaran antar 1 dan 0.

    Dalam dunia sains computer neural netwok atau artificial neurl network merupakan model

    computer yang menyerupai mahluk hidup (khususnya system vena pada otak). Neural network

    meniru pola dan cara kerja system mahluk hidup tersebut. Contohnya neural netrwork untuk

    pengenalan tulisan tangan.

    Algoritma matematika merupakan kumpulan perintah untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah.

    Perintah-perintah ini dapat diterjemahkan secara bertahap dari awal hingga akhir. Masalah

    tersebut dapat berupa apa saja. Algoritma sering mempunyai langkah pengulangan (iterasi)

    atau memerlukan keputusan (logika Boolean danperbandingan)sampai tugasnya selesai.

    Selanjutnya cara kerja sistetm cerdas sendiri dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu :


    Sensitif problem


    Fix Problem

    Maksudnya dari sensitive probem disini adalah suatu kejadian masalah yang dalam

    penyelesaiannya tidak dapat diprediksi. Jadi hasilnya ditentukan oleh statistic. Sedangkan fix

    problem, adalah suatu masalah yang penyelesaiannnya dapat di prediksikan.

    Sensitiff problem ini bisa dikaitka dengan isilah yang namanya butterfy effect. Butterfly

    effect adalah karena suatu perubahan kecil pada system nonlinear pada initial kondisinya

    dapat menyebabkan perubahan besar pada hasil akhirya.

    Inchaos theory,the butterfly effectis thesensitive dependency oninitial conditionsin which asmall change at one place in a deterministicnonlinear systemcan result in large differences in a
  • 8/10/2019 sistem cerdas.docx


    later state. The name of the effect, coined byEdward Lorenz,is derived from the theoretical

    example of a hurricane's formation being contingent on whether or not a distant butterfly had

    flapped its wings several weeks earlier.

    Although the butterfly effect may appear to be an esoteric and unlikely behavior, it is exhibited

    by very simple systems. For example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill may roll into anysurrounding valley depending on, among other things, slight differences in its initial position.

    The butterfly effect is a commontropein fiction, especially in scenarios involvingtime travel.Additionally, works of fiction that involve points at which the storyline diverges during a

    seemingly minor event, resulting in a significantly different outcome than would have occurred

    without the divergence, are an example of the butterfly effect.


    ncomputer scienceand related fields, artificial neural networksare computationalmodels

    inspired by animals'central nervous systems(in particular thebrain)that are capable ofmachine

    learningandpattern recognition.They are usually presented as systems of interconnected

    "neurons"that can compute values from inputs by feeding information through the network.

    For example, in a neural network forhandwriting recognition,a set of input neurons may be

    activated by the pixels of an input image representing a letter or digit. The activations of theseneurons are then passed on, weighted and transformed by some function determined by the

    network's designer, to other neurons, etc., until finally an output neuron is activated that

    determines which character was read.

    Like other machine learning methods, neural networks have been used to solve a wide variety of

    tasks that are hard to solve using ordinary rule-based programming, includingcomputer visionandspeech recognition.


    Fuzzy logicis a form ofmany-valued logic;it deals withreasoningthat is approximaterather than fixed and exact. Compared to traditionalbinarysets (where variables may

    take ontrue or false values)fuzzy logic variables may have atruth valuethat ranges in

    degree between 0 and 1. Fuzzy logic has been extended to handle the concept of partialtruth, where the truth value may range between completely true and completely false .


    Furthermore, whenlinguisticvariables are used, these degrees may be managed by

    specific functions. Irrationality can be described in terms of what is known as thefuzzjective.

    [citation needed]
  • 8/10/2019 sistem cerdas.docx


    A lot of smart systems evolved frommicrosystems.They combine technologies and components

    from Microsystems technology (miniaturized electric, mechanical, optical and fluidic devices)with knowledge, technology and functionality from other disciplines like biology, chemistry,

    nano sciences or cognitive sciences. Major application fields of smart systems are manufacturingtechnologies, medical technologies, automotive, aerospace, safety and security, logistics and


    In an industrial context, and when emphasising the combination of components with the aim of

    merging their functional and technical abilities into an interoperable system, the term smart

    systems integrationis used. This term reflects the industrial requirement and particularchallenge of integrating different technologies, component sizes and materials into one system.

    They are capable of describing and analyzing a situation, and taking decisions based on the available

    data in a predictive or adaptive manner, thereby performing smart actions. In most cases the

    smartness of the system can be attributed to autonomous operation based onclosed loop control,

    energy efficiency and networking capabilities.Sistem cerdas sendiri dibagi jadi dua criteria yaitu area

    sensitive dan area tidak sensitive.

    Sistem cerdas bertujuan untuk membuat mesin dapat berinteraksi dengan manusia layaknya cara

    manusia manusia berpikir, mengambil keputusan, dan bertindak. Tujuannya tak lain adalah untukmembantu, memudahkan, dan mengefisienkan kerja manusia. Sistem cerdas mampu mengenali pola

    dalam interaksinya dengan manusia sehingga mampu menyerap pengalaman