siv courses information 2015

Paragliding School ENTRENÚVOLS Camí del Montsec, s/n 25691 - Àger (Catalonia) [email protected] +34 973455023 09:00-14:00 +34 639776659 16:00-20:00 SAFETY (SIV) & ACRO Courses information 2015

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Extended information about 2015 SIV courses of Entrenúvols.


Page 1: SIV courses information 2015

Paragliding School


Camí del Montsec, s/n25691 - Àger (Catalonia)

[email protected]

+34 973455023 09:00-14:00

+34 639776659 16:00-20:00

SAFETY (SIV) & ACROCourses information


Page 2: SIV courses information 2015

Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]

entrenúvolsIntroduction We are very glad to start our 12th season! Yes, 12 years of SIV clinics!

A safety course is intended to help the pilot to progress, reinforce or up-date in its piloting skills.Our goal is very simple: FLYING SAFERNaturally Free Flight implies to fly in thermal conditions (turbulent condi-tions) and paraglider is not a rigid structure, so it is normal that it collapses.Piloting skills needed to fly safely in rough air are high and we need to know how to control the wing to avoid collapses and/or to recover the situ-ation in a collapse or incident.A safety course is intended to understand paraglider reactions to allow us react in the right way when an incident occurs.We will teach you practically, theoretically and we will see psychological factors involved in paragliding safety.This is not a course intended to push you over your limit, lead in extreme situations or similar. These courses are intended to learn and familiarize about paraglider behaviour and gain confidence.Also, is not intended as a one-time course. Is intended to be a continuous formation. It will be good that every “x” time pilot refresh and practice its SIV skills. “x” depends on many factors like your annual flying hours, for example.An SIV course should be recommended before put you in a unsafe condi-tions (flying in thermal conditions).50 flights pilot is a perfect candidate to do its first SIV course to start to fly in thermal conditions.Acro courses are intended to pilots searching learn or progress to fly acro and/or learn new tricks. It’s mandatory to understand perfectly all the wing reactions and be able to control any incident.All courses are customized for each pilot. We try any pilot fly over its pos-sibilities. This decision is made by pilot or instructor.SIV stands for “Simulation des Incident en Vol” in french, very similar to Catalan or Spanish. Correct denomination for our courses should be SMIV (M for “Matriage”, Control) but it sounds horrible ;-)Really, our courses include recovery techniques and piloting techniques to control the wing and avoid incidents in flight.

What is it a SIV course?

Paragliding Safety & acro coursesGENERAL information

Page 3: SIV courses information 2015

Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]


10 years teaching SIV

History 2003Entrenúvols began teaching SIV cours-es in Annecy.2004Inauguration of our SIV Centre, in La Po-bla de Segur, close to Àger.We fly thanks a tow boat in a magic place...2005 - 2007Over all these years it has become an ideal area to practise these courses and also has drawn attention to EN tests laboratories and makers to test wings. We start to work with Aerotests (FFVL), and also our instructor Jordi Marquillas become a test pilot.2008We buy a new boat and make our own winch with our needs and experi-ence. It makes us very happy to see the power and faster tows and less meteo dependant!This year ends with disaster... our tow boat crash during transportation...2009-2010New boat again and a evolution of our winch and... Revolution! Together with Raul Rodriguez and Oscar Atillo we organize the only 2 acro competi-tions in Spain: Revolution.

Paragliding Safety & acro coursesGENERAL information

2015 new season

2015 news New engine: More power, more efficiency and more reliable. We want to reduce as maximum as possible technical problems during our courses.Discounts: If you have done any SIV course with Entrenúvols and want to come back we will be very happy to see you again! We will give you a 5% discount.Updated content: As every season we update theoretical and practical con-tents as gliders design evolve and of course, its reactions and methods to pilot and control. You will understand what means shark nose, 2/3 risers, rods, etc...

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Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]

entrenúvolsCourses take place in Sant Antoni reservoir, near La Pobla de Segur, 40’ far from Àger where we have the school. The area is known for its regular breeze and protected from West strong winds allowing us to fly many days over the year and practically we have to cancel 0 courses every year.This is not a flying site and only it’s possible to fly with a towing boat, so we are flying alone, without any disturbing gliders or pilots around.Also is a touristic place with a little beach and a bar-restaurant (Xiringuito) near the take-off/landing place where we normally go to lunch.

Our SIV Centre

The site

Boat, winch, lake

Infrastructure We use a power boat with a payout winch to gain altitude. It allows us to take the pilot about 800m over the water. (Our record is close to 1500m)Winch has no difficulties. Only some advantages:• Avoid to go up to the take off, this means to pack the glider, van ride,

unpack glider fight with other pilots in a crowded take off... all the day running against clock to do more flights.

• Between flights we only have to leave our glider on the shadow, lie down and relax till next flight. You have permanent contact with the instructor and we can do more briefings.

• Very good efficiency. We have an average effective altitude of 800m. This means it’s the same 2 flights here than 3 flights in Annecy...

• See other pilots evolution. It is very important pedagogical factor. It helps a lot to see other pilots doing the same and be possible to com-ment just landed.

• Instructor is with the pilots all the day to resolve any doubt or comment the flights just landed.

• Weather dependence is very low. Take-off and landing is the same place and we normally has same breeze all the days. It is a low turbulence place, mild conditions over the water.

• We fly from may to mid September, uninterrupted.• Don’t leave your swimsuit at home! You can swim if you are bored see-

ing full stalls, reserve deployments or SATs...

First day meeting and all the theoretical lessons will be at our school, in Àger. Àger is a little village close to Pyrenees. Best way to get here is fly to Barcelona and rent a car. We are 2h far from Barcelona.Alternatively you can take a bus from Barcelona to Lleida and then another one to Àger (you can buy a single ticket for both buses). More info:

How to arrive

Arriving here

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Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]

entrenúvolsParagliding Safety & acro coursesGENERAL information

Pro team wit long experience

Team Entrenúvols professional and instructors team allow to do the courses in a friendly and safely environment.Our team has many years of experience managing boats and winches.

SIV instructor is Jordi Marquillas.He has 12 years experience teaching SIV and Acro.

SIV Master Instructor certified by APPI.Active member of APPI. Teacher on 2013 Latin APPI Workshop for Instruc-tors, SIV and acro instructors.

Jordi Marquillas is a Test Pilot of EN norm for Aérotests (FFVL laboratory) for 10 years.It allows him to stay connected with latest tendencies of design and be-haviour of gliders and with manufacturers and designers.

With not a full-time dedication he is XC and Acro competition pilot. Has been a Spanish XC Team member and is a currently Spanish Acro Team member.2013 XC Spanish Championship of Sport class.

Courses information

The courses We suggest 4 different courses:COURSE DURATION PRICE APPI

BASIC SIV 4 days / 6 flights 510€ SIV Pilot

ADVANCED SIV 4 days / 8 flights 660€ Advanced SIV Pilot

ACRO 4 days / 8 flights 660€ ACRO Pilot

REFRESHER SIV 3 days / 6 flights 510€


Basic SIV is intended as an introduction to control techniques for the most common situations.Advanced SIV is intended as a full loaded course where we will see all the possible situations in a paraglider. Is for pilots who wants to learn to con-trol its wing to the highest level.Acro course is for experimented pilots who perfectly master all SIV techniques and want to safely learn acro manoeuvres Refreshing SIV is intended for pilots who al-ready did an SIV course and want to update or expand knowledge.

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Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]


Recognition of skills and legalities

Qualifications Entrenúvols CertificateCatalan or Spanish Associations does not have any specific qualification for SIV Pilots.We can give you a private certificate that say what you did.

APPI - Association of Paragliding Pilots and InstructorsEntrenúvols is an APPI recognized school and our SIV Instructor Jordi Mar-quillas is SIV Master Instructor.We will give APPI certification to all our students: SIV Pilot for Basic SIV course and Advanced SIV Pilot for Advanced SIV course.Validation of this certification depends on every country. But is a world-wide organization that validates your knowledge.

What I will learn in this course?

Contents Entrenúvols courses are not only practical. Even be one of the more gener-ous in flight time, we give many importance to theoretical knowledge.All our courses include:- Safety gear check. We will check if your rescue works- Theoretical classes. Design evolution, behaviour, certification, etc...- Practical classes. After end of briefing, we have to fly!- HD video filming. We will analyse flights every day- Rescue deployment practice. Optional, but recommended!

To use the tow-boat allow us to maximize optimization of flight time: de-pending on weather conditions, pilot and glider we can have from 600m to 1200m of effective altitude to practise. An average of 800m.In Annecy, for example, we have from 400m to 600m of effective altitude, depending on weather conditions.This means 2 flights here equals to 3 flights in Annecy.If for any reason you get too low, we will repeat your flight. It takes only 10-15’.

Organization of courses

Program First Day:16h30’ Meet at our school, in Àger Harness safety check Course introduction and safety briefing Flight briefing and theory for the next day2nd day to end8h Departure to SIV Centre, at Sant Antoni lake.9h30’ Flights beginmidday lunch at “Xiringuito” or Terradets Hotelafternoon Debriefing and flight analysis Theoretical lessons Briefing and theory for the next day.Days are very intense and we end late. We recommend you to come re-laxed and ready to concentrate and learn a lot in a few days!Of course, weather can change our plans, but it is not normal. We normally can follow this plan on 99% of days.

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Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]

entrenúvolsPresentation First step of SIV techniques.

You will learn basic techniques to control common situations in thermal flights.You will also learn active piloting techniques to learn to anticipate to the incident avoiding it.We will try to teach you all the essential technique all pilots should master to fly safely in thermal flights.Doing this course you will obtain APPI SIV Pilot certification.

Summary of the course

Goals • Increase piloting skills.• Recognize in-flight incidents and control the wing in rough air• Learn most common descent manoeuvres.• Take correct decisions on an in-flight incident.

Courses’s goals

Paragliding Safety & acro coursesBASIC SIV course

Target pilots for this course

For who? Pilots from 50 flights who wants to learn to control his wing to begin to fly in turbulent conditions (thermal flights).Pilots with any experience who don’t want to do more demanding ma-noeuvres.

How long it takes

Duration The course lasts 6 flights and 4 days, normally. It can vary from 3 to 5 days depending of weather conditions and number of pilots.If weather wants, we will extend the course.

What you need to enrol in a course

Requisites We don’t need any certification/insurance as we are a professional school and we have an insurance for our customers/students/pilots.All we need is the pilot will be able to takeoff and land for it’s own safely.

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Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]


Theoretical topics:• Manoeuvres: sensations, simulation and resolution• Emergency rescue: types, use, frequent problems...• New technologies and consequences: 2 & 3 risers, rods, shark nose...• Aerodynamics: Pressure centre displacement, profiles, etc...• Pendulum theory: dolphins, dives types, etc...Practice is not enough if we don’t know what we will do. For every manoeu-vre we will learn:• Sensations: What we feel in different steps• Origin: It’s an incident, piloting error, induced manoeuvre?• Resolution: How to act to control our glider• Prevention: How to act to avoid this situation• Consequences: Reactions of our glider• Simulation: How we will induce the manoeuvre over the lake.

We will talk about all of this on the classroom and we will remember it just before the flight.

Optionally, we offer pedagogi-cal tandem flights.

Manoeuvres This is the complete manoeuvres plan we will practise on the course.We adapt the course to every pilot. If a pilot don’t want to do any of the ma-noeuvres or instructors thinks pilot should not do it, we simply avoid this manoeuvre. It is better to learn less, but good than do more without control.Remember: We don’t want to put you in any uncontrolled situation.

• Amplitude - brake range.• Big Ears (paraxutal research).• Asymmetric collapse.• Frontal collapse.• “Dolphins”• Dive control• Spirals• Wing Overs (only weight and with brakes)• Avoidance manoeuvre• Alternative piloting to D (or C)• B stall (optional)• Emergency rescue throwing (optional)

IMPORTANT NOTE: This schema is a guidance, is the evolution plan but each pilot develops differently. As we stated before, pilot or instructor can decide to modify this plan. Main goal is control the wing, not loose control of the wing! It can be dangerous and counterproductive for the learning.

Which manoeuvres will practice?


Course development

Paragliding Safety & acro coursesBASIC SIV course

Page 9: SIV courses information 2015

Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]

entrenúvolsThe complete safety course. Intended for who wants to know all the para-gliding reactions.You will learn to control and recover your glider from any situation caused by turbulence (flight incident), piloting error or utility manoeuvre.You will also learn active piloting techniques to avoid all these situations.Finally, you will also learn all the rapid descent manoeuvres.Acro is not the goal on this course but we will use acro inspired techniques to allow us to control the wing.This course is mandatory for any pilot who wants to learn acro flying.This course is intended to teach the pilot not only to see and wait for the glider reaction, we will teach to act during and incident to control the wing.Manoeuvre order is intended to not lead pilot into a resulting manoeuvre that still doesn’t know, increasing difficulty in every manoeuvre.

Intended for pilots of any experience who wants to learn to control his wing to fly in rough air (thermal conditions) and know and control glider reac-tions in any situation.Pilots whom wants to introduce in acro flying. This course is the basis for learning acro techniques and progress in a safely way.

Paragliding Safety & acro coursesADVANCED SIV course


Summary of the course

Target pilots for this course

For who?

Goals • Increase piloting skills.• Recognize all in-flight incidents• Control the wing in rough air• Learn descent manoeuvres.• Take correct decisions on an in-flight incident.

Courses’s goals

How long it takes

Duration The course lasts 8 flights and 5 days, normally. It can vary from 4 to 6 days depending of weather conditions and number of pilots.If weather wants, we will extend the course.

What you need to enrol in a course

Requisites We don’t need any certification/insurance as we are a professional school and we have an insurance for our customers/students/pilots.All we need is the pilot will be able to takeoff and land for it’s own safely.

Page 10: SIV courses information 2015

Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]

entrenúvolsThis is the complete manoeuvres plan we will practise on the course.We adapt the course to every pilot. If a pilot don’t want to do any of the ma-noeuvres or instructors thinks pilot should not do it, we simply avoid this manoeuvre. It is better to learn less, but good than do more without control.Remember: We don’t want to put you in any uncontrolled situation.

• Amplitude - brake range.• Big Ears (paraxutal research).• Asymmetric collapse.• Frontal collapse.• “Dolphins”• Dive control• Spirals / Steep Spiral• Wing Overs (only weight and with brakes)• Autorrotation• Full stall• Spin• Paraxutal phase research• Avoidance manoeuvre• Alternative piloting to D (or C)• B stall (optional)• Emergency rescue throwing (optional)

IMPORTANT NOTE: This schema is a guidance, is the evolution plan but each pilot develops differently. As we stated before, pilot or instructor can decide to modify this plan. Main goal is control the wing, not loose control of the wing! It can be dangerous and counterproductive for the learning.

Paragliding Safety & acro coursesADVANCED SIV course


Which manoeuvres will practice?

Methodology Theoretical topics:• Manoeuvres: sensations, simulation and resolution• Emergency rescue: types, use, frequent problems...• New technologies and consequences: 2 & 3 risers, rods, shark nose...• Aerodynamics: Pressure centre displacement, profiles, etc...• Pendulum theory: dolphins, dives types, etc...Practice is not enough if we don’t know what we will do. For every manoeu-vre we will learn:• Sensations: What we feel in different steps• Origin: It’s an incident, piloting error, induced manoeuvre?• Resolution: How to act to control our glider• Prevention: How to act to avoid this situation• Consequences: Reactions of our glider• Simulation: How we will induce the manoeuvre over the lake.

We will talk about all of this on the classroom and we will remember it just before the flight.

Optionally, we offer pedagogical tandem flights.

Course development

Page 11: SIV courses information 2015

Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]

entrenúvolsMore and more, acro is a category more important in the paragliding world.During many years it has been a frowned modality for many people, includ-ing flying authorities. Lucky us (paragliding community) every day is more popular and accepted.

It is a highly fast evolving modality with more adepts and interested pilots.There are some “easy” tricks we can do with any glider and another tricks we need an specific acro wing and high skill level and many hours of practice. It is a totally different modality than XC.Like any modality, is necessary to learn piloting techniques for progress fast and safe.Acro flying is potentially dangerous. Viewing others to perform acrobatics We can wrongly think that is easy, but not, it is hard to coordinate all piloting actions and we have to learn to harmo-nize the movements and feel the glider.

Due to the big variety of different tricks and piloting skills, it is a totally customized course.

Paragliding Safety & acro coursesACRO course


Summary of the course

Intended for pilots with a perfect control of all the SIV techniques and want to introduce in acro flying or progress in acro flying.

Target pilots for this course

For who?

Goals • Increase piloting skills.• Introduction to acro flying• Control the basic tricks• Safety & acro

Courses’s goals

How long it takes

Duration The course lasts 8 flights and 5 days, normally. It can vary from 4 to 6 days depending of weather conditions and number of pilots.If weather wants, we will extend the course.

What you need to enrol in a course

Requisites We don’t need any certification/insurance as we are a professional school and we have an insurance for our customers/students/pilots.To take part in this course is mandatory:• Master all SIV techniques from

Advanced SIV• We will not accept any pilot who

doesn’t master all manoeuvres, specially full stalls.

• In case the pilot doesn’t meets the above points, can do the Ad-vanced SIV or opt to the devolu-tion of 50% of the course.

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Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]

entrenúvolsTricks We can resume the acro tricks in 3 basic manoeuvres:

Full stall, Wing Over and SAT.Depending on the piloting skills of the pilot will start to develop each of these 3 manoeuvres.Note that it is impossible to learn all the tricks in one course.FULL STALL:Most important manoeuvre in acro. An acro pilot needs to do it with closed eyes! We need it for safety and for develop tricks. It can develop to:• TAIL SLIDE:• PARACHUTAL PHASE:• DYNAMIC FULL STALL:• HELICOPTER:WING OVER:The second most important trick. If we can do huge Wing Overs we will understand all the paragliding dynamics and pendulum movements. We will be able to play with energy. We will learn to:• WING OVER:• ASYMMETRIC SPIRAL or WING OVER:• LOOPINGSAT:Now, maybe the easiest trick in acro. Invented by Raul Rodríguez. It takes the name of his team: “Safety Acro Team”.COMBINATIONS:• We do a little list of some possible combinations.• TWISTER (HELICO TO HELICO)• McTWIST• ASYMMETRIC SAT• MISTY FLIP

Which tricks can I learn?

Paragliding Safety & acro coursesACRO course

Methodology Theoretical topics:• Manoeuvres: sensations, simulation and resolution• Emergency rescue: types, use, frequent problems...• New technologies and consequences: 2 & 3 risers, rods, shark nose...• Aerodynamics: Pressure centre displacement, profiles, etc...• Pendulum theory: dolphins, dives types, etc...Practice is not enough if we don’t know what we will do. For every manoeu-vre we will learn:• Sensations: What we feel in different steps• Origin: It’s an incident, piloting error, induced manoeuvre?• Resolution: How to act to control our glider• Prevention: How to act to avoid this situation• Consequences: Reactions of our glider• Simulation: How we will induce the manoeuvre over the lake.

We will talk about all of this on the classroom and we will remember it just before the flight.

Optionally, we offer pedagogical tandem flights.

Course development

Page 13: SIV courses information 2015

Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]

entrenúvolsMost important factor for a rap-id response to an incident is to have automatized the move-ments. It allow us to act without thinking, just acts. For example, a gear change while driving.There is only one tip: many hours of practice.Many manoeuvres can be prac-tised over the ground but some others not in a safely way.This course is intended to try to automate all the movements and update knowledge of SIV techniques that evolve over time.

Paragliding Safety & acro coursesREFRESHER SIV course


Summary of the course

Pilots who already take part of an Advanced SIV and want to refresh, up-date or expand knowledge and experience.Pilots who already done a Basic SIV recently and want to expand knowl-edge.To maximize knowledge we encourage to do the Advanced SIV course, with more flights included.

Target pilots for this course

For who?

Goals • Increase piloting skills• Recognize all in-flight incidents• Control the wing in rough air• Learn descent manoeuvres• Learn Active Piloting techniques• Take correct decisions on an in-flight incident.• Update knowledge and learn new techniques• Automate movements

Courses’s goals

How long it takes

Duration The course lasts 6 flights and 4 days, normally. It can vary from 3 to 5 days depending of weather conditions and number of pilots.If weather wants, we will extend the course.

Requisites We don’t need any certification/insurance as we are a professional school and we have an insurance for our customers/stu-dents/pilots.All we need is the pilot will be able to takeoff and land for it’s own safely.

Page 14: SIV courses information 2015

Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]


What you should know

For any pilot who has done a course and want to practise in a safely envi-ronment with supervision and safety boat. It not includes flight guidance, theoretical lessons and video record.It is possible to do these flights while we are doing SIV courses.


Test before buy a glider

Entrenúvols is a TEST CENTRE of AirDesign, Nervures & Advance. If you are interested to test any glider from these manufacturers you can contact us and fly our demo gliders. Remember that is a complimentary test flight of mountain flight. You will be able to test for yourself the wing reactions in an extreme conditions.

Paragliding Safety & acro coursesPROGRESSION flights

Pilots who already take part of any SIV course with Entrenúvols and want to practise and gain experience on already mastered manoeuvres.We only accept pilots who already had done a SIV course with Entrenúvols.Every pilot has to inform of which manoeuvres want to perform.Entrenúvols reserves the right to limit the difficulty of manoeuvres or re-fuse a pilot with daredevil attitude or a clearly lack of control of his glider.Remember: improve is not the same to learn. If you want to learn, you can do any of our courses!

Target pilots for this course

For who?

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Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]

entrenúvolsParagliding Safety & acro coursesGENERAL information


What do you need to do the course

You will need, basically, a complete paragliding equipment: glider, harness, rescue and 2m VHF radio.

PARAGLIDER:Ideally, the glider you normally flies. The best glider to learn is not a comp glider, is a low certified glider (EN B glider can be very good). But in the real world we will have to learn to fly with the glider we have. So most important is to know our equipment.Preferably a certified wing. In this way we will ensure a certified reactions. But is possible to do a SIV course with uncertified wings.

HARNESS:Same recommendation: use the harness you fly usually.We do not modify any safety related component of your harness. It is pref-erably that a foam floats than your back broken in a hard landing (water or ground). In 10 years we had no accidents but many pilots has the bad habit to land with his bottom and it can be very dangerous on the ground. If a pilot don’t threw his rescue in time for any reason, he will enter to the water very fast and it is very important to have his back protected. If the foam or Airbag floats, our fast boat will help you in few seconds and we will teach you how to use your harness as a floating device to help you, not to disturb.

EMERGENCY RESCUE:Certified, checked and not expired. It is a safety device that should be in perfect condition. First day of the course we will check your harness and rescue installation. If something is dangerous we can refuse to admit the pilot. We can invite him to solve the problem to allow him to do the course.

RADIO:A VHF radio wit its charger. We will give you a waterproof bag.

We encourage to take spare clothes, swimsuit and solar protection.

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Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]


What we give

Besides theoretical lessons and flights the course includes:

• Life-jackets• Waterproof bags for the radio• Rescue packing in case of accidentally open or water drop• SIV certificate (under petition)• Video record• Fast safety boat

Not included

What is optional

• Rescue drying, packing and check installation once course finished.• Flying equipment• Accommodation and meals• Displacement from Àger to SIV Centre (Sant Antoni reservoir, La pobla

de Segur). Normally pilots organize one car to go together.


2015 courses

2015 calendar is:

• 19 - 24 APRIL• 3 - 7 MAY• 8 - 12 JUNE• 2 - 6 AUGUST• 16 - 20 AUGUST• 30 - 3 AUGUST - SEPTEMBER

We start the course at 16h30’ of the first day of course at Entrenúvols school.

We can modify this calendar. Please, visit our web to check the updated calendar.

It is possible to organize courses in other dates. We need a minimum of 5 pilots.

We encourage to plan some extra days to fly in Àger. It is a superb flying place!

Paragliding Safety & Acro coursesGENERAL information

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Camí del Montsec, s/n, 25691 Àger - Tel: +34 973455023 / +34 / [email protected]



SIV registration

You have to fill this form to register for an SIV course:

After receiving the booking request we will confirm you availability by email and we will give you 5 days to confirm the place. Registration is confirmed when we receive the deposit.

Get a 5% discount for confirmations before February 15th. Book fast and get a discount!Remember: If you already done an SIV course with Entrenúvols you will get a 5% discount to do another course.We need a minimum of 5 pilots to do the course. We will confirm 1 week before the beginning of the course.For information: Never we had to cancel a course for few pilots. Normally we have too many pilots for a course...

We encourage to book as soon as possible to ensure a place on the course you want.

Feel free to contact us for any question!Hope to see you soon in Àger!Best Regards,

Jordi Marquillas & Entrenúvols TEAM


Summary of prices

This table is a price summary of all SIV courses and services related:


ADVANCED SIV 5 days / 8 flights 660€

ACRO COURSE 5 days / 8 flights 660€

REFRESHER SIV 4 days / 6 flights 510€




- 30€


- 50€


- 100€

Paragliding Safety & Acro coursesPRICES & BOOKING