six-month progress ·...

Community Development Fund (CDF) Community Development Fund (CDF) Six-Month Progress Report 1. Summary data Name of organisation Rural Community and Environment Development Organization (RCEDO) Project title Community Empowerment toward Socio-Economic Development Project manager’s name (& position) Mr. Serey Wathana Sam, Executive Director Location/s Changkal District of Oddar Meanchey Province, Cambodia Total CDF funding (12 months) US$ 54,507.60 Implementing partner/s Local Community Start date 01 February 2012 Finish date 31 January 2013 Narrative report 2. Summary of progress RCEDO received funds from AusAID/CDF to implement the project of Community Empowerment toward Socio-Economic Development in 20 selected villages of 4 target communes at Chongkal district of Oddar Meanchey province. Those communes are Pong Ro, Chongkal, Cheung Tien and Krasang. The proposed project will be implemented in 36 months (3years) period from 01 February 2012 to 31 January 2014 which a total budget: US$ 168,829.36.00. The project is arming to work directly support the vulnerable households, the poorest, disability and widow’s families. In the primary target group of three years project, RCEDO arms to work and support 1000 vulnerable families with consisting 4500 individual people. And the project is also to work and build capacity of local authorities, SHG/CBOs and line government officers through participating and work together for improving the quality of local governance delivery that benefits to target communities. 2.1. Project overall objectives (as stated in final proposal accepted by AusAID) The goal of the project: is: “ poor farmers and vulnerable families in the project areas of Changkal, are well being and empowered through agro-technical knowledge and participating in Self-Help-Group (SHG) as well as farmer cooperative of SHGs to achieve the sustainable development activities by their own initiatives” . The main objective of the project is arms to: 1. To ensure poor household have enough food throughout the year, by increasing the number of household incomes through agriculture development activities. 2. To ensure household food security is achieved by participating and empowering SHGs and as well as cooperative of SHGs to start up social business initiative and marking services within their own rural communities. 3. To ensure individuals to live active and healthy live, by increasing dietary, and reducing the incidence of the other diseases. This project progress report is based on the first year work-plan of project proposal approved and signed agreement in January 2012. The total budget of the first year is US$54,507.60.

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Page 1: Six-Month Progress · Community Development Fund (CDF) Community Development Fund (CDF) Six-Month Progress

Community Development Fund (CDF)

Community Development Fund (CDF)

Six-Month Progress Report

1. Summary data Name of organisation

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization (RCEDO)

Project title

Community Empowerment toward Socio-Economic Development

Project manager’s name (& position)

Mr. Serey Wathana Sam, Executive Director


Changkal District of Oddar Meanchey Province, Cambodia

Total CDF funding (12 months)

US$ 54,507.60

Implementing partner/s Local Community

Start date 01 February 2012

Finish date 31 January 2013

Narrative report

2. Summary of progress

RCEDO received funds from AusAID/CDF to implement the project of Community Empowerment toward Socio-Economic Development in 20 selected villages of 4 target communes at Chongkal district of Oddar Meanchey province. Those communes are Pong Ro, Chongkal, Cheung Tien and Krasang. The proposed project will be implemented in 36 months (3years) period from 01 February 2012 to 31 January 2014 which a total budget: US$ 168,829.36.00. The project is arming to work directly support the vulnerable households, the poorest, disability and widow’s families. In the primary target group of three years project, RCEDO arms to work and support 1000 vulnerable families with consisting 4500 individual people. And the project is also to work and build capacity of local authorities, SHG/CBOs and line government officers through participating and work together for improving the quality of local governance delivery that benefits to target communities.

2.1. Project overall objectives (as stated in final proposal accepted by AusAID)

The goal of the project: is: “ poor farmers and vulnerable families in the project areas of Changkal, are well being and empowered through agro-technical knowledge and participating in Self-Help-Group (SHG) as well as farmer cooperative of SHGs to achieve the sustainable development activities by their own initiatives” .

The main objective of the project is arms to: 1. To ensure poor household have enough food throughout the year, by increasing the

number of household incomes through agriculture development activities. 2. To ensure household food security is achieved by participating and empowering SHGs and

as well as cooperative of SHGs to start up social business initiative and marking services within their own rural communities.

3. To ensure individuals to live active and healthy live, by increasing dietary, and reducing the incidence of the other diseases.

This project progress report is based on the first year work-plan of project proposal approved and signed agreement in January 2012. The total budget of the first year is US$54,507.60.

Page 2: Six-Month Progress · Community Development Fund (CDF) Community Development Fund (CDF) Six-Month Progress


GgÁkar GPivDÆn_shKmn_CnbT nig brisßan ¨Ga>es>dU ̈

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

RCEDO staff is conducting training to SHG families on saving process, rules,

book keeping & loan management

SHG leaders are elected by SHG members at Tapen village in Pong Ror

It was funded by the Australian Embassy (CDF/AusAID). In the first year project, RCEDO has consulted with local authorities and selected 10 villages of 20 villages to work with.

2.2. Activities are taken during the reporting period

In the reporting period of February- July 2012, this progress report is aimed at compared the achievements against the first year planned activities and budget in the proposed the project. Through this progress report presented results of the project taken, outputs and outcomes appeared during the certain period. Most of information in this progress report was collected from the field staff’s through monitoring report, training course conducted and field observation. During the project’s period, RCEDO worked closely with local authorities like CC members, village chiefs, Health Centre staffs and district agricultural officers in target areas to select the poor and disadvantage families to participate in the projects. The following activities were taken and the result of the project implemented as below:

Component 1: Food Security project. Activity.1.1: Village meeting to select target beneficiaries and form farmer group as SHGs,

In 29 February 2012, RCEDO had conducted workshop with local authorities and line government department officers and other NGOs members in the province. The Objective of this workshop was present, identified implementing strategies and target villages of the projects and shared other information at Provincial Department of Agriculture. There are 23 participants attended. Those people are CC members, village chiefs, line government officers and NGOs staffs.

Activities 1.1.1: Trained the poor and vulnerable families on sustainable agriculture activities.

During the reporting period, RCEDO staff has worked closely with CCs, Village Chief and District of Agriculture office (DOA) in 10 selected villages of Changkal district to select project beneficiaries and form as farmer group of SHGs. There are 19 SHGs with 297 families in 7 target villages of Pong Ro and Chheang Tien commune have been formed and trained on internal rules, group saving process and recording. After trained, each member received saving book for recording.

All SHG groups are encouraged have monthly saving money into their group for mobilizing local resources. There are 161 families of SHG families have applied and attended on agriculture production skills training. Those are 88 families attended pig raising skills, 73 families attended chicken; and 146 families attended rice and vegetable production training. After training course, the participant received farming inputs from the project to start up their practice such as rice seed, vegetable seed/crop; 6 chickens, piglets and farming tools.

RCEDO is organizing inception meeting with all stakeholders (line government officers, CCs, NGOs & District officer) for consulting and sharing information about the project funded by AusAID at PDA office.

Page 3: Six-Month Progress · Community Development Fund (CDF) Community Development Fund (CDF) Six-Month Progress


GgÁkar GPivDÆn_shKmn_CnbT nig brisßan ¨Ga>es>dU ̈

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

Vegetable Growing activity taken:

During the reporting period, RCEDO facilitated with DOA staffs within target district to organize 4 courses on vegetable growing skills in Pong Ro commune and Cheang Tien commune. There are 146 SHG members in target villages have attended. During the course, the trainers from DOA had present on how to prepare lands, use of the best seeds/crop, timeframe of each product, proper use of fertilizers etc. After training course, RCEDO was engaged and supported them to start up vegetable production activity their households by using vegetable seeds /crops given and group funds (member group saving money) through their SHGs. RCEDO was provided vegetable seeds/crop package (8-10 difference types of vegetable seed) and farming tools to the group. Through this action, RCEDO had engaged each SHG member to make contribution amount of 5000 Riels to their group for increasing the group loan capital. In the reporting period, there are 33 SHG members are growing vegetable at their household for family consumption.

Pig & Chickens Raising Activity

During the reporting period, RCEDO collaborated with DOA/PDA officers to select voluntary families for farmer field school demonstration. There are 25 families of members participated in rice filed demonstration farm at Tapen villages and other 15 families participated on chicken & pig production demonstration at Kouk Sangker and Kouk Reang villages.

Through the monitoring, there are 61 SHG members have raising chickens and pig at their households (29 families raising chickens and 32 raising piglets). RCEDO facilitated PDA officers to conduct veterinary refresh training in 4 day course at Changkal district. There was 17 village vets from 17 target villages attended. During the course, RCEDO has facilitated to have real practiced by using treatment medicines and other materials to vaccinate pig and chickens within the village. The Objective of refreshing course, is build capacity of existing villages vets and engaging them to support and help our target beneficiaries within their villages

RCEDO is providing piglet & chickens to target beneficiaries to

raise at their households.

RCEDO & DOA staff is providing real practice on how to make chicken feed and it mixing for their chickens & pigs at Kouk

Saangker to SHG beneficiaries.

After training, RCEDO provide vegetable seed/crop to SHG members (trainees) to start farming practices at their households.

RCEDO facilitates with DOA officers to provide training on vegetable growing to target beneficiaries.

Page 4: Six-Month Progress · Community Development Fund (CDF) Community Development Fund (CDF) Six-Month Progress


GgÁkar GPivDÆn_shKmn_CnbT nig brisßan ¨Ga>es>dU ̈

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

Activity 1.1.2: Community Rice bank and rice seed delivered. In the period of May- June, RCEDO has organized the village meeting with CCs and SHG members in 10 target villages of 4 communes of Changkal. The meeting was mobilizing local resources to establish village rice bank and building rice storage in the village. There are 4 villages have established and building rice storage through local materials contribution. In the reporting period, there are 6,240kgs (6.24 tonnes) of rice seeds and 750 kg of poor rice seeds are delivered to 3 target villages (Taben, Banteay Chhor, Kouk Sangker and srea Prang). Through rice seed deliver, there are 70 local SHG members of the 3 villages who are poor and shortage of rice loaned.

Activity 1.1.3: Established Farmer Field school (FFS) on livestock, vegetable, fish raising and farming inputs provided.

In the reporting period, RCEDO cooperated with PDA/DOA officer at Changkal office to establish and select voluntary SHG group for participating Farmer Field School (FFS) and field demonstration on vegetable production, rice production and chicken raising. There are 4 FFSs were established in Pong Ro and Cheang Tien commune. Each FFS was consisting from 20-25 members of SHG participated in all FFS process. There had 2 FFSs on rice production in Taben & Sraeng Prang, one vegetable growing at Banteay Chor, and one chicken production at Kouk Sang ker village. Through FFS process, RCEDO had facilitated with master trainers from PDA/DOA to provide and transfer technical knowledge through field practices within their village with half day trained and real practiced at the field.

RCEDO is providing training on piglet & chickens raising skills to

member of SHG at Taben villages

RCEDO facilitated with PDA to organize village veterinary

refreshing training to village vets from 20 target villages.

PDA staff is conducting the FFS training on rice production activity at

Pongro commune of Changakl

RCEDO and PDA staff is facilitating in field demonstration learning at real site and discussed the issues they had found on the rice field.

RCEDO is mobilising local contribution and facilitating with target group and local authorities to build village rice storage at Tapen and Banteay Chor village at Pong Ro commune.

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GgÁkar GPivDÆn_shKmn_CnbT nig brisßan ¨Ga>es>dU ̈

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

During FFSs conducted, there are 44 SHG members in 4 villages participated and learned about the specific topics and farming issues related to their farming product like rice production, chicken raising and vegetable growing. The Mater Trainers from PDA had engaged and led the farmer group to upgrade their knowledge by following and use the learning knowledge given. There are 8 families of SHG members applied for field demonstration on rice production in 3 target villages of 2 communes.

Component2: Health / sanitation & Nutrition food

Activity 3.1.1: Establish nutrition Village Health Volunteer (VHV) and training on how to prepare nutrition food and health care awareness (this activity will coordinate with DoWA & VHVs). In the reporting period, RCEDO had facilitated with local authorities and PDWA trainers to select voluntary women household headed and Village Health Volunteer (VHV) to be focal point person on nutrition food processing training of trainer (TOT). There are 20 Nutrition Focal Points (NFP) had selected from 20 target villages of 4 communes of Changkal district. RCEDO facilitated with PDWA to provide training on nutrition food processing training course to 20 NFPs. The training had did both theory and practise at the training place on how to prepare diversified foods their children, what kinds of elements (materials) to be use for cooking and make better health for their children. All the trainees were practiced by producing nutritious food for personal consumption during the course. After the training course completed, each village Nutrition Focal Point (NFP) received one set of cooking kits and teaching manual for transferring the knowledge to SHG members and other farmers in the village. Through staffs monitoring, The NFPs had transferred the knowledge on nutrition food making to other women within their SHG members in Kouk Rang, Sreang brang, Taben & Banteay Chor. In the reporting period, 58 women household heads have attended the course. After cooking the nutrition food, there are 56 Children have access and eat the food made.

Activity 3.2.1 was taken: Provide awareness raising on health care and sanitation practice to target households within target areas. In the reporting period, the implementation of health/hygiene and hygiene education awareness was conducted in two steps. Firstly, RCEDO had prepared and developed teaching materials on health care & hygiene education. The secondly, Health educator of RCEDO in cooperation with Commune Health staffs delivered the community awareness on health care, hygiene facility, safe water / unsafe water use, water born diseases, diarrhoea, dengue fever, family latrine use, HIV/AIDS transmitted, reduction of stigmas to 10 target villages in 4 communes of Chongkal district. During awareness session, RCEDO’s Health educator had worked closely with 2 health centre staff of Chongkal and Pong Ro commune to disseminate information of health care/hygiene education awareness, HIV transmitted and proper latrine use in the target communes.

In the reporting period, there are 12 times of community awareness had organized in target villages in Pong Ro, Changkal, Cheang tien commune of Changkal district. Through workshop awareness organized, there was 643 target beneficiaries (383 females, 212, 5 disable people) attended.

Nutrition food trainees are practicing on how to prepare diversified foods their children during training course.

After diversified foods made, all the participants given to the children eat

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GgÁkar GPivDÆn_shKmn_CnbT nig brisßan ¨Ga>es>dU ̈

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

Through field observation of health educators found that some of attendants have better understanding on health care /hygiene facilities around their household and using boiled water.

2.3. Results achieved to date

Activity implemented Result/ Outcomes % of completed

Rating Explanation

Component1: Livelihood Project: Activity 1.1.1: Training poor or vulnerable family and inputs for sustainable agriculture activities conducted to 200 target families.

There are 161 families received agriculture production skills on vegetable, rice production, animal raising and farming inputs for start up their farming activities.



During the reporting period, the farmers are difficult to practice their farming because of no rain fall come until end of August.

There is no rain fall and no irrigation system for start up farming.

Activity 1.1.2: Forming Community rice bank activity through saving groups.

There are 4 rice banks established and have saving the rice seed into the group.

6250 kgs of rice seeds are delivered to village rice bank. There 70 poor members have applies for rice seeds for shortage period.

70% 3 There is difficult to

mobilize the farmers to contribute local materials like timber, labour for building rice storage.

The target farmers were busy with their political party works.

Activity 1.1.3:

Established Farmer Field School (FFS) on livestock, vegetable, fish raising, seed funds provided. This activity will form 10 FFSs per yearly).

There are 4 FFSs were established in Pong Ro and Cheang Tien commune (2 FFS on rice production, 1 FFS on Chicken, 1 FFS on vegetable). 44 members had attended

25 families of members participated in rice filed demonstration farm at Tapen villages.

19 families participated on chicken production at Kouk Sangker

60% 3 There is no rain fall and

irrigation water source for FFS activities.

The knowledge of local farmers still limited for adapting new agriculture technique.

Difficult to mobilize the farmers to participate in all the production cycle learning because of the living condition.

Activity 1.2.1: Training on sustainable

88 families attended on pig raising skills.

60% 3 The knowledge of local

farmers still limited for adapting agriculture

RCEDO staff facilitated with health center officer to deliver and disseminate information on health care, hygiene facility and other diseases at Kouk Sangker and Chork villages in Changkal district

Page 7: Six-Month Progress · Community Development Fund (CDF) Community Development Fund (CDF) Six-Month Progress


GgÁkar GPivDÆn_shKmn_CnbT nig brisßan ¨Ga>es>dU ̈

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

agriculture farming system methods.

73 families attended chicken raising skills.

44 SHG members had attended at field demonstration activities on rice production and chicken production.

There was 17 village vets attended refreshing training (4 females)


There is no rain fall and irrigation water source farming activities.

Activity 1.2.2: Small business, recording and social marketing approach.

There are 4 SHG groups received revolving fund for supporting farming and small business activities

50% 3 The SHG members have used funds for supporting their pig & chicken raising and rice production activities.

SHG members are saving money to their group.

Activity 1.2.2: Provide farming inputs for women to implement new initiative activities.

94 SHG members are practiced by growing vegetable, raising pigs, chickens & rice production.

61 SHG members have raising chickens and pig at their households (29 families raising chickens and 32 raising piglets.

33 SHG members are growing vegetable at their household for family consumption.

80% 3 Because 161 farmers attended, but there are 94 families are practicing.

There is no rain fall and irrigation water source farming activities

Activity 2.1.1: Established 30 SHG groups within target community. Each group has 15-25 families. There are 10 groups per yearly.

There are 19 SHGs with

297 families in 7 target

villages of Pong Ro and Chheang Tien formed.

70% 3 Difficult to mobilize the farmers to participate in the group meeting because of the living condition.

The target farmers were busy with their political party works

Activity 2.1.2:

Provide internal group management training for SHGs on book keeping, group operating and future action plan

297 SHG members received trained on group saving, internal rules & policy, loan management, recording and saving book.

12 of 19 SHG had developed their group rules and internal policy

70% 3 The group did not have regularly conducted a member meeting.

The group leader of SHG had low education

Activity 2.2.1: Formed and Trained 5 rice seeds producer group on rice farming and marketing services.

2 producer groups on chicken and pig group production are established and implementing in Pong Ro and Cheang tien.

45% 3 The knowledge of farmers still limited for adapting agriculture technique.

There are two piglets died.

Page 8: Six-Month Progress · Community Development Fund (CDF) Community Development Fund (CDF) Six-Month Progress


GgÁkar GPivDÆn_shKmn_CnbT nig brisßan ¨Ga>es>dU ̈

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

Activity 2.2.2: Provide subsidize seed grants and farming facilities to supports SHGs or cooperative of SHGs to implement their initiative plan

There is 8 families had implemented poor rice seeds production at Tapen, Srae Prang, Banteay chor.

40% 3 There is no water source for farming production.

There is no rain fall during reporting period.

Component 2: Health / sanitation & Nutrition foods. Activity 3.1.1: Establish nutrition Village Health Volunteer (VHV) and training on how to prepare nutrition food and health care awareness.

There are 20 Nutrition Food Focal Points (NFP) selected and formed in 20 target villages of 4 communes.

20 NFPs trained and received cooking tools and teaching materials for conducting training on diversified foods their SHG members.

100% 4 All NFPs are able to transfer their knowledge to their groups.

All trainees were practiced by producing nutritious food for personal consumption

Activity 3.1.2: VHV training women headed of SHG within target villages on how to prepare nutrition food for their Children.

NFPs had transferred the knowledge on nutrition food making to household women headed within their SHGs in Sreang brang,

Taben & Banteay Chor.

40% 3 Difficult to mobilize the farmers to participate.

Some of the NFPs trainers are busy with

rice farming activities.

Activity 3.1.3: Practice on nutrition cooking events for domestic mothers.

In the reporting period, there are 3 target villages had conducted and shared the nutrition food making knowledge to other mothers.

58 women household heads have attended.

56 Children have access and eat the food made.

30% 3 Some of the NFPs trainers are busy with rice farming activities.

Because through this action the other mothers can prepare diversified food processing and give to their children for eat.

Activity 3.2.1: Provide awareness raising on health care and sanitation practice to target households within target areas

12 times of community awareness had organized in 10 target villages in Pong Ro, Changkal, Cheang tien commune.

643 people (383 females, 212 children, 5 disable people) attended.

50% 3 Difficult to mobilize the farmers to participate in awareness session.

The farmers are busy with rice farming activities.

Activity 3.2.2: Organizing mainstreaming awareness on WASH and nutrition knowledge to target primary school in target community.

There is not implemented yet.

0 It will start in October

3. Changes and reasons for changes

In reporting period, there has no any changes related the original submission budget and activity during this reporting period.

Page 9: Six-Month Progress · Community Development Fund (CDF) Community Development Fund (CDF) Six-Month Progress


GgÁkar GPivDÆn_shKmn_CnbT nig brisßan ¨Ga>es>dU ̈

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

4. Disaggregation of data by women and people with disabilities (by number)

Project activity taken # of direct beneficiaries

# of women # of persons with disabilities

Total # of indirect beneficiaries.

Component1: Food security project Activity 1.1.1: Training poor or vulnerable family for sustainable agriculture.

161 families (805members)




Approx: 17500 local villagers (9200 females). All target people who do not receive benefits from the project, will indirectly benefit by experiencing from sustainable agriculture technique, FFS and rice bank, health awareness.

Activity 1.1.2: Forming Community rice bank activity through saving groups.

244 families


635 fem


Activity 1.1.3: Established Farmer Field School (FFS) on livestock, vegetable fish raising

44 members 31 0

Activity 2.1.1: Established 10 SHG groups per yearly within target community.

297 families

(19SHGs =1518)

793 fem 13

Component 2: Health/ Sanitation & Nutrition food: Activity 3.1.1: Establish nutrition Village Health Volunteer (VHV) and training on how to prepare nutrition food and health awareness

20 20 0

Activity 3.1.2: VHV training women headed of SHG within target villages on how to prepare nutrition food for their Children

38 38 0

Activity 3.2.1: Provide awareness raising on health care and sanitation practice to target households.

643 people (212children)

383 fem 5 disable

Total 766 families

=4186 people

2288 females

18 families Approx: 17500 local villagers within target areas

5. Lessons learned (challenges/difficulties and strategies for management)

A). Challenges and difficulties The National Commune Councils election for the country was made delayed to the

project implementation and lack of the people participation, because all the target groups were busy with their political party campaign. So it made the government department, target group and authorities had not fully participated in the projects.

There is no rain water fall during reporting period and no water sources for rice production.

The poor families are difficult to follow the modern agriculture techniques. This means they have no resources or inputs to follow farming techniques and/or build chicken and pigsties.

SHG leader went to work at Thailand for generating income. So we need to select new member to replace and provided training again.

Page 10: Six-Month Progress · Community Development Fund (CDF) Community Development Fund (CDF) Six-Month Progress


GgÁkar GPivDÆn_shKmn_CnbT nig brisßan ¨Ga>es>dU ̈

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

Some of RCEDO staff has low skill and experiences on farmer field school process. B). Strategies for management

Technical staffs will work closely with the local authorities, provincial department of Agriculture or District Agriculture Officers, FAO staffs and other NGOs in the province who has more experiences on farmer field school (FFS) process to share and learn each other.

RCEDO will closely and cooperated with village authorities, SHG leader to engage their SHG members to participate in village health/ hygiene awareness, nutrition food and all process of Farmer Field School activities.

RCEDO closely cooperate and consult with the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Department of Rural Development (PDRD), PDWA, and local authorities in all steps of implementing process.

Hold the sessions at times when people are able to participate. Conduct training in conjunction with other projects where possible so people have a vested interest in attending.

6. Australian government promotion

In project implementation and all activities were taken and /or all beneficiaries meeting, RCEDO had presented source of funding and donors that support our project. RCEDO engaged and promoted Australian government funds by putting the AusAID sign at the project activities taken.

Financial acquittal (please see attached financial expenditure report for details)

7. Insert spreadsheet or table used in final version of budget accepted by AusAID for project proposal and acquit expenditure-to-date against those line items.

Item/s (Include number and name)

Contribution from CDF(AusAID)

Total Project expenditure-to-date

Remain Balance To date

A- OPERATION COST 1- Support staffs 1.1. Director salary x 30% of time 1.2. Finance/Admin Officer x 30% 1.3. Office assistant x 30% of time 1.4. Staff insurance & medical

Total (1)

US$ 3,708 US$ 1,368 US$ 1,176 US$ 900

US$ 7,150.

US$ 1,996.61 US$ 736.61 US$ 633.22 US$ 195.10

US$ 3,561.54

US$ 1,711.39 US$ 631.39 US$ 542.78 US$ 704.90

US$ 3,590.46

2- Office Operation cost x 50% 2.1- Domestic per-diem, travel in-outside. 2.2- Fuel, oils for motors, vehicle and repairs. 2.3- Office stationeries/ supplies 2.4- Office utilities (Electricity, water, garbage..) 2.5- Communication (phone, email, internet fee...) 2.6- Office equipment maintenance. 2.7- Office rental cost x 50%

Total (2)

US$ 1,800. US$ 1,800. US$ 960. US$ 960 US$600 US$ 360. US$ 1200.

US$ 7,680.

US$ 634.00 US$ 1,100.45 US$ 503.02 US$ 334.04 US$ 207.49 US$ 200.27 US$ 1,200.00

US$ 4,179.27

US$ 1166 US$ 699.55 US$ 456.98 US$ 625.96 US$ 392.51 US$ 159.73 US$ 00

US$ 3,500.73

Sub-Total Indirect (A) US$ 14,830. US$7,740.81 US$ 7,091.19


3- Programme staffs 3.1- 1Project Officer 50% of time 3.2- 2 project staff x 50% of time. 3.3- 3staff insurance & medical

US$ 2,925 US$ 4,560 US$ 720.

US$ 1,575.00 US$ 2,450.00 US$ 285.10

US$ 1,350.00 US$ 2110.00 US$434.90

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GgÁkar GPivDÆn_shKmn_CnbT nig brisßan ¨Ga>es>dU ̈

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

Total (3) US$ 8,205. US$ 4,310.10 US$ 3,894.90

4- Project Running cost 100% 4.1- Field staff per-diem& travel 4.2- Gasoline, oils & motors repair. 4.3- Diesel for vehicle & repairs 4.4- One motorbike purchased.

Total (4)

US$1,200 US$ 1,485 US$ 600 US$ 1,000

US$ 4,285.

US$ 612.00 US$ 631.61 US$ 263.96 US$ 1,000.00

US$ 2,507.57

US$ 538.00 US$ 853.39 US$ 336.04 US$ 00

US$ 1,727.43

5- Training / workshop materials on sustainable Agriculture. 5.1-Training materials, supplies, refreshment, meals

for farmers. 5.2- Per-diem & travel for Agriculture trainers. 5.3- Provided Rice seeds to SHG groups.

Total (5)

US$ 2,800 US$ 480 US$ 3,250

US$ 6,530.

US$ 1,692.42 US$$ 292.00 US$ 1,950.00

US$ 3,934.42

US$1,107.57 US$$ 188.00 US$ 1300.00

US$ 2,595.57

6- Farmer Field School (FFS) 6.1- Per-diem & travel for Agriculture trainers & field

demonstration. 6.2- Provide poor seeds funds, farming tool facilities

to producer group for start up.

Total (6)

US$ 300 US$ 2,500

US$ 2,800.00

US$ 90.00 US$ 1,016.39

US$ 1,106.39

US$ 210 US$ 1,483.61

US$ 1,693.61

7- Establish SHGs and social business initiatives, 7.1- Training materials for SHGs on book keeping,

group operating. 7.2- Farming inputs (pigs/chicken, & fish, seeds) for

start up FFS 7.3- Support inputs for small business initiatives of


Total (7)

US$500 US$ 6000 US$00

US$ 6,500

US$ 314.94 US$ 5,612.39 US$00 -

US$ 5,927.33

US$185.06 US$ 387.61 US$00 -

US$ 572.67

8-Health/ hygiene, nutrition food making 8.1-Teaching materials for raising awareness on

health/ hygiene practice and WASH. 8.2-Training materials, refreshment, for VHV TOT

on how to prepare nutrition foods. 8.3- Refreshment & meals for VHV train 300

women on nutrition cooking skills. 8.4- Cooking tools & Materials purchased for


Total (8)

US$ 1,600. US$ 1570.00 US$ 1,000 US$ 1,000.

US$ 5,170.

US$ 1,017.86 US$ 599.68 US$00 US$ 729.75

US$ 2,347.29

US$ 582.14 US$970.32 US$1000 - US$ 270.25

US$ 2,822.71

Sub-Total Program cost (B) US$ 33,490.00 US$20,183.11 US$ 13,306.89

C- Others 9.1 Independent financial audit 9.2- Bank Service Charge 9.3- Staff training fee on Data base management and Result Base Management (RBM).

Total (9)

US$ 1500 US$ 100 US$ 1000

US$ 2,600.

US$00 US$108.95 US$ 00

US$ 108.95

US$1500 US$(8.95) US$ 1000

US$ 2,491.05

D- Referee cost * US$ 2,000. US$ 00 US$ 2000

SUB-TOTAL (A,B,C,D) US$52,920.00 US$ 28,032.87 US$ 24,889.13

E. Contingency / trust fund 3% US$ 1587.60 US$ 214.42 US$ 1373.18

SUB-TOTAL (A,B,C,D & E) US$ 54,507.60 US$ 28,247.29.28 US$ 26,262.31

8. Contributions/income received from other sources or generated by project

There has no income received from other sources for this project during reporting period.

Page 12: Six-Month Progress · Community Development Fund (CDF) Community Development Fund (CDF) Six-Month Progress


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Rural Community and Environment Development Organization

9. Copies of receipts attached for line items over $500

Please find attached copies of receipt are line item over US$ 500 as the following: 1. Receipt of motorbike purchased in amount of US$ 1000. 2. Receipt of rice seed purchased in amount of US$ 1950. 3. Receipt of Piglets purchased for formers in amount of US$ 1467.75 4. Receipt of chicken purchased for formers in amount of US$ 658.54 5. Plastic cheesecloth nets purchased for formers in amount of US$ 504.47 6. Receipt of Office rental for 6 months in amount of US$1200.00

10. Signature and statement (as in guideline)

I am, Mr. Sam Serey Wathana, Director of RCEDO in Banteay Meanchey and Oddar Meanchey province. I declare that the information supplied in the report is true and correct. For Implementing Agency _______________________ Mr. Serey Wathana Sam, Executive Director of RCEDO Date: 25 August 2012