sk coaching programmes programmes2019.pdf · eye accessing cues rapport- pacing and leading leading...


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You Were Meant For


Primary Representational System Identification 1

Basic Self-Identification Questionnaire 2

Identification of Specific Problems 3

Coaching Fundamentals and Principles for Success 4

Subconscious Value Elicitation Process 5

Goal Achieving System 6

Communication 7

Learning and Recalling 8

Inner Conflict Therapy 9

Negative Emotional Therapy 10

Negative Belief Therapy 11

Anxiety Elimination 12

Phobia Release 13

Trauma Release 14

Anger Management 15

Depression 16

Personal Growth and Development 17

BONUS: Raising and Understanding Consciousness

Hereby we discover the client’s Primary Representational System, whether it is Visual,

Auditory, Kinaesthetic, or Auditory Digital. Once you know what their primary

representational system is, we can communicate clearly with them in order that they

understand us better. This fundamental identification will also enhance all other

communication the clients are engaged in – whether in the workplace, family or


We facilitate a questionnaire designed to help clients find out what they like, want

and what is really important to them. This helps them to know who they are, what

they really want and where they want to go in life - instead of just following trends of

other people.

We help clients to see that there are still areas in their lives that they can grow in. There

is always room for improvement and personal growth. A lot of people cannot pinpoint

some of the things they struggle with that hold them back in life. They just need some

guidance to put their finger on the problem.


To get more details about their issues or problems, and to learn more about


To elicit a state of introspection.

To shake their internal world.

To find all the root causes of the main problem.

To identify negative patterns, negative behaviours, negative habits, inner

conflict, negative emotions, negative or limiting beliefs and secondary gains.

We offer coaching of the fundamentals in life that is crucial for a new way of thinking,

acting and living.


The presuppositions of success

Behavioural frames for success

Coaching fundamentals

Prime directives of the subconscious mind

The 12 universal laws

How we internalise our reality

The coaching model for how the brain works

The learning of these fundamentals will change the way you think, treat other people,

and change your outlook on life and people. These strong values and fundamentals

will completely change the dynamic and spirit for any individual and within groups.

The purpose of this technique is to determine what is important to clients RIGHT NOW.

We help them to realise what is currently ruling their life and guide them to make the

necessary changes to install the type of values that drive them towards their Life’s

Vision. This will ultimately help them to accomplish more of their goals and be more


This is an eye-opener for most people, as many of us are unaware of how our lifestyle

reflects our values. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, very often our important

values get lost, and we unexpectedly find ourselves with brand new values.


Inner Peace Self-Acceptance Wisdom Trust

Joy Opportunities Motivation Self-Confidence

Love Spirituality Recognition Independence

Knowledge Friendship Self-Knowledge Enlightenment

Appreciation Family Personal Growth Energy

Inner Power Success Respect Abundance of Money

Self-Fulfilment Abundance of Wealth Health Self-Worth

Control Patience Vibrant Health Confidence

Inner Freedom Self-respect Discipline Freedom

We teach how to formulate goals correctly and actually achieve the goals that clients

and companies set. They will also be guided and taught to achieve outrageous goals

that they do not think are possible for them. Knowing how to set goals and achieve

them will lead to setting more goals and achieving more in business.

For a lot of people setting a goal is like a new year’s resolution – it does not last long.

Too many goals are left untouched or uncompleted because people do not have

the will power or skills to achieve their goals.


Goal setting rules

Blame frame vs. Outcome frame

Goal formulation method


The correct words and phrases to use to formulate your goal

ACTD Goal Setting System


The short modelling process

We coach clients to effectively communicate. When you master the skill to

communicate, you know how to connect to people instead of just talking to them.

Many people think that when they talk, they communicate. Then they wonder why

other people do not understand them or why people do not give attention to what

they say.

Learning to connect to people will change the way business is conducted. It will

change a client’s perspective of you and the company you work for. Knowing how

to connect with people will give our clients the edge over others with the same

product of skill set and will then raise productivity and energy levels.


The expert communicator

Paralinguistic cues of vocal qualities

The mind reader

Characteristics of the expert communicator

Responsible communication

The platinum rule in communication

The law of requisite variety

Pattern interrupts & break state

Calibration using sensory acuity

The representational system

Predicates phrases chart

Eye accessing cues

Rapport- pacing and leading

Leading with persuasive language

Using your language correctly

Golden rules to follow to get someone's attention

Chunking and understanding

Congruence and incongruence


The 5 step sales process

Hypnotic language patterns

Public speaking

We teach clients to recall facts, dates, names and formulas at the drop of a hat. Plus,

we share valuable secrets that will change the way you think – it can be fun!

There is nothing worse than reading through the same page or focusing on the same

content repeatedly, and not remembering or being able to recall the crux thereof.

We all understand the importance of having the ability to learn and recall. It is

imperative that children, parents, teachers, students and even professionals master

these skills.


Effective learning habits

The 4 stages of learning

Cross-crawling - educational kinesiology

Eye accessing cues

This therapy addresses and resolves the inner conflict most of us experience. Resolving

inner conflict will calm that storm within you, quiet down the noisy self-talk. That will

lead to better sleep patterns, more energy and focus at work which will lead to better


We often speak as though we were a bunch of different people living in one body.

We say things like: "Part of me wants to do X, but part of me doesn't". So, what are

these ‘parts’ of ourselves that often disagree? Inner conflict often keeps us from

making decisions. It keeps us from moving forward in life or making necessary

changes. It can stop us from giving new ideas or implementing them.

Inner Conflict Therapy is a wonderful process for helping these ‘parts’ of ourselves to

come to an agreement and relieve us of the inner conflicts we so often have.

We help clients to resolve negative emotions effectively.

Negative emotions do not protect you. In fact, unprocessed negative emotions aren't

safe for the body - it hurts the body.



ANGER: Heart attack and heightened cholesterol

SADNESS: Weakened immune system and depression

FEAR: Excessive stress, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and phobia

GUILT: Very low consciousness level that eats you up from the inside


When emotions are not dealt with, the subconscious mind suppresses it. Suppressed

emotions lead to emotional outbursts or mental breakdowns. This causes unwanted

tension and fights in the office and most definitely affect projects and day to day

operations. This can even lead to loss of business or cancelation of services.



Guilt Emptiness Rage

Fear Apathy Nervousness

Hurt Rejection Anxiety

Anger Grief Abandonment

Suppressed Anger Regret Hate

Doubt Lacking Feeling Despair

Shame Desperation Hopelessness

Loneliness Frustration Unworthy

Worry Powerless Jealousy

Pain Suppressed Pain Irritated or Irritation

Envy Feeling Depressed Sadness

Dealing with these negative emotions will raise consciousness, eliminate health

problems caused by emotions, prevent emotional outbursts, boost productivity and

create a positive work environment.

We help clients resolve negative beliefs by replacing them with positive, empowering

beliefs. This opens up a whole world of possibilities. We will teach them to correct the

mistakes they are making in creating the life they want.

Beliefs are the large subconscious framework of our behaviour and experience. You

can teach people new skills if they are alive and can feed back information to you.

However, if a person believes that they cannot do something, they are going to find

a way to keep the change from occurring unconsciously.

Understanding the impact that our thoughts and beliefs have on our everyday life,

work, relationships and productivity is the key for trying new things and achieving new

heights that you never thought possible.

By dealing with anxiety in our coaching, clients will be able to:

Function better around people,

Handle stressful situations and projects better, and

Recall information better for exams and work.

Anxiety sufferers know all too well the fear, apprehension and worry that can bring

about shortness of breath, excessive sweating and an accelerated heart rate,

trembling and shaking - even if it is short lived. Other symptoms can also include the

inability of recalling information, defensive responses and ill performance.

Having an anxiety disorder can also lead to other mental and physical

conditions, such as:


Substance abuse

Trouble sleeping (insomnia)

Digestive or bowel problems

Headaches and chronic pain

Social isolation

Problems functioning at school or work

Poor quality of life


If your anxiety is influencing you to the extent that it threatens your work, studies and

relationships, it is unquestionably affecting your quality of life. Anxiety does not have

to pull you down.

Our coaching correct phobias that is a problem for many people. Phobias can be

replaced with strong confidence and better overall performance.

A phobia is defined as an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Phobias can be described as a continuous and excessive fear of a situation or an

object. Phobias typically result in an instant onset of fear and happens when

confronted with the trigger.

Common phobias that a lot of people battle with can be found in the workplace,

relationships and everyday situations. Phobias include a fear of public speaking,

confrontations, board meetings, meeting new people, approaching the opposite sex,

and of course the “normal” fear of heights or spiders, to mention only a few.

Phobias steal your confidence, affects your quality of life and holds you back from

taking on new challenges and opportunities. Take, for example, a fear of talking to

someone you admire or not getting a promotion because of your fear of public

speaking, even in front of colleagues.

In the event of a traumatic experience, we treat the stress and dysfunction caused

by the incident, as well as to restore the individual to a state of emotional well-being.

Trauma is the emotional response one has to an extremely negative event. A

traumatic event is an incident that causes physical, emotional, spiritual or

psychological harm. While trauma is a normal reaction to a horrible event, the effects

can be so severe that they interfere with an individual’s ability to live a normal life.

We help clients heal from past traumas and give them a new life.


Redefine their sense of self, become more self-assured and discover who they

truly are.

Forgive themselves and be healed from past hurts.

Be free of future fears.

Rediscover inner peace, happiness, and live joyfully again.

Take their life back and build the experiences that they dream of.

Feel free and empowered to live a life that they choose.

Regain positivity and passion for life.

Energy and productivity.

We help clients to resolve the root cause of anger. This will change the way clients

see and feel about themselves. This will change the whole atmosphere at home and

at work.

Anger is an intense emotion that have adverse effects on your body and mind. When

you get angry, your blood pressure rises, your heart rate increases, and your adrenal

glands flood your body with stress hormones. This can lead to heart attacks, a stroke,

or even cancer. It is apparent that anger WILL wreak havoc on your body and must

be dealt with before you do something irreversible or regretful. Acting in anger can

destroy your relationships, end your career and permanently change your life for the



Clenching your jaws or grinding your teeth

Stomach aches and fatigue


Feeling hot in your neck and/or face

Shaking and/or trembling

Dizziness and/or tingling

Headaches and migraines

Tightening of the chest

Living a life where anger gets the upper hand in your life is not a life to look forward

to. It is not the type of person people want to be around or work with.

We use a specialised technique that can release the emotion of depression that has

an unhealthy effect on the body. Once released, it has a powerful effect that will

leave you feeling positive, confident and in control of your emotions.



Being free from overwhelming negative emotions

Stopping the cycle of negative, self-sabotaging self-talk and thoughts

Getting rid of negative beliefs that you are not worthy or not good enough

Loving yourself again

Feeling happy, confident and self-accepting

Having a sense of inner-peace and freedom

Having the courage to move forward in your life again

Feeling down from time to time is a normal part of life, but when emotions such as

hopelessness and despair take hold and just won’t go away, you may have

depression. Depression makes it tough to function and enjoy life like you once did.

Just trying to get through the day can be overwhelming.

Depression is a common and debilitating mood disorder. More than just sadness in

response to life’s struggles and setbacks, depression changes how you think, how you

feel, and how you function in daily activities. It interferes with your ability to work, study,

eat, sleep, and enjoy life. These feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and

worthlessness, to mention only a few, can be intense and unrelenting, with little, if any,

relief. Sometimes you get to a point where there is just nothing left to live for.

We help clients discover what the purpose of their life should be in order to discover

their unique strengths and to utilise them effectively.

Full transformation is when you master your gifts, talents and purpose and learn to live

your life to the fullest. It includes breaking through mental barriers and upgrading your

mental system. It is possible to achieve the next level or even the highest level in your

career, relationships, sport, studies, business and even your finances.

We help clients to learn how to break free from the effect-side of life (for example

poverty) to the cause-side of life (for example a fulfilled life).


Boosting self-love.

Boost overall confidence.

Change the self-image.

Dissolving disagreement.

Dissolving ‘I am not good enough’.

Resolving any trust issues.

Letting go of addictions.

Accepting and letting go of health problems.

Accepting your body as it is.

Stop procrastination.

Stop overeating.

Unpacking and dissolving problems.

Generate new behaviours or attitudes.

How to make decisions in 60 seconds.

Install new empowering habits and behaviours.

Installing a new positive/powerful/successful/confident mind-set.

Get someone to start taking action on a task/project/exercise program.

Get someone to like an action they currently dislike or dislike an action they

currently like doing, which is not good for them.

Help someone do something easier which they currently find hard or frustrating

to do.

Changing the mind-set of someone who does not want to let go of a specific

negative emotion. Some people keep holding on to them, thinking that it

serves them.

Changing negative thinking habits into positive thinking habits.

Change an unwanted behaviour/ habit into a new positive behaviour/habit.

Start taking action on their goals with ease.

We help clients to understand consciousness and adopt a life style wherein

consciousness is raised. Although the coaching process will raise consciousness, we

further teach them to apply skills in raising their consciousness.

A person usually vibrates at a default consciousness level and shifts to a couple of

levels below and above that level depending on any given situation. Every thought,

every feeling and every action you have in every situation are rooted from a particular

consciousness level; all these can be summed up and averaged to identify the default

level you are at.

One influence on your consciousness is the stimulus in your life. This includes the

situations you are in, the type of people you spend time with, your environment and

so on. In times of pressure, one's consciousness level usually gets bumped down a few

levels. Depending on how the person recovers from the pressure, his or her default

consciousness level might be elevated to a higher level after the encounter.

When your consciousness is raised, you are more aware of your surroundings and more

in control of your life and emotions.