skeletal society

1 Heroes of Drakonheim Chapter 2: Skeletal Society A D&D Next playtest adventure for five characters level 2-4 by Matthew J. Hanson

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Heroes of Drakonheim

Chapter 2: Skeletal SocietyA D&D Next playtest adventure for five characters level 2-4

by Matthew J. Hanson

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Welcome to Skeletal Society, the second chapter in the Heroes of Drakonheim trilogy. Heroes of Drakonheim may be played all together or as stand alone adventures. The adventure is set in the fantasy city of Drakonheim, which can be incorporated into any larger fantasy world. In Chapter 1: Rats in the Sewers, the PCs are asked to solve a series of mysterious disappearances. They follow the trail into the sewers, find the goblins responsible, and learn that they are selling the bodies to a shadowy group of humans. In Chapter 2: Skeletal Society, the PCs discover that the group purchasing the corpses is a cabal of necromancers calling itself the Grey Society. In the process, the PCs may stumble upon a nest of wights, some of the Society’s headquarters, and perhaps a Society initiation ceremony. These encounters lead to a final confrontation with the leader of the Grey Society, who implores the PCs to end their grudge against them. The Grey Society is animating a host of undead to combat an even greater threat. A mighty force of hobgoblins and their allies are marching towards Drakonheim and without additional defenses, the city will surely fall. In Chapter 3: Defense of Drakonheim, the heroes must protect the city from attack. They have several days to prepare its defenses and seek out allies before the enemies reach Drakonheim. When the foes arrive, the PCs must attack key enemy units, trying to bring down the hobgoblin war chief who leads the attack.

This is a Playtest AdventureThis adventure is designed to supplement the Wizards of the Coast’s D&D Next playtest. In order to fully make use of this adventure, you must sign up for the playtest at and download all the official playtest materials. To maintain the integrity of the playtest materials, this adventure provides NO statics for the monsters or magic items. All monsters are described in the D&D Next Bestiary. This adventure was designed using the playtest rules released on August 13, 2012.

The City of DrakonheimThe city of Drakonheim was first built over twelve hundred years ago by the powerful Cevali Empire as it expanded its reach across the continent. According to legend, Drakonheim was founded above the lair of a powerful dragon after a mighty Cevali hero slew the

beast. It is said that the hero used the dragon’s bones to build the first walls around Drakonheim. The city enjoyed over two hundred years of prosperity before the Cevali empire collapsed under its own weight. In the centuries that followed, Drakonheim has shown allegiance to a dozen lesser kingdoms that have come and gone. The current king who claims Drakonheim pays it little mind other than to collect taxes from the city. Most of the nobles who rule Drakonheim follow their monarch’s example and provide little support to the common folk. Except for the wealthiest parts of the city, most of it is in terrible disrepair. Many sections are plagued with crime, as citizen are left to fend for themselves. Though never completely abandoned, the city’s population has dwindled to less than a tenth of what it was at the height of the Cevali Empire. Hundreds of abandoned stone buildings stand as testament to the marvel that Drakonheim once was. In addition to the humans descended from the Cevali empire, many elves, dwarves, and halflings fled to the perceived safety of Drakonheim after their own homes were threatened by orcs, gnolls, and hobgoblin raiders. These attacks seem to grow bolder and more powerful each year. Some in the city fear that monstrous raiders will soon assault Drakonheim itself. Little do they know just how soon such an attack might come.

Gods in DrakonheimTo allow you to easily drop Drakonheim into any campaign setting, this adventure does not use specific names for gods, but instead refers to them by their archetypes. The most important god in Skeletal Society is the Sage. The Sage is a neutral god of knowledge and study, and likely is associated with arcane magic. If you play this game in a specific setting, use whatever god best matches this archetype.

Adventure BackgroundDuring the height of the Cevali Empire, a hundred secret societies operated behind the scenes. Many relatively harmless organizations sought only to bring extra coin to their members. A few had darker purposes, dedicated to demon worship or human sacrifice. The Grey Society lay somewhere in between the two. The Society was a gathering place for necromancers, but these were not worshipers of a dark god of death and decay. Rather, they were motivated by intellectual curiosity, and saw the reanimation

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of the dead as the ultimate art. At its peek, the Grey Society had member halls in nearly every city in the Empire. Just as Cevali itself fell, so too did the secret societies it hid. The Grey Society declined until only one branch remained, housed in Drakonheim. They have operated in secret for over a thousand years, pouring over ancient texts and preforming dark rituals on the night of a new moon. They have mastered animating skeletons and zombies and strive for higher necromantic arts. They strive for something else: acceptance. The Grey Society is tired of working in shadows. Under their current leader, Lady Nalyka Saldor, the group has set the ground work for their acceptance, maneuvering key members into positions of power and popularity and fostering political allies. Then when they heard of a hobgoblin army marshaling north of Drakonheim, they saw their opportunity. The common folk might not relish the thought of undead roaming the streets, but if they were the saviors of the city, it would be a different matter. Thus the Grey Society began collecting corpses en mass and reanimating them as skeletons and zombies to fill the ranks of an undead army. When they ran out of easily obtainable bodies, the explored unconventional methods, such as purchasing bodies from a greedy goblin named Korth Fat Rat. Though they never asked where the bodies came from, members of the Society suspected that the goblins killed at least some of them. They figured that as long as they did not ask, they could later deny such crimes. In Chapter 1: Rats in the Sewers, the PCs likely put an end to Korth, but he was only one source of corpses. By now the Grey Society has a large enough undead horde to protect the city, unless the PCs interfere.

The Grey SocietyThe members of the Grey Society are key to this adventure. There are several ways for the PCs to meet them, so their general description is listed here.

Lady Nalyka SaldorThis woman’s hair has turned gray and her face is starting to wrinkle, but she obviously takes care of herself and retains a svelte figure.

Lady Nalyka Saldor leads the Grey Society. She was

elected by her peers after the previous leader passed away. She comes from a long line of aristocrats who held power in Drakonheim and currently serves on the Lord Mayor’s advisory council. Lady Nalyka is highly intelligent, and a voracious reader. She is a skilled necromancer, but that is just one of her passions. She also studies history, especially the Cevali empire. In her heart, Nalyka dreams of returning Drakonheim to its former glory and forging an empire that will endure for centuries to come. Nalyka leads the Grey Society, and her primary role to is to keep the Society organized and funded. She presides over committee meetings and many general meetings. As a member of the Lord Mayor’s council, she also has major political clout, which she uses to quietly aid the Society. Nalyka spends most of her time either at her manor home, at Greystone (the headquarters of the Grey Society), or at the White Keep (the center of city government). Nalyka uses the stats for a dark priest, but she is Lawful Neutral.

TyrusThe slender man’s skin is so pale that he appears white. He has only a thin sliver of hair that wraps around the edges of his head.

Tyrus studied to be a physician, and in doing so developed a fascination with the human body. This fascination with life slowly morphed into an obsession with death and the undead. Tyrus is emotionally detached from his work. He sees corpses as potential experiments and living beings as potential corpses. He cares little for ethics and morals as long as he is able to continue his studies. Tyrus is extremely arrogant. He knows he is more intelligent than all the fools around him, and does not tolerate fools gladly. Of all those in the Grey Society, Tyrus is the most skilled in the necromantic arts. His principle duties include creating undead servitors and conducting further experiments. He is also given many duties that other members might find morally dubious, such as working with the goblins and robbing graves. He spends most of his time at Greystone (often sleeping there) and sometimes returning to his own home. Tyrus uses the stats for a dark adept but he is Lawful Evil.

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KalynnThis curvaceous woman boasts a head of luxurious blond hair. Her green eyes sparkle and she speaks with a melodic voice.

Kalynn is one of the wealthiest citizens in Drakonheim. She was born the daughter of a miller who hoped for a son, but Kalynn was the only child who lived past infancy. Kalynn quickly developed a head for business. Early in life, she leveraged the money from her father’s mill to become a money lender and earned a large fortune. Kalynn now has her hand in just about every form of business in Drakonheim, both legal and illegal. Kalynn was first attracted to the Grey Society when she heard rumors that other powerful citizens were members. She believed it was simply a secret society where the powerful met for their mutual benefit. She did not realize it was a sect of necromancers. However, as she slowly learned more, she realized the Society’s true nature and saw it as a way to escape her greatest fear. Kalynn knows death cares nothing for riches and one day will claim even her. But what is dead cannot die, and Kalynn hopes that through the Grey Society she will one day transcend death and achieve something akin to lichdom. Kalynn handles the Grey Society’s finances. Initially, most of the funds came from member contributions, but Kalynn invested their dues so well that the organization is largely self-sufficient. Kalynn also obtains material that the Society needs. Kalynn is frequently found at her manor house, visiting one of the many businesses she controls, or at Greystone. Kalynn uses the statistics for a dark adept, but she is Lawful Evil.

Ober the ReaderThis rotund man boasts a bushy mustache that connects to his sideburns.

Ober was the fourth son of a minor aristocrat and stood to inherit nothing from his father. At a young age he joined the temple of the Sage and trained as a priest. Ober is a generally amiable ma. He views learning and gathering knowledge as part of his holy duty. He does not contemplate the “morality” of any kind of knowledge, and learning how to create undead is just as important as any other brand of learning. Ober servers as the primary recruiter for the Grey

Society. His work as a priest in the Sage’s temple puts him in contact with many people whose beliefs might be compatible with the Grey Society and who have abilities or resources to offer the group. He also oversees the scribes in the Society to ensure that the organization’s works are properly documented. He spends most of his time at the Sage’s temple or at Greystone. Ober uses the statistics for a dark adept, but he is Neutral.

Other MembersThere are several dozen other members of the Grey Society. Most are merchants or trades people and a few are nobles and aristocrats. They are all interested in necromancy for one reason or another. They tend to be well-educated and have at least a small amount of wealth. The other members of the Society use the statistics for dark acolytes, but their alignments are mostly Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, or Neutral Evil.

An Apt NameThe Grey Society is intended to pose a complex moral conundrum for the heroes. They engage in necromancy, a practice that most heroes frown upon, but at the moment they are using their dark arts to protect the city of Drakonheim from a greater threat (the hobgoblin invasion). The hope is that this sparks debate and discussion among the players and PCs regarding what to do about the Society.

Player’s IntroductionThis adventure assumes the PCs played through Rats in the Sewers, the first chapter of Heroes of Drakonheim. Likely, the PCs already suspect or know something about the Grey Society, and they have plenty of reasons to investigate. If not, you might use the additional rumor of grave robbing to get the PCs involved. If the PCs did not play through Rats in the Sewers, they might start with such rumors, or somebody else might tell them about strange items found in a goblin warren.

InvestigationThere are several leads from Rats in the Sewer, that the PCs might follow up on. The might have heard Fat Rat Korth talk about the “Pale Man” he met a nearby mausoleum, or they might be curious about some of the items that they found in Korth’s Warren, such as their well-crafted weapons, their alchemist fire, or the

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burlap bags in the corpse storage rooms. The PCs are free to investigate their leads in any order they wish, and it is quite possible to complete the adventure without following every lead.

Other RumorsThe goblin body snatchings were not the unusual events in Drakonheim. PCs who frequent taverns or any other places where people gather are likely to hear one or both of the following rumors. Guards and Militia: The Lord Mayor is increasing the size of the town guard and also starting a city-wide militia that will be called upon in emergencies. Most barflies think joining the militia is a chance for free money as these “emergencies” will never materialize. Grave Robbing: A few people report seeing shadowy figures digging up graves the night after the recently departed have been laid to rest.

The Green Bough CemeteryThis ancient cemetery is contains eight moss-covered mausoleums.

In Rats in the Sewer, the PCs may have learned about the Green Bough cemetery. This cemetery is near the secret exit to Korth Fat Rat’s warren and is where he met with the members of the Grey Society. The cemetery was used during the Cevali Empire, but nobody has been interned here for hundreds of years.

MausoleumsThere are a total of eight mausoleums in the cemetery. Most are similar except for superficial differences. These mausoleums share one major clue for PCs. None of them house any bodies. The Grey Society took all of the skeletons that should have been here, animated them, and are keeping them at other locations. Two of the mausoleums offer the heroes different clues and challenges: the corpse exchange location, and the wights’ nest. For each mausoleum they visit, roll 1d8. A result of 1 means it is the meeting location, while a 2 means it is the wights’ nest.

Corpse Exchange LocationLight: NoneSounds: None8 Skeletons

Unlike its neighbors, this mausoleum contains eight skeletons stored in sarcophagi. These skeletons are animated, but necromancers from the Grey Society ordered them to remain still unless they are attacked. PCs can determine that these are not ordinary skeletons with a DC 13 Intelligence or Wisdom check. If the PCs attack the skeletons, all eight rise up and attack the PCs. Grant the heroes the benefit of having surprise for this combat. Tyrus used this mausoleum to meet Korth Fat Rat when purchasing new bodies from the goblin. He kept the skeletons here as extra protection just in case Korth tried anything foolish. Tyrus does not know that the PCs have defeated Korth, and so he comes to the mausoleum the night after the PCs defeated Korth. If the PCs watch the mausoleum this may be the perfect time to ambush him. If the PCs encounter Tyrus here, he demands to know what the PCs are doing in the mausoleum, while all the time dismissing the heroes’ own questions. It takes a DC 16 Charisma check for any of the PCs to get anything useful out of Tyrus. If he feels threatened, he commands the skeletons in the sarcophagi to attack. For more, see Tyrus’s description under The Grey Society, earlier in this book.

The Wights’ NestLight: NoneSounds: Soft noise of feet moving on stone.3 Wights

The Grey Society recently trapped a pack of wights within this Mausoleum. The Society finds the wights fascinating and wants to study them, but they also do not want the wights terrorizing the city and “besmearing the good science of necromancy.” When the PCs first enter the mausoleum, allow them a DC 13 Wisdom check to notice a pattern of arcane symbols drawn across the threshold. A DC 16 Intelligence check identifies them as part of a binding ritual that should stop most weaker undead from crossing. PCs who miss the symbols automatically scuff them as the pass, freeing the wights. If the PCs are aware of them, they can attempt to carefully step over the symbols with a DC 7 Dexterity check. If the PCs make enough noise near the entrance of the mausoleum, one of the wights call out to them with a hoarse female voice. She begs for help. The wight claims to be a former street dweller who was abducted by a cabal of necromancers and chained in

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the mausoleum. She claims she saw skeletons and zombies with the necromancers and fears that they will soon return and do the same to her. If asked about the arcane symbols, the wight pretends not to know what the symbols are about, but she argues that if the necromancers made them, the PCs should probably destroy them. There is a kernel of truth the wight’s story (they trapped by Grey Society), but PCs who succeed a DC 13 Wisdom check detect that there is something strange about the unseen captive’s story. As long as the wights remain captives, the PCs might be able to worm some information out of them. The wights can describe Tyrus and Ober, the two members of the Grey Society who visit to study them, but they do not know their names. If the PCs are a foolish enough to enter the mausoleum or break the seal, the wights attack. They have been deprived the thrill of human terror and cannot control their blood lust.

Goblin MaterialsThe PCs can follow up on some or all of the items that they discovered in Korth Fat Rat’s warren. Weapons: Characters who examine the weapons that Korth and his minions used can tell they are much better quality than the rusted or makeshift weapons other sewer goblins used. If any of the PCs are metal smiths they automatically notice a maker’s mark and identify it as the work a blacksmith named Dvark Fireborn. Otherwise the PCs must make a DC 13 Wisdom check to notice the mark, and either a DC 13 Intelligence check to have heard of Dvark, or a DC 13 Charisma check to find the maker by asking around town. Dvark is a relatively young dwarf with bright red hair and beard. Despite his youth he is already establishing his ability as a master smith. He has a bellowing voice, and speaks louder than normally appropriate. When the PCs arrive, Dvark apologizes that he doesn’t have time for new orders at the moment, but if they come back in a week or two he can help them. Dvark confirms that he made the weapons used by the goblins and he asks the PCs where they found them. He is genuinely surprised if the PCs tell him that goblins had them, and he assumes that the goblins stole them. Dvark cannot possibly remember who he sold every weapon to, but he lets the PCs know that

for the past month he’s being working on a large order for city. “Said they were rearming the whole town guard and training a new militia.” If the PCs ask who specifically from the government contacted him, he’ll let them know it was Lady Nalyka Saldor. If the PCs make a DC 13 Charisma check, Dvark also supplies them with a copy of the purchase order that Lady Saldor gave him. If the heroes want to check out Dvark’s story, they can visit the hall of records at the White Keep. (See more info about the White Keep below.) The city records use a complicated and arcane filing system, and it requires intelligence and patience for PCs to discover the knowledge they seek. A PC with the Researcher background trait can automatically locate the knowledge they seek, but other PCs must make a DC 16 Intelligence check to find it. PCs who succeed discover that the city has ordered a large number of weapons and armor. However, if the PCs compare the list of items delivered to the city to the weapons that Dvark crafted, the heroes discover that a few items seem to have disappeared from each shipment. In addition to the goblins weapons, it seems there are few dozen maces and suites of chainmail unaccounted for. (These other missing items have been used to equip the members of the Grey Society). Alchemist Fire: The goblin’s alchemist fire did not bear distinguishing features, so the source is slightly harder to identify. None of the local shopkeepers have had any especially large orders recently, but a PC who asks around town and succeeds a DC 16 Charisma check can find a dock worker named Timoth who can tell the PCs an interesting story. Timoth is a dock hand who takes whatever work he can get. One late night he was asked to unload a shipment that contained several large casks, and was told to, “Treat the casks extremely carefully. Your life depends on it.” He recognized the woman who hired him as Kalynn, one of the wealthiest women in Drakonheim. He didn’t ask any questions, and she didn’t offer any explanation. If the PCs want to follow up with Kalynn, see Audience with Society Members. Burial Sacks: PCs who are weavers can automatically identify the large burlap sacks they found as burial sacks and know that most temples keep several on hand to bury the impoverished. Such characters also learn that in the past month the temple of the Sage purchased more such sacks than normal from various weavers around town. Otherwise, the

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PCs can identify the sacks with a DC 13 Intelligence check and learn about the temple of the Sage by gathering information around town with a DC 13 Charisma check. Characters who seek more information about the sacks can visit the temple of the Sage (see more on the temple below). A character with the Temple Service background trait can automatically get information about burial sacks. Otherwise, the PCs must make a DC 13 Charisma check to convince the priests to disclose information. The priests off the Sage regularly perform funeral rites for the needy, but there has not been any noticeable increase in the number of deaths recently. Further, if the PCs check the stockpile of bags, it does not seem unduly large. If PCs ask who normally purchases the sacks, the priest on duty lets them know that it is a priest called Ober the Reader.

White KeepThe White Keep was originally built as a last defense against invasion, but it was never needed for that purpose. Over the years it has become Drakonheim’s center for government (such as it is). The government is mostly concerned with catering to the rich and powerful in the city and leaves everybody else to fend for themselves. Should the PCs arrive at the White Keep, they are almost certainly greeted by a city clerk. These bureaucrats are mostly the friends and family of the city rulers, and they pad their modest city wages by taking bribes. Any who fail to give the clerk a few coins find their efforts delayed, while those who offer large bribes get better results (add a +1 to Charisma checks made to influence the clerks for every 5 gp worth of bribes). In this adventure, the main things that PCs are likely to do at the White Keep are to try to look up city records pertaining to weapon and armor purchases (see Weapons) or setting up a meeting with Lady Nalyka Saldor (see Audience with Society Members), or join the militia (see Militia).

Temple of the SageThe temple to the Sage is an impressive stone building that dates back to the golden age of the Cevali Empire. When they enter, the general public passes through a narrow entryway into a large sanctuary. Stained glass windows depict scenes of divine inspiration attributed to the Sage. The temple holds services once per week,

but the sanctuary is always open and there are at least a few of the faithful there. In addition to the sanctuary, the temple boasts meeting rooms, offices, priest’s quarters, a kitchen and dining hall, and an impressive library. When the PCs enter they are greeted by an acolyte named Yagrel. She is a relatively young elf with curly chestnut-colored hair. She was orphaned when orcs attacked her woodland home, and other elves who fled to Drakonheim brought her to be raised at the temple. Yagrel answers questions as best as she can, though she know nothing about the Grey Society. PCs likely come to the Temple of the Sage to discover more about the burial sacks (see their entry above) or to meet with Ober the Reader (see Audience with Society Members below). PCs might also want to use the temple’s library. PCs with the Temple Services background trait gain access automatically, but others must make a DC 13 Charisma check. If PCs use the library to research a topic, they gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence checks.

MilitiaPCs are free to attempt to join the city’s new militia, and anybody in the town guard or city government can direct them to the militia’s office at the White Keep. Before joining, the PCs must pass a basic fitness test. Any character with the Military Rank background trait automatically succeeds, but other PCs must make a DC 13 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check (each PC may attempt only one check, but chooses which ability to use). If successful, the new militia members must attend one training session every week, and in exchange receives 1 gp per week. Joining the militia might uncover other leads. The PCs might learn about the weapons missing from Dvark’s shipments, or Lady Saldor might be so impressed that she might invite them to join the Grey Society.

Grave RobbersTyrus (Dark Adept)4 Dark Acolytes

The Grey Society is behind the recent rash of grave robberies. They use the bodies they plunder to fill the ranks of their undead army. The easiest way for the PCs to discover this is to stake out a fresh grave site, which should not be difficult to find. Tyrus is in charge of these activities, and he is

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careful to avoid sites that are clearly being observed. PCs must succeed a DC 13 Dexterity check to hide from Tyrus or he notices them and stays away. If the PCs succeed, they can catch Tyrus and four additional members of the Society in the act. The Society members first try to flee, but if unable to do so, they strike back at the PCs.

Gathering Information about Society MembersPCs may wish to ask around town to learn more about members of the Society. For each NPC that the heroes are curious about, they can make a Charisma check and consult the table below (results are cumulative).

Cha Check Information Gained

10 The basic background of the NPC described under its entry above.

13 The NPC is often seen going into an tea house called the Earl’s Garden, (the secret entrance for Greystone) and rumored to be a member of a secret society.

16 The secret organization is called the Grey Society.

19 The society is believed to be dedicated to unlock the secrets of life and death.

Trailing Society MembersOnce the PCs come to suspect one of the members of the Grey Society, they may want to tail the Society member. To do this, the PC must make a DC 13 Dexterity check. This allows the PC to follow the Society member unnoticed. The PCs will see the Society member go about daily business (see individual descriptions of the NPCs for more detail). If the PCs succeeded the Dexterity check, they eventually follow the NPC to The Earl’s Garden, but if the PCs go inside the NPC is not in the common room (see Greystone for more). If the PC fails the Dexterity check, the NPC is aware of the hero and stays away from Greystone or any other sensitive activities.

Audience with Society MembersPCs who suspect one of the members of the Grey Society might also try to talk to one of them. Gaining an audience with one of them depends on which member the PCs desire to see. Lady Nalyka Saldor is very busy, but PCs stand a chance of gaining an audience with her by setting up an appointment with one the clerks at the White Keep.

A character with the Knight’s Station or Retainers background traits can automatically gain an audience with Lady Saldor, while others must make a DC 16 Charisma check. Tyrus is the most private of the Grey Society, and thus the most difficult NPC for the PCs to meet with, unless they catch him in the mausoleum or robbing a grave as described above. In order to set up another meeting, the heroes must leave a message at his house and succeed a DC 19 Charisma check. Kalynn’s business dealings require frequent meetings and offer the PCs a suitable pretext. If any PCs have the Item Crafting background trait, they can automatically set up a meeting, otherwise the PCs need to make a DC 13 Charisma check. Ober the Reader is the easiest to meet with as his temple duties require for him to meet with all manner of people. Unless they have somehow upset the priests of the Sage, the PCs can automatically gain an audience with Ober. Even after the PCs secure a meeting with one of the Society members, it is difficult to get any information out of them. A DC 13 Charisma check might convince the member to admit they are a member of the Grey Society, but they will still be tight lipped about the nature and goals of the organization. The PCs best hope is to express interest in joining the Society. To convince one of the current members to recommend the PCs for initiation, the PCs must make a DC 16 Charisma check. See Joining the Society for more information. If PCs bring up the Society’s connection to Korth’s goblins and the deaths they caused, the Society member denies any involvement and suggests the PCs go to the town guard with their concerns.

Joining the Society Upon learning of the Grey Society, the PCs might attempt to join to discover more. The easiest way to do this is to contact one of the named members of the Society (see above). The Society does not let just anybody enter, and for the PCs to even begin the process, they must succeed a DC Charisma 16 check when talking to the Society Member. After this, there is a rigorous interview process conducted over several days by whoever the PCs first contacted. Most of the questions focus on what the PCs can offer the society, what the PCs hope to gain from the group, and what they view as threats to Drakonheim. The Society also wants to know the

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PCs attitude towards necromancy, but they try to slip in questions subtly, so as to not alert the PCs of the Society’s true nature. The easiest way to run this interview process is to simply roleplay it with your players. The PCs doubtlessly have skills they can offer the Society, so the key is really their attitude towards undeath. If the PCs see the benefits of necromancy or are at least neutral to it, they can join the Grey Society. If the PCs clearly oppose it, they cannot. The final step of joining the Grey Society is to attend the initiation ceremony. They are blindfolded and led on a complicated route through the city until they at last come to Greystone. When they reach the Society’s Meeting Hall, their blindfold are removed. The PCs find themselves surround by Society members, skeletons, and Zombies. Here they are told to swear oaths to guard the Grey Society’s secrets and work to preserve the Society and its knowledge. Once they swear such oaths, the PCs are accepted as full members and given complete access to Greystone.

GreystoneThis small wooden building has no sign to indicate its purpose. It is constructed amid the ruins of a Cevali structure. Rows of thirty-foot high pillars stand as testament to the building that once stood there, but with no roof they look like massive broken ribs jutting out of the ground.

Greystone is the headquarters of the Grey Society. It is built in the subterranean ruins of a Cevali temple. The wooden building on top of it is a tea house called The Earl’s Garden, and members of the Grey Society enter through a secret trap door in one of the back rooms. The front door to the Earl’s Garden is always open. The back entrance is locked, though the named NPCs in the Grey Society all possess keys.

Options: Organic or Balanced EncountersThis adventure offers two possibilities for encounters in Greystone. For a more organic approach you can roll randomly to see how many creatures are present in each room. This represents the fact that Greystone is a living location with occupants who frequently come and go. The drawback of this approach is that it can lead to encounters that are easier or more difficult then you intend. For a more balanced approach you can use the numbers listed in parenthesis. This guarantees

encounters of the appropriate difficulty, but does not reflect the location’s ever changing population. In the balanced approach, Kalynn, Tyrus, and Lady Saldor are all at Greystone, but Ober is away.

Reactive EnvironmentUnless the PCs are particularly sneak about an attack, the residents of Grey Hall likely hear battle going on around them. If you want to run a more complex battle, consider having the enemies stream from the side rooms into the hall. To keep them from being overwhelmed space out their entrances. The NPCs might need a few rounds to grab their weapons, or to cast buffing spells like bless and shield of faith upon themselves. Whenever Lady Saldor enters the combat, she pleads with the PCs to stop the attack as described in Area 9. You may wish to save her entrance for a particularly climatic part of the battle, perhaps just after a PC falls unconscious or after they accomplish a particularly heroic task.

1. The Earl’s GardenLight: Well litSounds: Soft conversation.1d4+1 (3) Dark Acolytes1d10 (5) Human Commoners

People sit on comfortable chairs and gather around tables sipping tea. A man and a woman behind a counter boil hot water and steep tea.

This common room of the Earl’s Garden tea house serves primarily as a front for the Grey Society’s gatherings. Most of the patrons are either members of the Grey Society or aspiring members, though a few really do come for the tea. All of the workers are Society members. PCs are welcome to order tea and sit in the common room, but if they wish to go further, they must either force their way, join the Society (see above), or bluff their way in with a DC 13 Charisma check. Tactics: If the PCs force their way further into the temple, the people in the common room fight back. The established Society members (dark acolytes) lead the attack. One blesses all the attackers, and all use their unholy smite on their first turn. The other human commoners join in, but are cowardly, and flee if half their number are slain.

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Treasure: In addition to the items listed in the Bestiary, the dark acolytes each have 1d6 gold and 1d10 silver. The humans have 2d8 silver and 2d10 copper.

2. Back EntranceLight: Well lit.2 Dark Acolytes

The back door is locked and requires a DC 19 Dexterity check to pick or a DC 19 Strength check to break down. A PC can also open it with a key taken from one of the named Society members. Once inside, the PCs immediately encounter dark acolytes posted as guards. Unless the PCs have joined the Grey Society, they need a DC 16 Charisma check to bluff their way past these guards. Barring that, the guards demand the PCs leave immediately, and if the PCs don’t leave the guards attack. Tactics: At the start of the combat the guards shout warnings, which alerts everybody in the common room. The guards use their channel divinity the first round of combat and, if possible, focus on the same opponent.

Treasure: In addition to the items listed in the Bestiary, the dark acolytes each have 1d6 gold and 1d10 silver.

3. Trap DoorWhile this room appears to be little more than a store room, it contains a hidden trap door that leads to Greystone proper. PCs can find the trap door with a DC 13 Wisdom check. Below the trap door there is a spiral stairway that leads to the western side of the central hall on the level below.

4. Central HallLight: Well litSounds: Shuffling feet1 Dark Acolyte4 Zombies

This central hall connects the various locations within Greystone. There is always one member of the Grey Society here to act as guard along with four zombies. The zombies follow the acolyte’s commands but otherwise do nothing. If the PCs are bluffing their
















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way through the complex, they need to make a DC 13 Charisma check to fool this acolyte. The stairs at the west end of the hall lead up to the Earl’s Garden. The stairs at the east end lead down undead storage. Tactics: If the PCs fight through the hall, the acolyte orders the zombies to attack, then runs to warn others in Greystone. If the guard succeeds with his warnings, more members of the Grey Society pour out from the various rooms described below. Treasure: In addition to the items listed in the Bestiary, the dark acolyte has 1d6 gold and 1d10 silver.

5. Meeting HallLight: Well litSounds: Conversation1d6 (3) Dark Acolytes6 Skeletons25% (0%) chance of a Dark Adept

This large room is filled with art made from bones or depicting undead. A raised dais stands at the center.

This large hall is used for large gatherings of the Grey Society. Unless the PCs specifically choose to attack during a meeting, there is only a small number of lesser members here. If you use the organic encounter approach there is a 25% chance that Tyrus, Kalynn, or Ober is here (chose one that fits the story or roll randomly). If the PCs have already bluffed their way this far any dark acolytes will trust them, but they need a DC 16 Charisma check to win over named NPCs. Tactics: If the PCs attack, the dark acolytes respond in kind. They send the skeletons to attack at melee while they attack with spells and slings. Treasure: In addition to the items listed in the Bestiary, the dark acolytes each have 1d6 gold and 1d10 silver. A named NPC carries 3d6 gold, 2d10 silver, and a Grey Society key.

6. Armory and StorageLight: Well litSounds: Conversation2 Dark Acolytes40% (100%) chance of Kalynn (Dark Adept)

This is where the Grey Society keeps its weapons, armor, and other mundane gear. There are always at

least two members of the Grey Society on duty to keep track of inventory. In an organic approach there is a 40% chance that Kalynn is here going over the books, checking the inventory, or performing other administrative tasks. If the PCs have bluffed their way to this point, the acolytes do not challenge the PCs, but they need a DC 16 Charisma check to bluff Kalynn. If the PCs search through the records, they find several items that connect to threads they might have uncovered. These include references to the weapons purchased from Dvark, a shipment of alchemist fire, and burial sacks purchased from a number of weavers. The PCs also find several payments made to “Korth” in the form of coin or goods in exchange for “raw materials.” Tactics: If the PCs attack, the acolytes and Kalynn realize they are outmatched and try to meet up with other members of the society in other rooms. Treasure: In addition to the items listed in the Bestiary, the dark acolytes each have 1d6 gold and 1d10 silver. Kalynn carries 3d6 gold, 2d10 silver, and a Grey Society key. The store room contains at least one of each item worth 100 gp or less listed in the Equipment document. If the PCs need an exact quantity, assume there are 1d6 of any given item. 7. LibraryLight: Well litSounds: Pages turning.1d4 (2) Dark Acolytes40% (0%) chance of Ober the Reader (Dark Adept)

This room houses a large library containing the Grey Society’s collected work. Many of them have to do with necromancy and undeath, but there are also many books on history, several texts handed down from the Cevali empire, and a few other general interest books. At any time there are a few members of the Grey Society here, either scribes copying books for preservation or members studying the tomes. If you use the organic approach to populating Greystone, there is a 40% chance that Ober the reader is there supervising scribes or conducting his own research. Tactics: If the PCs attack this room, the NPCs attempt to flee to join a large group of Society members. If unable to do so they fight back, using their channel divinity at the first opportunity. Treasure: In addition to the items listed in the Bestiary, the dark acolytes each have 1d6 gold and

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1d10 silver. Ober carries 3d6 gold, 2d10 silver, and a Grey Society key. Several of the books in the library are quite valuable. If the PCs can find a buyer, these rare texts can be sold for 700 gp.

8. Undead ExperimentationLight: Well litSounds: Occasional grotesque moans1d4 (2) Dark Acolytes3 Zombies2 Skeletons70% (100%) chance of Tyrus (Dark Adept)

The Grey Society conducts its macabre experiments here. Most of the time Tyrus leads these investigations and under an organic approach there is a 70% chance that he is in the room at any given time. There are also generally a few lesser members of the society here assisting Tyrus or conducting their own experiments. If the PCs have bluffed their way up to this point, they have no trouble from the acolytes, but need to make a DC 13 Charisma check to fool Tyrus. Tactics: Tyrus views an attack as an opportunity to test the combat capabilities of his undead. He (or a dark acolyte) orders the undead to attack and makes comments throughout the battle about the effectiveness of the skeletons and zombies (or lack there of). He uses his channel divinity and inflict wounds spell to heal his undead. Treasure: In addition to the items listed in the Bestiary, the dark acolytes each have 1d6 gold and 1d10 silver. Tyrus carries 3d6 gold, 2d10 silver, and a Grey Society key.

9. Administrative OfficeLight: Well litSounds: Conversation1d4 (2) Dark AcolytesLady Nalyka Saldor (Dark Priest)

This is Lady Nalyka Saldor’s office. She frequently has other members of the Grey Society working with her on various tasks here. Though she is not always at Greystone, it makes for a good adventure climax to have her here when the PCs arrive. If you are really committed to creating a more naturalistic setting, there is a 40% chance that she is here. Whether they arrive through violence or cunning, when the PCs encounter Lady Saldor here, she tells

the heroes of the hobgoblin army that threatens to descend upon the city. If she views the PCs as allies (either because they joined the Society or bluffed their way in) she decides it’s time to let the PCs know exactly what they signed up for. If the PCs attack, she begs to parlay and tells the PCs that they have a common foe. Whatever the situation, Lady Saldor explains that about a month ago she heard reports that a group of hobgoblins to the north were massing an army. They have allied with bugbears, ogres, and tribes of wild men. This army is far larger than any needed to raid smaller settlements nearby,. The only reason for a force that large is to assault Drakonheim. Lady Saldor cares just as much about the city as the heroes do, so she sought ways to shield it from such an attack. Through her role on the Mayor’s Council she increased the size of the watch and began a militia, but she knew that would not be enough. The Grey Society started animating every corpse they could get their hands on. She even admits that they stooped to grave robbing and purchasing bodies from sewer goblins. However she insists that she did not know that the goblins killed people to provide corpses (a DC 16 Wisdom check confirms the literal truth of this, though the PC realizes that the Grey Society probably didn’t ask). If she sees the PCs as enemies, she ends by asking the PCs to give up fighting against the Grey Society and instead fight against the true hobgoblin threat. If she perceives them as allies, she lets them know she will need their help in the coming battle. If the PCs refuse to even listen to Saldor, they can find documents within the office that confer similar information. (Including reports about hobgoblin troops and Saldor’s efforts to bolster defenses.) Tactics: If the PCs attack, Lady Saldor responds. The other members of the Society engage in melee, while Saldor casts spells, beginning by casting bless and shield of faith on her allies. She then enters melee casting her inflict spells (on the PC cleric if possible). If she appears to be losing, she tries to flee to the undead storage to use the mass of skeletons and zombies to protect her. Treasure: In addition to the items listed in the Bestiary, Lady Saldor carries a +1 heavy shield, a potion of healing, 20 gp, 30 sp, and a Grey Society key. There is a large chest in her office which contains the Society’s liquid assets. It is locked, but can be

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opened with a Grey Society key, a DC 19 Dexterity check, or a DC 19 Strength check. Inside is 1,220 gp.

10. Undead StorageLight: NoneSounds: None40 Zombies80 Skeletons

This single large chamber occupies the entire lower level of the complex, and it is filled with undead. While this is the Grey Society’s largest stockpile, they have several other hidden storage facilities throughout the city. The undead have been ordered not to do anything until told otherwise, and if the PCs arrive alone they do not even defend themselves and can easily be destroyed. However, if any member of the Grey Society is here, they can order the undead to attack.

ConclusionBy the end of this adventure the PCs likely either defeated most of the Grey Society or have allied with them. Either way the PCs hopefully learned that an even greater threat will soon descend upon Drakonheim. This threat is detailed more in the next chapter of Defense of Drakonheim. If the PCs rejected the Grey Society’s offer, they not only face greater odds in their next fight, they also likely earned some reoccurring enemies, as many members of the Grey Society were away from Greystone when the PCs struck.

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