ski trip 2012

Ski Trip 2012

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Ski Trip 2012. Introductions. Mr Findlater Mr Gowing Miss Nixon Miss Pepper Miss Portaluri. Introductions. Practice Sessions. Some prior experience for beginners is recommended Mr Gowing to arrange dry slope sessions for those who want them (additional cost) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Ski Trip 2012

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IntroductionsMr Findlater Mr Gowing Miss NixonMiss PepperMiss Portaluri

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Practice SessionsSome prior experience for beginners is recommended Mr Gowing to arrange dry slope sessions for those who

want them (additional cost)Snow Dome parties/lessons are a great idea

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Clothing Ski Jackets and Salopettes can be hired see below, although there are a number of outlet stores(Gloucester

Quays) that will have sale prices comparable to hire.  FOR SKIING: Essential to be warm and waterproof  SKI JACKET (1) & SALOPETTES (1) must be Water Proof.  SKI SOCKS (2) See note below! GLOVES (1)   COTTON or Breathable TOPS (long-sleeved) (3) HAT (1)  LIPSALVE (1)  LIGHTWEIGHT (breathable) JUMPER/FLEECE (2)  GOGGLES (1)   SUNGLASSES (1)   Small tube of SUN TAN CREAM (FACTOR 25 OR ABOVE)  

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Journey.By CoachLuggage Limit (1case, 1 hand piece) 26hrs + (Horror Stories)Food for the journey needs to be takenRegular stops made at servicesDVDs & Competitions (Staff & Pupils)

Sugar content be kept to a minimumNeed to be aware of any travel sickness issues –

self medication needed.

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Casual Wear for around the hotel for 1 weekBoots or strong shoesWash Kit and TowelPillow(for the coach journey)Sleepwear A PAIR OF SKI SOCKS IN HAND LUGGAGE

(in case we get fitted for skis on our first evening)

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Equipment Provided Pupils are responsible for:

Skis or SnowboardBootsHelmetLift Pass


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Typical Day7.30 Breakfast10 – 12 Ski School12 – 1 Lunch1 – 3 Ski School

Return to hotel6 pm Evening Meal7 pm Evening activity9pm Lights Out

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Supervision Pupils assigned to a tutor group, staff member

responsible for head counts. Travelling + Activties

Pupils assigned to a ski-class; 1 instructor to 12 pupils

At least 1 Staff member also accompanies groups

Hotel is self contained and we are the sole occupants

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Paperwork Medical forms including dietary requirements Consent 2 passport sized photos Copy of passport EHIC card Code of Conduct

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EHIC Replaces E111 form.Must be in students name Entitles holder to medical treatment within the EU. Apply online: By phone: 0845 606 2030

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Passport/Insurance All students will require a passport. Please check DATE! i.e. that it will be valid in March

2012 We require a photocopy of your passport.

Insurance: Copies available if you wish (see ski plan website)

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Full Payment by November 2011

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Pocket Money

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Further Questions?

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