skills development journal

kills Development Journ

Upload: kimberley-jarvis

Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Skills Development Journal

Skills Development Journal

Page 2: Skills Development Journal

I used this grid to help me keep everything level. To use this tool you go view/show/grid. You can toggle this on and off by using Alt and h at the same time.

Page 3: Skills Development Journal

This is a font that I copied and pasted from, I scolled through the available fonts, chose one I liked and wrote popslash! In the box available.

Page 4: Skills Development Journal

I dragged the masthead to the top left of the cover, this is because when a magazine is on a shelf this is the bit which is visible to the audience.

Page 5: Skills Development Journal

I copied and pasted each of the men separately and then resized them using edit/free transform. I dragged them into position and then merged all the layers to make it easier to move them all as one.

Page 6: Skills Development Journal

I changed the background colour of the cover by using the paint filler, I chose a metal grey so it did not take away from the colours of the men.

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To achieve this effect I double clicked on the layer and added a gradient. This adds more tone and interest to the background.

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I restored the background white after changing my mind. I used the paint filler to make the masthead a bright blue. I then added a pink banner using the rectangle tool.

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To achieve the other boxes I copied and pasted images from the internet and deleted the background by selecting it with the magic wand tool. I used text boxes to fill the banner with appropriate sentences.

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After finding a font I liked from I wanted to create a patterned effect inside the ‘D’. I copied and pasted a patterned image that I liked and dragged the letter over the top. I changed the opacity of the letter and then merged the layers together. I then deleted all the pattern on the outside using the magic wand tool and was left with a patterned ‘D’.

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I placed the patterned letter along with the originals and linked the layers to create my finished Daina logo.

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I made several copies of the masthead by selecting the whole thing then holding Ctrl/c to cope and then Ctrl/v to paste. I then tried out different colour schemes by going into image/adjustments/hue and saturation and changing the levels appropriately. To have as many different versions as possible.

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To start my front cover I took away the background of my photo by drawing around it with the magnet lasso. After deleting it I used the paint bucket tool to fill the background in light pink.

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I included a strap line under my masthead, I did this using the text box and the ruler at the the top of photoshop to assure they were equally spaced .

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I added another strap line at the bottom, for this I used the rectangular tool to make the box and then used the paint bucket to colour it a dark pink. I then added text over the top using the text tool.

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I added a barcode, for this I copied and pasted an image of one off the internet and resized it with free transform. I then added a textbox to include a price, date and issue number.

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I added lead lines and a description box for my ‘Lola’ article by using a text box, I kept all the font the same and drew attention to the artists names by putting them in bold. That was my cover finished.

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For my contents page I felt that my image needed a border, to achieve this I used the rectangle tool and filled it in with the paint bucket then placed it behind the image.

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I wrote an editors note and I wanted it to feel more personal so I wrote my signature on paint with the brush tool and then copied and pasted it onto my contents.

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To maintain a house style I included a small version of my masthead at the bottom next to the page number.

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I included a pull quote on my DPS and to make it visible over the main image I added a rectangle box, filled it and then changed the opacity of the layer.

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To maintain a house style I added a small grey box onto the bottom of each page along with the small version of the masthead and a page number.

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To distinguish between the questions and answers within my interview I made the questions bold and also copied and pasted the ‘D’ from my masthead to show it was the magazine asking the question.