skin disorders

Skin Disorders Skin color, texture, and folds help distinguish people as individuals. Anything that interferes with skin function or causes changes in appearance can have important consequences for physical and mental health. Dermatologists are the medical doctors who diagnose and treat disorders of the skin. Many problems that appear on the skin are limited to the skin. Sometimes, however, the skin provides clues to a disorder that affects the entire body. Consequently, doctors often must consider many possible diseases when evaluating skin problems. They may need to order blood tests or other laboratory tests to look for an internal disease in people who come to them with a skin problem.

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Post on 16-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Skin Disorders

Skin Disorders

Skin color, texture, and folds help distinguish people as individuals. Anything that interferes with skin function or causes changes in appearance can have important consequences for physical and mental health. Dermatologists are the medical doctors who diagnose and treat disorders of the skin.

Many problems that appear on the skin are limited to the skin. Sometimes, however, the skin provides clues to a disorder that affects the entire body. Consequently, doctors often must consider many possible diseases when evaluating skin problems. They may need to order blood tests or other laboratory tests to look for an internal disease in people who come to them with a skin problem.

Warna kulit, tekstur, dan lipatan membantu membedakan orang sebagai individu.Segala

Page 2: Skin Disorders

sesuatu yang mengganggu kulit fungsi atau menyebabkan perubahan dalampenampilan dapat memiliki konsekuensi yang penting untuk kesehatan fisik danmental. Dermatologists adalah dokter medis yang mendiagnosa dan mengobatigangguan kulit.

Banyak masalah yang muncul pada kulit terbatas pada kulit. Kadang-kadang, namun,kulit memberikan petunjuk untuk suatu kelainan yang mempengaruhi seluruh tubuh.Akibatnya, dokter sering harus mempertimbangkan banyak penyakit mungkin ketikamengevaluasi masalah kulit. Mungkin mereka butuhkan untuk memesan tes darahatau laboratorium lain tes untuk mencari suatu penyakit internal pada orang yangdatang kepada mereka dengan masalah kulit.