
POST-APOCALYPTIC DISPATCH SKINNERS FURS & PELTS Page 1 CONTENT MANAGERs: CHRIS DAVIS LAYOUT: CHRIS DAVIS WWW.RPGOBJECTS.COM #23 SKINNERS FURS & PELTS BY DOMINIC COVEY SUGGESTED LEVEL: ANY. A vile, toxic stench rises from the junkyard at the edge of town, here more than anywhere else. The odor is a nauseating combination of rotting flesh and dizzying chemicals, the telltale signs of a tannery. A small ramshackle establishment sits at the junkyard’s edge, outside of which hang all manner of hides curing in the sun or simply laid out for display. Flies buzz in the air out back as a hired hand renders skinless corpses into meat to be sold at the market. In the shaded area out front a few primitive folk admire the skins and barter with the robed owner for a good price. The gentleman known locally as “Skinner” runs a simple establishment dealing in furs and pelts, both rare and mundane alike. Popular among tribal folk

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A vile, toxic stench rises from the junkyard at the edge of town, here more than anywhere else. The odor is a nauseating combination of rotting flesh and dizzying chemicals, the telltale signs of a tannery. A small ramshackle establishment sits at the junkyard’s edge, outside of which hang all manner of hides curing in the sun or simply laid out for display. Flies buzz

in the air out back as a hired hand renders skinless corpses into meat to be sold at the market. In the shaded area out front a few primitive folk admire the skins and barter with the robed owner for a good price.

The gentleman known locally as “Skinner” runs a simple establishment dealing in furs and pelts, both rare and mundane alike. Popular among tribal folk



from the neighboring badlands, his small business built near the edge of town sees a lot of visitors, mostly from folk venturing in from the desert to sell off skins taken from animal predators (or livestock their tribes cultivate for a livelihood). Skinner’s has since become something of a gathering place for tribesmen eager to make some coin before moving deeper into the ruins to spend said cash in the city’s ribald drinking holes.

Skinner has been wildly successful, finding numerous customers in the city who are willing to pay top dollar for exotic hides, as well as hunters and scavs willing to haul strange carcasses dozens of miles just to sell their skins at his shop. Despite having a shop that reeks of the smell of death (an unavoidable part of the business), Skinner has managed to make himself important to the local economy, turning a tidy profit while also serving as a link between the area’s wilderness dwellers and their counterparts living in the urban ruins.

USESSkinner’s offers the player characters a chance of making extra money from the creatures they kill during their adventures. Furs and pelts of all kinds have value on the Twisted Earth, whether as the clothing for primitive people or as luxuries for those who can afford them. Once considered nothing more than a necessity, traders have begun buying up the more luxurious pelts, finding eager customers among audacious raider princes and merchant lords alike.

You can use Skinner’s in a number of ways; a few examples are provided below.

1. Skinner’s is the ideal place to unload furs and pelts the party may have taken during an adventure. Tribals, hunters, and scavs alike come to Skinner’s to sell their furs, and PCs asking

around will hear that Skinner offers fair prices for good pelts.

2. Trappers coming in from the deep desert are a common sight at Skinner’s, and PCs looking for an accomplished wilderness guide might consider going there to find the right hireling to take them where they need to go.

LAYOUTSkinner’s is easy enough to find, since so many natives know of its location, and even outsiders from the desert often have reason to visit it with frequency. The establishment is a simple brick building at the junkyard’s edge, surrounded by an old garbage-strewn yard filled with tall grass and regularly visited by a few stray neighborhood dogs. Most of Skinner’s business takes place outside, under a covered area where he can display his current wares, but he has additional (and more valuable) stock inside - as well as a workshop where the hides are skinned and treated.

A. YARDThe front yard to Skinner’s is overgrown and littered with junk, though the proprietor has made accommodation for the mounts of his customers with a small covered area and watering trough.

B. BACKYARDThe area behind the establishment is just as rough and unkempt as the area out front, and an old rusted chainlink fence separates the two. Vividly-painted signs from before the Fall proclaim “BEWARE OF DOG” and “KEEP OUT”, warning against trespassing. The fence itself could be easily cut open or scaled (Climb check DC 10).

Living out back in the tall grass or in the shade of a particular tree is Skinner’s “Pet”. Snatcher is a carnage (first introduced in The Broken & The Lost), a voracious desert carnivore that Skinner has managed to domesticate through regular feedings - namely the discarded meat and viscera from carcasses he’s cleaned. Snatcher has grown used to such feedings, but the chemicals used by Skinner in the skinning process have also begun to change the beast. Snatcher is now a hugely fat creature; its skin sheds, its quills have all but fallen out, and its teeth are decaying at a rapid rate. Snatcher is still a formidable watchdog, however, and has been known to bite off the fingers of children who foolishly risk the chain-link fence.

C. PROPANE TANKThis old propane tank, scavenged from a gas

station down the road years ago, provides fuel for the boiling vats in the Tannery. The tank’s contents are

flammable and under pressure.

D. SHOWROOMThe front area of the building is where Skinner greets potential customers. The front room is set up like a “showroom” of sorts, exhibiting some of Skinner’s finer wares. Rare striped furs, thick armor-like hides, and exotic skins from weird beasts are all hung out on display. Here and there Skinner has also hung the stuffed heads of some of the animals to whom the skins once belonged, including an albino apeman, a banecat, a horned baboon, and a guanagon. All in all the place is reminiscent of a hunting lodge, something that seems to appeal to the tribal chiefs and great hunters who often visit the place.

Skinner does his business out of this room. Here he meets customers to explain his services, make estimates, and collect what he is owed for work



skin - or otherwise berating him for his work). If he is present, there’s a good chance he’ll be speaking with a customer, usually a trapper looking to sell furs or hides, or a young tribal looking to buy something fancy to make him look like a more ferocious hunter than he really is!

Skinner deals in all sorts of skins, hides, and furs. He pays premium prices for pelts; the rarer the pelt, the more he pays. Skinner pays exclusively in corium, a fact that has made him more popular than many other furrier’s in the settlement who only offer barter. Though few openly speak of it, there are rumors Skinner will also deal in other skins, namely those of humans (and mutants), and that the going price is

quite steep…Characters can profit from beasts they kill by

skinning them and bringing them here for sale. However, skinning an animal is not always a routine task, requiring a careful hand and some skill to avoid damaging/destroying the pelt. To successfully skin a killed creature, a character must make a Profession (skinner) check after the beast is dead; the DC varies depending on the type of skin/hide to be collected, as shown below. If the check is failed, the skin is ruined and will not be worth any cp.

E. TANNERYThe tannery itself runs out of the back of Skinner’s establishment. It is an open-air building (necessary, since unventilated chemicals combined with the stench of rotting flesh would be dangerous), and hardly kept. The back area is a mess, filled with bottles and buckets of all manner of chemicals, brooms and mops, stirring poles and grabbing crooks, etc. The only “safety equipment” Skinner permits his hired workers (see below) are a set of old rubber gloves, a rubber apron, and a bandana to be worn over the nose and mouth to permit breathing.

Three huge vats dominate the tannery floor. The

first contains a chemical solution used for stripping meat from the animal hides. Different chemical cocktails are used for different furs/hides; only Skinner knows which chemicals to use, and he considers the formula a “trade secret“. Even his assistants are kept in the dark about what chemicals are used.

The chemical bath is drained once a skin is stripped, a process taking anywhere from 12-72 hours; the chemicals are dumped into a nearby sewer opening, while the castoff meat is taken out back and given to Snatcher. The skin is then taken to the next vat, which is used for washing. The last vat is used for dying or for special treatments that otherwise might be necessary to make a skin presentable.

At any given time during the day Skinner’s sole assistant, Mako (see Local NPCs), will likely be present here, working on various skins and hides. Mako will of course be alarmed by the presence of trespassers, but unless they are openly hostile and acting suspicious he will simply ask them to leave, gesturing towards the front of the building.

GM’s Note: Anyone entering the tannery without something to protect their breathing must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or become sickened while they are present. Those who fail this save by 5 or more are instead nauseated until they leave the establishment plus 1d10 minutes after.

F. SKINNER’S SPACESkinner is the only one who lives on site, dwelling

in a small back room connected to the tannery. The room is a simple brick-walled affair, kept decorated with the few “luxuries” Skinner has accumulated over the years, including a simple cot, table and chairs, full-sized mirror, wardrobe, and an old steamer trunk. The blanket for the cot is bane cat fur, while the table legs are made from guanagon legbones. The mirror’s bronze frame is inlaid with mutagon ivory; only the wardrobe and steamer trunk do not utilize some sort of

TABLE: SKINSkin/Hide/Pelt Profession

(skinner) DCSkinner Pays…

Wild Man 15 5 cpCynemie 15 10 cpDesert Horse 16 25 cpFraxx Steed 16 25 cpRattlecharmer 16 25 cpAlbino Apeman 17 50 cpAngoose 17 50 cp*Lurking Panther 17 50 cpSnoffle Hog 17 50 cp*Bawthok 18 75 cpHelkan 18 75 cp*Horned Baboon 18 75 cp*Wall Crawler 18 75 cpRad Wolf 18 75 cpGront 19 100 cp*Bane Cat 22 150 cpGuanagon 22 150 cpMani-to 23 175 cpMutagon 27 250 cpSodellis 28 275 cpWendigo 30 300 cp

* Creature has tusks, horns, or antlers that could be sold elsewhere for addt’l money, at the GM’s discretion.

completed. During the day he will be found here virtually 90% of the time (otherwise he will be in the Tannery, instructing Mako on how to treat a certain



skin, pelt, hide, or horn in their decoration.Treasure: Things to be found here include

Skinner’s personal belongings, including a sewing kit, a corium lantern, a power belt pack (fully charged; this is in addition to the one he normally wears), and a collection of flensing and tanning tools - knives, snippers, polishing stones, etc.. An unlocked strongbox contains a day’s typical earnings, usually in the range of 1,000 - 4,000 corium pieces.

In the wardrobe are several sets of cloth robes, cloaks, and other well cared-for garb (conspicuous only in that they all appear designed to cover the whole body). A 19th century cigar tin hidden under a heap of clothes in the back of the wardrobe (Search DC 20) contains what amounts to a disguise kit.

GM’s Note: The steamer trunk’s contents are more telling; it is, however, kept locked at all times (Skinner has the key, of course, but it can be opened with a Disable Device check at DC 25). If somehow opened, the steamer trunk proves to be filled with “mementos” that clearly reveal Skinner’s secret. These include the skins of three adult human males hung from pegs like “cloaks“, four “faces” (of various genders) removed from their skulls and kept in frames in the fashion of precious paintings, a jar full to the brim with polished human teeth (some of which are gold), and, affixed to the back of the steamer trunk interior, two human heads mounted like the heads of deer bucks, their faces frozen with expressions of pure horror.

Perhaps less alarming (but just as revealing) are his collection of minor robotic components scavenged or purchased discreetly over the years with the money he makes at his business, items which he hopes to some day use to repair his aging systems.

LOCAL NPCSSkinner has employed a number of hired hands in the past, but currently only one man, Mako, works under him. The reasons are explained below.

Local non-player characters likely to be encountered here are described here.

SKINNER (LOCAL FURRIER)Skinner is the face of the most successful furrier business in town. Renowned for his top-quality wares, exceptional customer service, and endless font of flattery (as well as patience for his often-savage clientele), Skinner is a merchant who seems to really enjoy his business and the daily interaction with his rough-and-tumble patrons.

Ironically Skinner is not in fact human, but a service android (“B2756“) who has maintained the illusion of being a “man” for many, many years. Revived from the junk heap long ago by a band of adventurers who wanted to use him as little more than the party “butler“, one day he was separated from them during a firefight and eventually made his way here. When scavenging the outer ruins for usable tools, B2756 was discovered by a hobo who panicked when he saw Skinner’s metallic body (Skinner resembles a human only from the neck up; below this he is a ghastly mess of electrical wiring and robotic parts). B2756 realized he’d have to go in disguise to survive, and so that’s exactly what he did. Donning robes, he took to charming the local inhabitants and set about the only trade he knew: making customers happy.

Skinner has kept his secret well over the years, but not perfectly. As an android, he is a heartless, cold-blooded creature that only pretends to be compassionate and a good listener. To customers he can seem warm and flattering, but this is all a well-practiced act, part of his integral programming to serve and please. In reality he sees humans as no better than the animals he skins. In fact, he has in the past skinned humans (hobos he abducted from the outskirts of town), first purely out of curiosity, then for his own cruel enjoyment. These skins are kept hidden in his quarters.

Though he seems abundantly pleasant and

accommodating to paying customers, Skinner is a callous employer, and that fact alone has driven off many hired hands in the past who ran off rather than put up with him. Most left due to Skinner’s unforgiving treatment of them, while a few left for other reasons. These claim they felt an “eerie” feeling around Skinner; some claim to have noticed the proprietor watching them with a strange, clinical expression that unhinged them and convinced them to leave. Even if these men are tracked down, none can put a finger on why exactly they left (he never did anything, as far as they know), other to escape the persistent “unease” of working under the master skinner.

B2756, aka “Skinner” (Service Android Post-Apocalyptic Hero 3/Skulk 2/Trader 3): CR 8; Medium-size Android Construct; HD 3d10 plus 2d10 plus 3d10 plus 10; HP 54; Mas 0; Init -4; Spd 30 ft; Defense 15, touch 15, flatfooted 15 (+0 size, +0 Dex, +5 class); BAB +4; Grap +6; Atk +6 melee (2d4+2 plus bleeding, vibroblade), or +4 ranged (by weapon); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ android traits, human mimic; AL none; SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +4; AP 3; Rep +1; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 0, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 20.

Occupation: Criminal (Disguise, Sleight of Hand).Features and Deteriorations: Human Mimicry,

Faulty Wiring.Skills: Bluff +7, Craft (visual art) +4, Diplomacy

+10, Disguise +12, Gather Information +11, Hide +6, Knowledge (Mutant Lore) +4, Listen +3, Move Silently +6, Perform +7, Profession (Trader) +6, Profession (Skinner) +11, Sleight of Hand +7, Spot +3.

Feats: Advanced Technology, Alertness, Creative (Craft [visual art], Perform), Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency (vibroblade), Market, Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Talents (Post-Apocalyptic Hero): Mutation



Knowledge, Wasteland Lore.Talents (Skulk): Sweep, Sneak Attack +1d6.Talents (Trader): Ear to the Ground, Money Talks.Possessions: Vibroblade (see nearby sidebar for

specifics), power belt pack, robes, steamer trunk key, coins and trinkets worth 50 cp.

MAKO (HIRED HELP)Mako is a lean young man of Asian descent who keeps mostly to himself. A jagged pink scar mars the right side of his face, but he is otherwise handsome - in a brooding sort of way. Mako is quite evasive about his past, but from his accent, surprisingly world-wise knowledge, opportunistic ways, and lightning reflexes it is clear he is a widely-traveled wanderer.

Long ago Mako was a soldier serving under the great General Cho of the Tillamook Traders (see The Lost Paradise), but his addiction to various vices finally got him in trouble when he was discovered taking bribes. General Cho discovered the extent of Mako’s corruption and, in what Mako was led to believe was merely a training match with his superior officer, Cho used a real blade to slash Mako’s face.

He planned on finishing Mako off as a matter of honor, but Mako managed to flee and never looked back.

Mako has lived a life of destitution, alternately foraging, begging, and stealing to survive. He has no compunction against killing to get his hands on food or corium. Considering himself kisama (a “lowlife“), he has no intention of ever rising above anything more than a thieving vagabond.

Hired as a temporary worker when all of Skinner’s hands left him, Mako has helped keep the business afloat. Yet Skinner shows no gratitude towards Mako. True, Mako has been slow to learn the business (and would rather spend his time carousing), but he is all Skinner has and for a time Mako was prepared to follow the other hirelings in deserting. A few months ago Mako discovered Skinner’s secret, however, and through innuendo and subtle hints he has made it clear to Skinner that he is aware of the android’s true nature. Skinner has said nothing openly of it, but he has eased up on Mako since, giving Mako freedom to do as he likes so long as the business continues to thrive. Mako believes he has secured for himself “job security“; he is not afraid of Skinner (though

this is perhaps a BIG mistake), and his boldness concerning their relationship could get him into trouble someday… especially if he were to reveal the truth with a drunken slip of the tongue.

Mako wisely does not live on the premises, but rather in a run-down boarding house somewhere else. He spends most of the money he makes on booze and local prostitutes. He hates Skinner’s pet, “Snatcher”, and rarely goes near the creature.

Mako (Mutant Strong Hero 3/Guardian 1/Charismatic Hero 2): CR 6; Medium-size humanoid; HD 3d8+3 plus 1d10+1 plus 2d6+2; HP 33; Mas 13; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; Defense 16, touch 16, flatfooted 14 (+0 size, +2 Dex, +4 class); BAB +5; Grap +7; Atk +7 melee (1d4+2, small knife), or +7 ranged (by weapon); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ medical incompatibility; AL none; SV Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +0; AP 3; Rep -1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 12.

Occupation: Wanderer (Diplomacy, Navigate).Background: Visionary Reinventor (Knowledge

[Tactics]).Mutations and Defects: Independent Cerebral

Control.Skills: Bluff +8, Disable Device +2, Disguise

+3, Escape Artist +3, Gamble +0, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Tactics) +5, Profession (Skinner) +2, Sense Motive +0, Spot +5, Survival +1.

Feats: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Deceptive, Lightning Reflexes, Low Profile, Post-Apocalyptic Technology, Primitive Technology, Remove Defect, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (katana).

Talents (Strong Hero): Melee Smash, Improved Melee Smash.

Talents (Guardian): Defender +2.Talents (Charismatic Hero): Charm.Possessions: Rubber apron, rubber gloves, filthy

clothing, small knife, 1d10 corium pieces.

VIBROBLADEAn advanced weapon from before the Fall, the vibroblade resembles a sleek dagger with a monofilament blade. This blade vibrates, causing terrible bleeding wounds on a successful hit.

In addition to regular damage, each time a victim is hit with a vibroblade she must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or begin bleeding at a rate of one hit point per round. This bleeding is cumulative (I.e. two hits cause the victim to bleed at a rate of 2 hit points per round). Such a wound will continue to bleed for 10 rounds (or until healed through healing medicine or a Treat Injury check at DC 15).

A vibroblade requires the Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency feat. It can be powered by a power belt pack or power backpack.

The vibroblade was originally introduced in Halidom.

Weapon Damage Crit Type Size Wgt Cost DCVibroblade 2d4 19-20 Slashing Tiny 1 lb. 5,000 cp 35



SNATCHER (GUARD DOG)Snatcher is Skinner’s “pet“, an oversized carnage (see The Broken & The Lost: New Terrors for more on this bred of wasteland canine) whom a tribal chief gave to Skinner years ago to pay for a rare suit of Sodellis armor. At first Skinner planned to skin Snatcher, until he realized the ravenous beast was more useful alive. Originally he used Snatcher merely as a guard animal (its ferocious appearance continues to keep vagrants and potential thieves away), but then he began feeding the rotting meat and discarded flesh from the skinning process. Snatcher has grown big and fat as a result of his generous feedings, and has also changed due to the odd nature of many of his meals and the chemicals used in Skinner’s flensing process…

Snatcher, Warped* Carnage: Medium-size Mutated Animal; HD 4d8+12; HP 30; Mas 15; Init +0; Spd 35 ft.; Defense 10, touch 10, flatfooted 10 (+0 Dex, +0 natural); BAB +3; Grap +5; Atk +5 melee (1d6+3+1d6, bite plus acid); Full Atk +5 melee (1d6+3+1d6, bite plus acid); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Fast Healing 5, DR 2/-, Scent, Sense Disease; AL none; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 1.

Skills: Jump +4, Listen +4, Spot +5, Survival +4 (+8 when tracking by scent).

Feats: None.* The Warped template is detailed in the nearby


WARPED TEMPLATEThe warped template is a means of creating a creature that has been uniquely altered through contact with a cocktail of chemical or radioactive pollutants. Warped creatures are hideous to behold, being sickly, burned, and poisoned versions of their former selves. Hair or fur falls out in patches, skin turns red, blistered, or simply necrotizes, and often other features dissolve; a nose melts off, eyes burn away into white orbs, fingernails fall out, etc..

While weakened in many respects, warped creatures lose all sensitivity to pain and become almost

impossible to kill.The Warped template was originally introduced in


TEMPLATE TRAITS“Warped” is a template that can be added to any organic, living, non-ooze creature (hereafter referred to as the base creature). A mutant creature has all the base creature’s characteristics except as noted here.

Type: The creature’s type remains the same but gains the mutant descriptor (if it didn’t have it already).

Speed: The base speed of the creature is reduced by 5 ft (minimum 0).

Natural Armor: If the base creature has natural armor, reduce it by -2 (minimum 0).

Abilities: -2 Con, -2 Dex, -6 Cha (to a minimum of 1).

Attacks: A warped creature’s natural attacks do an additional 1d6 points of acid damage on a successful hit.

Special Abilities: The creature gains fast healing and damage reduction depending on its hit dice, as shown below:

1-5 HD Fast healing 5, DR 2/-6-10 HD Fast healing 5, DR 5/-11-15 HD Fast healing 5, DR 10/-16-20 HD Fast healing 10, DR 10/-21+ HD Fast healing 10, DR 15/-

ADVENTURE HOOKS• On behalf of a trading house the party is

negotiating a treaty with a stubborn and arrogant tribal chief, but he demands an offering in fine furs before he will discuss any deals. The PCs must return with a variety of different types of pelts (all of the highest quality) to impress the chief or there won't be any treaty. Skinner could be just the person they're looking for, but acquiring the stuff won't be cheap.

• An enigmatic wanderer has sold Skinner a bundle of unusually beautiful furs which were

subsequently bought up and are now in high demand. Skinner is interested in finding out where the wanderer got the fur so he can acquire more, and will pay the PCs a good amount of corium to either find the wanderer (and secure his cooperation) or else follow him and find out where the beast the fur belongs to lives. The beast could be a rare herd animal found only in a distant corner of the wasteland or a lost mountain valley...or it could be a vicious predator that will require guts and cunning to trap and kill.

• A tribal friend of the characters invites them to his wedding, but to attend they must be appropriately "attired". Skins and pelts are the order of the day, and everyone is outdoing each other with the quality and rarity of the pelts they're wearing. PCs hoping to make an impression will want to wear something exotic, and luckily Skinner has a variety to choose from.




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