skinside white paper oct 2015

White Paper Skinside v. 2.0 / 30.10.2015 S KINSIDE ®, A REVOLUTIONARY NEW SWISS DRINKABLE NUTRICOSMETIC , COMBINES BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN PEP - TIDES , SELECTED VITAMINS , AND UNIQUE S WISS MILK SERUM TO REDUCE SKIN WRINKLES AND INCREASE DERMAL MATRIX SYNTHESIS The global market for topically applied cosmetics and skincare has been highly competitive for decades, dominated by large multinational brands. Each of these skincare manufacturers targets improvement in the quality of skin’s texture and appearance using external application of creams and serums of various compositions with key ingredients, such as retinol and hyaluronic acid. While these topical beauty products (no matter their price or quality) act on the outermost skin layer (the epidermis), they typically do not penetrate to the lower skin layer (the dermis), which has historically been reserved for medical and nutri-cosmedical applications. Consequently, consumer benefits are often not delivered as expected. What most users do not understand is that blood and oxygen carrying vital nutrients to the skin operate at the dermal and hypodermal layers, not at the epidermis. Fig.1: Cross section of major skin layers, showing a simplified view of collagen fibers forming the key structural basis of the dermis. Blood and oxygen flow only at this layer and below, whereas no blood or oxygen operates at the epidermal layer. This simple biology forms the basis of the need for internal nutrition to supplement any topically applied skincare routines. Short of expensive medical procedures, true ongoing visual change in a user’s aging skin’s texture and appearance can only be sustained at the level of the dermis. This fact suggests that a user’s “fountain of youth“ must be managed

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White Paper Skinside v. 2.0 / 30.10.2015




MATRIX SYNTHESIS The global market for topically applied cosmetics and skincare has been highly competitive for decades, dominated by large multinational brands. Each of these skincare manufacturers targets improvement in the quality of skin’s texture and appearance using external application of creams and serums of various compositions with key ingredients, such as retinol and hyaluronic acid. While these topical beauty products (no matter their price or quality) act on the outermost skin layer (the epidermis), they typically do not penetrate to the lower skin layer (the dermis), which has historically been reserved for medical and nutri-cosmedical applications. Consequently, consumer benefits are often not delivered as expected. What most users do not understand is that blood and oxygen carrying vital nutrients to the skin operate at the dermal and hypodermal layers, not at the epidermis.

Fig.1: Cross section of major skin layers, showing a simplified view of collagen fibers forming the key structural basis of the dermis. Blood and oxygen flow only at this layer and below, whereas no blood or oxygen operates at the epidermal layer. This simple biology forms the basis of the need for internal nutrition to supplement any topically applied skincare routines. Short of expensive medical procedures, true ongoing visual change in a user’s aging skin’s texture and appearance can only be sustained at the level of the dermis. This fact suggests that a user’s “fountain of youth“ must be managed

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from within the body, requiring a wholesale re-thinking of classical skin care and maintenance paradigms. Consumers worldwide have become increasingly aware of the importance of well balanced nutrition and diet as a positive influence on the outer visual appearance of the skin. There is little mystery that a diet lacking essential nutrients vital to the skin’s health may leave a person’s skin in poor condition, lacking a “glow“ and suppleness that is often associated with younger, collagen-rich skin. It’s a well known medical fact that collagen, the principal protein molecule forming the complex matrix that influences the skin’s overall appearance, is at its most abundant during youth. As a person ages, however, particularly after age 30 (especially in women because of hormonal activity), the rate of collagen production and replenishment in the body declines. So how does a person, having used topical products for many years, balance her routine with a product that directly addresses the ”inside“ issue of how her skin is behaving? How can she improve and complement the effects of her topically applied products to truly reduce skin wrinkling and sagging? For many years, Asian and other Eastern cultures have embraced the idea of skincare from within as a complement to whatever topical cream or serum a user might apply. US and other Western markets have long stuck to the proposition that topical products will work “miracles“ if a user can just find the “right“ combination of brands and products. Billions of dollars are spent by consumers annually on such products in a perpetual chase for the elusive “fountain of youth.“ Recently, throughout leading Asian countries like Japan and South Korea, consumers have shifted their attention to ingestible drinks and powders containing various forms of collagen. Asian peoples have long understood the natural harmony and flow of their bodies, and how their internal states affected by nutrition affect their outer appearances. So it comes as little surprise that consumers in these countries have naturally adopted a product category like liquid nutricosmetics that holistically aligns with their way of thinking about appearance. In essence, what is consumed within will appear without. The lesson is that a skincare routine that combines both internal and external agents delivers a far more effective and desirable result than one exclusively determined by just externally applied creams and other topical products. With collagen, not all is created equal. In order to act on the dermis, collagen must be both bioactive and bioavailable. That is, for purposes of skincare

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effectiveness, this collagen must be technologically modified and purified to generate specific collagen peptides with the capability of passing through the digestive system’s intestinal barrier without its molecular structure being damaged or compromised. Such advanced collagen peptides then enter the bloodstream and are absorbed in the specific cells of the dermis throughout the body. Recall that skin is the body’s largest organ, and that any ingestion of such advanced bioactive and bioavailable collagen peptides affects the entire skin’s connective tissue, not just above the neck. Essentially, these purified collagen peptides operate from within the body’s natural flow to replenish the collagen that the body loses in the normal process of aging, Each daily 60 ml Skinside Antiox Beauty Shot contains unique, patented collagen hydrolysates which have been proven through scientific based studies to have significant bioactive properties and efficiency on reducing skin wrinkles and improving dermal matrix synthesis. In order to enhance this proven efficiency, the formulators of Skinside Beauty Shots developed a unique drinkable beverage that integrates selected vitamins (including C, E, and B3) scientifically known and recognized for contributing to the healthy function and maintenance of normal skin, and for supporting their positive effect on collagen absorption in the dermal matrix. Moreover, the Skinside formula contains pure Swiss milk serum, a whey derivative, adding even more precious minerals to the body. The in vivo efficiency of the Skinside formula was tested in Switzerland with a group of fifty (50) subject individuals aged 20 to 85, who participated in a 6 to 8-week daily regimen. There was an overwhelmingly positive feedback coming from individuals from the group. A large majority of users in a statistically significant base, independent of their age, expressed the view that their use of Skinside Beauty Shots had some noticeable effect on the improvement of their skin’s texture and/or appearance. No side effects were reported, adding to our view that not only are liquid nutricosmetics an important addition to a person’s daily skincare regimen, but that specifically, the uniquely Swiss formula at the core of Skinside products performs as well or better than any other liquid nutricosmetic product available today.

SKIN APPEARANCE AND EFFECTS OF COLLAGEN ON AGING As noted earlier, a source for the so called “fountain of youth“ has been an elusive goal for human adults dating to antiquity. Women, in particular, have

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long seen the appearance of their outer skin as a visible marker of how others perceive them. The less supple and smooth the skin appears as one ages, the more concern about “aging“ and the more fear mongering in our media and other public communications about our “older selves“ becoming less relevant and capable. Skin appearance and integrity, revealed through visible skin wrinkles and elasticity, change with age. Natural chronological and photoaging effects, influences of environmental factors like pollution and excessive sun exposure, and individual behaviors like smoking and drinking alcohol, all affect the rate of collagen production and replenishment in the body’s skin, joints, and other connective tissue. In women, hormonal aging as they grow older also has a dramatic effect on collagen production. All of these factors act on the decline of both the quality and quantity of available collagen. Let us be reminded of what collagen actually is: The body’s single most abundant protein that is the chief molecule of the body’s connective tissue, not just within the skin. When measured by mass, collagen comprises 72% of the dry weight of human skin, demonstrating its enormous influence on the skin’s overall structural integrity. [1] If we were using a building construction metaphor, the presence of abundant levels of collagen is akin to a building being supported by the correctly designed combination of pillar supports and beams that maintain the building’s safe function and appearance. When pillars, beams, and other support structures deteriorate, the building suffers and must be repaired. In the dermis of your skin, collagen is the substance that gives the skin its density and “plumpness“ that appears to us as “youthful.“ In effect, collagen is the skin’s ubiquitous internal “pillar.“ Where collagen lacks, the natural result is skin whose strength has been compromised and shows as more wrinkled and dull in tone. Below is a visual representation that illustrates the idea of collagen forming the pillar support of skin’s structural integrity. As skin loses its ability (for any or all of the causes noted earlier) to naturally replenish collagen in amounts needed to keep the dermal matrix dense enough, skin will start to sag and show more creases that appear as wrinkles. When collagen is replenished in adequate and correctly blended formulas (such as with daily Skinside 60 ml Beauty Shots) as shown in the left half of the illustration below, the integrity of the dermal matrix can be restored and maintained (as shown in the right half) as a regular part of a person’s skincare routine. As in all life, there is cause and effect.

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Fig.2: Cross section of major skin layers, showing the operation and effect of an ingestible collagen supplement like Skinside and its impact on replenishing and strengthening the collagen integrity of the dermal matrix. Skinside’s use of purified bioactive collagen peptides is reinforced by optimal dosages of Vitamins C, E, and B3 that affect collagen’s helix structure and DNA. In skin, collagen’s protein structure is fibrous and wound into a triple helix, with the resulting fibers producing high tensile strength and rigidity within a complex matrix structure (as shown above). This inflexibility, in fact, is ironically what is desirable because collagen resists stretching. The less “stretch,“ the more the skin tends to stay in a youthful state of smoothness, especially when working in cooperation with collagen’s protein “cousin“ called elastin. Elastin, operating closer to the skin’s epidermal layer, gives skin its resiliency and smooth texture. It provides the spring and “snap“ to the young face. [1] Lastly, remember that skin is the body’s largest single organ. As an organ, it operates from within as do all other organs in the body. Our liver, lungs, kidneys, and all other organs require correct, adequate nutrition to operate in their respective roles to serve the larger body. Using this logic, how can we avoid the same argument for the skin? It must be nourished internally with the same care and quality as we do for other organs. This is where our basis for formulating Skinside Beauty Shots originates. We created these beverages in our Swiss lab exactly because correctly nourished skin looks and functions in the way we most desire. When you also understand that collagen forms the connective tissue for the heart, lungs, joints, muscles, arteries and many other organs, you can quickly see that having and maintaining the right amount of collagen in the bloodstream, complemented by other vitamins that enhance its function, is

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critically important to a person’s overall health, not just to the appearance of the outer skin.

BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN & SCIENTIFIC STUDIES A survey of available studies indicates to us that it is possible to modulate or delay skin aging and to improve skin integrity by dietary ingredient supplementation. Before 2013, there was, in our knowledge, no clinical evidence that collagen peptide supplementation might reduce wrinkle formation and benefit skin metabolism after oral intake in humans. Understanding that a correct daily skincare routine involves the ingestion of a uniquely blended formula that replenishes collagen and stimulates our own body’s production of it, we at Skinside took great pains to ensure that our product’s central core collagen molecular structure was as effective and safe as possible. As noted earlier, in order to act on the dermal (inside) level, collagen must be both bioactive and bioavailable – i.e., technologically modified and purified to generate specific collagen peptides with the capability of passing through the digestive system’s intestinal barrier without its molecular composition being diluted or compromised. Using the published results of a specific double blind, placebo-controlled study [2] to validate the basis of formulating Skinside with specific bioactive collagen peptides (BCP) on skin wrinkles and deep creasing, we have understood and validated that any ingestible skincare product must operate both effectively and efficiently. Every ingredient has to support and enhance the effects of its counterpart ingredients. The published study [2] evaluated the efficacy of 2500 mg of purified, high protein bioactive collagen peptides (the same quantity and purified quality as in Skinside products) on the measured volume of eye wrinkles in a controlled 8-week study in which objective wrinkle measurements were taken in both a study and a placebo group of 114 healthy female subjects aged 45-65. Dividing the group into two with 57 subjects apiece, the study conclusively showed that this precise quantity and quality of BCP used in the main group promoted a “statistically significant reduction of eye wrinkle volume in comparison to the placebo group after 4 and 8 weeks of intake.“ [2] In addition, “a positive long-lasting effect was observed 4 weeks after the last BCP administration.“ Moreover, after 8 weeks of intake, a statistically significantly higher content of Procollagen Type I (65%) and elastin (18%) in the BCP-treated volunteers compared to the placebo-treated patients was detected.

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What this demonstrates for Skinside is that using this identical form of BCP, also known as hydrolysed collagen, gives our products an automatic advantage in delivering results that not only improve the skin around the eyes, but the skin everywhere else, with the face and neck included. Moreover, as the above study demonstrated, there is an ongoing impact of these BCP even after the initial daily intake of 8-9 weeks. The key takeaway is that ingestion of drinkable Skinside products produces cumulative results that linger on even after weeks of stopping daily intake. Unlike a regular capsule supplement or a short burst “energy drink,“ Skinside products have an ongoing, longer term impact that is physically superior to these other products. We don’t discourage the use of externally applied agents like fillers for “touch-ups,” but instead encourage consumers to adopt a simultaneous internal focus on the health and maintenance of their skin. Correct nutrition and daily supplementation with Skinside Beauty Shots is a winning long term solution to keep skin looking and feeling its best. While we minimally recommend 2-3 different times per year of 64 days (or 4 Skinside boxes of 16 Beauty Shots each), there is ample evidence showing that daily intake of Skinside products only serves to support ongoing healthy skin appearance and maintenance. The in vivo test results of our own Skinside study described later conclusively support these claims. While a diet rich in proteins derived from foods like dairy, fish, lean meats, eggs, soy and others can benefit the entire body, supplementing these foods with products formulated by Skinside precisely targets the replenishment of protein-rich purified collagen with a uniquely blended drinkable formula that a chronologically aging body has difficulty doing on its own. It also merits discussion that use of Skinside products is not meant to be any “immediate“ or “overnight“ fix of skin that has been suffering the effects of poor maintenance, environment, or other cause. Many millions of dollars are spent annually worldwide by people looking for quick fixes, and medical professionals are anxious to meet this demand. The use of Skinside products is a longer term game. One day or one week of drinking a 60 ml Beauty Shot will not give a “wow“ factor to a user as they might expect from some temporary wrinkle “freezing“ topical serum. The savvy user understands that drinking Skinside Beauty Shots provides a cumulative, ongoing positive effect on the skin’s appearance and texture. It is not unlike when a small-muscled person starts a weightlifting routine. Can the person expect to look like a competitive body builder after just a few days of lifting weights?

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WHY 2500 MG OF COLLAGEN AND NOT MORE? As our studies have concluded, the effectiveness of bioactive collagen peptides relies primarily on their level of purification and molecular size. The hydrolysed collagen used in Skinside is of the purest quality with an average molecular mass of just 2000 kDalton (kDa). There is no available evidence suggesting that a higher dosage than the 2500 mg of bioactive collagen peptides used in Skinside as a daily oral intake leads to an improved cosmetic effect. As suggested earlier, the effectiveness of any product’s BCP is compromised if during the process of digestion, the small intestine prohibits the BCP molecule from passing through to the bloodstream in meaningful quantities. In addition, the BCP must be resistant to the effects of gastric juices breaking down its structural integrity. The 2 kDa mass of our 2500 mg hydrolysed collagen is small enough that the user fully gets the benefit of Skinside products delivered to the dermal matrix, where it is most needed. This 2500 mg, delivered daily in the form of a 60 ml (2 fl oz) Beauty Shot, is precisely what the body needs and can digest most easily for maximum nutritive effect. Ironically, in many of the Asian and European countries noted earlier, the competition among manufacturers is not in their collagen’s relative quality or usage, but rather in the amount of collagen contained in a single serving. Marketing ads focus on wildly high dosages like 8,000 mg or 12,000 mg of collagen in their formulas. As explained above, such large numbers might sound impressive, but the body has no use for such high dosages, assuming such large sized molecules could even pass the body’s intestinal barrier to enter the bloodstream. One last point on the type of bioactive collagen peptides merits discussion. Users have asked us why we chose to use a bovine-sourced form of collagen over a marine, or fish-based source. In addition to bovine and other animal-sourced collagen being much more prevalent and compatible with human DNA, as per our information, there is no evidence whatsoever that marine-sourced collagen has any greater skincare efficacy in studies conducted in the past 5-10 years. In addition, marine collagen poses risks of allergic reactions that animal sourced collagen products do not.

WHY THESE SPECIFIC THREE VITAMINS? In our initial development of the formulae in Skinside products, we understood that any serving a person consumes must have an ideal combination of nutrients to support the product’s core mission of collagen

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absorption into the dermal matrix. We did not want to add a number of nutrients that did not serve our primary objective of stimulating the body’s own collagen production, and facilitating the maximum absorption of BCP into the dermal matrix. We also did not want to add a higher dosage of what was needed in the vitamins we did ultimately include. In other words, our team set out to create the perfect drinkable skincare supplement. The net result of what we developed is a perfectly blended 60 ml beverage supplement that contains the precise amount of BCP and reinforcing vitamins and other nutrients that a person needs to consume in a single day in order to restore and maintain a more youthful appearance in their skin. In creating the Antiox 60 ml (2 fl oz) Beauty Shot, we identified three key vitamins which we understood to boost the desired effects of our core bioactive collagen peptides.

Skinside Antiox 60 ml (2 fl oz) Beauty Shot (left) that is the unit consumed daily. Sixteen (16) such units are included inside a single box of Skinside (right).

The first key vitamin we blended into the Antiox formula was Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), long known in the skincare world for its outstanding antioxidant properties. Vitamin C contributes to the normal formation of collagen and to the normal functioning of skin. An important effect of Vitamin C is protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage. [3] Vitamin C may also promote fibroblast (connective tissue cell) proliferation and repair of DNA lesions, activities necessary to maintain youthful appearing skin. [1] Vitamin C is also essential for the formation of hydroxyproline by the enzyme prolyl hydroxylase. Hydroxyproline is an amino acid molecule, and comprises 10% of the total amino acid content of collagen. Without this key molecule, no triple helix in collagen is formed and the alpha chains are degraded. [1]

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Fig.3: Structural forms of key amino acids Proline and Hydroxyproline (top), both of which are vital components of the triple helix structure of collagen within the body (bottom). Skinside’s blend of 2500 mg of hydrolysed collagen and key antioxidants directly affects the stimulation of the body’s own collagen production, as well as provides supplementation and repair of collagen as the body naturally ages and is influenced by external factors like pollution and alcohol. It is important to add that the 2500 mg of hydrolyzed collagen at the core of Skinside products also contain eight of nine essential amino acids, primarily proline, hydroxyproline and glycine. In essence, by blending in the right amount of Vitamin C, there is a biochemical reinforcement of the collagen building impact of each ingredient. Skinside Antiox Beauty Shots stimulate collagen production within the body, as well as replenish amounts that the body cannot produce on its own due to age and other factors noted earlier. The antioxidant properties of Vitamin C help the BCP absorb into the dermal matrix, and additionally help prevent DNA deterioration and oxidative stress. It is the ultimate “1-2 punch.“ The next key vitamin we understood would complement the core 2500 mg of bioactive collagen peptides in Antiox was Vitamin E. Vitamin E (DL-tocopheryl acetate) contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. [4] It is the major fat-soluble vitamin in the body. Vitamin E works to trap free radicals in the cell membrane, as well as boosts healing and tissue repair. Like Vitamin C, it is an antioxidant that complements the Skinside core mission of collagen absorption into the dermal matrix. Lastly, our team added Niacin (Vitamin B3). Niacin contributes to the maintenance of normal skin and mucous membranes. [5] As with Vitamin C,

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Niacin helps prevent DNA damage by facilitating its repair process. [1] Some users of Skinside products have noted minor amounts of skin flushing, or redness due to the Niacin content. Such reactions are uncommon, but when they occur, there is no cause for concern, as any flushing effect is temporary.

Fig.4: Structural form of Niacin (Vitamin B3), a key part of the Skinside’s unique Swiss blend of hydrolysed collagen and selected antioxidants.

Here is the FDA-compliant nutrition panel used on Skinside packaging. The panel addresses the contents of a single 60 ml Antiox Beauty Shot.

It is important to note that all Skinside products are non-carbonated and pleasantly flavored with natural fruit flavors. Besides including only natural flavors, Antiox uses no artificial sweeteners or colorants, and has been tested and confirmed as gluten-free. Our team’s long experience in the food and beverage industries has taught us the importance of delivering a good experience to the consumer. Taste is important for a user to want to drink a daily beverage, and Skinside meets these expectations. Of course, we also never test on animals, nor ever will in our efforts to develop the most leading edge products in liquid nutricosmetics.

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As an important aside on the advantages of a daily 60 ml drinkable collagen supplement versus traditional capsules or powder forms, we offer some good common sense. Regarding collagen capsule supplements, a user is normally faced with having to ingest anywhere from 4 to 6 separate capsules daily to try to reach a 2500 mg dosage of collagen. As for powder forms, it is a matter of precision. Being Swiss natives, we pride ourselves on developing products that work precisely and easily, just as with our watches and clocks. Hence we created Skinside Beauty Shots with the idea of complete ease and predictability. Drink one pleasant tasting Beauty Shot per day, and no need to think about any mixing or shaking. No questions like “Did I add enough water?“ or “Is this the right amount of powder to add?“ Of course, as with most things, it is a matter of preference. We are confident that the Skinside Beauty Shot is the form factor that generates the greatest enthusiasm. It is easiest to use, and consumers can feel confident that everything they need for a greatly improved skin appearance and texture is contained within just one pre-blended bottle drunk daily.

WHY DO WE INCLUDE SWISS MILK SERUM? Milk serum, also called lactoserum, is derived from the production of whey, when milk’s components have separated fatty acids and proteins. It contains only minerals (including Calcium) and other dietary elements that are essential for human nutrition, as well as a small amount of lactose. A single 60 ml Antiox Beauty Shot contains just 0.48 g of lactose, below the level at which anyone with a lactose intolerance would likely exhibit any adverse reaction.[6] For many generations of residents of Switzerland, locally produced milk serum obtained as a by-product of the unused part of the milk during traditional production of Swiss cheese has represented a form of beverage “cure“ that aids in general wellness with health benefits from its many micro-nutrients. In addition to health and wellness, Swiss milk serum has long been known to enhance skin appearance and softness, making it a valuable and unique addition to a world class drinkable nutricosmetic product like Skinside. For centuries, these milk serum treatments were offered by farms in the Swiss Alps. These days, milk serum cures are practiced in selected Swiss wellness centers.

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Milk serum treatments are provided in Gstaad (Switzerland) in a mountain chalet at 6,100 feet altitude. Photo: Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus.

Milk serum has become such a major fixture in Switzerland that since 1952, the manufacturers of the Swiss-based beverage Rivella have used Swiss milk serum as a major part (35%) of the most popular soft drink of Swiss origin. For the overall Swiss population, milk serum is associated with good health and wellness, and it is the principal reason why the Swiss development team at Skinside included it in our products.

SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN RESULTS Below we expand on the results of the clinical double blind placebo controlled study [2] described earlier. The study conclusively showed a cause and effect relationship in the oral consumption of 2500 mg of bioactive collagen peptides on wrinkle volume and corresponding appearance around the eyes and other areas. When these results are combined with the results of our own in vivo study whose results we describe below, anyone considering the daily ongoing consumption of Skinside Beauty Shots can rest assured they are taking one of the finest drinkable nutricosmetics available anywhere.

WRINKLE VOLUME After 4 weeks of treatment, a reduction of eye wrinkle volume of 7.2 % could be objectively measured in the test subjects consuming the 2500 mg of BCP

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versus the placebo group. This positive effect was even more pronounced after 8 weeks with an average of 20.1 % wrinkle volume reduction. One test subject had a recorded 49.9% measured reduction.

Fig. 5: Orally administrated collagen [2] and statistically significant reduction of eye winkles after 4 and 8 weeks.

PROCOLLAGEN CONTENT In the test subjects consuming the 2500 mg of BCP, Procollagen Type I content was increased by an average 65% after 8 weeks of treatment. These results may confirm the stimulatory effect of bioactive collagen peptides on anabolic processes supporting the maintenance of the dermis extracellular matrix synthesis.

Fig. 6: The amount of procollagen type I and Elastin was statistically significantly increased 8 weeks after the collagen treatment.

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LONG LASTING EFFECT For users of Skinside Antiox Beauty Shots, a very reassuring result is the lingering effects of daily intake of 2500 mg of bioactive collagen peptides, even a full 4 weeks after an 8-week regimen.

Fig. 7: Reduction of eye wrinkles volume persisted 4 weeks after last intake [2] According to the study [2], a possible explanation for this long-lasting improvement might be the pronounced increase in the biosynthesis of essential dermal macromolecules such as collagen, elastin and fibrillin. It is known that collagen and elastin are the major components in the dermis supporting preservation of skin structure, skin firmness and elasticity, and that they directly affect wrinkle formation.

NEW IN VIVO TEST RESULTS WITH SKINSIDE CONSUMERS To conclusively prove the rejuvenating effects of Skinside and corroborate the results of the earlier study [2], the Skinside team designed an application study in early 2015. Fifty (50) subjects, both female and male, aged 20-85 tested Skinside during an 8-week period. The results, based on a structured questionnaire, were amazing and fully in line with our expectations: 74% confirmed an improvement of their skin condition; 70% confirmed a visible reduction of wrinkles (eye, neck, décolleté); and 78% said that Skinside met or exceeded their expectations.

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Fig.8: Results of Skinside Application Study. Intake period of 6-12 weeks. 50 subject persons aged 20 to 85, 80% female, 20% male. Period of study: Dec. 2014 - March 2015.

Before and after un-retouched photos* of two test subjects from Skinside Application Study, intake period of 6-12 weeks. 50 subject persons aged 20 to 85, 80% female, 20% male. Period of study: Dec. 2014 - March 2015. *(“selfies” sent by Regula W., 8610 Uster/Switzerland, after 6 weeks of treatment with Skinside, before (left) and after (right))

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The idea of skin care has indeed come full circle. The team at Skinside AG in Switzerland has developed a line of high quality drinkable 60 ml Beauty Shots designed to be taken by a user daily to stimulate and supplement their body’s natural collagen production. As we have shown, an ample and consistent amount of collagen within the body’s dermal matrix is critically important to the overall health and appearance of the skin. Topically applied creams and other products have their place, but acting on their own, they are woefully insufficient in addressing the key long term challenges of skin’s tendency to wrinkle and crease as a person ages. Many factors contribute to a declining rate of collagen production, with age included. However, it is possible for a person to supplement their skin’s needs daily with an ingestible product that safely operates within the natural flow and processes of the body. A product that is precisely formulated by exacting Swiss standards to include the correct balance of purified hydrolysed collagen, reinforcing antioxidant vitamins, and topped off with a uniquely Swiss form of milk serum containing essential micro-nutrients. A product with just the right amount of each ingredient, that understands the body’s own digestive processes and limitations. A product that contains no gluten, or artificial flavors, sweeteners, or colorants. A product that tastes outstanding every time, and has users looking forward to the next day when they can drink another 60 ml bottle. Of course, we are describing Skinside products. We are proud to present them to the world and fully expect to continue to hear from customers who are delighted by the results they can see in the mirror. Welcome to Skinside, we look forward to having you join us! ______________

Pierre Schwaller, Switzerland, is a graduate engineer in Food Sciences ETH-Z (Eidgenösische Hochschule Zürich / Federal Highschool Zürich) and Dr Sciences. He is currently Director of Research & Development for Skinside (Switzerland) AG and an active member of its Board of Directors. His group continues to develop a pipeline of innovative nutricosmetic products designed to exceed customer expectations of safe and effective ingestible skincare.

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Dr. Schwaller has worked for over 35 years in the research and development of many food and beverage products in well known Swiss and international companies. While on a business trip in Asia, he was exposed to the huge potential of nutricosmetics and the growing knowledge base of scientific research behind skincare from within. He soon joined the new team at Skinside AG in Switzerland with the mission of formulating the finest available range of drinkable nutricosmetics made anywhere in the world. He continues to work closely with the team to identify and develop new Skinside products that meet the demanding skincare needs of consumers worldwide. References [1] Physiology of the Skin, Third Edition, by Drs. Zoe Draelos and Peter Pugliese, 2011,, pp. 12-15, pp 462-464. [2] E. Proksch, M. Schunck, V. Zague,, D. Segger, J. Degwert, S. Oesser: Oral Intake of Specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides Reduces Skin Wrinkles and Increases Dermal Matrix Synthesis. Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2014;27:113–119. [3] Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to vitamin C and protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage (ID 3331) and regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E (ID 202), pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. EFSA Journal 2010;8(10):1815 [20 pp.] [4] Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to vitamin E and protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage (ID 160, 162, 1947), …, maintenance of normal skin (ID 164). EFSA Journal 2010;8(10):1816 [30 pp.] [5] EFSA Journal 20 10;8(10): Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to niacin maintenance of normal skin and mucous membranes (ID 4700). [6] According to the Swiss Society for Nutrition.