skripsi bahasa inggris zainuddin

IMPROVING STUDENTS’ NARRATIVE WRITING SKILL THROUGH BLOGGING MEDIA (A Classroom Action Research at 10 th Grade of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta) A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Achieving for the Degree (S.Pd) By : ZAINUDDIN Study Program : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Student Register Number : 20098100926 ENGLISH DEPARTEMENT SCHOOL OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION (STKIP) KUSUMA NEGARA JAKARTA 2013

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(A Classroom Action Research at 10th

Grade of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja



Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Achieving for the Degree


By :


Study Program : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Student Register Number : 20098100926






Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Drs. Zainul Anwar, M.Pd Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum

Tanggal : Tanggal :


Dr. H. Sugiharto, MM .............................. ..............................


Dr. Hj. Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, M.Pd.............................. ..............................


Drs. H. Romdani, M.Pd .............................. ..............................

(Ketua Prodi Bahasa Inggris)

Danti Pudjiati, S.Pd., M.Hum .............................. ..............................

(Anggota Penguji I)

Sunarmo, S.Pd., M.Hum .............................. ..............................

(Anggota Penguji II)

Moh. Sulaiman, S.Pd.,MM .............................. ..............................


Tanggal Lulus : 12 Oktober 2013


NPM : 20098100926



Research at 10th Grade of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta)


ZAINUDDIN, Improving Students’ Narrative Writing Skill Through Blogging

Media (A Classroom Action Research At 10th

Grade Of Ma Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja

Jakarta). Skripsi, Jakarta : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah

Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Kusuma Negara Jakarta, 2013.

This research of this thesis has been done at MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja

Jakarta. The purpose of this thesis is to find the result of the Improving Students’

Narrative Writing Skill Through Blogging Media. It is hopes can improve the

students’ writing ability.

The method that used in this research is classroom action research method that

gives description explanation. It has developed in two cycles and every cycle has four

steps, they are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. And the technique of data

analysis used the result of cycle and the interview. For the subject of the research is

the students’ at tenth grade of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta. The writer uses one

class consists of 18 (eighteen) students.

The media that using is the blogging one of the free website from the google

they are on internet that can use every time. To operate the

blogging we visit the then sign up with fill our identity on there, after

finished sign in we can do everything on there.

The result based on the researching, the writer can make the last result obtain

in each cycle 1 = 59,66, and on the cycle 2 = 77,11. From the result it is concluded

there is an improve in students’ narrative writing skill through blogging media.

The conclusion, the new media in process teaching writing could make the

students more actived, more motivated, and more interested.



Alhamdulillah, all praise and graceful are given to Allah SWT, the almighty

always guide and give all the best to the writer in completing this thesis. Peace and

blessing upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his companion and his


This thesis can not be completed without a great deal of help from many

people :

1. DR. H. Sugiharto, MM as the head of STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta.

2. DR. H. Kusrin, M.Pd as the first assistant of head STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta

3. Drs. H. Romdhoni, M.Pd the head of English Departement of STKIP Kusuma

Negara Jakarta

4. Drs. Zainul Anwar, M.Pd as her advisor who always gives her valueable help,

guidance, correction and suggestion for the completing of this thesis.

5. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum as her second advisor, who always gives supports,

valueable help, guidance, correction, suggestion and also motivation to the writer

to complete this thesis.

6. All lectures and staff in English Departement who had given their valuable

advice and cooperation.

7. Drs. H.A Mahfudz Abduh, M.Si as the head master of MA Arrasyidiyyah Koja

Jakarta, thanks for the cooperation and pray.

8. Evy Salmiastuti, S. Ag as the calloborator and English teacher during the

research at the MA Arrasyidiyyah and all of teacher, thanks so much for the


9. All of students the tenth grade of MA Arrasyidiyyah, thanks a lot and I always

remember you all.

10. My beloved parents (Hasanuddin and Siti Hodijah), sister and brother (Siti

Sakdiyah and Fathullah) and my other parents (Ust. Qudsi Ahmad, M.Pd.I and

Anik Retnowati, M.Pd.I) who always give their materials, prays, and morals

encouragement to finish my study.

11. My best friends (Alid Torichudin Saputra, Abu Hasan, S.Pd.I, Ali Usman,

Maulidi Arfan, Ragil Praditha) who had given many supports all this time, thank

a lot.

12. My special friend (Windy Nurfika Romdhoniati) who always helps and gives

support and will be my wife soon. Thanks so much.

13. All the people who had helped the writer to finish this study that can not be

mention one by one.

May Allah SWT the Almighty blesses them all. Aamiin ...

Jakarta, 15 September 2013

The Writer



SURAT PERSETUJUAN ...………………………………………………… i

ABSTRACT ……….………………………………………………………… ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………. iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………... iv

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1

A. The Background of the Study ........................................... 1

B. The Identification of the Problem .................................... 4

C. The Limitation of the Problem ......................................... 4

D. The Formulation of the Problem ...................................... 4

E. The Benefit of the Study................................................... 5

CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL DESCRIPTION ................................. 7

A. Narrative Writing Skill ............................................... 7

1. The Definition of Narrative Skill ........................... 7

2. The Narrative Text ............................................... 10

3. The Generic Structures of Narrative Text ............... 10

B. The Writing Skill ...................................................... 11

1. The Definition of Writing Skill ............................. 11

2. The Genre in Writing ........................................... 13

3. The Nature of Writing ............................................ .. 14

C. Blogging .......................................................................... 17

1. The Understanding of Blogging ............................... 17

2. The Ways to Create Blogging ................................... 18

D. The Classroom Action Research ..................................... 22

1. The Definition of Classroom Action Research ....... 22

2. The Steps of Classroom Action Research ............... 23

3. The Models of Classroom Action Research ............ 25

E. The Advantages of Using Blogging ............................ 27

F. The Technology Used in Writing.................................... 27

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................... 29

A. The Objective of the Research ......................................... 29

B. The Time and Place of the Research ............................... 29

C. The Method of the Research ............................................ 29

D. The Subject of the Research ............................................ 30

E. The Procedure of Research Basen on CAR ..................... 30

F. The Technique of the Data Collecting ............................. 31

G. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................... 33


A. The Description of the School …………………………. 35

1. The Background of School …………………………. 35

2. The Usage Curriculum ………………………………36

3. The School Organization …………………………… 37

4. The School Facilities ……………………………….. 37

5. The Extra Curricular Activities ……………………. 38

B. The Activities at Classroom............................................. 39

1. The Cycle 1 .............................................................. 39

2. The Cycle 2 .............................................................. 39

C. The Analysis .................................................................... 47

D. The Research Findings ………………………………… 47


A. Conclusion …………………………………………….. 49

B. Suggestions ……………………………………………. 50

BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………… 53

LIST OF APPENDIXES …………………………………………………… 55

BIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………… 94


1. Figures 1 : Sign up to Blogger ........................................................ 18

2. Figure 2 : Create google account ................................................... 19

3. Figure 3 : Sign in to Blogger ........................................................ 19

4. Figure 4 : Make your Blogger ....................................................... 20

5. Figure 5 : Select a standard template for your new blog. ............. 20

6. Figure 6 : Your blog has been created. ......................................... 21

7. Figure 7 : Write post First ............................................................. 21

8. Figure 8 : Model of CAR Hopkins ........... .................................... 25

9. Figure 9 : Model of CAR Spiral Kemmis dan Mc Taggart ............ 26


1. Appendix 1 : Silabus .................................... .................................. 55

2. Appendix 2 : Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) ......... ... 58

3. Appendix 3 : The Observation’s Activities in Teaching Learning

Process of CAR ................................................. ....... 68

4. Appendix 4 : The Observation’s Activities in Teaching Learning

Process of CAR ................................................. ....... 69

5. Appendix 5 : The Result of Data Collection in Cycle I .................. 70

6. Appendix 6 : The Result of Data Collection in Cycle 2.................. 71

7. Appendix 7 : The Result of Data Collection from per Cycle ......... 72

8. Appendix 8 : The Result of Students’ Blogging ........................... 73

9. Appendix 9 : Kisi-Kisi Pedoman Observasi .................................. 74

10. Appendix 10 : Pedoman Observasi Dengan Guru Bahasa Inggris ... 75

11. Appendix 11 : Kisi-Kisi Pedoman Wawancara ................................ 79

12. Appendix 12 : Pedoman Wawancara Dengan Kepala Sekolah ........ 80

13. Appendix 13 : Hasil Wawancara Dengan Kepala Sekolah .............. 82

14. Appendix 14 : Hasil Wawancara Dengan Guru ............................... 85

15. Appendix 15 : Kalender Pendidikan ............................................... 87

16. Appendix 16 : Alokasi Waktu Dan Tugas Mengajar ........................ 88

17. Appendix 17 : Rekapitulasi Siswa .................................................... 90

18. Appendix 18 : Daftar Nama Siswa Kelas X .................................... 91



F. The Background of the Study

As we realize that English is popular since it becomes of International

Language. It is used by milions of people all over the world. Nowadays, English

has become the language of commerce, technology, politics as well as education.

For Indonesia, English is a foreign language. Learnig a foreign language

is an integrated process that the learner should study the four basic skill :

listening, speaking, reading and writing. We use it to understand our world

through listening and reading and to communicative our feeling need and desire

through speaking and writing. By having more knowledge about language skill

we have much better chance of undestanding and being understood and getting

what we want and need from these around us.

Writing is one of four basic skills, it is very important in teaching and

learning English. Writing involves some language component (spelling,

grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation).

We all realize how important English for our children. The authority was

obliged all of Educational official in all province in Indonesia should provide the

lesson in each school. All Indonesia people agree with this curriculum that could

be make their children know English from beginning. More better than before

which they took in years ago. All of the component in this nation should support

this policy by all their ability.

There are so many things that can get from English. Like a senoir high

school students, they can proceed in their academic achievement with English.

As well all know, most of the source books, whether it is social or natural science

are written in English. In addition English is also important for next generation in

order can compete to International completion and prepare our human resource in

global completion.

To make students able to use English for communication, ones of the

skills which has to be understood is writing. Because it is the basic language

element learning writing is higly require sins. It is basic for mastering any

language. From writing they can telling and explaining something in spite of only

a simple statement. This skill must be trained to bring up capability in writing

process to the writer as well.

In writing something we should have more knowledge. How could we

produce information if we do not any information to give. Just like an empty

kettle that will not give any water for any body. Through writing, we can transfer

our ideas and information in the paper with the good sentences. We can express

everything in our mind in to the form of writing. Teacher as manager in the class

should be creative in transferring the knowledge students bored. Teacher should

perform their job nicely by using teching aids. Media could also be instrument in

teaching. We are focussing on Information technology media, such as Blogging.

In choosing the media you will find that the media itself has its own

characteristic. So it has weakness and strength. Usually we used the conventional

media such as cassette or vcd player but now we try to teach english by using

internet media in the class. This media is more powerful than conventional

media. Because students can visualy learn english by expressing their media in

written and in the same time they can see the respon of their ideas form chat mate

directly online.

The writer has chosen a title about writing in teaching writing in high

school, because there are some problem in MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah that appear in

teaching writing activity. As like the students of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah are still

lack of practice, the lack of motivation from the teacher, no media to express the

student’s writing, and also the weakness of the students to understand about topic

sentences and lack of their vocabulary, never use the media studying in teaching

writing, the teacher does not make innovation for the teaching etc. Beside that

according some of the student english has symbols which difficult to understand

by the students, so as the teacher must give a lot of task to practice the writing in

the class.

Based on the problem above, so the writer has chosen blogging to solve

the writing process in the classroom. The student will more motivate to express

their mind on the blogging because it is as like their personal diary. The student

can express anywhere they want in classroom, their room or at the park.

There are many technique and method in teaching language, especially in

teaching writing English. The new of all is blogging. In here, the writer assumses

this method is so fun and increase more motivate of the students.

G. The Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study mentioned above, the identification

of the problem of the research are :

1. How do the students learn writing, for the time in being class?

2. How do the learning process improve the student’s ability?

3. How great are the writing skills out come?

4. How does teaching narrative writing skill through blogging make more

motivated for student?

5. How the teacher more interested to teach narrative writing skill through


H. The Limitation of the Problem

The writer limits the discussing of the study about, “Improving Students’

Narrative Writing Skill Through Blogging Media at Tenth Grade of MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta”. Because the writer find, the effective method to

teach using blogging. Especially students for tenth grade.

I. The Formulation of The Problem

Based on limitation of problem mentioned above, the problem of the

research can be formulated as follows; How to improve the Students’ Narrative

Writing Skill Through Blogging Media at Tenth Grade of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah

Koja Jakarta?

J. The Benefit of the Study

The writer hopes that this thesis can develop education institution to

perform a language laboratory, teacher to use the approach and method properly

in teaching writing to their students; it can be refer for English teacher in

studying which pursuant and guide linear of the better ways to achieve the

successful English study.

The benefit of this research for high school, that the headmaster of the

school knows actually teaching and teaching writing are really acceded by the

teacher. The students of course the headmaster tries provide the equipment of

writing so that, the students writing can be improved by practicing actively.

By using blogging in teaching narrative writing skill to the tenth grade

high school. It motivates and encourages students of tenth grade high school; it

motivates and encourages students to practice writing English. It makes them

enjoy expressing their feeling, ideas, opinion and even in messages and

suggestions. Since it is fun activity, it helps students to take port in practice.

Hopefully, result of this research can be practiced by the people

especially for all teachers. The benefits that can be taken from this research they

are :

- For the student : with a new media to write, the writer hopes this technique

gives motivation for them in writing especially writing through blogging.

- For the teachers : the result for this research can give them an alternative

method in teaching writing English.

- For MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah : the result of study is expected to gives some

contributions to solve the problem faced by the student in English writing.

- For the writer : this technique can be supplies for the writer now and future

to improve teaching writing through blogging.



A. Narrative Writing Skill

1. The Definition of Narrative Skill

A recent meta-analysis Gersten and Baker hightlights research-based

intructional approach for teaching written expression to students with learning

disabilities, including ways to teach students how to analyze material learned in

the classroom and how to write personal narratives, persuasive essays, and other

genres. According to Gersten and Baker, “All of the instructional interventions

studied improved the quality of students’ written products, and there was

evidence of positive impact on students’ self-effecacy, ie., their senses of being

able to write”1.

Narrative writing skill tells a story or part of story. Narrative writing is

found in novels, biographies, autobiographies, free essay and short stories.

Narrative writing depends on the personal or imaginative experience of a person.

A narrative writing should contain an entire story – beginning, middle, and end.

It should cover all the necessary details that explain the story. The narrator

should be able to pass on his thoughts and views to the reader.

1 Gersten and Baker, S. (1999) Teaching expressive writing to students with learning disabilities : a

meta-analysis. Eugene, OR : University of Oregon. P.211-214

Narrative writing means, essentially, writing that tell a story. It might

be fiction (as with writing personal narrative, or memoir writing). The main

feature of narrative writing is that it spans time and has a plot-something happens

that keeps readers reading to see what’s next. A narrative often (but certainly not

always is written in chronological order.

Narrative writing had been defined as the kinds of writing that simply

record a series of events. The opening sentence of narrative paragraph provides

the information that begins the story to be told or the events to be described. A

narrative paragraph can introduce a longer paper primarily concerned with

exposition or analysis. The personal experience in narrative’s form is usually

interest the reader that the other ones. In addition to provide the interest value for

the reader, this approach permits the writer to lead into the materials to be

analyzed in the essay. Laurence stated in his book : Reading and writing are

things can not be separated. To get a good writing the writer are demanded to

have reading skill well, it mean to read continously and relate with what they

want to write about. Purpose is central to the kind of narrative we write.

From this opinion the writer can conclude that the rading are part of

the language skill that can not be separated, because of each other mutual

support. So if someone wants to create a form of writing, then he should have a

good reading ability.

Writing is important part of language learning. There are many aspects

point out that writing is an activity or occupation which is done by a person to

express their ideas clearly in a written form to an intended audience. Writing is a

mean to communicate, to convey message, ideas and printed word. And writing

can also be read by anyone known as written language. "Learning to write in

essence is a lesson about how to express one's ideas and feelings through the

medium of writing"2. And another said “writing is expressing someone about

their ideas, opinion, thinking, or feeling use language writing”3

The writing process that a person does, not only involve the ability to

write correct and appopriate sentences, the ability to use spelling, punctuation,

commas etc. But also the ability to think creatively excluding all information

which is not necessary. It is generally agreed that learning to write well is a

difficult and time consuming process. In order to write well an individual needs

more than basic mechanical control, especially the non native students finishing a

writing assignment or project even though she/he has sufficient mechanical

ability in the foreign language. Therefore, writing process will be better if it

involves the writers interest in writing.

Writing, as one of four skills taught in learning and teaching english is

defined in many ways by many experts. Writing is making the ideas visible and

available to readers whether on paper, computer screen or through some other

medium; using the brain stroming notes, outlines or other results of planning

activities to produce text. This complex activity involves everything from the

2 Rainey, M.C. Expression: An Introduction to Writing, Reading, and Critical Thinking. (New York :

Longman, Inc. 2003) p. 5 3 Ida Maharani. How to Write Effectively/Menulis Secara Efektif. (Yogjakarta : Citra Aji Parama.

2007) p. 12

physical act of shapes letters or making key strokes to the mental processes of

choosing words, forming sentences, arranging paragraphs and structuring the


2. The Narrative Text

Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it

tries to find the resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of narrative

text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative

through a process narration.

3. The Generic Structures of Narrative Text

a) Orientation

Sets the scene : where and when the story happened and introduces the

participants of the story : who and what is involved in the story.

b) Complication

Tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the crisis (climax) of

the main participants.

c) Resolution

The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a happy ending or in a sad

(tragic) ending.

d) Re-orientation/Coda

This is a closing remark to the story and it is optional. It consists of a

moral lesson, advice or teaching from the writer.

B. The Writing Skill

1. The Definition of Writing Skill

Writing skills are essential for sharing information and documenting

ideas. Building writing skills takes practice and hard work. Students must be

taught the basics before they can be expected to produce quality writing. Once

student master the basics, they will be ready to write both creatively and for a


Finch and Crunkilton said that “competence means the mastery of

tasks, skills, behaviors, and rewards necessary for the success or an

achievement”.4 Padmadewi adds that competence is the ability in the subject and

the lab to be possessed by the graduates; capabilities that should be done by the

student. Basically, two opinions have the same idea about the notion that at its

core competence refers to the ability of students to do something by a certain


a) Handwriting

Handwriting is the first in a series of skill that emergent writers develop.

Though very basic, handwriting is important to academic success because

handwriting forms a connection between the writer letter and the sound it

represents. As students improve their hand writing skills, they become more

confident in their writing ability. Student who struggle with handwriting are

4 Mulyasa, E.. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi. Cetakan Ketiga. (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

2003) p. 23

often frustrated with written expression and begin to dislike the writing

process. Student can trace letter, “draw” letters in paint or shaving cream,

use tweezers to move small objects and complete connect-the-dot pictures to

build handwriting skills.

b) Identification

Identifying aspects of the written word is an essential skill for emergent

writers. When teaching writing at any level, identification strategies are used

to improve writing. Beginning writers should be able to identify uppercase

and lowercase letters and sounds associated with letters. As writing skills

become more fluent, students should be taught to identify complete

sentences, sentence fragments and run-ons. Students should also be able to

identify topic sentences and supporting details. These identification

strategies are skill that create strong writers. Help student master

identification skills through use of graphic organizers, peer editing and

exposure to good writing samples.

c) Mechanics

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, or organization are important aspects

of writing. Often, it is assumed that writers possess these basic skills, and

therefore, both student and teachers are frustrated when they are not evident.

Proper use of grammar and sentence structures makes student’s writing more

effective. Spelling is equally as important because student may not use

words they are not sure how to spell. Punctuating sentences give added

meaning of writing, and organization of words and ideas is also impreative

to getting a point across. Grammar and spelling can be taught through

repetition and drill. Direct instruction in grammar is necessary for student to

master this writing skill. Help student build confidence in their writing skills

by helping them edit mechanical mistakes in their writing, or by allowing

them to dictate ideas to you.

d) Content

The most important aspect of writing, for many people is the content.

Getting student to communicate ideas is a skill that must be encouraged and

cultivated. Sentence starters, journals and free-writers are good ways to build

writing fluency and to encourage student to practice writing down thoughts.

Continue building this skill by teaching student the value of drafts in writing.

Prewritten, or brainstorm for ideas, the write a rough draft. Edit and revise a

rough draft until you are pleased with the final product. The drafting process

is a valueable skill for all writers and will give student a final product they

can be proud of.

2. The Genre in Writing

English writing have divided into some of parts, for example :

descriptive text, procedure text, narrative text, recount text, and report text.

a) Descriptive text is we write to discribe a particular person, place or thing.

b) Procedure text is we write to discribe how something is accomplished

through a sequence of action or steps.

c) Narrative text is we write to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or

vicarious experience in different ways.

d) Recount text is we write to retell events for the purpose of imforming or


e) Report text is we write to discribe the ways things are with reference to a

range of natural, man-made and social phenomena in our environment.

3. The Nature of Writing

Learning writing means learn to organize the experience, information

and ideas particularly different language pattern. To produce a good text of

writing needs hard practice and process.

Writing is not only how to make sentences in paragraph, but also how

to express the ideas in consecutive way through the appropriate graphic

symbol and structure. David Nunas suggests ; Writing is an extremely

complex continue activity in which the writer required to demonstrate control

of a number of variables simultaneously. To get fluent writing, the writer has

to check some components such as word , grammar linking ideas and spelling

before finishing the writing.

In order to make the activities of writing meaning full and

understandable, the activities of writing must be communicative. The students

should know exactly what they want to convey.

4. The Writing Process

a. Self questioning - Asking themselves questions about their writing to

establish audience and purpose in their own minds, for example:

• Why am I writing this text?

• Who am I writing for?

• What kind of language do I need to use?

• What do I need to tell them?

• How will I organize my work?

b. Planning content - Thinking about plot, theme, information content, etc.,

to suit the task through:

brainstorming ideas, alone or with others

• researching the topic in books or on-screen, and making notes

• using other resources to stimulate and/or inform.

c. Sounding out - Rehearsing what is to be written orally prior to writing in

small groups or with talk partners and experimenting until it sounds right.

‘If they can’t think it, they can’t write it.’

d. Writing first draft - Getting something down on paper or on-screen.

Focusing on the sequence of ideas/content. ‘Having a go’ at problematic

spelling at this stage using spelling strategies specifically taught. This is

especially important for under at training learners and dyslexics/learners

with specific learning difficulties (SpLD) who should not be allowed to

become demotivated by errors or poor handwriting.

e. Revising the text - Reading what has been written aloud to a partner or to

self. This highlights omissions, grammatical inconsistencies, etc., that

might not be apparent if the work is read silently since the writer will

often ‘read’ what should be there rather than what is actually on the page.

Reviewing the text and identifying :

• whether or not the text makes sense

• whether or not it needs further detail to support the plot, add to

description or provide missing information

• whether or not the tone is appropriate for the audience

• whether or not anything needs to be omitted because it is repetitive or

irrelevant, etc.

• and making revisions on paper or on-screen.

d. Editing - Checking:

• organisation/sequencing of ideas/events/paragraphs to ensure writing

is coherent

• spelling, punctuation and grammar.

e. Preparing final copy - Producing a final copy suitable for ‘publication’,

preferably for a real audience, paying attention to presentation either in

legible handwriting or through using ICT.

C. The Blogging

1. The Understanding of Blogging

The blog is a personal diary, Your pulpit every day, Space for

collaboration, Political arena of expressing ideas. News outlets. Link

collection. Mind your own. Note to the world”.5 Your blog is whatever you

want. There are millions of blogs, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real

rules. “Blog (bentuk sederhana dari weblog) adalah sebuah laman (situs)

seseorang yang sering di update yang sering disebut dengan jurnal (diari)


In simple terms, a blog is a website where you can continue to write

about things. It appeared at the latest so that new visitors can read. Then they

comment on it or link to it or email you. Or not. Since Blogger was launched

in 1999, blogs have reshaped the web, influencing politics, shaken up

journalism, and enabled millions of people to have a voice and connect with

others. And we firmly believe that the whole deal is just getting started.

Blogs allow you a voice on the web. Blog is a place to collect and

share the things you find interesting - whether it's your political commentary,

a personal diary, or links to websites you want to remember. Many people use

a blog just to organize their thoughts, while others create a blog that makes a

lot of influence with thousands of viewers around the world. And amateur

5 6 Rouf, I and Y. Sopyan. Panduan Praktis Mengelola Blog. (Jakarta : Media Kita. 2007) p. 30

journalists use blogs to publish breaking news, while personal journalists

reveal their innermost thoughts.

2. The Ways to Create Blogging

a. Step 1 : Choose a free blogging software

Blogger equals easy. Many novice bloggers choose to start their first

blogs with Blogger because it's free, very easy to use, and it allows ads to

help monetize blogs. The downside of blogger is it's prone to outages, so

you may not always be able to access your blog when you want to.

b. Step 2 : Register for an account and create your blog

Sign up to create a blog at

Figure 1 : Sign up to Blogger

Visit the home page and select the "Create Your Blog Now"

button to begin the process to start your new blog.

c. Step 3 : Create a Google Account

Figure 2 : Create google account

If you don't already have a Google account, you'll need to create one by

completing the form on this page.

d. Step 4 : Sign In with Your Google Account

Figure 3 : Sign in to Blogger

If you already have a Google account, you can bypass the "Create Google

Account" step and simply sign in with your existing Google account

username and password.

e. Step 5 : Name Your New Blog

Figure 4 : Make your Blogger

Enter the blog name and corresponding domain name (to precede

'') in the spaces provided.

f. Step 5: Choose a Template

Figure 5 : Select a standard template for your new blog.

g. Step 6 : Congratulations - Your New Blog is Active!

Figure 6 : Your blog has been created.

Your blog is now live and ready for you to start writing content.

h. Step 7: Write Your First Post

Figure 7 : Write post First .

That's all there is to it! You're now ready to write your first blog post in

your new blog.

Now we can post everything that we want begin our activities, our

feeling, our opinion, etc. With blogging we can modify the backround of page

our writing, we can add some photos on the top, center, or beside the text that

we write so we always happy and more motivate to write anything on


D. The Classroom Action Research

1. The Definition of Classroom Action Research

Action Research is a process in which educators examine

their own practice systematically and carefully using the techniques of

qualitative research. Participants design an inquiry question, collect data

throughout the year, analyze what they have learned, and write about their

findings. Observations, interviews, surveys and journals are typical data

methods that participants use to investigate their questions.

Action research has different meaning and thing when used by

different another. For example, Hopkin treats action research and classroom

research by teachers as synonymous.7 Brown and Robinson suggest that any

action undertaken by teachers to collect data and evaluate their own teaching

can be termed action research, and some highlights the participatory insider

nature of action research.8

Hodgkinson has definition of action research as follows: “Action

research is a direct and logical out come of the progressive position. “After

showing children how to work together to solve their problems, the next step

7 Hopkins, D. (1985) A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. Milton Keynes : Open University

Press 8 Brown, H.D. (1994) Teaching by Principles : An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.

Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall

was for teachers to adopt the methods they had been teaching their children,

and learn to solve their own problems co-operatively”.9

Put simply, action research is “learning by doing “it is conducted by

the teacher as classroom participant. As teacher, he/she needs to know what

is actually happening in classroom, collecting data and evaluating her/his

own teaching, do something to solve it, see how successful his/her effort

were, and if not satisfied, try again until showing the increasing of changing.

Nunan sees the important defining aspect of action research as the

controlling role of the teacher: “For me the salient distinction between AR

and other form of research process is initiated and carried out by


2. The Steps of Classroom Action Research

Stephen Kemmis has developed a simple model of cyclical of the

typical action research process each cycle has four steps; they are, planning,

acting, observing and reflecting.11

a) Planning is we prepare the material that we will teach, making lesson

plan, syllabus and making evaluation that the will examine.

b) Acting is we teach the students based on our plan, the material and the

method we are going to teach and give the evaluation as the result.

9 Burns, Anne. 2007. Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers. Cambridge.

Cambridge University Press, p.5 10 Nunan, D. (1993) Action Research in Language Education. In Edge, J. and Richards, K. (eds)

Teacher Developed Teacher Research: Paper on Classroom Research and Teacher Development.

Oxford: Heinemann. Pp. 44 11 Resouce : 3. html/ 25/11/2008

c) Observing are we observing the result of the acting is it satisfied or not?

d) Reflecting is we analyze the weaknesses of the students.

Strickland outlines the following steps in an AR cycle :

1. identify an issue, interest or problem

2. seek knowledge

3. plan an action

4. implement the action

5. reflect on your observations

6. revise the plan

Based on the steps of Action Research above, it can be concluded that

teacher as researcher has to prepare teaching process as good as possible.

Every step has to be followed in continuous and integrated.

There are cycles within cycles. Some extend across an entire study.

Others occupy only minutes or less. The result can be a very flexible and

responsive process. When each cycle includes a vigorous seeking out of

disconfirming evidence the flexibility is also accompanied by research rig


The people affected by the change are involved in the action and the

critical reflection. Understanding is widely shared, and so is commitment to

any planned change. Action research certainly is not the only research

process for researching change. However, it is process well suited to

situations where you wish to achieve change (the “action”) and

understanding (the “research “ ) at some time.

Action research for development, teacher can become more

autonomous, responsible, and answerable through action research, teachers

themselves can take a so decisions concerning change.12

3. The Models of Classroom Action Research

a) Model of CAR Hopkins, 1985

12 Day, C. (1987) Professional Learning Through Collaborative in Service Activity. In Smyth, J. (ed.)

Educating Teacher: Changing the Nature of Pedagogical Knowledge. London: The Falmer Press.

Pp. 207-222

b) Model of CAR Kemmis &McTaggert: 1988

c) Model of CAR Spiral Kemmis dan Mc Taggart

E. The Advantages of Using Blogging

With increasingly easy access to blogging, it is probably worth expressing

your learner to a combination of both idea and blog. If possible, as with any tool,

there are a number of advantages such as :

1. Learner may already use blogging at home.

2. Bring current technology into the class room.

3. Use of a new tool can be motivating for learners.

4. Enable learners to make contact with learners in other countries

F. The Technology Used in Writing

Technology in language teaching is not new. Indeed, technology has been

around in language teaching for decades. The use of technology in the class room

is becoming increasingly important, and it will become a normal part of ELT

(English Language Teaching) practice in the coming years and it will improves

English writing skill. There are many reasons for this :

Internet access- either in private home, or at internet cafes-is becoming

increasingly available to learners.

Younger learners are growing up with technology, and it is natural and

integrated part of their lives. For these learners the use of technology is away

to bring the outside world into the class room. And some of these younger

learners will in turn become teacher themselves.

English, as an international language, is being used in technologically

mediated context.

Technology especially the internet presents us with new opportunities for

authentic tasks and materials, as well as access to wealth of ready made ELT


The internet offer excellent opportunities for collaboration and

communication between learners who are geographically dispersed.

Technology is offered with published materials such as course books and

resources books for teacher.

Learners increasingly expect language school to integrate technology into


Technology offers new ways for practicing language and assessing


Technology is becoming increasingly mobile. It can be used not only in the

class room, lecture hall, computer room or self-access center; it can also be

used at home, on the way to school and in internet cafés.

Using a range of ICT (Information and communication Technology) tools

can give learner exposure to and practice in all of the four main languages

skill-speaking, listening, writing and reading.



A. The Objective of the Research

The objective of research is to describe how the teaching writing by using

blogging at tenth grade of high school of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta.

Teacher hopes them to active in practicing English writing in class or another

place. It is expected that the students can enjoy to expressing their ideas opinion

and feeling and can match writing with situation and condition. Besides that,

they can also get fun in learning English in school especially for learning English


B. The Time and Place of the Research

The time and place of the research teaching writing using blogging for

tenth grade students of high school at MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja North Jakarta on

Jl. Muallim South Koja North Jakarta. This research takes place during one

semester about three months from July until September 2013.

C. The Method of the Research

In this research, the writer uses the qualitative research with classroom

action research. The qualitative method is the kinds of the data are the

descriptive data. From getting the data, the research wants to describe and

explain the problem that chosen in this researching. In the research, it does not

used questioner but using the work sheet to evaluate the result and using

narrative texts as a material, because the research focused on classroom action


Classroom action research method tends to rules of writing or how to

improve the writing English trough blogging media. It is true, that uses the two

cycles, and every cycle consists of four steps. On the other hands, of course, it

uses the collaboration method too. The writer conducted the research through

descriptive qualitative method, it is the method which emphasized on library

research and field research. In using descriptive qualitative method, the essence

is to describe the process and not prove this thesis. Thus, qualitative research no

suggest hypothesis, emphasize to get original data natural condition. The

methods for data collecting used in this study are observation, interview,

document analysis and evaluation.

D. The Subject of the Research

The subject of the research is the students from tenth grade high school.

There are 18 (twenty) students on the class. The researches use the method and

the technique teaching writing through blogging.

E. The Procedure of Research Basen on CAR

In the following section, the writer explains about procedure of teaching,

writing using blogging media. The procedure is dividing into four stages. They

are socializing blogging media, individually or grouping, make the blogging, and

asking Question and asking giving answer. The writer gave writing skill test

before did the presentation of lessons material (pre-test). After giving the

treatment, give the some test (post-test) then made calculation of result from both

test. Trough the cycle I, and cycle II, Each cycle consist of :

1. Planning

2. Acting

3. Observing

4. Reflecting

F. The Technique of Data Collecting

The writer has used this kind of technique in order to find the theory of

writing, the strategise of writing, and the definition of blogging.

1. Field Research

The writer has applied this technique to the tenth grade students at MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyahwith the purpose to convine and verify that the teories of this

technique with fact on the field are accurate and suitable.

2. Observation Research

Observation is one of data collecting was used by the writer. The purpose is

to know more about the location and the school and also to collect data about

the processing of teaching writing and knowing the students mastery through


3. Interview

An interview is given to the teacher and student to know the general

condition of the students and to know the teaching writing using blogging at

the class.

a. Students

The research obtain an information that the blogging, used by the

teacher, the student feel interest and enjoy to practice their writing

through blogging the aim to improve their skill to written.

By using blogging, can the teacher improve the students skill in writing?

Does the blogging that given by teacher can make the student listening

and joyful on their writing.

b. Teacher

Based on interview between the writer and the teacher there are some

information namely ; The teacher can give solution to improve student,

learning result, espicially writing through blogging.

For the students, the teacher gives help and encourages them so write

creatively and enjoyable.

c. Headmaster

Interview with the headmaster to collect data about the school’s opinion

and attention to English lesson, the principal’s opinion about the

teaching writing technique which has been done by the teacher and the

students writing interest.

4. Test

The writer have given the test to the students each of the meeting from the

cycle I until cyle II, and then the writer analyzed the result of the test.

5. Documentation

The other instruments in this research is documentation. By doing the

documentation technique the research will obtain the data in the form of

students achievement in writing test (students daily test), beside that he/she

will took some pictures when the learning process happened. Here the writer

wrote the process of teaching learning in documentation.

6. Discussion

The writer discussed with English teacher about her teaching learning

process when the teacher is teaching writing use blogging. And talk about

what the result of using it for students.

7. Library Study

The writer tried to support this thesis to be perfect by visiting library. In

there, the writer gets many more information and knowledge to make her

argues is strong. This research instrument is using library research by

reading and collecting data, which has relevance with the research and data

collecting taken from some book. She read and choose it as the data of her

research. With expert’s argues, the writer believes that is true and can

support this thesis. The writer visit library in her town and around colleges

of Jakarta City.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

There, the analysis of the research uses the descriptive analysis. Based on

this method there has some advantages and weaknesses.

Some of the advantages of teaching writing using blogging media are as

follows :

1. Using blogging media make students more pleasure from regular activities in

class. It creates a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom.

2. Using blogging media can encourage the students to write in English

because the blogging media are combinations between language practice

with fun and excitement.

3. Blongging media can practice the students’ ability in forming many kind of


While the weaknesses are :

1. In applying blogging media, the teacher needs the students who are skillful

in ICT.

2. In applying blogging media, the teacher needs the connector internet in the


3. In applying blogging media, the teacher needs the students’ more controlling

how to make right pronunciation.



E. The Description of the School

6. The Background of School

MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja North Jakarta is Islamic High School, located

on Jl. Muallim South Tugu Koja North Jakarta, which have long stood in 1981

on the initiative of the Ar-Rasyidiyyah Organization is welcomed by the local

community but at 1996 MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah was closed because there are the

conflict inside. Then at 2006 MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah has found back with Drs. H. A

Mahfudz Abduh who is the headmaster until now. Surrounding communities are

very happy because teaching and learning in school not far from where you live

and the ability to finance public school children were affordable. Therefore the

existence of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakartas tood very first time the public

and local government response, not a few people who took participation in MA

Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta development.

The Vision and Mission of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja North Jakarta,

namely, as follows :

a. Vision : The implementation of the educational process that prioritizes

balance between formation IP and IMTAQ.

b. Mission : 1) Providing appropriate education curriculum

2) Prioritize the aspects of management functions education

education administration, process education and educational


3) Improving education on aspects of management planning,

organizing and execution control.

4) Seek out put education devoted, intelligent, skilled and


c. Purpose : 1) Achievement in academic and non-academic

2) Reliable in learning activities

3) Strengthening the faith and devotion to Allah Almighty.

4) Teaching and learning atmosphere that is orderly, democratic,

conducive, and nurturing.

5) Have a high social awareness.

7. The Usage Curriculum

In MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja North Jakarta, all teachers used National

Curriculum 2006 (KTSP), and also for the English teachers. The basic

competence or skill that should be thought are speaking, reading, listening,

and writing. They are integrate one other. And the teacher free to use the

method or the technique for their teaching correctly. The teacher used KTSP

curriculum as a reference for their teaching because without curriculum the

teaching learning process will never reach out.

8. The School Organization

The School Organization of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja North Jakarta











9. The School Facilities

MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah geographically located in Jl. Muallim South Tugu

Koja, North Jakarta. Has a strategic location that is located on the edge of the

highway, easily accessible from all directions. Built on a land area of 350 m2.

MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah have some facilities to support the teaching and

learning process, that are :

a. The Classroom

b. The Headmaster room

c. The Teacher room

d. The Laboratory of Language

e. The Laboratory of IT

f. The Field of Volley Ball

g. The Mosque, etc

10. The Extra Curricular Activities

The type of extra-curricular activities that have been carried out in MA

Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja, North Jakarta are the scouts and religious activities.

a. Scout activities carried out regularly every week on Saturday.

b. Religious activities directed to students of religious life, as well as the

ability to manage activities such as lectures, warnings mauled prophet,

and Isra 'Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad SAW, in addition there is also the

daily activities undertaken by students outside of school hours learning

to write and read the Al Quran commonly carried out in accordance

with a predetermined schedule.

In extra-curricular MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja North Jakarta activities of

many wons several races including competion of tahfidul Qur'an, Qur'an

Tartil, gymnastics, volleyball, quiz, and others.

F. The Activities at Classroom

1. The Cycle 1


At the first time the writer entered the class. The students had low

motivation. And the situation was not condusive.

Planning : The writer prepared the material a narrative from the text

book. Then introduce about the blogging.

The writer condition of student, took the absence of student

and say greeting. Then the writer gave explanation about

writing before giving the main of lesson and make pre-test

(invite student for reciprocating writing) by short story about

the folkstore. It supposed to know and measure the student’s

achievement comprehending lesson of English writing. When

done by is short story concerning the folkstore, seen reaction

of student not yet give enthusiastic response to write. Out of

eighteen student only five people that seem is active.

Acting : The writer opened the example of narrative text. The student

were asked to answer the question aloud about the material

one by one that called randomly, the writer define kinds of


Writer and student rewrite some short stories from the region

in Indonesia.

Then gives explanation concerning narratives function.

After that the students make the short stories to demonstrate

concerning narratives if they had wrong vocabulary or

pronounciation the writer corrected

Indecisive flavor and fear to do mistake when writing the

short stories which in rising seen. Of students seen still be

covered by unconvinced and indecisive flavor of themselves

when replying question. Even they are not daring to say by

ear that firms [oppositely; also] heard by approximant

whisper. Writer gives reinforcement and concludes, Advice

Lessons that will come and give homework to make short

stories. Then the students were asked to answer the work

sheet (Execute evaluation).

Writer say greeting before class exit.

Observing : In this part the writer observed that they had problem in their

motivation and lack of vocabulary. From observation which

got, almost all student unable to write. Even write is lazy or

not spirit. This thing result student is less enthusiastically

even class atmosphere become clamor.

The result of average from the students in the first cycle, the

competention from the methode is not work properly well.

Students’ Result of Cycle One

Name Aspect of Writing

Score KKM Pass/

Fail Org. Cont. Gram Vocb. Spell.

Afifudin 12 11 11 13 13 60 65 Fail

Amiroh Husnaini 13 14 15 16 12 70 65 Pass

Arizal Duhori 12 11 11 13 13 60 65 Fail

Cahya 10 11 12 12 10 55 65 Fail

Eka Setiawan Wijaya 10 11 11 12 10 54 65 Fail

Fatur Rahman A 9 9 9 11 12 50 65 Fail

Khoirunnisak 10 12 12 12 10 56 65 Fail

Larastika 11 11 12 12 11 59 65 Fail

Muhammad Iqbal 12 11 11 13 13 60 65 Fail

Nadia Luthfi 13 12 14 13 14 65 65 Fail

Natasia Silvia Putri 13 14 15 16 12 70 65 Pass

Nur Alin Karudu 12 15 15 15 13 70 65 Pass

Nur Indah Rahmawati 14 13 16 15 12 70 65 Pass

Salbiyaturrohmah 10 11 12 12 10 55 65 Fail

Tika Herniawati 10 12 12 12 10 56 65 Fail

Ulfa Syarifah 11 12 12 12 10 57 65 Fail

Varah Ardilla 10 10 11 12 10 53 65 Fail

Yuliana 10 12 10 12 10 54 65 Fail

Total 202 212 221 233 205 1074

Averange 59,66

Reflecting : They had problems in lack of motivation, bad pronounciation

and have not enough encourages to write. Even in intonation

even also of students, many doing mistake. Condition of

class rather less in control, probably because new situation

and they deal with instructor which less familiar, so that of

front students still for expression their selves in the form of

communications. The material would be equiped that had

simple thing that contents the short stories.

After the writer did the research, he finds that:

1. The students were lack motivation because they

didn’t know how to write the narrative text well.

2. The students had not fun felling because the class

condition is not enjoy.

3. They couldn’t equip in the correct sentence.

So how with teaching process hereinafter? What have to be

altered and added in process of teaching so that student can

increase the ability in conversing English?

Is that some weakness on technique of teaching, teaching

matter that too difficult to be received or linguistic in

submitting not accurate matter?

This thing will be evaluated at cycle of two

2. The Cycle 2


At the second time the writer entered the class. The students’ motivation was

still high the student had worked cooperatively with their teacher. The

problem was have they hard ability to write? Because not all students have

good vocabulary.

Planning : The writer choosed the material that contained the story,

introduction and how to make narrative writing well. The

writer took the sample material from the text book. The

writer divided them into five groups. Then make observation

of the students activities and make sure the students feel

more comfortable with their groups.

Acting : First, The writer explains about the material including how to

write well in narrative, the process to write, rules of writing,

and the purpose of writing. The material is narrative writing

and sub-material about the short stories. Second, the writer

Grapic of Students Categories



introduces about the blogging, how to make it, how to

operate, how to write / make posting on the blogging, how to

design the screen of blogging and how to use it. Third, the

writer gives some examples to write in the blogging. Third,

the teacher give some examples how to write on the

blogging, how to change the templates of blogging. Then, the

writer asks for students to practice and write their daily

activities on the blogging what we have studied.

The writer was being observer and conselor in the class


Observing : From these activities the writer observed that they could

improve their ability. Although they didn’t know to make the

blogging well, they would do that best. In groups, students

can cooperate with others and learn from each other as well

as the teacher. This was cooperation, not only competition,

and was encourage.

The writer’s initial role is that of conselor. It means that the

writer recognized how threatening a new learning situation

can be for tenth grade of MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah, so the writer

can support the students in their struggle to master the target

language. Writer who use the groups activities believe

students can learn from each other and can get more practice.

This could lead to development of community among class


Students’ Result of Cycle Two

Name Aspect of Writing

Score KKM Pass/

Fail Org. Cont. Gram Vocb. Spell.

Afifudin 14 15 13 16 12 70 65 Pass

Amiroh Husnaini 16 15 14 15 15 75 65 Pass

Arizal Duhori 15 14 13 15 13 70 65 Pass

Cahya 15 16 14 15 15 75 65 Pass

Eka Setiawan Wijaya 12 13 11 10 14 64 65 Fail

Fatur Rahman A 14 15 13 16 12 70 65 Pass

Khoirunnisak 15 13 13 15 13 70 65 Pass

Larastika 15 17 16 14 18 80 65 Pass

Muhammad Iqbal 14 15 13 16 12 70 65 Pass

Nadia Luthfi 15 17 16 14 18 80 65 Pass

Natasia Silvia Putri 16 18 17 18 16 86 65 Pass

Nur Alin Karudu 16 16 15 15 16 78 65 Pass

Nur Indah Rahmawati 18 19 17 20 16 90 65 Pass

Salbiyaturrohmah 19 18 18 17 19 91 65 Pass

Tika Herniawati 19 19 20 19 20 96 65 Pass

Ulfa Syarifah 14 15 13 16 12 70 65 Pass

Varah Ardilla 16 15 14 15 15 75 65 Pass

Yuliana 16 16 15 15 16 78 65 Pass

Total 279 286 265 281 272 1388

Averange 77,11

Reflecting : There was increasing in their narrative writing ability and the

responses showed that they had motivation in learning

writing. Their anthussiasme were high when that writer

choosed the simple title and write on the blogging.

Developing a motivate among the class builds spirit and can

help to reduce treat of the writing skill. And to know the

whole result from this research, the writer gave the students

the evaluation.

Building sharing with among students was very important. In

trusting releationship, the threat that students feel is reduced

and therefore non defensive learning in promoted. Students

can learn from their sharing with each other as well as their

interaction the teacher. A spirit of cooperation, not

competition, can prevail.

In cylcle 2 there the competition to write on the blogging was

held among the groups, then the students were more


G. The Analysis

In activities in the class, the writer could see the progrees of writing

ability from the students. The improvement process in teaching writing through

blogging media.

There was increasing the average score from cycle 1, and cycle 2 the

writer took their score from exercises that they have done. It was indicated that

teaching writing through blogging media the students reached better and better in


From the table and graphic shows the result score evaluation are : 11

students got score 7 (61%), 3 students got score 8 (16%), 3 students got score 9

(16%). The average score is 7.11 , it means that the method by blogging media is

make improvement for writing English for the students.

H. The Research Findings

Along the process of the research and the teaching directly to the school

that has been object of the research activity, the writer also gets some findings

from the students, the teacher, and the institution such as There are some students

Grapic of Students Categories



who have lack of motivation in the following the kind of activities in the learning

English process, it is shown by some of the students do not have any books used,

no media to use in learning process, they are also lazy to learn English, and they

are limitation of the knowledge and experience of English. While from the

teacher, there are also found some finding such as : the method used in teaching is

too monoton that is caused boring for the students, beside that the teacher tends

that she is not creative in teaching English and lack of methods used in the

teaching-learning activity in the classroom. There are also some information from

the headmaster of school itself such as : the limitation of facility needed to teach

English in general like : language laboratory, a complete library, and the other

facility that has relative to the high technology to support the teaching English in

the classroom.



C. Conclusion

After analyzing some data collecting about improving students’ narrative

writing skill through blogging media, and the condition of learning English

process at MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah, now the writer tries to make conclusions from

cycle 1 to cycle 2 such as below :

1. From the cycle 1 until 2, the writer which got, almost all student unable to

make writing the narrative text. Even lack of motivation. This thing result

student is less enthusiastically even class atmosphere become silently. The

result obtain in each cycle 1 = 59,66, and on the cycle 2 = 77,11 . From the

result it is concluded there is an improve in students’ narrative writing skill

through blogging media.

2. In term of enthusiasm of students was increasing students’ writing skill are

very significant. In the first cycle in the achievement of all the students

failed the minimun standart criteria. Then in cycle 2 students have started

enthusiastically to improve their writing skills, look at the final result of all

students can achieve and exceed the minimun standart criteria. The using of

blogging media shown to improve their narrative writing skills


3. The students study English with still lack of practice, the lack of motivation

from the teacher, no media to express the student’s writing, and also the

weakness of the students to understand about topic sentences and lack of

their vocabulary, and never use the media studying in teaching writing, etc.

4. The English teacher seldom to use some media of teaching when she teachs

English, especially teaching English writing and the teacher does not make

innovation for the teaching.

5. The usage of system in teaching activity on MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah, especially

teaching English writing just use the book to write.

6. The process of teaching narrative writing skill through blogging media make

the students so enjoyful, so fun, and so pleasure.

7. The process of teaching narrative writing skill through blogging media make

the teacher also feels more motivated and more interested.

D. Suggestions

After doing the research the writer has some suggestions for the students,

English teacher and the institution as follow :

a. For the students :

1. The students should always ask the teacher for clearer explanation when

they can not understand the lesson.

2. The students should be active in participating during the lesson activity,

espicially that have relatived to the writing aspect.

3. The students should express their mind into blogging to keep the ability

English writing.

4. The students should help their friends when they can not make the

blogging learning process.

5. The students should keep friendship with another and share what they

have writed on their blogging

b. For English teacher :

1. The teacher should make condusive and make fun in the class to support

the class activity.

2. The teacher should be able to manage the class and the time in order to

make students be more active and involved to the activity and make it

runs well.

3. The teacher should make innovation in learning process, espicially

English writing by using varians models.

4. The teacher should use the blogging when teach writing English because

it can be students more motivate.

5. The teacher should make the blogging privacy in order make easier

when they want share the lesson or everything.

c. For the institution:

1. The institution should provide facilities that support the students

activities in learning English.

2. The institution should maximize the function of the library and the

laboratory of language as a medium for learning

3. The institution should provide the teachers that qualified based on their

background education.

4. The institution should create the good relationship among the students,

teachers, staffs, and the headmaster.

5. The institution should give the training of teacher to develop their ability

and innovate the ways of teaching writing, especially using blogging.

Those suggestions are hoped that can be practice by the English teacher in

teaching writing, especially by using blogging to make the students have been

familiar about it and get the best result.


Arifin Zaenal, Dasar-dasar Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. (Jakarta : P.T Grasindo, 2003)

Beach, R., Anson, C., Breuch, L., & Swiss, T. (2008). Teaching Writing Using Blogs,

Wikis, and other Digital Tools. Christopher-Gordon Publishers: Norwood.10.

Beldarrain, Y. (2006). Distance Education Trends: Integrating new technologies to

foster student interaction and collaboration. Distance Education, 27.

Burgess, J. (2006). Blogging to learn, learning to blog. In A. Bruns & J. Jacobs (eds.),

Uses of Blogs. (pp. 105). New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc.

Divitini, M., Haugalokken, O., & Morken, E. M. (2005). Blog to support learning in

the field: Lessons learned from a fiasco. In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE

International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’05).

Flatley, M. (2005). Blogging for enhanced teaching and learning. Business

Communication Quarterly, 68(1)

Halic, O., Lee, D., Paulus, T. & Spence, M. (2010).To blog or not to blog: Student

perceptions of blog effectiveness for learning in a college-level course.

Internet and Higher Education, doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2010.04.001.

Huffaker, D. (2005). The educated blogger: Using weblogs to promote literacy in the

classroom. AACE Journal

Kountur Ronny, Metode Penelitian (Jakarta: Buana Printing, 2007)

L. C. Ducate, L. L. Lomicka. (2005, Fall). Exploring the blogosphere: Use of web

logs in the foreign language classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 38(3)

Maharani, Ida 2007. How to Write Effectively/Menulis Secara Efektif. Yogjakarta :

Citra Aji Parama

Nunan, D. (1993) Action Research in Language Education. In Edge, J. and Richards,

K. (eds) Teacher Developed Teacher Reseach : Paper on Classroom Research

and Teacher Development. Oxford: Heinemann.

P. Beeson. Bringing blogs into the classroom. Quill. 2005, August, 93(6)

R. Goodwin-Jones. Tag Clouds in the Blogosphere: Electronic Literacy and Social

Networking. Language Learning & Technology. 2006, May.10 (2): 8-15.

(Also online at:

Yoon, H & Hirvela, A. (2004) ESL student attitudes toward corpus use in L2 writing.

Journal of Second Language Writing 13 (2004)

Widdowson, H. G. (1978). Teaching language as communication. London: Oxford

University Press.



Nama Sekolah : MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : X / 2







Nilai Budaya &








Indikator Penca-



Penilaian Alokasi






an makna

dalam teks

tulis fungsional

pendek dan

esei sederhana



descriptive dan

news item

dalam konteks




kan makna

dalam bentuk

teks tulis






undangan dll.)

resmi dan tak

resmi secara

akurat, lancar

dan berterima



ragam bahasa

tulis dalam




• develop a

paragraph of



• write main

ideas and its



Religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, tanggung jawab

Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).

Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).

Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)

Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan)

Membuat pengumuman secara individu dan mempubli-kasikan di papan pengumuman

Menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis dengan akurat

Menulis gagasan utama

Mengelaborasi gagasan utama

Membuat draft, merevisi, menyunting

Menghasilkan teks fungsional pendek



3 x 45

Look a

head x









kan makna

dan langkah

retorika dalam


write narrative


Religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, mandiri,

Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).

Berorientasi pada tugas

Membuat draft teks naratif,berita atau deskripsi dengan melakukan

Menggunakan kalimat reported speech dalam menyampaikan sebuah berita



4 x 45

Look a

head x





secara akurat,

lancar dan


dalam konteks



dalam teks




dan news item

demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, tanggung jawab

(bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).

Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)

Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan)

chain writing. Menggunakan kalimat simple present dalam membuat sebuah deskripsi

Menggunakan adverbial clause dalam menulis sebuah narasi

Menghasilkan teks berbentuk news item

Menghasilkan teks berbentuk narrative






Jakarta, 16 Juli 2013

Kepala Madrasah

Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. H.A. Mahfudz Abduh, M.Si

Evy Salmiastuti





Nama Sekolah :MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah

Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester :X / 2

Pertemuan Ke :13

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi


- Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei

sederhana berbentuk narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

- Mengungkap-kan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek

(misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan dll.) resmi dan tak resmi secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam

konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Nilai Budaya Dan

Karakter Bangsa

Menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda

baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis dengan akurat

Menulis gagasan utama

Mengelaborasi gagasan utama

Membuat draft, merevisi, menyunting

Menghasilkan teks fungsional pendek

Religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja

keras, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu,

semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air,

menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta

damai, gemar membaca, peduli

lingkungan, peduli sosial, tanggung jawab, mandiri

Kewirausahaan/ Ekonomi Kreatif :

Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).

Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).

Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)

Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan).

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan tata

tulis dengan akurat

Siswa dapat menulis gagasan utama

Siswa dapat mengelaborasi gagasan utama

Siswa dapat membuat draft, merevisi, menyunting

Siswa dapat menghasilkan teks fungsional pendek

E. Materi Pokok

Develop paragraph of narrative texts;

Writing narrative texts.

The first important thing to remember about a narrative essay is that it

tells a story. The second important thing about a narrative essay is that the story

should have a point. In the final paragraph, the author should come to an

important conclusion about the experience that has just been described. For

further steps in writing narrative,


F. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Pendekatan : Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Strategi Pembelajaran : Cooperative Learning

G. Strategi Pembelajaran

Tatap Muka Terstruktur Mandiri

Siswa dapat menggunakan

tata bahasa, kosa kata,

tanda baca, ejaan, dan tata

tulis dengan akurat,

menulis gagasan utama,

mengelaborasi gagasan

utama, membuat draft,

merevisi, menyunting,

menghasilkan teks

fungsional pendek.

Siswa mampu menganalisa

tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda

baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis

dengan akurat, menulis

gagasan utama, mengelaborasi

gagasan utama, membuat

draft, merevisi, menyunting,

menghasilkan teks fungsional pendek.

Siswa mampu mengerjakan

dan mengerti tata bahasa,

kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan,

dan tata tulis dengan akurat,

menulis gagasan utama,

mengelaborasi gagasan

utama, membuat draft,

merevisi, menyunting,

menghasilkan teks fungsional


Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Awal (10’)

Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika memasuki ruang

kelas (nilai yang ditanamkan: santun, peduli)

Mengecek kehadiran siswa (nilai yang ditanamkan: disiplin, rajin)

Mengaitkan materi/kompetensi yang akan dipelajari dengan karakter

Dengan merujuk pada silabus, RPP, dan bahan ajar, menyampaikan butir karakter yang hendak dikembangkan selain yang terkait dengan SK/KD

Siswa berdiskusi mengenai pertanyaan yang tertera di buku teks

Kegiatan Inti (70’)


Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi guru:

- Memberikan stimulus berupa pemberian materi mengenai tata bahasa,

kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis dengan akurat, menulis

gagasan utama, mengelaborasi gagasan utama, membuat draft, merevisi,

menyunting, menghasilkan teks fungsional pendek.

- Mendiskusikan materi bersama siswa (Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa

Inggris mengenai tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis

dengan akurat, menulis gagasan utama, mengelaborasi gagasan utama,

membuat draft, merevisi, menyunting, menghasilkan teks fungsional


- Memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara

lisan atau mempresentasikan mengenai tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda

baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis dengan akurat, menulis gagasan utama,

mengelaborasi gagasan utama, membuat draft, merevisi, menyunting,

menghasilkan teks fungsional pendek.. informasi tertentu. berhubungan

dengan penyelesaian suatu soal.

- Siswa diminta membahas contoh soal dalam Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa

Inggris mengenai tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis

dengan akurat, menulis gagasan utama, mengelaborasi gagasan utama,

membuat draft, merevisi, menyunting, menghasilkan teks fungsional



Dalam kegiatan elaborasi guru:

Membiasakan siswa membuat tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan,

dan tata tulis dengan akurat, menulis gagasan utama, mengelaborasi

gagasan utama, membuat draft, merevisi, menyunting, menghasilkan

teks fungsional pendek..

Memfasilitasi siswa melalui pemberian tugas mengerjakan latihan soal

yang ada pada buku ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk dikerjakan secara



Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi guru:

Memberikan umpan balik pada siswa dengan memberi penguatan dalam

bentuk lisan pada siswa yang telah dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya.

Memberi konfirmasi pada hasil pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan oleh

siswa melalui sumber buku lain.

Memfasilitasi siswa melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman

belajar yang sudah dilakukan.

Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa

mengikuti dalam materi mengenai tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca,

ejaan, dan tata tulis dengan akurat, menulis gagasan utama,

mengelaborasi gagasan utama, membuat draft, merevisi, menyunting,

menghasilkan teks fungsional pendek.

Kegiatan Akhir (10’)

Siswa diminta membuat rangkuman dari materi mengenai tata bahasa,

kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis dengan akurat, menulis

gagasan utama, mengelaborasi gagasan utama, membuat draft, merevisi,

menyunting, menghasilkan teks fungsional pendek.

Siswa dan Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) berkaitan dengan materi

mengenai tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis dengan

akurat, menulis gagasan utama, mengelaborasi gagasan utama, membuat

draft, merevisi, menyunting, menghasilkan teks fungsional pendek.

Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

H. Sumber/Bahan/Alat

Developing English Competencies for Grade X Senior High School (SMA/MA)




Tape/CD Player


Foto/ Poster


Koran berbahasa Inggris


I. Penilaian

Teknik : Tugas individu, Kuis, Ulangan harian.

Bentuk Instrumen : Tertulis uraian singkat dan pilihan ganda, Lisan.

Contoh Instrumen :

Answer these questions.

1. Have you ever written a story?

2. What do you do first when you write a story?

3. Have you ever written a fairy tale?

4. Are there any differences between writing fairy tales and ordinary short stories?

Mengetahui Jakarta, Juli 2013

Kepala Sekola Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs.H.A. Mahfudz Abduh, M.Si Evy Salmiastuti, S.Ag

NIP. NIP.197810222009122002


Nama Sekolah : MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X / 2

Pertemuan Ke : 14

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi


- Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei

sederhana berbentuk narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

- Mengungkap-kan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam

teks berbentuk narrative, descriptive, dan news item.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Nilai Budaya Dan

Karakter Bangsa

Menggunakan kalimat reported speech

dalam menyampaikan sebuah berita

Menggunakan kalimat simple present

dalam membuat sebuah deskripsi

Menggunakan adverbial clause dalam menulis sebuah narasi

Menghasilkan teks berbentuk news item

Menghasilkan teks berbentuk narrative

Religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja

keras, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu,

semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air,

menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta

damai, gemar membaca, peduli

lingkungan, peduli sosial, tanggung jawab,


Kewirausahaan/ Ekonomi Kreatif :

Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).

Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).

Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)

Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan).

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat menggunakan kalimat reported speech dalam menyampaikan sebuah berita

Siswa dapat menggunakan kalimat simple present dalam membuat sebuah


Siswa dapat menggunakan adverbial clause dalam menulis sebuah narasi

Siswa dapat menghasilkan teks berbentuk news item

Siswa dapat menghasilkan teks berbentuk narrative

E. Materi Pokok

Identify factual meaning in the texts;

Identify the structure of narrative texts;

Reading and understanding narrative texts.

F. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Pendekatan : Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Strategi Pembelajaran : Cooperative Learning

G. Strategi Pembelajaran

Tatap Muka Terstruktur Mandiri

Siswa dapat menggunakan

kalimat reported speech

dalam menyampaikan

sebuah berita, kalimat

simple present dalam

membuat sebuah deskripsi,

adverbial clause dalam

menulis sebuah narasi, teks

berbentuk news item,dan


Siswa mampu menganalisa

kalimat reported speech dalam

menyampaikan sebuah berita,

kalimat simple present dalam

membuat sebuah deskripsi,

adverbial clause dalam

menulis sebuah narasi, teks

berbentuk news item,dan


Siswa mampu mengerjakan

dan mengerti kalimat

reported speech dalam

menyampaikan sebuah

berita, kalimat simple present

dalam membuat sebuah

deskripsi, adverbial clause

dalam menulis sebuah narasi,

teks berbentuk news item,dan


Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Awal (10’)

Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika memasuki ruang

kelas (nilai yang ditanamkan: santun, peduli)

Mengecek kehadiran siswa (nilai yang ditanamkan: disiplin, rajin)

Mengaitkan materi/kompetensi yang akan dipelajari dengan karakter

Dengan merujuk pada silabus, RPP, dan bahan ajar, menyampaikan butir

karakter yang hendak dikembangkan selain yang terkait dengan SK/KD

Siswa berdiskusi mengenai pertanyaan yang tertera di buku teks

Kegiatan Inti (70’)


Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi guru:

- Memberikan stimulus berupa pemberian materi mengenai kalimat

reported speech dalam menyampaikan sebuah berita, kalimat simple

present dalam membuat sebuah deskripsi, adverbial clause dalam

menulis sebuah narasi, teks berbentuk news item,dan narrative..

- Mendiskusikan materi bersama siswa (Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa

Inggris mengenai kalimat reported speech dalam menyampaikan sebuah

berita, kalimat simple present dalam membuat sebuah deskripsi,

adverbial clause dalam menulis sebuah narasi, teks berbentuk news

item,dan narrative.

- Memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara

lisan atau mempresentasikan mengenai kalimat reported speech dalam

menyampaikan sebuah berita, kalimat simple present dalam membuat

sebuah deskripsi, adverbial clause dalam menulis sebuah narasi, teks

berbentuk news item,dan narrative.

- Siswa diminta membahas contoh soal dalam Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa

Inggris mengenai kalimat reported speech dalam menyampaikan sebuah

berita, kalimat simple present dalam membuat sebuah deskripsi,

adverbial clause dalam menulis sebuah narasi, teks berbentuk news

item,dan narrative.


Dalam kegiatan elaborasi guru:

Membiasakan siswa membuat kalimat reported speech dalam

menyampaikan sebuah berita, kalimat simple present dalam membuat

sebuah deskripsi, adverbial clause dalam menulis sebuah narasi, teks

berbentuk news item,dan narrative.

Memfasilitasi siswa melalui pemberian tugas mengerjakan latihan soal

yang ada pada buku ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk dikerjakan secara



Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi guru:

Memberikan umpan balik pada siswa dengan memberi penguatan dalam

bentuk lisan pada siswa yang telah dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya.

Memberi konfirmasi pada hasil pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan oleh

siswa melalui sumber buku lain.

Memfasilitasi siswa melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman

belajar yang sudah dilakukan.

Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa

mengikuti dalam materi mengenai kalimat reported speech dalam

menyampaikan sebuah berita, kalimat simple present dalam membuat

sebuah deskripsi, adverbial clause dalam menulis sebuah narasi, teks

berbentuk news item,dan narrative.

Kegiatan Akhir (10’)

Siswa diminta membuat rangkuman dari materi mengenai kalimat

reported speech dalam menyampaikan sebuah berita, kalimat simple

present dalam membuat sebuah deskripsi, adverbial clause dalam

menulis sebuah narasi, teks berbentuk news item,dan narrative..

Siswa dan Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) berkaitan dengan materi

mengenai kalimat reported speech dalam menyampaikan sebuah berita,

kalimat simple present dalam membuat sebuah deskripsi, adverbial

clause dalam menulis sebuah narasi, teks berbentuk news item,dan


Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

H. Sumber/Bahan/Alat

Developing English Competencies for Grade X Senior High School (SMA/MA)




Tape/CD Player


Foto/ Poster


Koran berbahasa Inggris


I. Penilaian

Teknik : Tugas individu, Kuis, Ulangan harian.

Bentuk Instrumen : Tertulis uraian singkat dan pilihan ganda, Lisan.

Contoh Instrumen :

Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. The cameraman takes the President's several times.

2. A fire melts the wax statue at the House of Wax.

3. My brother buys me this new computer game.

4. She writes the beautiful story of prince and princesses.

5. The firefighters helps a family from being trapped in a ruin.

Mengetahui Jakarta, Juli 2013

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs.H.A. Mahfudz Abduh, M.Si Evy Salmiastuti, S.Ag

NIP. NIP.197810222009122002


The Observation’s Activities in Teaching Learning Process of CAR

Subject : Writing

School : MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta

The cycle : I (one)

No Students’ Activities Best Good Enough Less

1 Students’ enthuasiasm in teaching

process V

2 Students’ attention in write V

3 Students’ performance in their narrative

writing skill V

4 Students’ memorized in their narrative

writing skill V

5 Students’ fluency in punctiation and

grammar V

6 Students’ motivation in writing V

Best = 86 – 100

Good = 71 – 85

Enough = 60 – 70

Less = < 60


The Observation’s Activities in Teaching Learning Process of CAR

Subject : Writing

School : MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta

The cycle : II (two)

No Students’ Activities Best Good Enough Less

1 Students’ enthuasiasm in teaching

process V

2 Students’ attention in write V

3 Students’ performance in their narrative

writing skill V

4 Students’ memorized in their narrative

writing skill V

5 Students’ fluency in punctiation and

grammar V

6 Students’ motivation in writing V

Best = 86 – 100

Good = 71 – 85

Enough = 60 – 70

Less = < 60


The Result of Data Collection in Cycle I

Name Aspect of Writing

Score KKM Pass/

Fail Org. Cont. Gram Vocb. Spell.

Afifudin 12 11 11 13 13 60 65 Fail

Amiroh Husnaini 13 14 15 16 12 70 65 Pass

Arizal Duhori 12 11 11 13 13 60 65 Fail

Cahya 10 11 12 12 10 55 65 Fail

Eka Setiawan Wijaya 10 11 11 12 10 54 65 Fail

Fatur Rahman A 9 9 9 11 12 50 65 Fail

Khoirunnisak 10 12 12 12 10 56 65 Fail

Larastika 11 11 12 12 11 59 65 Fail

Muhammad Iqbal 12 11 11 13 13 60 65 Fail

Nadia Luthfi 13 12 14 13 14 65 65 Fail

Natasia Silvia Putri 13 14 15 16 12 70 65 Pass

Nur Alin Karudu 12 15 15 15 13 70 65 Pass

Nur Indah Rahmawati 14 13 16 15 12 70 65 Pass

Salbiyaturrohmah 10 11 12 12 10 55 65 Fail

Tika Herniawati 10 12 12 12 10 56 65 Fail

Ulfa Syarifah 11 12 12 12 10 57 65 Fail

Varah Ardilla 10 10 11 12 10 53 65 Fail

Yuliana 10 12 10 12 10 54 65 Fail

Total 202 212 221 233 205 1074

Averange 59,66


The Result of Data Collection in Cycle II

Name Aspect of Writing

Score KKM Pass/

Fail Org. Cont. Gram Vocb. Spell.

Afifudin 14 15 13 16 12 70 65 Pass

Amiroh Husnaini 16 15 14 15 15 75 65 Pass

Arizal Duhori 15 14 13 15 13 70 65 Pass

Cahya 15 16 14 15 15 75 65 Pass

Eka Setiawan Wijaya 12 13 11 10 14 64 65 Fail

Fatur Rahman A 14 15 13 16 12 70 65 Pass

Khoirunnisak 15 13 13 15 13 70 65 Pass

Larastika 15 17 16 14 18 80 65 Pass

Muhammad Iqbal 14 15 13 16 12 70 65 Pass

Nadia Luthfi 15 17 16 14 18 80 65 Pass

Natasia Silvia Putri 16 18 17 18 16 86 65 Pass

Nur Alin Karudu 16 16 15 15 16 78 65 Pass

Nur Indah Rahmawati 18 19 17 20 16 90 65 Pass

Salbiyaturrohmah 19 18 18 17 19 91 65 Pass

Tika Herniawati 19 19 20 19 20 96 65 Pass

Ulfa Syarifah 14 15 13 16 12 70 65 Pass

Varah Ardilla 16 15 14 15 15 75 65 Pass

Yuliana 16 16 15 15 16 78 65 Pass

Total 279 286 265 281 272 1388

Averange 77,11


The Result of Data Collection from per Cycle

No Name Cycle 1 Cycle 2

Afifudin 60 70

Amiroh Husnaini 70 75

Arizal Duhori 60 70

Cahya 55 75

Eka Setiawan Wijaya 54 64

Fatur Rahman A 50 70

Khoirunnisak 56 70

Larastika 59 80

Muhammad Iqbal 60 70

Nadia Luthfi 65 80

Natasia Silvia Putri 70 86

Nur Alin Karudu 70 78

Nur Indah Rahmawati 70 90

Salbiyaturrohmah 55 91

Tika Herniawati 56 96

Ulfa Syarifah 57 70

Varah Ardilla 53 75

Yuliana 54 78


The Result of Students’ Blogging


Kisi-Kisi Pedoman Observasi

Kisi-Kisi Observasi

Sasaran Observasi Topik Observasi

1. Guru a. Perencanaan program bahasa inggris

b. Pelaksanaan program bahasa inggris

- Proses pembelajaran

- Keterampilan mengajar

- Materi pelajaran

- Penggunaan alat peraga sumber


- Metode pengajaran

- Pelaksaan evaluasi

2. Siswa - Latar belakang siswa

- Keaktifan dalam proses belajar

- Respon terhadap pelajaran bahasa



Pedoman Observasi Dengan Guru Bahasa Inggris

Hari : Rabu, 04 Sept’13 Kelas : X (sepuluh)

Observasi : Bu Evy Observer : Zainuddin

I. Perencanaan Program Bahasa Inggris :

1. Apakah guru membuat perencaaan program bahasa inggris?

a. Ya b. Tidak

2. Tujuan pembelajaran apakah yang sedang dilaksanakan?

a. Tujuan umum b. Tujuan khusus

3. Kapan program perencanaan di buat?

a. Awal semester b. Tengah semester

4. Apakah guru membuat program perencanaan cadangan?

a. Ya b. Tidak

5. Bagaimana guru mengatur alokasi waktu dengan baik ?

a. Pembukaan 15 menit

b. Inti 35 menit

c. Penutup 10 menit

6. Apakah guru membuat pengorganisasian siswa agar aktif dalam kegiatan


a. Ya b. Tidak

II. Pelaksanaan Program Bahasa Inggris :

1. Apakah guru menyiapkan kondisi pembelajaran?

a. Ya b. Tidak

2. Apakah guru melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan

tujuan, siswa, materi dan lingkugan?

a. Ya b. Tidak

3. Apakah guru melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran dalam urutan yang logis?

a. Ya b. Tidak

4. Apakah guru meyelenggarakan kegiatan dengan mempertimbangkan

efektifitas waktu?

a. Ya b. Tidak

5. Apakah guru membuka pelajaran dengan tepat?

a. Ya b. Tidak

6. Apakah gruu menutup pelajaran dengan tepat?

a. Ya b. Tidak

III. Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar :

1. Apakah guru menggunakan keterampilan bertanya dasar dalam kegiatan


a. Ya b. Tidak

2. Apakah guru memberikan penguatan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?

a. Ya b. Tidak

3. Bentuk penguatan yang dilakukan guru?

a. Penguatan verbal

b. Penguatan isyarat

c. Penguatan dengan sentuhan

d. Penguatan dengaan berupa hadiah

4. Variasi yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran?

a. Variasi gaya mengajar

b. Variasi alat peraga

c. Variasi dalam interaksi

5. Apakah guru menyampaikan dengan jelas dan sistematis?

a. Ya b. Tidak

6. Apakah guru menyampaikan dengan jelas dan nyaring?

a. Ya b. Tidak

7. Apakah guru menguasai bahan pelajaran yang akan disampaikan?

a. Ya b. Tidak

8. Apakah guru mempunyai keterampilan dalam membuka dan menutup


a. Ya b. Tidak

9. Apakah guru lakukan apabila siswa tidak memahami bahasa pengantar?

a. Menggunakan bahasa tubuh

b. Memberikan contoh konkrit

c. Tidak ada

10. Apakah yang guru lakukan apabila ada siswa yang mengganggu dalam


a. Menegur

b. Menghukum

c. Tidak ada

IV. Metode :

1. Metode yang diguanakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?

a. Tanya jawab

b. Bernyayi

c. Games

d. Pemberian tugas

e. Praktek langsung

2. Apakah guru menggunakan kegiatan game dalam pembelajaran?

a. Ya b. Tidak c. Kadang-kadang

3. Apakah guru mendemontrasikan kegiatan pembelajaran dengan metode yang


a. Ya b. Tidak c. Kadang-kadang

V. Alat Peraga dan Sumber Belajar :

1. Apakah guru menggunakan alat peraga dan sumber belejar dalam

menyampaikan materi pembelajaran?

a. Sering b. Jarang

2. Media yang digunakan guru dalam proses pembelajaran?

a. Lembar kerja b. Media info

3. Penggunaan media alat bantu?

a. Sering b. Jarang

4. Apakh guru sering menggunakan media yang sesuai dengan tujuan siswa

materi dan lingkungan?

a. Sering b. Jarang

VI. Evaluasi :

1. Apakah guru membuat alat evaluasi dalam pembelajaran?

a. Sering b. Jarang

2. Apakah guru membuat alat evaluasi proses dan hasil?

a. Sering b. Jarang

3. Alat evaluasi yang digunakan?

a. Tes lisan b. Tes lisan dan tertulis


Kisi-Kisi Pedoman Wawancara

Objek Wawancara Topik Wawancara

1. Kepala Sekolah - Latar Belakang Pendirian MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta

- Tempat Tanggal Pendirian MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta

- Pihak yang Mendirikan MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah

Koja Jakarta

- Struktur Kepengurusan MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah

Koja Jakarta

- Visi dan Misi dan Tujuan Pendidikan

2. Guru Bahasa Inggris - Program Perencanaan

- Tujuan Program Perencanaan

- Materi Program Bahasa Inggris

- Proses Kegiatan Bahasa Inggris

- Metode Program Bahasa Inggris

- Media Program Bahasa Inggris

- Evaluasi Program Bahasa Inggris


Pedoman Wawancara Dengan Kepala Sekolah

Hari/Tanggal : Sumber Informasi :

Wawancara Ke : Pewawancara :

I. Latar Belakang Sejarah MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta :

1. Apa yang Melatar Belakangi berdirinya MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja


2. Kapan dan Dimana MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta di Dirikan?

3. Siapa Nama Pendiri MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

4. Apakah Tujuan Pendirian MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

5. Apakah Visi dan Misi MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

6. Kurikulum Apakah yang Digunakan di MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

7. Berapa Jumlah Siswa di MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

8. Berapa Jumlah Guru di MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

II. Program Kegiatan (Kurikulum) di MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta :

1. Tujuan Pendidikan di MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

2. Kurikulum yang Digunakan?

3. Sebutkan Program-Program Penjabaran Kurikulum di MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah

Koja Jakarta?

4. Berapa Jumlah Kelas MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

III. Perencanaan Program Bahasa Inggris :

1. Apakah Guru Membuat Program Perencanaan Bahasa Inggris?

2. Apakah Guru Membuat Sendiri Program Perencanaan?

3. Apakah Guru Menentukan Cara Pengorganisasian Siswa Agar Dapat

Berpartisipasi Aktif Dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran?

IV. Program Kegiatan Pengembangan Bahasa Inggris :

1. Apakah Materi yang Ada di MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

2. Berapa Lama Kegiatan Berlangsung?

3. Bahasa Pengantar Apa yang Digunakan?

4. Apa Saja Sarana dan Prasarana di MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

5. Kemampuan Apa Saja yang Dikembangkan Dalam Bahasa Inggris?

6. Apakah Guru Melakaukan Variasi Dalam Dalam Mengajar?

7. Apakah yang Dilakukan Guru Apabila Ada Siswa yang Tidak Memahami

Bahasa Pengantar?


Hasil Wawancara Dengan Kepala Sekolah

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 04 September 2013

Wawancara Ke : Drs. H.A Mahfudz Abduh, M.Si

Pewawancara : Zainuddin

Pertanyaan Jawaban

I. Latar Belakang Sejarah MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta :

1. Apa yang Melatar Belakangi

MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja


MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah merupakan Sekolah

sudah lama berdiri yaitu pada tahun

1981, akan tetapi karena konflik keluarga

sekolah ini pada tahun 1996 tutup dan

dibangkitkan kembali oleh Drs. H. A.

Mahfudz Abduh (saya sendiri) yang juga

sebagai Kepala madrasah saat ini pada

tahun 2006 dan tujuan utamanya adalah

sebagai sarana dakwah

2. Kapan dan Dimana MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah di Dirikan?

MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah di dirikan kembali

pada tahun 2006 setelah bangkrut pada

tahun 1996. Letaknya di Jalan Muallim

Koja Jakarta Utara

3. Siapa Nama Pendiri MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Pendiri pertama kali pada tahun 1981

ialah Bapak kepala Sekolah. Drs. H.

Yusuf Hadi. Setelah bangkrut, sekolah

ini didirikan kembali oleh Drs. H.A

Mahfudz Abduh, M.Si yang sekaligus

sebagai kepala sekolah sampai saat ini.

4. Apakah Tujuan Pendirian MA

Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Tujuan utama dari pendirian MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah adalah sebagai sarana

dakwah dan mengajak kepada

masyarakat agar menyekolahkan anak-

anaknya sehingga menjadi manusia yang

berilmu dan berimtaq

5. Apakah Visi dan Misi MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Visi dan Misi yang utama adalah ingin

menciptakan Insan yang ber IMTAQ dan

dan ber IPTEK

6. Kurukulum Apakah yang

Digunakan di MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Kurikulum yang digunakan saat ini

adalah dari Departemen Agama dan

mengkombinasikan dengan kurikulum


7. Berapa Jumlah Siswa di MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Alhamdulillah sampai saat ini siswa

kami berjumlah 41 orang. Meskipun

tidak banyak, saya pribadi berharap dan

berdoa semoga Ilmu yang mereka

dapatkan bermanfaat

8. Berapa Jumlah Guru di MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Guru dan karyawan saat ini berjumlah 12

orang. Ada yang megang pelajaran lebih

dari satu

II. Program Kegiatan (Kurikulum) di MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta :

9. Tujuan Pendidikan di MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Tujuannya adalah untuk mendidik putra-

putri di sekitar masyarakat agar menjadi

manusia yang berakhlakul karimah dan

berwawasan global islam

10. Kurikulum yang Digunakan? Kurikulum Depag (KTSP) dan lokal

11. Sebutkan Program-Program Penjabaran program di MA Ar-

Penjabaran Kurikulum di MA

Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Rasyidiyyah adalah di bagi kedalam

promes dan prota, jadi tiap semester ada


12. Berapa Jumlah Kelas MA Ar-

Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Ada tiga ruang rombel, yah seperti inilah

keadaan sekolah kami yang sangat



Hasil Wawancara Dengan Guru

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 04 September 2013

Wawancara Ke : Evy Salmiastuti, S. Ag

Pewawancara : Zainuddin

Pertanyaan Jawaban

I. Perencanaan Program Bahasa Inggris :

1. Apakah Guru Membuat Program

Perencanaan Bahasa Inggris?

Ya, sering! Setiap awal semester

2. Apakah Guru Membuat Sendiri

Program Perencanaan?

Ya, Kami membuat sendiri

3. Apakah Guru Menentukan Cara

Pengorganisasian Siswa Agar

Dapat Berpartisipasi Aktif Dalam

Kegiatan Pembelajaran?

Ya, Kami sering melakukannya, yaitu

dengan mengelompokkan peserta

didik yang nilainya bagus agar

membimbing temannya

II. Program Kegiatan Pengembangan Bahasa Inggris :

4. Apakah Materi yang Ada di MA

Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Pengembangan empat komponen yaitu

Listening, speaking, reading, dan

writing. Masing2 dikembangkan

sesuai dengan tujuan dan keahliannya

5. Berapa Lama Kegiatan


Biasanya selama mata pelajaran

berlangsung atau menambah kegiatan

di laboratorium bahasa. Hampir 6

bulan yaitu satu semester

6. Bahasa Pengantar Apa yang


Bahasa Inggris, akan tetapi sering

diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa


7. Apa Saja Sarana dan Prasarana di

MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

Sarana dan prasarana yang kami miliki

ada laboratorium computer, lab.

Bahasa, ruang kelas yang kurang

memadai, dan tempat ibadah.

8. Kemampuan Apa Saja yang

Dikembangkan Dalam Bahasa


Guru mengembangkan empat

komponen agar berkaitan satu sama

lain, yaitu : Listening, speaking,

reading, dan writing.

9. Apakah Guru Melakaukan Variasi

Dalam Dalam Mengajar?

Ya, guru menggunakan berbagai

media yang sesuai dengan materi.

10. Apakah yang Dilakukan Guru

Apabila Ada Siswa yang Tidak

Memahami Bahasa Pengantar?

Guru mengaitkan dengan keadaan





Alokasi Waktu Dan Tugas Mengajar

No Nama Guru Jabatan Tugas Mengajar

1. Drs. H. A Mahfudz Abduh Kepala Madrasah


Bahasa Arab


2. Evy Salmiastuti, S. Ag


Bahasa Inggris


3. Drs. H. A Naqo'i Abduh Guru Qur'an Hadits

4. Desirda Sutarto, S. Pd. I

Guru Aqidah Akhlak



5. Mahmudah, S. Pd Guru Bahasa Indonesia

6. Muttaqin, S. Sc

Guru Matematika


7. Drs. Heru Fadillah

Guru Sejarah Nasional

dan Umum


8. Anik Retnowati, S. Pd

Guru Geografi


Kebudayaan Islam

9. Titik Uswah, S. P Guru Fisika



10. Yoni Mashani, S. Pd Guru Ekonomi

11. Fadlullah Al Haqqy

Guru Bahasa Arab

Qur'an Hadits




12. Siti Marwia Guru Seni Budaya


Rekapitulasi Siswa

Kelas L P

X 6 12

XI 3 9

XII 6 5

Jumlah Total 15 26


Daftar Nama Siswa Kelas X

No Nama L/P Kelas

1 Afifudin L X

2 Amiroh Husnaini P X

3 Arizal Duhori L X

4 Cahya L X

5 Eka Setiawan Wijaya P X

6 Fatur Rahman A L X

7 Khoirunnisak P X

8 Larastika P X

9 Muhammad Iqbal L X

10 Nadia Luthfi P X

11 Natasia Silvia Putri P X

12 Nur Alin Karudu L X

13 Nur Indah Rahmawati P X

14 Salbiyaturrohmah P X

15 Tika Herniawati P X

16 Ulfa Syarifah P X

17 Varah Ardilla P X

18 Yuliana P X





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : Drs.H.A. Mahfudz Abduh, M.Si

Jabatan : Kepala Madrasah Aliyah Ar-Rasyidiyyah

Menerangkan dengan sebenarnya bahwa :

Nama : Zainuddin

NPM : 20098100926

Semester : VIII (Delapan)

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Jurusan : Bahasa Inggris

Perguruan Tinggi : STKIP Kusuma Negara

Bahwa nama tersebut di atas telah melaksanakan penelitian di MA Ar-Rasyidiyyah

Koja Jakarta dengan judul skripsi :



Demikian surat keterangan ini kami buat agar dapat digunakan sebagaimana


Jakarta, 02 September 2013

Kepala Madrasah,

Drs.H.A. Mahfudz Abduh, M.Si


Zainuddin, he was born on Probolinggo East Java

Indonesia, 14th

June 1989 from the couple our beloved

parents Hasanuddin and Siti Khodijah. He is unmarried

and my address Gunung Malang RT/RW 007/003

Gunggungan Kidul Pakuniran Probolinggo East Java.

He finished my Elementary School of SDN

Gunggungan Kidul 02 in 2002. He graduated from

Islamic Junior High School of MTs. Sunan Ampel Pakuniran in 2005. I continued my

study at Islamic Senior High School of MA. Zainul Hasan 04 Pakuniran and finished

in 2008. After that I go to Jakarta to continue my study and worked at the Wildan

Cell 3.

After that he entered my Study at English Departement School of Teachers

Training And Education (STKIP) Kusuma Negara Jakarta at 2009.

And he have finishing my study at STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta at 2013. He

thanks to Allah SWT that I finish this thesis to fulfill the strata one (S1) degree. He

hopes this thesis can give some advantages for my junior class.