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Cloud computing for QUT library SALEH ALGHAMDI-N26846627 VO HONG HANH –N7704283

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Cloud computing for QUT library


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Introduction ◦Scope◦Definition of key terms

History of cloud computing Cloud service models Cloud deployment models Advantages of cloud computing Issues

◦ Privacy and security Confidentiality Integrity Availability

◦ Laws and regulations Recommendations


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Cloud computing definition

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Cloud computing – a technology that provides web-based solutions and services to the public using networks, servers, data warehouses’, software applications and internet services managed by a third party (Giard & Lessard, 2010).

Nowadays, cloud-based services are being adopted by organisations at a rapid rate.

Web 2.0 tools, social networking sites are all examples in which individuals are moving their activities to ‘the cloud’

In 2010, Gartner predicted that cloud-based services generated more than $68 billion in worldwide revenue (Mielke, 2010).

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History of cloud computing Back to the 1960s, computer scientist John McCarthy wrote that

“computation may someday be organized as a public utility” In 1997, the term was used for the first time in its current context by

lecturer Ramnath Chellappa who defined it as a new “computing paradigm where the boundaries of computing will be determined by economic rationale rather than technical limits alone” (Biswas-a, 2011).

In 1999, - one of the first movers in cloud computing, introduced the concept of delivering enterprise applications via a website.

Amazon launched Amazon Web Service in 2002, Google launched GoogleDocs in 2006

In 2007, an industry-wide collaboration between Google, IBM and a number of universities across the United States soon followed.

Microsoft’s entry into cloud computing came in 2009 with the launch of Windows Azure

(Biswas, 2011)

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Cloud service types

There are 3 major models for cloud computing which are:

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS).

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IAAS – Infrastructure as a Service

IaaS involves physical computer hardware such as CPU processing, memory, data storage and network connectivity being provided by a vendor.

Example of an IaaS service vendor is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). According to In-Stat, it is expected that IaaS spending will approach $4

billion from 2011 to 2014

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PAAS –Platform as a Service

PaaS enables customers to use the vendor’s cloud infrastructure to deploy web applications and other software developed by the customer using programming languages supported by the vendor .

Example of PaaS vendors: Google App Engine, Amazon Web Services Elastic Beanstalk and Microsoft Windows Auzre platform.

According to In-Stat, PaaS spending will increase 113 percent annually to approximately $460 million in 2014.

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SAAS – Software as a service

The strongest cloud trend and services The Application itself is provided by the service provider. Examples: Google doc, Gmail, Hotmail, Flickr From 2011 to 2014, SaaS spending is expected to grow 112 percent


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Cloud deployment models

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Public cloud

The service are provided to the client from a third party service provider through the Internet.

Public clouds have a maximum potential in cost efficiencies Security risks must be concerned Examples: Amazon

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Private cloud

A private cloud involves an organisation’s exclusive use of cloud infrastructure and services located on premises or offsite which is then managed by the organisation or a selected vendor.

Reduced potential security concerns Examples: HP Data Centers

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Hybrid cloud

Hybrid clouds attempt to obtain most of the security benefits of a private cloud, and most of the economic benefits of a public cloud.

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Cloud computing advantages

• Cost savings

• No maintenance issues

• Simplicity

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Cloud computing issues


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Laws and regulations

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Security/Privacy1. Confidentialityprivacy of information (Antonopoulos, et al., 2010).

2. Integritythe authorisation to modify assets in the cloud (Antonopoulos, et al., 2010).

3. Availability the availability of data when it is needed (Antonopoulos, et al., 2010).

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1- ConfidentialityThe increased number of authorised parties to access the cloud computing makes the data more vulnerable to be compromised (Zissis, 2010). data requires high algorithm encryption before it is stored in the cloud. (Kalyani, Sonia, & Paikrao, 2012).

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2- IntegrityTampering QUT library data is most likely to cause daunting damage. This issue is greater in the public cloud than it is in private cloud. The private cloud is set up on private network, whereases; the public cloud is off-site (Kuyoro, et al., 2011). Therefore, private cloud is more secure for QUT library.

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3- Availability cloud computing provider must be trusted party to deal with. Trusted third party is the one that is fully compliant in its financial, legal, and technical elements (Zissis, 2010). The protection of intellectual property within ‘the cloud’ for QUT library should focus on creating a strong contract, ensuring that the business retains the rights to all data stored within the remote servers (LegalIQ, 2011).

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Laws and regulations One feature of cloud computing is that data can be localised, shared and stored in several countries, depending on what the service provider decides. However, when QUT library opt for cloud computing services, they relinquish all control over its information (Giard & Lessard, 2010). Therefore, it is recommended that contract specify the countries that the information can be accessed and used from.

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Recommendations for QUT library 1. Use complex algorithm encryption

2. Use the private cloud

3. Choose a trusted third party

4. Negotiate Service Level Agreement

5. In the contract, specify the countries in which the information can be accessed and used.

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