slope constrained topology optimization

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 41, 1417–1434 (1998) SLOPE CONSTRAINED TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION JOAKIM PETERSSON 1;* AND OLE SIGMUND 2 1 Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark 2 Department of Solid Mechanics, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark ABSTRACT The problem of minimum compliance topology optimization of an elastic continuum is considered. A general continuous density–energy relation is assumed, including variable thickness sheet models and articial power laws. To ensure existence of solutions, the design set is restricted by enforcing pointwise bounds on the density slopes. A nite element discretization procedure is described, and a proof of convergence of nite element solutions to exact solutions is given, as well as numerical examples obtained by a continuation= SLP (sequential linear programming) method. The convergence proof implies that checkerboard patterns and other numerical anomalies will not be present, or at least, that they can be made arbitrarily weak. ? 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS: topology optimization; nite elements; slope constraints 1. INTRODUCTION A popular technique in topology optimization is to use a variable thickness sheet formulation and penalize intermediate design values through the use of a power law, p , for the design . This procedure results in possible non-existence of solutions in the continuum problem, and numerical instabilities, such as checkerboard patterns, in the discretized problems. In case the problem lacks solutions there are two ways to go: either to relax the problem, i.e. to extend the design set or to restrict the design set. In this paper we analyse a particular choice of design set restriction which gives existence of solutions and no problems with checkerboard modes. Topology compliance optimization of elastic continua can be performed with several choices of dierent design parametrizations. Three groups of such parametrizations are: Variable thickness sheet models, 1; 2 homogenization techniques with a (relative) density of material at each point, 3 and 0–1 design (material or not at each point) with a constraint on the material domain’s perimeter, see Reference 4 for mathematical details and Reference 5 for numerical implementation. Sometimes, some of these techniques are also mixed. The rst category includes articial power laws that penalize intermediate densities. In case the exponent in the power law is 1, one gets a linear model that corresponds to the physical * Correspondence to: Joakim Petersson, Division of Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Link oping, S-581 83 Link oping, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected] Contract /grant sponsor: Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences (TFR) Contract /grant sponsor: Technical Research Council of Denmark CCC 0029–5981/98/081417–18$17.50 Received 2 January 1997 ? 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 25 June 1997

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Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 41, 1417–1434 (1998)



1Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark2Department of Solid Mechanics, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark


The problem of minimum compliance topology optimization of an elastic continuum is considered. A generalcontinuous density–energy relation is assumed, including variable thickness sheet models and arti�cial powerlaws. To ensure existence of solutions, the design set is restricted by enforcing pointwise bounds on thedensity slopes. A �nite element discretization procedure is described, and a proof of convergence of �niteelement solutions to exact solutions is given, as well as numerical examples obtained by a continuation=SLP(sequential linear programming) method. The convergence proof implies that checkerboard patterns and othernumerical anomalies will not be present, or at least, that they can be made arbitrarily weak. ? 1998 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEY WORDS: topology optimization; �nite elements; slope constraints


A popular technique in topology optimization is to use a variable thickness sheet formulation andpenalize intermediate design values through the use of a power law, �p, for the design �. Thisprocedure results in possible non-existence of solutions in the continuum problem, and numericalinstabilities, such as checkerboard patterns, in the discretized problems. In case the problem lackssolutions there are two ways to go: either to relax the problem, i.e. to extend the design set or torestrict the design set. In this paper we analyse a particular choice of design set restriction whichgives existence of solutions and no problems with checkerboard modes.Topology compliance optimization of elastic continua can be performed with several choices

of di�erent design parametrizations. Three groups of such parametrizations are: Variable thicknesssheet models,1; 2 homogenization techniques with a (relative) density of material at each point,3 and0–1 design (material or not at each point) with a constraint on the material domain’s perimeter, seeReference 4 for mathematical details and Reference 5 for numerical implementation. Sometimes,some of these techniques are also mixed.The �rst category includes arti�cial power laws that penalize intermediate densities. In case

the exponent in the power law is 1, one gets a linear model that corresponds to the physical

∗ Correspondence to: Joakim Petersson, Division of Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University ofLink�oping, S-581 83 Link�oping, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected]

Contract /grant sponsor: Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences (TFR)Contract /grant sponsor: Technical Research Council of Denmark

CCC 0029–5981/98/081417–18$17.50 Received 2 January 1997? 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 25 June 1997

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models of variable thickness sheets, sandwich plates and also locally extremal materials in problemformulations for a free parametrization of design.6

In this work, we treat a general continuous relation between the energy and the design, primarilywith the �rst group’s power law in mind. Variable thickness formulations for plates lead to apower law with exponent 3, and are therefore related to the �rst group. The idea of introducingslope constraints on the thickness function in optimization of two-dimensional continua is notnew. It was proposed in plate optimization by e.g. Niordson,7 and existence of solutions for thatproblem was proved by e.g. Bends�e.8 The constraint on the slopes is crucial for the possibility toprove existence of solutions, and therefore plays a role similar to the perimeter constraint in 0–1design.4 We also mention that the introduction of the constraint (on the slope or the perimeter)has a practical meaning; it controls the maximum allowed design oscillation, or in a sense, themaximum number of holes, which in turn is governed by manufacturability constraints.In this paper we prove the existence of optimal designs for the general continuous energy–

density relation including pointwise slope constraints. The proof is along the same lines as theones in e.g. References 8 and 9. Further, we present a Finite Element (FE) convergence proof,i.e. we establish convergence of the solutions to the discretized problems to the exact solutions.The proof of this is close to the one presented for plates in Reference 9. Important di�erences arethat we use piecewise constant design approximation, giving practical advantages, and we allowfor more general dependence between the bilinear form and the design. Finally, we also solvelarge-scale instances of the discretized problems to numerically illustrate the FE convergence.The organization of the rest of the paper is as follows. First an informal preview of the consid-

ered problem and results is given in Section 2, after which we proceed with the precise mathemat-ical description. For the reader uninterested in the proofs and mathematical details, it is possibleto move directly to Section 5 after having read Section 2. If, on the other hand, the reader willgo through the mathematical details, Section 2 is unnecessary.Section 3 treats the original problem statement and establishes in Section 3.2 existence of

solutions. The well-known procedure to prove existence of solutions to an optimization problem,by verifying continuity of the function and compactness of the corresponding set, is used. A crucialbut rather well-known result, the compactness of the design set, is proven in Appendix I.Section 4 deals with the FE discretization of the problem and establishes the convergence of FE

solutions to exact ones for decreasing mesh size. The precise result is stated at the beginning ofSection 4.2, and the proof is divided into �ve steps that de�ne Sections 4.2.1–4.2.5. Sections 4.2.1and 4.2.3 show that the FE solutions will, in subsequences, converge to a pair of elements, as themesh size is decreased. Section 4.2.2 shows that these elements ‘match’ in the sense of equilibrium,and Section 4.2.5 that they are actually optimal. To show the latter, we need an auxiliary result,given in Section 4.2.4, which states that we approximate density functions properly, i.e. any exactadmissible density should be possible to approximate arbitrarily well by the discretized admissibledensities.Section 5, �nally, outlines an algorithm for the discretized problem and gives numerical examples

together with comments on di�erent behaviours.


Let, as usual, the total potential energy of a linearly elastic structure be written as J(u; �)= 12

a�(u; u) − ‘(u) in which �, the material density, is the design variable, and u is a kinematically

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admissible displacement �eld. The variable �, which is actually a relative density factor takingvalues between zero and one, will henceforth simply be referred to as density or design. Thisvariable enters the bilinear form, e.g. as a factor �p through a parametrization of sti�ness asEijkl= �pE0ijkl, where E

0 is the sti�ness tensor of a given material. The problem addressed inthis paper is to minimize the work of the external loads under slope constraints on the designfunction:


Minimize ‘(u)

�; u∈Vsubject to a�(u; v)= ‘(v); for all v∈V

�6�61;∫ � dx=V∣∣∣∣ @�@xi

∣∣∣∣6c (i=1; 2)

The last constraint is the ‘new’ slope constraint, i.e. box constraints on the partial derivatives. Inorder to guarantee the existence of derivatives of the density (almost everywhere) so that the slopeconstraint makes sense, we need to restrict the design space to the Sobolev space of functionswith essentially bounded �rst derivatives (W 1;∞()). As a consequence, the admissible designfunctions are enforced to be (Lipschitz) continuous.In the special linear case, i.e. p=1, the slope constraints are not needed to ensure existence of

solutions. Moreover, under a stress biaxiality assumption, strong convergence in Lp() of (ninenode) FE design solutions to the exact one, has recently been proven.10

The constraints |@�=@xi|6c ensure that the set of designs (H) is compact in the space of con-tinuous functions equipped with the sup-norm ‖ · ‖0;∞;. Convergence in ‖ · ‖0;∞; is equivalentto uniform convergence in , which means that functions converge ‘simultaneously and equallymuch’ at all points in . Existence of solutions to (MC) follows almost directly from this com-pactness property and the method of proof is standard in the �eld of optimal control.Let us assume that u is approximated with any FE known to be convergent in the equilibrium

problem and � is approximated as elementwise constant. Taking � to be constant in each elementis practical since the integration in the bilinear form can be performed with � outside the integralsign, and consequently one arrives at the usual sti�ness matrices. We hence approximate continuousfunctions with discontinuous ones, i.e. we use an external approximation. The slope constraintsare discretized such that one enforces

|�K − �L|6ch (1)

in which �K and �L are the values in any two adjacent elements K and L, and h is the meshsize. The constraints (1) preclude design oscillations, and it is proven that the FE density solu-tions converge uniformly in to the set of density solutions of (MC) as h→ 0+. This meansthat spurious checkerboard patterns, if they appear, can be made arbitrarily weak by decreas-ing the element size. Thus, the slope constraint not only ensures existence of solutions butalso essentially checkerboard free convergence of the �nite element solutions (displacements anddensity).The �nite-dimensional problem to solve has the standard matrix-vector form appearing in vari-

able thickness design with penalization, but with the linear constraints (1) added to it. The nestedformulation, i.e. the problem in design variables solely, has only linear constraints, and is therefore

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well suited for an SLP scheme. The design of the so-called MBB-beam is considered, and theproblem is solved for a series of decreasing mesh sizes to illustrate the convergence, and fordi�erent c-values to illustrate their in uence on the optimal design. The numerical results aresimilar to those obtained by the perimeter5 and �ltering11; 12 techniques. As opposed to �lter-ing techniques, the present method is mathematically well founded, but the computational timeis much longer due to the large number of constraints in (1). The constant c, which in fact isfairly easy to choose, plays a role similar to the perimeter constraint. A large value allows fora larger number of ‘bars’, and a very low one yields a small number of wide ‘bars’ (how-ever with grey zones). As a practical rule for how to choose h and c, it is concluded thathc should be less than 1=3 to guarantee a design of reasonable quality free of checkerboardpatterns.


3.1. Preliminaires

Let ⊂R2 be a Lipschitz domain containing the region of the elastic body. At each pointof the boundary @, and in each of two orthogonal directions, there are either prescribed zerodisplacements or tractions.We introduce the usual Sobolev spaces Wm;p(), m¿0, 16p6∞, and denote (any of) the

usual norms and seminorms by ‖ ·‖m;p; and | · |m;p;, respectively, cf. Reference 13. For p=2 wewrite Hm()=Wm;2(), Hm()= (Hm())2, and for m=0 we naturally write Lp()=W 0;p().We abbreviate ‖ · ‖m= ‖ · ‖m;2;, | · |m= | · |m;2; and also use the same notation for the cor-responding (semi)norms in (Wm;p())2. Further, Ck() denotes the space of k times continu-ously di�erentiable functions on in which all derivatives possess continuous extensions to ,C∞()=

⋂∞k = 0 C

k(), and C∞()= (C∞())2. The set of test functions on , i.e. in�nitelydi�erentiable functions with compact support in , is denoted by D.The set of kinematically admissible displacements, V, is assumed to be a closed subspace of

H1(), and such that (3) holds, e.g.

V= {v∈H1() | vi=0 on �u (i=1; 2)}in which �u is the part of @ with zero-prescribed displacements.The design variable, �, will be referred to as either density or design, and it will be restricted

to belong to a set H of admissible designs. (In the following,∫will be used in the meaning of∫

, and dx is omitted unless the notation has a special relevance.)

H={�∈W 1;∞()

∣∣∣∣ �6�61;∣∣∣∣ @�@xi

∣∣∣∣6c (i=1; 2) a.e. in ;∫�=V


This de�nition is like the usual set of admissible designs in variable thickness sheet problems, i.e.the set

H0 ={�∈L∞()

∣∣∣∣ �6�61 a.e. in ;∫�=V


but in addition to � itself, the �rst-order derivatives are also restricted to L∞() and subject topointwise bounds. The set H0 includes both the exact admissible designs and the set of discretizeddensities to be de�ned in Section 4.

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For �xed �∈H0, we denote by a�(·; ·) the internal work symmetric bilinear form on V×V:

a�(u; v)=∫�(�)



in which the summation convention is used, i.e. a summation from 1 to 2 over all repeated indicesis understood. Here Eijkl denotes, at least up to a scaling, elasticity constants satisfying the usualsymmetry, ellipticity and boundedness features, and �(·) is any continuous function de�ned on[�; 1] and whose values are contained in [”; 1] for some ”¿0. A common choice is �(�)= �p

for some positive real number p. For p=1 one retains the linear variable thickness sheet model,which also models locally extremal materials and sandwich type plates, etc.We have the following bicontinuity feature:

|a�(u; v)|6M‖u‖1‖v‖1; ∀u; v∈V; ∀�∈H0 (2)

since the values of � are bounded from above, and, moreover, uniform ellipticity:

a�(u; u)¿�‖u‖21; ∀u∈V; ∀�∈H0 (3)

if there are ‘su�ciently many’ zero-prescribed displacements, and since the values of � are boundedfrom below by ”¿0 (� and M are strictly positive constants).The external load linear form ‘(·) maps V into R and is assumed to satisfy the following

boundedness feature:

‖‘‖= sup0 6=v∈V

|‘(v)|‖v‖1 ¡ +∞ (4)

For instance, it can take the form

‘(v)=∫�tt · v ds+

∫b · v dx

where t is the given line load on �t and b is the given area load on .From the linear and bilinear form we can de�ne, as usual, the total potential energy as

J(u; �)= 12a�(u; u)− ‘(u)

for a given displacement �eld u in the body with density distribution �.We reformulate the minimum compliance problem in the following form of simultaneous analysis

and design:


Find (u∗; �∗)∈V×H such that

a�∗(u∗; v)= ‘(v); ∀v∈V; and‘(u∗)6‘(u)for all (u; �)∈V×H satisfying

a�(u; v)= ‘(v); ∀v ∈ VHere,

a�(u; v)= ‘(v); ∀v ∈ V (5)

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is the variational equation for equilibrium for the structure with density �, and it is equivalent toa minimum of total potential energy:

J(u; �)6J(v; �); ∀v ∈ V (6)

By (2)–(4), there exists a unique solution u∈V to (6) (or (5)) for any � ∈ H0.We de�ne an admissible pair in (MC) as any pair (u; �)∈V×H satisfying (5). The condition

�∈H corresponds to design constraints and (5) to the equilibrium constraint.

3.2. Existence of solutions

The proof of existence of solutions is standard in optimal control. References 9 and 8 are veryclose to the presentation below.As in e.g. Reference 14, p. 62, we only have to check that the set

U∗= {u∈V | ∃�∈H : a�(u; v)= ‘(v); ∀v∈V}is weakly closed, since ‘(·) is weakly continuous and U∗ is weakly precompact. Hence, let um ∈U∗be such that

um→ u∈V weakly as m→∞ (7)

and let �m ∈H denote the corresponding design sequence in the de�nition of U∗. We will showthat u ∈ U∗. From the appendix we conclude that, for some subsequence and some �∈H,

�m→ � uniformly in as m→∞ (8)

Since � is uniformly continuous, due to the compactness of the interval [�; 1], (8) yields

� ◦ �m→ � ◦ � uniformly in as m→∞ (9)

We have, for arbitrary �xed v ∈ V,a�m(um; v)= ‘(v) (10)

Moreover, (7) and (9) are su�cient for

limm→∞ a�m(um; v)= a�(u; v)

in which v∈V is arbitrary, and hence (10) shows that u is the equilibrium displacement for �.We conclude that U∗ is weakly closed, and the proof of existence of solutions to (MC) is herebycomplete.


We choose piecewise constant and discontinuous approximation of the design variable. This mayseem unnatural since the admissible designs are restricted to be continuous. However, the moti-vation for this choice is that constant � results in a discretized optimization problem which canbe given a simple matrix formulation with the usual sti�ness matrices. In case one, for instance,uses bilinear and continuous design approximation, one has to perform new integrations to getthe matrix entries, and the overall computational time would be much higher without substantiallyimproving the design description.

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4.1. Preliminaires

From now on we assume that we partition a rectangular domain into a mesh of m= nxnysquares of equal size, i.e. nx �nite elements in the horizontal direction and ny in the vertical.These quite severe restrictions are made only to simplify the presentation of the mathematicalmanipulations. The results can be expected for much more general situations. The (open) squaresare denoted jk , and they are mutually disjoint. Moreover,



If h denotes the mesh size, i.e. the edge length of any square, then, clearly,

h2 = |jk |= ||=mHenceforth, ‘∀j; k’ will mean ‘for all (j; k)∈{1; : : : ; nx}×{1; : : : ; ny}’. We de�ne the discretizedspace of displacements as

Vh= {v| vi ∈C0(); vi |jk ∈P1(jk) ∀j; k (i=1; 2)}∩VHere P‘() denotes the space of bilinear functions on for ‘=1, and constant functions on for ‘=0. From the standard theory of Sobolev spaces, we have that the space C∞() ∩ V isdense in V, and, on this set of continuous functions one can apply the usual piecewise bilinearinterpolation operator �h (on both components). The standard interpolation estimate15

‖u − �hu‖16Ch|u|2clearly implies

�hu→ u; strongly in V; as h→ 0+; ∀u∈C∞()∩V (11)

We will enforce the following design oscillation restrictions:

|�j+1; k − �jk |6ch; j=1; : : : ; nx − 1; k =1; : : : ; ny (12)


|�j; k+1 − �jk |6ch; j=1; : : : ; nx; k =1; : : : ; ny − 1 (13)

in which �jk denotes the value in jk of any elementwise constant function �. We de�ne thediscretized set of densities as

Hh={�∣∣∣∣ �|jk ∈P0(jk) ∀j; k;

∫�=V; �6�61 a.e. in ; (12) and (13)


Clearly Vh⊂V, but Hh 6⊂H, which in words means that we use an internal or conformingapproximation for displacements, but an external approximation for densities. However, Hh⊂H0.We now formulate the FE discretized �nite-dimensional problem to solve in practice. This is

merely the problem (MC) with V replaced by Vh and H by Hh.

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The discretized minimum compliance problem (MC)h is de�ned as


Find (u∗h ; �∗h )∈Vh×Hh such that

a�∗h (u∗h ; vh)= ‘(vh); ∀vh ∈Vh; and

‘(u∗h)6‘(uh)for all (uh; �h)∈Vh×Hh satisfying

a�h(uh; vh)= ‘(vh); ∀vh ∈ VhIt is straightforward to establish existence of solutions to (MC)h, and the existence of a uniqueequilibrium displacement uh for any �xed �h ∈Hh, i.e.

a�h(uh; vh)= ‘(vh); ∀vh ∈ Vh (14)

Given any h¿0, a pair (uh; �h)∈Vh×Hh satisfying (14) is called an admissible pair in (MC)h.

4.2. Convergence of FE solutions

In this section we will prove that, vaguely speaking, the solutions to (MC)h converge to thoseof (MC) as h→ 0+. More precisely:

For any sequence of FE solutions (u∗h ; �∗h ) to (MC)h, there are two elements u∗ ∈V and�∗ ∈H, and a subsequence (denoted again by the same symbol) such that u∗h convergesstrongly to u∗ in V and �∗h converges to �∗ uniformly in , as h→ 0+. Moreover, any suchpair of cluster points (u∗; �∗) solves the problem (MC).

Since any sequence of FE solutions has a convergent subsequence and the limit is optimal, asequence of FE solutions necessarily converges to the set of exact solutions. Hence, if the exactsolution is unique, the whole sequence converges. An important consequence is also that, as onere�nes the mesh, one will necessarily come as close as one wants, measured in ‖ · ‖0;∞;, to anoptimal density, but, two consecutive discrete solutions for di�erent meshes might approximatetwo di�erent true solutions.The arguments of proof are divided into a number of steps of partial results, and the subsections

next are divided accordingly. The partial results are:

1. Any sequence of FE solutions has a (weakly) convergent subsequence as h→ 0+ with somelimit elements.

2. Any such limit elements are coupled via equilibrium, i.e. (5).3. The displacement sequence converges strongly.4. The sets of approximated designs are ‘close to’ the original design set.5. Any limit elements in 1 solve the problem (MC).

4.2.1. Convergent subsequences. From now on, let (uh; �h) be any admissible pair in (MC)h ash→ 0+. In this subsection we will show that there is a subsequence which converges in the senseof (17).From (3) and (4) one gets


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by choosing vh= uh in (14). Hence, there is a weakly convergent subsequence, denoted by {uh},with limit u in V. We now show the corresponding result for the density variable.Since the �h’s are external approximations, we cannot immediately use the compactness of H

to get a convergent subsequence of {�h}. Instead, we create an auxiliary sequence of continuousfunctions, {�L�h}, which lies in a compact set and which is ‘close to’ {�h}. It then follows, bycompactness, that the auxiliary sequence converges to a limit, and by the ‘short distance’ between{�h} and {�L�h}, that also {�h} converges to this limit.Let S be the ‘surrounding strip’ of width h to , i.e. the union of all 2(nx + ny + 2) squares

lying immediately outside @ (the squares are only translates of the jk ’s). Extend �h to ∪Sby letting the values in squares in S be the ones attained in the closest jk in , and denote theextended squarewise constant function by �h again. Then, let �L�h denote the continuous piecewisebilinear interpolation of �h, in which the pieces now are the squares with corners in the midpointsof the jk ’s and the squares in S, i.e. (�L�h)(x)= �h(x) for all midpoints x of jk ’s or squaresin S. It then follows that ∣∣∣∣@�L�h@xi

∣∣∣∣6calmost everywhere in for i=1; 2, since the maximum absolute value of derivatives (almosteverywhere) for a bilinear function are attained on the edges of the squares and (12) and (13)hold, and


almost everywhere in , since the extreme function values are attained at the square corners. Withthe same arguments as those used in the appendix to conclude the compactness of H, we obtain,at least for a subsequence,

�L�h→ �; uniformly in (15)

in which � satis�es

�∈W 1;∞(); �6�61;∣∣∣∣ @�@xi

∣∣∣∣6c; a.e. in (16)

Obviously, for any x in ,|(�L�h − �h)(x)|6ch

which with (15) and the triangle inequality gives

�h→ �; uniformly in

This, in turn, gives that∫�=V since

∫�h=V . In addition we have (16), so �∈H.

In conclusion, as h→ 0+, there is a subsequence of any given sequence of admissible pairs in(MC)h, that satisfy

uh→ u weakly in V; �h→ �∈H uniformly in (17)

In particular, the solutions to (MC)h satisfy

u∗h → u∗ weakly in V; �∗h → �∗ ∈H uniformly in (18)

for some elements u∗ and �∗, and some subsequence.

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4.2.2. Equilibrium coupling for a pair of cluster points. We like to show that an arbitrary pairof clusterpoints (u; �) as in (17) are coupled through equilibrium, i.e. for given arbitrary v∈V,

a�(u; v)= ‘(v) (19)

It follows from the density of C∞()∩V in V and (11) that there exists a sequence vh ∈Vhsuch that vh→ v. From (14) we get

a�h(uh; vh − v) + a�h(uh; v)= ‘(vh) (20)

The �rst term of the left-hand side in (20) converges to zero since vh→ v, and {� ◦ �h} and {uh}are bounded in L∞() and V. The second term of the left-hand side converges to a�(u; v), since� ◦ �h converges uniformly in and uh weakly in V. Hence, passing to the limit in (20), onearrives at (19).

4.2.3. Strong convergence of displacements. We have obtained that the FE displacement so-lutions converge weakly (for subsequences) as the mesh is re�ned. Knowing, from the previoussubsection, that the limit pair is coupled through equilibrium, we can show that the displacementsequence converges strongly.From the uniform ellipticity we have

�‖u∗h − u∗‖216 a�∗h (u∗h − u∗; u∗h − u∗)

= a�∗h (u∗h − u∗;−u∗) + a�∗h (u∗h ; u∗h )− a�∗h (u∗; u∗h )

= a�∗h (u∗h − u∗;−u∗) + ‘(u∗h )− a�∗h (u∗; u∗h ) (21)

in which we have used (14). The �rst term in (21) converges to zero and the second to ‘(u∗).The third one, a�∗h (u

∗; u∗h ), converges to a�∗(u∗; u∗), which, in turn, equals ‘(u∗) by (19). Hence,from (21) we conclude

u∗h → u∗ strongly in V (22)

if only (18) holds.

4.2.4. A density argument for designs. As always in FE approximation theory, one must estab-lish that any variable can be su�ciently well approximated (measured in some topology) by thediscretized version of the variable. For the displacement, this was ensured by (11) and the densityof C∞()∩V in V. We now show that any �∈H can be approximated by �h ∈Hh arbitrarilywell measured in ‖·‖0;∞;.Let �h denote the interpolation operator which gives an elementwise constant function, in which

the value in each element is the integrated average of the original function, i.e.

�h�|jk =1h2


�; ∀j; k

It is easily seen that∫�h�=V and �6�h�61 for any �∈H. We verify (12) for �h�. Let,

for the time being, �jk denote the value of �h� in jk . Then, denoting the unit vector in the

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x1-direction in R2 by e1, we have

|�j+1; k − �jk | = 1h2

∣∣∣∣∣∫j+1; k


∣∣∣∣∣ =1h2


(�(x+ he1)− �(x)) dx∣∣∣∣∣



|�(x+ he1)− �(x)| dx6 ch2


h= ch

Dealing with (13) similarly, we conclude that �h maps H into Hh. It remains to show that �h�converges to � uniformly as h→ 0+.Let x be arbitrary in . This point belongs to some jk . Since � is continuous and jk is

connected and compact, � attains all values between the maximum and minimum on jk . Thismeans that there exists a y∈jk such that �(y)=�h�(x). Therefore,

|�h�(x)− �(x)|= |�(y)− �(x)|6c√2|y − x|62ch

which means that �h� converges to � uniformly as h→ 0+.

4.2.5. Optimality for a pair of cluster points. In order to prove that any pair of cluster points(u∗; �∗), to a sequence of solutions to (MC)h, that satis�es (18), is indeed solving (MC), we willverify

‘(u∗)6‘(u) (23)

in which (u; �) is any admissible pair in (MC).From Section 4.2.4 we have elements �h ∈Hh that converge uniformly to �. Let uh be the

solution to (14) for this �h. Since (uh; �h) is an admissible pair in (MC)h we have

‘(u∗h )6‘(uh) (24)

From Section 4.2.1 we get an element u∈V such that uh→ u weakly in V for some subsequence.Section 4.2.2 gives that u solves equilibrium for �, as well as u by assumption. Unambiguityhence yields u= u.Passing to the limit in (24) (for an appropriate subsequence), one arrives at (23), the desired

result. The proof of the main conjecture, stated in the introduction of Section 4.2, is herebycomplete.


5.1. Description of the algorithm

The optimization problem (MC)h with �(�)= �5 is solved using computational proceduresknown from topology optimization (see Reference 14 for an overview). As the optimization prob-lem is non-linear, it is solved by an iterative procedure where each step consists of a �nite elementanalysis based on the current value of the design variables a (the element-wise constant valuesof the function �h), followed by a change in design variables �a. For compliance optimizationproblems with only one (volume) constraint, the optimal change in design variables is mostlydetermined using optimality criteria algorithms due to their computational e�ciency. However, in

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this paper, with 2(nx − 1)(ny − 1) additional constraints, the optimal change in design variablesmust be determined with a di�erent optimization algorithm. Here, we use the (sequential) linearprogramming (SLP) algorithm.We solve the discretized compliance minimization problem (MC)h using a nested approach.

The �rst part of the nested approach consists in a �nite element analysis solving the equilibriumproblem

K(a)u(a)= f (25)

where f is the force vector (assumed to be design independent) and u(a) is the displacementvector (representing the nodal values of the function uh). K(a) is the �nite element sti�nessmatrix, assembled from the element sti�ness matrices Kjk(�jk)= �

pjkK0 in the usual way. K0 is the

element 8 by 8 sti�ness matrix for a four node bilinear �nite element consisting of solid material.The element sti�ness matrix has only to be calculated once due to the regularity of the designdomain (all elements are geometrically equivalent) and it is found as the integral K0 =

∫BTEB dx

where B is the usual strain–displacement matrix for four-node bilinear �nite elements and E is theconstitutive matrix under plane stress assumption.The second part of the nested approach consists in solving the optimization problem


�(a)= fTu(a)= u(a)TK(a)u(a)=∑jk


subject to −ch6�j+1; k − �jk6ch; j=1; : : : ; nx − 1; k =1; : : : ; ny−ch6�j; k+1 − �jk6ch; j=1; : : : ; nx; k =1; : : : ; ny − 1aTa=V


where ujk(a) is the part of the global displacement vector u(a) which is associated with elementjk and a, a, 1 and a are N -vectors and denote the value of the density variables, the minimumvalue of densities (non-zero to avoid singularity), the maximum values of densities and the areaof the elements, respectively. It is noted that the �rst two lines among the side constraints are the‘new’ constraints that represent the chosen design set restriction.The above optimization problem is linearized in terms of a using the �rst part of a Taylor

series expansion. Thereby, the optimal change in design variables �a, is determined by solvingthe linearized subproblem




subject to −ch− �j+1; k + �jk6��j+1; k −��jk6ch− �j+1; k + �jk ;j=1; : : : ; nx − 1; k =1; : : : ; ny

−ch− �j; k+1 + �jk6��j; k+1 −��jk6ch− �j; k+1 + �jk ;j=1; : : : ; nx; k =1; : : : ; ny − 1



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where �amin and �amax are move limits on the design variables and a is the current iterate.The move limits are adjusted for the box constraints of the original optimization problem. Againassuming design independent loads, the sensitivity of the objective function (compliance) withrespect to a change in design variable �jk is found as


= 2{@u(a)@�jk

}TK(a)u(a) + u(a)T @K(a)


= −u(a)T @K(a)@�jk

u(a)=−p�(p−1)jk ujk(a)TK0ujk(a) (26)

where it was used that



u(a) (27)

which comes from the di�erentiation of the equilibrium equation (25).Since the linear programming problem de�ned above is very sparse, it can be solved e�ciently

using the sparse linear programming solver DSPLP16 from the SLATEC library.The move limit strategy is important for the stable convergence of the algorithm. Here, we use

a global move limit strategy, where the move limit for all design variables is increased by a factorof 1·05 if the change in the cost function between two steps is negative. Similarly the move limitis decreased by a factor of 0·9 if the change in the cost function is positive.Because of the non-convexity of the design problem, starting the optimization algorithm with

a high value of the penalty parameter p often results in the algorithm converging to a localminimum. Therefore, we use a continuation method, i.e. we start with a low value p=1, we letthe procedure converge, then we increase p with 0·5, in turn letting the algorithm converge, andcontinue this until p equals 5.

5.2. Numerical examples and discussion

To demonstrate the method, we consider the optimal topological design of the so-called MBB-beam17 shown in Figure 1. As we are only considering qualitative results in this paper, the materialdata and dimensions for the problem are chosen non-dimensional. The load is applied as a constantline load and the beam is line-supported at the lower left and right edges. The base material hasYoung’s modulus 1·0 and Poisson’s ratio 0·3 and the minimum density constraint is �=0·01. Thematerial is allowed to �ll 50 per cent of the design domain. The design problem is solved fordi�erent mesh sizes h and di�erent values of the slope constraint c.

Figure 1. Geometry and load-case for the considered design problem

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Figure 2. Optimal designs for �xed c=15 and varying mesh size, h=1=30, 1=60, 1=90 and 1=120 (from top to bottom)

Because of the use of the continuation method for the increase of the penalty parameter, thealgorithm requires as many as 300 iterations to converge. Furthermore, solving the LP problemis very time-demanding because of the large number of constraints. For the considered examples,the increase in computational time lies between a factor of 100 and 1000 compared to complianceoptimization problems without slope constraints.Figure 2 shows the resulting topologies for �xed c=15 and varying discretizations. It can be

seen that the topologies are independent of the discretization. The actual values of the compliancefor the three solutions are seen in Table I.Figure 3 shows the resulting topologies for �xed c=23, varying discretizations and point support

and load. Again, the actual values for the compliances are seen in Table I.In case one runs into (what seems to be) problems with numerical results, one should keep in

mind that, since we have established a convergence proof, such problems are necessarily of atleast one of the following three kinds: (I) one has not a su�ciently small h for the FE solutionto be close to an exact solution, (II) the algorithm does not manage to solve the problem (MC)hand (III) consecutive discrete solutions for di�erent meshes might approximate two di�erent truesolutions. The category (II) is quite possible since (MC)h is non-convex, and the objective functionis very at with respect to some design changes. In category (I) one is simply left with the optionto solve (MC)h for a �ner mesh, and (III) is actually not a problem, just a possible event to keepin mind.Figure 4 shows resulting topologies for a �xed mesh of 90× 30 elements and di�erent values

of c. From the �gure, we can see that it is possible to control the complexity (and thereby the

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Figure 3. Optimal designs for �xed c=23 and varying mesh size, h=1=75, 1=105 and 1=135 (from top to bottom)

Table I. Data for the examples

Example nx·ny =N h c hc �

a 30·10= 300 1=30 15 0·50 329·4b 60·20= 1200 1=60 15 0·25 281·8c 90·30= 2700 1=90 15 0·17 284·3d 120·40= 4800 1/120 15 0·13 282·2e 90·30= 2700 1=90 60 0·67 248·6f 90·30= 2700 1=90 45 0·50 221·0g 90·30= 2700 1=90 20 0·22 261·8h 90·30= 2700 1=90 15 0·17 284·3i 90·30= 2700 1=90 5 0·06 809·6j 75·25= 1875 1=75 23 0·31 255·4k 105·35= 3675 1=105 23 0·22 258·6l 135·45= 6075 1=135 23 0·17 260·0m 30·10= 300 1=30 15 0·50 297·8

manufacturability) of the optimal design by choosing di�erent values of c. A larger c allows formore ‘bars’ and a low one yields a small number of wide ‘bars’ (however with grey zones).Some (intermediate) values of �∗ might be poorly approximated with a ‘jagged �eld’ in �∗h for

large h. However, these instabilities, such as checkerboard patterns, can be made arbitrarily weakby decreasing h.Figure 5 shows that using nine-node biquadratic �nite elements helps in producing checkerboard

free designs. The topology in Figure 5 should be compared with the topology a in Figure 2. Asthe use of nine-node elements implies that the computational time is increased dramatically (up toa factor of 16) their use is considered impractical for general topology design problems.

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Figure 4. Optimal topologies for varying c=60, 45, 20, 15 and 5 (from top to bottom), and �xed mesh h=1=90

Figure 5. Optimal design using nine node elements, c=15 and mesh size h=1=30

5.3. Conclusions

In this paper we have furnished a traditional continuum topology optimization problem with anextra design constraint. This constraint — an upper bound (c) on the maximum slope—makesthe problem well-posed in the sense that existence of solutions is guaranteed, and the solutionsobtained by a �nite element method will converge uniformly to the set of exact solutions asthe mesh is re�ned. The constant c allows for a control of the maximum structural complexityand hence the manufacturability. A larger c permits a larger number of holes. Given a desired

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complexity, i.e. a given c, one can estimate a priori the required number of elements: We suggest,partly based on the data in Table I, that hc should be kept below 1=3 as a rule of thumb in orderto obtain designs with no, or very minor, checkerboard patterns.The proposed approach is mathematically rigorous and hence provides ‘mesh-independent’ de-

signs. However, the computational cost is extremely high. A heuristic method based on imageprocessing techniques, which was proposed by Sigmund11; 12 seems to give similar topologicaldesigns with much less computational e�ort.


Compactness of H

Crucial for the existence of solutions to (MC), as well as for the relation between (MC) andits discretized version (MC)h, is the compactness of the design set that follows from the slopeconstraints.Let {�m} be any sequence in H. The compactness of H in C0() means that there exists a

subsequence (denoted with the same notation) and an element �∈H, such that �m→ � uniformlyin . Even though this is well known to a mathematical society, we next proceed to prove thisconjecture because of its extreme relevance to the present paper.The inclusion of W 1;∞() into C0() is compact due to Sobolev’s imbedding theorem, see

e.g. Reference 13, which means that there is a subsequence, denoted {�m} again, and an element�∈C0() such that {�m} converges uniformly to �. One easily concludes that �6�61 and∫�=V . It remains to show that the �rst derivatives exist in L∞() and are bounded by c almost

everywhere in .From the de�nition of weak derivative we have, for i=1; 2;


’=−∫�m@’@xi; ∀’∈D (28)

The sequences {@�m=@xi} are bounded in L∞(), and so, by Banach–Alaoglu’s theorem, see e.g.Reference 18, there are elements hi ∈L∞() such that |hi|6c and, at least for some subsequence,


’→∫’hi; ∀’∈L1() (29)

We �nally show that the hi’s are the weak derivatives of �. For any ’∈D we certainly have



which with (28) and (29) gives ∫’hi=−


i.e. hi= @�=@xi.

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The authors are indebted to Martin P. Bends�e, Department of Mathematics, Technical Universityof Denmark, for inspiration and valuable comments on the present work.This work was �nancially supported by the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences

(TFR) and Denmark’s Technical Research Council (Programme of Research on Computer-AidedDesign).


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