slovenian alps - gorenjska / outdoor activities

Sunny side of life SLOVENSKE ALPE AKTIVNOSTI V NARAVI SLOVENIAN ALPS OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES SLOVENSKE ALPE - GORENJSKA | SLOVENIAN ALPS - GORENJSKA Tako lepo, tako preprosto! | So nice, so simple! Na stičišču Slovenije, Italije in Avstrije, na območju, kjer se Alpe srečujejo z Mediteranom, na severozahodu Slovenije vas čakajo posebna odkritja! Začutite lasten utrip med gorami in vodami, med gozdovi in pašniki, v vaseh z ohranjenimi posebnostmi, v srednjeveških mestih ... | At the north-western corner of Slovenia lay the country’s frontiers with Italy and Austria. This is also where the Alps meet the Mediterranean Sea. You can expect to make some interesting discoveries in this wonderful location! Feel your heart beat faster among the mountain peaks. Enjoy the many waterfalls and torrential streams. Walk among the forests and alpine meadows, through the picturesque villages, and discover the ancient towns… Več na | Find more on [email protected] LEGENDA | KEY Naročnik | Contracting authority: RDO Gorenjska - Regionalna destinacijska organizacija (Gorenjska – Regional Destination Organisation) • Uredila | Editor: Lili Ošterbenk Janša • Oblikovanje in postavitev | Design and concept: Snežana Madić Lešnik • Besedilo | Text: arhiv RDO Gorenjska – Regionalna destinacijska organizacija • Zemljevid | Map: Kartografija • Fotografije | Photos: arhiv RDO Gorenjska – Regionalna destinacijska organizacija, arhiv Turizem Bled, Bor Rojnik, arhiv Elan, arhiv Turizem Bohinj, Tomo Jeseničnik, arhiv LTO Kranjska Gora, arhiv JZ Turizem Radovljica, arhiv Turizem Škoa Loka, arhiv Občina Jesenice, arhiv Občina Preddvor, arhiv Občina Šenčur, arhiv Zavod za turizem Cerklje, arhiv ZTK Žirovnica, arhiv Občina Naklo, arhiv Zavod za turizem Kranj, arhiv Občina Tržič, arhiv Občina Jezersko, Snežana Madić Lešnik • Lektoriranje in prevodi | Editing and translation: Prevekso • Tisk | Printed by: Kartografija, 2013

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Sunny side of life




SLOVENSKE ALPE - GORENJSKA | SLOVENIAN ALPS - GORENJSKATako lepo, tako preprosto! | So nice, so simple!

Na stičišču Slovenije, Italije in Avstrije, na območju, kjer se Alpe srečujejo z Mediteranom, na severozahodu Slovenije vas čakajo posebna odkritja! Začutite lasten utrip med gorami in vodami, med gozdovi in pašniki, v vaseh z ohranjenimi posebnostmi, v srednjeveških mestih ... | At the north-western corner of Slovenia lay the country’s frontiers with Italy and Austria. This is also where the Alps meet the Mediterranean Sea. You can expect to make some interesting discoveries in this wonderful location! Feel your heart beat faster among the mountain peaks. Enjoy the many waterfalls and torrential streams. Walk among the forests and alpine meadows, through the picturesque villages, and discover the ancient towns…

Več na | Find more on [email protected]


Naročnik | Contracting authority: RDO Gorenjska - Regionalna destinacijska organizacija (Gorenjska – Regional Destination Organisation) • Uredila | Editor: Lili Ošterbenk Janša • Oblikovanje in postavitev | Design and concept: Snežana Madić Lešnik • Besedilo | Text: arhiv RDO Gorenjska – Regionalna destinacijska organizacija • Zemljevid | Map: Kartografija • Fotografije | Photos: arhiv RDO Gorenjska – Regionalna destinacijska organizacija, arhiv Turizem Bled, Bor Rojnik, arhiv Elan, arhiv Turizem Bohinj, Tomo Jeseničnik, arhiv LTO Kranjska Gora, arhiv JZ Turizem Radovljica, arhiv Turizem Škofja Loka, arhiv Občina Jesenice, arhiv Občina Preddvor, arhiv Občina Šenčur, arhiv Zavod za turizem Cerklje, arhiv ZTK Žirovnica, arhiv Občina Naklo, arhiv Zavod za turizem Kranj, arhiv Občina Tržič, arhiv Občina Jezersko, Snežana Madić Lešnik • Lektoriranje in prevodi | Editing and translation: Prevekso • Tisk | Printed by: Kartografija, 2013


POHODNIŠTVO | HIKINGNa območju Triglavskega narodnega parka, po vrhovih Julijskih Alp, Karavank in Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp ter hribovjih pod njimi so urejene številne dobro označene planinske in pohodniške poti, poti za sprehode v naravo in priljubljeno nordijsko hojo. Na treking se lahko odpravite z izkušenimi vodniki! Ob poteh, na katerih doživite stik z neokrnjeno naravo, so urejene pohodniške nastanitve v hotelih in več kot 100 planinskih kočah. Poseben izziv za pohodnike so pešpoti – Slovenska planinska pot, Via Alpina ... Pohodništvo je najbolj značilna oblika aktivnega življenja v slovenskih Alpah! |Triglav National Park encompasses the Julian Alps, the Karavanke chain, the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, as well as the adjacent subalpine hills. There are numerous marked mountaineering and hiking trails in the immediate vicinity of this park. There are also more gentle nature paths. You may enjoy trekking along these trails with experienced guides. These paths and trails offer an opportunity for contact with unspoiled nature, and there are ample locations for refreshments and accommodation along the way. In addition to the many hotels and inns, Gorenjska boasts more than 100 alpine lodges and huts that are perfect for the more intrepid trekker. The footpaths offer a unique challenge for hikers – the most popular is the Slovenian mountain trail, Via Alpina. Hiiking through these mountains ranks among the most popular forms of recreation in Slovenia.

KOLESARJENJE | CYCLINGKolesarjenje je idealen način za odkrivanje Gorenjske, hkrati pa poskrbimo še za svoje zdravje in vitalnost. Nezahtevne poti, idealne tudi za družinska kolesarjenja, vodijo do številnih kulturnih in naravnih znamenitosti – tudi na vodenih kolesarskih turah in lahko tudi z električnimi kolesi! Po planinah so urejene poti za gorske kolesarje. Vsem adrenalina željnim je v Kranjski Gori, na Krvavcu in Voglu na voljo kolesarski park, ki ponuja užitke gorskega prostega stila. Na kolesarski poti treh dežel s pričetkom na tromeji z Avstrijo in Italijo lahko skozi dolino Radovne skočite tudi na Bled. Lahko pa se odločite za 315 km dolgo Loško kolesarsko pot, razdeljeno na 12 etap – od nezahtevnih do zelo zahtevnih. |Cycling is an ideal way to discover Gorenjska. At the same time, it’s also great for your health and vitality. The less strenuous routes are ideal also for family cycling tours. They also lead to numerous cultural and natural attractions. You may enjoy these routes as a part of a guided cycling tour and even cruise along them with electric bicycles! The mountain trails are more suitable for mountain biking. For the adrenaline junkies, there is a great bike park in Kranjska Gora, and mounts Krvavec and Vogel offer the joys of mountain freeriding. There is also the cycling trail of the three countries that starts along the three-country border with Austria and Italy. This trail allows you to pass through the valley of Radovna and stop for a quick visit in Bled. You may also decide to take the 315 km long Lož valley cycling trail. This trail is divided into 12 stages – from easy to highly demanding.

ŠPORT IN REKREACIJA V NARAVI! | SPORTS AND RECREATION - IN A NATURAL ENVIRONMENT!Če obožujete aktivnosti v naravi, se boste v slovenske Alpe zagotovo zaljubili! Na tisoče kilometrov planinskih in pohodniških poti, na stotine kilometrov kolesarskih tur, vode vseh vrst za sproščujoča ali adrenalinska doživetja, zračna prostranstva med visokimi gorami za moderne Ikarje, zasnežena pobočja dobro urejenih zimskošportnih središč, ki jih poznajo tudi svetovni smučarski asi, načrti za konjeniške poti, odlično golf igrišče in razkošje narave za ribiče in lovce – to so šele osnove! Mnogih športov se lahko tu naučite, marsikaj vas lahko preseneti z nenavadnostjo. Preverite! | If you love the great outdoors, you're sure to fall in love with Alpine Slovenia! This area has thousands of kilometres of mountaineering and hiking trails. There are also cycling routes through the forests and meadows, and the numerous rivers and lakes provide opportunities for both relaxation and an adrenaline rush! This area's snow-covered slopes dotted with small (yet well-tended) winter resorts are beloved by alpine ski champions. You can also soar - hopefully not like Icarus – high among mountains. There is also horse riding, an excellent golf course, and plenty of opportunities for hunting and fishing.This is only the beginning! Come and experience this wonderful area for yourself.


VODNI ŠPORTI | WATER SPORTSČolnarjenje ali veslanje, adrenalinski spusti čez slapove in brzice, potapljanje ali preprosto – kopanje! Slovenske Alpe so dežela neštetih voda, ki omogočajo vse vrste vodnih športov. |Whether its boating, rowing, kayaking, rafting, an adrenaline rush over waterfalls and rapids, diving, or simply a relaxing swim… Slovenia is a country with innumerable water courses which allow for all types of water sports.

ZRAČNI ŠPORTI | AIR SPORTSAlpski letalski center, vzletišča za zmajarje in jadralne padalce ter poligon za vzlet letalskih modelov razširjajo obzorja slovenskih Alp z novimi doživetji. Pustite se zapeljati nad visoke vrhove in poletite v tandemu! |In addition to the Alpine sports aerodrome at Lesce near Radovljica, there are also numerous launch sites for paragliders and model plane enthusiasts. Take off from the highest peaks, fly in tandem, and expand your horizons with some great new adventures.

KONJENIŠTVO | EQUESTRIANPo poteh v naravi, na hipodromu, ranču, z lipicanci, z islandskimi konji – ljubitelje konjeništva čaka marsikaj! Razgibana pokrajina ponuja ustrezne poti za začetnike in izkušene jezdece. |Along bridleways and trails, at a hippodrome, or at a ranch, equine enthusiasts have much to look forward to when they visit Slovenia. Whether you enjoy the company of a Lipizzaner or a pony, Gorenjska provides opportunities suitable for novice and experienced riders alike.

RIBOLOV | FISHINGBohinjsko in Blejsko jezero ter druga gorska jezera ponujajo izjemne ribolovne užitke. V rekah slovenskih Alp so značilni sulec, potočna postrv in lipan. Pričakujte tudi posebnosti, kakršna je zlatovčica! |Bohinj, Bled, and other mountain lakes offer excellent fishing opportunities. Fish species characteristic of Slovenia’s Alpine rivers include huchen, brown trout and grayling. The delectable brook trout is considered something of a speciality.

GOLF | GOLFSlovenske Alpe se ponašajo z najstarejšim slovenskim igriščem za golf – v neposredni bližini Blejskega jezera! V Kranjski Gori je na voljo tudi manjše golf vadišče. |Slovenia’s oldest golf course is situated in a superb location. It lies nestled in the bosom of the Alps near Lake Bled. In Kranjska Gora you can also hone your skills on the small driving range.

UŽIVAJTE V ZIMI! | ENJOY WINTER!Alpsko smučanje, turno smučanje, tek na smučeh, deskanje na snegu, sankanje spadajo med najbolj popularne zimske športe, v katerih lahko uživate v smučarskih in zimskih športnih centrih. Ti so običajno manjši od večjih takšnih letoviščih, ki jih navadno najdemo v drugih državah, so pa zato proge brezhibno urejene v skladu z mednarodnimi tekmovalnimi standardi.


Slovenske Alpe nudijo veliko več kot le smučanje – poskusite lahko ledno plezanje, lahko se podate na pohod s krpljami in odkrivate neukročene bele planjave. Popeljite se z motornimi sanmi ali sanmi s konjsko vprego ali pa celo preživite noč v eskimski vasi! |Alpine skiing, ski touring, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, and ice-skating – all rank among the most popular winter sports to be enjoyed at Gorenjska’s ski and winter sports centres. These are generally smaller than the enormous resorts one tends to find in other countries. Nevertheless, the pistes here are perfectly regulated and groomed to international competition standards. Slovenia's Alps offer much more than just skiing; you can also try ice climbing or put on snowshoes and explore the untamed white plains. You can take a ride on a snowmobile or horse-drawn sleigh, you can even spend a night in an igloo Village!

ZA RADOVEDNE OČI: NARAVA SLOVENSKIH ALP | FOR INQUISITIVE EYES: THE NATURE OF ALPINE SLOVENIATriglavski narodni park s tisočerimi naravnimi in kulturnimi dragocenostmi je največje in najstarejše območje zaščitene narave. Edini narodni park v Sloveniji varuje zadnja območja prvobitne alpske narave. Njegov mednarodni pomen dokazujejo diploma Sveta Evrope, območje Nature 2000, še posebej pa razglasitev za UNESCO MAB biosferno območje 2003. Med vsemi gorami kraljuje najvišji vrh Julijskih Alp Triglav s svojimi 2864 metri. Obiščite tudi krajinski park Udin boršt blizu Kranja z botaničnimi posebnostmi in gozdnim rezervatom. Naravni rezervat Zelenci blizu Kranjske Gore varuje izvirke in smaragdna jezerca, v katerih izvira Sava Dolinka. Na Gorenjskem je registriranih kar 91 zavarovanih območij in točk! Dežela se stika z regijskim parkom Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp z najjužneje ležečim ledenikom v vzhodnih Alpah. |


Boasting a number of special habitats, Triglav National Park is the first and largest protected natural heritage site in the country. Slovenia’s only National Park protects the last remaining areas of original alpine nature. Its international significance has been confirmed by the European Diploma of the Council of Europe. The park was listed as a Natura 2000 site. Furthermore, in 2003, UNESCO decided to include the park in the international network of biosphere reserves - MAB. With an elevation of 2.864 metres, Triglav dominates over all other mountains in the Julian Alps.The Udin Boršt nature park is situated near Kranj forest reserve. It contains some special botanical features and is also very worthy of a visit. The Zelenci nature reserve is located near Kranjska Gora. This reserve encompasses the springs and the small emerald lakes that provide the Sava Dolinka with its water source. Gorenjska also has 91 registered protected heritage sites and


ŠPORTNI SPEKTAKLI | SPORTS HIGHLIGHTSSlovenske Alpe se ponašajo s številnimi mednarodnimi dogodki na svetovni ravni skozi vse leto. V sklopu poletnih športov Bled vsako leto gosti mednarodne veslaške regate in je že štirikrat gostil svetovno prvenstvo.Kranj je zelo znan kot prizorišče svetovnega pokala v športnem plezanju. Kar se tiče zimskih športov, je svetovni pokal v skokih na smučeh v Planici največji športni dogodek v Sloveniji in kraj, kjer je bilo postavljenih več svetovnih rekordov. Kranjska Gora gosti tekme znamenitega svetovnega pokala v alpskem smučanju (Pokal Vitranc), na Pokljuki so tekme svetovnega pokala v biatlonu, sledi jim še svetovni pokal v telemarku v Bohinju. |

monuments! The region adjoins the Kamnik-Savinja Alps regional park which contains the southernmost glacier in the eastern Alps.








































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Alpinizem | Alpine climbing x x x x x x x x

Atletika | Athletics x x x x x x x x x x x

Balinanje | Bowls x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Bowling | Bowling x x x x x

Čolnarjenje | Boating x x x x x x

Fitnes | Fitness centre x x x x x x x x x x

Golf | Golf x x x

Hydrospeed | Hydrospeed x x

Jadralno letalstvo | Gliding x

Jadralno padalstvo | Paragliding x x x x x x x

Jahanje | Horseback riding x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Jamarstvo | Caving x x x x x x x

Kajakaštvo | Kayaking x x x x

Kanu | Canoeing x x x

Kolesarjenje | Cycling x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Kolesarski park | Cycling park x x x x

Košarka | Basketball x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Lokostrelstvo | Archery x x x x x

Mini golf | Mini golf x x

Nogomet | Football x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xNordijska hoja in sprehodi | Nordic hiking and walks x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Odbojka | Volleyball x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xOdbojka na mivki | Beach volleyball x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Paintball in airsoft | Paintball and airsoft x x x x x x x

Panoramski polet z letalom | Panoramic flights x

Plavanje | Swimming x x x x x x x x x x x x

Plezanje | Climbing x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Pohodništvo | Hiking x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xPoletno sankanje | Summer tobogganing x x

Potapljanje | Diving x x

Pustolovski park | Adventure park x x x x x x

Rafting | Rafting x x x

Ribolov | Fishing x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Rolanje | Inline skating x x x x x x x x x

Squash | Squash x x

Soteskanje | Canyoning x

Športni park | Sports park x x x x x x xTandemski skok s padalom iz letala | Tandem skydiving x

Tek | Running x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Tematske poti | Themed trails x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Tenis | Tennis x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Trim steza | Fitness trails x x x x x

Veslanje | Rowing x x

Zorb | Zorb x


Alpsko smučanje | Alpine skiing x x x x x x x x x x

Biatlon | Biathlon xDeskanje na snegu | Snowboarding x x x x x x x x x

Drsanje | Skating x x x x x x x x x x x

Hokej na ledu | Ice hockey x x x x x x x

Krpljanje | Snowshoeing x x x x x

Ledno plezanje | Ice climbing x x x x xPlavanje v pokritem bazenu | Indoor swimming pool x x x x x x

Smučarski skoki | Ski jumping x x x x x x

Snežni park | Snow park x x x x

Šola smučanja | Ski school x x x x x x x x xTek na smučeh | Cross-country skiing x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Turno smučanje | Tour skiing x x x x x x x x x x x xZimsko pohodništvo | Winter hiking x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Zimsko sankanje | Sledding x x x x x x x x x x


BLEDSVETOVLJANSKO | COSMOPOLITANZ zeleno-modrim jezerom, otokom s cerkvijo na njem in s srednjeveškim gradom nad njim je Bled najbolj znana veduta Slovenije. |With the green-blue lake, the little island with its church and the medieval castle on the crags above, Bled proudly boasts one of the most famous views in all of Slovenia.

T. +386 (0)4 574 11 22,

BOHINJ - POKLJUKANARAVNO | PRISTINE NATUREJezero v Bohinju je skupaj z mističnimi gorami idealno prizorišče za iskalce miru in sprostitve v naravi. |With its background of mystical mountains, Lake Bohinj is the perfect venue for visitors who are seeking tranquillity and relaxation in a natural setting.

T. +386 (0)4 574 75 90,

KRANJSKA GORA - PLANICAAKTIVNO | ACTIVEKraj pod alpskimi vršaci s svojimi neštetimi rekreacijskimi možnostmi v naravi navdušuje v vseh letnih časih. |Due to the many opportunities for outdoor recreation in superb natural surroundings, this town - nestled below the Alpine peaks - is a must-see regardless of the time of year.

T. +386 (0)4 580 94 40, www.kranjska-gora.siCERKLJE - KRVAVECGOSTOLJUBNO | HOSPITALITYKraj z nazivom najbolj urejenega in gostoljubnega kraja v Sloveniji je tik pod priljubljenim smučarskim središčem Krvavec. |This town holds the twin titles of being the best kept and most hospitable place in Slovenia. It is situated immediately below the popular Krvavec ski centre.

T. +386 (0)4 281 58 22,

GORJE IN POKLJUKABALKON GORENJSKE | THE BALCONY OF THE GORENJSKA REGIONSkupinica vasi in zaselkov v neposredni bližini Bleda vabi v neokrnjeno naravo in Triglavski narodni park. |This small group of villages and settlements near Bled invites you to enjoy the untamed nature of Triglav Natural Park.

T. +386 (0)4 572 52 66,

GORENJA VAS - POLJANENAVDIHUJOČE | INSPIRINGPoljanska dolina, objeta z bližnjimi hribovji, je bila navdih številnim literarnim (pisatelj Ivan Tavčar) in slikarskim (rodbina Šubicev, Anton Ažbe) ustvarjalcem in bo očarala tudi vas. |Poljanska Dolina is embraced by mountains and has been the inspiration for a number of writers and painters.

T. +386 (0)4 517 06 00,

JESENICEJEKLO IN NARCISE | STEEL AND DAFFODILSMed pobočja stisnjeno industrijsko mesto Jesenice mnogi zagledajo s ceste proti Karavankam, športni navdušenci pa se tod mudijo na tekmah vrhunskega domačega hokeja na ledu. |The industrial town of Jesenice can be spotted from the road to Karavanke. It is situated between steep mountain slopes, and many have found it to be full of surprises and well worth visiting. Visitors are often fascinated by the legacy of the town’s iron and mining industries.

T. +386 (0)4 586 31 78,

JEZERSKOPASTIRSKA IDILA | A PASTORAL PARADISEJezersko je prav poseben in enkraten alpski svet. Tako divji in nežen hkrati. |Jezersko offers a unique and pristine alpine setting. The area seems both wild - and as gentle as a new-born lamb - at the same time.

T. +386 (0)4 25 45 140, +386 (0)51 219 282,

KRANJSREDIŠČE DEŽELE | THE CENTRE OF THE REGIONStaro mesto ob sotočju dveh rek je upravno in kulturno središče Gorenjske, pokrajine pod Alpami. | This old town is situated at the confluence of two rivers. It is the administrative and cultural centre of Gorenjska (Upper Carniola) - the land just below the Alps.

T. +386 (0)4 238 04 50,

NAKLOROKOVNJAŠKO | BRIGANDSV neposredni bližini Kranja je kraj zoranih polj, zelenih travnikov in temnih gozdov, predvsem pa gostoljubnih hiš s cvetjem na oknih. |Situated in close proximity to Kranj, this is a place of ploughed fields, green meadows, dark woods and particularly hospitable houses - all with welcoming flowers on their window sills.

PREDDVORMESTO AKTIVNEGA ODDIHA S POSEBNO ENERGIJO | A PLACE FOR ACTIVE VISITORS WITH EXTRA ENERGY Kraj pod Storžičem, obdan s 4 gradovi, nudi številne možnosti za pohodništvo in športne aktivnosti, obisk naravnih in kulturnih znamenitosti (domovanje prve slovenske pesnice in pisateljice Josipine Urbančič Turnograjske) in vas umiri ter sprosti. |Preddvor is situated under mount Storžič. It is surrounded by 4 castles and offers numerous possibilities for hikers and sports enthusiasts. Visitors marvel at the natural and cultural attractions (it is the hometown of the first Slovenian poet and writer, Josipina Urbančič Turnograjska). Everyone who pays a visit is certain to enjoy a restful and relaxing stay.

T. +386 (0)5 914 88 46,

RADOVLJICAZGODOVINSKO | HISTORICALSrednjeveško mesto pritegne z zaščitenim in skrbno obnovljenim mestnim jedrom in grajskim parkom ter srednjeveškim obzidjem, v sklopu katerega je tudi edini ohranjeni obrambni jarek v Sloveniji. |This medieval town has an ancient and attractive centre that has been carefully restored and protected. It is also famous for its lovely castle park.

T. +386 (0)4 531 51 12,

ŠENČURSREČA JE IMETI KROMPIR | HAPPINESS IS A WARM POTATOImate radi dišeče pripravljen krompir? Obiščite kraj, kjer je pražen krompir prava gurmanska specialiteta, gomolj pa ima celo svoj spomenik. |If you like delicious potatoes, then visit the place where potatoes are a genuine culinary delight. The potatoes are famous here - they even have a monument!

ŠKOFJA LOKASREDNJEVEŠKO | MEDIEVALEno najstarejših in skrbno ohranjenih srednjeveških mest v Sloveniji navduši že s sprehodom po trgih. |This is one of the oldest and most carefully preserved medieval towns in Slovenia. It enraptures everyone who walks through its two squares.

T. +386 (0)4 517 06 00,

TRŽIČKJER SE JE RADETZKY MARŠ ZAČEL | WHERE RADETZKY BEGAN HIS MARCHTržiška pokrajina je s svojimi gozdovi in planinskimi tratami ter z bogato kulturno in naravno dediščino mikavna za vsakogar. |The Tržič landscape is famous for its forests and mountain grass. It also boasts a rich cultural and natural heritage and is a place not to be missed.

T. +386 (0)4 597 15 36,

ŽELEZNIKIČIPKE IN ŽELEZO | IRON AND LACENekoč železarsko središče Selške doline je danes kraj tehniške in rokodelske dediščine. |What was once the centre of iron smelting in the Selca Valley is today a town of technical and handicraft heritage.

T. +386 (0)4 517 06 00,

ŽIRIKRAJ POSEBNOSTI | A PLACE OF CURIOSITIESV zgornjem delu Poljanske doline ležijo Žiri, ki so znane po klekljanih mojstrovinah in čevljarski tradiciji. |Located in the upper part of Poljanska Valley Žiri, this is an area known for its bobbin masterpieces and shoemaking tradition.

T. +386 (0)4 517 06 00,

ŽIROVNICAKULTURNO | CULTURALVasi pod Stolom, najvišjim vrhom Karavank, vabijo k odkrivanju bogate literarne, čebelarske in arheološke dediščine. | Located under the Stol, the highest Karavanke peak, the villages invite you to discover their rich literary, beekeeping, and archaeological heritage.

T. +386 (0)4 580 15 03, www.



POMEMBNE TELEFONSKE ŠTEVILKE | IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS• Policija | Police: 113• Klici v sili | Emergency call: 112· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·VREMENSKA NAPOVED | WEATHER FORECAST· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·NASTANITVE | ACCOMODATIONV slovenskih Alpah imate možnost prenočiti v hotelih, penzionih, zasebnih sobah, kampih, turističnih kmetijah. | During your stay in the Slovenian Alps, you can spend the night in hotels, boarding houses, private rooms, camps, or in touristic farms.· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·TRIGLAVSKI NARODNI PARK | TRIGLAV NATIONAL PARK INFO CENTER TRIGLAVSKA ROŽAT. +386 (0)4 578 02 00,


Dovžanova soteska | Dovžan gorge

ŠenčurJezerskoZelenciBlejsko jezero | Lake Bled

Blejsko jezero | Lake Bled

Mednarodne veslaške regate, Bled | International rowing regattas, BledBohinjsko jezero | Lake Bohinj

Narcise | Daffodils

Biatlon | Biathlon, Pokljuka

Planica | Planica Ski Jumping World Cup

Kranjska Gora, Pokal Vitranc | Alpine Skiing World Cup venue (Cup

Svetovni pokal v telemarku | Telemark World Cup, Vogel


Planika | Edelweiss

Krajinski park Udin boršt | Udin Boršt nature park

Golf Bled | Bled golf course

Sava Bohinjka

Cerklje, Adregas


Vinharje z Blegošem | Vinharje with Blegoš


Jezero | Lake Jasna


Jezero | Lake Črnava




Škofja Loka


Residents of the Slovenian Alps pride themselves on the numerous world-class international events hosted in the area throughout the year. In terms of summer sports, Bled is famous for its annual international rowing regattas and the town has hosted the world championships four times. Kranj is a well-known venue for the sport climbing world cup. If winter sports peak your interest, the Planica world cup finals of ski jumping is one the biggest sporting event in Slovenia! This venue has also seen several world records over recent years. Kranjska Gora has the races of the famous Alpine Ski World Cup (Cup Vitranc). Furthermore, there is also the Biathlon World Cup at Pokljuka followed by the Telemark World Cup in Bohinj.

Svetovni pokal v športnem plezanju | Sport Climbing World Cup, Kranj

Izdajatelj je izdal to publikacijo z namenom, da prikaže raznolikost športnih aktivnosti v destinaciji Slovenske Alpe. Pred začetkom aktivnosti si pridobite podrobnejše informacije v specializiranih brošurah ali na internetu oziroma se obrnite na specializirane ponudnike. | The publisher has issued this publication with the intention to show the diversity of sports activities in the Slovenian Alps. Before engaging in the activities, obtain detailed information in specialized brochures, on the internet or contact specialized providers.

Bohinjsko jezero | Lake Bohinj
