slowing the spread of gypsy moth

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Slowing the Spread of Gypsy Moth. Meeting Agenda. Biology. Damage. Survey. Treatment Options. Proposal. Questions and Comments. Biology. Life Cycle. Egg mass. Caterpillar (Larva). Pupae. Adults. Egg Masses. Present July – April. Larva hatch in late April. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Slowing the Spread of Gypsy Moth

  • Meeting AgendaBiologyDamageSurveyTreatment OptionsQuestions and CommentsProposal

  • Egg massCaterpillar(Larva)PupaeAdultsLife Cycle

  • USDA FSPresent July AprilEach egg mass contains 5001000 eggsEgg MassesLarva hatch in late April

  • CaterpillarsBegin hatching in late April.Immediately move to the tree canopy to feed on young leaves.A recently hatched caterpillar

  • When crowded, tiny caterpillars produce silk threads and ride them on the breeze to colonize other trees. This is called ballooning.

  • Caterpillars continuedCaterpillars feed from late April through June.Late instar Caterpillars have 5 pairs of blue dots followed by 6 pairs of red dots on their backs.Older caterpillars

  • USDA FSPupaeJune - JulyDuring the last weeks of June, larvae stop feeding and change into pupae.

  • USDA FSAdultsFemaleAdult males begin emerging in mid to late June;the flightless females begin emerging a few days later and mating takes place. Male

  • Females depositing egg masses

  • Misconceptions of Gypsy MothFall WebwormBagwormTent Caterpillar

  • Reasons To Be Concerned About GMNegative impact on health of people, plants, and the environmentSpreads easily (naturally and artificially)Populations increase quicklyCaterpillars feed on over 500 types of plants

  • GM caterpillars feed on over 500 plants!

  • Dangers of repeated defoliationReduces ability of trees to produce and store food.Trees decline; become susceptible to disease and other insect pests.

  • Long Term Damage to ForestsChanges composition of forest tree speciesIncreases fire threatReduces value for recreation and timber

  • A Threat To WildlifeFood changes: fewer acorns; more berriesBirds nests are exposed to predation and parasitism Increase exposure of wildlife to predators and parasitesMike Soroka

  • Impact on SoilAn open canopy exposes soil to sun and rain:Leaf litter reducedReduces rates of tree seed germinationSoil erodes more readily/valuable nutrients lostSoil temperatures increase

  • Reine Wonite UNIVERSITY OF TORONTOEffect on WaterSoil erosion increases turbidity (water clarity)Aquatic species diversity is reduced:Increases nutrient level as it decreases oxygen levelIncreases levels of organic matterIncreased temperature

  • Urban Landscapes Homeowners are liable for: Fallen limbs Tree removal costs Replacement costs Noise levels increase Shade reduced Lowers property value: Aesthetic damage

  • Gypsy moth caterpillarsImpact of Caterpillars to Humans

  • Larval hair may cause allergic reactionsARS USDA

  • Caterpillars and their waste products fall from the trees, creating an unpleasant mess.

  • Trap catches provide information aboutWhere gypsy moths areEffectiveness of previous treatmentsSurveys for Gypsy Moths

  • Gypsy Moth TrapsJim athert Pheromone baitDetect and monitor adult male moths VT

  • WDAWDAPurdue UniversityEgg Mass SurveyFemale gypsy moths hide their eggs anywhere...Vince Burkle, IDNR

  • Allows natural enemies/pathogens to establishConserves natural resourcesNew technologies will become available for better control

  • Natural Enemies of Gypsy MothPredatorsParasitoidsPathogensCliff Sadof, PurdueDave SheltarUSDA

  • When Are Treatments for Gypsy Moth Appropriate?

  • Amount of preferred habitat/host trees

    Distance from generally infested area

    Potential ecological threat to area

  • Gypsy moth will never be totally eradicated in Indiana but we can (and do) manage the rate at which it moves through the state.

  • Indiana participates in the Slow the Spread program The Slow the Spread (STS) Project is a large project managed by the US Forest Service. Several administrative agencies at both state and federal levels participate, including agencies from Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

  • Spread of Gypsy Moth from 1900 to 2007

  • 3 year average: 3.7 miles/year3 year average: 9-12 miles/year

  • Possible treatment optionsNo actionMass trappingBurlap banding + ground treatment with Sun Oil, Btk or DimilinBtkMating disruption with pheromone flakesCombination of above options

  • No ActionNo treatments would be conductedGypsy moth would continue to reproduce and build in populationWould spread to surrounding areas soonerEcological and other effects would occur sooner

  • Mass TrappingUses placement of traps at close spacing to capture male moths before reproduction occursSuccessful where few moths are caught and there is no other catch historyIs not practical for large areas

  • Ground TreatmentTreatments conducted from the ground using Sun Oil, Btk or Dimilin; usually in combination with burlap bandingGood option when egg masses are found and concentrated in a very small localized area Work with individual property owners

  • Aerial application of Btk

    Catches indicate a populationEgg masses are foundEffective on low level populationsUsually applied twice (sometimes once)Applied to canopy of trees

  • FSU

    Roger Zerillo, USDA FS

    Bacillus thuringiensis

    Natural bacteria found in soil

    Forms a crystal that ruptures the caterpillars gut

    Is not toxic to mammals

    Most efficient when applied from the air

  • Mating Disruption with Pheromone Flakes

    Catches indicate a populationNo egg masses are foundEffective on very low population levelsApplied once over tree canopies

  • Mating DisruptionFemale cannot flyreleases scent to attract maleMale flies to find femaleDoes not kill living organisms Reduces future population by reducing chance of matingPheromone FlakesConfuse Males, Cant Find Mate

  • Zach SmithMating Disruption with pheromone flakesUses female sex pheromone to disrupt matingAttracts only male Gypsy MothEffective on very low level populationsSlow release from plastic flakes

  • Maps.

  • Security IssuesA work & safety plan is in place which coincides with USFS work & safety planChain of custody is maintained from purchase of pheromone through completion of treatmentsFlake planes are guarded at all timesDNR staff are at airport and on ground at sites during treatments.

  • Please send comments to:Gypsy Moth 2009Division of Entomology and Plant PathologyIN Dept. of Natural Resources402 W. Washington St., Rm W290Indianapolis, IN 46204

    or by email to [email protected] Deadline for comment: February 12, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. EST

  • Background. Very dark / light. Light blue. Improve larval pic from vince?

    change larval picChange title. Meeting agenda.Overall note pictures of what is not Gypsy Moth i.e. fall webworm, tent caterpillars, bagworms Use this for one slide.

    change larval map not correctPictures as needed. Arrows to pictures

    Larval hatch in late April

    Hatch in late April.Picture of earlier instar.Find a better picture of late April to June.Change to 5 blue and 6 red.Add a slide of burlap with caterpillars.Use this picture for other caterpillar pictures.Link with previous slide.Look for another picture to replace bark picture.Find a male picture that shows chevron better. Shows better feathery antennae.

    Find better picture.Aerial photo of treated and untreated.

    Change red colored arrows. Not red.Bigger font if possible.? In front of Moth in title.

    Change red font. Put into three layers on one slide. Most preferred to least preferred.

    Look for possible better picture.Change last sentence to tree death.

    Better picture of forest damage. Better contrast.Change first sentence to Death and decline of trees.

    Change font under picture.Explain mastCaption for Cercropia Moth

    Overall note reorganize slides.Transitional slide DamageEnlarge / change picture.Show muddy water also. Explain turbidity?Changed increased to increases

    Look for aerial photos.Move liable for down.

    Possible new titles. outdoor activities are reduced impact of caterpillars to humansArrow to larva.Larval hair may cause..

    Outdoor activities are reduced . For possible title.

    Survey data providesMove STS maps to go along with this slide.

    Show tan trap and not orange.

    Bigger arrows.. Not red. Add mailbox picture of Vinces.Firewood Picture?

    OutdatedOverall note - maps of other states for comparison.

    More pictures of larval with NPV and entomophaga

    Get rid of pictureGet rid of spraying person.Add data of current spread ratesGet rid of New Technology

    Close up of flakes. (to scale)Mention use in very low level populationTake out only in 3rd sentence.

    Change to 07 websiteAnd change gypsy Moth 2006Add the date for final comments from public.Change font and colors. Make this slide into a postcard? For handouts at meeting.