smart phones and their effects

All about smart phones

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Page 1: Smart phones and their effects

All about smart phones

Page 2: Smart phones and their effects

Different types of smart phones. Statistical information Effects of smart phones Research on smart phones Research findings Conclusion about smart phones and

their effects.

Page 3: Smart phones and their effects
Page 4: Smart phones and their effects

.48% of the people us smart phones for business and 52% use them for personal uses.

.Age group of18-24 usually have an average of 29% of people who use smart phones.

.25-34 usually have an average of 18.2%.

.45-54 usually have an average of 10.4%.

.65 and above usually trail behind with an average of 4.9%.

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.About a third of Americans use smart phones.

.27% are white, 33% are African American, both Asian and Hispanics have 45%

.these statistics are higher when accounting for recent phone purchases.

.In 2007 about 4.8% used smart phones, 6.1% men and 3.4%women.

.In 2008 about 9.9% used smart phones, 12.2% men and 7.8% women.

.Smart phone users are increasing every year.

Page 6: Smart phones and their effects

Effects of smart phones

.Smart phones provide students with the opportunity to carry internet in their pockets.

.The question will be how are the phone features used?

.Most students use smart phones for music and communication instead of research and homework.

.Smart phones could decrease productivity because some people are addicts. It could also increase productivity due to speed and advanced technology.

.Smart phones have a good effect on social engagement and communication. It makes it easier and faster to communicate with them because of the features.

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Smart phone research and findings

.The Pew Project for Excellency in journalism had a research on what people think about smart phones.

.They found out that 47% of Americans believe smart phones are useful.

.Zokem had a research on how people use smart phones.

.Zokem found out that the top smart phone usage category are messaging and related services including email txt and multimedia.

.This category has 671 monthly usage minutes while applications have 667 monthly usage minutes.

.Huffington had a research on smart phone effects. He found out that addiction is the major problem because 70% of teenagers admitted to not sleeping because of smart phones.

.The national cancer institute had a research on smart phones and our health.

.they stated that there is no connection smart phones and our brain therefore it makes smart phones safe to use.

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Page 9: Smart phones and their effects


.Smart phones have good and bad sides.

.According to the research smart phones only have the disadvantages of addiction and not using for the right purposes some times.

.With the type of world that we have today smart phones are very useful.

.It makes everything that we do faster and very easier because it has so many good uses that we need.

.I think that smart phones do have an effect on education in both good and bad ways. It makes it easier to research but some students abuse them.

.This also applies to productivity, communication in the work place and social engagement.

.the technology could help on productivity and communication in the work place and this will speed up everything but could slow down work if we get carried away.

.In conclusion I think we really need smart phones these days therefore they have good effects.

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