smartdata inc brand promotion - top in odesk and elance

Brand Promotion

Post on 14-Sep-2014




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smartData Enterprise Inc is a certified CMMI3 level company, smartData oDesk & smartData elance profiles serves various international clients on their outsourcing projects. All the reputed international clients can trust smartData Enterprises Inc and effectively get solutions on their respected outsourcing assignments.


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Brand Promotion

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Brand Awareness Through Social Networking Channel How to Increase Traffic – Landing Pages/Lead Capturing Pages How to Increase Downloads – Case Studies, E-Books, Whitepapers etc. Content Promotion Search Engine Updates and Guidelines Internal Audits Google Analytics Tracking Our Portfolio Contact Us

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Brand Awareness Through Social Networking Channels


80% of Facebook users prefer to connect with brands on Facebook.23% of Facebook users check their accounts five or more times every day.67% of marketers have generated leads through Facebook.47% of Americans say that Facebook has a greater impact on their purchasing behavior than any other social network.Half of all mobile web traffic in the U.K. goes to Facebook.


97% of business executives have used LinkedIn41% of small business owners chose LinkedIn. More CEOs chose LinkedIn than chose Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Google+


Google+ now has 170 million active users.40% of marketers use Google+Two of the biggest user groups on Google+ are college students and software developers.

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Brand Awareness Through Social Networking Channels


57% of marketers have acquired customers via their blogs, and 52% of consumers say blogs have impacted their purchasing decisions.Blogs are the fifth-most trustworthy source overall for online information23% of top executives say they read blogs regularly.


On Twitter, frequency and quality matter-71% of all tweets are ignored. Just 23% generate a reply.Nearly 40% of top executives say they check Twitter regularly.50% of Twitter users are more likely to purchase from brands they follow.

Sources- Search Engine Journal, State of Search, eMarketer, Hubspot & Forbes

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Brand Awareness Through Social Networking Channels

How we’ll promote your website

Having profiles/business pages on Social media website like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ help us to interact with your audience to keep them up-to-date on about your new offers and businesses. We believe to use below STRATEGIES

lRemain Active on Social Networking Portals lCreating custom profile Images and BannerslOutgoing links to your Landing PageslTweets and Re tweets using #TagslJoining relevant Groups lGroups PostingslGoogle+ Publish ArticleslBlogging as per latest trends

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How to Increase Traffic – Landing Pages/Lead Capturing Pages

There are 3 types of traffic that we can point to our lead capturing pages - ORGANIC, REFFERAL & DIRECT

ORGANIC – To get organic traffic we have to optimize our website as per latest Google guidelines. We’ll work on set of relevant keywords to optimize them so that our landing pages ranks on TOP and we get maximum traffic.

REFFERAL - Referral traffic is used to describe visitors to your site that come from direct links on other websites rather than directly or from search engines.This includes Social Integration with Web based Search Results, Newsletters, Press Releases, Product/Service Review Writing, Company Profile Creation, Video Sharing , Blogs Writing, Image Sharing, Blogs Commenting & Forums Discussions.

lRemain Active on Social Networking Portals lCreating custom profile Images and BannerslOutgoing links to your Landing PageslTweets and Retweets using #TagslJoining relevant Groups lGroups PostingslGoogle+ Publish ArticleslBlogging as per latest trends

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How to Increase Traffic – Landing Pages/Lead Capturing Pages

DIRECT - Direct traffic is web traffic you get from people who already know about your website or store. Of these three traffic sources direct traffic is the most powerful. Visitors that arrive at your site directly were looking for you or what you sell.

For Increasing Direct traffic we’ll promote your Brand in search engines and social networking channel so that our website is on TOP for major list of keywords which in turns create Brand Value and Name.

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How to Increase Downloads – Case Studies, E-Books, Whitepapers etc.


Addressing the mental barriers of your target audience for increasing conversions. Moreover, small tweaks can have major impact on the decisions and actions of your prospects.

Interesting and Catchy Titles

Give them Download details - Let them know how many pages it is, how big the file is, what format the paper is in (PDF, DOC), etc.

Tell your visitors the emotional and logical reasons why they should download your eBook. It can be the goals they'll accomplish, positive feelings, etc.Motivate people to download your eBook. Tell them a lot of positive things

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Content Promotion

There is no doubt that search engines love content! There is no doubt that readers love content!

Blogging brings maximum users as they are written by people and notcorporations. People want to knowwhat people think

We’ll be promoting Blogs and Articles through submissions and syndications in TOP PR resources. Our main focus would be to follow Google Panda Guidelines to avoid content duplicacy and write content as per latest market trends.

We’ll focus keywords in the content and make SEO friendly urls to get traffic from search engines. Also we’ll promote content through social networking channel in terms of FB posts, Tweets, Retweets etc.Industry specific Blogs and Forum commenting and promoting the content

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Search Engines Updates & Guidelines

Our SEO work follows below Google Updates & Guidelines

Google Panda UpdateGoogle Penguin 2.0 UpdateGoogle EMD UpdateGoogle Humming Bird UpdateGoogle Penguin 2.1 Update

GuidelinesAvoid Content Spinning and DuplicityRelevant and Thematic Link buildingAvoid Keywords stuffing as per Exact Match Domain updateAvoid doing link building using Exact Match Anchor textFollow ethical Anchor text distributionTarget do-follow linksTarget links on all pages not just home pageFocus more on Contextual links

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Audit Process

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RESEARCH: Analysis covers

New Keywords analysis as per market search trendsCompetitors AnalysisCurrent State Assessment


After completing RESEARCH phase the next step that we’ll follow is PLANNING & STRATEGY. We make Content Strategy - How much content is needed to promote the new keywords and lead pages (Articles, Blogs & PR )Link Building Strategy – How much thematic links, contextual links are required to increase backlinks for improving rankings.Social Media Strategy - How we’ll promote new keywords through social media stuff like twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & social bookmarking.Search Engine Targeting Strategy – Promoting Global (.com) or Local (Area Specific)

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IMPLEMENTATION: Internal OptimizationExternal Optimization Internal Optimization refers to the on-page and on-site activities like Meta Tags CreationContent OptimizationAlts Tags OptimizationH1,H2 & H3 Tags OptimizationInterlinkingWebmaster Submissions ( for fast indexing )

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External Optimization refers to the off-page submission work like

Directory SubmissionArticle Creation & SubmissionBlog Creation & SubmissionPR Creation & SubmissionClassifieds SubmissionsSocial BookmarkingForum PostingsIndustry specific blog commentingTwitter Facebook LinkedIn MONITORING: In this phase we’ll monitor the website traffic & keywords rankings on weekly basis. In month end a detailed status report will be shared.

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ASSESSMENT: Assessment phase uses the output of the monitoring phase as well as a series of checklists (on which to base the assessment). This phase is also referred to as the checkpoint phase. SEO checkpoints can be defined on a monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or yearly basis. At the very least, quarterly assessments are required. The point of the assessment phase is to see what is and isn’t working according to the SEO plan. MAINTENANCE: Weekly monitoring and regular SEO work is done in order to maintain the rankings and increase the traffic, page rank & backlinks. REPORTING: Team will submit weekly reports regarding the keyword status.Monthly traffic report from Google analytics and webmaster tools.

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Google Analytic Tracking & Reporting

New Vs Returning Visitors Total Traffic

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Google Analytic Tracking

Other Important Fields

Keywords TrackingGeo Location TrackingTOP Landing pagesTOP Exit pagesTracking Goals and ConversionsVisitor Flow

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Contact Us

Company Information Enquiries & Contact: [email protected]