smartface ile crossplatform uygulama geliştirme

S martface App Studio Oytun Sengul Community Manager

Upload: mobile-istanbul

Post on 17-Jul-2015




1 download


Smartface App Studio

Oytun Sengul





Web Based Apps

Hybrid Apps

Native Apps

Application that runs in a web browser or is created in a browser-supported programming language (such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS) and relies on a common web browser to render the application.

Hybrid application, meaning that they are neither truly native nor purely web-based.

A native mobile app is a smartphone application that is coded in a specific programming language, such as Objective-C for iOS and Java for Android operating systems.

WEB BASED APPSResponsive Design

Responsive design: is a Web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices.

Single Code Based

Desktop and Mobile browsers / Depends on Browser

UI and UX is not what you expect

Slow, not fluid, not access Device API


Web Based Apps

Hybrid Apps

Native Apps

Application that runs in a web browser or is created in a browser-supported programming language (such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS) and relies on a common web browser to render the application.

Hybrid application, meaning that they are neither truly native nor purely web-based.

A native mobile app is a smartphone application that is coded in a specific programming language, such as Objective-C for iOS and Java for Android operating systems.


Hybrid application, meaning that they are neither truly native (because all layout rendering is done via web views instead of the platform's native UI framework) nor purely web-based (because they are not just web apps, but are packaged as apps for distribution and have access to native device APIs)

Single Code Based

Access some Device APIs

Not fast enough and fluid

UI and UX may not what you expect


Web Based Apps

Hybrid Apps

Native Apps

Application that runs in a web browser or is created in a browser-supported programming language (such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS) and relies on a common web browser to render the application.

Hybrid application, meaning that they are neither truly native nor purely web-based.

A native mobile app is a smartphone application that is coded in a specific programming language, such as Objective-C for iOS and Java for Android operating systems.


A native mobile app is a smartphone application that is coded in a specific programming language, such as Objective-C for iOS and Java for Android operating systems.

Fast and Fluid, known UI and UX

Direct Access to Native APIs

Hard to learn programming languages

High cost development for each


Platform Based Tools

Cross-platform Tools

Game Special Tools

Platform based tools are coded in a specific programming language, such as Objective-C for iOS via Xcode and Java for Android via Eclipse.

Cross-platform tools are coded in one programming language, such as JavaScript, and work for iOS and Android together.

Game Special tools are customizing development environment just for mobile games.

Platform Based Tools

Cross-platform Tools

Game Special Tools

Platform based tools are coded in a specific programming language, such as Objective-C for iOS via Xcode and Java for Android via Eclipse.

Cross-platform tools are coded in one programming language, such as JavaScript, and work for iOS and Android together.

Game Special tools are customizing development environment just for mobile games.


Platform Based Tools

Cross-platform Tools

Game Special Tools

Platform based tools are coded in a specific programming language, such as Objective-C for iOS via Xcode and Java for Android via Eclipse.

Cross-platform tools are coded in one programming language, such as JavaScript, and work for iOS and Android together.

Game Special tools are customizing development environment just for mobile games.



Operating System (iOS, Android)

Core Engine

User Interface Layer(iOS / Android)

SQL Lite

Jscript Engine

myApplication.apk / myApplication.ipa(Binary Resources, JS Files, Images etc..)




Fast and Efficient

Easy and Ready to Use

Testing is not a nightmare




Project Management

Can’t Dos


WYSISYG design editor: “What You See Is What You Get” design editor allows you to get %99 of what you’ve designed on your device runtime. In addition, rule-based structure of IDE supports same experience for multiple devices.

JavaScript code editor: You have %100 JavaScript supported code editor for you to explore your JavaScript skills

On Device Emulator: Plug your device (iOSand Android) via usb and see what you’re developing right away.

EASY and READY to Use

Memory Management: You really don’t need to think for the problems related to memory management. We’re always handling such challenges for you.

Network Components Wizards (SOAP, JSON...): Smartface App Studio’s ‘Web Service’ and ‘Web Client’ wizards are ready for you to integrate your network services into your app.

Ready to Use Libraries (Animation, Security, Capturing…): We have already integrated and shared many custom libraries for you to take advantage of third party solutions. We love the community.

TESTING is not a nightmare

Single Code Based: Different test scenarios for multiple channels and operating systems are over! Since you will be responsible for only single-code, you just need logic tests.

On Device Debugging: Plug your device (iOSand Android) via usb and test & debug your app in real time.

COMPATIBILITY is what we breath

Device Specific Features may cause some bugs or even a specific versions to get affected. When using Smartface App studio, this won’t be a problem for you because Smartface App Studio detects all these device specific issues and provides you bug free solutions with new setup.

We believe new OS updates are not the cause of fragmentation problems. When SmartfaceApp Studio is used, you just need to open your project with the latest set up in the event that Apple and Google releases new iOS versions.

Enjoy Platform’s FLEXIBILITY

Plug-In: You may write your own plug-ins and add components to integrate them into Smartface App Studio to extend your project.

The Power of JavaScript: Use JavaScript with all aspects of WebKit playground.

Your app is SECURE

Customized JavaScript (JS) engine inside: We do not use common JS Engine. We developed our own proprietary JS Engine by integrating numerous advanced security libraries.

Certified by Symantec: Security of SmartfaceApp Studio has been tested and certified by Symantec.


It is Native and Cross-Platform: SmartfaceApp Studio provides you native outputs for iOS and Android, which will decrease your costs associated with development, testing and project management by nearly %50 percent.

Required Basic Knowledge: Mobile development is complex itself. Managing multiple platforms and products are even more complex.

Can’t Dos

No games, no utilities: We do not recommend developing games and utilities with SmartfaceApp Studio.

Some apps need enhanced know-how: Like all frameworks, Smartface App Studio needs qualified developers to show their skills on complex apps.

Not many apps developed by Smartface App Studio: Smartface App Studio is being developed for the past 3 years and we just introduced it to the community in January 2014.

Dependency: Because of the framework structure Smartface App studio is built on, you won’t be able to edit the source code of your project.

Mac and Linux support: We’re working on it.




Thanks…[email protected]