smash court tennis 3

Smash Court Tennis 3 – 45-60 Second Spot (1) -We open on an ARIAL SHOT of the famous Wembley Stadium… TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN (via motion graphics): REAL COURTS CUT TO: -Game footage of ROGER FEDERER swaying back and forth, intensity in his eyes, awaiting the serve. -Game footage of MARIA SHARAPOVA bouncing the ball, preparing to serve. TEXT WIPES ACROSS SCREEN: REAL PROS CUT TO: -Through a series of quick cuts, several of the world’s best players go through the motions of a serve simultaneously. Their movements form together to create one massive serve. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: REAL ACTION CUT TO: -Rafeal Nadal returns a hard forehand shot on a clay surface. -Martina Hingis returns a backhand shot. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: REAL EMOTION CUT TO: -Game footage of a user-created player arguing a call with the line judge. -Another Created Player pumps her fist in celebration. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: REAL TENNIS CUT TO: -Game footage of the create-a-player environment showing an array of the customization options. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: CREATE A CHAMPION

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: REAL ACTION TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: REAL TENNIS TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN (via motion graphics): REAL COURTS CUT TO: CUT TO: CUT TO: CUT TO: CUT TO: -We open on an ARIAL SHOT of the famous Wembley Stadium… -Game footage of MARIA SHARAPOVA bouncing the ball, preparing to serve. -Martina Hingis returns a backhand shot. -Rafeal Nadal returns a hard forehand shot on a clay surface. -Another Created Player pumps her fist in celebration.


Smash Court Tennis 3 – 45-60 Second Spot (1) -We open on an ARIAL SHOT of the famous Wembley Stadium… TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN (via motion graphics): REAL COURTS CUT TO: -Game footage of ROGER FEDERER swaying back and forth, intensity in his eyes, awaiting the serve. -Game footage of MARIA SHARAPOVA bouncing the ball, preparing to serve. TEXT WIPES ACROSS SCREEN: REAL PROS CUT TO: -Through a series of quick cuts, several of the world’s best players go through the motions of a serve simultaneously. Their movements form together to create one massive serve. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: REAL ACTION CUT TO: -Rafeal Nadal returns a hard forehand shot on a clay surface. -Martina Hingis returns a backhand shot. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: REAL EMOTION CUT TO: -Game footage of a user-created player arguing a call with the line judge. -Another Created Player pumps her fist in celebration. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: REAL TENNIS CUT TO: -Game footage of the create-a-player environment showing an array of the customization options. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: CREATE A CHAMPION

CUT TO: -Game footage of created player participating in one of the mini-games. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: TEST YOUR SKILL CUT TO: -Game footage of a doubles team giving each other a high five. CUT TO: -Game footage of a player falling too his knees and pumping his fists in the air after a winning shot. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: GAME CUT TO: -Game footage of an overhead smash shot down the line. The ball travels straight for the camera. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: SET CUT TO: -We hear the roar of the crowd in the background. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: SMASH! CUT TO: TITLE CARD: Smash Court Tennis 3. ONLY $39.99. Coming Soon.

Smash Court Tennis 3 – :30-45 trailer (2)


CUE: Epic music like in the movie “300”. FUZZY GREEN SCREEEN WITH TEXT: THE WORLD’S GREATEST TENNIS PLAYERS… CUT TO: Like the Kevin Garnett “Is It In You?” Gatorade commercials, quick cuts of the world’s best tennis players flash on the screen: Roger Federer, Maria Sharapova, Rafael Nadal, Martinia Hingis, Novak Djokovic, Ana Ivanovic, and Elena Dementiava. SMASH CUT TO: FUZZY GREEN SCREEN WITH TEXT: HAVE MET THEIR MATCH. The epic music quickly turns to cool, modern rock. CUT TO: Quick cuts of game footage featuring the same players as seen earlier. CUT TO: Show the player selection screen and the wide variety of tennis stars whom you can play as. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: ANYONE CAN PLAY CUT TO: A series of split screen quick cuts: On the left side, we see the real Federer, Sharapova, Hingis – on the left side of the screen, we see their video game counterparts. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: AS REAL AS IT GETS CUT TO: Show the customization/create your own player screen and it’s myriad options.

TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: CREATE YOUR OWN CHARACTERS CUT TO: A series of quick cuts: James Blake dives for a ball, Hingis launches a serve, Nadal strikes a killer backhand. TEXT WIPES ACROSS THE SCREEN: YOU CONTROL THE BEST SMASH CUT TO: TITLE CARD: “SMASH COURT TENNIS 3” CUT TO: Federer raises his arms to the air, victorious. CUT TO: FUZZY GREEN SCREEN WITH TEXT: GET SERVED

Smash Court Tennis 3 – :45-60 trailer (3)

“TENNIS ANYONE?” CUE: Catchy rock music. GREEN FUZZY SCREEN WITH TEXT: ARE YOU READY… CUT TO: GREEN FUZZY SCREEN WITH TEXT: TO GET SERVED? CUT TO: Through a series of quick cuts, we see the stars of the game engaging in serves, forehand swings, backhand swings, volleys, triumphant fist-pumps, ecstatic victories, devastating defeats. CUT TO: GREEN FUZZY SCREEN WITH TEXT: BE YOUR FAVORITE STARS Show character selection screen (at beginning of game) and the myriad professionals you can choose from and play as in the game. CUT TO: GREEN FUZZY SCREEN WITH TEXT: CREATE A CHARACTER Show character creation/customization screens and quick cut through the different possibilities: height, weight, skin tone, clothing, etc. CUT TO: GREEN FUZZY SCREEN WITH TEXT: MINI-GAMES GALORE Show the various “mini-games” you can play, aside from the game (ie. – Pac-Man Tennis, Galaga Tennis, etc.) CUT TO: GREEN FUZZY SCREEN WITH TEXT: THE HARDEST HITTING ACTION

Show several thunderous serves, forehands, backhands. Each swat of the racket is accompanied by a loud exhale from the tennis star. Collectively they create a mini-“symphony of grunts”. CUT TO: GREEN FUZZY SCREEN WITH TEXT: ONLY $39.95! CUT TO: Federer falls to his knees ,victorious. CUT TO: TITLE CARD: Smash Court Tennis 3. CUT TO: Sharapova raises a trophy, victorious. CUT TO: GREEN FUZZY SCREEN WITH TEXT: Tennis anyone?

Smash Court Tennis 3 – :30-45 trailer (4)

EXT. CENTER COURT- DAY We pan over a packed stadium, it is Wimbledon, center court. Announcer (V/O)

Welcome to Whimbly stadium ladies and gentleman for what promises to be the match of a life time.

We come down onto the court to a sweaty Roger Federer who looks exhausted. We pan across the court to the CUSTOM PLAYER who is getting ready to serve. Announcer

Doug Roberts, a relatively unknown, is having the game of his life against the master of grass Roger Federer.

As the “Doug Roberts” player dribbles the ball. His racket changes, then his serving arm changes, then shoes, etc… Announcer

This serve is for the match and the Wimbledon championship. The Doug Roberts character raises his racket, his racket changes again and then he hits a BLAZING serve…. Federer dives for it, but it blows by him. Announcer That’s it! He’s done it! Unbelievable! Doug Roberts falls to his knees the stadium erupts in applause… Little Girl (O/S) Dad….Dad…. Cut To: INT. LIVING ROOM- DAY A Little Girl is standing in her living room staring at her Dad (Doug Roberts) who is on his knees in celebration. Mom walks up. They are now both staring at him.

MOM (little girl) Come on, honey.

She grabs her daughter by the hand and leads her off shaking her head… Game/ Set/ Smash

Smash Court Tennis 3 – :30-45 trailer (5)

EXT. CENTER COURT- Choppers fly over head. Giant spotlights roam in the sky. The stadium is jam packed. MUSIC BLARES. C/U- A tennis ball in a Woman’s hand. We pull back to see that the ball is in Maria Sharpovia’s hand. Across the court from her waiting for the serve is Roger Federer. SLOW MO- She tosses the ball in the air to serve. A MILLION BULBS FLASH. TITLE CARD- ARE YOU BIG TIME? She smacks a simmering serve to Federer… SLOW MO- Federer dives all out for the ball. A MILLION BULBS FLASH. He sends the ball back across the net. TITLE CARD- CAN YOU HANDLE THE BRIGHT LIGHTS? The ball rockets to the other side of the court…Sharapovia is in perfect position. She crushes a monster backhand…It blows by Federer… Sharapovia gives an intimidating stare from the net. TITLE CARD- TIME TO FIND OUT….SMASH COURT TENNIS PRO…GAME-


Smash Court Tennis 3 – 45-60 Second Spot (6)

We open with a series of bright camera flashes and the sound of the crowd cheering. CUT TO: Game footage: Maria Sharapova exiting the tunnel at the Australian Open holding her tennis bag. Game footage: Roger Federer adjusting the strings of his racket on the familiar grass of Wimbledon. The game title card graphic SMASH COURT TENNIS 3 slowly fades in on the screen. CUT TO: Game footage: An array of the game’s 16 professional tennis stars prepare to serve in a series of rapid shots. SLOW MOTION shot of the ball in the air CLOSE SHOT of the racket striking the ball. CUT TO: Game Footage: The menu screen shows the game’s numerous options and game modes TEXT ON SCREEN (motion graphic swipe): CHOOSE YOUR STYLE CUT TO: Game Footage: Shots of the game’s control scheme and brief action on the court. TEXT ON SCREEN (motion graphic swipe): EASY TO LEARN, HARD TO MASTER CUT TO: Game Footage: ARIAL SHOT of game’s authentic tennis courts. Shot of a hard smash down the line just barely making it in. Shot of an emotional yell and fist-pump from one of the game’s playable characters.

TEXT ON SCREEN (motion graphic swipe): TRUE TENNIS SIMULATION CUT TO: Game Footage: Show several options available in the game’s Create-A-Player mode. TEXT ON SCREEN (motion graphic swipe): CREATE A CHAMPION CUT TO: Game Footage: Show the player selection screen and all of the possible professionals the user can choose from TEXT ON SCREEN (motion graphic swipe) CHALLENGE THE PROFESSIONALS CUT TO: Game Footage: Show quick clips of the possible mini-games. TEXT ON SCREEN (motion graphic swipe) PERFECT YOUR SKILLS Game Footage: An assortment of on-court action, game cut scenes, and emotional celebrations. TEXT ON SCREEN (motion graphic swipe) MORE GAME, LESS PRICE – ONLY $39.99 ! CUT TO: Game Footage: Roger Federer holding up the silver platter for a Wimbledon Victory. GAME TITLE ON SCREEN: SMASH COURT TENNIS 3