smcv: a methodology for detecting transient faults in...

SMCV: a Methodology for Detecting Transient Faults in Multicore Clusters Authors: Diego Montezanti, Fernando Emmanuel Frati, Dolores Rexachs, Emilio Luque, Marcelo Naiouf and Armando De Giusti 1 24 de Julio de 2012

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Page 1: SMCV: a Methodology for Detecting Transient Faults in · SMCV: a Methodology for Detecting Transient Faults in MulticoreClusters

SMCV: a Methodology for

Detecting Transient Faults

in Multicore ClustersAuthors: Diego Montezanti, Fernando Emmanuel Frati,

Dolores Rexachs, Emilio Luque, Marcelo Naiouf and Armando De Giusti


24 de Julio de 2012

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�It takes part of the projects accreditedby UNLP within the “Programa de Incentivos”:� “Arquitecturas multiprocesador distribuidas.

Modelos, Software de Base y Aplicaciones.”

� “Procesamiento paralelo y distribuido. Fundamentos y aplicaciones en Sistemas Inteligentes y Tratamiento de imágenes y video.”


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Work context

SMCV: proposed methodology


SMCV description

Experimental validation

Future work

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Work Context (I)Modern Processors:Challenge Improving computation performance

Multicores – Chip Multiprocessors (CMP’s)

Increasing integration scale - Associated factors:

Increasement of power density

Raise in internal operation temperature

Decrease in supply voltage


Interferences from the environment that affect processors


Transient fault vulnerability

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Transient Fault:Affects some hardware component of the system

Physical location: main memory, register file, buses, I/O devices.

Some hardware components are protected (ECC´s, parity)

Critical: processor registers, logics

Short-lived . Do not affect the regular operation of the system

Do not occur exactly the same way never again

Can temporarily invert one or several bits of the affected hardware component(single or mutiple bit flip).

Application Perspective:Can alter important information (data, addresses, status information ,operationcodes)

May affect application behavior or results => RELIABILITY


Work Context (II)

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MTBF (commercial processor): about 2 years

Supercomputers: Frequent reports since 2000

Multicore architectures

Large parallel applications cost of relaunching

Strategies for reliability in HPC (detection first)


Transient Faults in HPC systems

Example IBM Power 4 (robust, monocore) hypothetical supercomputerMTBF [Mukherjee, S. et al. (2005)]

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Hardware-based� Physical redundancy

� Most used in critical environments

� Inefficient in general-purpose computers

Software-based� Low cost (achieved reliability vs involved resources)

� Flexibility, configuration

� Software redundancy

� Basic idea: DMR

� Workload (validation interval)


Techniques for Fault- Tolerance

Serial programs

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Detection strategy

� Specific for scientific, message passing parallel applications

� Software only

� Leverages intrinsic redundancy in multicore clusters

� Validates contents of messages to be sent

� Low overhead

� Moderate validation interval

� Reduced additional workload

� Fully distributed

� Prevents fault propagation to other application process


SMCV: proposed methodology

The application that finishes has correct results

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Possible outcomes of a transient fault


SER = DUE + SDC + LF SER: Soft Error RateDUE: Detected Unrecoverable ErrorSDC: Silent Data CorruptionLF: Latent Fault

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Transient faults in message-passing

parallel applications


1. Transmitted Data Corruption

2. Final Status Corruption

� Most SDC are TDC. They have a significant impact on end results

� FSC are similar to serial applications

� SMCV focuses in TDC portion and includes a final comparison

for FSC


P 0

P 1



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Validating Contents of

Messages to be Sent


Original SendInstant


Resultant SendInstant

Copy of Data to Replica





Final ResultsComparison

• All faults that cause TDC are detected• No fault is propagated to other application process• Final comparison ensures correct results• No additional network bandwidth is consumed




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Leveraging Redundant Hardware



• Each application process is replicated in another core of the same CMP• Half of the resources are used for redundancy• The redundant core shares some cache level with the one that runs the application

process• Most comparisons are resolved at LLC, minimizing main memory access• Using cores for FT is beneficial for the system

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� Decentralized: each process and its replica are locally validated.

� Low overhead in execution time: only one comparison is added for each byte of each outgoing communication and the end result.

� Lightweight technique (versus a conservative strategy for sequential programs, in which each memory write operation is checked before being written).

� When a fault is detected, the application is safe-stopped, narrowing error latency (important in scientific applications that can run for several days).

� Trade-off between detection latency, additional workload and involved resources.


SMCV´s additional features

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Versus a conservative every-write validation technique (analyiticalmodeling)

� 1

WMV: workload introduced with message validation

WWV: workload introduced with message validation

Csync: cost of synchronization operation

Ccomp: cost of comparison operation

S: store operations (writes), excluding those of messages

M: messages sent by the application

k: average size of a message


SMCV´s additional workload



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Experimental platform:

• Cluster BLADE (LIDI - UNLP)

• 16 servers

• 2 Quad Core Intel Xeon 5405 @ 2.0 GHz, 2 x 6MB cache L2, shared between pairs of cores

• 2 GB RAM each server

• Fedora 12 (64 bits)

• OpenMPI library


Experimental environment

Two experiments:1. Detection efficacy2. Overhead measurements

Test application:

• Parallel matrix multiplication

• Master/Worker (Master also computes)

• Non-blocking messages

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Setup of the environment:

• 4 application processes (Master and 3 Workers)

• Mapping: 4 application processes and 4 thread-based replicas to 8 cores of the blade

Fault Injection Experiments

• Debugging tool

• Breakpoint is inserted (any application process)

• Modification of a variable´s value

• Computation is resumed (simulates a transient fault)

• Both TDC and FSC were injected at certain instants during execution


Detection Efficacy

�TDC were detected by message content validation�FSC were detected by final results comparison

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Differences in execution times determined in absence of faults

Setup of the environment:

� Application processes: 2, 4 and 8 (and its replicas)

� Matrix sizes: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 and 8192

� Mapping that ensures the same conditions of execution with and without SMCV (2 blades for 8 processes)

� With constant processes, it

decreases with problem size.

� With constant size, it increases

with amount of processes (messages).


Overhead measurements

Size (N) 2 4 8

512 0,87% 14,24% 55,11%

1024 0,01% 1,63% 21,40%

2048 0,39% 1,61% 10,05%

4096 -0,14% 0,91% 4,74%

8192 0,17% 0,92% 2,45%


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General goal: providing transient fault tolerance for systems formed by scientific, message-passing parallel applications that are run on multicore cluster architectures.

Fault Tolerance = Detection + Protection + Recovery

� Integrating transient fault detection methodology to the protection and recovery strategies available for permanent faults to provide transient faulttolerance (checkpoint, log, rollback-recovery).

� No need of TMR + voting.


Future Work

1. Perfecting detection strategy• Expanding experimental validation: HPL, NAS• Integration with fault injection tools• Achieving transparency for the application (source-code required, thread-based)• Optimizing the methodology. Configuration of robustness level

2. Providing full tolerance to SDC• Integration with RADIC

In this way…

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