so great our salvation

Oct 2016 P. 1 SO GREAT OUR SALVATION What is gospel? What it means to believe in Jesus Christ? What is not salvation? Signs of salvation Can we be sure about it? Growing in salvation Introduction There are three types of people in the world. Traditionalists Epicureans Utopians A Christian is one who live in all the three tenses of time. He was delivered from the penalty of sin, is being delivered from the power of sin and will be delivered from the presence of sin. Salvation (sōtērian-σωτηρίαν) must be grandest theme in the Bible as it is dealt from first book to last book covering even eternity. History of Bible is about God’s great redemptive plan (not man’s plan like other religions!). Yet, there are many Christians who do not understand its value. Many who profess to believe in the name of Jesus may not be in heaven. Then I saw that there was a way to hell, even from the gate of heaven, as well as from the City of Destruction. So I awoke, and behold it was a dream.- Pilgrims Progress ( John Banyan) What is gospel? The message of Bible is much distorted in the world today! Many think that gospel is about making a confessional prayer or following few spiritual laws. Some think that gospel is a way of escape from hell. And some believe in a gospel that makes them materially and physically rich! The word gospel (euangelion-εὐαγγέλιον·) means ‘good news’. In Biblical times it was a message of victory, joy or important announcement. What is that good news? Who brings the good news? For whom it is meant? Can we neglect it? The gospel is a good news to the world from God of the only way of salvation from sin for men through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His son. Rom. 1 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.”

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Oct 2016 P. 1


What is gospel? What it means to believe in Jesus Christ? What is not salvation? Signs of salvation Can we be sure about it? Growing in salvation Introduction

There are three types of people in the world.

Traditionalists Epicureans Utopians A Christian is one who live in all the three tenses of time. He was delivered from the penalty of sin, is being delivered from the power of sin and will be delivered from the presence of sin. Salvation (sōtērian-σωτηρίαν) must be grandest theme in the Bible as it is dealt from first book to last book covering even eternity. History of Bible is about God’s great redemptive plan (not man’s plan like other religions!). Yet, there are many Christians who do not understand its value. Many who profess to believe in the name of Jesus may not be in heaven. Then I saw that there was a way to hell, even from the gate of heaven, as well as from the City of Destruction. So I awoke, and behold it was a dream.- Pilgrims Progress ( John Banyan) What is gospel? The message of Bible is much distorted in the world today! Many think that gospel is about making a confessional prayer or following few spiritual laws. Some think that gospel is a way of escape from hell. And some believe in a gospel that makes them materially and physically rich! The word gospel (euangelion-εὐαγγέλιον·) means ‘good news’. In Biblical times it was a

message of victory, joy or important announcement.

What is that good news? Who brings the good news? For whom it is meant? Can we neglect


The gospel is a good news to the world from God of the only way of salvation from sin for men

through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His son.

Rom. 1 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone

who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed

from faith to faith; as it is written, “BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.”


Oct 2016 P. 2

There is a cost for rejecting this great news (Heb. 2:3) and curse on any one distorting it

(Gal. 1:6-9)

What it means to believe in Jesus Christ? There are many who claim to believe in Jesus and yet live in sin. Is ‘saving faith’ different from the confession of faith? Biblical faith has three elements

Knowledge of truth Acceptance of truth Dependence on truth

Faith means ‘holding on or trust or confidence’ Believing in Christ means I have the confidence that Jesus can save me from sin and give eternal life. It has a content-the person and work of Jesus Christ. It involves the repentance from sinful state. When a person put his trust in Jesus and his death, God sees him differently. The righteousness of Jesus was accounted to a sinner.

John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he

cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6“That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is

born of the Spirit is spirit. 7“Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’

What is meant by the word ‘born-again’? Is baptism necessary for salvation?

What is not salvation? Salvation is a unique spiritual experience which is misunderstood many ways.

Reading Bible Daily? Intense Prayer Life?

Confession of Sins

Regularity in Church?

Ministering to Jesus?

o I am born in a traditional

Christian family!

o I have special spiritual


o I lead a moral and

spiritual life!

o I give my money and

time for God’s work!

o I am good in good works!

o I do Christian ministry!


Oct 2016 P. 3

Signs of salvation Some say that they have raised their hand in a meeting and hence are saved. Some say that they are baptised and hence are saved. There are few who wear special dress-Others have special tone in their talk. Salvation is an experience as Jesus said in Jn.3. It results a change in heart, attitudes, relationships, etc. It changes self-centredness to Christ-centeredness. It brings a love for God and godliness.

2 Cor. 5:14 For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died;

15 and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and

rose again on their behalf.. 17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed

away; behold, new things have come.

Can we be sure about it? Many are not sure that they are saved. Some say they are 90% saved! Many godly one have struggles in this area- why do we lack assurance? There is a difference between a traveller with a confirmed ticket and waitlisted ticket! Our security of salvation is not based on our feeling, but the finished work of Christ as the object of Salvation. Many times we look on ourselves, our works, our failures, etc. The assurance is based God’s word and promises. Jn. 5:24 Rom. 8:29-30 There are some difficult passages which are misunderstood 1 Cor. 3:12-15 Heb. 6:1-6 Can the assurance on salvation lead us to an indifferent or careless life style? Rom 8: 28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to

those who are called according to His purpose. 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to

become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30 and

these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom

He justified, He also glorified.

Growing in salvation One of the signs of a new born child is its cry for growth-it needs milk, affection and care. We area saved by faith, but the saving faith is not alone! Desire for God’s word (1 Pet 2:1-3) Hatred for sin (1 Jn 3:6-8) Love for God’s people- Church as a family (1 Pet 1:22-25) Salvation is an event, but growth and discipleship is a process. We must grow in godliness

along with fellow Christians.


‘Salvation belongs to God and to the Lamb’ It was the great theme of worship in heaven

throughout eternity. God planned and executed the salvation through history. He himself

paid a great price for it. It is great comfort for the man struggling with sin that the gift of

eternal life is free. Not only God saves us from the penalty of sin, but also preserves us in

this evil world. He transforms us gradually until we become like his Son Jesus Christ. He has

given enough provisions today in our life and workout people, incidents, failures, etc. in our

life for that great purpose.


Oct 2016 P. 4

A quiz on Doctrine of Salvation

1. Choose the right answer: Gospel is a good news for transforming a. Bad people to good b. Weak people to strong c. Dead people to life d. Poor people to rich

2. Which of the following statement is false.

a. Sin is a state b. Sin is an act c. Sin is a nature d. Sin is a feeling

3. Why didn’t God prevent the first sin in the world?

a. God’s lack of power to prevent sin b. God never expected that history will go out of his control in such an extend c. God doesn’t want to interfere in human freedom d. Even the sinfulness of man can be used for God’s glory

4. Which of the following are the consequences of the first sin

a. physical decay b. eternal death c. spiritual separation d. ecological ruin e. social problem

5. Soteriology, the doctrine of salvation, is the grandest theme in Bible because

a. It is personal, national and cosmic b. The value of a human soul is more than anything in the world. c. It deals with eternity past, present and eternity future. d. It is a message to all nations and tribes in the world e. God has paid a great price to save man in Jesus Christ. f. It is a program even angels long to look in to. g. There is curse for false preaching of the gospel of Christ.

6. The salvation program was planned at a. Eternity past b. After Adenic sin c. After death of Jesus on Calvary d. After the day of Pentecost

7. The ultimate purpose of God in saving a man is

a. To defeat devil b. To save him from hell c. To make group of people for Himself d. To demonstrate His grace and glory


Oct 2016 P. 5

8. The presentation of gospel to a man should centre on a. The joy of salvation / Christian life b. Solutions to our problem in Christ c. The glory and reward in heaven d. The problem of sin, consequences and restoration in Christ

9. Chose the wrong statement: Understanding the security of salvation

a. makes the gospel message glorious b. makes the Christian life more enjoyable c. helps to worship God more gratefully d. Makes a Christian idle and careless.

10. Match the following passages to show a young believer that his salvation is secure in

heaven a. He has crossed the death in to life - Jn. 1:12 b. He has received eternal life - Jn. 5:24 c. He is born as a son of God in to God’s family - Rom. 8:1 d. His name is written in heaven - 1 Jn. 5:13 e. No more condemnation for sins - Rev. 13:8

11. Which of the following are God’s appointed agencies for a believer to live a sanctified

life. a. Bible b. Holy Spirit c. Heavenly ministry of Christ d. Church e. Life-partner


Oct 2016 P. 6

An advanced quiz on Doctrine of Salvation

1. State whether the following statements are True or False. a. The emphasis of salvation in the Old Testament is national whereas the emphasis in New

Testament is personal. (TRUE/FALSE) b. God used different means (eg. sacrifices) to save man in different ages, even though ‘faith’ is

a common thread in all dispensations. (TRUE/FALSE) c. Salvation involves an objective of Jesus death and resurrection and subjective element of

repentance and faith. (TRUE/FALSE) d. Justification changes the relationship of a sinner whereas sanctification changes the

character of a saint. (TRUE/FALSE) e. Born again emphasizes the idea of being born as a child in God’s family whereas Adoption

recognizes a believer as an adult and mature with all privileges. The second follows the first depending on our growth. (TRUE/FALSE)

f. Election assures that a person will be saved, but it alone doesn’t save person unless he put his trust in the finished work of Christ. (TRUE/FALSE)

g. A believer can live without assurance of salvation even though he has security of salvation. (TRUE/FALSE)

h. Once saved, ever saved! This doctrine causes the believers to live a licentious and sinful life. (TRUE/FALSE)

i. Rom.8:30 says All those who are predestined called justified glorified. It means that the number glorified in the eternity future will be exactly equal to the number

predestined at the eternity past. (TRUE/FALSE)

j. Phil. 3: 12 Not that I have already attained… but I press on, that I may lay hold of… Even Apostle Paul had doubts about his own salvation and he had struggled to attain it. (TRUE/FALSE)

k. Heb.6: 4-6 It is impossible….if they fall way, to renew them again to repentance….This passage teaches that if a person has lost salvation , he can never be saved again (TRUE/FALSE)