so 'that - treherne · lessons were thelccore n cnmlllar por tion to ollr lord, ns ,\(!re nll...

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Page 1: so 'that - Treherne · lessons were thelCCore n Cnmlllar por tion to Ollr Lord, ns ,\(!re nll the Scrip tures, which lio 10\ ed to unfold to His disciples That dny at Nob the devil

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Page 2: so 'that - Treherne · lessons were thelCCore n Cnmlllar por tion to Ollr Lord, ns ,\(!re nll the Scrip tures, which lio 10\ ed to unfold to His disciples That dny at Nob the devil

so 'that

Page 3: so 'that - Treherne · lessons were thelCCore n Cnmlllar por tion to Ollr Lord, ns ,\(!re nll the Scrip tures, which lio 10\ ed to unfold to His disciples That dny at Nob the devil

[OOprrl3bt, 1008, by American I'r ... A.oIIoclaUoo.] David Is still fieelng for bls Ufe

~"I' •. UI erom Saul, for Spul sougbt him CVC!'Y I .ay nnd said, "If he be In tho land I ,\U\ search him out througbout all the thousands of Judnh' (xlelll, 14, 23), but l God deUvered him not Into his hanlL Ou ono occasion Snul and bls men compassed 011\ III and his men round about to tako them, but just then a messenger came to Saul snylng, • Haste

wltllln'l thee !lnd come, for the Phlilstlncshnve Invaded tbo land," so Saul returned from pursuln,g DavId (lelem, 26, 21). Mter the partIng or David nnd Jona'

liC!idedi~~~;~~~~I.e: th(l.:f'~r~nelr,,~hflv~I·1 thnn, ns recorded In lnst wcck's leBson, .. there followed that Incident to which

eur Lord referred In Mntt. xli, 3, when He snld, "Ha \ e yc not rend whnt Dnvld did when ho "fiS nn bungered, and they thnt "Ole with him?' 'l'hese lessons were thelCCore n Cnmlllar por­tion to Ollr Lord, ns ,\(!re nll the Scrip­tures, which lio 10\ ed to unfold to His disciples That dny at Nob the devil was on haud In the person or Doeg'tho Edomlte, Saul s chief bOldmnn, nnd bel became tbo murderer or eighty five priests bcsldcs'othcr mcn nnd women and cblldren by the commnnd or Baul (xxll, 18, 10) ~ Ablnthnr, ono of the priests escnpcd ullll (Jcll to Dn vld and told him the snd tnlc lending David to fccl that he \\ ns guilty of tho dentll of nil thoso people It \\ ns then thnt David uttered those meLllotuhle \\ ords to Ablathnr, • Abide tholl ,,!th me; tenr not, tor bo tllIl t seeketh my lifo seeketh thy lire, but "Ilh I 010 thou shalt bo In snfegunld ' (xxII 23)' ,

Wilen we thllll, of tlle slnughter of these priests or lho Lord tho massacre of the babes ut Bethlehew nnd tbe martyrs In all ages, "0 oro simply dumb, yet temptell to nsl., Where Is tbo loyo or God In nll this? Then wo remember thnt lIe snlll to lils dis­clplcs, "Fenr not them \I hlch khl tho body, but nre uot nble to kill tilo soul" (Mutt. x, 28), nnd lie bne nlso taught us tbat 'to die Is gnln so tbat some duy wo shnll sec lhnt nil this work of the devll hrought no rcnl harm to tbeso martyred ones, but only goln l~"ro cnhnot now, but \\0 cnn be\le~o It, Is sllelng-fnlth \s tho

~i~~~~~~~~~~~~lllE~~~~!~l~,,orlh.Qf today's 'Oratl;\me

Seo ,Id

Page 4: so 'that - Treherne · lessons were thelCCore n Cnmlllar por tion to Ollr Lord, ns ,\(!re nll the Scrip tures, which lio 10\ ed to unfold to His disciples That dny at Nob the devil




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Page 5: so 'that - Treherne · lessons were thelCCore n Cnmlllar por tion to Ollr Lord, ns ,\(!re nll the Scrip tures, which lio 10\ ed to unfold to His disciples That dny at Nob the devil
Page 6: so 'that - Treherne · lessons were thelCCore n Cnmlllar por tion to Ollr Lord, ns ,\(!re nll the Scrip tures, which lio 10\ ed to unfold to His disciples That dny at Nob the devil



LIFETIME IN MOROCCO Maud Allan Talks About Her


BE •

My dancmg says MISS Muud AI Ian the Canndlan \:1!1 who has !Dade Buch a sensatIOn III London by her dancmg IB as It were a contm ~a­tlOn from where the anCient Greeu left off and by comblnmg our mod ern mUBlC with their movements I attempt to put I Ito the rhythm of the dance sometiung 01 ti e though~ 01 to day You Bee Illy dances co pond entirely on the musIc and IUS~ as the arches and the columns of a great temple Vibrate to the chor 1s of the orgau so docs my soul VI b-u (l

to the musIc o( my do.uccs I know notillng of the techmque of danCing and the arts of the coryphee n> LIl noUlIng to me I have sought ell my attitudes and n overnonts III the art gallerlcs of Europe on Etru~~iln vases and Assynan tablets alld I

Left Regiment tu Become MIlitary Instructor to Sultan'. Troops­Has Salary of S35 000 and Palace At Fez-Has SpeCIal Corps of Bag pipers-Moorish Soldiers Recounl Many Talel of Valor and Ability

I avo modelled my motIOns on .hClr crude perspectives

And I feel somehow that Sabrne WaS as unstudlcd and as untaught nB I She had seen hor women 'ian" perhaps and 51 e must otten have stopped to look at the old Assyruw tablets as 1 have done and uncon sClously lllcorpornted the r pictures

her drnmatlc lIlterpretation of the tragedy of the moment when she danced bo(ore Klllg Herod She danced by IIIstmcL for dancing how ever conventIOnal It may become IS 111 Its essence a thmg of 11IstlllCt And a tribe In savage Afnca would display tI 0 sarno motIOns of fear or lor or sorrow as we ourselves Dances express emotIOns and these dances are nOither the swaylllg to and fro to a valse mensure m a Lon don draWing room nor the pirouet­ting on ono toe of an AustrlUn bull erIDa Such dancmg as that IS not the expreSSIon of an Immorta.l soul stirred by all the mystery of eXist­ence tortured as was Salomo s soul by the tragedy of her sm Dancmg IS only an exprosslOn of hfe People to-day never appear to me to possess the Idea of what life really IS U lsn t glvmg way to the desHes of tho flesl It meal S bomg one s own Call troller mfluenced only by the very few And to so mfluence people for thOlr good IS the only true kmgshlp I would soonor be the power bchllld the throne than the klllg upon It

The return of Sir Harry Maclean from Morocco IS an event to Vi hleh conSiderable 11 terest attaches al though IllS VIS ts to England have boen more freq u-ent for the years of }IlS service III 1I10rocco than have been those of Sir Robert Hart from CI ilia The Kmd hlUl spent 0. hfetlme l\ the country of the Moors Born 111MB and adoptlllg a military career he be­camo a subaltern in the WanVick shire Regiment but SllleG 1B711 he hua been practically the right hand n an of tho Sultan of Morocco

n \fty two years ago when Ius reglmont was at G brnltar he went across to Tangier There tho Moors offered h11n the post of lDstructor to the Morocco urmy and lie acccpted the offer He specd Iy became very popular \nth the soldiers and tbclr


monarch and was soon appomtcd comll an ler 11\ cllef recelvllg a sal ary of £7 000 a year and a palace n Fez where ho I as lived 111 Oriental maglllf cenco He has built another house for lumBol! at Marukesh ex cesslVely plum outSide bnt more beautiful than a fUlry tale 11Blde

But do you know what Was tile most exctltng d mce I ever danced' One mQ,rnlllg long ago I climbed a fence and lumped down Into a httle hollow beneath I heard a loud 111ssmg and 100klIlg down I saw 0. huge rattler darttng at me I gave a scream and then real zed that I was standing upon Its mate For the moment I \\ as paralyzed and then I started to run another and another SI ake and another snake sprang up I realized at last that I was m theIr breedmg place and 111 IlOother moment I saw I was surrounded by llterally a hundred of them I danced hore I dodged there and I ran the whole time w th

'~'nrfi::'n;~:i::!~ the brutes ID full pursUit but I flew n Hast~r than they and at last 0. IIttlll

crossed the "ood and I dash I t and they could follow

It was on a mareh from Marakesh amongst tho turbulent tribes of the Atlas that 1118 muster Mulal el Hasan (hed of fatigue and worry Maclean ImmedlBtely concealed IllS death Ilnd Dldered the body to be carTied nlong 11\ lIs gorgeons gear and gold httcr as If I othlllg had happen cd UI tIl I e met thc prescnt Sultan o Itsldo Rllbat ') hen the corpso was smuggled into RIl bat throngh a hole 111 tl e wall I nd the young Sultan was proclaimed falther Yes my most ex

eltmg dance wns In that Oahforl1lan forest long long ago And then With a qumnt turn of her fleXible mm(l she added But not even their venom can equal that of ~the venem Q!, those who Wilfully mlscon strue my lIlnocont Salome dance •

In sp to of many attcmpls by other natIOns to undcrn mo IllS pOSitIOn Maclean rclnms IllS hold on tl e affec tlons of the urmy who C III hun

CorolllS and tell many tales of 111s deed- of valour (or though the cl mute has deprived 1\1 n of the usc of hl8 right eye he IS a splendid 810t One of IllS nclllovcrncnts was 10 drive a hansom cab frolll t1 e co tst up to Fez ovet mere Gpologles for roach TI e cub WaS for the Sultan lor h 8 own plellsure he mtroduced aome bag pipes alld formed u corps of Illl[!PIP era most pleasmg to tho Moors be cause of the B nlllarlty of the DlUSIC to thOlr own producllons

Though he IS a hnk between the Bultan and the IogatlOns ut rangH r Kald Maclean ne\ t'r meddles III polt tICS confln ng his energIes to the sphere of admllllstrnllve reform HIS present pos I on 18 that of Oolonel of tI e Sulta I a bodyguard In nppenr ance KUld Muclean IS more MOOrish than English Ho IS lin alert grey bearded man with Iieen eyes and a deCISive mnnner He wears a BernI MooTlsh costume baggy trousen tucked IIlto IlIgh boots nnd a wlllle

Ho was made a 0 M G m obtallled IllS Iimghthood In services reudered to the



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Page 7: so 'that - Treherne · lessons were thelCCore n Cnmlllar por tion to Ollr Lord, ns ,\(!re nll the Scrip tures, which lio 10\ ed to unfold to His disciples That dny at Nob the devil


tho mlnoral oU., pettoloum products, are

I':~f.' h~ild"'~~r~~:I~c'" 0 spenk ot "conI I:' aU" best closslflcotlons of oils do not

I; In'c:lucle mlnerol _ hydrocorbons, Ilko poroffin ond /petroleum, but tho two well defined groups

-lIxed oils nnd fn ts ond tho essentlol or volatile oils.

:'Coppcros" Is not copper, but 8ul· photo of Iron "Slllt of lemon" hns n?tlllng to do "It II ... tbo fruIt of the lemon tree, but Is potosslum blnoxnlote or potnsb treoted \V1th oxollc ncld

"CnrUollc nchl' Is not on Ilcld, but a phenol In structure It Is ollled tb the olcohols ond hns only slight ocld prop· ertles. "Sodo" oler' bos nb trnce of sooo "SulphurIc ocld" contlllns no Rulphur 'Sugor of lend" Is Inuocent of sugor

"Crcom of tortor' bns notblng to do w~th crenm nor "mille of lime" with milk "Germou slher" Is 0 stranger to sllvor, nnd "blnck lend" Is not lend ot all, but grnphlte "MosaIc gold" Is 11 sulphldo of tin

These mlslendlng nomes hnve come down from, the vocohulllry of nn enrly nnd Inexnct chemIstry.' As populnr IIclence extends the old terms oro yIelding to the moro sclelltiOc nomen­cloture


How "Private" John Allen Got H Imaelf Elected to Conure ...

nere Is Cllll III II Clarl( s defenS4l of bumor, It it needs one

"'.rIle drl-ns dusts solemnly RSSeV­crate "tbat bumor never did nny good Now, let s sec How did 'Prlvnto' John Allen of lIiIsslsBlppl get to congress? Joked himself In Ono bit of hilmar

him to Woshlngton, n nntlonal wmoker O/iPoslng him for the con

< gresslooal nomlnntioll \\ ns tbe Confed-erllto Gcnorol 'rucker They met aD the stump Genoral 'rucker closed ono of his spcochos ns follows'

.. 'Seventeen yenrs ugo tonight, my fellow cltl7.ens, ntter u hard fOllght bottle on yonder hill, I blvo\lIlcJced un­dcr yonder clump of troes Those of you who rcmem ber os 1 do the times thot tylcd mcn'8~ sOllls "III not, 1 hope, forget their bumble sorvnnt wben tho prlmarleli shall be held'

"That 'was, R strong IlppeOI. In thoso days, bllt John raised the generl\l nt his own game 'My fellow

saId, 'what

A Long Drink. "The thmg for you to do,l4..the phy.

81CllLn snld "IS to drlllk hot wn.ter on hour before breokfost every mornmg •

"WrIte It down doctor, so) wou't forget It," sl1.1d tho pn.bent

Accordlllgly tho physIOlnn wrote tho directIons down numoly, thnt tho young mn.n "\\ ns to drink hot wntet nn hour befOlc brenkfust evory morn­mg " The pntlent toolc Ius lonve, nnd m a week returned

"Well, how nro you feehng?' nsJced tho phYSICian

'Worse, doctor, worso If nnythmg," WIlS the lop1y

"Old you follQ,)1' my udvlco nnd drmk hot \\ n.ter nn hour before brelLk;' fnst overy mornmg?'

"1 did my best, SlI," sn.ld the young mnn, "but 1 couldn't keep It up marc thun ten minutes nt u tlmo "-MII-\\ n.ukoc Free Press ~

Dr J 0 Kellogg S Dysentory Cor chul IS compounded specin.lly to com­bn.t dysentery, cholera morbus nnd nil mflummntory disorders thut chnnge of food or wn.ter mny sot up

the stomnch or Intestllles '.rhes~ comllln.mts !lro more common m sum mer tlrnn III wmte., but they nro not

IUlll~\l to the \vlLlln months, U8 un­ILxness of tho bow~s mn.y seize

mn.n nt nny hmo Such n surforer Will find spccdy lohel III thiS Cordill!'

First IIobo-I told thnt womnn t hlld bon.t my \\ Ill' around de \\ orld

Second Hobo-Wns she IlltClostodl }<'lIBt Hobo-Yea, she got out 11 lUg

n.nd told 100 I could ben.t my \\ n.y k the dJlmer tn.ble -Syrncuso Herald

DIrections for Making "Iced Ten Wn.rm tho tenpot Put III a henP':

IIlg tenspoonful of "Snlndn" l'eu for overy hlo CUJlS Pour on floshly bOIled \\n.tor und nllQw to mfuBo 110m 6 to 8 11111lutes Pour the hquor off the leavcs nnd let cool 'Snlndn ' Tea Iced 18 a most deliCIOUS nnd refresh-lllg bevorago A smull pICCO of loman \\ III ndd to I ts flavor 60

A. Strangor. A. trnvelcr In tho mountnlns of Ten­

aet!lscc bod beon stowed nwny In the lIest bed the cottoJ;.o nlrordec1 Lnte In Che nIght he "ns nwnkeued by tbe ,.olco of tho poter!n mllIas nddres~ld to t!te_dnugbter,~wbo \VIlS intertlllnln, company by the Ihesldo I I

"Mn.ndy,' growlrd tbe old man, "II tbot young, man Ihere ylt 1" ,

"Yep. pap It )<\'

"Is he got his nrm rOllnd yer waist'" "Yep. pnp U

"You-all tell him to tnke't nwny" "Aw ye teU hIm Yerselt,

plied the girl In u dull, Ureless ,v~,ICi~, ., •. - .... nlr a plumb strnnger to me."


Page 8: so 'that - Treherne · lessons were thelCCore n Cnmlllar por tion to Ollr Lord, ns ,\(!re nll the Scrip tures, which lio 10\ ed to unfold to His disciples That dny at Nob the devil


_ We have mnny others on our list, that are equally as goOd bargains. Write or in and see us. .

shers'Supplies, Beltings of all- KIOUS. ~ Oils and gasoline.

Shooting .5iellson op~ning soon:-We hav" a full line of requisites; ,

Another .Iot 01 'Valtham watches due to arrive lihortly.

On41:-Mlnute Washing Machl.nes A new line that is worth looking into.


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